No water from outboard tell-tale

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okay so go to memory like I see if and I forgot to record an intro to this video while I was down on the border so I'm doing it now not they've known that if I didn't tell you so I don't know my job so this video is about what to do if you don't have any water coming out the tell-tale on an outboard now the telltale is just a very small percentage of the water that goes through an outlet cooling water so just because a telltale isn't running doesn't mean that cool water isn't still running through the outboard block itself they're cooling the water jackets the cooler is now a telltale has quite a small outlet on it which is very easily blocked unlike the inside down at the airport but having said that you don't want to count on that because although it's quite up in the case you're much better off checking this sort of problem early then presuming that cooling water is going through the outboard and ending up sort of cooking the outboard crack in the block a lot of modern out boards have have over temp sensors which is great you've got the protection but once again is no guarantee of actually working so they're worth looking into so this video is all about the process of looking to that problem and solving it we'll start with the Qantas simple obvious things and then if the problem sort of persists for you we go into a bit more detail right down to looking at servicing the work on so we'll get straight to it and hope you enjoy hopefully you can see on camera this is really through today so I think I'll just drag this up to shallows as much as we can to do this in this situation we're Telltale's not going the very first thing I'd recommend is just finding something and seeing if you can unblock this very nozzle at the end something like a paperclip this is actually just an old slip in but often it can just be a little bit of shell or something that's being picked up and blocking in this case looks like we're not going to be so lucky so what I'll do now is I'll take that cowling up especially out pull it off and we'll just click the hose and simply a flush the hose itself so this is going to be a lot of one-handed camera work today so what happens this hose comes here to a bit of a plastic fitting this is a nozzle when it comes around here and comes out from so this is kind of exhaust gallery behind here so exhaust and cooling water comes out through here small mouth comes out through this is a telltale the recipe actually comes out with the exhaust through the problem so the next thing I can actually do is just start the motor up again I was going to get a lot of water in here but it'll try and see where the water is coming out from the block and that'll tell me pretty quickly whether it's the hose that's blocked or whether it's something deeper in the engine so I'll just go back up turn inaudible see what comes out here all right let's pretty conclusively shut the block closed in this case oh that's nice anything ok so just because your Telltale's block doesn't mean cooling waters not every outward but always better cyclop so now I just know it's one block this so I'll disconnect from this nozzle here which means I can clear the over self out maybe the different threads there but once that's done the city right as well I will keep going and I'll show you what else can be the problem if you're not getting any water this hose will also pull off this fitting you'll see this fittings got some little sort of sub spurs or barbs that you can compress in that allows this fitting keep pushing for the outside but this hose will just push into the inside so I'll just use two hands to pull this off and it will have load this has come out with the with the fitting itself there we go so this is obviously got a bit of stuff in it it a--just river sand so even just blowing through that's cleared up a bit I can't flow through this hose at all though so it obviously it's a bit more than just the nozzle blocked up which explains why the little bit of wire wasn't helping us so I don't actually all the workshop obviously so I don't have any compressed air here but I'll try by just wriggling it a bit each part just seeing if we can dislodge it you can then flush you in a water through it so I'll give it a go and see if we can start blotting through it if you've got a longer bit of wire you could obviously push it straight through I can actually feel this is full of sand right here at the nozzle language collected so I'll just keep trying to dislodge it just be careful off you're using with a thin wire it is easy to come in and then go through the side of the hose not the end of the earth you can either tape it up with something waterproof or replace a bit of hose or there's only a couple of dollars but you know if you can avoid it just try and make sure you stay sort of parallel to the hose rather than just giving it to the side that's particularly easy to do if you're coming in through the nozzle and the hosts got a bend and you're pushing straight in through the nozzle you can come out the side here so just be aware that big chunk of sand just came out then it's a bit of whacking ourselves now I can blow through it so I think that's almost pretty much cleared now so I'll go back to the boat I'll reinsert this fitting with hose on this one's probably done that's how simple it can be but we'll go a little bit through all the