Do This to Stay on Fire for God!

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I'm gonna title this message "Fight With Fire."  "Fight With Fire." I believe the Lord wants to   release a grace today to deliver people, but  most importantly He wants to empower people   to fight back. I think too many people have  been dependent on somebody else to deliver them,   and too little people have  depended on the Holy Spirit,   and the weapons of our warfare which are mighty in  God, to loose themselves from chains and bondages,   amen. If you have your Bible, let's go  together with me to Book of Acts, 28:1.   And we will skip all that what the  naysayers were saying, and verse 5. And if you read a little bit later, you  will see that in that region, verse 8, that Paul went into him and prayed and laid his  hands. Remember what the viper was attacking? The   hands of Paul. Paul laid his hands on him and  healed him. Lord, we thank You for Your grace,   for Your mercy and I am grateful Lord, for the  opportunity to stand in a group of people that   love You, that have a vision and that have  a purpose for the miracles that this house   represents. Bless Your word today and let it  change people's lives, in Jesus name, amen.   I have three points, so I'm just gonna share.  I'm a pastor and also a little bit teacher,   so I'm just going to share with you and we're  gonna have some notes in the back that you can   take with you as well. Before there was fire,  I want you to notice is there was a storm,   there was a shipwreck and there was a rain. Before  Paul built fire on this island that he landed,   Island of Malta. The Bible says that Paul  was a prisoner and he suffered a shipwreck,   and he endured a storm. And in the time  that he was building fire, it was raining.   Which is not the best place or environment  for building fire. If you're taking notes,   write this down. You will burn for God to  the degree that you will overcome excuses.   You will be on fire for God to the degree that  you will overcome excuses, and I'm going to give   you your three best excuses that the devil will  use. It will be a storm, a shipwreck and the rain.   A storm. It's when you ask God to do something for  you, and He doesn't seem to answer your prayer.   A storm that came into my life as I was born  in a particular way. If you noticed already if   you looked at the screen, one of my eyes doesn't  look like the other one. It's a factory defect.   Like they like to say, I was born this way.   I struggled as a teenager because of my physical  appearance. I struggled with burning for God. I   struggled with being on fire for God because how  can I burn for God that I felt like burned me,   and that was my storm. Some people's passion  for God is quenched because of a disappointment,   unanswered prayer. Why did God allow this  to happen? Why didn't He deliver me from   this thing? But what I want to encourage  you with today is that there are some   battles God delivers you from, and there  are some battles He delivers you through. Some fires He keeps you from and some fires He  walks with you through. Christian faith is not a   bridge over troubled waters. Sometimes Christian  faith is the path right through them because our   Savior walks on water. And what happened with  me is though God didn't heal the cosmetics of   my face, He healed my heart, and I had to  learn to step over the unanswered prayer,   unexplained mysteries. I don't know why this  person died. I don't know why God didn't answer   that prayer. But I know one thing, if you listen  to the lie of the enemy, he will kill your fire.   The devil walks around with the fire extinguisher  and one of them is an offense against God.   And every person, sooner or later, every  man of God has a prayer God didn't answer. Every person who is used by God has an area in  their life they are still believing in God for. None of us have our life perfect.   None of us live a life where we don't need to  live in faith. Maybe your excuse is not a storm,   maybe your excuse is a shipwreck. And the reason  you're not burning for God is because the ship   that's supposed to take you from point A to point  B, and it's a ship that God blessed you with, and   you testified in your small group how God provided  for that ship. But now you got laid off. But now   the company laid off its workers. But now that  business hit a bankruptcy. Now that which used   to provide for you, manna seized. The dry brook  used to be a blessing and now it became a place   of struggle and a burden. It's the thing that's  supposed to carry us, fall from under our feet.   And when people experience that, they lose their  fire and they develop excuses, and they say things   like, "I can't trust in God anymore. I can't  give anymore. I can't burn for God anymore."   