A Friend to Gun and Gamebreaks (Gungeon Glitch)

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hello and in this video I'm going to be going through one of the few remaining broken things and into the gungeon that doctor'll hasn't been able to beat smooth yet I'll explain how to perform this glitch and experiment with it on a variety of different weapons to see how it works I'm actually going to give a seizure warning before this because while I'm not super sure if it's bad enough to be dangerous I don't want to take the risk of killing someone first what is the Skitch and how is it done there's a synergy and enter the gungeon added an age indi between the items +1 bullets and potion of gun friendship named friends 2 gun and bullet the sims ii makes it so that whenever the potion of gun friendship is used a copy of the player's current weapon will spawn orbiting around them firing it wherever their cursor points this gun fires faster than the normal gun does less damage than the normal gun and vanishes when the potion of gun friendship stops being active that's where the glitch comes in if the potion of gun friendship has dropped while the copy gun is orbiting it will become permanent and never go away this glitch can be pulled off multiple times to create multiple orbital auto guns that don't use ammo or the only downside of which is that they do slightly less damage that doesn't really matter when you've got 5 of the things so now we get to the fun bit using mob the gungeon I decided to go through a list of all the guns in the game pick out the ones that I think might work strangely with us and then test them for a video so let's not wait around way too many marine sidearms the first one is it's super interesting and is instead a demonstration of how far this glitch can go I've done the glitch so many times here that all the marine side arms spawned form an unbroken ring around the marine even using a start of weapons absolutely shreds most things began this way at least on the first couple floors I don't know maybe bullet-hell enemies would last a few more seconds against the barrage calculating all the bullets causes a hell of a lot of lag thug black hole gun of course my first test was gonna be the black hole done who wouldn't try and see if they could create an unending stream of cosmic death and I did all of the black holes stacked on top of one another distort the game to a point where it can be legitimately difficult to tell where everything is in relation to everything else every enemy and bullet in the room stands no chance of lasting more than a couple seconds not being able to see things and enemies dying instantly as a femur gonna see a lot here blasphemy next I wanted to see how a weapon like blasphemy worked with this effect I half expected it not to work at all but to my pleasant surprise well it doesn't have any of the swords swing like blasphemy does each one rapidly fires blasphemies sword projectiles it also really doesn't work visually with each sword seemingly being unable to decide where it wants to be at any given moment they teleport and spasm and generally don't abide by any laws of physics wouldn't last for me so after blasphemy my next thought was to see what happens with the wooden blasphemy weapon only available in the bullets past while it's impossible to do this in game a little test couldn't hurt since wooden blasphemy is a distinct weapon from blasphemy at least by the game's logic I had no idea how it would go apparently neither did the game so it decided to spawn blasphemy projectiles in the exact same way to normal blasphemy despite wooden blasphemy being completely unable to spurn such projectiles on its own wouldn't blasphemy looks even more broken visually than normal glass for me Kaycee next logical step Casey of course the orbit in Casey's form a strange baseball bat Halo of inconsistent death that seems to only actually hit enemies when it can be bothered to but wipes them out when it does it's even more visually broken than wooden blasphemy making it seem like I put them in order but I swear I didn't the Casey interaction with black bullets makes things make a little more sense making the Casey ring shoot out as little yellow bullets cursed bullets has a similar effect allowing you to see the invisible bullets fire to make the cases when do damage no swing animation plays however just look at that it's a it's a KC vortex of nonsense hi polite blaster next I wondered if the extra bullet spawned from orbiting hyper light blasters would refill the ammo of the original the simple answer being yes other than that this wasn't an extremely remarkable test boxing glove the boxing glove is in a similar situation to Casey being a visually melee weapon but technically not really the boxing ring pun intended also functions similarly to Casey not playing the firing animation but still shooting the invisible projectiles that make it work I will say though it's a lot easier to use in the Casey Halo largely because you can actually tell where you're aiming and it seems to fire more reliably but maybe that's just me cursed bullets allows you to see the little spurts of area where the boxing gloves do damage as well making the box entering an almost viable weapon shell a gun test number 8 was to see what happens to guns such as the shower gun should they change form and it turns out to be more remarkable than I expected I created two orbital guns of the pistol form of the shell a gun and as expected they fired bullets I then changed the shell a gun to its beam form and created two of those which fired beams however upon changing the shell a gun to its beam form the two pre-existing pistol orbitals began to fire beams despite not altering visually the same happened in Reverse when I switched the shell again back to its pistol forms after a bet all four orbitals began to fire bullets again even the ones created during the beam form composite gun the composite gun is another one of those guns that makes it difficult to see things and destroys any enemy who even has a nightmare about it on the horizon all the rapid-fire blank effects make it impossible for any enemies to even fire projectiles and the ripples from which make enter the gungeon look less like a game and more like an oddly colored pond during a rainstorm sticky crossbow every crossbow in the orbit continually fires explosive arrows and because of the way the orbiting guns work they never technically reload meaning all the explosive arrows remain stuck in walls or enemies until the player manually reloads causing the entire buildup of explosives to detonate once it's immensely satisfying crown of guns each orbiting crown fires in every direction just like the actual gun does creating an inescapable maelstrom of regal death also lag at this point I just wanted to see how bad I could make this homicide parade so I gave myself bouncy bullets causing each bullet fired from the crown to bounce meaning even enemies behind cover were obliterated seconds after I stepped into the room there are very few things in into the gungeon I'd say melt