The Anatomy of a Bullet Kin (and some other stuff too)

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so I was browsing through the AM anomic on a while ago when I noticed a few things that slowly began to fall into place theories I've had for a while slotting together with new ideas and recent developments and I just had to share it this video is going to be attempting to produce a theoretical minimum biological model for a bullet ken explaining everything I could find about their anatomy and certain things that can ail them I'm also going to go into the death customs of guns and society because in the gungeon death is just as much a part of life as anything else probably more so for the bullet Ken than any other let's get started bullet Ken as we know them today are produced deep in the forge with the mighty deadblow hammer as playing an integral part in the process presumably in the shaping of the metal outside of the dead blows however no other steps in their birth are known the bullet can species however originated around the same time as the great bullet struck the gungeon as implied by the description of the prime primer which came from one of the first kin and apparently still resonates with the great bullets energy for a while I thought that they had been spontaneously generated by the great bullet but then I remembered the description of the arcane gunpowder which states that the gun dead still minored awaiting their masters return logically to recognize the pre bullet gunslinger the one who used the arcane gunpowder as their master bullet can must have existed pre bullet probably invented as part of the gunslingers experimentation there is a question by brother Albarn where he asks where bullet can come from to which the player has the choice of answering a night of hot swagging which seems to imply some sort of typically biological method of reproduction but it's most likely actually in reference to a forging method to reduce the dimensions of an object I don't understand the process don't start to think I'm intelligent I just wanted to cover it in case it came to anyone's mind now that we've gone over what we know of their origins it's time to get into what we know or can infer about what's inside them externally we can split a bullet can up into a few different parts the slug the casing the primer and the arms and legs the slug is made of lead and several enemy descriptions in the game such as the gummy and spent seem to imply that the slug represents the bullet Ken's brain unknown if the slug is solid or not and given what's coming up it's disturbingly possible that it might actually contain a real brain moving on to the arms and legs many depictions of the arms and legs of the bullet can show them as being actually connected to the body by limbs including official guns and promotional art and the end of the gungeon comic however in game all we see a floating circles for hands and little nubs for legs which is correct this tweet by the head artist at dodge roll Joe hearty appears to say that the latter is actually the Canon option bullet can have nub nubs apparently not even fingers just nub nubs this means that that's definitely some funny business going on to allow the bullet kin to control these independent floating hands probably some sort of gun Jim magic I have no idea how they fire guns without fingers but Who am I to argue with the head artist on how a character is designed next up the primer the primer of the bullet kin is relatively uninteresting but thanks to one of our playable characters actually being a Bulacan we can see that bullet can have the ability to generate a small explosion beneath their primer to launch themselves into the air in the case of the bullet into a dodge roll this is probably an ability that takes some learning to be able to pull off at will otherwise all bullet can would probably be doing it finally for the external bits and bobs the casing to probably explain the casing I'll have to go into the nature of ammunition in the real world so please bear with me bullet casings in the real world are typically made of brass the reason for this is that brass containing little to no iron is resistant to rust and can be reused to house new slugs steel and aluminium are also used in reality though to a much lesser extent I've seen people argue that steel is dirty and both steel and aluminium can malfunction inside guns but I've seen an equal amount of people calling those claims ridiculous so I'm not sure we can completely ignore steel and aluminium ammo for the time being however because the fact is if bullet can were made of either metal we'd know about it steel and aluminium casings tend to be gray or even black in some cases whereas bullet can have the yellowish orangey color associated with brass we do see a total of two grayble akin however the old man bullet and the bullets past who gives the bullet blasphemy and the old king this means that steel and aluminium cased can might exist within the gungeon just to a much lesser extent so we have our metal brass this lines up with plenty of other things in the game as well if you'll allow me to go on a tangent if brass is exposed to air it can begin to tarnish over time tarnishing isn't the same as rust and generally just results in discoloration of the brass causing it to become duller almost drowned which is directly what we see with the veteran Bulacan however we know that this doesn't just happen with time it can also happen due to abuse as we see in the punch-out the resourceful red if the player takes enough damage while playing as the bullet the face card will show they're casing slowly dulling to the extent of a veteran the seems to imply that it's not their age that has caused the veterans to tarnish but their battle scars so yes bullet can can tarnish but it doesn't seem to follow the same scientific rules as brass and real life instead occurring when the bullet can sustain sufficient but not life-threatening abuse such as being beaten by hand I would say tarnishing was their equivalent of bruising but that would mean that veterans are bruised all the time permanently so that can't be it the other