How To Get To Know Holy Spirit

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there was this farmer in Africa who was very very poor and when this diamond rush this rush they started to go through Africa about diamonds that if you find a diamond or you find diamonds you become very rich it hit his village people start bringing presentations that you the only thing you need in your life is to find the diamonds when you find diamonds you're set for the rest of your life and so he sold his farm moved his family to another city they located in some small ghetto apartment and he start going to India and other places to look for diamonds he went to India didn't find them went to other places didn't find those diamonds and then decided to go to somewhere here in the Ecuador to look for diamonds didn't find them and spend about ten years of this journey didn't find the diamonds felt so embarrassed that he didn't find the diamonds that he'd let his family down decided to commit suicide threw himself in the river and killed himself the guy he sold the farm to bought his farm ten years prior to this and one day was working on the farm with the ox and the cows and all of the good stuff and by little Brook in that farm he found a big stone nothing particular about that stone there was plenty of them laying there just just a big stone he brought it inside of his house he placed it on by the fireplace just just the stone and a local clergy a local pastor was walking by decided to come for a tea they were drinking tea and the pastor noticed the stone by a fireplace and he said where did you get that he said that the stone he said yes that that stone he says all in my backyard and the pastor said before I was a pastor I was a jeweler I worked on the rare stones very expensive stones he took the stone clears some stuff off and he says this is the rarest diamond in the world the guy the farmer took him back in the backyard and he said listen the whole backyard is full of these diamonds today it's known as the largest diamond mine in the world Kimberly diamond mine in Africa the man who sold the farm had literally wealth to millions of generations under his feet when looking for something that was already within his reach and eventually ended his life never finding it while it was right in front of his nose now I understand it's them you might say inspirational story whether it's true or not they say it's true but you know I don't have a gold mine diamond mine in my backyard trust me I've tried it tested it every stone that is there is bought from the place in here for cheap stones are bought and discount that's all but I want to assure you of something tonight you actually have something greater than a diamond mine within your reach you have someone who created the diamonds his name is the Holy Spirit and Bible says he doesn't live in your backyard he lives inside of you he created the galaxies he created the universe and he lives inside of you and I believe that many of us as Christians especially tonight I want to speak to those of us tongue speaking you know should like the shake and bake and all the good stuff most of us do many times what we're really searching for is can be found in the person of the Holy Spirit and the person of the Holy Spirit has been reduced to many people as tongues flame a good experience instead of a real authentic relationship with him if you have your Bible would you go with me to book of Acts chapter 3 verses 2 and down open your phone please to a Bible app I see when I say open your Bibles I realize most of you don't carry your Bible so book of Acts chapter 3 and verses 2 and a certain lame man from his mother's womb was carried somebody say carried whom they laid daily at the gate somebody say gate at this is everybody here everybody say gate okay very good thank you they they late at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask somebody say ask to ask alms from those who enter the temple and we'll just pause on that you know the story so this is very interesting story because it talks about a man who had legs okay but he didn't use them he didn't walk in those legs instead he was carried by other people and they never brought him inside of the church they laid him at the gate of the temple where the Bible says he wasn't worshiping there he wasn't setting the atmosphere he was just simply begging for some money okay now legs come how many of you you were born with legs simple how many of you you got them as add-on after you learned a few tricks or learned language nobody everybody in here got your legs on the day of your birth for free Alleluia you didn't have to pay for them you're not renting them it's not like an iPhone that two years later stops working you need to buy a new one it came perfect at the day of your birth but how many of you you walked out of your mother's womb nobody so you got your legs with your birth but you didn't learn to walk with your birth it took us years to learn how to walk with the legs we've been given at our birth yes No okay most of you you don't I don't judge you because you don't remember we don't remember but it took us a while to learn how to walk in the legs we've been given at our birth now this man we read about unfortunately he didn't have a problem with laziness or learning how to walk he actually had an infirmity he had a physical problem in which he could not walk in those legs we as Christians when we get saved we also at the day of our salvation get something the Holy Spirit he comes as a package when you get saved even if you come asking for salvation God right away gives you the Holy Spirit you're like God get me out of hell and gas is great let me put the