25 Tips and Tricks you (probably) don't know about Unreal Engine 5

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hello in this video I'm going to share 25 invaluable tips and tricks to take your Unreal Engine 5 projects to the next level from hidden features to expert techniques I'm here to unveil the secrets which will help speed up your workflow whether you're a season developer or just getting started I will also include time stamps in the description of this video for all the tips with that said let's get started let's start off with the first tip if you're having trouble navigating your level or you find a position in your level which you really like what we can do is bookmark that location so if I go here and click these three arrows then go bookmarks I can go set bookmark and I go set bookmark zero it's going to basically save this location in my viewport and let's say I move away if I now press the zero key on my keyboard it will take me back to that exact location another quicker way of making foot marks is it say I find another location that I like like this one I can press control one on my keyboard and it'll basically save that location and then if I press the one key it'll take me back to that location as well so that's just another way of quickly creating bookmarks we can also use bookmarks in our blueprints so let's say we're making some blueprint code and we basically want to save where we are right now what we can do is click this little bookmark Arrow it'll go create new bookmark and I can just call this new bookmark and add it then let's say I move away to go back there we can go window and select book marks then it'll show me all my bookmarks and I can just go new bookmark and it'll take me back so that can be really helpful as well so let's say you just dragged an item somewhere into your level and you want to place it on the floor sometimes when you're draging an item it's kind of in the air or you have to like really move it to make it basically just on top of the surface there is a quicker way to basically make this attach to a surface and that is to just select your item then press the end key and that will instantly snap it towards the closest surface so if I want this on the floor I I can just go here and then press end and it'll snap that to the floor so this can be super helpful when you're designing levels the next tip I want to show you is how to adjust the pivot point of a model so I have this door model and as you can see the pivot point is in the middle instead of having to go into some 3D software to edit the pivot point and then reimport it into UNR engine we can actually edit model's pivot Points inside unal engine just select the model you want to edit the pivot point of then go over here here where it says selection mode and change this to be modeling then we just want to go to x form and select edit pivot and now I'll be able to edit the pivot point of this model so using this kizmo tool I can adjust it so doors normally have a pivot point around the bottom corner so I'm just going to add a pivot point there so here and now if I just go accept this will be the new pivot point of that model and I can even drag in this model for my content drawer and that'll be its pivot point so this can be a super helpful um tip cuz now you can just easily adjust pivot Points without having to put your model back in some 3D software this next tip can help you save a lot of space if you've downloaded some assets from the unal engine Marketplace so if you go over to your epics games launcher and go over to the library and if you find the unor enged marketplace assets that you have right now we can see that I have around 40 GB of marketplace assets and once you've downloaded an asset you don't really need to use it again but it will still keep the files so in order to basically remove files of an asset once you've added it to your project you can just select the asset it will have like an arrow next to it if I don't have the asset installed then it'll be grayed out but if you do then it should be highlighted kind of and we can just select this remove local content and that'll basically remove the local asset files for my project and that should save me some space so you can see my um unrented Marketplace assets has reduced by 4 gig so this next tip will only save you a couple of seconds but I found it to be very helpful when designing levels so let's say you have an object you want to duplicate instead of pressing cr+ C and cr+ V we can duplicate an object by just selecting it and holding the ALT key and that will allow us to quickly create duplicates for this next tip I'm going to show you how to create a slow motion effect so I'm in the third person template and inside my third person character I'm just going to make it so when I press the one key I'm going to call the flipflop node so the way this works is first it'll call a then it'll call B and to create a slow motion effect I can just drag off here and look for set Global time dilation and if I make this something like 0.1 then my whole world is going to be a lot slower I'm just going to copy this and paste it again and connect this into B and then I'm going to type in one and this should return it back to its default settings so if I wanted to speed something up then I can make this to but let's go compile and if I play my project if I jump and press one we can see things have become super slow and if I press one again things go back to normal so that's how to quickly create a slow motion effect if you ever need to rename something instead of right clicking and going rename we can simply just select the thing we want to rename and press the F2 button this is also a universal tip so I think in programs like Windows if we just press f2 on the folder that will also allow you to quickly rename things let's say we find a really nice scene in the game that we're working on what we can do is create a high resolution screenshot so the way we can do this is by first pressing the G button this will basically make your viewport look like how it's going to be in the game if I press G again you can see it has things like the grid this light actor and when I press the G button it basically make it look like how my game's going to look when it's exported then to take a high resolution screenshot we can just click these ARs here and press high resolution screenshot then go capture and this create a high resolution screenshot of just my vport I can also just tap the F9 key and that will also take a high resolution screenshot then if I press f11 this will basically expand my viewport so it takes up the whole screen and now if I press F9 I can take a high resolution screenshot of the whole vport for this next tip I'm going to show you how to find specific objects in your level so let's say I want to go to where this SM Rock 124 is if I press the F button it will take me exactly to where that rock is did you know we can basically store and use blueprint as text files so if I just copy All of These Blueprints here and I press contrl + C then I go to my notepad app I can paste my blueprint as a text file and then I can copy all of this text here go back to my UNR project and I can paste it again there's also this website called blueprint.com that takes advantage of this so I can past all the blueprints that I have and I can give it a title like test and go create blueprint and I can basically share this with other people and this can be helpful if you need to like share bits of code and it also basically allows you to copy directly from this website into your UNR engine project next I'm going to show you how to make unal engine run a lot faster so if you're on an older laggier PC unal engine may be a bit slow in order to make it faster we can just go here and click show FPS this will basically show us how many frames per second our project is running out so I have a good PC so it's at 120 frames per second right now but if I was on a lower end PC then maybe it wouldn't be as high and what I can do to basically make on engine run faster on my PC is I could go over to settings then if we go over to engine scalability settings and just change everything to be low this should make your un engine project run a lot faster although