Untold Truth About TITHING | @vladhungrygen

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i want to speak today a message that we  as pastors do not like to talk about but   i think it's very important untold biblical truth  about tithing untold biblical truth about giving   i believe that i have not preached a  message like this before at hungary chan   i am really excited for it today christmas season  is a time of giving when the wise men came and   they gave their gifts even though jesus was no  longer and a little baby he was already in the   house not in a manger and but still the idea of  gift giving is very very christ-like now for those   people who may be watching or maybe you're coming  here and your idea of should why christians are   celebrating christmas we shouldn't be celebrating  christians christmas because it's a pagan holiday   it is a pagan holiday in its origin okay why are  we celebrating christmas because it's not a pagan   practice of what christmas celebrates today unlike  halloween that has pagan roots halloween has also   a pagan practice not just roots we're celebrating  christmas not because we're ignoring the pagan   roots it's because of what it practices now  the songs are about christ the songs are about   his birth and anything that can expose the  world to more of jesus we're up for it amen if halloween would have had pagan origins  and celebrated life love peace thanksgiving   eating turkey everybody dressing up real nice like  they do it for the wedding i will be the first   person to join on the board but because it doesn't  present that where it originated and christmas   does it celebrates something about christ the  world sings about you go to the mall and you   hear about mary did you know by the way she did  know so just want to answer that question and   uh but you hear joy to the world you hear christ  is born you hear deliverance and so when we hear   like that when i walk in the mall i know most of  these people they don't even know christ they sing   the songs because it's it's the holiday cheer for  them it's about santa and reindeer but honestly   when i hear the name of jesus song in our malls  in our gyms it gives my heart joy i'm like man   i'm for that that's this is so awesome we need to  make christmas great again come on somebody amen merry christmas statistics says that more than one   in four americans protestants gave only zero  dollars during a year to a local church so one   in four americans in christian protestants gave  zero a year from 1968 to 2005 giving to protestant   churches declined from 3.1 percent of income to  2.6 of income of an average regular churchgoer   compared to those who say they're christians but  rarely attend give six percent of their acts after   tax income pretty much overall giving drops  in average protestant churches christians life   the medium the median annual giving for the  christian is two hundred dollars just over half   a percent of their after tax income mormons give  more than seven times more the amount of money as   compared to their income than catholics  about 27 percent of evangelicals give away   10 or more of their income so in about a  room of this size about 27 percent of people   from evangelical background give 10 or more  about 5 percent of christians provide 60   of money to churches and religious groups  20 of all christians give 80 of all giving   so 20 of christians are responsible for  80 to 86 of all giving that comes to   local churches or charities among the protestants  10 of evangelicals 28 of mainline folk and 33   percent of fundamentalists and 40 percent  of liberal protestants gave nothing now   and i can go on more and more but i'm gonna leave  and what would what would have happened if all the   christians would have donated in fact i'll read  this christian smith a psychiatrist an expert   on american christianity says if we estimate  that if we committed if committed christians   in the united states gave 10 of their after  tax income fully but no one no more than 10   so just 10 every committed christian would just  make a commitment to give 10 of their income   this would provide extra 46 billion per year of  resources to which to fund needs and priorities   here are some of the things this money could  improve in christianity around the world 150   000 new missionaries and pastors in nations most  closed to foreign religious workers would open   it would triple the resources being  spent by all christians and bible   translating printing distributing to provide  bibles to native languages of the 2737 remaining people groups currently  without bible translations   we pretty much will eliminate  people not having bibles   we would finance the organizational infrastructure  of major christian research and advocacy   organizing fighting against contemporary economic  and sexual slavery worldwide we will quadruple the   total resources being spent by all christians  globally to evangelize the world five million so we will develop five million micro enterprise  economic development projects in poor countries   worldwide we would have one million new clean  water well drilling projects per year in the   poorest nations we would treat and prevent malaria  worldwide we would provide food clothing and   shelter to all six million five hundred  thousand current refugees in all asia africa   and middle east we will quadruple the  budget budget of habitat for humanity   the budget of world division which serves 100  million people in 96 countries we would sponsor 20   million needed children worldwide providing the  food education and healthcare we will quadruple   global christian medical missions work we