Unreal Engine 5.4 Beginner Tutorial for Metahuman face and body animation #unrealengine5 #megascans

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Hello friends welcome back this is omit from magnet and today we are going to learn that how we can transfer the motion capture data into a metahuman body and also make the facial animation and finally we combine both face and body all together and make a seamless animation and I'm also make a small video by using this technique so first take a look [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so do you like this place yes uh Grandpa uh do you know one thing what I start dance classroom wow that's a very good news then what are you waiting for show me some moves right now okay but uh promise me you don't laugh okay okay okay just give time [Music] a [Music] [Music] so before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let get started so for this process we need the latest unal engine version which is the 5.4 just click over here to launch and for the demonstration I'm using my own map so I go to the browse and select this map okay so this is the environment that we are going to use for this demonstration and if you want to know that how you can make this environment I have a dedicated tutorial on that the tutoral link in the I Button as well as in the description down below and now we going to put the meta human so we can make the metahuman animation as well as its face animation so for the metahuman first we go to our content then come over here and right click then go to this at quickel content and after you launch the bridge you will find this option called this metahumans just go over here and here from you can download so many meta humans so let's see what we're going to download from here so I have already downloaded this one so I just click over here and then you're going to download it fast because I have already downloaded so I just click on this add button here and once you add just minimize this one and then if you download any meta humans from the mega scan you will find that this metahuman folder created over your content drawer and it is the name of the metahumans so just double click to open this folder and here is the blueprint for the metahuman so first we're going to import this blueprint over our scene and before you import let's make a camera for our scene and I have already make a camera so I just go to this perspective and go to our in a camera actor so here it is and also we open our sequence so if you watch my previous tutorial on that you will find that we also created a sequence for our scene so here is the sequence just double click to open this one so you can see that our scene looks something like this with the camera view and you can see that this look really amazing okay so now first we're going to import our meta human over here so we go to again our content drawer here and let's find our metahuman folder so here it is and also open this metahuman folder and here is the blueprint so let's make a little room here and also I go to this perspective and select our default viewport here and also select our camera so we get a little bit more area over here and now we going to bring our blueprint so as you can see this is our meta human over our scene and you can see also that there is some of these black lines it's because that I also put some deals over here so if you have deals in your scene and you will see that the deals also interfere with the metahuman so you can easily fix that so we select our metahuman then we go over here and make a little room here and once you select your metahuman you also go to his details panel and here it is first you select the body then we come to the bottom here until we see the feet and then press and hold the shift key and just click over this feet to select all of this body part of this metahuman then also go to its search bar here and type for deals and you will find this option called this receips deals just uncheck this one and you can easily read up this issue okay and now you can see that our metahuman looks very clean here okay so this is our metahuman so first we're going to import some animation to the metahuman and for the animation we need the motion capture data and for the motion capture data I find the mixamo is a nice source for the motion capture data so first we going to download some motion capture information from the mixam so for this first you go to open our Chrome browser here and then we search for mixam then we have to log in here and if you have any Adobe account you can use that and I'm using my Google account to log in here so here we are in Mixon first you go to this characters and here from you can get so many characters and I'm using this character here and if you click over here you will see this option call this use this character and I'm using this character because it look similar to a normal human here and for the animation you will go to this animation section here and you will find so many animations from here okay so let's see maybe if you want to make a a simple walking animation so you go to the search option here and type for work and press enter and you will find so many working animations here so let's see which one we're going to use so maybe we're going to use this one that is the toward walking just click and you can see that this character is start working but as you can see that this animation have this root motion animation but we don't want that if you want to make your character work in the same place just click over here in this site and you will find this option called this place just check this option and now you can see that your character is work in the same place okay and when you satisfied this animation just go over here it is a download option just click and everything look nice just click over here to download Once you complete the download just close this one and now we're going to import the animation over here so maybe we make a small room over here then we go to this content folder and then we're going to right click and and create a new folder here and also name this as mixamo animation and then we open this folder and now we're