it will look a bit worse if you want to be organized when you're making your project did you know that you can color code different folders so maybe I want the characters folder in my project to be a different color what I can do is just right click on it and go to set color and maybe I'll make it red also we can go over to our Blueprints and we can comment certain notes so if I select all of these notes here and press the C button this will allow me to create a comment around it I'll just leave this as comment and we can also change the color and so can see it from afar we can click the sh when zoomed and I'll basically be able to see what my com is even when I'm really far away so these ones don't have it but if I just checked it I can now see what this is when I'm kind of far away next let's go over some shortcuts to manipulate objects so let's say I select this cube in on our engine I can move it with this Gizmo tool here if I want to rotate it I can select here and rotate it and if I want to change the scale of it I can go here and increase the scale of it but we can also use the W button with the cube selected and that allow me to basically translate it move it I can press the E button this will allow me to rotate it and I can press the R button as a shortcut and that allow me to quickly scale it so that just saves a couple of seconds and the w e r keys are all next to each other on a keyboard so that's kind of Handy next let's go over how we can create holes in objects so I have this sphere here and I have this wall and what I want to do is basically make a of this sphere in this wall the way I can do that is by first moving this sphere into this wall then if we just go over to mode and change this to the modeling mode then select the wall then the sphere or the object that you want to basically make a hole then if we just go over to model and select Boolean this will basically allow us to create a hole of this sphere in this wall and I can move this so maybe I want the hole to be lower or here or maybe even on the other side so I'm just going to make mine like this then I can just go accept and that will create a hole of the sphere in the wall nice so when working with unroll engine when we use variables we can drag them in and we can either get them or we can set them there's a quicker way we can do this though if I hold control my keyboard and I just select this variable and drag it in it will automatically get it and if I press the alt button and I drag this variable in it will automatically set it did you know we can use physics to help decorate our level so I have this covered in my level and if I just select it and make sure that it's simulating physics and then I can just place this let's say around here then if I just make sure that I'm in simulate mode and if I just click play maybe I want it so this is how my covered is going to be in the game I can just select this coverboard and press the K button and now I stop simulating my game that's going to be the position of my cube in the game so using physics we can basically design our level if you're designing your level and you want to basically move an actor if you want the camera to basically move with the actor what we can do is hold the shift button then when we move our actor our camera will move with it so this can just be helpful if you don't want your camera to move when you're kind of designing your level and moving objects around if you're designing your level instead of searching for the assets you want to basically place in your level instead what we can do is press cr+ P this will bring up our asset window and we can basically search for whatever asset we want and drag it into our project when you import a model into Unreal Engine it will import with its own Custom Collision settings although sometimes this may be incorrect so for example I imported this model of this Archway and if I click the play button I should be able to walk through it although because on engine autom automatically generates collisions for objects sometimes they can be wrong so let's go over how we can basically make objects have custom collisions so first if we just select this object and we want to go to where it's located we can press contrl B that will take us to where the um file is or you can just click this browse button and that will take you to where it is and if I just open this up if we click show and then go simple Collision we can see the Collision for this object so this green box basically represents the Collision for this object so no wonder my player couldn't go through but if we just go over to the details panel and scroll down and change this from Project default to use complex as Collision this will be the new Collision for my um object so when we use complex Collision it's a lot more accurate although this will mean it takes more resources to basically load this because the Collision is a bit more complex well if I now just select this scen Cube and delete it and save everything this object will now have Custom Collision and my player should be able to walk through it nice when working with unro engine if your map is quite big you may want to change the camera speed we can do that in two ways we can go over here and adjust the slider and this can basically change my camera speed or with my mouse selected if I hold the right Mouse button and I scroll backwards with my mouse my camera speed is going to go slow but if I scroll forwards then my camera speed is going to become faster so this just makes it a bit easier to move around large Maps did you know that we can merge actes together so I have this Cube and this cone mesh but maybe I want them to just be one combined mesh the way I can do that is by selecting both of them then if I just go over to actor and select merge actors and then select merge it will ask me where I want to save this new merged actor so I'm just going to save it in this folder and then I can just simply drag this into my level and now I have this new mesh as one merge actor when designing levels in unar engine our default view is this perspective mode what we can do is change this to the top and then change this to be wireframe and if we hold the middle Mouse button we can basically measure the distance between two objects so right now we can see these two cubes around 652 units away from each other this can just be helpful when you're designing levels so by default if you open up un engine for the first time this is how your viewport is going to look although if you're used to UNR Engine 4 even though I know that's ages go if we just go over to window we can go over to load layout and I can go u4 classic layout and the layout will look like how it was in unor engine 4 but you may not want this so we can just go back to window load layout and use the default editor layout and then what I normally like to do is if I press the control space bar button it will open up my content drawer and I can open this up anywhere but if I open up I can click do layout and that'll make it it's permanently there and then if I don't want this here anymore I can just remove it but I normally like to have my content dra docked in the layout and there you have it 25 UNR engine five tips to help enhance your game development skills but before you go I have one extra tip if you want to learn how to use unal engine and master it check out my website unal engine University I have a bunch of courses there which will teach you how to make games and I have a completely free unor engine beginner course which will teach you the basics of unreal to get started plus I have some other premium courses where you can learn how to create full games like 2D Platformers FPS games top down Shooters and more and if you subscribe there you'll gain access to all my courses and all my upcoming future courses so that's all for this video if you found it helpful make sure to like And subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Unreal University
Views: 37,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue5, ue5 tips, unreal engine 5 tips, unreal engine tips and tricks, unreal engine tips, ue5 tips and tricks
Id: ocKFXjut6ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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