would  provide financial and debt management training   to 200 000 u.s christians per year who  are currently in debt pretty much if   christians would just do bare minimum with  the law in the old testament says the amount   that this could contribute to the well-being of  the world honestly would be staggering like one   of the things that you have to understand about  hungary gen is we're embarking more and more on   helping other churches helping other missions  where we've taken a church in vietnam under our   covering financially to sponsor and to help 100  percent of hungary gen budget goes to the missions some of it goes to tri-state's missions some  of it goes to when we go to conferences when we   we're going to launch churches next year the  internships everything is missional in its focus   when we help the local people that are in need  when we help also with missions when we help   with all of these things it goes to the world  so let's go now into the untold truth about   biblical tithing here are four things you need to  know about what the bible teaches about tithing   number one the first mention of tithing had to  do in response to god's victory when abraham gave   first time 10 it's interesting that we don't know  and nobody knows for sure where did abraham learn   about the principle of giving 10 there was no  local church there was this king named melchizedek   who is symbol of jesus christ in the new  testament abraham goes and gets this huge victory   with his army and with his band of people that  he was with and then afterwards the bible says   that abraham tithe 10 the first mention of tithing  is the tithing of response to god's faithfulness   which i believe the real reason why  many of us tithe we say god thank you   and we're not buying anything we're  being we're expressing our gratefulness   so the first mention of tithing 500 years before  the commandments it was abraham saying god i   acknowledge you as the source of my victory the  second truth about tithing or the second way of   tithing was done it was a way of promising god two  tithes when i get a breakthrough now jacob was the   grandson of abraham and jacob did not tithe on the  credit card which is something i want to mention   okay there are people who get so fired up about  tithing that they tithe on their credit card   that's not wise now i'm not going to stop  you if you're going to do that because if   you buy your shoes and everything on the credit  card you decide to tie it on the credit card   good for you god bless you but it's  not scriptural and it's also not wise   jacob is broke like a joke he has nothing to  his name he's sleeping in front of the sky he   gets the vision of god he sees the staircase  of heaven he sees god and his house is called   bethel which is where he was sleeping he slept  on the rock which there's a revelation there   you know jacob went to sleep on the rock delilah  went to sleep on the lap of the la samson went to   sleep on the lap of delilah one woke up with the  haircut the other one woke up with a revelation   come on somebody and so jacob goes to sleep on  the rock and there he sees the vision of god and   jacob wakes up he's like man this is the house of  god this is church somebody and you know and the   first thing that jacob says instead of saying man  i'm going to sign my kids for the kids ministry   i'm going to enroll to serve where's the planning  center app you know you would think like hey when   is the next church service and the first thing  jacob says is god the moment i got anything in my   pocket or in my bank i'm gonna give you 10 that's  weird i'm like i want you to see the connection   church and he's saying the moment i get  anything god i'm going to give 10 percent   no commandments yet no law no moses no coming  with two tablets none of this stuff this guy   has a vision of god in the sleep vision of the  house of god wakes up and his first response   the moment i got something the moment i get  something in my wallet in my bank account the   moment i get my first paycheck i promise to give  god and to thank him maybe that's where you're at   you broke but you got a revelation you're in the  house today you're like man i'm in the house of   god but i ain't got a job i'm going through a very  difficult time you can make tithing as a promise   it could be a response like abraham or it could  be as a promise like jacob truth number three   is the law of tithing now the law of tithing  was something that when moses took to israel   out of egypt they went to the mountain and  god came in the mountain and gave moses   the commandments now a lot of these commandments  let's be honest they were not given to america   they were given to the nation of israel a  lot of these commandments had to do with   real estate they had to do with how to treat your  employees how to treat the land boundaries it's   pretty much like a like a code for living  as a nation and one of these commandments   was also tithing what many people don't understand  is that there was not one tithe there was three   there was three ties in the law of moses the first  tithe was to support the levites and the priests   god said you would bring the first of your crops  pretty much like the the first ten percent of what   you're making and that would help to maintain put  to keep the lights on in the tabernacle levites   you know and the priests these guys actually did  not work all they did was to kind of worship pray   cut videos and upload stuff on youtube and so all  they did were they were working at the tabernacle   for the things of god and god's like hey i gotta  keep these people so they can keep their families   