TOP 10 MOST USELESS Unturned Items

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[Music] the military drama umbrella and dressing are irreplaceable tools never absent from a survivor's inventory the saw while a weak melee weapon is vital in creating your mass storage system and of course no one could imagine a world where specialized items such as the carjack would not exist among the hundreds of items in unturned vanilla there are those that stand out as staple due to the vital purpose that they fulfill however unturned is no stranger to less essential types of gear items so utterly irrelevant in fact that most players never even bother to look at today we mourn these fallen soldiers items forgotten by time or implemented as mere gimmicks which either do not enhance gameplay in any way or are so offensively redundant to the survival game mode they might as well be removed and make no difference join me as i go over the top 10 most useless items in unturned here are just a few quick rules my condolences to the elder pizza take a look at the countless pieces of unturned fan art out there and you may notice a common theme among many of them the main hero standing victorious wearing a ghillie suit controversial but i believe one of the biggest icons of unturned may just be a useless pile of grass the idea of blending into the environment for those stealthy kills is not uncommon within survival games and shooters but by actively using this clothing set in unturned you yourself in multiple ways no inventory slots worse armor than any military set and dare i say an actual military set and green balaclava might do its camouflaging job just as well without any of the downsides most players have their grass turned off anyways and the ghillie user is probably going to need some nvgs and analysis back to be effective so they're going to be seen more easily nowhere is this more apparent than on germany where the difference between the ghillie color and the ground is ridiculous there is some good news though ever since washington gili items are no longer mega zombie drops so nelson has clearly abandoned the idea of them being the holy grail of clothing also any one of the clothing pieces can be crafted into four ghillie netting which is somewhat useful so while i despise the ghillie the 10th spot is as low as it's gonna go civilian night vision is a joke i will not deny that the goggles themselves look cool but take a look at this footage perhaps it doesn't seem that bad but this is not actually what civilian night vision looks like i have simply grayscaled the image this is the visual experience offered by the goggles in question and it is shamefully bad created as a midpoint between a flashlight and military nvgs i almost never pick them up if i find them unless i play on yukon even there the reason is i don't have any other choice often i'd rather use a torch to navigate dark places even at the cost of making myself more visible if military night vision is annoying but necessary during nighttime encounters the civilian npgs are annoying and that's it as much slack as the nail gun may receive it is often overlooked what an incredible advantage in internally suppressed secondary with an easily refillable clip can offer to a freshly spawned player even if briefly the luxury of silently taking out a burner or a spitter this early on is unmatched by conventional civilian weapons that is why the number 8 spot is reserved for its ugly cousin the paintball gun meant to serve more or less the same role as the nail gun it fails miserably the paintball hopper is unrefillable and doesn't even come attached as stock this makes sense in the context of the arena map it was created for but on any actual map it only manages to throw off anyone stumbling upon it the size of the gun in your inventory is two slots larger than the nail gun and the damage is still lower albeit for a larger cliff size the paintball gun really is bottom of the barrel but what saves it from being any lower is the one piece of metal you receive upon scrapping it number seven on the list was originally a long and boring segment about the military fragmentation and tracer magazines which i have instead decided to boil down into a simple question when was the last time you used any one of these instead of stock grade military rounds [Music] unfortunately we don't have all night so let's move on the suppressor has long fallen from grace as a barrel attachment it has always been the last choice in the roster but what made it truly hopeless was the addition of durability 300 degree chance for 70 noise reduction but a 10 bullet drop increase has a trade-off more often than not you will only be able to fire a few rounds on normal mode before requiring expensive repair compare this to the military or ranger barrels which increase accuracy at no durability cost or the muzzles which not only hide bullet traces and flashes but also reduce bullet drop and recoil even past zero percent durability so the suppressor is a chore to use and save for the muffler the worst barrel attachment but no other item could serve its purpose being quiet is important thus the number six entry is actually the precision charge and i have exactly one second left to talk about it the flashbang is the definition of heavily situational so situational in fact that it is almost never worth using hello it is me yet again my apologies but for those of you who think this is counter-strike global offensive you might want to pay attention imagine that mannequin over there is a sniper you could try to be smart and give him a good blinding but i invite you to observe the effective range of the flashbang grenade and even if you were to find a perfect opportunity to use it the functionality of this item is