Unturned: SECRET LOCATIONS OF PEI (Underwater Junk & Sunken Submarine)

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hey guys me like big boom here showing you guys the two Secret locations of Pei now these aren't so much secret anymore I would say um I'd say probably like half the people who play unturned probably know about these two locations uh but still there are quite a few people that don't know about these unmarked locations on the map these two locations are here in here underwater uh the one in between kind of Stratford and I want to say kind of like the road between monteu and Belfast that kind of general area is actually a sunken submarine and all around that little crash site you can find lots of cool militia gear as well and then also in the Southeastern most corner of the map very very corner of the map is the underwater junkyard or whatever you want to call it it's a big pile of unused Assets in the Pei map but were used in the Canada map so it's kind of like paying homage to the Canada map that was removed from the game a while back now starting off with the sub Marine uh getting there is pretty difficult I mean getting to any sort of underwater location is pretty difficult uh cuz it's hard to see underwater and the easiest way luckily for the submarine is to go up on top of Cape Rock and you can easily see the location out in the middle of the water it's even easier with a scope as you can see here just look down the scope and you'll uh you'll see the Submarine underwater um in relation to like the airport over here and like the shoreline and Cape Rock right here that's just kind of where where it is I mean I can't really show you any coordinates or anything um it's exact location it's just in that general area and if you hop up on top of Cape rock or on top of the lighthouse you'll be able to easily see it from there I recommend turning your game settings if you have it on ultra um the water settings down to High um or lower so that way you can see underwater without having the distractions of the reflections on top of the water so you'll be able to easily see underwater as well now when it comes to swimming out to these locations I would recommend before you go out there to up your diving skill in the offense category uh one it makes you swim there faster cuz you got to swim quite uh a far distance to get there and also most importantly you use less oxygen meaning that you can go underwater longer so when you're looting these locations you're able to peruse around the area without having to take several trips back up to the water and especially for the submarine it's very deep under the water all the loot is at the bottom of the ocean um so you can really only dive down there and pick up one item before you have to resurface if your diving skill is nothing and if it's on Max you can pretty much swim around the whole entire submarine pick up all the gear and resurface with like 25% left so that's very nice and in my instance it looks like I didn't find very much gear I found like a a lot of bandanas butterfly knife and some pretty common gear uh but if you take a few trips to this location you will definitely find some pretty cool guns trust me I found several zuc nikov sniper Sky especially and a lot of the other rare lmgs and I have found once an RPG here but anyway that was the submarine now moving on to the underwater junk now this is a little bit more difficult to get to because one you can't see it from anywhere on the surface I think I mean maybe you'll be able to see it from the top of the antenna of Scorpion 7 but uh from the shoreline you can't see the location so it's hard to figure out how to get there especially with nothing in relation it's all just like off the coastline of the island so you don't really have a good idea of the direction that you're supposed to go you just kind of have to swim out in that general area and kind of look underwater until eventually you find um a big bucket saw I found the easiest way to actually get there pretty much every time is to pay attention to this corner of Scorpion 7 um if you kind of Imagine like this corner is a pointing arrow and you just follow that direction that the corner is facing and just keep going out in the water keep swimming for like a quar mile eventually you will reach the underwater junk and uh this area is pretty special in that it uses unused assets as I said earlier um from the Canada map so it's got the uh bucket saw thing this like bucket wheel excavator thing um alongside the ski lift and this Igloo like this electric wheel thing that you put in the water and like the water flows I don't know what to call that anyway unused objects it's all just kind of been piled up in the corner of the map is a secret little location um in the cockpit of the bucket wheel excavator is where the militia gear spawns nowhere else it's all just in that location so don't look around um on the ground surrounding the area it will only spawn in that that little cockpit area there and um I found a bit more luck with this area but I think they're the same spawn tables so don't expect to find more guns in this location when compared to submarine I believe they're just the same in this instance I found a Red Dot site which is the best one alongside some bandanas butterfly knife and some more ballot lavas and stuff like that so the same stuff that you can find in submarine can also be found in this location here but anyway those are the two Secret locations of Pei there are a few other like secret little Easter eggs scattered around Pei these are the only Secret locations that spawn gear I might do a video on those like other Easter eggs in the future uh but as of right now those are the two major locations in PEI these are fantastic places for you to check out on PVP servers whenever you spawn in um if you're near either one of these locations you should definitely check them out um your only risk is maybe getting sniped as you're swimming over there but um if you swim underwater and peek up every once in a while you'll reduce that risk of that happening and usually every time I have yet to be killed when I'm looting these areas and uh it's pretty much like free guns in all honesty so definitely check these places out thank you guys so much for watching make sure to rate comment subscribe and do all that brush because me like big boom is out
Channel: MeLikeBigBoom
Views: 426,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: melikebigboom, xxmelikebigboomxx, youtube, bigboom, unturned, boom, mlbb, melike, unturned secrets, unturned easter eggs, unturned easter egg, unturned submarine, unturned underwater, unturned underwater junk, unturned secret, unturned hidden locations, unturned locations, unturned militia loot, unturned militia spawnpoints, unturned militia gear, unturned sunken submarine, unturned crashed submarine, unturned junkyard, unturned diving, unturned deep sea, Underwater
Id: EyKgkuQcr6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2015
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