fed and have the roof over their house so  that ten percent of everybody's israelites   went to maintain the work that was happening  at the tabernacle but there was one more tithe   god was requiring of them and that is this tithe  was to be spent on their travel to the festivals   that israel had in fact i'm going to read this  because many christians don't realize there was   more than one tithe by israelites required by god  deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 22 says the following   you shall truly tithe all the increase of your  grain that the fields produce year by year and   you shall eat before the lord your god in the  place where he chooses to make his name abide the   tithe of your grain and of your new wine and your  oil of the firstborn of your hurts and of your   flocks that you may learn to fear the lord your  god always but if the journey is too long for you   so that you're not able to carry the tithe they  didn't have like ups and fedex at the time and   if the place where the lord your god chooses to  put his name is too far from you when the lord   your god has blessed you then you shall exchange  it for money and take the money in your hand and   go to the place which the lord your god chooses  and you shall spend that money on whatever your   heart desires man wow for oxen for sheep for wine  for similar drinks for whatever your heart desires   you shall eat there before the lord your god and  you shall rejoice you and your household so the   first tithe was you're bringing to the temple to  keep the lights on the second tithe is god says   hey i want you to come and celebrate this feast  but i want you to actually spend your second tithe   in a way of celebrating my goodness and if the  journey is too far to where you're supposed to   come where the temple is then take your  oxen your sheep your goats your horses   everything as your tithe go to the market  sell them get the money get an airline ticket   fly to that place i'm using the modern terminology  they did not have airlines during that time   get there and then take that money and this is  what god says i want you to go buy in the market   anything you like and bring that food all of  that good stuff while you having this feast   spend it on hotel tip the waiter do all of this  stuff and your spending is celebrating me and   rejoicing in my presence so you can always tie  twice you can tied once to the church second   time you can bring your tithe and just spend  it at the church coffee shop i'm just kidding   this is old testament okay this is not i see the  coffee shop team is like yes yes this is the bible   but we have to start providing breakfast then not  just coffee shop if we bring this law back but i'm   talking about the old testament law okay i'm not  saying this is what we need to do i'm just giving   you an example of what they did the third tithe  that people will require to bring as new testament   people in covenant with god this tithe was 10  every 10 years excuse me every three years so   10 every three years let's let's read this where  the bible says in deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 28   at the end of every third year you shall bring  out the tithe of your produce of that year   and stood it up within your gates and the levite  because he has no portion nor inheritance with you   and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow  who are within your gates may come and eat and be   satisfied that the lord your god may bless you in  all the work your hand which you do so the first   tithe went to pay the bills at the temple the  second tithe went in on your travel to the feasts   and you would spend there with your  family feasting rejoicing celebrating god   and the third tithe god says i want  you to give this one every three years   ten percent so each year it would equal to three  point three percent you would set apart you can   set apart either each year three 3.3 percent  or just every three years you set extra 10   apart and they had this like community almost like  a place where you would bring that food you will   bring those resources for the immigrants for the  poor and for the people in your community to eat   of your tithe including the levite if whatever  was provided to him at the temple was not enough   he can come in almost like a like a world relief  almost like a food bank almost like this place   like a welfare for a community and guess who was  paying for that not the government the people so   so pretty much to say in the old testament  the tithing wasn't 10 it was 23.3 percent   each israel israelite would give so mormons  are a lot more closer to that than we   because their standard is 20 not 10. so but that  was the law of tithing so this wasn't just 10   burning to the temple it was also taking 10 to  spend on my travel to the temple celebrating   the goodness of god and every three years  i would give 10 to the widow to the orphan   to the fatherless to the immigrant and to a  refugee somebody that struggled and needed help   and that's what tithing was instituted number four  truth about tithing is jesus talking about tithing   jesus mentioned tithing twice we see  this in matthew chapter 23 verse 23   and in luke chapter 18 verse 12 and in both of  those instances he corrected legalistic abuse of   tithing jesus didn't endorse it or discredited  he simply corrected legalistic abuse of tithing   pharisees were so focused  and make sure they give 10   that they ignored other important things and jesus  came and said guys you're missing the whole point   he says something that is more important than just  giving your ten percent it's how you treat people   