Stylized Zelda Landscape! Large Scale PCG Tutorial with Gaea Maps in Unreal Engine

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hello in this video I'm going to be covering how to create a Zelda inspired landscape in Unreal Engine using Maps exported from Gaia procedural content generation and World partitioning I'm going to show you how to create a custom landscape shaped by a height map that I exported out of Gaia which you can download in the description I will cover how to use a PCG volume to simulate grass flowers trees and rocks and finally how to combine that PCG volume with an incredibly large landscape using World partitions and partitioning of PCG volumes which will allow you to simulate a lot of foliage very efficiently we have a lot to cover so let's get into it okay so I'm going to start with this completely empty project and the first thing I'm going to do is enable a few things in the project setting I'll go up to the edit dropdown come to project settings let's type in mesh and distance and you want to double check that you have this generate mesh distance Fields checked on this is just very spefic specific to the asset pack that I'm going to be showing you how to use it's a stylized asset pack so it needs a few project settings enabled this one the other one it needs enabled is runtime virtual textures so I'll type in Virtual texture and I'll come over here to enable virtual texture support and check that on next I'm going to enable our procedural content generation plug-in so I'll go up to edit and plugins and type in PCG and in this case all I need is the procedural content generation framework right here I'll enable that and I'll go ahead and hit restart now once my project has reopened I am ready to import my asset pack the asset pack I'm going to be using for this tutorial is called the Lush stylized environment asset pack thankfully it's very inexpensive and I really think this is one of the best stylized asset packs out there it's very well organized the assets are very well optimized I think this would be a great place for you to start if you're looking at getting into stylized environments I'm going to be using this one of course the things in this tutorial you can apply to other stylized asset packs but I'm going to be using this one and I will provide a link to it below this video so I'm going to go ahead and hit add to project it's going to ask me which project I want to add it to so I'm going to scroll down to the one I just made Zelda landscape hit add to project once that's done you will see a new folder in your content browser area and it will be called Lush stylized environment set I'm going to make a new folder by right clicking and choosing new folder calling it levels next I'm going to come up here to the project settings by coming to edit project settings and I'm going to type in World partition make sure we enable streaming here when I have that enabled I can go ahead and come up here to file and choose new level now the reason why we're doing this instead of right clicking in the content browser and making a new level that way is because in order for us to use the optimization settings that I'm going to be showing you later in the video that's going to allow us to to populate PCG over a very large landscape and still be efficient we need to make sure we create this level using the open world setup which will take advantage of world partitions so that's why we're coming up here to file a new level instead and we get this option box here and we can choose empty open World level hit create and we will have a blank level so let's go ahead and make our lighting setup I'm going to comp here to window choose environment light mixer we're going to do a very basic lighting setup we'll choose this button create Skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create volumetric Cloud create height fog once we've done that we have our lighting set up in our level we can go ahead and save it into our levels folder so I'll come up here to the file drop down again and choose save current level as and we'll call this L for level uncore Zelda landscape go ahead and hit save and you should see your level pop up in the levels folder as well as these HL layers which are letting us know that this level is set up for World partition correctly so at this point you have two options I am going to show you the process of using some texture maps that I exported from a software called Gaia these are black and white texture maps that will tell the landscape the shape it should be Gaia itself is a great tool for creating these landscape like shapes and exporting them into texture maps to be able to use an Unreal Engine if you would like to a tutorial on how to use this software to get this kind of result definitely let me know in the comments below and I'll try to make a video on that otherwise I've provided a link below in the description of this video for these specific texture maps that I exported so you're welcome to grab those if you'd like so I'll be using this landscape height texture for this section if you don't want to use texture Maps that's completely fine you can just go ahead and hit the create button here and sculpt your landscape using the tools inside of Unreal Engine but for me I'm going to come over to the import file section click the three dots next to the height map file here navigate to my texture maps and choose landscape height here and click open you should see your landscape automatically change its shape which looks great but before I hit import I want to add the material that