UE 5.4 | Guide For Nanite Tessellation & Mesh Master Material /w Displacement

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hey guys Kirk here and thank you for joining me on a new video on the channel in this video I want to showcase how to set up Nite tessellation in a project and showcase building a master material um for any mesh that you want to use um with displacement uh very simple video uh but I thought I would do a tutorial on it uh simple as that um if you have any questions about any videos on my channel feel free to join the Discord the link is in the description um and jump on there and say hello um and all that good stuff um I also have a donation Link in the description as well so if this helps you and you're feeling generous little bit of a donation keeps me going on the channel to improve my videos so yeah uh let's get going okay so for this to work uh properly uh you will need to have the engine version 5.4 preview installed on your machine laptop whatever you're using um simply do that by getting your epic games launcher um I do have another few videos at the beginning of my channel showcasing how to set up epic games and all your engines and stuff like that uh but simply I'll briefly do it now so at the top here you'll see engine versions click the little plus icon and in the drop down menu here at the top right where it's grayed out you'll have at the top here 5.4.0 preview of course I don't have it there because I already have the engine installed um just a brief one as well if you go here and on this bit here it won't do it for me now because it's 5.2 um but if you click on this little down arrow oh sorry my mistake if you click on the install button the Box will appear and you'll have the ability to enable options if you're not making anything for mobile phones or cell phones if you're American uh just scroll to the bottom of the options and disable the Android iOS and Linux obviously you're using Linux uh and don't uninstall that uh but it just reduces the size of your engine um let's see if I could see on my engineer so if I go to options yeah perfect so there you have core component starter content templates engine Source I recommend using all them but if I scroll down you'll see Target platforms Android iOS and Linux as I'm using Windows I don't need any of these and you can see that's 20 gig that's almost 30 gig of uh space needed just for them three things if you're not planning on making any kind of mobile game or using Linux then just uncheck them and your install will be a lot cheaper okay so that with that being said after you finished uh installing your engine click on the launch button and we'll go ahead and create this project okay so once open you'll be greeted with this uh screen on real project browser um what we're going to use is a game template and I'm going to use a third person template um this will be good for the future I'd always recommend using a third person template obviously unless you planning on making a first person game um but yeah go with a third person template because you get the mannequins installed and you can use them for scale reference and things like that so select third person I'm going to name the project here at the bottom right of the screen and I'm going to call this Nite _ displore t very simple uh at the bottom left here you have project location mine's in the correct place just click this little folder here and assign your pro uh your yeah your project to whichever folder you want and then just click create okay welcome back so presuming you installed your engine correctly which I presume you would have done um you may have had to click on certain little Windows allowing JavaScript and um all that good stuff uh that's complet completely normal so don't worry about that um and when you first opened your engine to create your project it may have taken some time that is completely normal when you first open a uh new engine and a new project it needs to do all this prequests and all that good stuff but hopefully now you're in engine and in your new um new project in the third person template Arena if you like the first thing I like to do when I open a new project is position the camera to where I always want to be and this seems like a good area um and what I do is but Mark it so left control on the keyboard and one uh this is you'll see there at the bottom right a saved bookmark uh this is presuming you're using Windows of course Linux and command I'm not sure um on all them businesses okay so now we're in our project what we need to do now is enable a certain plug-in go to settings go to plugin you can also get to the plugins window by the edit at the top left here go to plugins um make sure you've got all plugins highlighted and just type Nite right so and you'll see Nan displaced mesh um with this release of 5.4 preview uh they've decided to do the Nite displacement into a plug-in uh which is a good move in 5.3 um they tried to integrate Nite desolation into the engine uh wasn't very successful uh there was lots and lots and lots of bugs uh to clean up and it made the engine unstable so they've obviously chose to do it via a plugin so you can enable and disable um Nite displacement um through the plugins which stops the engine from you know crashing and stuff like that uh so we're going to click this little check mark it's going to tell you where blah blah blah this is a Ina version just click yes and then it will ask you to restart now right