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okay no zombies at bridge but i already find i  already found high cal oh there is here oh wait   there's someone here i don't know if he sees me  i'm just running are you alive still yeah nice   nice i think someone asked me someone that's  been here loot on the ground but from the nade wait wait there's a timberwolf here what i'm not  even kidding i have a tomorrow from high cal dude   wait what i'm pretty sure someone died at a mega  zombie or something that's why the timberwolf   was laying there wow when smokes are actually  useful for once w for smoke you want to hear   something yeah not one but two blow torches what  are you serious yeah you want to hear something   yeah man i'm going to zombie right now let's go i  don't know if there's any anything going to be in   there i hope and i phoned the cool bro okay we  should meet up soon yep i'm coming to you right   now with the car all right let's see the zombies  seem to be done i don't hear anything right now   uh oh you wait this is i just wait a second  there's actually something here there we go the   thing is i already see like uh wardrobe so that's  a good sign i also have an axe by the way yo oh [ __ ] oh yeah the zombie is done  uh oh there was a blowtorch as well   a chainsaw let's go a second blow storage and some  some smaller stuff i got steely wheelie let's go   if only we had a gas can that would  make it perfect yeah we can craft one   if we really need one oh  yeah how how do we craft it there you go nice all right cool they're shooting  oh wanna go yeah yeah yeah where is he you went   from the back towards the tent oh yeah okay i see  him uh you run in i can just give you info and   then whenever we're ready we can shoot at the same  time or so oh he's running he's going he's going   let's track him yeah he's laying on the ground  right now i think come up here come up here quick   hey disconnected yeah yeah look guys  look look my god bro literally right here oh maple strike hundred  percent you picking me up now   yeah yeah yeah still waiting man okay oh apc  do you wanna you want an apc oh let's go yes nothing in the trunk nope look right here  okay um to take around like five shots or so okay maybe a bit more my god shall we go to the island and build the base  right there which is like nice uh hidden away i'll hit you up tomorrow for some pvp  action there is a team of three i can   hear them raiding with a grizzly and our apc  is there but the whole building is gone but   wait i'm getting on i'm getting on i can hear them  raining with a with a grizzly are they uh close   well i i guess so i can hear the grizzly i  think i think i see them already it's the   base we were at yesterday wait that that's  getting raided right now i think it is yeah   bro oh the one we've started raiding or yeah  yeah the one where we we broke one uh one roof   well i just heard him like a rapid fire you know  like empty whole mag okay okay oh wait there's   someone to the right of us like really close  bro the whole server just that's all that's   people joining are you sure you heard it from here  yeah yeah for sure uh npg said montague there's a   humvee on the road that's where the guys in there  in the car can't do anything about that sadly oh oh jesus i don't know if they saw us well let's follow them and solder them  wait yeah i'll follow your lead oh   they might have stopped you have to stop  yeah let's stop right here in front of us wait i got an eight i'll kill them yeah oh geared for at this yo  they have a base to have a baseline piece no   way bro yeah well look at this loot i'll meddle  and everything grab as much as you can and we   run we run no way what a name i don't know wanna  build a base like here yeah let's go uh i have   room i have space if you chop trees like wait  this car yeah yeah we spray it did we spray it   uh wait um we'll see we'll see do you  have a scope yes yep oh [ __ ] okay all right [ __ ] them up nice nice there's only  one right yeah yeah one okay oh wait no sorry   sorry there was two i'm sorry yeah yeah yeah one  yet my bad my bad my bad oh nice nice that was   good bro oh man i don't even know what i should  take there's so much right now there's someone on   the other side yo can you give me the scope yeah  of course first of all for my timberwolf okay   thank you i just want to snipe some people dad  shall i oh they're right they drove by zombie oh   i think they saw us he stopped i have another  nade though so i'm going to say all right let's go   yeah oh he's driving oh he's not let him drive  let him drive yeah i was about to say like let's   build a base first i'm placing plus already let's  do it two by one or one by one with uh yeah uh oh   i gotta i got this we can make a hatch i'll  make uh two doorways oh the the zombies can   come up here that's uh oh [ __ ] well it's a ten  base ten base yeah okay oh do you have any water   i'm also eight percent myself i just noticed  let me drop everything here and go to the   town yeah i'll i'll put it in the inbox  as a naked here let's see who's here oh no i'm sorry oh [ __ ] all right the zombies are following ah that's  such a disaster oh [ __ ] you got the chainsaw   on you right yep yeah maybe we can also build  up the base there somewhere already and then   just transfer everything over later you can go  ahead i'll just walk behind you and i'm chopping   trees behind you and i'll just have like a  full base in my inventory ready okay okay there we go yeah and doors oh yeah i see a gear guy okay  yeah he might have seen me   alright well do what you have to do wait  did he just go into that base no he didn't oh [ __ ] my aim did you get him or no  i didn't but it's his base here because   he just went behind it again actually wait  he's right there behind that metal base here   all right no he's still behind it  yeah wait i