going to import the animation so this is the animation that we downloaded from the mixone just drag and drop over here and as you can see that we don't need to change any settings from here just click on this import all and if you find this kind of error just don't panic close this dialogue box and as you can see that we successfully imported all the asset that we need so here is the animation so if you double click open this animation you can see that this is the animation that we downloaded from the mixamo and now we're going to retarget this animation to our metahuman body and in 5.4 version they make this retargeting process very easy so all we have to do just select this animation then we right click over here and then you will find this option called this retarget animations just click and then you will find this dialog box so this is very simple to understand so first we have the source the source skeleton mes is from the mixamo and the target the target will be that on which we going to retarget this animation so in this case our Target skeletal mesh is the metahuman skeletal mesh so we go to this drop- down menu and then we select our metahuman skeletal mesh so in this case our metahuman skeletal mesh is this one just select so here it is and then we going to play this animation so as you can you can see that this is our animation from the mix Summer just double click to play this animation here and you can see that it's instantly retarget this animation from this mixamo skeletal mes to our metahuman skeletal mes and once you happy this retarget just click on this export animations and for the path we select our metahuman folder and then we just click on this export animation and then also click on this export so as you can see that we successfully export the animation to our metahuman folder so as you can see that this is the metahuman folder and inside that metahuman folder you will find this animation and now we going to put this animation over our metahuman so for this first you go to our sequencer and if you don't know that how you can make the sequence just go over here and click on this add level sequence and you will create a nice sequence for your scene and once you open your sequence sir first we go to add our meta human over our sequence so we select our metahuman then we go to this add button go to this act to sequencer and select our metah human and as you can see that we also bring the meta human and it's metah human control rig but in this case we don't need the control rig because we already make the animation so we select the control rig and just delete and also we go to this mode and we select our selection mode okay so as you can see that this is our metahuman without the animation and now we're going to put the animation so first we go to this body then we go to this plus sign just click and then we'll find this animation option and go over here and search for the work animation so we go to the search bar and type for work and you will find that St working animation mixim okay just select and you can see that this is our character have this nice working animation and as you can see that this is a small animation so if you want to make it loopable just select this animation and just extend it enter your timeline here okay and also make some extra frames over here okay so as you can see that we have our animation over our metahuman but you can see that our metahuman is the same place so we're going to animate our metah human over time so first you can see that our time frame is very small here so we going to increase our time frame and in default you can see that the time is shown as a frame and if you want to change it to seconds you can also do that so we go to this frame rate option here and here from you can see that show time as and you will select this seconds so as you can see that our time is only 2 seconds long so if we want to make a 10 seconds long time here so maybe we can increase our time so here it is so you can see that this is the 10 seconds long time and also we're going to increase our animation to the entire time here okay so just like that and also also we change our end frame over here okay so now we have our 10 seconds long video here and now we're going to animate our character so how we can do that first you go to our very first frame here and then maybe we going to start our animation from this place okay so we going to drag our metah human over here so in order to drag our metah human you can see that this is the axis and by dragging those axis you can move your characters here and there but as you can see that if you rotate our metahuman and then also select our move Gizmo here you can see that our move Gizmo is not rotate according to our character it's because that this is the Gizmo is from the world position but when you want to move or animate your character you have to change this Gizmo according to to its characters coordinate so how we can do that we go to this option and when you go to this option you will see that it look like world and if you click over here you can see that this Gizmo is change according to our characters position and you can also see the difference here so if you just change it to the world position you can see this Gizmo is fa toward this side but if you change it to this characters coordinate you can see that now it face towards its f face okay so now if you move your character you can also move this character according to its own axis okay and now we going to place our character here and then also we rotate and now you can see that when you rotate the axis also change its position okay but if you select the world coordinate and if you rotate your character and then if you select this Gizmo you can see that this is not rotate it's only face the world coordinate okay so this is why always remember when you move your any character or animate your character select this option this is the local coordinate or the coordinate which is meant for this character okay so now first we going to make a key frame over here so but you can see that if you want to make a key frame you also need the transform switch for this actor okay so but you can see that