Unseizing a seized outboard motor

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so as you can see the pool start on this our boards look pretty solid so that's what this one's in here for today I actually am bilge pump you can probably tell it's another boat that lives on the water all the time so it needs a bilge pump particularly on rainy days like this um so I'm just go start by whipping the cowling off and whatever look now although this particular problem is a is a stuck pull start I'm hoping a lot what we see today will help you if you're also having a pull start that's coming out and not recalling back in so we'll see how we go pull the whole thing apart and show you how it works anyway before we do that all that background grinding just reminded me I'd arrived in the post which is very exciting rode lapel bike so for now on hopefully no bad audio no background noise it's taking a while to get that but actually bought that using money from the channel so it's kind of nice to see that you know bit of advertising whatever I know it's been annoying sometimes if it's not something interested in but um it does bring a little bit of money in that can help by things like microphones whatever and hopefully make the videos better so and also thank you to people I know people have made a few sort of direct donations and I can see who that is so I can't thank you personally but you know who you are so thank you so this is a young par 15 but all the cool stuff make music example it's a pretty similar there isn't a huge difference between brands now this units held on by three ten mil fasteners they come off as units they're you know Springs and things don't fly everywhere don't be afraid about taking it off the only thing other than these bolts that attaches it to the outboard is this cable you can see it comes up here and run drains the top and this is the starting gear protection this is what will only let you pull the cord if it's in neutral so if it's in gear it will be locked so there's a small chance that this is a an issue with this starting gear protection so even though it's in neutral its stopping and starting but it feels pre cease to be honest with you normally because this editon teeth or see you'll normally feel a small amount of rocking if it's the starting gear so we'll take these fasteners off they're more silver so once it's off you'll see it's all quite self contained so it'll stay together it's no drummers there then here you'll see there's some adjustment so you can move these two locking nuts up and down this thread to adjust exactly where it sits and down in here there's a just a little sort of end piece to the cable that slots into a group so if we back this off to give us a bit of slack we'll be able to slide that out from there now I only need to back this top nut off even though the whole cable is spinning okay so I can slot it out and then once it's out you can see this scraps and flyers so once it's out from there this parcel slides out and the whole thing is free so now we can take this over the bench and start pulling apart and see what's going on having just put the recall mechanism down I've just come over and how to fill this flywheel it's completely seized so unfortunately without even touching that other unit we know why it's not cool starting it's actually not the recall unit orts this so I might have to rename this video how to unseat a seized motor let me think about that that happens very slowly chicks with a coffee we're going to copy and then work think about it whatever you do never try to fix a boat without coffee unless the afternoon they never try to fix a boat without beer well in case you ever wonder what's upstairs this is where boring stuff like paperwork happens and down there's the workshop alright enough nonsense let's get on with this new step 1 now we know what's going on with this motor is take these rusty look and spark plugs out now this motor lives on the water and doesn't get used a lot which is up sorry about that joking around is a bit of a prime candidate for seizing problems so what I'm gonna do is put something down here to lubricate this the pistons here because it's probably the Rings it's stuck and we don't want to don't want to snap those rings there's a few different things you can put in here I think in the other saving a sunk video outboard I used a bit of automatic transmission fluid which is very fine and quite good for sort of soaking in with a bit of capillary action I've also recently got some sort of bolt Buster stuff for unsticking seized bolts which I'm almost tempted to try in this environment so I'll give it a go and we'll see what happens so this is what I'm going to try super releasing agent and Cesar's rusty components sounds good doesn't say you shouldn't spray it in someone's cylinder bores all right so I'm gonna let that soak it says 30 seconds but I let it sit for a bit longer got other stuff to get on with anyway so we'll let that sit and then I'll just start rocking the flywheel backwards and forwards and seeing if we get any movement out of it so I've got this trimmed all out now to try and get the surface the Pistons as level as possible a bit more spray and then I'm just going to fill these up with a CF until they overflow and then leave it overnight yep scraping alright we'll let that sits night and we'll have a look in the morning it's the end of the day now this has been sitting all day I was going to leave it overnight but I thought it's bit of time now while things are quiet to have a look at this again so we filled it up with ATF and it's sat there sort of tilted up as much as I could for most of the