How to get the NEW LASER GUNS! (Secret Underwater Bunker in Unturned)

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yo what's up guys it's p9 back and again and welcome to any video and in today's video I am going to show you how you can find the how I call an energy guns or the focus guns however you want to call them so the first thing you want to do is you want to travel towards this location here I'm on this small island all the way in the bottom right here this is where you can find the energy guns and once you're on this island there's not really much that's just like three trees a bush and this is the bank are already so let me tell you this bunker is amazed so I don't recommend go straight to multiplayer and try this all because you will die you will literally drown no matter how much diving skills you have if you have a diving tank doesn't matter it's it's a freaking mace you want to practice this first so what you need is to definitely want to get a diving tank and max diving skills so you don't really need a snorkel snorkel just to have a better vision so I can show it to you better like a smoker it's not really quiet same with the wetsuit this is just like cosmetic for now but you need to have a diving tank so let me show you step by step how to get them so pretty much those energy guns they are in the very very bottom of this bunker they're on all the way at the end of this bunker and I'm not exaggerating if I tell you it's complicated so first of all what can you find in this bunker you can pretty much find a range of ammo Ranger attachments Ranger guns also some of the new guns you can pretty much find all of them in this bunker so let's go ahead and let me show you step for step how to get to those guns so pretty much this entire bunker got flooded and we have to swim through everything so don't have unlimited time as I said if you don't have a diving tank you would just die before you even get there so the first thing you want to do if you get down here the first thing you want to do is you want to jump down all right and you want to turn around here and you go right okay this is like a whole maze like I said then you go left then you go right again and you go down here like I said please don't do it at multiplayer first practice it so once you in this room that's like the first room you should often this vent that was like a vent here you super map here you go all the way over here then if you see those two paths you just go straight and you swim down again right once you hear you have to go left that's like a bigger area it's like a big hole here you pretty much follow this way then there's a door to the left there and there's a path to the right you won't take the right one here and you pretty much go straight and then you take the second left so this would be the first left and this is the second of course you can loot every single room and get like get yourself some gear like this Cobras idea but I want to show you how to get those energy guns and what you want to do here is you don't want to go right you want to go left which is pretty much you swim up here and now you go this one okay you see that's like those holsters or pictures or whatever you want to go here and then you take this left as well and voila we're there so as you can see this like a focused weapons system research laboratory or something and as you can see from the first focus curve in here I can also find ammo like here energy cells I can actually I could equip it right now but I don't have to flash and everything on it so um actually know what let's equip that one then so I can show you that bad boy it's pretty cool actually and then we have this one it's a weapon range and there's actually a way higher chance for a gun to spawn like over here or here as you can see this like an energy so now we can take this focus revenue we've found pretty much to focus guns go to energy guns which is pretty good which is pretty good I usually find one here if I go down here but yeah this is pretty much it so to go back you pretty much have to do the exact opposite which is kind of complicated and to be honest even I struggle with that you can of course loot the whole area again but let me try so if you see this wooden pallets here you go right okay and you pretty much go back the whole so once you hear what is it like oh I'd see that that's that's where I start to struggle alright there we go I found it so if you see that wood pellets you here and then you go down here it's pretty complicated but like I said I have a map without water so you can show to you better how how to get out again you follow this path get up here you just followed followed followed and then you go here this is where you had to take the second left right then you just follow the way here I actually like the energy guns they're really cool I like it I love it then you go over here you swim up then you go straight right as we can see we are very half way through our oxygen then you take this one and you get up here and pretty much this should be almost it there you go and this is how to get out again you can climb up at the I was about to say like I was kind of worried okay there we go you can climb up and this is how to get the new energy guns guys as I said I'm gonna go on a map without water and the map has like red lines to where to go I would also put the link in the description shout-out to Silurian who made this map for me if you want to go ahead and download it do it you can practice it on this map pretty much it's just a bunker without water and with letters and stuff it's really easy and let's jump into that map so this is the workshop map you can find in the description it's pretty much friends what you want to do as soon as you spawn you do at teleport la be lab this brings it would see as you can see there's no water here is pretty much removed and yeah here you can pretty much practice the way inside the bunker like to the very bottom and outside again so you pretty much just follow the red line here you just follow it and you kind of you know you kind of practice too - okay you kind of try to just remember what to go can you shoot this up yeah you can actually you can't actually jump up there so what you want to do is just this okay very simple and what I also comment is you pretty much get a notepad or a sheet of paper or something and actually note down want to turn when to you know go left when to go right like those laser guns like they are they're really good like they are so effective like we've done at 24 men hoary Pekin with it and we actually melt on the average like every zombie like I don't know 10 minutes and everyone that knows something about this game knows at a 24 men who are peeking is yeah the zombies they're quite strong huh oh yeah you pretty much just follow the road so this is basically the way to get those energy guns this is as far as I know the only way holy bro as a healthy three so yeah as you can see you can find pretty good stuff you can also find our rocket launchers microwaves all I could stop and this is where you going shows like an arrow this is let me let me see if I can be as lucky and find two guns again Oh actually yeah the rifle this for a different energy guns but this time there's no gun in this room now for more ammo and every single gun takes the same a most pretty much as energy sets which is also pretty convenient means that if you have a gun you don't need the exact mo a magazine you've pretty much just need an energy cell and yeah then you just go the way back again to get Oregon as you can see you can explore even more you can loot even more that's like tons of stuff you can loot it's like huge that's hiker Ranger box it's it's a really good way to get loot honestly on this map like I said all you need is pretty much a diving tank another Matamoros and Matamoros box yeah it's really good alright guys now that we know what to find those guns I want to show you guys how much damage they did so I have every single gun here I want to show you what arrange these gun sells so I have to focus rifle here and it looks like the focus rifle has 200 meter range so I'm gonna try to shoot so I'm gonna try to shoot my view ganda here in the limbs and the body and in the head to see how much damage are they dear first of all in the limp so this that's 20% damage so then I'm gonna shoot him in the body here so body is minus 27% and hat and hat is minus 40% so next we have to focus prototype I'm gonna shoot him again so the range is 200 meters well it looks like I'm gonna shoot him in the limb so that's minus 21 percent body but is minus 28 percent and head had this - 39 percent the next gun is the focus carbine and it looks like it has a 100 meter range so I'm gonna shoot him again in the leg first that leads 18 percent damage buddy-buddies man is 24 percent and hat head is minus 34 percent last but not least we have the focus DMR which is like a complete you can compare to Sabretooth pretty much it's like a like a auto sniper let's see it has a 250 meter range ah let's see like first like it's minus 30% body but it's minus 40% and hat is I'm assuming 50 percent or 60 had this - 55 percent exactly in the middle so pretty much one hat like to headshot and you that boy and it has 40 shots this is pretty good by the way guys if you want to join my new semi vanilla server the IP will be in the description France semi vanilla 2 times load finally up make sure to join and yeah I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you have make sure to leave a like comment what you think is it too hard to get there is it easy is it balanced let me know what you think about the loot spawns down here and subscribe with notifications on if you haven't yet this is very important so you get notified when I upload new videos because you don't want to miss out on those and see you guys in the next video by [Music]
Channel: P9nda
Views: 166,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: p9nda, p9army, unturned, 3.0, gameplay, baseraid, base, raid, pvp, survival, unturned bunker, unturned secret, unturned france secret, unturned france energy guns, unturned france focus guns, unturned laser guns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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