Unturned 3.0 ➤ SURVIVAL GUIDE - How To Build A Base, Base Building, Storage, Crafting [Part 3]

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welcome back to the unturned 3.0 Survival Guide video series my name is ntek and I make all kinds of different videos for untorn specifically multiplayer gameplay as well as survival guides for the game and in the last few episodes what we've been doing is kind of walking you through starting out in the game what everything means what the markers in the bottom left-hand corner mean how to craft how to get more ammo how to find military loot how to get geared out and get started and survive in this game that is the ultimate goal is to survive and be the best that you can be now in the last episode I don't know if it's the first or second one we were gathering cloth to make a bedroll and let's talk about this first because this is probably the most foundational thing about your base because what this a lot I can get rid of those what this allows for you to do is have a respawn point so when you place down your bed you can claim it as your own and then if you were to die you can either respawn randomly somewhere in the world or respawn at home which is like your bedroll your home base so you want to put down a bed roll in your base and you want to protect your base as well so if you're playing on your surface solo series by yourself you know you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as zombies don't wreck your base you're going to be fine but players will try to raid you and try to kill you and so having a very secure base is very important now what I'm going to do is in this episode is build a very basic base and then maybe the next episode will show you how to make a metal base and everything that goes into that so in this video I'm going to show you how to make storage how to put down your bed how to make foundations walls pillars all that stuff it's going to be a very basic video that covers all of those things but it's going to be very vital to those who maybe have never played this game before and they don't really know what they're doing so first and foremost let's talk about a couple of different tools that we have so we have axes that you can find you can find a fire X you can find a camp ax camp axes are good for cutting down trees fire axes are good for breaking barricades so they're like good raiding tools saws can be used to cut up cut up logs you have chainsaw which is just a more efficient way to cut down a tree which is when I recommend you trying to find because it can you know cut down things pretty quickly and so your going to need these things in order to make a base saunas are very important so you don't have to spend a lot of time doing various things which we'll talk about here in a bit but for the basic aspect of your base what we need to do first is cut down a tree so I'm right here by the military base is kind of where I've been conducting operations and so I'm gonna build I'm just going to build a base right here just for the sake of the video and we're going to talk about various other things anyway that have to do with very survival things around here anyway so I think this would be a pretty good place to start and now first and foremost when it comes to base design there's various different things that you can do to make a better base but when it comes to base location it's very important where you build because you don't want to build like right where I am on a multiple your server because someone's going to find your base immediately and rate it and knock it down and destroy it and make your life a miserable miserable time so what you probably want to do is find a place that's like kind of on the outskirts so like maybe up by Cape Rock you've got up by the Belfast Airport you can build out onto the water which we're going to cover all these different base designs stuff not in this video but in videos to come corn island Owens Island Kensington campground Holmen Island all great places to build bases and then you know if you find a better place that's like kind of hidden or something like that or maybe you just want to make like a one-room thing to store Zach raiding or something like that you can also do that but for this video we're going to build right here now this is like I said is not the greatest location to build but we're gonna build here anyway so the first thing you need to do find a tool whether it be an axe or a chainsaw you can use other things but these are the most efficient so let's go ahead and cut this tree down and you'll see just how quickly you can cut down a tree with a chainsaw so we're going to go ahead we're just going to gather the logs first and foremost and now another thing to keep in mind too is that now in 3.0 there are various types of trees that you that you can cut down and so you can't mix and match like birch with maple and pine or something like that it has to be one specific kind in order to build certain things and I'll show you what I mean by that so let's go ahead and we'll just cut down this one too just to kind of ministry at that point because trees trees now matter in terms of like what you can use with them so this this is another thing to keep in mind what color do you want your base to be do you want it to be wine do you want to be a lighter brown or darker brown because if you build a white base people are probably going to easily be able to see that and find you although you could you know depending on the map I guess camouflage your base with like a tent or something like that I don't know but you could do various different things but it's very important to keep that in mind as well so let's go ahead we'll go to our building and so you can see that we now have the ability to build birch and pine and we can't combine them to make this you know makes like one thing or something like that we can have like a mix-and-match thing it has to be one specific color but you could mix and match the colors of a base too if you didn't care and so for this video though I'm gonna try to keep my base pine I think so let's go ahead and get rid of these birch and actually I need to find some ghillie clothes or something so I can have more so there may be some cargo pants so I can have more space this is taking quite a while here I think my yeah my chainsaw is starting to degrade so we might have to repair that that's going to be an issue all right so we've got some pine logs and that's all I can carry we've got some pine logs and so the first thing we need to do is build a foundation I don't need all of these max actually let's see let me fill let me fill these Maggs up I'm gonna go ahead and just drop that one it's not going to make a whole lot of difference but it's going to make me happier to just have more space so we don't want to go to craft and now we that we have all these pine logs we can make