But I want to remind you, that sometimes when God  removes one thing, it's because He's preparing to   bring something better. God did not remove manna  to punish Israel. He removed the manna because   He never promised manna. He promised milk and  honey. Manna was just a temporary provision.   Milk and honey was where they were headed. But  God couldn't take them to milk and honey until   He took manna off of the menu. So don't  blame God when He removes manna. Prepare   yourself for milk and honey. Prepare yourself  for God's prosperity when God's provision fails.   A lot of us experience God's provision  but God's provision has to stop for God's   prosperity to start, and between those  seasons is where many of us get confused.   We lose our passion, we get confused, we start  getting nervous and I want to challenge you today,   don't yield to those excuses. But I believe  the greatest excuse that Christians face that   quenches their flame for God is the rain.  The rain if you think logically kills fire.   If it's raining, you can't have fire. it will  extinguish it. The rain, what I mean is our   personal private battles and our flesh issues. Our  weaknesses, things we keep falling into, repeated   cycles, habits we are still trying to conquer.  Things we repent from and keep doing. Some of   those things have demons behind them. Some of  those things need counseling. Some of those things   need discipleship. But one thing that the devil  wants to do, is he wants to use the rain in your   life right now to give you a false idea that if  you stop the rain, then you should build a fire.   But what I loved Paul for, is that  Paul built fire when it was raining.   The Bible says, "Walk in the Spirit, and  you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh."   But did you know how I used to read that  verse? Don't fulfill the lust of the flesh,   so you can walk in the Spirit. Meaning, get  yourself washed before you take a shower.   How many of you take a shower before you take a  shower? How many of you wash your hands before you   wash your hands? The devil lies to us and says,  break the addiction first and then start fasting,   break the habit first and  then commit to a small group.   The devil lies to us and he says, quit  this first and then start tithing. Meaning,   get rid of the rain and then build the fire. But  you must understand is that you will never be   able to get rid of the rain until you build fire.  Somebody touch your neighbor, say, "Build fire."   Touch your other neighbor that was not your  first preference and say, "Even if it's rainy." Build fire, even if it's raining. Build fire,  even if you're addicted. Come to church, even if   you're struggling. Come to church, even if you're  doubting. Come to church, even if you're hurting.   Come to church, even if you're offended. Come to  church, even if you are grieving. Come to church,   even if you are broke. Come to church,  even if you are stink. Come to church,   even if you are high because once you meet the  Most High, you will be high no more. Come to   church. Somebody shout, "Build fire!" I can't hear  you. Somebody shout, "Build fire!" The Bible says,   "This kind does not leave except by prayer and  fasting." There are certain rains in your life,   they will not stop, until you start building fire.  Oh it will be hard to fight the guilt and the   condemnation when you build fire because the devil  will say, you too dirty to read the Bible, your   mind is to perverted to fast, you're too screwed  up to begin to go to the altar and receive prayer. Get your life cleaned up first. But you gotta  rebuke that devil and say, "The only way,   the only way I get clean is if I touch Jesus  Christ." A dirty woman touched the feet of Jesus   and she was made whole. The same way goes for  you and goes for me. Can somebody say, "Amen."   So number one, we can't burn for God until we  overcome excuses. The devil will find excuse   that's most susceptible for you. People  who are on fire for God are not special.   They're just better at overcoming  excuses than you are. That's all. You don't have to have all your  life spent on drugs to burn on fire.   All you gotta do is beat excuses. Now  some of you, your excuse is the blankets. You lose the battle with the blankets every day,   and those blankets have principalities sitting  on them. They're warm during the night but   it becomes warfare during the morning, and  that's your excuse. But today you're gonna   be an overcomer. Not only over demons but also  over excuses. Can somebody say, "Build fire."   The second thing that I want to highlight and  that is this, and this is the verse that I want   to reread, verse 2. "The natives showed us unusual  kindness," and I want you look at this phrase,   "for they kindled." Somebody say, "kindled a  fire." But I want you to notice that verse 3 says,   "But when Paul had gathered a bundle of  sticks." Somebody say, "Bundle of sticks."   