Unreal Engine 5.4 Sneak Peek | GDC 2024

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welcome to the Epic Booth everyone my name is darl OB and today I'm going to be sharing with you a sneak peek of some of the things we've been working for for unreal engine 5.4 many of the things I'm going to be showing you today are experimental some of the things I'm going to be showing you are were previously experimental on 5.3 and they've moved into beta I'll make sure to identify those throughout the presentation we're going to be talking about several uh several topics today we're going to talk about rendering a bit we're going to cover animation we're really really serious about animation inside of the engine we've been uh animating everything in Lego fortnite using the editor it's an awesome set of tools that we've been developing for that and we're going to share some of that with you today as far as setup goes I'll finish off with a little bit of PCG and a tiny mention of some of the things we've been doing that are interesting with audio I'm going to be going pretty quick I have a lot to cover um if you guys want to see a more in-depth demo or presentation afterwards feel free to come over to the demo Podge for the kiosks we'd be happy to dive into these features and show them to you in a bit more a bit more in depth so with all that said let's hop over to the editor and and get started so the first thing we want to talk about are improvements that we've made to rendering now we've been working on the rendering engine since ue5 with some really amazing technology so things like Lumen and nanite are being used in this scene and those tools continue to improve we've made significant improvements algorithmically and with paralyzation to those Technologies so that 5.4 has got a really really nice speed Improvement if you take something in 5 like maybe the city sample scene and load it on the exact same piece of uh same hardware and run it in 5.4 it's going to be about 2x faster we've had really really great speed improvements which ultimately leads to Quality improvements in addition right like because you can start turning up the quality sliders once you start to get those speed improvements so really happy with where we're getting um and that's going to continue to change you know evolve we're going to get more and more paralyzation into the engine um specifically as we move forward so what we want to do is look at some of the enhancements that we've made to nanite so nanite progressively has been adding more and more functionality into it and with 5.4 we've done a lot of work to the tessellator so we have a nanite Tessellation that gives us the ability to to do some really interesting workflows specifically in the context of a game so let's go ahead and um jump over here really quickly and kind of move down onto this ground so I'm using the landscape system inside of unreal to create this kind of snowy terrain right now I have some texture Maps associated with it these were quickle assets that I got off of bridge and it's so they come with um normal maps and displacement Maps so right now all we're seeing is that kind of wispy snow represented across that landscape with the help of a normal map if we were to look at the triangles you'll see that I actually have nanite enabled there we go um and across that terrain nanites turned on that's why we're seeing the colorful polygons but there's not enough detail or or tessellation in there to capture that displacement right so what we're going to do is we're going to actually enable nanite tessellation which is going to add another level of tessellation on top of that indal landscape that will be have um enough polygons to capture that detail and it's really easy to do inside of unreal all you have to go and do is grab your landscape and just going to scroll down here and bring up that material a little large let's just shrink that down and we'll kind of scroll down to the bottom here and just scoot this over so you can see what's going on just going to turn on tessellation as soon as we do that now there's a lot of polygons right tons and tons of detail in that landscape and you can start to see the subtle little Contours of some of those areas that previously were just normal map representations and if I overdrive the uh the value of the snow it's just a multiplier on that on that displacement Channel that's kind of going into that guy you can start to see okay yeah that's that's all displaced uh geometry now you can start to really see that and if we jump back to a lip mode it's going to just add that really nice subtle detail scattered across that terrain so great great new functionality inside of unreal with the ability to overdrive that material now this is a slightly different example but it's kind of the same idea I've got some geometry um on these tents that's very low polygon count right and on top of that I've got a little animated normal map I'm just moving the texture map across that to represent when what we want to do is we want to get actual displace geometry so the same idea that we saw with the landscape I'm going to go ahead and grab this material you can close this one down and just double click on this guy and let's just shrink it shrink it down here and kind of scroll down to the bottom and as soon as I enable that tessellation just like that you can now see that you know we have these nice tents blowing in the wind and it does a great job also in the virtual Shadow Maps right so all that stuff just starts to work together this allows me to create very lightweight you know from a disc perspective I can store very lightweight geometry and then use that nanite tessellation to add in all that subtle detail and the fact that we can animate the tessellator is super super cool and very powerful and the way I'm doing this just so you can get a sense of what's going on with that it's it's actually really quite simple um let's just jump in here