there is no transform option here so how you can add this it's very simple just select your metahuman here then go to this plus sign and you select this transform option here so in that way you will get this transfer option for this metahuman and now first we going to make a key frame here and then go to the very end frame or just click over here to go to the very end frame and now we going to move our character okay but as you can see that our character move towards this side but our road is there so again if we go to the very fast frame here or maybe we can delete this key frame and also we go to our very fast frame and then we going to rotate our character to this side okay and now again we go to the end frame here and select this move Gizmo and then we're going to start move our character okay just like that and now if you play you can see that this animate very nicely okay so now if you want to make some camera animation you can also do that so maybe we come over here and then go to the very first frame and also select our camera then we make a key frame to it transform here and then we go to the very end frame and also we move our camera over here okay so now if you play you can get this kind of camera animation and maybe we can also put some camera Shake here so I already make a camera Shake blueprint for our camera so we go to this plus switch then go to this camera shake and select this camera Shake blueprint maybe we move our camera Shake blueprint over here and also extended enter timeline and also you can get this kind of nice camera animation or camera shape and maybe we can also change our camera position little bit here and sometime you can see that your character is floating so you can also do that by manually put some key frames so maybe we first we put our character a little bit down here and then we go few frames here and you can see maybe we can also change our camera position and also we reposition our character here like this and sometime you can change the key frame but you have to also put the key frame so you can also do that one thing that you can select this auto key frame switch so if you make any changes it can automatically creame that position so as you can see that if we expand our character here and character transform and if you enable this auto key frame switch and if you change anything here you can see that it automatically create the key frame here so you don't have to worry about making the key frame just enable this auto key frame switch here okay so just like that and maybe we can also put a little bit down okay so as you can see that it look really amazing so as you can see that this is very simple to download the motion capture data and also retarget to your metahuman and make a nice animation like this okay so now the most exciting part which is the facial animation so for the facial animation of the metahuman we need a plugin for the metahuman so let's download the plugin first so I open epic game launcher then go to this Marketplace and here we search for the metahuman so you go to the search bar and type metahuman and you will find this metahuman plugin so here it is and you have to install it to your engine so just click on this install to engine so I have already installed so I don't have to install it again but if you not install it to your engine you have to install it so I cancel this now and then we close this one and also we go to this edit then we go to this plugins and we search for the metah human and here is the plugin so you have to enable it by just clicking over here and also this project utilities and then you have to restart your engine so just click and restart your engine so after restart now we going to record our metahuman identity and the performance and for this process we going to need an iOS device and I'm using the iPhone 14 pro Max but it can support the iPhone 12 and the later Edition so let's go to the iPhone screen so this is my phone screen and as you can see that I have this liink face app and you can download it free from the App Store so I open this one and first when you open it for the first time you will see these two options called this LifeLink a kit and the metahuman animator so we're going to select the second one which is the metahuman animator and just click on this continue so this is me and now we're going to capture the metahuman identity first so for this first we look at the camera at the straight and followed by we can rotate our head to the right side and the left side and then also we're going to show our teeth okay and now we're going to capture the metahuman performance and now we're going to transfer this capture data to our Unreal Engine so it's very easy to transfer so if you connect your phone with the same land connection with your PC so you can easily transfer the data data from your phone to the PC so before we go through the importing process we go to our content browser and create a new folder so just right click and create a new folder and we name it as a metahuman animator and open this folder and here first we going to right click and then we go to this metahuman animator and click on this capture source so here it is and now we're going to open this one and now you will see this option called this cap Source type so we go to this drop down and we select this one which is the first one which is a live link face connection and here you can see that we need a device address so we have to put the device address here so we can also get the device address from our phone so this is my phone screen and first we go to the settings option here and you will find this option called This osc Server so we just open this one and here from you can get the IP address so we put this IP address over here and then we just save this one so once you done this just close this one and then we go to the tools and we go to this capture manager here you can see that this is our device and the green signal means this is online and in order to continue the connection you have to open the live link face app in your phone so first we're going to import The Meta human identity video so this is the one and you can also name it to identify your video