Write this down in your notes. Someone will always  kindle your fire. Only your bundle of sticks   keeps it burning. Let me say that again.  God will use the conference to kindle it   but only your choices keep it. God  will use a summer camp to kindle it   but it does not keep on burning because somebody  kindled it. You have to find your own dry sticks. Every, I believe almost, unless you are not  saved yet, you're coming tonight for the first   time and you will encounter God. But if you ever  experienced moments where you got on fire for God,   at the camp, when you got saved, when  you got baptized in the Holy Spirit,   when you got delivered at the altar. And you  experienced this thing where the natives,   I call them natives. It could be pastor, apostle,  teacher, a ministry alter leader, a small group   leader. Somebody that sparked it, kindled it  and man you were burning for God, for 72 hours   and after 72 hours, the emotions, they fade.  After 72 hours, the glory seems to fade away,   angels gonna fly away, demons come in and you're  like, man, I'm back to my old life. I'm not   destined to live on fire for God. I'm not destined  to live sold out for Jesus. You know what I'm just   a messed up. Where is the next conference? When  is the next summer camp? Where is the next fix?   Where is that preacher going next? Why? Because  I need another fix. I need another kindling.   Well I came here today to disappoint  you. You don't need another kindling.   You just need to roll up your sleeves  and find yourself some dry sticks. An encounter with God will not change  your life if you don't change your way.   Let me say that again. An encounter with God  will not change your life, if you don't change   your friends. If you don't change what you  watch, what you read. An encounter with God   sparks a change but it cannot sustain a change,  because a sustained revival requires dry sticks.   But many of us, we are addicted to the ministry  at the church. We are addicted to the ministry   of a man of God. We are addicted to a  conference. We are addicted to a hype.   We live, not from glory to  glory but from a conference   to a conference. We don't go from faith to  faith, we go from a preacher to a preacher.   God called the ministers to kindle  but He has anointed you to gather. The tale of two Sauls in the Bible. One Saul  went to Rama to kill David. Has an encounter.   One Saul goes to Damascus to persecute Christians.  Has an encounter. One Saul goes to Rama,   ends up under the power of God so powerfully.  The heat is overwhelming, he takes his clothes   off and goes naked. Pretty crazy encounter. I pray  to God this doesn't happen to any of you today.   The other Saul has a more dramatic  encounter. He goes blind, falls on his face. Incredible, crazy experience. One Saul, gets  up from that experience, feels relieved. And does exactly the same thing and becomes  an apostate. The other Saul gets up. Prays, fasts, water baptism, changes his  friend, starts preaching and becomes an apostle.   Both had encounters. One was an apostate, the  other became an apostle. An encounter does not   change you. An encounters sparks a change but  you have to add sticks to it. Are you with me?   Somebody say, "Build fire." I'm gonna present  to you three sticks. So with excuses I gave you   three excuses. Storm, shipwreck and rain.  Three sticks. The first stick is prayer. Now the reason why I'm going to give you these  three sticks is because you and I have three main   temptations of the flesh. lust, pride and greed.  Prayer defeats pride. I'm gonna say something,   if I offend some of you. The real reason you don't  pray is not because you're busy. You're proud. Pride is the real reason, why? Because  if your child has a car accident,   your business goes out the window.   Business isn't the problem. The problem is  that you think you can do it without God. Prayer. Prayer is a cry, prayer is a conversation.  But a lot of times, before prayer becomes   a delight, it has to be a discipline. I want to  encourage each and every one of you to establish   a dry stick and that's why it's dry sometimes.  So many people love to pray when it's wet.   Learn to pray when it's dry. Learn to pray  when you don't feel it because it's not about   feeling. It's about God enjoying your presence in  prayer as much as you enjoying God's presence and   prayer. For God so loved the world, that He gave  His only begotten Son. Has it ever occurred to you   that prayer is not just about you experiencing  God. It's about God experiencing you. God loves   you. You are His child. You are His pride. He  wants to see your presence in His presence.   I remember pastor, one time I was struggling in  my prayer and I would come in, I tried to wake   up very early to go to prayer and I just wouldn't  feel anything. In fact, I felt worse after prayer.   