and I'll bring up the graph for that guy really quick so you can kind of see what's going on so I've got just um my UV I'm just doing a simple pan across the UV channels it drives a displacement as well as a normal map and then down here I've got this little uh mask that I generated in Houdini it's just a kind of a trace in to find the interior volumes and I'm multiplying that back into the displacement map and the normal map to ultimately have those fixed points of the internal structure of the tent not get displaced and moved around in the wind so another pretty classic example of the types of things you can do with nanite you know lightweight geometry and having texture map information add in all that subtle detail very very powerful from a game workflow perspective so the final thing that we're going to look at is uh kind of combining all those together kind of some of the landscape stuff with some of the texturing stuff and we're going to do that in the context of a character running around my environment so I based this scene out of the uh the third person template so as I start to run my character around here you can see they're leaving um you know these nice little footprints in the snow and they're all displaced out that's just basically sampling each foot rendering that into a runtime virtual texture taking that runtime virtual texture and multiplying that into the displacement channel of the original texture map that came from quickel so putting it all together we end up with Landscapes that's deformable so you know tire tracks snow mud things like that you can do very very efficiently and elegantly utilizing all these tools together so a few other things that we've been working on the renderer let's uh let's talk about localized volume fog so I've got environmental fog in my scene I've got some really nice volume effects sort of happening um you know on my on my on my light here as I kind of look at the truck you know it kind of has this pretty look but those background mountains don't really have the amount of hazing that I want I want more smoke in The Valleys now I do have a little bit happening right here and the way I'm getting that is using localized volume fog it's a new feature in 5.4 and it gives you very art directable um fog placement so let's go ahead and check that out what does it mean well if I just search for local and I grab this localized fog volume and if I uh you know kind of hit my G key here you can see there there's that localized fog so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take that localized fog and I'm just going to duplicate it and then we'll just drag it across here and start adding in a little bit more fog Mist at the base of those mountains so really simple thing but it makes a big impact in the ability for artists to get exactly the look and feel they want in their fog you know it gives you another level control or another layer to work with super powerful feature so the next thing that we want to talk about really quickly is het heterogeneous volume and some of the improvements we've made to the volume renderer in 5.4 so to do that I'm actually going to use one of the samples that we Shi the engine with um this is a Niagara fluid Sim let just kind of drag and drop that into my scene here and kind of Rise that guy up and spin it around I'm going to set this little Barrel on fire hey I did a pretty good job of placing that look at that I'm hired ultimate Placer so heterog genus volumes previously they um they looked cool but they were limited they didn't they didn't integrate exactly the way we wanted to into the Deferred renderer so we put a lot of work into that in 5.4 now heter genus volumes can do a couple things first of all the direct illumination model has the ability to cast Shadows into the environment so if we go up here and we just turn on cast Shadows go to the details for that guy you can see all right great now we have shadows that's a pretty fundamental thing we didn't have that in 5.3 so I'm really glad that's there the other thing that we've done is we've worked heavily on the look and feel of this now if we look on the the bright side here that's getting by the sun you can see that it it's it's illuminated nicely but the backside isn't really getting any indirect light contributed to that so I'm just going to use a sear to turn that on this looks a little bit better than it used to in 5.3 so let's just drop down here and turn on hetro Jus volumes indirect illumination so now it's grayed out a little bit more and the final thing that we've really put a lot of effort into is the compositing of this so the ability for this to get integrated into the scene and ground into it and feel correct specifically with fog right the layers on top of of that background fog really nicely as I move this truck around or like my camera around and you can see that kind of volume fog gray the truck out from the sunlight as we kind of get into that it does the exact same thing for the smoke and as I pass it behind these translucent surfaces it again composits and stacks together exactly the way you'd want this would not look nearly as good in 5.3 just just take my word for it these are significant improvements to the look and feel of heterogeneous volumes in 5.4 so the next thing that we want to talk about is animation as I previously said we are super serious about making worldclass animation tools directly inside of the editor that is for setting up characters as well as actually positioning animating characters as as many of our artists need to do so I'm going to spend a fair bit of time talking about setup now previously in unreal we've had this thing called control rig insanely powerful rigging system inside of unreal node based you know took a lot of work to really rig up a complex character what we're trying to do with a lot of our tools in the editor is bring them the level of usability to a to a an initial state that artists can work with