he didn't stop the tithing nor did he preach  about it as often as pastors preached today he would say man but if the way i'm going  to preach speak the way i'm speaking about   tithing today my goal is not to get you to  give more so i want you to just those of you   who already the moment i mentioned were tithing  your defenses went up and you became like jericho   like close securely you can open up i'm not  after your money plus if you make a decision not   to give there is no one in heaven or on earth  they will take what's yours except the devil so just just just i want you just relax because   i see something you're like  you're stiff you're looking like you're not taking anything i'm not gonna i'm  gonna preach the truth of what god teaches   amen so does tithing apply to us today four things i believe tithing misses four  things or four truths where i believe   tithing falls short where i believe that  christians should not focus on tithing   four first one tithing was really a response of  the nation of israel to god who delivered them   from egypt what christians have  is we have god who died for us   like he didn't deliver us by killing an  animal he delivered us by letting his son die   like the comparison if i continue these  guys responded to a god who went crushing   egypt killed killed the lamb and got him out from  one country to another i have a god and a covenant   where he let his son die for me so for me to  just take that i'm just going to do what they do   like my response is different because what god  revealed to me is different i'm not celebrating   a god who gave a lamb i celebrate a god who  gave his son so i see tithing misses that yeah abraham got you know a victory you  know what i got like a victory over sin   hell and death and grave yeah jacob had a  revelation of the staircase actually i know   who that staircase is it's jesus christ so  i believe that the tithing misses the point   because it was under an inferior law inferior  covenant it was under an inferior response what   i have is it's mind-blowing it's crazy the second  thing that tithing misses is tithing was focused   on maintaining the ministry in the tabernacle  i believe what the lord calls the church to do   is not to maintain the church facilities  but to use the church to reach the globe   so the tithing was really hey let's keep  the lights on but the mission of the church   is not the hey let's just keep the lights on and  whoever stumbles into church will give him a gift   basket no the mission of the church as you saw me  recruiting you to help us with the media ministry   we want to reach the world israel was not given  the assignment to spread their faith to other   nations in fact they were given an assignment to  stay away from other nations we were given a job   to go into every nation every tongue and every  tribe to translate the bible into every language   to make e-courses to write books to rise to  these why go into all the nations and make   disciples of all the nations of the world so  tithing was for maintaining we got to multiply   so tithing misses that because it was given  to keep the lights on we are given what we   are assigned with is to be the light in the  world to be the city in the top of the hill   the third thing that i see tithing misses  is tithing misses the mark of discipleship   tithing misses the mark of discipleship why  because look at the discipleship model of jesus   and because some people get really  really afraid he was like man the   bible jesus didn't talk about this tithing  100 you're right he didn't like mention it   for christmas make sure you tie it he didn't  but i want you to notice what jesus preached   he preached discipleship and i want to notice  what discipleship requires see tithing is it's   a legalistic system under the old covenant now you  can practice it without being a legalist about it   100 but if you miss the point of jesus's teachings  and who jesus is and what the church is about we   live in response to his death to us which is like  he died for me at least i can do is live for him   secondly we're living with this big mission  we want to reach the world not just keep the   lights on in the church and the third thing is  the message of jesus christ is not these presets   and these legalistic rules the message of  jesus christ is discipleship for example   he says if you have two coats and somebody comes  in and wants your code jesus did not say cut 10   of your coat and give it to him  he says give your coat that's 50 that's discipleship that's radical that's scary  he comes to zacchaeus's house and zacchaeus is   ripping people off left and right i mean zacchaeus  lives ripping people off and according to the law   you have to return back four times more so jesus  convicts zacchaeus with his presence never tells   the kids hey zacchaeus make sure you sign up  to tithe for jesus ministries international i   do have a non-profit number where you can get  your tax deductions since you work in taxes   the key is when is your next time where you're  going to set up your reoccurring giving for jesus   ministry international no no jesus just comes  by his presence he convicts zacchaeus his heart   and life and the first thing begins to convert in  zacchaeus his life is not his mouth his job it's   his wallet and he says jesus everybody i ripped  off i'm going to give him four times more and then   he says this because the law required if you rip  somebody off if you stole from somebody give them   four times more that's what allah required i want  you to see where discipleship goes he says and i   will give half of my income to the poor now to the  jesus ministry but to the