here so go ahead and click restart okay and welcome back uh you should uh land in here uh with your plugins window still open um as you can see you might not be able to tell but if I move my mouse around my mouse will stutter every now and again especially when you try moving the windows well it's fully loaded now but every now and again with preview builds this is normal your mouse will look like it's stutting and looks like the engine is going to crash that is not the case it's because it's just a complete brand new engine version um and this is quite normal just to let you know okay so now we're here we can actually close down the project now because we need to add some details into to our default engine any file uh so once you've settled and you enabled your plugin just go ahead and close your window again okay so now we've backed out of our engine we do need to make some changes uh inside the project files um instead of navigating through all your folder structure and things like that to get to the default in file default engine file my mistake um you can simply go to where you've created your new project here right click and showing folder all so and it'll take you straight to to where your project is um here is your main project startup file this is what real epic games launcher calls for when you start your project blah blah blah uh what we need is a config folder at the top here and you'll see here we got a default engine do any file don't worry about my icon that's because I use notepad++ uh it's free software to download um very good for coding if you're a coder um and just general pieces of information makes it nice but on your default engine just double click it and it should open in your notepad++ or notepad or whatever kind of text based software you're using uh but I do like notepad++ as you can see it makes it look a lot nicer um what we need to do is add two lines of instructions to our script engine. render settings um you prob probably seing this on other videos on YouTube it's the same thing you have to do it but I'll take you through it um and I'm going to put it right under here but here in this other file I'll share this um two lines of instructions in the description below um so if we just highlight these or just highlight them from the description of this video and then go to your default in file uh default engine.in what I'll do is just press enter go underne and just control and V and now them two lines of instructions are in there but make sure they're in the render settings category here so you can see them highlighted here by bold text uh so I'll just allow them in there and then we can just go up in hit save and that'll quickly save U from there um don't need to worry about that okay so now that has actually been added to the default engine.in file and close all that off and reopen our project again okay welcome back um so now we're in engine um I'm ready to make our changes if you're looking at my screen and thinking your screen looks different from mine uh that's because I use a different kind of layout uh from the uh default editor layout which is there so I've essentially created a new editor layout for myself but I cannot load it from here because this is is a new engine version although it has kept the layout that I used but yours will maybe have this um at the bottom and things like that let's move that up little T like so first thing we're going to do is make my thumbnails too small it's just how I work definitely the content folder okay so what I want is two folders in here one is going to be called mesh right so and we're going to right click create a new folder this going called material what I'm going to do now guys is set up a simple master material that uses displacement um but we're going to create a mesh first uh with engine version uh 5.4 um we have the modeling tools already enabled which is great um and essentially we're going to use them now so at the top here it says selection mode click the drop down go to modeling what I want to do here is create a sphere I'm going to go for a sphere you can see we can just unline it I could do tutorials on the modeling tools um ever since the you know addition of modeling Tools in u4 um and then into u5 they progressively just got better the UI of the you know modeling tools is so much better than it was uh but for what we're using we just need to use a simple bit I may do tutorials on the modeling tools they are very powerful especially when doing blockout for levels very powerful uh the radius um I'll probably leave the radius as it is first thing I want to do is show wireframe you can see I've got quite a bit of um subdivisions on my mesh but I am going to up it a little bit to make the testation a little better uh so I'll just increase this by one make it 32 subdivisions and you can see that's a lot more High poly for our mesh what I'm going to do at the bottom here new as set location going to choose current folder go in the content draw and navigate to mesh like so and then in here I'm just going to click here and click accept and that will create the mesh and in the um folder mesh it's create that mesh in there as well um in previous versions you used to have to go to deform displace and all that good stuff but you don't have to do that now they've added the plugin uh version it's all set up the displacement already so we'll jump out of modeling mode and we'll go to our sphere and we can clearly see our sphere now let's move