and then we just click on this add to queue and also click on this import so once you done importing just close this window and now again we going to come over this folder which is the metah human animator folder and then also right click and again go to the metah human animator and we click on this metah human identity so here it is and now we also open this metah human identity so let's make it full screen so first we're going to create components so we go over here and just click and we have the footage so we go to this from footage and we select the footage that we just downloaded so this is the one so this is our calibration video and by using this video we're going to create a meta human identity now you have to identify the actual position so in this Frame I look at the camera so we have to promote this Frame so in order to promote this Frame just click on this plus switch and you will get this notification work just click okay okay and now again this video is locked now so in order to unlock this just click over here and now we going to go to the frame where we just look at this right side and do the same thing to just click on this plus switch okay and again just click over here to unlock this video and now find the frame that where I look at the left side and do the same thing again just click over here and when you promote these three frames now we're going to click to this metahuman identity solve just click to solve this identity and once you done solving now we're going to create the metahuman body so we go to this body option here and here from you can choose the body type so maybe we're going to use this one and when you select the body type now we're going to click on this mesh to metahuman just go to this dropdown list and we select the second one which is the auto meta human identity skeleton mesh Plus metahuman just click and now it will show you that this metahuman DNA is available in your content browser okay so just click on this okay and now we going to also match our teeth so for this first we go to this pose then we go to this add option here and go to this add pose and click on this at teeth so now we going to use our teeth to create the teeth for this metahuman so again we go to this calibration video and search for the frame that where we show our teeth here and then we just click on this plus sign again and also click on this okay and you can see that our teeth also marked properly here and now we're going to click on this fit teeth so once You' done this now we going to finally create the performance so we click on this prepare for performance and it will take a while so it will take almost 15 minutes for me and now we going to close this one okay so after we successfully create our metahuman identity now we're going to import the video footage that we going to record for our performance so again we go to this tools then we go to this capture manager and also you have to open the live link app from your phone to get your phone online here and when you see this green signal here it means that your phone is online so select your phone and this is our performance capture so we're going to select this one and also click on this add to que and also we select this one is the second performance that I should so we also add into our queue here and then we finally click on this import button here so once we import them successfully just close this window again okay and now again we go to our metahuman animator folder then we right click here and again go to this metahuman animator and finally we go to this metahuman performance and then we double click to open this tab so here it is and now first we going to select our meta human identity first so we go to this meta human identity tab then go to this drop- down list and this is our meta human identity so we select this one here so here it is and also we're going to assign the performance capture footage so this is the slot so we go to this drop down menu again and 96 is our performance capture footage so we select this this one here and you also get a notification for your audio source so you just click on this yes okay so this is the track that we going to use for our performance capture and then we also go down here and here you will find this option called this head movement mode we go to this drop- down list and we select this control rig okay and you can also change this override visualization mesh so we also have our actual metahuman in our project so we go to this drop down list and then we select this emoryi face mesh so in that way you will get this emoryi face mesh for the visualization and after you done here just go to this option called this process and it will also take little time so just click on this processes so our metah human performance capture also successfully transfer from my face to the metahuman face and now if you play you can also get the audio also so let's play Hello friends this is omit and this is for the metahuman dialoges so I don't know what to say maybe we can count for 1 to 5 1 2 3 4 5 and the reverse 5 4 3 2 1 so as you can see that we successfully make this performance capture and now we're going to export this animation so the animation can be transferable into different metahumans so for this we go to this export animation and also we choose the pathway where you want to export this animation so again we choose this metahumans folder and maybe we can also name this as Face animation one and just save this okay and here you can also get some options so first we're going to export it without the head movement so we're going to uncheck this head movement option here and just click on this create okay so as you can see that it successfully export the animation and now we're going to close this so now if we go to this metahumans folder you also get this Face animation so if you open this animation you will see this animation over here okay so we close this and now we going to put this animation over this metahuman body okay so this is also very simple so if we just go over here and as you can see that our character have no Face animation so again if we go to the sequencer here and then we go to this camera and also