comes with the asset pack that we downloaded onto the landscape I will choose the Lush environments folder here I'm actually going to change my thumbnail size for these folders cuz I find them a little bit large I'll change them to small for me but we want to come to the landscape folder inside of the Lush environments pack back we want this m lnd d01 going to drag that onto the material section in the landscape box here and then go ahead and hit import at first it's going to look just white everywhere and that is because this landscape material comes with landscape layers already built into it but those landscape layers haven't been told what data to use in order to place themselves I can come over to the paint tab in the landscape settings I'm going to come over here to the Rass section at the top and go ahead and hit the plus button here and choose weight Blended layer it's going to ask you where to save these Maps I just usually use whatever the default place is and you can see the grass map is going to be called grass layer info hit save and it's going to automatically populate your landscape with the material which is really cool now my landscape is a bit too large in height so we can always adjust the settings of the depth or height of our landscape by coming back back to the selection mode here clicking on our landscape the scale here under the Z value I'm going to drop down to 50 so this is actually really great Auto material that comes with this pack but for me I actually don't want to use the foliage spawning that comes with this asset pack I want to create a new foliage spawning setup with PCG so I have a little bit more control over the foliage itself I can add more trees and other kinds of foliage to automatically populate the entire landscape not just grass I will need to modify the landscape material in order to have it stop spawning this grass so I can start spawning my grass so I'll come back over to the content come to the Lush environment set here come to the landscape folder again and I'm going to go ahead and take this landscape and duplicate it since this material instance already has a beautiful setup in terms of settings we're going to duplicate that one as well in this master material I'll call it basore PCG and I'll double click the material instance here and scroll down to the place in the material where it references its Master material and I will just drag my PCG Master material into the parent field here once that's done I can open that Master material and start making some adjustments and it will be reflected in the instance if we look at this material here it's wonderfully organized and this section here is where it is telling the landscape to start spawning the actual grass foliage and again you can keep this and use the grass foliage if you want but I'm going to go ahead and delete this for this master material and remember we have the original one so if you want to go back you always have that option go ahead and hit save we come back to our landscape here select it and scroll down to our material we just need to replace our material instance the second one with the one we put in before and now it still maintains all the material logic but is no longer spawning grass so at this point let's come back to our content folder here and right click and make a new folder and this we will call PCG I will'll double click on that to open it right click in the empty space come over to PCG graph let's call this PCG Zelda let's drag that into our environment double click on it to open it let's open up the input section here drag off of our landscape and make a new Surface sampler by typing in surface and choosing surface sampler and for me I'm going to go ahead and choose unbounded now you have to be careful with this setting because what it's saying is it's no longer using the bounds of of the PCG volume in order to choose where to spawn points and foliage if you have a really large landscape like this you just want to make sure that you're not overdoing it or spawning things somewhere where you don't actually need to spawn it so for the sake of efficiency for the moment I'm going to reduce the points per square meter here to 05 before I start debugging it just in case it's too many points for the computer to handle it crashes let's contract that window come to our PCG volume in the world and scroll up to where it says generate here go ahead and hit generate so that it starts working in our environment then I'll come back to my graph here hit D to debug with the surface Samplers selected now we can see all the points that is spawning on our landscape here however right now it's spawning everywhere and what we would like to do is filter out the points so it's only getting the points that are on the grassy areas of your landscape we can actually sample the landscape layers which you'll remember are over here our landscape section here under paint we have all of our material layers that came with the master material from our asset pack and if youve set these up yourself as well they should show up here if you have a custom material but we can actually get the data of what points are overlapping with those materials into our PCG graph so let's see how to do that I'm going to stop debugging this I'm going to drag off here and type in filter and what I want is point filter in the past I've typed in points plural filter that's not what we want we want singular Point filter by default the point filter is grabbing density as the target attribute and what we want is to put in the exact name of the layer that we want