Holy Spirit there - you're coming in there your boyfriend broke up with you your heart is shattered and broken you just need somebody to love you God says yeah let me pour some love and the Holy Ghost says well maybe you're coming in you're on drugs and you are in alcohol or your life is broken you got demons tormenting your nice stuff moving in your room you're coming and say god I just I just need you to to save me God saves you and then he also gives you the Holy Spirit you don't get the Holy Spirit when you speak in tongues you get the Holy Spirit when you give your life to Jesus Christ come on somebody but walking in the Holy Spirit many people don't learn and they got like legs they got the Holy Ghost at the day of the salvation but living in the Holy Spirit they are not exercising that it's like a lame man having the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit doesn't have me having the Holy Spirit but not knowing him but not living in him not having intimacy with him not having a relationship with him you might say what difference does it make I am saved I'm going to heaven well three things I know about person who has the Holy Spirit but doesn't live in the Holy Spirit one if you don't come to church with someone someone brings you it's always some alternative reason for which you come to church the lame man did not come to the temple he was brought to the temple people who have the Holy Spirit but don't live in the Holy Spirit they constantly get brought to church you need to be reminded that there is Church they need to be bribed to the research need to be lured into church they need to have crawls in the church they need to have this and that why because they can't come and if they do they never bring anybody the second thing I know about people who have the Holy Spirit but don't live in the Holy Spirit is this their mind is that the gate but their body is on the Pew even right now their mind is on Facebook snapchat someone else their mind is always distracted and the blame of course is a preacher please your sermon is boring it's crazy because your neighbor is getting a revelation and you're bored and do that why because lame it's so good we're home if your mind is at the gate and your body is at the seat I'm not saying you don't have the Holy Spirit perhaps Holy Spirit doesn't have you perhaps you're not walking in the Holy Spirit perhaps the Holy Spirit is like a spare tire it's the legs that don't carry you you only carry them and the third thing that I know about people who have the Holy Spirit but don't live in him is they beg they beg God for things that are always secondary show me a prayer requests and I can tell you where your relationship with the Holy Spirit stands because after the legs started to walk this man who still had no money this man who still had no wife probably this man who still had no kids this man who still had no house this man was the Bible says after he legs start to walk he got inside not outside inside he was no longer brought now other people came to Christ because of his miracle and the Bible says he was leaping praising God which tells me whenever he was begging for was not the most important in his life because what Peter gave him was most important he activated the legs that he had my desire today is not to give you anything but hopefully activate something you already have maybe you're looking for diamonds outside of what you already have what you already have as the Christian is you had the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is a bottomless wealth he's the bottomless well of treasure life love and light Holy Spirit is really everything you need is more important than a boyfriend is more important than a civic he's more important than more followers on Instagram he's more important than removing the pimples in your forehead he's more important at getting friends he's even more important than your school come on you clapping like a needle evidence [Applause] the Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit is the solution for everything and without the Holy Spirit we always focus on the secondary things like money like cars like relationships these things are important but they're not the most important when you discover a relationship with the Holy Spirit when you discover intimacy with the Holy Spirit you recognize these things that you used to pray about they begin to sometimes work themselves out slowly but surely the greatest need that you have and I have as an individual person it's not just to have the Holy Spirit that's already been given to me but now to develop an intimacy to develop a relationship with this person we call the Holy Spirit amen if you have your Bible let's go to a second verse that I want to read to us building on what I've just mentioned Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 we will look at Jesus and for just few moments I want to share with you practically and how to cultivate the intimacy with the Holy Spirit Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 when he had been baptized Jesus came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were open to him and he saw the Spirit descending like a dove aligning on him suddenly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased chapter 4 verse 1 then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights afterwards he was hungry I always was confused with this verse he was hungry after forty days I get hungry before four he tastes it's like we're declaring a fast the word fast makes me hungry and so this is like it's it's the Bible so we believe it but I Jesus definitely he was holy and so he was hungry after that the temperature came and Tarara