them very fast and iteratively and we approached rigging slightly different for 5.4 with a new workflow called modular rigging this layers on top of the original control rig but it brings it down to like a more a more accessible level for artists to work with so it's designed off the bat to work with characters like it has a lot of logic in it specifically for working with characters I'm going to actually be using it to rig this truck and I'm going to walk you through the process of how you can take it and kind of break it apart and use some of the functionality inside of there to do some non-ar based things for it because I I think cars are characters too in my in my eyes so let's go ahead and and get this guy into the modular control rig workflow we'll go back into a folder where that truck kind of lives I'm going to create a new control rig I'm going to uh tell it to be a modular control rig is my panel that I want to load up and I'm just going to not even bother naming this stuff because I'm in a rush so looks like a standard editor inside of unreal let's just switch this view um over here to tiles and the first thing that it's doing is it's prompting me it's saying hey what what do you want to rig well I want to rig this skeletal mesh down here kind of toward the bottom I want to grab my proxy truck now one of the really interesting things about modular control rig is when you're working on it you can transfer the rig from one skeletal mesh to another skeletal mesh in a click of a button it's super super fast so what this means is you can start the rigging process very early on in production right you can rig a proxy vehicle and all that work will propagate Downstream into your assets I also like to use proxy geometry a lot of times when I'm rigging because it's just easier for me to look at right like I don't have to have that big complex truck with all the textures um kind of distracting me I want to look at a simplified version of my of my uh of my geometry and my bone structure to you know make it easier for me to to rig this this this kind of stuff up now the modular rigging workflow is is kind of a wizard-based workflow right like when you bring it in here you can see there's this thing called a socket it's it's basically saying hey identified this bone off of the root bone this is probably an area that your first area that you're going to want to interact with when you're when you're in animating this this vehicle so let's let's put a controller there the controller that we're going to add to it is just a simple um it's called add controller this is basically like a like a parent constraint inside of my it's kind of the easiest way to think of it it's going to grab it and and grab the translation and rotation scaling all that stuff's going to come along for the ride so it's on there you can't see it cuz it's a little small I'm just going to increase the size of that so what what I've got now is I've got a controller that I can grab the top part of my truck with right and you saw when I added that controller onto that socket it went out and said hey like what other things might you want to work around with where might else you want another controller it uses a little bit of logic to kind of decide where those sockets are going to be and again that logic is based on bipedal characters right you can make your own modules that have their own logic in them um what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be manually adding sockets because I'm just going to be hijacking this thing called piston piston is a Workhorse of a constraint system inside of modular control it's basically two aim constraints pointing at each other two bones with an aim constraint both pointing at each other and that's all you need to rig up this truck it's very very powerful feature and I'm going to slow down those tool tips so they don't pop up quite so often so tool tips summons delay guys want to use that sear all the time then you don't get all those popups but then if you wait you know six seconds I will get the pop-ups so that's that's the pro the pro hidden tip for the day I should have done that before I started the presentation anyway we want to move forward we want to rig up these Pistons actually let's R up up the front wheels solid axles are kind of tough to to rig in a traditional rigging system right I want I want to as an animator just grab a wheel in position it I want the other wheel to kind of counterbalance itself and know what to do that's actually really easy to do with a piston so let's check out how that workflow would look let's just grab this bone and I'm going to look at my rig hierarchy you can see I got axle start I'm going to right click on that and I'm going to say you know what I want a new socket right there give me a socket to put one of these modules on I'm going to grab out that piston drag it and drop it on there and I'll as I do that um it's added it you can see over here in my in my uh modular hierarchy it's there you can't see it in the uh in the viewport and that's just because the controllers are a little bit small so I'm going to make those big because I want to be able to grab them kind of near my tires now I've got two controllers that just showed up and they're gray the reason they're gray is they haven't been added into the hierarchy of my character my modular character here it's not underneath the root notice that there's some color setting here in the module settings as soon as I drag and drop that under the root they know where they are they know that on the right hand side of the character so they're they're colorcoded giving me that visual cue that they are now in the hierarchy like I know they're there because they're not gray right so what we're going to do is we're going to just drag that other controller over to the other side of the vehicle kind of position it where I want it to be and just like that I now have a control system that lets me grab you know one