to sample here for me that would be grass and if you're ever not sure what layers you have contained within your landscape what you can do is you can click on this node here or any node for that matter come up to this little drop down and choose the name of this graph that you are looking at then right click on that node and choose inspect or hit the a key then if we look at this little pane down here at the bottom of our PCG tool we can see all the types of data we're getting from this node and in this case it's coming from the surface sampler here if we go all the way to the right we can start to see which layers are which and right now it's showing me that I only have a grass layer so this is a good point actually to code back to our landscape layer and make sure we have layer data for each type type of material that we have on it come back to my drop down choose landscape come back to the paint section here under Cliff which is other material that I have I'm going to hit the plus button and create a weight Blended layer same as the grass hit save and I'll do one for riverbed cuz I might want to add that in as well later as well as grass only mud gravel I'm not actually using sand in this example so I'll leave that blank so now that we have our texture data set up as inputs I can use the rest of those maps that I exported out of of Gaia so coming over here to the manage tab in the landscape settings I can come and choose import you'll notice this is the same area where we were importing the height map for the landscape now we can actually import texture maps in order to place grass and other materials I can come to this layer section expand it and this will show all the landscape layers that are currently set up thankfully this landscape material that comes with this project has these set up for you so it's a very simple matter of just swapping the inputs that they're using for textures that you're importing so it'll be a pretty easy process for us so I'm just going to come over here to the the grass input enable it and I'll use the three dot button here to load my texture and I'm going be choosing the grass layer texture going to go ahead and hit open you won't see anything happen right away because we need to import it but before I do that I will check on Cliff choose the cliff layer and I'm actually going to go and check on riverbed here and choose chose my Rivers layer option the rest of these I'll leave as layers that I can paint on afterward so when I have all of my textures set up and ready to go I'll go ahead and hit the import button if you run into this error here for some reason it's forgetting that the landscape height map that I imported in the first section is actually this exact size that it's asking for so I'm going to go ahead and hit cancel and come over here to the heightmap file here and reload my height map from the textures go ahead and hit import and everything should work after that so if I switch back to to my selection mode here we can see that the landscape layers have themselves been loaded in correctly again in this case we've just switched over from using the native height uh blending masks that the master material was using before to using these specific texture masks that I've exported from Gaia or if you're using World machine it's the same process so now if we open our PCG graph here again we can scroll to the right and we will see different values in here for grass and Cliff go go down further we'll also see values in the riverbed section that's good that means we're getting specific data about where those points are living on the surface so let's also fix this warning sign on the points filter node I'm going to go ahead and select it and come over to the right side here where it says the type of the data that we're getting from the point filter and you can see down here that the layers are giving us float values so single number value so I need to change this type to a float so I can come and check on the Ed constant threshold checkbox here and then I can switch my type of data down to a float here and that should get rid of your error if we come over to this node that was Point filtering out our grass attribute I drag off of the inside filter section and I'll just add a transform node type in transform choose transform points and we hit debug on that node by pressing D we can see our points starting to get masked out of the areas where there is a cliff material and if they're still kind of seeping into those areas where there's Cliffs we can always just come back to our nodes here choose the point filter node here under the float value is where we can start to cut into that mask a little bit more so if I increase it up it'll be cutting into values that are in the area where it's not exactly a one material or the other it's a blend and so you have a lot of values in between for points that are like deciding which material they're actually on and so by cutting into this float value here and raising it we're cutting out some of those points in between and so now you can see we have points that are pretty clearly just on the grass areas which is great so let's use this to spawn some grass so I will stop inspecting this node and stop debugging this node and we'll go ahead and drag off of here and create a static mesh spawner and this will be what we use to put in our grass so come over here to the mesh entries section hit the plus button and expand the index zero and the descriptor and right here where it says static mesh I'll just hit the drop down and type in grass and there's two different grass