day so hopefully even this higher end of the cylinder bores have had oil against the Rings so now I've got a 22 mm socket but I'm going to pop on the flywheel and I'll just put a breaker bar here and we'll see if we can rock a little bit so your average break of us pretty long which means you can generate quite a bit of force pull on top and this socket sort of Golden Rule listen dunno hub I'm just looking to do this relatively generally just to see whether it moves at all it's moving a little bit but I'm not going to really force it there's no doubt with a breaker bar this long you could just put your back into it and get this engine to move but there's a good chance you'd end up damaging the Rings inside it if you did so we're looking to just see if it's moving at all which it was then a little bit and then maybe let it sit a bit longer because once it's moved obviously it's reaching at a different part of the boar maybe the bit less corrosion which adds we ought to come in so I guess what I'm trying to say is Jordan steady wins the race with this it is a little bit of a patience game now normally a boat is only like to rotate in the direction they go the biggest problem there is four strokes going backwards the camshafts the way they wear they don't rely to go backwards not such an issue leave the two strokes why am happy this is a rock this backwards and forwards a little bit because we don't have those valves and cans of petrol going top of you of course is that you don't really get any traction until you flop them over over to the other side of its steering going to be able to lock it off so we'll try and move this back a little bit yeah it is moving you know it's actually even more seasoned I was hoping on say not you were uncomfortably so what I'm going to do is just keep rocking this backwards and forwards I won't bore you with that too much and we'll see how far we get probably end up just topping up the transmission fluid and letting it sit overnight but we'll see how far we get before the Foreman's top yeah so it's turning the book I'll show you look here there's a fair shake of the ATF that's now probably come with exhaust ports and the side of the cylinder that's fine serve this purpose so I'll clean that up now this boat you know it's not like it sunk recently it has some kind of past history but it has been running since there so I'm not really worried about going through the full process we would in the saving of some careful video I will just quickly have a look at what's going on in the cupboard of all just make sure there's no water in there can't see what it would be and then we might try and start this all right so this outboard that came in for a stuck recoil actually has a fuel tank full of water and obviously it's that water it's got into the cylinders and sees them corroded them so we're going to drain the fuel system a bit like the Sun cowboyed video before you can think about starting this I'm going to go ahead now and take the cupboard off clean the clean the Jets you know clean the bowl clean the fuel pump all that kind of stuff get this going again so I'm not going to show all those things again I've shown them in other videos the saving of sunk outboard and clinic Hobart video but I'll just go ahead and do that and hopefully we'll wrap this video up we've just added this motor so in case you're wondering this was just a thing of meth Oh whenever I got a carburetor that's water contaminated rather than gummed up with like fuel varnish I use meth Oh because alcohol is both water and oil soluble morning data now last night I went to put the caviar on and it's had a sea portal plate as well so to get that going again I just put a little bit of CRC wd-40 type stuff in there and that's nice and smooth again now so I'll put that on but what I'm gonna do first is this has cylinders full of automate transmission fluid and a crankcase probably full of automatic transmission fluid so I'm going to put the recall unit back on and pull it over a few times with the plugs out and just see how much we can get get that out how much of that we can get out obviously ATF's not designed to be burnt which is a good reason to use two-stroke oil when you do this I just didn't have any handy so I'm going to give as much that out and then still move this outside because if this does fire up it's going to blow ungodly smoke everywhere which is probably toxic so try and get it down to this confined space so anyway put the recall unit on and we'll get going with that so I've chipped the contents of this tank out and then I'm just going to put a bit of metal in the tank give that a swish around and chip that out then we put some fresh fuel it also be aware you can have water in the whole line and the prime bowl so what I'll do is once I've got fuel in there I'll use a screwdriver something to open the valve and then pump that through and talk till clean fuel comes right at the end clean fuel for ten liters I'm going to put 200 mils of oil I do actually have a nice little measuring cup of this can't find it this will do the other thing I said my new favourite product now is this worth fuel cure it's a bit like I guess putting bit of methyl in some ways they're specifically designed for engines and fuel systems I've had water ups says this does up to 100 litres so I'm only going to put about that much in and the nice thing about that is it'll get into the crankcase in all those places that we haven't got to happens to be some water issues it's also a lubricant so give this a bit of a shake and then I'll just press this little ball valve in and squeeze the ball until I flushed fresh fuel through the fuel