bosses given such things as damage caps but the trigger twins health bar here went down so beautifully I think it's a fitting word combines rifle with the solar system of combined rifles things at first play out exactly how you'd expect firing the normal combined rifle projectiles and such however if you reload the rifle so that it's mo bar is filled by the energy pellet all orbiting rifles will begin to fire energy pellets themselves literally vaporizing enemies Morningstar each Morningstar on a ring of such weapons fires its own targeting beam I even managed to break it some houses that a couple of the orbiters are shooting lasers from the empty space below themselves proving the morning stars are indeed a miracle of modern science while it's a bit too difficult to tell I'm 80% certain that each targeting laser summons a satellite Bieber from the enemy that confers upon the poor thing this combo is actually quite dangerous due to all the fire the satellite beams placed down and the fact that the satellite beams can get in the way of you seeing said dangerous fire in this room I somehow managed to kill an enemy so hard he gave up on the physical realm and achieved ascension by turning into a pink rectangle I have no idea how I managed that but I loved that it happened red gun something that I forgot to mention at first is that if a gun fires many different types of bullets via some leveling up system such as Polaris or in this case the red gun the orbital version will not fire projectiles from whatever level the gun is on instead it will fire one bullet from all the levels all at once meaning orbital red guns basically become low spread high range shotguns for each bullet has drastically varying damage dark marker [Music] darkmother was probably the most difficult weapon to even begin to create a ring out of as even having one of them in orbit turns the game into a cage of unending chaos instead of the bullets each exiting the orbital and different trajectories like the helix blast of both bullets leave at the same angle meaning the collide almost immediately and where the most influential explosions of any weapon in the gungeon what do I mean by influential well this explosion normally hurts and throws around enemies but also destroys enemy bullets pills items on the ground around a great speed and even launchers the player to and fro with great force you can even see it here where I'm trying to set up the rest of the footage everything is being thrown around with such great force that's now impossible to control and it's basically luck that he managed to grab enough potions as they whizzed past the character so let's see what it looks like with six of the things yeah this might just be the most insane experiment result in this video and it was not the gun I expected to be responsible if I'm honest RPG a ring of perpetually firing RPGs a surprisingly tame giving all we've seen so far the only thing impeding your ability to view the game is moderately small amounts of screen shake disappointing if I'm not blind by the end of it it's no fun yari launcher a ring of yari launches is unsurprisingly overpowered but it's overpowered in the same way that mother's knife from The Binding of Isaac has overpowered yes it's going to slaughter everything in seconds but its own to do so in a way that almost seems boring given the insane things that you know possible by now enemies die bosses die yeah that's nice no particularly fun though didn't manage to break the game so that this explosive barrel apparently got cold feet and couldn't go through with detonating mode the second little but I'm sure it'll be fine gunslingers ashes the gunslingers ashes aren't particularly powerful but they're quite entertaining in their own right as you seem to be generating your own miniature crusade of spectral gunman too much grimly to their second deaths against the enemy forces moral of the story the horrors of war can be fun if both sides are cute dueling laser do you want all the enemy destroying fun of dueling laser without the hassle of wading through it to recharge introducing tier lasering the only proven method to reliably inflict dueling laser death upon all your adversary's within mere seconds between each beam that's right no recharge ask your doctor if jus lasering is right for you would be using the glitch with the wood beam causes them all to converge near the cursor meaning he's smacking enemies with less of a plank and more of a half constructed building if the cursor is placed on the player it forms a sort of rotating starfish a rotating starfish that looks like it's having a seizure at times yes but don't let it ruin the moment bait launcher you stop being a gunjan ear and become a zookeeper at an incredibly specialized mobile combat Zoo next a Bissell tentacle the abyssal tentacle is another greatly interesting gun to use with this glitch it basically makes you into the antagonist of every second Lovecraft of story / end type the tentacles are all converge on an enemy delivering so much damage at once that it dies pretty much instantly before they immediately flicked the next and the next killing every enemy in the room in a matter of seconds with all the planning to do is point the things within 190 degrees of anything they want to be dead here I scored 100 bullet can to prove that point it looks as though if the player is surrounded by enemies the tentacles stop working together in each tug at their own victim despite this however everything is still dead in seconds though I think we can all agree that the greatest tragedy was the death of teamwork camera as was probably expected a ring of cameras just causes the camera mass damage effect to be triggered a couple times a second making everything super sparkly but not giving me much to talk about makeshift cannon it's the rainbow gun show it won't go slow enemies will die before they bling to the floor they will go they sure will no the blood will be some nameless insects drink if you like that I decided to write a rhyme about the makeshift cannon ring because slowly the yari launched show all it destroys absolutely anything that you really expected to do anything differently final thing I want to test in this video is using the synergy with no guns I grabbed myself a friendly neighborhood cosmonaut and made him use the synergy nothing happened which I probably should have been expecting no gun to replicate means no gun is replicated yeah well it was worth of a science anyways I hope you enjoyed this tedious to make about halfway through so I decided to have a little fun with it I have no idea how long the final product will be but anyways I've got to go and suffer a fatal heart attack see ya
Channel: Nevernamed
Views: 432,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitch, Etg, Enter the Gungeon, Dark Marker, Black Hole Gun, Gungeon, Friend to Gun and Bullets, Synergy, Broken Synergy, Glitched Synergy, Orbiting Guns, +1 Bullets, Potion of Gun Friendship
Id: LqXKaKn7ACk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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