and verse four says jesus says it is written so he he overcomes a double bite by the word of God I want to share with you just in the conclusion of this message just the practical three simple tips on how to activate that relationship with the holy spirit the first one is you can't have a relationship with the Holy Spirit if you don't see him as a person the Holy Spirit cannot be an experience a power a force tongs dove fire lightning oil shaking crying baking or any other charismatic Pentecostal experience Holy Spirit does these things but the Holy Spirit Himself is the person I remember hearing you know people come from instance trip and especially more traditional Pentecostal churches and they you know people would testify say hey I've been to Mississippi just want to give God the glory my Holy Spirit learn few new words and those like wow didn't know the holy spirit gets version two and I understand what they meant is their tongues the gift of tongues expanded but the Holy Spirit didn't learn anything on the mission trip you learn something and the gift expanded but the Holy Spirit never expands the Holy Spirit is not tongues about a year ago my cousin my friend Ilya blessed me with this iPad I gave my iPad away and then he he blessed me with and you were one nicer one let me tell you something about this iPad is not Ilya this iPad now for example if me and Ilya don't do good no more I will still have his iPad he's not gonna take his iPad back this iPad is his gift but he is my friend Tong's is a gift but the Holy Spirit wants to be a friend and many people have an iPad and they forgot the number to the person who gave him that iPad and you can automatically still speak in tongues but a Mazda sure about a Honda every service and actually not live in the Holy Spirit and still actually gets drunk on the weekend smoke weed sleep with your girlfriend and do all of that and still speak in tongues why because chance is a gift it's not the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the person and he's bigger than a gift my friend Ilya is not in this iPad and he is bigger than his iPad he is my friend he's a few being are you with me you know when I was younger I I had I got baptized in the Holy Spirit at a very young age you know fifteen or sixteen years of age and that's all that I knew there was to the Holy Spirit and until recently about four years ago that the reality that the Holy Spirit is the person penetrated my life and it started to change things slowly but surely but one of the things that I struggled is the fact that when I see the father I think of the father because I have an amazing dad it's easy for me to connect God the Father to my father because he was amazing he's still amazing great dad well I think of Jesus I saw Jesus movies Jim Caviezel great Jesus I see Hollywood make movies and then so I imagine a guy with the beard I imagine a Jewish man a long rope nice guy nails you know there's holes in his wrist and so when I see Jesus when I say Jesus I don't think of a lamb I think of a heel of a bee and my problem was this is when I say the spirit my mind would always go cloud when fire it was just like what image do I choose today okay the fire today cuz I want it hot the wind blow blow deep river see previous and then always and I said when I was when I was researching when I was searching for this I said Lord why did you not give the Holy Spirit a body it would have been so much easier for us to fellowship with him and I heard this prompting in my heart the Lord replied back and said the Holy Spirit has a body it's just he chose yours Jesus chose the Jewish body I choose the father's the Holy Spirit when he came to zhing the body he says you know what let's not create any new ones let me just take his hearse and there's the Holy Spirit is no less a person that Jesus just because he doesn't have a Jewish body look in the mirror that is his body he is the person you know I grew up in the Russian Church and every Russian Church typically ended with these words and those of you who don't speak Russian for a second a blogger that his sister Krista Alou ball Bogaerts he of Shana's Vltava dukkha the pre-buddhist simav army a man by the time that by the time it got to blog at that obscene eeeh my heart was racing my heart was joyful I was already thinking about Billy many Fanta sprite that we gonna be eating was like God thank you sir of genius Duke hospital because this means service is ending how many of you how many of you that was the first verse that you learn in life as a baby you like literally didn't speak Russian but that was my memory because that was came you knew it is finished this hohoho eternal service has come to an end we are free indeed right only four years ago this verse became so real to me I know about the love of the Father I heard tons tons of sermons preached to myself about the grace of Jesus I know how powerful that is but I will be very honest with you up to four years ago the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit fellowships listen not just talks and guides and instructs and leads and corrects and convicts fellowships with me the same way the Father loves me Jesus gives me Grace and the Holy Spirit's gift to me is not Grace in love he says my gift to you is fellowship I want to fellowship with you now you can't fellowship one way you can't fellowship you just talk talk talk doctor that's not fellowship that's that's just talking and some of you have those friends like let's hang out or let's go to the home group and you realize they speak ninety-nine percent so what you guys think about that by the way let me say one more thing that's not fellowship that's that's talking that's