I just hated to admit it. Until one day I told  God, I said, "Lord, it'll probably be better   if I get just good sleep. I feel better,  You feel better. Everybody feel better." And I heard the Holy Spirit speak and He  said, "You come here for Me. I invite you   for you." He says, "I want your presence, more  than you ever will feel the need for Mine."   He says, "Do you have scars on Your hands to prove  that you died from Me, because you wanted to have   Me?" He says, "I have scars to prove that I wanted  your presence, I wanted you to be with Me." Man   that changed my prayer life. So instead of going  into trying to connect my frequency to find that   right wave, right song. I came next day, I sat  down there and I said, "God, here I am. Enjoy me."   And I just shut up and I just sat there,  three, four minutes and the love of God   started to flood my heart in such a way, and  I started to recognize prayer isn't about me.   That means what I feel is secondary.  What He experiences is first.   Did He feel loved? He felt worshiped? That is more  important than did I feel His presence. Take eyes   off of yourself in prayer because He already  gave His life. Come to honor Him. For those of   you who don't live a life of prayer, I always  tell people, "If you don't pray, you stray." Jesus changed Peter's name from Simon to Peter.  Peter means rock. Simon means unstable, shaky,   wobbly like a reed. Never call  him Simon, until at the garden,   "Simon, Simon, Satan sifted you, wanted to sift  you," why? Because Peter was about to walk in   the garden and sleep, when he's supposed to be  praying, and this is the lesson. When your prayer   life goes to sleep, your past gets resurrected.  Your old you comes back from the dead.   The you that you got delivered from, can I tell  you something? It's lying in the tomb waiting for   your prayerlessness to wake it up. Prayerlessness  resurrects old demons. Prayerlessness resurrects   old habits. So I wanna challenge you if you want  to burn for God, listen, set up the alarm, set up   the coffee, go to sleep early. Whatever you need  to do. Win the battle with the blankets but get   yourself up. Bring yourself to the secret place  and call on God in a secret place. Pray to Him,   worship Him, read the Word. Why? Because you  cannot stay on fire if you don't have a dry stick.   Way less "amens." I love it.  The second stick is fasting.   Fasting. If you want to last, you gotta fast.  Fasting. Now we don't like fasting but God created   you too fast. The reason why is because when you  eat your first meal in the morning it's called   "break-fast." So your body's already been fasting  eight hours but it's not a choice that your body   chose. It's pretty much by sleeping. You were  created to fast. What fasting does to us is this,   is it conquers lust. If prayer conquers pride,  fasting conquers our appetites. Fasting is not   when you are trying to do your blood work  and you don't eat for the morning. Fasting   is when you choose to do it for spiritual reasons  abstaining from food. Turning off your Instagram   is not fasting. I know it's cute. It's American,  it's not fasting. The reason why it's food,   humanity's first temptation was with food.  Jesus first temptation was with food. Israel's   temptation in the wilderness after getting out  of Egypt was food. Food is gonna be you're one   of the biggest temptations, why? Because you have  another king that's growing in his throne called   king's stomach. And for some of you this king  is so highly exalted, you can't see your toes. I'm not making this up. The Bible says in the  New Testament, some people's god is their belly.   And I know, we don't drink, we don't sleep around,  but a lot of us have made a fridge into an idol,   because we eat emotionally. That's why fasting is  scary, because you will not know what to do with   toxic emotions. Instead of going to the comfort  called the Holy Spirit, we go to a taco. We all   need regular times of fasting, why? Because it  disrupts our idols. It disrupts our mechanism   of coping with toxic emotions and instead of  running to the fridge, we run to the Holy Spirit.   Food is not your friend. You're supposed to have  real friends and those friends cannot live in the   fridge. Those friends should walk on both legs and  have both arms. Those friends are not those they   get eaten and swallowed in. If you want to burn on  fire for God, you have to develop a habitual life   of fasting. Jesus did not say, if my people will  fast. When they fast. Early church for hundreds of   years fasted two days, every week. Two days, every  week. Today some churches and some Christians will   fast two days in a lifetime, and we're like, they  walked into power. Listen, your fire needs fuel.   You can't burn if there is no fuel.  