other things you can check and do even possibly more serious to put it back just going to press it back on here it's not very high pressure you could put a little cable tire hose clamp on there if you wanted but it's not really necessary then I'm just going to push this fitting back through until it clicks in and pop this on so all good to go started up again so that's all fixed up now so I back together this outboards always sort of feed like a race or some some outboards just have a little a bit of a dribble of water coming out a telltale as I said the bulk of the water comes out through the exhaust the telco really is just an indication and does vary from out or to out board so don't always expect the constant stream some of them can just sort of dribble a bit more like it does out of this second exhaust support obviously this is now working but what I'll do is I'll show you if you're not getting any water out of that exhaust cover I around here where the tell-tale hose comes from you can also take this thermostat up and we'll see if water is coming out of here this kind of isn't great because we've obviously got high-voltage coils and everything here but it is possible to take these these bolts off set out and see whether you're getting water out from there it's another point where you can check it's also the highest point in the motor so if one is getting to up here you know it's getting through the block provides the thermostat is opening but even if your thermostat isn't opening you'll always get a telltale the tell-tale starts even when the motors cold the thermostat still closed so I wouldn't worry about your thermostat its condition of your thermostat if your Telltale's not going when you undo these thermostat housings there's a gasket here this tears the water pressure will make it leak and once again as I saying you've got a high voltage ignition coils which are very susceptible to water because unless they're really well sealed silicone plugs etc high voltage can drop I can cross a higher resistance so you it's it's it's very easy for water to conduct a high voltage like that so if you're going to take this them a set off ideally have a new gasket ready this gaskets not that old so I'm hoping it's going to come out in one piece but if not we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get to it so - ten mil nuts hold this on so I'll take these out maybe with one hand maybe not so the answer was not needed needed to answer the end but that gaskets in pretty good shape look you should always replace gaskets if you remove things particularly when it's a customer's boat when a student when it's yours make an educated decision I'm going to keep that and we'll just get this thermostat out stepping a little bit Mankey because it's a saltwater boat but not too bad in the scheme of things now if I crank this boat up again water's going to come out of here I might try and find a way to catch a bit of it I'd like to show you but at the same time I don't want water all through the electrics I mean the wrong it'll dry out it'll be fine eventually but you know no point pushing it so I'll cover those coils up lube it with something and then we'll fire it up alright wait so do ok I'll fire it up just for a short time and we'll have a look so hands up which mung bean put the parts of the boat on the flywheel and then start the motor it's all right the only filling one foot of water so I found them again I do that so here you can see all the water coming out from where the thermostat was so once again if you're getting water here you know your water pops obviously working fine and you've just got a blockage somewhere which could be internal to the galleries in the motor so I'll switch this up we'll put that back together then we'll start looking at the water pipe itself so all back together now this tides dropping quickly so I better put this float back on the pontoon there we go now I'm gonna look at the the impeller on different lega actually can't take the leg off this mess I really have to because the splines at the end of the crankshaft are really worn so I've put it in with some particular Loctite product for metal so I'm not not keen to pull it out and put it back in again but what I'll do is we'll pick this up again back in the workshop and we'll go through what happens from the water pump up to the block so it's all back together now this tides dropping a bit of washes come so I'm going to go and put this boat back on the wharf I don't really want to pull the gearbox off this particular outboard let's actually have to because the splines on the crankshaft will quite worn so I use a particular lock type product to put the drive shaft in it's your love wash so we'll pick this up back at the workshop and I'll find another gearbox and I'll show you taking it off and getting at the water so if you've been through that process I've just been through and you've still got water not coming out at all from anywhere it's time to start looking at the water pump or at least the pipe leading from the water pump up now as I said I'm not going to take that outboard apart particularly because it's got issues but I'm sure that's like in the workshop so I'll have a look around and I'll show you one our collection air outboards what what you need to do won't use this one it's going in a Subaru well not really so alright so this is a sort of similar old Yamaha so what you need to do is get the