tire or the other Tire very very fast very easy you could do this in control rig yeah of course you could you could do it in May blender Houdini wherever it's really really fast to do it here an artist can do it in a matter of seconds here and that's the real power of the modular control rig so to finish this guy up I'm just going to add a couple of um more more constraints more modules onto these uh these these shock absorbers so we'll grab that one we'll grab that one I'm going to go back to the original rig hierarchy and I'm going to say you know what I need sockets these are things I want to interact with I'm going to go ahead and just grab that piston drag and drop it on top of there and again it's it's made it you can't really see it cuz it's kind of it's a little it's a little small but I'll just increase the size of that and and we'll just drag and drop that again underneath the root and just like that we now have that module so if I grab this guy and slide it down toward the end that controller is in the right spot so if I grab it and begin moving it what's it going to do it's actually going to take that bottom bone and aim at it right it's like I said it's two bones aiming at each other but here's the interesting thing you don't have to populate all these fields like some of them need to be populated for the bare minimum for the for the module to work it does that automatically but if I want more functionality in this I might have to map in a few other bones so what happens if I translate this up and down well because I haven't defined the end bone it doesn't know to actually pull that end bone along for the ride so how do you fix that well all you have to do is map it in right so we can deselect this we can go in here and grab actually it's probably easier just to grab it here let's grab that guy get ourselves sort of the end bone and I'm just going to come over here and I'm going to say inbone use that as the input so now what we have is we've got a piston that goes up and down we want this controller to be part of the hierarchy of the truck so we're going to grab that bone and we're going to parent the end bone into that so we just go to parent bone end hit the map button so now I've got the ability to grab my truck and we can kind of hide those guys and just grab this and I move it up and down it does what I would expect right now here's the cool thing I'm just going to take this guy and I'm going to mirror it across to the other side so we'll say mirror we're looking uh I did the left side today so we'll do underscore L we're going to match over to underscore r we'll hit okay and in a matter of a second we've got another rig if I grab this you know just does what you want very very fast so let me fast forward here to uh to a version that's a bit more complete let's just grab up this truck that's done he it'ss up here grab that dude so lots of sockets lots of controls added and you know if we get kind of under the truck here let's just turn off the display of those and I start to move this around you can see that you know everything works everything does exactly what you'd expect this top part is actually really interesting that's two Pistons pointing at each other um that'd be really hard to do actually in Maya because it would be kind of a Maya's a dependency graph right so it would be like this non-destruct or this kind of self feedback loop but control rig it just it just works it's like magic really really cool and then of course I've got a little bit of control um on the ability to grab this guy and you know spin spin my wheels and do the stuff so that's basically it for modular control rig you can rig things very very quickly um with this tool so the end result ends up being something that looks like this uh let's just drag and drop this other version of this truck in my in Into My Level here place that guy right there so animation tools inside of unreal have also uh also been getting better A lot better um lots of fit and finish and polish usability things have been added into the sequencer so if I grab this truck and um you know we've got this it automatically the control rate comes in you drop it into the scene it automatically makes a Source we can get animating on top of that so if I hit my S key um on this cabin you know it's going to it's going to set a key frame so we can kind of set a key there and maybe I'll set a key here and if I move forward in time and I turn on auto key which it looks like it's already on You Know I Can Begin using the new gizmos so the new gizmos are really great um as an animator I can just use my middle Mouse button I don't actually go in there and actually touch that it's going to auto key for me so as a poser you know I can just hit my e Key Middle Mouse button to kind of move this guy around hit the e keyy again it goes to a free an arc ball so if you cycle through the E key it locks to the camera plane hit it again it goes into an arc ball so you can kind of just really quickly with your keys you know jump around and not having to go in there and actually grab that stuff to set key frames and animate this character uh it's much much faster another thing worth noting is in our nmd Tails if we were to bring up the graph editor you can use or the curve editor you can use this um NM details as a actual filter system to say you know what show me only that translation or that translation so it's a really nice filtering system all these little things have been going into the tools to make them more artist friendly faster for animators to work with the final thing worth mentioning is in sequencer we've added in the ability to filter out certain things that you don't want to see so there's a lot more control to customize what the look and feel of this is so if I don't need to see like or I want my my my navigation keys back on I can just reenable them so hopefully that makes sense and it resonates with people who are trying to animate characters and you