line and then we'll hook it up you're definitely still still bordering that fuel line so don't go to all the effort of cleaning your tank and doing all that and have the very first thing you do is run water back through your carburetor here you can still see that sibley and the bottom is still that layer I'll tip this out and do that again just to make sure we're clear all right that's good now it's only a mistake you make once is going to all the effort to take a carb off cleaner and then put water straight back into it the earmuffs on for some coolant water and I get to stop huffing and puffing let's see how long this take my lanyard I don't Deadman switch you don't go find one that's another mistake you only make once is full starting for a judge a plan you do all right let's see how we go water on fish gear I get a bit choked of course there's no fuel lit yet so I'll just pump it through now fill the target of all I've been pulling on this for a little while without much luck now so I'm just going to take these Reed valves out so thing I probably should have done when I had the car better off the first time we'll see what we see I actually look pretty tidy they're completely clutter sorry they're my viewfinder I'll probably flash you now they actually look pretty tidy no corrosion and they're completely closed so I reckon that's pretty good alright wait it's back together and just keep pointers before I keep pulling on this and end up in some big board caffeinated sweat I'm going to do a compression test on this just to see whether we suffered any real damage from the seizing and unceasing process if we haven't got any compression isn't how long I pull on this thing nothing's going to happen that sounds so dodgy so wide open throttle for the compression test I'm going to use the adjustment screw just to lock it open so all I'm doing here don't lay see Stuart show you so all I'm doing here is just undone this screw get it to full throttle then lock it off that way we can do the compression test without needing all hands that I've got and always make sure you test a zero before you begin oh yeah 125 I'm happy with that so right 130 something all right so I'm pretty satisfied now we've definitely a spark I pulled a plug out and saw it will just keep cranking this over for a bit all right when you've got compression spark fuels the obvious sort of missing things so I open the drain plug on the cupboard a bowl and nothing came out so what I'm thinking is this seat may have risen up one of the dangers of using strong compressed air when you're sort of cleaning carburetors is that um you can actually dislodge parts and do a bit damage so what I'm going to do is take seams open but I'm actually just going to blow through here with my mouth and just see whether this valve is actually opening when the fuel level drops because if that stuck close know if you'll ever get into the carburetor it's a little bit off topic for this video now but uh you know it's the way it goes just remember turn that off all right success let's go inside all that wraps up this video thanks for watching wasn't the videos expecting to do so I'll retitle it but I hope it gives you an idea what to do if you get now poor this just completely seized how to go from unceasing it to starting it again obviously the finer points will change based in your situation that us it'll be a Carrboro trouble ahead is something that you know you may not encounter but you do have to sort of deal with each little situations arises so step one you know get it uncie's patiently breaker bars can put a lot of force on on a motor so just be very gentle it's very hard to scribe but it really is a feel thing just give it a bit of leverage see if it's coming up if it's not coming at all let it soak a bit longer unless it's just a complete rust bucket you know and it's need to be written off it will eventually free up like this one did and run again you know this motor may well go for a long long time even though it was completely frozen solid so after that obviously there's a reason it's it seized it could just been sitting out in moist air this is obviously ingested a fair bit of water through the fuel system so it wasn't as bad as a sunk outboard but there still was water in the carburetor etc they're cleaning out and obviously the whole fuel take as well so try and have a look at what caused the seizing if it's unexpected that's you know just going to stop it becoming a whole new problem when you try and start it all so for those of you with a sharp eye you may have those this Subarus spun round during the course of this video and that's actually the first time we've managed to get this thing running we inherited this after it sunk in a flood so anybody can put down to water but I'll lock a plate of it well past the ECU and everything so a lot electrics we're soaked and corroded as well so I thought we like working on a boat but that's actually now running for the first time so that will be disappearing at the workshop - we do cars they're going to bring cars in anyway so thanks for watching if you enjoy this video and helped you if you have this proper which I ever did please read comments scrub in all caches oh yeah
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 599,749
Rating: 4.8536434 out of 5
Keywords: boat, marine, outboard motor, fix, repair, outboad, seized, frozen, won't turn, unseizing, seized outboard motor, outboard, outboard motor seized, seized outboard, dangar marine, engine, boat motor seized, motor, seized boat motor
Id: uJeAv3hGpxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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