leg off to get the leg off this Yamaha and most outboards they'll have bolts along here the trick with this Yamaha is is an anode here if you take that out is another bolt under there so it's essentially five bolts I think one under this anode one two here when you do this legs free to come down actually this one's not in that this has a push-pull gear selector on it so you need to undo this lock nut we're gonna show you a closer under that lock nut and push that up if you look at the video on an output that weren't going to gear I'll put a link to that you'll see that more clearly there's different mechanisms on all different out boards but if we look over here say this outboard here so this has a leg off so these are the the four bolts we saw to each side and this is the little one that was under the anode this is the pipe going into the into the water pump so there's a possibility look it's not likely to have failed but if it's recently services put together it's not pumping water there's chance of that pipe this one's pretty rigid so it's unlikely but some of them this sort of flops around a little bit and it's possible to put the leg back on and not have this pipe cleanly enter the outlet of the of the water pump itself so that's just something else to be aware of this pipe can also get blocked or so blowing some compressed air or some fresh water up this pipe will lead right up into the block and through the tell-tale the the thermostat all the places we saw earlier so that needs to be clear as well doesn't block as often but it is somewhere where you can put some compressed air and try and clear any blockages that may be up there once the gearbox is off the leg by undoing these bolts and under here and also this gear select and in this particular style of outboard the gear selector rotates rather being a push-pull at turn twist cause it twists there's nothing to undo it just slides off the socket this splined shaft slides out it's all good the other one you have to undo a locking nut and winder linking nut up as I said before there's a video on that but once you got to here this is the water pump here and there's our four bolts attaching these so I'll just quickly undo those bolts and I'll show you what's underneath once those four bolts are out this housing will just slide up the main drive shaft this is where that pipe we saw earlier goes down into the into the water pump and we're cooling water comes up out so if this is made from rubber this can sort of get pushed down so you can be pushing this on and the pipe will catch it and push it down in here and block it lots of different range with different outputs but just be aware that said the mother weak point so I'll get this and oh yeah so this is just a bit of a housing with a stainless sort of insert in there and this is the impeller if this impeller is warm the pump won't pump water if this housing is leaking your water pressure will drop significantly and if I rotate this I don't think we can see from here let me grab a screwdriver and I'll show you on the side so to change this impeller you just slide it all the way up and off I'll put a link to a video on changing these as well but there's a little Woodruff key now if that would Rick is missing this shaft can spin and it won't spin the impeller so that's another possibility so just something else to be aware of the water also comes from these grilles as an intake so if these are blocked no cooling water is going to get into the pump not to be pumped up so you can undo these with a couple of Phillips head screws and take those out and have a look there as well so make sure these intakes aren't blocked make sure the impellers in good condition make sure the Woodruff Keys in and make sure the housings got all its proper gaskets and seals around it this case is no ring that comes around here and make sure that's not leaking make sure the the hose that carries the water up to the out outlet isn't blocked and is securely pressed into here so that's pretty much your cooling system from the very beginning I either intake from the water you're floating in through to the tell-tale oh film coming home purely because this is a water monitor that lives on our steps so I'll show you well there he is he's always here you know run away well you lost your skin your that your molting so they call it shedding multi I don't know no I think they live in ponds and things hope he goes the neighbors have got a pond just over there yeah and it boat as a garden bed this is always a good way to release a life after they die so thanks watching I hope to you helps if you have this problem of no telltale or no cooling water truly coming through if you enjoyed this video please rate comment and subscribe I'll catch you next time see ya
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 1,352,793
Rating: 4.7824755 out of 5
Keywords: boat, marine, outboard motor, fix, repair, tell-tale, tell-tail, cooling water, water pump, impeller, blockage, blocked hose, nozzle, no water, outboard, blocked tell tale, blocked tell tail, tell tale, tell tail, unblocking, not peeing, dangar marine, outboard not pumping water, water, outboard motor not pumping water, outboard motor not peeing, water not coming out of outboard, boat motor not peeing, outboard water tube, outboard motor (invention)
Id: dx8_xP30aSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2016
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