poor that's discipleship   discipleship doesn't require  even 20 discipleship is radical   and discipleship is scary that's why most of  us would be comfortable believing in jesus   we would have a difficult time following him  because following him is not clicking a button   on twitter following him is not subscribing to his  to his youtube channel following jesus christ is   it's a scary thing to do jesus says if you want to  follow me you're gonna have to pick up your cross   and die tithing misses that because tithing  can keep you in this little comfortable little   thing where you're like hey i'm paying my dues  i'm paying my taxes and that's all jesus leave   me alone but the moment you begin to follow jesus  christ jesus doesn't talk to you about tithing why   because he's trying to make you into a disciple  and the standard for discipleship is radical   there's not a percentage it's a process  where jesus makes you just like him   and that could look different for different  people at different seasons but i'm going   to tell you one thing it's a roller coaster it's  crazy it's it's crazy which ruler came in a tiger   gives ten percent honors his mom and dad doesn't  kill doesn't steal doesn't smoke doesn't hang out   with those who do i mean this guy is like amazing  this is the guy you want your daughter to marry not the joker that she's dating right now this  would be the guy's like this why why don't you   like him that would be that guy that every dad  and mom would tell their daughter to connect with   he comes to jesus and said jesus what do i  do to get eternal life and jesus gives him   the ten commandments and he's like i've done  them all and jesus doesn't rebuke him like   no you didn't jesus bible says in  one scripture it says he loved him   he's like man where were you when i was choosing  my disciples could have chosen one good one   so he he does the tithing he does the old  testament he does that perfectly but i want   you to notice how he misses discipleship and the  moment jesus goes for the heart because this has   nothing to do with money he goes for the heart  because though he kept the commandments he broke   the first one he had a different god and this  different god was money and jesus says i want you   to take everything you have and i want you to put  it for sale sell it take the money and i want you   to notice another thing jesus wasn't interesting  to grow his ministry's bank account he says give   it to the poor and then after that come and follow  me follow me not believe in me follow me because   you can believe it me and just do the tithing  and everything but if you want to follow me   it's scary it's radical it takes self-denial and  and the bible says he was sad and he returned   back and we never heard from him again  in fact we don't even know his name there's no churches built in his name there's no  epistles written i wonder what would have happened   to him he lived see the tight you can do tithing  and misdiscipleship you can do tithing and it will   maintain the lights in the church but we can miss  reaching the globe we can do tithing and and we   can miss discipleship and the last thing where i  see tithing misses the point tithing is focused on   percentage not on the presence what i mean by that  with tithing you have a percentage that you give   you don't rely on god to lead you to give you rely  on the law that you have chose to subscribe to now   at first some of you are kind of confused like  is vladimir's tithing i'll get to that in just   a second i was a tither for a very long time in  my life like a pharisee tither that verse where   jesus was rebuking for the uh abuses of tithing  i think it would fit my life perfectly because i   was like very careful make sure that i tied even  to the scent i usually didn't give above tithe   and i make sure i didn't give below the tithe i  really believe in the verses in malachi cursed   i do believe that tithing brought a blessing in  my life i am unapologetically i'm going to tell   you one thing i do believe when you tithe you're  going to release a blessing upon your life because   you become a blessing to the church and to other  people i believe in that okay i don't believe that   you tie so you can buy something from god but i do  believe when you tithe you you're gonna be blessed   and i was about seven eight years ago i started  to experience this thing where i started to feel   leading of the holy spirit to give radically not  just to the church or to the ministry though it   was including that to the other people and  it messed with my theology because i was so   comfortable here i developed a system in here  i am in control in here i have a budget in here   i have a plan in here five-year plan three-year  plan two-year plan and that is fanatics that is   the other thing is scary the other thing is  unpredictable the other thing is god takes   all of your money and leaves you high and dry that  was my view and when the lord started to challenge   me not necessarily so that the church can have  more money or other ministries the lord wanted   to challenge me and he says i want to take you  from devotion to me to being my disciple i went   through emotional mental spiritual breakdown  god had to break down the blessing to give me   the breakthrough i started to discern his voice  more than before and now i understood why the   lord in the new testament did not give us a law of  tithing because he gave us the spirit to lead us and he expects every son  of god and daughter of god   to be led by the spirit more  than to be led by the percentage because you can practice tithing and never  develop a relationship with the holy