process that brass can be degraded by is corrosion corrosion occurs when brass is exposed to water and unlike tarnishing it's actually harmful to the brasses strength and integrity we see corrosion taking its effect on bullet kin as well namely in their corpses the undead gun dead spent are prime candidates for corrosion because we can actually see them emerge from the ground in the hollow a chamber full of ice the hollow presumably contains the most consistent water in the gungeon and that's including the pits we can see in the keep that are filled with water it would make a lot of sense for brass buried in the soil of the hollow to corrode over time and that's exactly what we see happening as much as corrosion might seem like rust it's a completely different chemical reaction I might add back on track everything we have is pointing towards the metal that makes their casing being brass right well some things still don't add up corrosion can heavily weaken for us but it's not possible for the process to completely corrode away the entirety of the metal unless something was continually stripping away the corroded layers allowing it to corrode to the core running water would do it but while the hollow probably has the moisture soil rivers seem a bit beyond what's possible there this means that what we see in Skull 'its their complete decay down to the bone isn't feasible the casing must have been manually removed at some point during the burial or resurrection to Leave No Trace like that I realize this a bit later but if you remember what I said earlier one of the reasons brass casings are so popular in real life is that they can be reused maybe it's a similar situation with Bullock in just a thought ok so we have everything we need externally slug casing primer and limbs now it's time to look inside we know for a fact thanks to skull 'its that bullet can aren't just animated bullets they also contain skeletal structures integral to the spell that creates skullet it's unknown whether or not the skeletons made of normal bone or if it's enhanced in some way but the fact remains that skeletons are organic structures made of cells osteocytes that maintain the bones osteoblasts to build the bones in the first place etc actually you know what it occurs to me while reading this that osteoblasts really fitting in the gungeon anyways so that's to be real bone there has to be some sort of organic process going on in there we also know that bullet can have blood and presumably some form of circulatory system because without one blood would be useless the reasons we know this are all thanks to the playable bullet we all know and love if the bullet was just metal and bone with no circulatory system or organs there would be no reason for him to not be in the same situation as the robot and yet he has hearts instead of solely Armour and to capital off the bullet has the ability to offer blood to the vampire something that the robot cannot do this NPC interaction proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that bullet can have some form of circulatory system in them but that's not even where it ends the bullet can is able to use both the blood and full and angel shrines which both require blood sacrifices but the real question is if they have blood why don't we see them bleed when we shoot them I'd say this is probably a stylistic thing sure the bullet can don't bleed but neither does anything else even gun cultists who a 100 percent confirmed human don't shed a drop of blood while being shot to death even the human player characters never let a drop of red gold spill from their meat baskets so the fact that we don't see bullet can bleed doesn't just prove anything there's also some evidence for some form of immune system as evidenced by the bullets ability to benefit from the antibody item and the fact that gun dramatis strain can weaken enemies that second one doesn't sound like much but think about it the fact that can dromeda strain weakens bullet can means that bullet can can become infected with viruses however if they didn't have any form of immune system there's no way they wouldn't all already be dead to external diseases thanks to the gungeon attracting travelers from all over the galaxy let's just say that isolated populations don't exactly have a good history when it comes to sick travelers in a similar vein there's evidence for a digestive system in there somewhere because the bullet is able to benefit from food items such as the meat bun and the orange I'm not extremely confident in that though because while the meat fund has no effect on his health the robot is still able to gain its damage buffing effects meaning that the meat guns effects may not necessarily require the user to have a functioning digestive system so it's a bit questionable to include them so take that with a grain of salt we know that bullet can are able to speak thanks to old red and the gray bullet came from the bullets past to do this bullet can would require lungs as well because to speak you're going to breathe unless of course there's some magical speak without lungs stuff going on which is entirely possible finally we know that bullet can contain an amount of gunpowder at their very core like real ammunition as evidenced by the fact that when the bullet is shot by the gun that can kill the past after death he explodes and even they're given what I've covered here ought to be much Messier and in the end that's all we really know about the internal workings of the bullet ken but the videos far from over I'm going to cover some different aspects of bullet kin viola more than just their Anatomy now and we still haven't reached the deaf customs part we know that bullet can are physically able to grow throughout the game you can find many examples of bullet c'n that have grown to great size mainly in the form of bosses such as the bullet King or trigger twins in the physical amano makan we see a small collection of drawings depicting the backstory of the bullet king in the trigger twins and it's clearly shown by his size comparison to the lead throne when he first discovers it that the bullet King was once a normal-sized Ken