Unreal Engine 5.4 Naninte Tessellation & Displacement Tutorial

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hello in this video you'll learn how to use nanite displacement a feature introduced in Ral engine version 5.3 it allows you to add a height texture to objects giving them depth or height this can turn a flat area into a more detailed landscape or object recently in a tech demo for the upcoming game Marvel 1943 onal engine showcased this feature by transforming a road initially the road lacked detail but by applying height displacement developers added more depth and realism in this tutorial you'll learn how to achieve the same effect first of all you're going to want to make sure that you're using onor engine version 5.3 or above next we want to enable nanite displacement to enable nanite displacement in your project simply select anywhere in your project right click and go show an Explorer navigate to what your Project's called and we just want to go to the config file then open up the default engine file this should open up a text file and we just want to go over to the script engine rendering settings next we want to copy these two um texts and place them below the r render settings I'll leave a link in the description where you can just copy these texts exactly and we just want to paste them here then just go file and save then close this open up your arare engine project again and just restart it next to test out this nanite displacement I'm going to download a high quality material from quickel bridge so if we just go here where it says quickly add things to the project and open up quickel Bridge you can sign in with your UNR Engine account and then we just want to find a surface so something with a lot of texture to it like a brick wall will work well with this displacement feature so I'm just going to find a stone wall and I'm just going to use this CLE wall so I've just downloaded this and then make sure to add it to your project by clicking this add button so now that I've added this I'm just going to go here where it says quickly add things to the project and I'm just going to go to shapes and add a plane I'm just going to scale it up so I'm going to click this anchor and make it five and then I'm just going to hold the alt button to duplicate this and I'm going to drag in this material into it so this is how it looks without displacement it's very flat and we're going to create another material which has the nanite displacement in it so to do that I'm just going to right click and go create new material I'll just call this my displacement material we can open it up and we should see the displacement here if we um enable the settings correctly and if you're using aror engine 5.4 or above you'll see the displacement here although you'll see that it's unhighlighted in order to make it enabled just select the material scroll down and then enable tessellation here then they'll make it so you can see the displacement value here and then I'm just going to drag in its base material its normal material and this material we want to connect from here into the base color we going to connect from here into the normal and for this one we want to connect the blue into the displacement the green value into the roughness and this red value into the ambient occlusion and if I just select this displacement map scroll down we should go here where it says displacement and here we can change the displacement of this material so let's just go apply to make sure it saves everything and then I'm just going to drag this displacement material onto here and as you can see the material has a bit of displacement to it if I increase the settings so I'm just going to make this like 10 and this and this value three then just go apply and we can see this has some depth to it you may find that the displacement isn't working for you in order to make sure that displacement works on a mesh that you've basically applied the material to you just want to head over to that mesh so if you're using the plane just go here open up this plane then in the details in in the search look for nanite and just click this box which says enable nanite support and that'll make sure that it can work with the nanite displacement so that's how you can easily add nanite displacement to your meshes inside Unreal Engine that's all for this video If you enjoyed make sure to like And subscribe I'm going to do a video on the motion action when it comes out and if you want to learn how to create full games inside un engine check out my website aror university.com and I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Unreal University
Views: 7,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue5, nanite, nanite displacement, nanite displacement tutorial, unreal university
Id: tXdgUk7Z2b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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