have my nades right kobe that was a really bad try you can maybe  shoot him i can't get an angle on him where is he giving this what bro how do you he's oh [ __ ] how  do you switch windows on the puny q a q e   wait i got i got he's at the back of it is he yeah bro jesus christ that's gary yeah he definitely have a  base he had collected so much   it might be one of these guys the metal base  because he has so much matter i'm spam clicking   and taking the metal to our base all right you  like all of it oh i placed that door in time oh my god bro i got him oh yeah wait was  he ultimate dude he had so many dressings   oh let's go i need something only on me i mean  i got all of them oh my god all right wait i'm   building roof axes real quick so you know  easy defense yeah yeah yeah i already have   all the stuff so oh they had a zoo bro why were  they not shooting i think they didn't see me in   that loot i'm just taking all the guns so they  can't shoot a rainbow yeah a good point good   point uh you have umbrella you want one uh  i'll take one let's start only putting the   good stuff in these uh crates and yeah yeah yeah  that was just stamp clip more metal over here oh   that is extra juicy oh oh yeah yeah  bridge well i only have 30 more than build him i have 11 bullets so this guy better  have some bullets yes he had a box pog and a nade   and a muzzle what a guy oh i found  more high kill here i see another guy we're not making any friends on the  server we are just going to kill everyone uh he had a lot of clothing for me got him oh hika yeah i think this guy also has  a base his oh that was you i'm sorry you scared   the [ __ ] out of me wait is there no hatch on  top here wait hold on i think we can just jump   in here full moon oh oh we should actually  farm the bridge then for uh ammo i think i   saw someone by the bridge just now wait he's  coming he's coming with a gun oh i got this yeah he's dead oh detonator you're a  detonator i'm depowering i'm deploying   i'm deporting he just found one here  dude this might have been his base   bro [ __ ] i'll detonate are you kidding yeah  uh no i'm not um oh no way shotgun though yeah well we can go back to our base and grab  everything now we're after the full moon i think   after full moon over you yeah how much percent  is your uh chainsaw i don't have a chainsaw oh   [ __ ] run run he's booking it bro wait that's  the same guy wait i think that's his face here   but did he just upgrade the base uh i think you  were right he was running to this base wait yeah   he did wait it wasn't one before it was it wasn't  it no no it was oh oh that's our [ __ ] turret did he kill someone he killed someone wait  this guy's in here to space yo when it turns   day we got this i'm gonna put yeah okay put  everything in here then again and then we're gonna   get the other stuff first then with the chance  of it not being raided yet oh we have a lot of   raw here let's go oh [ __ ] and i got a full  calling card that's perfect for the turret   wait who's this oh okay yeah i saw that  let's just um take the apc yep abc stood   standing here pretty cool nice let's  go quickly let's just blow up with the   with the charge yeah let's go oh you stay standing  stairs there where they're building luke he's   right in front of you oh [ __ ] yeah see him kill  him oh wait how did he survive he's one hp one hp nice look at what look at what they're  doing to their base they're expanding   and with all the crates yeah oh is there you serious there it's them this is their car it's the guy we  killed in the beginning i need to make sure   i can make more i can make more okay make  more make more all right the comment you   stay there and hold it down yeah yeah all  right let's go do you want me to bring the   the timber with the high cal how many charges do  we have two two so no no we don't need we don't   need so they have salvaged the back of their  base because we blocked the entrance so they   have to get a new entrance and yeah wait hooligan  is on again oh nice watch out i got him i got him looted uh no no he wasn't actually oh that's you  okay yeah don't park too close all right here here   here are you cover me yeah of course always  oh okay let's hope one is gonna be enough   already yeah let's hope so i'm just gonna  go in uh where is it there and look out there's more lockers oh what i  mean okay should we go for this   as well yeah try it let's go okay might  need the timberwolf though yeah oh god all right yeah oh my god the space is blowing up maybe alter the car often oh another detonator  and steely nice grab everything i destroyed   the car maybe there's something in it  maybe there's something in the trunk all right yeah yeah it's it was stacked oh three steelies  grenades ross bro what that yeah we have we we   got four sealants of them what all right let's go  let's go let's go all right let's stitch this is   insane yeah no this is this is good man and we  haven't been on a server for too long either no   all right do you want to organize yeah i'll  organize i love organizing all right awesome oh oh did you kill someone it hit him i see blood on the right yeah what was that yes it is that  is amazing bro that is so funny   there's another base we can oh my god yo  these guys man are you talking gabe the kraken okay hello hello nice bass man oh don't shoot
Channel: P9nda
Views: 199,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: p9nda, p9army, unturned, 3.0, gameplay, baseraid, base, raid, pvp, survival, unturned rags to riches, unturned p9nda, pvp unturned, survival unturned, unturned server, unturned tips and tricks, nothing to loot, unturned loot, unturned online raid, unturned live base raid, obliteration, unturned obliteration, duo unturned, rust at home
Id: UWBu5mnunek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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