this up a bit off the ground can clearly see it move it down a bit actually I've gone up a bit too far um I can easily rotate it um say I'm over here you click on your mesh and just press F on your keyboard it zooms into it then left Al on your keyboard and hold the left Mouse button down I presume this will be quite difficult on laptops but with a mouse keyboard it's a lot easier you can just hold left out and left click on your mouse and rotate your object or mesh um first thing we need to do is enable n on this mesh so we come to the where you saved your mesh or put your mesh uh we're going to right click on it go to Nan at the top and just enable nanite by clicking on enable nanite and we'll just double check again and N it's available uh enabled sorry um you can also hover over it and it'll give you as much detail as it can as you can see there enable uh n enabled it's about halfway down in the list set to True um our vertices are 219 and uh triangle a 316 which is not too bad for a high poly mesh like this okay so now that is done we'll do a quick save um say selected I'd advise not to do it on meses like this this is in engine content um and once you do that you'll just start corrupting your engine um it won't let you save if you enable N Night on these it won't let you save it to be honest cuz he just just building blocks and when you're doing blockout with building blocks you don't want to enable n on everything although Nan is powerful and reduces uh uh performance it still will build up and cost quite a bit in the night but anyway moving on let's make a material I'm going go to a Content folder go to materials I'm going to right click in here create a new material and we'll call this M for master and then uh Nite dis place just go test okay so now we've done that we can right click straight on there create material instance and can leave that as it is and we'll highlight our ball which is already there you can see I've got my orange line around it it's generally green mine I have a green line that highlights it because you can see it much better but with this being a new engine version I'd have to go into the editor uh settings and do all that nonsense again but make sure you're highlighted here go to your details panel and just click this little har Harrow Harrow click this little arrow here and it'll apply that um material instance not sure what's going on here just let it build there you go um so yeah so now we built that up we open our uh material just like uh finish building um this is what I was mentioning a little earlier on when you use a preview build is kind of unstable in a way but one thing they have added is this output node well it's always been there but never been able to edit it in such a way like this um they introduced this kind of editing in to uh substrate which quite good but you can simply just click on them now and add a color I do that you'll see It'll set a red here you can add the values in here um I need two for metallic put one in there put zero on the roughness and you can see we have full metallic but that's great that is great and the only downside is the KN parameters um so you could only edit them in there but for testing purposes uh this is quite good okay so now we got our material uh what we need to do is come down here and enable tessellation just enable that and you'll see at the bottom here it has displacement open now but if you disable it it closes displacement off so we'll enable it we'll scroll down a little bit more into the used category and then we want to search for used n it's already enabled it so that's awesome um so just make sure them to enable enabled you can come into the displacement section here and change the magnitude and the center the center is where the center of your object your mesh um the center point of your world where it'll displace from uh but generally the magnitude and Center you don't need to worry about this um these kind of edits um when creating a material for a mesh they're more in line for the landcape materials I am going to do a landscape material with displacement uh but it's going to be a material where you can just simply make a small scene by painting down textures um but that's for another video um if you wanted to see a video like that where I create a material for uh a landscape I have plenty of videos on my YouTube for that so hit subscribe notification Bell and you'll be notified when that video comes out um so yeah let this build taking its time it's a preview build there you go right so what I need now is some textures uh so I'm going to come to the top here this little box with a plus icon in go to Quick sub bridge now on the previous projects that I've used I've already signed into Quick sub Bridge um so it should still be there yeah I can see that these are still ticked we'll make this a little bit bigger it fall itself into place um we're going to go for this texture because it really looks good uh under the night um so I'll redownload that I'm not going to do uh medium quality I'm going to go for highest quality which is 4K as you can see I've already downloaded it when I did a test uh the other day so I've got high quality which is 4K uh the highest quality is 8k medium quality is 2K and low quality is 512 um that's at least how I know it to be if I'm wrong tell me in the comments um we're simply going to add these textures to our project um let's move this box up a little bit so we can open up our content draw