ghost   and feel safe in here without  being sanctified in here   the presence of god is what a christian should  be led by the presence of god is what christians   should live by we should live by principles  but be led by the presence i have principles   to fall back on if he doesn't lead i live i live  by this principle but i understand he didn't give   me a spirit so i can live by the law he gave me  his spirit why did the old testament believers   needed the law because they didn't have the holy  ghost i do the lamb did not die for them the sheep   died for them and because he died for me now i  have a reason to live in response as a disciple   not to live responding to a death of an animal  would i just give bare minimum and i hope that   i have this favor with god god now he has my  heart and it's radical it's scary for people who   love to have control of their life and use god to  put a cherry on the top of their self-control life   because it demands yielding control it demands  submission it demands making him lord and king   of your life and for some of us that is difficult  we don't mind saying jesus forgive me all my sin   because we screwed up but the moment somebody  comes in and says i'm gonna take your life   and i'm gonna run it for you and i live in another  realm for us it's like uh uh are you kidding me   nobody's gonna do that and that is  radical and tithing becomes a safe   back up safe thing that we fall to fall back  on instead of living in a radical response   to the grace of god that's why the new testament  doesn't emphasize tithing because it emphasizes   discipleship and being led by the holy spirit  so what do you do how should we respond   a few things that i wrote down one make a  decision to start with 10 to the local church   out of your paycheck make a decision to start  with 10 now there's the people who walk around   and say there's a magic 10 is something yes  it's a number for testing but honestly like   you don't see jesus walking around and says it has  to be 10 or it even has to be i'm just giving you   recommendation as a pastor this is not required  i cannot give you one verse in the new testament   for the requirement as much as i would want  to and i live by it as a requirement for   myself but it's not what the bible teaches  us it is recommended that we make a decision   and i will have another teaching very soon  where i will teach what paul taught about giving   and it's very different from the old testament  teaching on tithing i know this goes a death   blow to to some of us who who feel like if  you don't tithe you don't have salvation if   you don't tithe you shouldn't even be in church  i do believe that you should move forward from   being a believer to being a disciple and it will  radically radically change your financial life   so start with the first start with 10 percent if  you never tithe before in your life start with   that first don't jump into you know don't  run a marathon if you didn't run a mile   so start with this first that's why jesus  preached discipleship to who to jewish people   they were used to it the first they were used  on the first level he took him higher today   i'm just going to bring that to us start with  this if you've never lived consistently tithing   okay give you a challenge three months take a  three-month challenge and just begin to give 10   percent of your income to god if in three months  nothing changes with your finances your job or you   stop after that and if god asks you on the  judgment seat you're still the vlad said it   why because this is the only area where god  invites you to challenge him even under the old   covenant so i just ask you just throw a challenge  three months because for some of you this is very   radical 10 that's a lot of money and you need  money and an average american spends 110 of their   income yeah 110 of their income so your goal would  be to spend 70 percent of your income and some of   you it will help you to spend by by if you will  start honoring and you will have a difficult time   to cut back the spending so i'm gonna ask you to  get god involved in your finances by seeking first   now i can't tell you that if you give ten percent  god's gonna get you out of debt and everything but   the bible does say that if we put god first in  our day we know our day goes better if that's   why during the year we take the first month and we  fast why because we want the remaining of the year   to be blessed the principle of putting god first  will work all the time in proverbs it says that   honor god with the first fruits and your vats  will overflow with new wine and your barns will   be filled with plenty so there's a principle  of putting god first and that's what really   what tithing as a beginning stage is begin  to make a decision say hey i'm going to   give 10 on my income now for some of you who 10  like it really hurts like every time i say 10   like you go in the cold sweat you're going to hot  flashes start with 20 make it easier on yourself just start with 23 23.3 so like whatever  that helps you get out of that or those   people who are gonna i know they're  gonna troll me on youtube who are like   they look for any word and tithing and  it shows up in their email and they go   common everything is so let me relieve you from  your troubles start with fifty percent zacchaeus   you will feel better you will be closer to god and  you will be a disciple so but 10 is a good place   to start what if you start eight still fine why  am i saying to start first to give that first and   to do that consistently for at least three months  because if you do sporadically if you do just kind   of whenever i feel