constant the Holy Spirit didn't come to just talk and talk he says I want fellowship and since he's the one on earth Jesus took a hike to heaven the father is in heaven and the Holy Spirit is here now and that's what he wants to do I believe that we need to Don the rap and discover that listen his gift what He desires to give us is fellowship yes I don't think we need to pray to the Holy Spirit though we can because He is God but but we shouldn't go a day without fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit he wants to talk to you know not talking about convict you because when we think of the Holy Spirit like yeah just me Holy Spirit enough I got it for the next three weeks oh yeah I know what I need to work on I'm not saying convict the Bible doesn't say - just convict I'm not talking about just to teach he's anointed teachers and I'm not just talking about - leaders the spirit leaders I'm talking about fellowship it's gonna look what the husband does with the wife it's it's what that does with kids it's what you do with friends is when you fellowship you feel that closeness you feel the sense of unity with him you feel the sense of oneness with him you know you can actually have the Holy Spirit and not be close to the Holy Spirit for those of you who are single right now you have no idea what I just you believe me and thank you for that but you will really really believe me when you get married you can literally be in the one bed together and every husband is terrified of these words I feel like we're not close I'm like just put it close I remember a few weeks ago my wife did that you know where she's you know kind of coming up to me and I'm tired already she's like you know I feel like we're so apart where are you now because I think you I see you here and of course every woman that's not what she means she doesn't mean physically we're still married I'm like I'm not beating you I'm not doing any bad I'm not hurting you you got your well fed you got a roof over your head your car has gas it's clean everything is fine woman well leave me alone what do you what else do you want from me but the woman not just once your money she doesn't just want the car in the house he doesn't doesn't what one thing that marriage requires is that she wants your attention and your affection you can give her everything but if you don't give attention and affection listen she feels million miles away though you're in the same car and in the same bed exactly the same is with the Holy Spirit you can have him right here but honest may be a million miles away because your attention is not there and secondly your affection is not there the Holy Spirit waits to be wanted he longs for your affection I remember one time when I was struggling in my prayer life and we have a morning prayers and I would come o regularly tradition and a discipline that I continued to develop and maintain in my life and and one time I remember I came and I kind of fell asleep and I struggled too because when I would fall asleep it was very early hours and I struggle with that felt guilty for I was like man what good does it do that I sleep here I rather sleep at home and I heard what Bill Johnson says something that really changed me in this and Bill Johnson said this he said I don't judge my kids for falling asleep in my lap and after them my god I was like man Lord he'll be sleeping in your house all that time but the part that touched me is that when I came to in prayer and I just I was a very high honest conversation I said Jesus you know though right now I'm not really feeling like being here I am tired I feel like you don't really care I feel like I'm not connecting and it's been an hour you're not pressing it I played every song that you like and I like and I couldn't couldn't get anything going and Jesus we kind of know that this has been happening for the last two weeks I feel completely that this is useless why don't I just tomorrow take a break you get a break from me I get a break from you maybe this will get it to work and I felt something the Holy Spirit prompted in my heart that honestly changed my prayer and he said you come here because you claim to allow my presence but in reality I love your presence more than you love mine and the next thought that came into my mind has started to change me it said let me enjoy your presence just your presence and hit me the fact the Bible says God loves us more than we love him which means that whatever the idea that you have how much you love God I'm gonna tell you something it pales in comparison with how much God enjoys you you the you you don't like that you God loves intimacy with the Holy Spirit begins when you know the Holy Spirit is not it he's not a force he's a person are you with me come on let's put our hands together from Lord [Music] the second thought I want to share is that relationship with the Holy Spirit cannot go higher than our obedience to his voice relationship with the Holy Spirit cannot go higher than our obedience to his voice we see that Jesus got led by the Holy Spirit when we are led by the Holy Spirit we begin to raise the relationship with the Holy Spirit to a higher levels you can't go higher in your relationship with the Holy Spirit if you don't go higher in your obedience your obedience is the thing that determines how high your relationship goes you can just randomly stop fasting and praying but if you're not obedient if the Holy Spirit is leading it to give finances it is leading you to forgive if he's leading you to ask for an apology if he's leading you to cut some things off and you're they're fasting you're like Saul who's trying to make up with sacrifices what he undid with