and I'm getting stutters now cuz preview engine up here you can see I've got a mega scans folder here now go to my services Rocky forest and there the yeah yeah 4K okay so with um that's nice nice metallic that it does look even better with substrate um but I will soon be doing substrate tutorials as well okay so now we've got our textures let's drag them into to our material P you simply just click on them highlight them all click and hold and drag up to the material should open that up and then just drop them in there uh we'll plug this straight into our Albedo it should get rid of that color oh still metallic we'll sort that out now so what I'm going to do is hold one on the keyboard and left click just get a constant one vector and we'll just put that into the metallic and the specular and there you go a nice little texture now does look nice I'll make this a bit bigger so we can R over the texture but yeah that's a nice 4K texture y okay so now we've done that um because we're using a sphere in our scene um I'm going to use World align textures uh so to do that we'll use a integrated function called World align uh to get this menu up we'll right click and just type World align and what we need is the world align texture here and we also need one for the normal so I'll do it again right click World align and we'll get the world align normal as you can see here we have other Advanced functions for wildine but we don't need them and now we've got our wer line textures uh texture and normal functions like I say these are integrated into Unreal Engine let's see if they've updated it some no it's the same build never mind okay so we have our world align texture um the texture object here the input for our texture will only take a texture 2D and at the minute this is a vector 3 the texture sample so it will not work so what we need to do is convert these into texture object so get your albo texture sample right click and convert to texture object and what I'll do in case I showcase more textures I'll right click and convert to a parameter this going to be our albo uh texture like so and in the left hand corner here the details panel you'll see a group I'll just call this textures so and we'll rate this is and set priority number one uh this will make sense soon if you've been following me uh on my Channel all this time when we've been creating our landscape material for build World V2 you'll you'll know where I'm going with this okay so then we can just simply add that into there like so uh and from there we can use the X Y and Z texture which is the axis of our Wilder line um we drag off there we'll go straight into a multiply I want to be able to edit the brightness of our texture so from here I'm going to hold s on the keyboard and left click and this is a scaler parameter and we can add a uh basically this enables options in our material instance which I will showcase a little bit later on and in here we'll go brightness very simple and we'll plug that into the B input of our multiplyer and that multiplier go straight into our base color and you can see it's completely black because of is no brightness so on the left hand side you can set up the uh default values of what you want and your group and set priority and all that good stuff so default volue I'm going to go .85 0.12 3 4 5 zeros and a one now that value I've just entered there 0.50 Z and a one that is essentially the most minimum value you can go on the positive side until it goes to negative and then for the slider Max I'll go for a two um and in the group I'll just change this to option right so brightness can be top one we'll leave that there but now you can see um got a nice bit of brightness click on brightness here I can raise it this really bright oh go really dark like so uh P95 would be good there actually nice little bit of brightness there's one thing I've noticed on this new build as well for for um om L 5.4 the preview build is back in the day you used to be a slide these it was done quick but now I click and hold it moves it incrementally so it's a lot lot more slower and a lot lot of more control which is great anyway moving on we'll leave that as that you can set up U color tinting and all that but I don't want to do that uh for this tutorial um so next we'll do our o texture the O texture is a stack texture by double click it and open it and a stack texture essentially you have a ambient occlusion a roughness texture and a displacement texture that's what the O stands for occlusion roughness and displacement and they essentially stack three textures into one texture and this will enable not enable but this will save space on your hard drive in the project and save on performance as well quite a common practice nowadays uh but if I disabled these channels you can see in the red Channel ambient occlusion ambient occlusion is what creates shadows as you can see the little dark edges around the rock right here it's quite a nice texture that for a ambient occlusion if I'm being honest um green Channel that's your roughness the dark spots where your roughness starts in the brighter spots of where it ends showcase that later and in the blue channel is our height texture the height texture is what drives our displacement on the mesh um The Brighter white colors is the height of detection the darker grayer colors are what Drive the lower end of the height map or displacement if you like uh so yeah that's a brief thing about um stat textures with quitel