like it you don't develop  it first as a muscle of a christian discipline   giving as it's led by the lord it's also something  that needs to be practiced regularly and we   practice that regularly by doing that there's a  few ways that you can give in to hungry gen those   of you watching or those of you who are here you  can go to the website hungrygen.com you can write   a check to hungry generation bring it to the  front in the lobby or bring it during the week   you can use venmo you can use cash app you can  use paypal you can use crypto you can use stock   you can use zell so there's many different ways  and if you have another way that through which   just let victoria know we will create a login  for that as well the second one is i want to   encourage you as a christian as a disciple and as  a member of this house take a pledge to donate to   our building fund above your tithe we are trying  to accomplish the building we don't care about the   building for the sake of building what we care  about is we need to house more people we need   to have housing for insurance and potentially a  school for our students school for our young ones   and so it requires resources and god wants to use  our resources all of us including myself we give   above our tithe generously so that we can make  this building possible i believe god will one   day send us millionaires and billionaires who  will underwrite everything but honestly i don't   think god will do that right away the reason why  is because then i have no room to be involved   god wants to make room for a guy like me person  like you um you know the widow the single mom   the bus the young businessman for every person  to be involved god does things to get everybody   involved and stuff so make a decision if you made  a decision to give toward building fund earlier   this year and honestly instead you just start  building your own building and took that building   fund to something else i want you to prayerfully  reconsider and fulfill your commitment number   three and this is the big one give one time your  most generous gift this could be for those of you   who have a business or who throughout this year  during this giving season maybe for tax deduction   purposes as well where you feel like you know what  during this season of giving i want to give a one   time my most generous gift you say what should i  give this is the amazing part ask the holy spirit   even concerning what i'm teaching ask  the holy spirit if he doesn't confirm   because he lives inside of you throw it out if  he doesn't confirm and what i'm sharing is not   in the scripture throw all of that out because  we don't live by what the pastor teaches we live   by what the word of god teaches amen so give  one time your most generous gift number four   did you know that you can support  hungry gen by shopping on amazon   this is the best news you've heard  today so husbands let your wife shop   let her buy you and herself a gift for this  christmas now so this is how you can support   hungry gen by shopping amazon has this service  called smile see it's crazy how the world   also wants to give amazon gives certain amount  of proceeds from every purchase that you make   they already do that to charities when you set  hungry gen as the charity of your choice then   instead of those proceeds going to other causes  they go to hungry gen so all you gotta do is go   to hungrygen.com forward slash amazon or you can  just simply no there's no qr code hungrygen.com   forward slash amazon the moment you click on  that link it automatically goes to your app   and sets us up as your donation it's still same  amazon nothing different it's the same amazon   the only thing is a small percentage that amazon  already gives to charities but when you shop that   small percentage will be given the hungry chat  number five the last one maybe you're giving   maybe you're generous but you have a gift  of giving you're like man i love the idea   of finances i love the idea of sponsoring i  would love to serve on the stewardship team   what is this towards your team for example you can  help input receipts you can even help depending on   also uh that will go through interview help to  input donations one thing that i'm starting we're   starting next year is when somebody gives one  time first time we're going to be sending them a   handwritten card because we give handwritten cards  to first-time guests they make their way to church   but the lord start dealing with my heart and he  says when people start giving they're not just   getting to church something is moving in their  heart and we need to start not congratulating but   we need to start acknowledging that step they took  toward their discipleship because discipleship is   not just coming to church discipleship is when  you begin to evangelize when you go to small   group and when you begin to give these are the  three things that these are signs you're not just   a church member you're becoming a disciple when  you're bringing somebody with you when you go   into a small group and when you begin to give and  we want to be able to celebrate that we want to   be able to like say this is awesome because every  believer like we have it here is a disciple maker   but you can make disciples until you first become  a disciple and so we're recruiting that team we're   also recruiting a team we have people who donate  largest summer money for the building we want to   be able to help them as well not cater to them  but at the same time pray for their needs reach   out what they need as a help maybe they they need  help with their family or uh prayer for something   we also have a list