If you want to get your hunger back,   very simple tool. Go physically hungry  for 72 hours with the purpose to see   God. I promise you. If not during the fasting,  after the fast, you will come back like Jesus,   with power. If Jesus fasted and He was the Son of  God, you should fast if you're a son and daughter   of God. You should fast if you want to live on  fire for God. I want to challenge you to fast. This is not a sermon that you take notes, like,  "Yeah, amazing. Praise God." If you don't put   it to practice, it doesn't work. I wrote a book  called "Fast Forward" and once a month I lead a   team of some, I think it's up to 20 000 people  now. That fast three days every month, and I   fast with them, and we have live streams and all  of that stuff. And one of the reasons is because   I do believe that God wants to restore a version  of Christianity that's not carnal but crucified. American Mainland Christianity is a carnal  Christianity. It's sort of like New Age.   It's all about self-discovery. Biblical  Christianity is about self-denial and it's   about crucifixion. It's about carrying your  cross. It is not about you. It is about Him.   And fasting is one of the best ways where you  go on the cross and Jesus goes on the throne.   Fasting breaks the grip of your flesh. So many  people's like, "Man, I'm addicted to pornography."   Begin too fast. Oh you will see, that stuff begins  to break in your life. Learn to live a life of   fasting. Fasting doesn't increase your spiritual  worth but it increases your spiritual weight.   You're loved by God whether you fast or not.   But you will be treated by the devils  differently, whether you fast or not. Your   spiritual weight changes. Physical weight drops,  spiritual weight increases as you begin to fast. Somebody say, "Bundle of  sticks." Somebody say, "Prayer."   Somebody said, "Fasting." Now one more. This  is the painful one. Financial sacrifice. Financial sacrifice. Now I didn't say tithing   because tithing doesn't hurt. For those of you  just new believers, it's extremely painful. I'm   speaking right now to more of a mature believer.  So for those of you who are not believers,   you can just blank me out for just the next few  minutes. I want to speak to the believers, and   I learned this the hard way. Please understand,  the Bible clearly teaches us in Matthew chapter   6. The only competition for your heart is not  the devil, sin, generational curses. It's money.   Meaning God is not competing with the devil for  the allegiance of your heart. He's competing   with money. Where the money is, there is your  heart. Not the other way around. If you want to   control your heart, you got to control where your  money goes. Something happens with the sacrifice.   Sacrifice is when you give something that  goes sometimes beyond what you're comfortable,   led by the Holy Spirit. It begins to break  your life. Let me give you a simple example.   A pig and a chicken, straight from the kids  ministry. Were walking and saw a poor farmer,   decided to make him a breakfast. So the chicken  said, "I'll make him an omelette. You pig,   give him some bacon." The pig said, "Well,  if you give him an egg, that's an offering   for you. If I give him bacon, that's a sacrifice." Many of you, always gave God eggs  and have never given God bacon. What is bacon? How do you  decide bacon? Very simple.   It's not what you give, it's what you have left. The poor widow that gave everything. It wasn't the  amount she gave. It's the amount that was left,   which was? Nothing. I remember the first time  the Lord taught me that three years ago. And I   was about to get married, had a struggle, you  know kind of couldn't make a decision about   marriage and all of that stuff. We were doing  a 21 day water fast and I was I think on the   18th day. I just broke up with this girl that  I met, who is now my wife. I broke up with her   right before the fast. I just got a decision  problem making stuff, and so during the fast   I was reading a book by Francis Chan, called  "Crazy Love." Not a good book to read when   you're fasting because it's going to make you go  crazy for Jesus, and that's exactly what that book   did. And next thing that happens is I feel the  Holy Spirit convicted me. I'm 24 years of age,   I already have a property, I have a nice car  and I have all the money saved up in my account,   for the wedding, the honeymoon, the furniture,  the ring. Everything. The only problem I have   is I can't find a girl that I like and make up my  mind to be with. So I go to prayer and fasting,   and I said, "Lord, please send the right person  and please make the right person." And the   Holy Spirit starts dealing with my heart and He  says, "You have too much money in your account."   