maybe we can delete all this camera transform key and then we come over here and also focus on this face maybe we go to our very first frame here and here and then make a key frame here so you make a key frame to the transform then we go to the very end frame here so here is our character and we can also stick the focus over our character here so we select our camera then we go to this lens settings and also go to this Focus mode we select the tracking and then also we go to this tracking Focus settings we select this speaker and select our metahuman here okay and now if you see you can see that our camera is focused on this metahuman character okay and now we're going to put the facial animations also so we go to this very first frame here then we go to this face of this metah human then we go to this plus switch go to the animation and this is our Face animation one so just select this one okay so now if you play you can see that the character face also animating okay okay and now you can also see that we lose the audio here so in order to add the audio we go to this add button here then we go to this audio track so here is our audio track and we go to this very fast frame here then we select this audio track and go to this plus switch here and we search for our actual audio so our audio have the 96 on it so we type 96 and we will get the actual audio and now if you play Hello friends this is omit and this is for the metahuman dialoges so I don't know what to say maybe we can count for one to five okay so as you can see that we also get the audio here so you can also do that but as you can see that we don't have the actual face rotation data here so in order to put the face rotation data we also do to export our Face animation with the head rotation also so so again if we go to our content browser here and then we go to this metahuman animator and then also we go to this meta Human Performance tab just double click to open and as you can see that this is our old performance data and again we go to this export animation and also we select our metahumans folder where we want to export and then we select this name here but in this time we going to export it with the head rotation so maybe also we can name it to identify so we name it as a HR for the head rotation and just save this one and also tick on this head movement okay and just click on this create and as you can see that we successfully export this also so we're going to close this one so now if we go to this meta human folder you can get another Face animation here and this content also the head rotation okay so now we going to put the head rotation also so again we go to the sequencer and now this time we going to do some complex work so first we go to delete this audio because you can see that the audio also interfere with the recordings so we delete this audio for now and also we do one thing that we going to delete this meta human from our sequencer and also delete this meta human from our project just click on this yes and then we go to this camera and we go to this focusing mode and we back to manual okay so now we going to do some extra stuff so first we going to bring our metahuman into our scene so we go to this content browser then go to this emori so bring it over here okay and again you can see that it also contain this deals so again do the same thing to remove the dial so we select our metahuman then we select the body and then we go down until we see the fit and select all of this component then go to the search bar and type for deal and just uncheck this recipal okay and now we're going to duplicate our metahuman so we're going to select this metahuman here and then we going to drag it to duplicate so press and hold the ALT key and drag the axis to duplicate this metah human here okay so just like that and then we go to the sequencer again and we select both of this metahuman then go to this add switch go to this add to sequencer and just click on this add two actors okay so here it is and you can see that we have this imori 1 and emoryi 2 so we duplicate this metahumans so we have two metah humans here and then we going to drag it down over here okay so just put them under this camera here so first we select this one and expand this and also select the second one and expand this and then we going to select this control rig and also this one so I press and hold the control key to select all of this and also this one and also we delete the face for this second metahuman here okay and select the control also and just press delete so as you can see that we only have the body and face for this metahuman and for the second one we only have the body okay so very simple and now we going to import the animation to the body so first we go to this body this the first one and go to this plus sign go to the animation and search for the working animation and this is the work animation that we just imported from the mixamo and also we extend this one okay so as you can see that if we scrap through times you get this walking animation and also we put the Face animation for this so for the Face animation first we select this first one this one go to its face animation go to this plus Switch and Go to this animation and we put this animation which have no head rotation data so we just select this one and as you can see that this have this head animation but not the head rotation data okay and then we go to the second one this one and go to this body go to this plus sign then go to this animation and now here we going to put the head rotation facial animation on it but as you can see that this is the body type so you cannot get the Face animation on it but if you go to this setting switch here then go to this at the very bottom and you will find this option call this allow incompatible skeletons so just check here and now if you go to the search bar and type for face and you will get this Face animation and we can also assign the head rotation one so as you can see that Face animation one HR means the head rotation so this Face animation contain the head rotation data also just select this one okay so now if you scrp through time you can get this one that this one have