of people in our church who  are currently going through a difficult time   we want to be able to bring them meals we want  to be able to maybe come in and double check   the utility that they cannot pay for to check with  the city if there's other resources that we can do   and we have right now one person that manages  all of that and this person is extremely   very busy and it's swamped left and right and  so what we want to do is want to build a team of   steward stewards who will come alongside with her  and we can help both members of our church who are   struggling double check instead of just handing  out money that we do a very thorough research   on what's happening and how we can help them so  we can also reach out to members or new people   that are just starting to give reach out to donors  who are maybe giving above and beyond to be able   to minister to them reach out with some of these  tedious tasks that we have that take a lot of time   but they're very necessary because everything has  to be done in church in orderly fashion especially   in the area of finances we might be in pasco but  we don't think and act on the level of ghetto   we're not a ghetto church we're a kingdom of god  church and everything we do we do with excellence   and everything we do we do with a sense of  thing that glorifies god so these are five   ways that i want to invite you to consider  joining growing your discipleship next year   i'm going to tell you one thing this is god's  church he took care of it he will take care of it   randomly every few weeks people send very large  donations from all around the united states if   you think that if you don't give it won't be  taken care of i'm going to tell you one thing   think again because you're wrong this is not  just for us this is to grow you in discipleship   because the new testament it wasn't about  the law in the new testament it was about   love it wasn't about the percentage it  was about the process it wasn't about   this principle as much it was about being  led by the presence start with something   that you are comfortable with something that is  according to your ability do it for three months   if you've done it already and you're faithful  tither i'm going to ask you a question what about   asking the holy spirit to take you to the next  level next year it doesn't have to be always in   finances it doesn't always have to be increasing  your giving have you given to the poor have you   given to people in need is there somebody you've  been a blessing to because god has prospered you   don't just be a person like the rich ruler who a  rich man whose ground produced great great harvest   and he kept getting bigger and bigger but he  didn't grow in god and did not grow in generosity   whatever that looks like for you take the  challenge this year tithing releases a blessing   discipleship releases a breakthrough  tithing releases a blessing discipleship   releases a breakthrough and i'm not saying you're  going to drive a bentley i'm not saying even the   breakthrough will be that you're going to have  a better business and more money what i'm saying   with breakthrough is there will be something that  will break through in your life it will be evident   to everyone sometimes it shows up in finances  sometimes it shows up in opportunities sometimes   it shows up in your family sometimes it shows  up in salvation of other people and sometimes   you know what it shows up the places you sowed you  reap the harvest of souls being saved ultimately   that's what this is all about hungry gen is the  most generous church i personally have ever seen we're not the richest church we don't have people  here who have the most money but we have the   biggest hearts we always have we stand on the  building that's paid off we have more people on   the staff than most churches have on their staff  we're able to do more projects because of that   we're able to go into a bigger territory because  of the prayers and because of the giving of hungry   jan but every few months i want to bring this  message to bring that realignment to each one   of us to keep keep our hearts pure and to also  center us on the mission that we have and on   the new testament teaching of what the bible  teaches amen hey thanks for watching this video   if you enjoyed this content and this was a  blessing to you would you help us and hit thumbs   up so that it could help more people to discover  this video it costs you nothing but it can go a   long way to help with the algorithm as well as if  you're not subscribed to our channel hit subscribe   click on the bell so that you can be reminded  each time that we upload videos thank you so   much for being a part of this community if you're  interested in learning more about hungry gen our   internship our conferences deliverance and so  many other things go to hungrygen.com for more   information and as always remember better  is not good enough the best is yet to come you
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 22,405
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Keywords: deliverance, Pastor Vlad, hungrygen, Holy Spirit, hungry generation, raised to deliver, vladimir savchuk, hungry generation pastor vlad, vlad hungrygen, untold truth, the untold truth about money, untold, truth, untold truths, the truth about money, tithing, giving, sermon on tithing, tithing sermon, tithes and offerings, offering, tithing sermons on giving, vlad savchuk, pastor vlad, online church, church online, sunday service, biblical truths, biblical truth, sermon
Id: GW0_3zBJw3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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