disobedience it's not sacrifice that increases it's your obedience and because obedience is a sacrifice but I want you to see something here is that Jesus is led by the Holy Spirit after he was filled with Holy Spirit I found in my personal life and maybe you will see the same connection in yours is that instead of focusing on the leading of the Holy Spirit we should be focused on being filled with Holy Spirit because whatever you filled with will lead your life you don't have to focus on hearing God fill yourself with him and you will start thinking like God that even if it's not God you will not get misguided how do you get filled with God the Bible says be filled with holy spirit it's interesting because it doesn't say wait for the Holy Spirit to fill you because in the more Pentecostal circles it was more of like wait for the right moment there's the right prayer there hands up you know you kind of praying in tongues praying you kind of will get yourself worked up with the boom it takes over and then you go for 40 minutes you're praying you're praying it is so awesome it's so hot so beautiful you look my god I got filled with the Holy Ghost that's good that's very very good but the Bible says be filled with Holy Spirit means you fill yourself with the Holy Spirit it means it's not Holy Spirit's job it's yours and then it says do not be drunk with wine it compares the filling of the Holy Spirit to being filled with alcohol now I understand nobody here drinks alcohol Amen Alleluia but we used to for those of us some of us PC days we used to drink Jack Daniels was the friend and Friday night now how do people get drunk in the world you don't just sit there on Friday night open the book of the Bible to Leviticus and not of nowhere tequila breaks out of the store runs through the highway finds your address out of all the addresses it throughs to the front door you're there sitting winning Leviticus it opens up your mouth gets inside of your mouth and says you're drunk how many of you ever had that experience happen to you if you did you were high on drugs probably heroin or something else because that does not happen if you wanna get drunk you don't read Leviticus you get out of your house and you look for a bar but you don't get wrong by showing up at the bar cos I've been to many restaurants that had bars and I never got drunk you don't just show up to a bar you come up to a bar and you say hey can I get that that and that and even then you don't get drunk you have to get the glass open up your big mouth you go again again and again and then you start feeling different if you were shy you feel not sure if you're quiet you feel out if you're strong you feel wobbly then you get in the car of course you get a DUI you end up in jail everything all the path stuff happens now exactly the same thing happens with the Holy Spirit you want to be filled with Holy Spirit Church is a Christian bar with a pastor offers the drinks the worship leader every song just please dick the only thing we do is we come in church and we say I want to be filled with the Holy Ghost your letter the disclosed to the presence of the power of the Holy Ghost but the problem is this is your mouth is zipped you get wet but not filled [Music] as they were singing today as they sing every Sunday night if you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit you have to learn this is you have to learn to open your mouth go to places and people where the Holy Spirit is moving Jesus wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit at home it was with John and at the Jordan people who walk around and see steeple I don't need a church I don't need the preaching I don't either worship listen you need the stuff why because and not just the stuff don't come inspect they don't come and watch open your mouth because when you open it outside of the church high chance you'll get in trouble open it inside of the chair to church high chance you'll get out of trouble many of us that's our problem we can't keep it shut outside of the church but inside as the church is like a duct-tape you literally walk in you can little verbal diarrhea outside of the get instead of the church and you can't pull a word out of your mouth you can't pull Holy out of your mouth you can't put hallelujah the kid put worship and Thanksgiving and prayer and tongues and all this stuff when you might say but I don't feel it nobody goes to the bar and waits for a feeling before they start drinking you drink it so you start feeling people come to church it I don't feel it are you crazy you feel yourself with all the spirit and then you feel it it's not the other way around and the reason why Christians don't drink the Holy Spirit don't fill themselves and guess what they do they fill themselves with alcohol instead they fill themselves with social media they fill themselves with all kinds of junk things why because they're not filled with the Holy Spirit unlike with Reverend Hill said he says alcohol is that that will substitute for being filled with the Holy Spirit weed social media even the good things like sugar and other stuff many people begin to crave all of that in their life why because in the reality that is the void that all the Holy Spirit can filled and when you have that void even if you have the Holy Spirit even if you come to the Christian Church even if you come there but you're just simply sit on the side your life will still be empty because your life gets full when you get filled with the Holy Spirit and out of that comes the leading it's quickly how it happens you're literally filling yourself with the Holy Spirit you're filling yourself with the presence of God and next thing that happens you