And I said, "I'm a Dave Ramsey  disciple. I do the envelopes,   I do the snowball effect. I save that money on a  pastor's salary." I was like, "I rebuke whatever   voice is distracting me and is trying to rob my  finances. In the mighty name of Jesus, get out!"   Because I'm like, God will never ask me  to. I'm already getting my tithe like a   Pharisee. I ain't giving anything more  above that. The next day of fasting,   I feel the same thing and then the Holy  Spirit says, "Why are you so defensive?" He says, "Your heart is attached to that  account." I said, "God, You don't understand.   You don't understand how long it took me to  save that money. From 17 years of age to 24,   I've been working on that savings account because  you know how much they pay pastors. They keep   them poor so You can keep them humble."  I said, "God, ultimately it's Your fault.   I can't marry a girl, plus if I marry a  Russian one, she has like expensive taste.   I don't want her to drop me because I can't buy  furniture and we can't just sleep on the floor."   And I'm making all these excuses but see when  you're fasting, your excuses die out quickly.   And then I remember, God placed a number. When  He placed the number of what I supposed to give,   this was not a tithe, this was not an offering.  It was bacon. I died million deaths giving that,   and when I finally gave that, I felt  so good until I looked at my account. I felt like I had a mental disorder and I'm like,  I'm hearing voices, I'm doing stuff Dave Ramsey   would never approve of. I'm losing weight like  crazy, I'm going crazy. And honestly, something   broke off in the spirit realm in my mind.  This girl I broke up with, I reconnect again.   God clears something in my mind, we get married.  There's enough money for everything and still some   seven thousand dollars was left after the wedding,  and God changed my life through sacrifice.   I want to speak to you right now, specifically  when Pastor was speaking. As a church, I wanna   challenge you. I have no skin in what I'm about  to say, except this thing. I have spiritually   grown more through what I'm about to say, then  through a 40-day water fast, 21 day water fast   or any other stuff and that is this. It's when you  put what God puts on your heart at the altar. Now   for some of you, God will never put it on your  heart because you shut Him off in that area.   You went as far as tithing and after that you have  a Jericho wall built that even Holy Spirit cannot   penetrate, and this is that wall. All thereafter  is my money. They're just manipulating pastors.   I'm gonna tell you something. I've been on  the staff at our church for 20 years. Six   months ago I stepped away and started to give my  salary away. I give my stuff for free, all of my   books. Me and my wife, as of this day have given  I think around nine cars. I live what I'm selling.   This, I don't do this to boast about it and I  don't do this so that people can give in to the   ministry. I do this because I've experienced  something. Spiritually you cannot be on fire   for God if your roots are too deep in this  natural world. I'm not saying you cannot have   nice things but these nice things cannot have  you. And that can never happen if you hold all   of your possesses, your stock market money, your  savings money with a closed fist. Having six or   seven properties, six or seven cars and say, "God,  don't you dare to talk to me about those cars." You know how I learned it the hard way? It  started, it was with two hundred dollars. I had   a rental property, a duplex. Old duplex. Somebody  came into my house and gave me two hundred to go   on a Ukraine trip that I was going for. They gave  me two hundred dollars. Somebody else comes into   my house that night, and I hear the Holy Spirit  say, "Give this two hundred dollars to this other   person." And I already know how to hear the Holy  Spirit in these matters because I know it's not   definitely my spirit, because I don't want to give  them two hundred dollars. And I know it's not the   devil because devil doesn't love because he gives.  The devil doesn't do that stuff. So I knew it was   the Lord, and my wife was on board with it, which  is like another confirmation. But I was like,   but they gave me. Not for me to give them. If  God wanted to give them, He would just give them.   And so I've debated it and I talked myself  out of it. I said, "I'm not giving that. It's   two hundred dollars. That's a lot of money." Right  before I'm leaving to Ukraine, my rental place   gets a clogged up toilet. So all the sewer stuff  in the basement comes up. Nothing new for me. I   have a little machine. I go in there, get myself  all dirty, smelly. Machine doesn't work. Second   day I hire a company and guess how much they  charge me for all of that? Four hundred dollars. And after that was done I smelled like poop, like  sewer and everything and I came to God. Right   before Ukraine, stressed and all of this stuff and  I felt the Holy Spirit. This was directly to me,   I'm not saying this applies to every  situation, and He said this. He says,   'Whatever you don't give, when I tell  you to. My hand of protection is lifted."   