you kind of can see our vision and where we're going with these tools so the final thing that I want to talk about um really quickly is actually some some more character stuff let's let's jump in and actually do some character stuff so as I said before um we're trying to take a lot of the common tasks that you're doing often and accelerate them you know if we can figure out something that you're going to be doing 90% of the time we want to make that like one Mouse button to do it like modular rigging is accelerating the process of rigging characters retargeting characters is another area where we've been working in 5.4 to accelerate that process for a lot of the types of things you're going to want to do so let's look at the new uh the new workflow for character retargeting if I bring this uh let's just jump over here to um my collection go into demo so I've got that third person character that has some motion on it I want to hijack that animation and put it onto my own custom snow character I want to retarget animation on to this guy right so to do that all I have to do is kind of go back here and go on to this right click and say retarget animations so this is the retargeting window it's actually had a good bit of work put into it in 5.4 you can resize it first of all that's new um and what it does is it it lets you in one click retarget a character you don't have to manually go into an ik retargeter and set it up and Define the chains and things like that it's going to look at the hierarchy of the skeleton if it recognizes what skeleton it is it's going to automatically set all that up for you right and knows all of the Epic skeletons as well as many of the third party skeletons Vicon skeletons uh like Daz like 30 or so skeletons it actually knows the hierarchy and the structure of those because they're predefined if it recognizes it it works with a single click which is pretty uh pretty awesome so we're going to just grab our retarget character we'll just throw a little uh little little animation on there so you can see just like that it knew you know this character was my source this character was my target it recognizes it it does it now of course if you wanted to you could now batch export all those um animations out you can also export the retarget assets which means if you wanted to do like a runtime retarget you could do that really quickly it's Auto automatically set up for you you just export them out and use it with the runtime retargeter so insanely powerful tool now previously I just loaded up the uh the skeletal editor of that character now skeletal editor is also moved into beta so we introduced this uh and and we had some nice functionality in there previously in 5.3 but it wasn't fully featured and we're starting to get there we're going to keep adding more and more into the this tool the main thing that that for me the main Improvement is when I'm in edit weights now I can actually go into a bone mode select a bone and rotate it and begin painting in context we couldn't do that previously so I can go in there select the bone start playing with the weightings it's also worth noting that if you wanted to you could go ahead like if I wanted to you know paint some white over there or something like that if you wanted to you could actually load up an animation asset and see and preview the animation of the waiting work that you've done in the editor you don't have to leave the editor so again it's a sub little fit and finishes thing but they make the things you do every day in the tool a lot easier a lot faster a lot less friction that's really what we're driving for as we continue to work on onreal engine the last thing that I'm going to mention about this tool because it it is worth mentioning is you do something like a verticy select now this character is not super dense but that was really slow there was a little bit of latency after you did selections on vertices and things like that we've got a massive amount of speed improvements inside of the tool and we've added you know one of the most requested features was the ability to grow and Shrink verticy selection so the idea is you could do some verticy selections do some waiting you know shift where those those vertices The Waiting of what bone they're assigned to grow up back out you know grow your selection out and then hit the average button to soften that fall off so it's not a hard fallof so little subtle workflow things like that actually make it a very powerful tool now for doing character waiting of of vertices to Bones hopefully that makes sense I know I'm going quickly um but it's it's a great feature I really do love that feature so the final thing that we want to talk about is motion matching you guys all state of unreal hopefully you've seen it if you haven't go watch it there's a demo in there called Jasper that's our motion matching demo that we put together and it's using a very large data set of of clips for the motion matcher to work with what I'm showing is like the opposite end of the spectrum I'm showing motion matching with sparse data sets and it still looks great that's the point it can work with very sparse data sets and still be really an amazing tool for for handling character animation in runtime you know so let's check it out let's see it in context let's go ahead and jump over switch our mode to my snow dude we'll get rid of that we don't need to see that and we'll hit play all right so here we are and as I run my little guy around you can see I've got these nice Arc animations happening as I run this guy if I do some starts or some stops you know really good Transitions and this is using again a very sparse data set let's go ahead and jump back and just I'll show you the clips for this it's using 12 Clips it's ridiculously good-looking animation for this Limited number of data sets the ability for it to went you know transition and match and and select the right clip and do the warping and the blending and