some stuff go to craft go to structures and there's also bear cage which we could make a campfire we could also you know repair stuff if we need to and there's various makeshift things like right here you can make a plank which we'll talk about in the in the future but for now we're going to structures and so you can see we have the ability to build doorway pine floor pine garage pine hole pine pillars host ramparts ramp stairs roofs and so what we're going to do first is build a pine floor into just click one time and you now get this and it takes um your wood and you can build this now if you see this green right here so you know it's kind of in the side of the hill right here you can't necessarily put down pillars on every single corner if it's in the hill like that what you probably want to do is get a little bit of elevation and then maybe build off like this right here so it's a little bit more flat because we're going to be able to still use this corner I believe and so I want this just for now to be a 4x4 because we're going to build stairs and stuff as well a 4x4 area so I'm going to need some more some more logs to complete this so we're just making pine floors with what we have right now and we're going to continue to cut down some trees I might run out of just my can I pick that up ok probably caused a glitch down the hill I could always spawn in another chainsaw which I'll just tell you this much tools team saws hammers things like that can be found at various construction sites around the area you might be able to find them on the shipyard too but I think I might maybe for the sake of the video spawn some in just spawn it in but at the same time like this is supposed to be a survival series so that's kind of cheating so maybe I went to that so we've got our 4x4 floor here now in order to build walls or windows or doors or whatever we need to have pillars down they could be whatever color we wanted them to be but we're going to use we're going to continue to use pine because that's what we to win in and pillars once I get along here you can see how much pillars take to make sometimes they don't fall how you think they're going to fall if falling way out here clicking everything making everything problematic so pillars as you can see it says eight of three of eight logs I only need three to build so pine pillars so we're going to make a bunch of these we need a lot more logs than that and so we're going to just go through and make all these pillars and get everything set up and go from there so you also want to think about where you want your door to be and you know it's also important to think about just like the structural design of the of the base and how you want it to be so you can you know prevent against people raiding it or you know people walking out so if you were to build on the water you can build like one platform one row going out and then build your base out on the water and then you have like one entrance into your base and you can easily defend that you know what I mean and so that is something you could keep in mind now another thing you could do is make a crate which I'll just show you here that I just made a bunch of planks and so if we were to go to the barricade option now that we have these planks and what I did was essentially just took my saw plus logs and made planks and we can also take the saws and cut and sawed and cut that cut those planks up to make sticks we're not going to do that yet and you can see that I can make a pawning crate with three sticks and seven planks and so I need one more plank and I can just go and can't pick that up for some reason get a bunch of these sticks and let's see I could also make a birch crate let's go ahead and cut down another pine over here also actually I think I can yeah I can get sticks to make a plank so let's just pick up all these sticks we'll just get all these sticks also another thing to keep in mind too is that when you're cutting down trees you can get experience from that and so you can actually continue to upgrade your skills if you want to and so now we have enough to make a crate in creature storage you can use crates to store your various items you can also make metal lockers which are which can lock and you can store stuff in there but it's a limited capacity so a crate is accessible to anybody so you want to definitely make sure you hide that keep it secure do whatever you can to protect it if you're storing stuff in it because then it can be very important so I'm just going to go ahead and I'm going to store some of my stuff in this so that I can carry a little bit more this chainsaw is pretty much degraded so I'm gonna have to repair that and so I'm going to equip my axe now and let's just go ahead and we're going to store in all this crap because we don't need this right now and we could probably even store this in now since let's go ahead and put down our bed so like I said beds can be claimed use this respawn points but they're also very important because if your biggest butt bed gets destroy your base gets raided then you can't respawn there then by the time you get back your base somebody could have completely wiped you out and so it's very important to hide this or put it into a spot that is not accessible like what we like to do sometimes is make like a hole that leads to another compartment and that we put our beds down in and then we get rid of the ladder so they can't get up into it it's a it's a little bit of a tactic but I mean sometimes it doesn't work out because people the people we play with are catching on so we put our bed roll done and we can hit F to claim it and then now you can see that it says unclaimed which means that we've claimed this this is our respawn point if we die we'll spawn right back here so now that we got more space actually can put those binaries in there too I'm just going to try to clear up a bunch of space if I can and that should be good I think for space we can even put we can even put this stuff in there - yeah there we go so we got a lot more space we can work out we can make get a whole lot more logs and continue building our base that way all right so we took a quick little trip into town I repaired my chainsaw completely I had to hop off real fast so the server shut down so things have reset so we're going to continue to build the base now I do apologize for the first part of this video because it was a little disorganized but I was going along I was thinking of different things that I wanted to talk about and so that's kind of why it seemed the way seemed as disorganized as did so we're going to continue to finish off this base here and we're going to talk about some various other things so we've got the crate built we got our things stored we've got our sleeping bag down that's a respawn point and now we just need to make to fix this completely up now just so you guys do know the