And He said, "Vlad remember, the enemy will  have access to that which I put my finger on."   And after that I said, "Lord, if You protect  me from sewers and poop. I will be obedient." This is not to threaten anybody or scare anybody.  But I do want to remind you, you will not take   anything with you to heaven anyway. Everything  will be left on this earth. All of your portfolio,   your children probably will hire lawyers and fight  over it and all of that stuff. You cannot take   anything to heaven with you. When me and my wife,  about eight years ago started to practice radical   generosity. It started first with emptying our  account completely. Then emptying it next year   again and emptying it next year again. We did it  again six months ago for the building fund. Where   we gave the largest donation our church has ever  experienced, and it came from its pastors. When   we started to experience in this something  started to happen to me, pastor. I started   to think about heaven more often. I was scared  at first. I was thinking, I'm gonna die soon.   So I said, "Jesus, are You preparing me to  die?" And I remember the Lord responded to me,   He said, "No, I'm not preparing you to die."  He says, "It's for the first time in your life,   you have more there, than here. That's  why your heart is thinking about that." Sacrifice is a large log on your  fire. I wish I would tell you,   "Come get filled today, get slain  and you will burn for God forever."   That's a spark. It doesn't continue until you put  a bundle of sticks. What is the bundle of stick? And sacrifice as I was speaking some of you  your hearts start beating faster and some of   you already said nope. And I asked the Holy Spirit  right now that he will help you because for some   of you He will give you a number, He will give  you something to bring on Sunday for God's house.   And some of you this will be for the first time  that you will not just bring God a bigger egg   but you will bring him bacon. You will weep  tears you haven't cried before after that.   The intimacy with God will be with you in the  way you've never had before, craving for the   eternal. The invisible realm will be different,  why? Because the world will begin to lose its   appeal, why? Because your roots are no longer as  deep in this world. I know we love to talk about   it but there is really no other experience that  can help you with that, except the sacrifice.   Are you with me? Are you ready for the  last thing and I'm already past my time.   The last thing that I want to mention is  this. So Paul is building fire. I want   you to see this is that he's overcoming  the storm, the shipwreck and the rain.   Natives kindle the fire. So we mentioned  that there are conferences, ministers. God   uses people to start that, impartation, you get  touched by the Holy Spirit, you watch a video,   you read the book. Wherever that happens. But if  you don't have habits. Not just high but habits   of prayer, and of fasting and of sacrifice that  fuels the fire. You are not going to stay on fire   for God. But as you start building the fire, I  want you to notice. They didn't just get warm.   Watch this. Warfare broke out. Write this down,  the third thing and we're going to be done,   and that is this. Fire will provoke  vipers but it will also kill him. Fire will provoke vipers. Now, when people start getting on fire for God,   I have to tell you this because sometimes we as  pastors don't say this, and people get shocked.   When you get closer to God, some of  you will experience intense warfare. As you start tithing, as you start  sacrificing. That's what happened to   me. When me and my wife gave our first large  sacrifice as a married couple, emptied our   account. Our rental properties couldn't be  rented for six months and I thought I wasn't   hearing God. I went anointed them with oil, I  broke the principalities, I bound the spirits,   renounce the generational curses. I'm like, why  is this happening to me? You must understand,   it's not that the fire brought the  vipers. The vipers were always there.   It's just the fire made them uncomfortable.  They've always been lurking there. It's just   they've been comfortable in your life but  until you started to build fire, hell started   to become uncomfortable. They could no longer  just live in your life, around your life. They   started to become tormented and irritated, and  hell rises because it feels threatened by you.   