it still not established what causes a bullet can to grow to such size may be its age maybe it's a luxuriant lifestyle maybe it's something else entirely but the point is that it can happen this brings us to a different form of growth a form that's been discussed but never actually confirmed in-game the descriptions of the sniper shell states that those who encounter them are split on their origins presumably meaning it's not quite known where they come from the two ideas as to their origins posed in the description are that they are either built in that shape with the intent for them to operate sniper rifles or that they are other kin presumably bullet cannon who grew to have a greater connection with their weapon of choice when I first read this I thought the second option was foolish but now that I've done all this research I'm not sure if they do actually grow to match their weapons this raises so many other questions about all the other living mo Ken were they built that way or are they too bullet kin who matured into a different form of ammunition in the end we'll never know and it's best left up to the players interpretation there are a few more references to miner processes within bullet kin that seemed to imply biological systems that I'll go into here charming rounds are supposedly quenched in the tears of young unnoticed bullet Ken shortly after being forged this shows that bullet can can cry meaning that they have tear ducts and also that they can experience a romantic attraction despite not reproducing biologically as far as we know mind 'lets are capable of growing hair a biological process finally the very existence of the mutant bullet can mutations occur within genes which a bullet can wouldn't hair if it was entirely made of non-biological materials we have another interesting topic here the ability of a bullet can to physically remove it slug and survive the process we know that the spent and gummy don't have slugs but they're already dead so we can safely ignore them the first indication of this that I'm aware of was a painting in the Abbey I talked about it in my paintings video dubbing at the slug les Cardinal it confused me a lot at the time because while the removal of what is essentially their brain should probably kill them this Cardinal looks overwhelmingly normal then we got the physical mo nomicon and with it the physical ps4 edition of the game containing an exclusive skin for the bullet that makes him a shotgun kin yeah that's what the slug was by the way a very exclusive alt skin but regardless the object that the bullet can interact with have become the shotgun kin alt skin is the cylindrical red slug of a shotgun can once the skin is on the object the player can interact with to turn back becomes the bullets original slug this means that the bullet isn't just putting on the shotgun slug like a silly hat he's actually removing his brain and replacing it not only does this not kill him but as far as we can tell it doesn't seem to affect his cognitive processes or memory at all this seems to show that the mind of a bullet can isn't as physical as a brain despite all the other organs they probably have and has instead something more ethereal in fact there's actually evidence to show that a bullet Ken's brain only affects its intelligence level while its mind is something entirely else probably magical the evidence the shroom er they are bullet Ken whose slug has been fired out of them and they of course have shrewdest so a new slug can't be provided to them shrew must have somehow survived this and even there I'm anomic on entry seems to imply that this is some sort of miracle but I don't think anyone's getting a shroom or any awards for intelligence anytime soon despite this rumors are still conscious beings without a slug something that I can only justify if the slug facilitates intelligent thought but without one basic thought can still occur that's the only solution I can see to this conundrum but I'm more than happy to listen to the theories of others as you might have realized shroom --is through a bit of a spanner in the works of my whole anatomy lesson from everything we've learned as shroom is ought to be gory messes and at the very least we should probably see something right well ignoring the fact that whenever we see directly into the head of a shroom er it just looks dark and we can't really make out if there's anything inside shroom us also don't appear to have any sort of skeleton either and unlike blood and guts skeletons are something that bullet can 100% undeniably have thanks to the existence of the skullet do--let's and trimmers present conflicting facts so I'm forced to assume that shroom azar just an oversight in this department by the developers a very forgivable oversight mind don't think I'm legitimately upset that dodge roll forgot about this here we are death customs when a bullet can dies its body is collected presumably by the remaining gun dead and sent down to the hollow which will usually serve as their final resting place the skull it's description clarifies the dead can of buried in graves a custom that we do see throughout the gungeon this may not always be the case since graveyards do appear in certain uncommon rooms and the keep of the lead Lord but we can safely assume that the vast majority of gun dead corpses are shipped off to the fourth chamber what are the burial customs await them there are unknown we know that in the time of the Old Kings rain bullet can were mummified but this practice has long since been discontinued we've also discussed the possibility of the casing being removed during the burial process so we can skip over that a bullet khun's timeline doesn't end there though there are seven ways I've countered that a bullet can can return from the grave and walk the gungeon once more there are probably more but I've just missed them hollow points spectres may be spent Scots and skull mats ashen bullet Ken possession by spirits most notably seen in those bullet can trapped in the wall manga and gummies of these we can split them into three categories those were the bullet can probably keeps its mind those where the kin is