start getting ideas to give something you start getting ideas to invite somebody you start getting ideas to bless somebody in stir getting ideas to open something to open a homegroup to open the prayer group you start getting ideas you start getting words of knowledge you start getting images and pictures the Holy Spirit always leads a full person not an empty person an empty person is a bait for the devil but a full person is usable by the Holy Spirit and therefore like my desire and my personal goal is this I don't want to look for words of knowledge prophetic words for myself I just want to be filled because when you filled you can find anything that on the Holy Ghost when the Holy Spirit fills your words of knowledge come in when the Holy Spirit fills your stuff comes in you're like oh my god I can't believe this is real because God is real and he can use you just like that can somebody say Amen hallelujah come on let's put our hands together for the Lord I remember in one of our services I had during worship and I loved worship time and now I really really treasure worship time and that many times I literally sold out during worship lay on the floor and kneel on the floor because my goal is to let my cup be full and it's so hard as a pastor because you have 20 million things that are running in the church things is broken people texting you this stuff and then people come up with prophetic words in the middle of the service they need this time you know there's so much stuff that's going on in the service many times and to be able to shut everything down literally forget that the cameras broken they just restarted the live stream and that toilet is flooding and to literally sacrifice everything for one thing Holy Spirit if you don't show up all the good stuff in a toilet is pathetically pointless nothing matters if you don't show up and to fill myself with the Holy Spirit after that and this is what I started to first experience because I didn't hear words of knowledge another stuff I prayed for that asked for that but when I started to focus and being filled with Holy Spirit I started to see images at first I thought this was crazy remember hearing a word gastritis just shooting worshipers I was just filling myself with the Holy Spirit at the end of the service the word prayer I remember II released the word that says somebody's here has gastritis and I think God wants to heal you and so I just took a step of faith turns out there was a lady standing on the back row and she was the visitor and she had got two gastritis for I think seven or eight years and when she heard that word she said her stomach cut fire but she actually didn't stay for prayer she walked out got in her car she wasn't a believer didn't know what to do with it so she walked out got in her car she said her stomach was still burning and she went back home start eating some stuff and two weeks later sends us a check with a thank-you note saying hey tell that the guy who was talking that whatever he said I don't have any more gastritis completely healed recently there was during worship we had some guests and so I wanted you know there'd a minister in prophetic and Tarara and so but eunuch worship I just have this picture in my mind I see a person and they have this red spot over here and I have this sense of knowing that somebody has a spasm they're watching your life she may have a spasm and they can't turn their back or they can't turn their neck and so and I kind of feel bad because you know we already have the guests and I'm like I don't want to go here give words because I'm literally just learning to hear the Holy Spirit more and so but I'm like you know what it's our church thank you honey I got out and I just looked at the camera and it said exactly the same thing on like hey I just see there if you're there just want to pray for your Tara and so at the end of the service there is the lady who she left our church she didn't really like me and stuff we'll just leave it at that she might be watching and she comes up to me shakes my hand and she real didn't like me and she said I was supposed to come to church today not to hear you but to hear those guys and I was like not surprised and she said but I woke up with a very severe pain I couldn't even move so I was watching from the phone and she says when you said that she says completely my neck is just snap everything snap everything was removed she says thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit never came again but still it just shows that God can still use people who just like you and I when you fill yourself with Holy Spirit he will lead you leading of the Holy Spirit is the result of life full of the Holy Spirit filling yourself with the Holy Spirit is that Holy Spirit choosing whom to fill it's people in here saying I choose to worship I choose to pray I choose to press then I choose to give I choose to honor God and the Holy Spirit begins to come on your life does somebody say Amen somebody say hallelujah and lastly is your relationship with the Holy Spirit cannot go further then your trust or your ability to stand on his word remember I said higher if you're obedient further if you can stand on God's Word the Holy Spirit will bring you to a place that only the Holy Scriptures can get you through let me look at Jesus Jesus gets led by the Holy Spirit and it's interesting because where does Jesus get led by the Holy Spirit to crusade in Ethiopia maybe Ghana some kind of a mission trip maybe in Mexico does Jesus get led to pray for a Lazarus to raise him from the dead Jesus gets led by the Holy Spirit to fast and to literally sacrifice you will always see this you can know that it's Holy Spirit