riddled with inconsistencies that hold baker thoroughly presented in his video long ago but perhaps i can still make a case for the flashbang or perhaps i could show you this footage of me dodging the flash using third person instead not many people bother with distracting zombies rather than confronting them early on but while i'd understand the flair for its basic concept the smoke grenade boggles the mind especially it's used in multiplayer maybe you could get away with black smoke fooling your foes into thinking a vehicle blew up but in any other scenario all you do is create a giant glittery arrow pointing at your location thus for purpose is like initiating a surprise attack on your enemies the fact that you have to first create a large cloud of smoke which takes a few seconds to fully form defines its own purpose elvert took some steps towards fixing this actually by making the fume opaque introducing grass-colored smoke instantaneous detonation and a gigantic comedically named big smoke which don't make it useful but at least make it situational back to vanilla however it is true that the smoke grenade is an object of its time therefore its simplicity and why i don't entirely expect nelson to return to this item but perhaps a re-haul could be in order maybe the smoke may create some sort of area debuff which could be diminished by a gas mask or biohood rewarding those who wear their precious protective gear outside of dead zone trips really porting over what elver did could be enough i've taken my time with this entry because i am fascinated by it maybe i just don't use it enough to find a use for it but neither does anybody else so likely for good reason the addition of brick structures surprised me at the time brick building should have caused the shift in a meta which hadn't changed for as long as time instead they were sat quietly on the shelf of pointless features brick was exceedingly rarer than wooden metal and the difference in health did not justify the effort at all situated just between the two the stats seemed fine in theory but not considering how tough bricks are to obtain by looting construction locations whereas metal and wood could be easily harvested for how tedious they were to craft they were only an optional middle step which didn't help neither did the fact that a base must reach maximum defenses as fast as possible otherwise it's easy prey has any of this been tweaked since then the answer is no the only time i have seen brick structures used was for rather aesthetic purposes and that's it if somehow you've ran out of wood but have three bricks to spare make a wall or don't since the rest of your base will still be wood and raiders can just go around it so even better then get right back to chopping [Music] here's a rather unusual thought exercise picture having your entire existence nullified by five logs if you happen to be an unturned item called the heat stim you might not have to imagine that within unturned warmth is a status effect which doesn't heal you per se but it prevents a player from freezing during a blizzard so they may regen health afterwards the heat stim provides this warmth for 8 seconds while simply standing by a campfire or taking shelter in a base vehicle or any sort of wind cover behaves the same but indefinitely the heat stem was meant for a lost world where snowfall on yukon used to be never ending and the cold utterly unforgiving today how one could be stranded of shelter enough on a medium map to require immediate medical attention is beyond me yet should they any healing item such as a dressing will do just fine leaks better than any short-term warmth the heat stem may provide no more than a pocket campfire and a bit of experience invested in the right skill points are enough to survive comfortably in the snow-covered wastelands if i may even call them that it would not surprise me if many of those watching this video have never heard of this item now presenting the honorable contenders items redundant enough in their own right but not redundant enough to make the list the hell's fury and nikarev post rating update explosive arrows leather clothing the walkie talkie earpiece and cuff items on single player yes they can spawn there flares morphine and finally the classic bandana with an armor value of zero [Music] at the very bottom of the list is the adrenaline an item which fully restores your stamina is questionable given how the game's survival stats function but a five percent radiation penalty is quite terrible it is essentially the only item in the game with the sole purpose of harming you if untrin's energy mechanics were more refined i could see this being a really viable last resort item i'd even say the same for the heat stim but unfortunately once you've put one point into your exercise skill this is the one item that you will never think twice about leaving on the ground should i then perhaps forgive the adrenaline for being somewhat viable in the very specific context of arena and more specifically monolith no if one adrenaline syringe were scrappable into one chemical bottle it would be a pleasure finding one while looting medical locations but as it stands it remains a mere relic and a funny kill that crazy seat got in a video from 5 years ago it's been a while [Music] you
Channel: SirAdy Unleashed
Views: 727,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unturned, Unturned top 10, Unturned Useless Items, Item guide, Unturned countdown, Item, Ranking, Vanilla analysis, Unturned Ghillie, Unturned brick structure, Unturned syringe, Shot, Pointless, Redundant, Nelson Please, Unturned fanart, Controversial, Kill Wilkins
Id: iu05KJp78b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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