make it just all look great for 12 Clips amazing so and here's here's a fun thing like if we pull up the uh the database you can see here's here's the initial database this is it it's just it's just a you know it's a few arcs couple starts couple stops you know not not a lot in there and it it really is even though it's a simple example it's actually doing some very sophisticated things we're using the root bone offset for the initial kind of local mode motion and that's that's a new experimental plugin off of that root bone offset where then the motion match it kind of gives it the angle and then the motion matcher selects the correct clip based off of that angle off the root bone offset and then it does like a little bit blending and warping in Magic and it just gives you these really nice animations now a lot of times when you're dealing with animations and motion matching you're going to want to you know as as the animators are fine-tuning those Blends and things like that there's going to be areas that they're going to want to investigate and maybe finesse or modify that animation we have some great tools for helping facilitate that directly inside of the editor so let's let's check that out um this is the rewind debugger so if we type rewind it's hard for me to spell but I can do it sometimes um we get this tool and in this tool if we go ahead it's already it's already queued up if I hit play you know there's my character I'm going to hit f8 to kind of jump back out and turn on the record button we'll hit f8 to jump back in and I'm just going to record some clips so as I run my character around you can see it's recording all this cool data he's doing his thing let's do some arcing you know kind of run and do something like that great if I hit the pause button I can now go back and scrub through this and see what's happening of course I can decouple the camera I could tell it to you know follow based on on a certain angle like if I want my my character to you know only see the back of them I can run around this guy and kind of oops I didn't actually didn't click the right button but anyway the rewind debugger gives you the ability to inspect what's going on see the blend see the Transitions and if you need to make a change it's just a mouse click away if we double click on on that clip it's going to load up the animation editor specifically on that frame and now as the animator I can go in there and you know start to uh change or make modifications to that to improve the quality so awesome very very powerful tool the final thing that I'm going to talk about is audio um and actually PCG because I have to I have to mention the PCG stuff because it's super cool um let's just play this let's stop this and we'll play it around here actually we're going to we're going to we're going to do PCG first and then we'll do audio so if you look at my landscape there's areas that are flattened around the bases I'm using a very simple PCG setup to do this I'm basically taking landscape patches they let me flatten it down I'm finding the volume of that landscape patch in the Outer Perimeter and I'm doing a difference of those two and that gives me the ability to basically get the border of my base right every time I start my level I could run a random seed res scatter my buildings I'm going to get a new base drawn with a new flat area for my character to run around with a new border that's defined and because it's done with PCG it just works right so if I was to grab I don't something like here we'll grabb this building over here and I start moving it around you're going to see it's going to go through PCG rebuilds the flat spots or the the landscape patch plugin rebuilds the flat spots PCG uses that as a reference and then it builds out off of that and if I hold down my ALT key actually because I have the Gizmo zong Al does not work if I duplicate that and slide it across add another building in there it just goes through it just works very very powerful feature if you want to see the graph come over to the Pod and I can walk you through that a bit more in detail so the final thing that I'm going to mention is audio we're doing really cool things with audio inside of Unreal Engine and we have been for releases in 5.4 we have a great new tool called the audio insights tool which lets you get a nice view of exactly what's happening with all the different audio clips in your scene in my scene I've got meta sounds kind of giving me the snow Footprints I've got some cool ambient sounds around my environment I'm using soundscapes inside the hanger which we're going to see in just a second and I'm also going to use a cabar to turn on the visual a of those audio cues as they happen and I run around my scene so if I run my character you know around my environment here you can see every little footprint that drops down I get that little visualization that happens we jump into the hanger enter the trigger volume triggers a meta sound I come over here I look at this computer that guy's playing the sound that's the actual uh sound background sound of City sample all made in meta sounds um using uh and and I basically just grab that in there and then you can see just randomly Little Things dropping around here in my environment those are like little drip drips and things like that that's all using soundscapes and of course all the information is being displayed in that audio insights tool so it gives you the ability to um you know get information about what's happening and and work with it at a very high level that's basically it all right thanks for your time all if you want more come over to the pods we'll be there [Applause] cheers
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 636,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Epic Games, UE4, Unreal, Game Engine, Game Dev, Game Development
Id: l8-k9bYsta0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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