if he's leading you to things that I will cost you of your pride your selfishness little bit of money a little bit of your ego it's usually a hundred fifty percent the Holy Spirit me and my wife we have this you know kind of same between us that if it's about giving it's about 100 percent God because the Holy Spirit even you say what if it's not the Holy Spirit it's still the good thing to do to fast to give and to pray it's still the good thing to do what the Holy Spirit will lead you to sacrifice but this is what I want to point on right now is Jesus is led to the wilderness he's sacrificing he's fasting and finally he is hungry but I want you to see in 40 days you don't see mention of the Holy Spirit it's almost like the Holy Spirit abandons Jesus it's almost like the holy spirit leaves Jesus and Jesus doesn't get scared Jesus doesn't lose himself Jesus doesn't get you know intimidated by that Jesus doesn't call Johnny and say hey John it's pretty tough in here you want to bring some Jordan River water in here sprinkle me he doesn't call Johnny and say Johnny hey listen just I need a prayer partner I need somebody hook up with the connect with somebody help me out Jesus in the wilderness doesn't even wait for another feeling of the Spirit Jesus in the wilderness takes the word and begins to speak the word let me tell you something a secret the Holy Spirit in your wilderness time hides in his word and he can never be found in your emotions don't even search him for your emotions I'll give you right away what you're gonna find confusion doubt fear every negative thing you'll find in your emotions and he will not be there that's why Paul says in Ephesians 6 and the evil day take up the sword of what of the Spirit why because the Holy Spirit and the evil day hides in his word he on the evil day this is where you find the Holy Spirit sometimes on the evil day you won't find him even during worship you won't find him even trying to do the things that you normally do but when you begin to stand on his words stand on what you know next thing that happens is the Holy Spirit's power begins to flow the Holy Spirit's annuity begins to even if it doesn't you'll endure through that wilderness you'll come out not in 40 years but 40 days and you'll come out overcoming and defeating the devil and like Jesus did with the power of the Holy Spirit because somebody say Amen you know I had a situation about three-and-a-half of four years ago we were struggling in our church really struggling things were not going so well I was on my way to California and I was listening to a preacher whose mom died and left him with an apartment that was worth $10,000 he decided to he was in a poor country to give that ten thousand dollars so God can give him breakthrough in his ministry so he gave that money and said God I don't need money back I just need to revival and just his breakthrough so I was flying to California to a revival center and listening to this message and at the time you know we had two to properties me and my wife we lived in one rented one property out and at the time we actually had nine thousand dollars we were two months short and we will have ten thousand dollars and I get the idea small still voice just an impression give ten thousand dollars away to the missions and literally ask God to bring revival to your ministry I was like well I can ask God without giving ten thousand dollars I can fast for ten days would be good for him my health and then all the good stuff and I just for three days that thought wouldn't leave me so I came back now up to that point I've never given anything larger than a few hundred dollars so this this is painful because I saved this money for years this is my money this was money to build our new home custom built home we were supposed to build in three years I come back home and I say Dennis if I'm gonna present it to my wife and my wife agrees with it and maybe it's from the Lord I present it to my wife before I even finish the sentence he's like yeah let's do it I was like Lord you got to her before me this is not fair we fly to another country we find this particular ministry that works in missions we brought that thousand dollars and I remember it like yesterday we asked him for one thing I set out on one money back I don't want the car I don't want the house literally my Tom many beside right now I'm giving up the idea of building a home I'm just asking for one thing preacher I asked that missionary that Pastor I said please pray for me I just want to see every youth service at least one person saved that's all I want came back home literally we are right home excited pumped and the Lord places on both of our hearts to take one year off and not to save any money but to give each month all our savings away we were able to scrape about a thousand dollars each month and to begin to faithfully give each month all of our savings away there's a crazy part my rental properties that I had I couldn't rent them out in tri-cities 98% of all the rental properties were rented out except mine so I remodeled it found some money to remodel the property one month usually takes me two days and it gets rent out max I lowered the price by $100 literally couldn't rent her out first month and I made a promise to God to give the second month somebody by Facebook send me a thousand dollars extra they'd even know me so as praise God I've kept my vow to God I gave to the Lord gave that money away the third month I can't find rent and I gave a promise to give a thousand dollars thinking I'll have rent and I don't have rent and I don't have the thousand dollars I remember this like yesterday I was standing at Walmart because I would wire the