probably just used as a vessel for a new entity and those will be not sure hollow points of the only once to fall into the first category at least to a certain extent being the actual sole of the bullet Kem clinging to the physical world for the combat it's so familiar with in the unsure category we have spectres and gummies spectres are barely canon thanks to the description of the skulls better but we simply don't know enough about them to make that decision as for gummies we just don't know enough about what causes them to come back in the first place to get an idea of their mental state finally everything else falls into the last category these can presumably either have no free will and are controlled by external forces or are a result of a reanimation process by which the original can soul and mind is almost definitely cast aside in favor of just using the physical materials and strangely out of all of these possibly the most interesting one is yes the spent you might not think it but the spent present a very interesting conundrum a confusing contradiction that I think I might be able to explain I would have a rabbit hole resulting from one aspect of their design they don't have slugs I know I've pointed that out before in this video but here's where it gets interesting there is no reason why this slugs should be missing here I'd know it's probably to make them more visually distinguished but I think it might also go deeper it can't be decay even if the lead was somehow magically all removed by some super decay we'd still be able to see the top of this skeleton peeking out and let's be honest what are the chances that all of these spent just magically had their slugs fall out there are a couple other odd details as well spin to rise up out of the ground of the hollow and while we know that the hollow is where the gun dead bury their dead those rooms and the key seem to imply that it's guns and culture to bury the dead with tombstones the spent are strewn about unceremoniously there's also that thing with the casing removal this is probably my weakest point since it's already built on a theory I just made but the spent don't have their casings removed either everything about them screams that they were worthlessly thrown away buried and mass unmarked graves it seems like all of this might just be an oversight like how I was forced to write off the shroom er but if you remember I said I might have an explanation a drawing in the physical a Manama Cana of an executioner using a guillotine to chop off the slugs of Bulacan we even get to see three spent wandering away from the execution a consistent method of execution such as decapitation would not only explain while they're also neatly missing their slugs but the guillotine likely went straight through the bone a perfect explanation for we don't see the skull at underneath this would even explain why they seem to have been buried so haphazardly around the 10th century it was common practice for certain members of a community to be buried outside of the usual hallowed graveyard area and instead be placed into awkward and makeshift graves with what some of the even come to postulate was a deliberate lack of respect and you've probably already guessed what made the people toss them into the ground with such cruelty they were criminals but most of them at least from what I found you might have also been buried that way if you committed suicide but that's besides the point this lines up perfectly with the execution because it was commonplace during the 10th century for criminals to have been executed by the heading and let's not forget that while Gunjan exists in a universe of high-tech weaponry and space exploration society within the gungeon is still very much medieval and we already know that they don't take kindly to betrayal all of this started lining up so well over the course of my research that I was honestly astounded and it shows a bit more depth to the gungeon society they're not all boring Sammy Ken with the same goals and motivations some of them are criminals deviants those with their own goals that break whatever code of law the gungeon has in place for itself help we even know that at least one of these deviants already existed but this just serves to accentuate the point and now we know what's become of them put to death there's one last loose end with the spent that I'd like to try and tie up before we end the video why do they come back it's a stretch to assume that it just happens and the motives for imbuing the corpses of criminals with the potential energy to walk again seem lacking my one theory has to do with the executioner's themselves the description states that they have been granted minor a momentous powers but we never actually see this in play well unless you think they use this power to throw their chains but it wouldn't be that far-fetched to believe that in the gungeon that's just possible so now we have a suspect with the connection and ability to pull this off but I still have no idea what the motive would be in the end I have no solid answer for why the spent come back only why they were killed if anyone has a theory of their own please leave a comment I'm all out of ideas on this one here we are the elusive end of the video I've gone through the origins of the bullet Ken the materials they're made of they're surprisingly squishy and tonal makeup the customs of the gun dead as they relate to death the ways that a bullet can can returned from death in various forms and capped it all off with a theory about the spent being executed criminals go times but anyways I've got to go sell 600 a sh trays and empty bottles to a clueless old woman Happy Trails these can presumably either have no free will and are controlled by external forces or are a result of written or ever
Channel: Nevernamed
Views: 197,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enter the Gungeon, Bullet Kin, Kin, Anatomy, Inside, Casing, Brass, Spent, The Spent, Enemy, Enemies, Gungeon, Nevernamed, Death Customs, Shroomer, Executioner
Id: Nw7cOiZJDm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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