options that come with this asset pack I'm going to choose the SM grass tiny right here and if we come over here to our environment we can see the grass is starting to grow in the grassy areas and I'm actually going to increase the size of the grass especially so it can cover more area I'll come back to that transform points node that we made increase the scale Min to two and the scale Max to three this might take a little moment to update because it is actually covering the entire landscape at this point if I want to work a little faster in this case I could come over to the surface sampler here click on it uncheck unbounded as we're working on the graph here this will allow us to spawn it really quickly in a small area and then when we're ready to we can expand it back out to the large area so we have our grass here looking pretty nicely I might actually now go back to my Surface sampler increase the points per square meter to something like 0.1 again and lower my points EX extent because remember this is making the actual points that are being spawned on the surface large and so they bump into each other not allowing for us to spawn as many points so if I come over here to the points extent and I lower them to something like 10 for example you can see we're getting a lot more grass depending on the size of your landscape this might still not even seem like enough points in which case you could increase the points per square meter here up to.5 now we're getting a very full area of grass so now that we have our grass looking nice let us add some rocks into the equation now I'm going to disconnect the static mesh spawner by holding down alt and disconnecting it just so we can actually see the points we're working with for the Rocks I'll drag off of the surface sampler here create a density filter hit D to debug this we can see it's quite a lot of points that's too many points actually for how many rocks I would like so I'm going to keep the lower bound at Point find but lower the upper bound down to 6 next we'll drag off of the density filter and create a transform point for this I will add a random rotation in the rotation Max area in the Za axis up to 360 the scale Min and Max I will adjust from 0.5 in the Min up to 1.5 in scale now we can drag off of the transform points here add a static mesh spawner for the Rocks I will add a mesh entry again expand the index and the descriptor and here we will just type in stone which is the name of the small rocks that come with the pack I'll just choose this first one for now and I can actually go to the mesh entries contract the index zero and add another one to give some more options input I'll type in stone again and this time I'll choose this little Clump here I think this will give some good variation now looking at this environment it's still actually too many rocks for me so I'm going to come back to the density filter lower this upper bound down to0 five five and that looks much better okay let's actually comment these nodes so that we remember what they do I'm going to drag over this first section here type c on the keyboard call it grass we'll move it up here a little bit and then here on the Rocks I'll type c again and call it rocks and move it up here now let's spawn some trees we're going to be using almost the same exact situation as the Rocks so I'm going to go ahead and duplicate those nodes drag over them crl C and crl V put it down here I'll connect it to the surface sampler now for the density filter here I actually want to create a different range for just for the trees I will choose 3 to 302 in the upper bound so next in my transform points I'm actually going to leave it as is and see how the trees end up looking but for the static mesh spawner we actually need to add the tree meshes so I'll expand the index zero click on the static mesh entry and type in tree and grab one of these large trees grab a tree for the second input as well this one I'll choose medium 02 and remember you can add as many versions of trees or rocks or grass that you want to to keep adding more variation so looking at these trees here they look great I am noticing that they are rotating slightly with the hills for the trees specifically I just want them to grow straight up and down so that's very easily achieved by coming back to the transform points here and checking on the absolute rotation here this is going to snap all the trees to the up and down rotation allowing them to only point up we do run into a few issues if we do this because we don't actually know sometimes that the ground is at an angle so it might kind of come up above the surface so we can easily fix that by coming here to the offset Min and Max in the Z area and just lowering it down like -20 in Min and -2 in Max that seems to fix the problem in most of the areas so let's go ahead and drag over these nose and press C and call the trees next let's add some bushes I'm going to take the same tree blueprint that I have here copy it paste it below the trees here I'm going to give a little bit of space for something we're about to do in the density filter we're going to choose it completely different range so I'm going to choose 7 as the lower bound and the upper bound I will choose 75 in the static mesh spawner will come down here to the tree input same as before and choose a bush anyone will do in both descriptors I'll go ahead and rename the comment box here to bushes and looking here at my environment the bushes are way too big for me so I'm going to come back to the transform points that I have for the bushes switch off the