Bridge like I say comment practice now start textures with quick Solage uh but we're going to do the same here we're going to right click convert to texture object and then we'll right click again and convert to parameter this could be our alt Rd texture um like all and we can simply add that into our textures category that we created with our albo and the set priority can be two so if I set this set priority is one and then this one is two and my normal will be three that's the order in which it appears in my um I just go to it into the material instance which is say I open the material instance you can see nothing's happening now because I need to save this so let me save it real quick and this is the thing about preview builds it takes a while to save if I go to my thing here now my uh material instance you'll see I've got an options here and the textures and it sets it up like this it'll make sense a bit later on okay so now we've got our Rd texture we can just simply duplicate our Wilder line textures and then plug that into our texture input which is our texture object input um from here with this being a wildine texture it only takes one input but it can output a vector three um and just like a showcase it's a that texture so in the blue Channel I showcase this texture sample to Showcase what I'm talking about in the red channel of our o texture is our ambient occlusion in the green channel is our roughness and the blue channel is our displacement uh but from here we can't just plug this into each like a roughness ambient inclusion and displacement we have to split it out so we can drag off here and menu will open just type break out float 3 you want to choose break out float 3 and going back to the text stample here you can see what I'm talking about we've got a red Channel green Channel and blue Channel and the same for these red green and blue and in our Rd texture like we just mentioned uh we have different textures pushed into there so here we can expose what we need so from here we can now utilize our brake float 3 to access each individual channel in our Channel packed texture hopefully that makes sense so our red Channel ambient occlusion plug that straight into the ambient occlusion just let that build you can see that the texture is really small we'll change the texture size shortly uh so that's our ambient occlusion next is roughness you can simply plug this into your roughness um but what I like to do because this is a m material uh we'll edit a minim Max for roughness so hold L on your keyboard and left click and this will get a linear interpolate or L for sure and from our green Channel we'll plug it into the alpha we'll hold s on the keyboard and get a scaler parameter this could to be called roughness Dash um Max and then we'll duplicate that left control and d and change that Max to a mint like so um what I will do I'm going to highlight them both CU both values are going to be the same uh for a minimum we'll do that again 0.1 2 3 4 five zeros and a one and then slideer Max I'm going to set to all one all the difference is our Max default value I'm going to put it 9.95 and our Min is going to be A5 for our roughness Max and Min we'll plug them into the lurp like so and that can go straight into the roughness okay and with that roughness set up you're not going to see much change in the texture because we have a zero in the metallic and specula um you could release the specula and it'll make it dead shiny and you can increase the roughness and all that but for now for the sakes of this tutorial will'll leave the specula off okay last not last but the next one is our displacement um we could just plug that straight in and it should take an effect but it has not um but I want to be able to control our displacement so I'm going to duplicate our multiply you can duplicate your your nodes if you want to use them again off for the multiply hold M on the keyboard and left click it'll give you a multiply we'll plug that in there we'll hold s on the keyboard and left click this could be called displacement uh Dash multi um oh in fact I'll change that to height so height um we'll duplicate that again cuz we're going to use a secondary option for our displacement and this can be sub height and essentially what I want to implement here this is what what I used to do back in the Unreal Engine 4 days um your sub height and your height so your height will set the maximum height at which your height map is displaced if that makes sense and the sub height changes the height at which the flat ground um is set it'll make sense once we start editing our parameters and stuff like that but for our this could be our sub height this is our sub height so for him we want to use a power node uh so for here we'll right click power and essentially a power node is a multiplying node but it's by the power of two so essentially instead of multiplying it by one which you do with the multiply node you can do a multiply of one in here but a power of one but it multiplies it by two if that makes sense uh for here we'll set a default value of 2.4 oh no no no no no no 2 four sorry um we'll do our usual minimum which is 0.1 2 3 4 5 one and for this we'll do a we'll just set it to a maximum of two right so um let's just copy sub height left control and see and what I'm going to do is just duplicate this cuz I want these to be the same the height contr oh Z we'll just type it out again sub height that's so we'll plug that straight into our