chainsaw it takes for scrap metal to repair and that's it and so if you find a car to blow up like I did then you should probably be able to get all the scrap metal you need from just one car but also you know another good thing about Albertan is that there's the dock there and so you can find some scrap metal occasionally on the dock too which is also pretty pretty good and so let's see we can get a lot more than that some of these sometimes there's a glitch where the logs will roll down roll down the hill and when they do that you can't pick them up so if you ever encounter what I'm encountering right now that's exact that's what's happening just so you know I wonder if these are landing the same way because it looked like that that log was inside that tree again some of these logs are just dropping in kind of random locations and I can't pick them up which is unfortunate so we're just getting a bunch of pine here chainsaws make things way easier I can show you kind of the difference between a chainsaw note and an axe too but basically it takes like I don't know how many swings of 11 swings or something like that to take down a tree find you a little bit more tough so they can take a little bit longer now like I said you do get experience when you cut these down so you can put these into your skills and so I'm going to go ahead and probably continue to do that and vitality so I don't have to eat or drink as much and I can add a lot of energy as much when I'm running yeah we'll have this base up built before we before even know what's happening we could make more crates and stuff if we want to but I think I'm good with what I have right now and keep in mind like I said people can break those and/or they have access to them whereas with metal lockers you can build metal lockers and those have a locking system on them so you can't actually break into them through just like walking up and taking stuff out of them all right so we've got more here we can go ahead and create more of these how many more minions okay I think that's enough so we'll go ahead and just put these down on the corners because what we're going to basically do here is put down a door put down a window and then SMN also make stairs so you can see what that looks like and in order to make a stair you need to actually have another central pillar here so let's go ahead and make another one but you do not need pillars to make roofs essentially you just well you would need I think one for one location and then you don't have to have one after that and so as you can see this pillar is going through the grass here like I talked about so let's go ahead and let's may let's see what we can make we can't make anything else we can make a doorway so let's go ahead and make our doorway and we're going to put that let's put that down right here up along the grass we can just run in and we don't have to kind of jump so put this down right here now like I said it is important to think about the design of your base and how protected you want it to be from people you don't want people just running up now this probably isn't the best place for this but that's what I'm going to use for now you can always make another one I move that later you can see how fast durability on the chainsaw goes down and it goes down pretty quick I mean 67% of a couple of trees and I'm also you can see I'm losing health and I'm eating my food and drink and you can actually use these berries right here to crush them up and make crush berries but I think these will provide you food and drink back but they will give you like a trip they will make you like freak out so see I'll just show you what that looks like well we'll have it for a little bit so you can see it can gather these and then I can go into where is it on this one crush these and I can make them and I can consume these these are actually pretty good because they do restore some food and drinking but they give you like this effect and so you know keep that in mind might not be the best thing to to eat if you don't want to experience this but the good thing is is that it doesn't last long while this is inverted for me right now that is a little difficult to use to to move around I guess I could make maple too it doesn't have to be all palm up palm pine tree because they're similar colors so that this this won't last very long and I hope that it isn't because it's make messing me up having to being inverted like this it's pretty difficult yeah well here you go this is what berries do dia the effective berries to the next tree so the next step we'll make will discuss like the various things that you can use to make like a second level well we should first probably there we go you should first probably do the doorway at the the window and the walls so let's just complete our first floor and then we'll move on to the second floor and we can also like I said in the future we can discuss various base designs so base security things like that and just kind of walk you through various designs that you could try to build on a multiple your server that could maybe let your base last for at least enough time to go out and Ray to town keep it undefended then come back and kill her was trying to get into your base because it can happen pretty quickly or just kind of discuss you know various ways to maybe make a massively awesome base on on solo player so let's go ahead and we'll head into the base and we'll complete the walls and stuff and then also you can let's go actually first before we do that let's go to craft and let's go to is it's it's there it is this this is kind of getting hard for me to keep track of let's make a campfire campfires are you know good for cooking stuff on but currently animals aren't in the game so you can really cook meat but they're they're they're good for light and stuff like that they're pretty they're pretty good resources to have and then let's go ahead and make the okay let's make one window let's see where is it here it is let's make a maple window and let's put this let's put this right here just just for the signal so this is what a window looks like currently there are no shutters in the game there were shutters in 2.0 it would close so you could put barricades in the window to protect it that way alright so I ran back into town and I had to go get some scrap metal so I got a whole bunch of it here we're going to store this away because in order to make a door we actually need a scrap metal and so we need scrap metal we need playing so it took the song and I cut up the planks the logs into planks and then we have our scrap metal and then we can make a maple door or pine door whatever you want to make it and so I need some more maple logs first though to be able to make this door sorry this video is a little disorganized it's just because you think of things as you go along and I didn't want to like spawn a bunch of