offset that I have on them as well lower the scale Min and Max to Something like. 2 going up to.5 and I feel like there's still too much of them so I'll come back here to the density filter and choose something like 702 same as the trees that'll just create a few little bushes here and there maybe 05 would be best so now things are going to get interesting so I want to create some plants and I want those plants to grow specifically under the tree I want them only to appear when there's a tree placed in my environment and grow around the base of that tree in order to do that we're going to need to create a distance node and I'm going to right click in the empty space here type in distance and create that for the Target we're going to plug it into the tree here move this bushes nodes down a little bit and then we need to get some points that we're going to use to spawn around the tree so we'll grab a new density filter plug it into our surface sampler up here and plug that density filter into the source so if we go ahead and hit D to debug and we come over to a tree we can see some slight color variations starting to happen in the points that are directly around the tree I'm actually going to let a little bit more points into the plant area so I'm going to come to the density filter and lower the lower bound down so we see a lot more points come to the distance section here turn on set density cuz I want the actual distance from the tree to affect the density color on the points so now that that's checked on we see black everywhere but we start to lower the maximum distance here we start to see discoloration only around the tree now that we have this data we can come drag off of the distance node here create another density filter debug that one it's cutting out all the points that are in the darker end of the spectrum but we'll just flip that so I'm going to drag off of the density filter and type in blue print and we want to create an execute blueprint node and this will allow us to have access to a particular function that is not actually currently a node maybe in the future it will be future versions of Unreal Engine but currently we can only access it through the execute blueprint function so I'm going to click on that node come over here the blueprint element type and expand that and type in scale and choose scale by density and we'll look at what that Noe is doing by debugging it by default you won't see anything and and that is because the scale Min and Max here need to be set by default they're both zero so if I add a one into the scale Max it's a little hard to see but the points that are closer to the tree are smaller and the ones that are farther away are bigger we want actually flip that come to the scale Min and make it one the scale Max I'm going to make it zero and now that is happening in Reverse now if we want more of a gradient we want more of this scale to show up if I come over to the distance node and lower it to something like 500 come back to the density filter and make make sure it is letting in as many points as possible maybe I'll change it to 6 to make sure I'm getting enough points around it you can see they're starting to scale down as they get farther away from the tree so now if I go ahead and plug that into another transform points node add some random Rotation by adding a 360 in the maximum in the zv value for rotation Max and under the scale we'll actually add a random scale as well from 1 to two and we drag off of that transform points make a static mesh spawner we can go ahead expand the mesh entry section here under index descriptor and add a taro plant and I actually think I added too much scale in the transform points so I'm going to come back here and make the maximum one and the minimum may be like5 so now we can see we have a little clump of plants directly around the tree which looks great and then they get smaller as the plants grow farther from the tree which I think gives a really natural result you can go crazy with this as a concept to create all kinds of different natural phenomena because it's really just about masking where seeds land where plants are in relationship to each other it's a very powerful approach that's pretty simple to set up okay so lastly this wouldn't be a Zelda landscape without some flowers in this case we're going to be using some interesting noise patterns in order to create a nice flower look so I'm going to drag off of my Surface sampler here and create a spatial noise let's go ahead and hit D to look at what that node is giving us we don't see anything right away but I'm going to come over to the contrast section and up it to 10 and then I'm expand the transform here and increase the scale up to 100 this is a little bit of trial and error because sometimes you don't know how big the noise is in relationship to the environment that you're working with so you can see it gives us a noise pattern and that noise pattern is a little less random it's still random but it will respect clumping a little bit better I find that this particular setup of noise is nicer for creating clumps of foliage because you don't necessarily want them to be randomly spread you want some kind of clumping where you know there's a group of flowers that are growing together and so this helps you achieve that a little bit better you can always play with the scale and contrast here to get a different noise look we'll stick with this for now and I'll drag off of the spatial noise and create a density filter and we'll go ahead and look at that node and for this one I actually want to cut out