exp exponent input of our power node the base will go into the multiply and that will go into the displacement um it's not currently having an effect um just double check and make sure we enabled it y it's there use with static mesh skeletal mesh you could probably use Nite with skeletal meshes now to be honest with this new build um okay so they don't allow the use with static mesh static lighting um I think that's cuz it's now integrated um but anyway let's move okay so we need our world align normal uh function we'll do the same with this so we'll right click on there convert to texture object and right click again and convert to text sample oh sorry my mistake texture object right click and convert to parameter and this could be normal texture and we'll change that category to our texture category and this can be three and and we'll fire that straight into our input or our normals now let's just make sure we're using World space uh so we'll click on the details panel and search normal we're using tangent space that's fine actually we can set a static blay for World space so you you don't want to do that if you are creating a dynamic mesh okay so from here we need to set up some sort of strength uh for our normals so we'll use that lurp again the linear interpolate pardon me wrong button L control and D got our LP and essentially the way this works what we need is what's called a vector three constant Vector 3 so if you hold three on your keyboard and left click you get what's a constant Vector three and if we put a one value in the Z axis which is essentially down up and down um that will create a normal map but it's flat there's no detail to it it's just a fake normal if you like and what we could do is plug that into the a input and then our X Y and Z texture output from our world Aline normal plug that into the B and we can use a scaler parameter holding s on the keyboard and left click and this can be normal strim yep so essentially we can use this now to blend in between A and B so a is our flat normal and the B is our uh normal map so instead of you know increasing essentially doing it this way you incre you you set with a standard flat normal if I plug this into the normal output you can simply drag it up there or you can right click on the output and connect to normal and with that you can see it's still the same there's not much detail but if I go to the normal string and put one in there let's do a five for demonstrations you can see we've got a lot of normal map added there um doing it this way so with a zero you are just using this it's a flat normal there is no normal detail added uh so there's no real lighting calculations that's what a normal map does it just calculates lighting um but with a normal strength of a default value of 85 minimum of 0.1 2 3 4 5 and I want and the maximum I'm going to go for a two for maximum shouldn't really be using two as a normal but if I get dead close now and increase as normal you can see the normal details on the side of the rock here increasing with the ambient occlusion but for default 85 which is fine um and yeah so that is pretty much it with this material uh should we go and test it so let's just make sure we're all in the same category textures category um I want all these options into the options category I'm just going to highlight them all by holding left control down and clicking and dragging and then where it says multiple values in the group section click and go to options now you can set up an order I've started here with a one roughness Max can be two I'm just going to work me way down adding the set priorities and you'll see why in the material instant shortly like so and this can be six okay so oh wait there before we proceed if I just save that now let save like I say this is a preview build so it can take time if I go into here now uh you can see actually there is some deformation to the mesh if you look at the top here you can see the deformation to the rest so the nanite is kicking in but it does need to be edited a little bit if we go to the um material instance you can see all my options are here ready to be used uh what I want to do is add some texture additions um texture size so we could simply um what I'll do I'll just get a scal of parameter here this can be texture size like so um I'm wondering if we need let me just open up this real quick let's all [Music] text size you using absolute values here um and absolute will position so we don't need to use what's called a texture coordinate if you hold down youu on the keyboard and left click you'll get a texture coordinate sometimes you'll multiply these two together to get the right uh correct texture size but you don't need to do that uh so that means we can simply drag that into our texture size here so if I do that uh with us using um there with us using World um what they called World UVS bear with me um world position so with was using the world position node which is in um a data node we our texture is going to be tiny so I'm basically I'm reing this will be 20 30 Now 50 oh in fact because we using World position this is to get the correct scale it needs to be 100 and that's our correct scale um minimum minimum will set to a one maximum you might want to change it so we'll go 200 uh this can be put into the options and in the set priority I'm going to put a zero so our texture size is right at the top of our material instance okay so that's pretty much our Master material built um there's