this head rotation also okay so now again we go to the very first frame and now if you go to this body for the second one just right click here and we go to this back to control R and we select this metahuman control rig so we're going to bake the animation so just click on this create and after bake you will get all this key frame here and now we also going to this first one metah human then you go to its body and also we right click and also we going to back it so we go to this back to control R and we select this metahuman control rig and also click on this create okay so as you can see that we also get this metahuman control rig key markers for this first one okay so this is the first one and now we going to copy this rotation data or the head rotation data from this second metahuman to this first metahuman body so now we go to this control rig for the second one just expand this one and now we going to search for the head and neck so go to the very bottom here so here you will find this neck one control and the neck to control so we're going to select this neck one and press and hold the control key and just select this neck to and also we have this head control okay so now we going to expand this head control here and we going to copy this rotation data only so this is for the rotation role pit and Y so we select all of these three key markers from here for this head control then we go down to this neck one expand this one and again we going to copy this rotation B and EO for this neck one control so again in order to select all of these data all together because we already selected this one and if you just click here you can deselect this data so in order to select all of this data all together press and hold the control and shift and when you press and hold control shift together you will find this plus sign on your cursor here and then we're going to select these three types of rotation data for this neck one and then we go down go to this NE two and do the same so press and hold the control and shift key all together when you see this plus sign to your cursor and select all this three rotation data here okay and make sure that your timeline cursor is set to the zero here and then we press contrl and C to copy those markers okay and now finally we go up here and we go to this first metahuman this is this one then we go to its body and this is the body metahuman control R and then we go to this plus switch here and click on this additive okay so in that way we will get this second metahuman control R and here we going to paste the copied value so we press contrl and V to paste the value and as you can see that we paste this head rotation data here okay so because it's additive value so now our head rotation also connected with this body movement okay so now as you can see that our head also rotate with this body movement but as you can see that the facial animation doesn't have much face uh rotation or head rotation so you cannot probably understand that the face is also rotated but we have another facal animation capture so I'm show you that how it look like with the face rotation so when you done everything you can just delete this second one because we don't need the second one anymore because we have this head rotation data so we select our second metahuman and just delete this one and also delete it from here so this is the complete process that how you can connect the meta human Face animation with this body animation and now finally we're going to reanimate our character so it looks like that the character is moving okay so again do the same thing so we select our metahuman here and also we go to our selection mode and then maybe we start from here so we go to this very fast frame and also we select our meta human and just put it over here and then also we rotate it place it over here and then we go to this meta human and go to this plus switch and create a transform switch here so here it is and now make a key frame here and also make sure that the key frame is linear and then we go to the very end frame here and then we going to animate the metahuman and as you can see that our metah human is not go to the straight so again we delete this key frame go to the very fast frame here and also rotate it little bit to this side and then press W to get this move Gizmo then go to the very end frame and we animate our character here okay so let's see so here it is maybe we put it little bit higher here and now if you play the animation as you can see that our character is sliding so it's because we move our character little bit too much here so again we go to the very end frame and we move our character over here and now let's see okay again it looks sliding so again we go to the very end frame and also we move it our character little bit closer so let's see again it still looks sliding okay so let's see okay it's uh somwhat manageable okay so this is how you can also animate the character and now this is the real problem that when you animate your character you see that your face is deattached from your body so but this is just a glitch because if you just restart your engine you will get that the issue is fixed okay so again we have to save our all progresses here so save all and then just restart your engine so once you restart we go to our content and open our sequencer here and also we select our camera and now you can see that the face is also attached with the body okay so maybe we can go to this very fast frame and make a camera animation here so we select our camera then we go to its transform switch and make a key frame here then go to the very end frame and go over here and and also we select our Focus settings so we go to this camera and then we go to this focusing method we select the tracking and also go to this pier we select our meta human here okay so now you can see if we go to the very first frame and also we put our camera little bit closer to our metahuman face here okay so now if you play you can get little bit of head rotations also but I know this is uh not really visible here because the facial animation have very little bit of head rotation but as you can see that the face is also attached with