stuff in and then have you know when I sit there and spawn stuff in and I'm going to show you how to make things and so you know because that's not very beneficial to you guys and so let's go ahead and we're going to make a another plank maple plank and now if we go to our barricade you can see we can make a maple door so now we're going to go and take this door and we're going to put it on our doorway and then we'll have a way to get into our base now you can make various types of doors you can make metal doors jail doors vault doors and you can have more security that way so this is our door and if we hit F you can see it opens up F closes it simple as that this is basically what a shutter was but it's not in yet so doors are good for security what indoors can be opened by anybody so keep that in mind metal doors are locked and so it's only open to you or your group and so metal doors are definitely the way to go wooden doors provide a basic element of protection but don't really offer you that much and so let's go ahead and just make the rest of our walls here wall sir towards the bottom those are ramparts here the walls so we're just going to make a bunch of walls I think that it's probably more than what I need but maybe not actually actually it's probably not enough but looks of it and it's as simple as that so we need some more we need a couple more for a wall we'll just continue on with our pine just we've got pine trees galore over here so you can see making a base is very very easy but it can take a little bit of time to actually make a base and I think most people especially on public multiplayer servers will start with a very basic small little shack essentially so that they can have at least some kind of protection you know because you're going to have people coming at you pretty quickly so here we go we have our base constructed the bottom floor at least and so you can see like I said making base very easy there's various elements that go into it you know you do need tools change this chainsaw actually we don't need to repair this it'll just take longer to cut down stuff but it stood still work and so you know you don't really need to ever repair this I shouldn't probably repair necks I didn't necessarily need it because you can see it just takes a little bit longer but we can still do it and so now what I'm going to do is actually make stairs and so there's a couple various things you could do you can make a ramp which what a ramp does essentially is make just a an angled walkway that would go from here up to here and so you'd have to build another walkway on the outside but if you build stairs which some people might not like I built hit control to do anything it some people might not like she'd like this as much because it's you can't like walk you can't walk off the side completely like right here you see but it essentially just allows you to go up here now it kind of is unfortunate because I was going to use some that to make a ramp I mean a make a roof but we have an extra stair so I'm just gonna go ahead and drop that and let's go out and get some more wood and then we're gonna I'm going to make some moves and I'll show you how to do that and essentially what roofs will allow you to do is complete a second level and officially you don't have to do it this way but this is this is just a very basic look at making a base so it's not doesn't have to be perfect or anything do I have enough I wonder let's see you can pick that up can't pick that up so let's go to where the roofs right here so we need a couple more to finish this at least a couple more Long's and we get to go and I think that's enough actually yeah okay so if we go to inventory now equip our roof and like I said this doesn't you don't need a net a pillar to like you don't have to have a pillar to put this down you can have something like this like a like a stairway that does need four pillars and then you can just build off the corner and complete the roof like this so now you can see that we have a secondary secondary floor and we have a staircase going up to the second floor now another thing to keep in mind too is that if you build your base let's say you're trying to build on a metal or something like that I'd be harder to push down people with advanced skills could jump up on onto here and so you know this might not be a security thing because like if it's just off a little bit you can have people who can like kind of do that super jump up there and so that could be an issue and so here we go we've got our we've got a very basic base built usually I generally try to put my my bed rolls on the top level so people you know so it's harder for people to get through they have to go through a bunch of doors or a bunch of walls or something to get to it you could also hide like a bedroll behind a wall and then have like a hole right here that's got a ladder so you can climb them up out of just there's some more advanced things that we could talk about and like I said I really apologize for this video being so disorganized but like that's kind of the nature of making videos sometimes you don't exactly know what you're going to talk about until you get until you get into it and then you realize you're like dang I should have talked about that first and you know that's just kind of how things go so that is a look at how to make a very basic base in unturned the tools that are needed how to make a crate how to make bed rolls how to make a campfire it's it's it's not too hard but it does require some some tools to do this so you can make a base without it you can make a base without a chainsaw or without an axe or without us all you can make a base without those things you need a lot of wood to do it and it could take you a long time but it is possible to do and so that I think it's going to be it for this video guys I'm going to wrap it up right there hopefully you guys have enjoyed this we're going to come back later in another video and talk a little bit more about the like advanced based base designs and things like that check back for the next survival guide is we're going to cover some more aspects of unturned some things that will be very important hopefully you guys have enjoyed this thanks for watching if you're new to the channel feel free to click that subscribe button and if you liked the video make sure to click that like button we'll see you guys next time you
Channel: eNtaK
Views: 329,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unturned, unturned gameplay, unturned guide, unturned tutorial, unturned multiplayer, unturned survival, unturned first impressions, unturned basics, unturned noob, unturned beginner, unturned lets play, unturned let's play, unturned part 1, unturned crafting, unturned best skills
Id: IDbpBf1cGwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2015
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