our material instance we'll go to our section here uh what I want to do now is just test this hold F on the keyboard um let's enable some of these options here being weird there you go you can see I've got my um textures here close them we don't need them uh let's test our um material instance for our Master material very simple um very simple master material for meshes um but yeah let's have a look so texture size increase SI CU it changes the texture size this could probably be edited a little bit more so you could center out the texture uh default 100 which is fine brightness increase the brightness but the sliding there for these scal of parameters is just great it doesn't like go really fast like it used to that's a nice addition to engine uh engine version 5.4 but yeah you can see there the brightness is working fine that's a default right so uh roughness turn these down lights up nothing will change like I said earlier on because we have um zero and the metallic and specula um maybe I could just disable it from the specula just to try this um so we should get some shining now on our mesh um we go third person you can see the shine now com off the mesh especially at the bottom round here Works quite well with that lighting actually uh but if I increase the minimum so you can see that shininess starting to go increase the maximum it'll definitely fully roughen this out it set that maximum to one and you can see now there's very little shininess on our r so zero zero there you go you can see the difference especially I'm going to change it back to default and if you just watch the edge of the sphere if I change these back to default so that's a roughness changing which is nice so but here's the important part displacement if I increase the height let's increased that um it has increased it if I increase the sub height I do that now just check around there we are starting to deform um like I say the sub height them normals wait there increase the normal strength don't know why you want it on two but it just shows lighting even more got zero one I'd say 0.95 will work with the displacement if I increase keep increasing the sub height and the sub height lowers the mesh as you can see now we're starting to get the displacement going through which is nice but essentially sub height as you can see pushes the surface of the texture down and then the actual height pushes the height up just keep increasing that and you'll get yourself more and more displacement and that guys is how you have displacement on your mesh like so very easy like I said sub height the surface not where the rock oh hello not where the the rocks are here but the surface of the texture here with a sub height it increases that height there but then if I do the sub height it's increased you can see the lighting changing on the sub height you know in between the little Twigs here and that if you look there you can see the lighting is changing there but then this height is what increases it all you can actually lower that down and increase the sub height to get a more detailed uh view of your texture okay um so yeah that's pretty much it a pretty much basic material uh Nite displacement uh works out the box and essentially you could uh cut to your master material here uh which is here just right click create a new material instance and you can open that material inance it's the same as what we're using here but you can go in here highlight these and change the texture and put a different texture in from Quick sub bridge and it's all set up ready to go uh easy as that okay so I know it's been a kind of a long video uh if you go through my channel uh I do like to give more of a detailed uh tutorials over new things like this I do like like I say go through details I tell you how it works why it works and all that good stuff um obviously a lot more other videos online I just like do this do this do this follow me but you're not really learning why it's doing that um so that's what I mainly do on my channel I also have a series out um which is called Bild worlds V2 where we're creating a game world uh by sculpting the landscape using World partition and all that good stuff and creating a pretty decent uh landscape material uh so check that out uh if you've enjoyed what you've seen uh feel free to join the Discord if you have any questions um feel free to donate if you're feeling generous Ed are hard at the minute um and most importantly subscribe hit the notification Bell and be ready for my next tutorial where I may be starting on creating a landscape material using Nite displacement which I have not done for such a long time uh so I'll see you again guys thank you bye
Channel: KIRK
Views: 453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UnrealEngine, UE5, Environment, Shader, Material, Creativity, Epic, Quixel, Bridge, Tutorials, Help, Unity, Level, Design, Game, Development, Landscapes, Shaders, Displacement, Height, Field, Mesh, Static, Detail, Albedo, Normal, Texture, Roughness, Tools, Metallic, Ray, Trace, 3D, Modeling, Polly, Brush, Plugin, Art, Tutorial, Idea, Work, Studio, Stack, Photoshop, Channel, Red, Green, Blue, Foliage, Assets, Graphics, Tree, 2022, Advanced, Fog, Volumetric, Volume, Niagara, Movie, Render, UE 5.4 | Guide For Nanite Tessellation & Mesh Master Material
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 40sec (2980 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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