quite a few of the points because I don't want too many flowers this can always come down to your preference but I want to increase this up a bit so there's fewer flowers so now I have a nice clumping randomly spread over the whole area so now I want to create even more zones for these flowers so it'll create a larger noise so I'm going to duplicate this spatial noise that I made modify it and the size of this noise instead of being 100 I will lower it down to five let's take a look at this but this is giving us you can see it's creating some more targeted areas with the noise for our flowers to be spawn I'm going to come and make another density filter filter out even more points now you can see we have some flower clumping in some very specific areas and especially as we expand this over the whole landscape it's going to work a lot better for us I'm going to make one change to these points before I start spawning the actual flowers themselves and that is I don't actually want the flowers to spawn around trees since the trees cast Shadow more likely than not in a natural landscape the flowers actually won't have enough light to grow if they're growing underneath the tree so we want to as much as we can capture that sort of natural phenomenon so I'm going to reuse the same situation we use with the distance node here I'm even going to copy it and paste it over here and we'll connect the target up to the trees as well and the source up to the points for the flowers drag it off of it and add a density filter take a look at that and we'll use it to cut out points that are directly around the tree so that looks pretty good finally let's drag off make a static mesh spawner here stop debugging the density filter and here we can just expand it in the descriptor and type in flowers and there's quite a lot of flowers that come with this pack I'm going to stick with just three of them so I'll go ahead and make another one choose a different color and a third one and choose a different color and there we now have our flowers spawning correctly and we can always continue to play with our noise specifically to give us denser flower clumps for example I could come back to my flower sequence of nodes here which I'll actually go ahead and comment pressing C calling it flowers so we'll come over to our flowers nodes here and we remember our first spatial noise is really where we cut out the kind of density of the points come over here to the density filter and expand it a little bit and that will give me some more flower clumping and so we can just keep adjusting it till we get the look that we like let's go ahead and add in our grass as the final step of the puzzle here so I'll come back up to my grass and reconnect it to the static mesh spawner now in my grass here my flowers are kind of getting swallowed up so I need to increase their size a little bit so I'll come back down to the flowers themselves I will disconnect them and add a transform point in between connect it up again and this time I'll just increase their size so the minimum will make them as two and the maximum as three in the scale Max you can see our flowers are coming through the grass a lot better I might even come back to the grass again in the transform points and lower it down two as the maximum size maybe 1.7 as the minimum so now that our foliage successfully spread across the landscape if this is running smoothly enough for you then you can come back to your surface sampler and increase this to 0.5 so let's take a look at how this is working in our environment with our landscape layers take a look here at my PCG volume it's working really well in the grassy area but when I move it over the cliff area we can see that we're getting some bushes flowers that are spawning on the Rocks which is not what I want the grass is getting cut off correctly but not the other foliage so I'm going to open up My Graph again and we can see that we're using our Point filter only for the grass I'm actually going to move this over here and drag the point filter down and let's decide which of these different types of foliage we want to be cut out by the Rocks I have the small rocks here I'm actually going to leave that the way it is cuz I think rocks spawning on other rocks is actually going to give it a nice look but for the flower specifically I'm going to disconnect it by holding alt and pressing on the pin here and dragging it into the end of the point filter here that we're using to filter out the landscape layers I'll come back down to the trees here and do the same thing and the plants and the bushes so now when we look at the Rocks here it is getting cut out correctly by the cliff materials now I do want to mention really quick that if you reopen your level and you're finding that the landscape layers are no longer cutting out PCG correctly that is because the landscape layers themselves have lost their connection to the texture this can sometimes happen and I ran into it specifically when building this environment the fix for that is to take your texture files and put them somewhere in the content folder of your Unreal Engine project so I've actually gone into my content folder here under levels and under this folder for the landscape assets themselves if you right click on it and choose show an Explorer it's going to open up the actual folders on your computer and if you drag in the actual texture files that you downloaded and are using for both the height and the grass and the cliff and other landscape layers and you come back here to the landscape section under manage under import