Fire did not create the snakes. Fire exposed  the snakes. There are people who get saved and   they say, "My life was bad but it wasn't that  bad, until I got saved, and when I got saved,   hell broke loose. I lost my job, I lost my  friends. Everybody turned against me." My friend,   what happened is when you got on fire, vipers  got nervous, vipers got exposed. But the most   amazing thing that I want to encourage you  with today is not that you get them exposed.   And maybe some of you say, "So what's the benefit  of burning for God?" The benefit of burning for   God is this. Not only that it provokes them,  is you have a place to drop the viper into.   You can't drop your viper in my fire pit. You have to have your own fire pit. You can't drop what's attacking you on  the outside into your pastor's fire.   You have to have your own flame to throw it  into, and the reason why many people are going   from deliverance to deliverance, is because they  have no fire in their own life, because to walk   in dominion, you have to have a flame to throw the  scorpion into. To walk into dominion, you have to   have a flame to throw this snake into. You have  to have a flame to throw that depression into,   that nightmare into, that sexual dream into, that  addiction to pornography into. W,hen you build   a fire snakes come out but you have a place to  drop those snakes into. God never created you for   deliverance. God created you for dominion. God did  not create you to walk and need deliverance. The   Bible says, in the beginning God said, be fruitful  and multiply and have dominion. The Bible says,   through the gift of righteousness and the  abundance of grace, we reign in life. The   reason we need deliverance is because we didn't  walk in dominion. Deliverance is a means to an   end. The end is dominion. Deliverance is not the  goal. Deliverance is not what you should seek.   Victory, dominion, discipleship. Deliverance  jump starts everything but if you don't have   a fire you won't walk in dominion. If you don't  have a fire, you cannot fight back because when   you get delivered those demons leave. Three  days later they come back on the outside and   they start harassing you. Those nightmares will  come back on the outside like Pharaoh and say,   "Come back to me. I'm still inside." They will lie  to you, and if you don't have a flame, you'll run   back to the church and say, "Pastor, deliver  me." But if you have a fire you say, "Devil. You tormented me long enough. You tormented my  family long enough. I'm against you, in Jesus   mighty name. I come against you by the blood  of Jesus Christ. Get out! Depression, get out! Nightmares get out!" When the devil moves  chairs in your room, comes in to intimidate   and breaks different things. You tell devil,  "Put it back and get out of this house. This   is not your property anymore." But if you're not  on fire, you can't fight back. You say, "Oh the   devil came. I don't know what to do. I'm scared.  Oh somebody cast a spell on me. Pastor, pray for   me." That's fine if you are just beginning as a  Christian but I'm speaking to soldiers right now. If you are bitten by a snake right now, if you're  tormented by an unclean spirit, if generational   curses like viper stuck their teeth inside of your  soul and bleeding the living lights out of you.   And you feel like you're losing, and the voices of  the enemy are whispering in one ear and the other,   and you feel like you are losing right now your  spiritual life. You feel like there's an attack   on your life. You're losing your spiritual  appetite. There's an attack of lack on your   life. You feeling drawn away from the church.  You don't want to be in a community anymore,   and you're recognizing as you're listening to me  right now, this is more spiritual than natural.   I cannot explain this. This is more demonic. If  you have fire in your life, all you have to do   is shake It off. All you have to do is rebuke it.  All you have to do is repent for the sin you did   not repent, and then right after repentance get  up from your knees and say, "Devil, come here.   Go!" That's it. You say, "Go! Get out!" And  you get angry at him and you tell him to leave,   and he will run with the tail between his  legs, why? Because you have the authority   and because the fire that exposed him  is the fire that will kill him, amen.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 165,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiritual, supernatural, hungrygeneration, hungrygen, christian, deliverance, deliverance prayers, deliverance ministry, deliverance fire, prayer for deliverance, steps to deliverance, prayer of deliverance, powerful deliverance prayers, deliverance in the name of jesus, deliverance prayer, death & deliverance, prayers for deliverance, deliverance night terror, self deliverance, live deliverance
Id: 7D8oIdM0xug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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