money through one of their little systems and I was like fifth in line and there I am standing with this money that I had to believe in pray for to get and I'm fifth in line and I'm remembering doubts because in these four months not only our ministry didn't change nothing changed the only thing the change is I'm broke and now in Walmart confused I'm starting to doubt whether I heard God what if I'm just making this up what if I'm going crazy what if approached 8:30 and this is just losing my mind what if maybe it's my time to quit I need this thousand dollars more than God and these missionaries that over there if God has called me to the wise he well I see you literally backing me into the corner making things worse than before at least before I could find the rent now I don't have rent but I remembered why I did what I did I wanted to see breakthrough and there in Walmart v then became forth and I told God I said God even if I didn't hear you I'll be a fool who took a risk for you but if I hurt you god I just don't want to live with the hurt people coming to know Jesus even if I don't find the rent for the rest of my life God ourselves to please but I'm not going to give up the moment I did that a fourth month we found rent about fifth month I remember when the first person I got saved that's now married to my cousin two weeks later new people came two weeks later new people came and then it started to happen for about two and a half years were almost not one service somebody wasn't getting saved a church a youth group at the time grew from 50 and maybe for some of you numbers mean nothing but you have to understand for 15 years we couldn't break 50 50 was like 55 break through 60 was revival and that's it and back to 50 55 in 60 no matter what we've done it trust me we've done a lot of things they were wrong illegal and maybe unscriptural and still nothing was working but this time we started to see we did nothing different but I started to see the grace of God people started to come we started to see 70 people a hundred people I remember when a hundred people came on a normal you service for no reason it was incredible than 150 then 200 220 where there was no more parking lot and the rumors start going round in town you make sure come early why because there's no spots there the crazy part is that the money that we gave so that we don't have to build a house four months later after we gave them my father my father finds the land close to church and he says Vlad you need to buy the land I was like dad I would love to but not in this lifetime I'm like it's not happening anytime soon not holy I'm broke but I'm gonna be broke for the rest of my two to three years at least and my dad says I'll borrow you money he borrows me money we build the house very quickly in four months get a construction loan that's very small and I had this secret goal I say God I want the construction loan to cover the house which we had to squeeze things in and I want to have money in this loan to pay off my dad without going into any debt and you won't believe it on the end of that thing to the dollar there was enough money in the construction loan I had my contractor main contractor recount things three times because he says that's not possible he says usually have to put money out of the pocket he says something went wrong I was well it's your job to find it he couldn't find anything Bank couldn't find it there was extra money there they went to my dad I moved to my new place and got literally changed my finances changed my life but he first tested me he will test you also don't be afraid of that but in that moment you can't rely on your feelings you gotta rely and the word of god because somebody say Amen Joseph was in a dry pit Daniel was in the lion's den three Hebrew boys were in the furnace of fire jeremiah was in also a pit lazarus was in the tomb Paul and Silas was in the prison but I want you to watch this Joseph did the stay in the tripod Jeremiah didn't stay in a dry pen Daniel did not stay in the day Daniel's in the lion's den and three Hebrew boys did not die in the furnace Lazarus didn't stay in the tomb and Jesus didn't stay in the tomb whatever you're going through right now I want to tell you something if the Holy Spirit is with you I have a word for you you are not gonna stay there forever there is gonna be a time half of you don't get it some going after you there will be a time what Ennis honestly it will be just one day nothing will be different about there be just one day and things will shift and things will change and you will recognize people around you will recognize your life has changed because the Holy Spirit changes seasons well we are faithful in our wilderness can somebody say Amen I want you to rise to your feet thank you for watching this content I hope this was a blessing to you if you're like me and you like to click on things click on this subscribe to our channel and the content will come to you every time we post it and remember the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 288,479
Rating: 4.8996897 out of 5
Keywords: generation4truth, generation for truth, healing miracles supernatural today, deeper relationshpi with the holy spirit, john chi in us, vladimir savchuk, hungry generation, freedom from demons, intimacy with the holy spirit, relationship with holy spirit, how to know the holy spirit more., pastor vlad on relationship with holy spirit, pastor vlad hungrygen, exorcism demons, hungry gen, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, holy spirit, water, fire, move, God, Jesus
Id: tLTvotL70yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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