and you come to the landscape layer grass cliff and riverbed for example and we load in those textures that are specifically within the content folder structure it will not disconnect from them every time we close the level or close the project and reopen it okay so now we have our landscape set up we have our foliage set up we are ready to start the process of populating our entire landscape with our PCG foliage in an efficient manner and you'll remember at the beginning of this tutorial we set up the world partition open world landscape setup when we first made our level and now that's when it comes in again because we're going to be taking our PCG volume expanding it to the entire world and then using the partition system to let Unreal Engine slice it up into individual little smaller volumes so that it's able to parse the data individually in sections and this is just a lot more efficient if you are familiar with the electric dreams project this is why their PCG graphs foliage even though it's so dense and it's over such a large landscape area is able to run so smoothly is because they're using a partitioning system so this is how we set it up so coming back into my level here we can see under our landscape if we expand it we can see all of our different landscape partition squares basically and so what we're going to be doing is setting up PCG to have its own version of that the first thing I want to do is actually stop the volume from simulating because I don't want it to actually be res simulating as it's also setting itself up over such a large area so I am going to go ahead and take the volume here here to where it says generate cleanup as buttons and I'm going to choose clean up this will knock out all the points that's simulating inside of the volume now I can go ahead and scale the volume up so if you're not sure about how big your PCG volume should be a good rule of film is to go and look at your landscape double check this number where it says overall resolution for me it says 2017 and so I'm going to just take that number and half it which gives me 108.5 and so I can come over here to the PCG volume and in the X make it 108.5 and in the Y as well 108.5 other thing I want to do is zero its position so it's scaling out from the center of the landscape hit this little button to center it we zoom out here we can see it is actually the exact size of our landscape we just need to make it a little bit higher and uh lower in depth I'll come back over to the scale and in the Z axis I will make it 200 and I think that will be enough to cover the entire landscape here so now that we have that set up we are ready to the volume scroll down and choose is partition once we choose that box and we come back up here we can hit generate for me personally I actually like to go into the graph and lower the number of points before I do this just cuz it will take a little bit of time to slice up the volume and re simulate it across the whole lscape and this will be just a little bit quicker if there's fewer points and you can gradually increase it later I come here to surface sampler click on it and right now we're at 0.5 which is a lot of points so even if you just drop it down to like 0.1 for example this will let us simulate the landscape a little bit quicker so I'll hit save now I'll come over here and hit generate you'll see a little progress bar on the bottom right here and you'll notice it's quite a bit quicker than if we were simulating points over the whole landscape you might have to give it a minute or a few minutes depending on your computer to finish loading but once it's done loading you'll see your level is running very smoothly which is awesome it's simulating over the entire landscape if we want to double check that we are partitioning our PCG volume correctly we can just come over here to the world actor for the PCG which is the instanced version of the PCG volume and check all of these partition actors underneath and if we zoom out we can see each of these little cubes as I click on them these are individual PCG volumes that are simulating separately so now that we have this simulating correctly let's jump back to our PCG volume and open it up and we'll come back to our surface sampler and now if we go ahead and increase the points to something like point4 give it a minute to load and repopulate through all of the volumes and give it a few minutes to fully load sometimes the bar will finish but it'll still be uh jerkily moving and not quite loaded all the way kind of looking noisy but just you know sit it out leave a few moments and it should update all the way through all the different volumes depending on how big your landscape is and then we have a much more efficient loaded landscape here which is [Music] great and there you have it if you found this video helpful shoot me a thumbs up or a comment let me know to make more videos like this if you have any questions definitely drop them in the comments if as you're working through this information something's not working for you or I miss something I'll do my best to answer those questions in the comments below if you've been really digging PCG and you want to learn more from me about that I have a lot of other videos on the channel there's probably two right here recommend you subscribe to the channel check out some awesome videos all right I will see you on the next one
Channel: Aziel Arts
Views: 6,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ElpH2AA4Nzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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