the body so this is the whole process that how you can make the body animation as well as the face animation and finally you also connect both of these animation all together so create a nice seamless animation okay and also I show you that how you can add the audio file here okay but I am not including the audio file because when we add this audio file and if you play the audio file also interact with my voice recording here okay so this is the whole process and now we're going to create and another body and face animation and also make the nighttime scene here okay so for this first we going to uncheck oh my God this scene look really amazing and if you go to this camera and if we zoom into our character over here and maybe we going to select our camera and then go to it focusing method and change to manual here and maybe we can adjust the focus manually here and you can see that the metahuman has very nice details on it okay so now we going to create a nighttime scene so first we going to reset our camera here and also we going to delete all this key frame that we made for our camera animation and then we create the scene so maybe if we come over here as you can see that uh here I make a small fireplace here so maybe we can adjust our camera Focus distance here and maybe we're going to create a scene and which will be a nighttime scene and the boy is sitting over here and also look around and here we have this fireplace here so we going to create some nice fire over here also okay so for this first we're going to need a sitting motion capture data so we're going to download it from the mix and in the search bar we type for sitting and and maybe we're going to use this one which is the seting idle and then we're going to click on this download to download this motion capture data and now we're going to import the motion capture data so first we go to this content browser here and then again we go to this mix animation folder so here we going to import the animation so maybe we're going to create a folder so we can rearrange all these assets nicely so we create a new folder here so this is for the work so we're going to type work and we select all of this asset which is belong to the work animation and just move it over here okay and then we're going to create another folder and this is for the seting animation here then double click to open this folder and now we're going to import the animation so here is the animation just drag and drop over here and we close this one and just import all and also close this one and there is the animation and just like we do previously in order to retarget the animation just right click over here then go to this option called this retarget animations and again this is the source type and this is the target type so Source type will be our mix skeleton mesh and the target type we're going to select our meta human skeleton so just go down here and here you will find this one that is the metahuman skeleton for our metahuman just select this one over here so here it is and now we're going to search for our animation so we go to the search bar and type for seting and we will find the seting idal animation from mixamo just select this one and now we're going to retarget this so in order to retarget just go to this option call this export animations and select the path where you want to save so we select this meta humans and just click on this export and also click on this export here so we have our setting animation for the metahuman and now we also going to create our facial animation for the metahuman so for this we go to this metahuman animator folder and because we have already done the meta human identity capture so we don't need to do it again just we go to this metah Human Performance here and also click yes here so this is our old performance data but now we're going to put an another performance video so we go to this footage capture data just go to the drop- down list and we select this one so as you can see that this one have nice head rotation so as you can see that I look in different sides here so it will be very nice to demonstrate the head rotations also okay so we going to process this animation and also transfer this facial data to this metahuman face okay so in order to process again just click on this process so as you can see that we have successfully transferred the facial animation to this metah human phas and now we're going to export this animation so we go to this export animation and also we select this metahumans folder here and we're going to name our animation so maybe we name this as look around and first we're going to export it with a head rotation so we also going to name it as HR for head rotation and then we save this one and also we have to tick on this that is the default setting that enable head movement and and then just click on this create and we also export this Face animation one more time but this time we going to make it with no head rotation so again we select this name that is the look around but we also name it as no head rotation nhr okay and just click on this save and in this time we're going to deselect this one that is the enable head movement just deselect this one and just click on this create so we all done here just click close here okay so we have the motion capture data for sitting as well as the facial animation and now we're going to animate our metahuman so again first we go to this metahuman folder and then we go to this emoryi folder here so first we going to import our metahuman over here okay just like that and also we're going to make another copy of this so again we press and hold the ALT key and just click on this axis and just drag it over here okay so here it is and now we going to put this two metah human into our sequencer so again we go to the sequencer tab here and you can see that we have the previous metah human which is this one here so we also going to delete this metah human so here it is so just delete this metah human and also select this meta human from our scene and delete click yes okay so now go back to this metah humans here and now we're going to bring this two metah humans into our sequencer so again go to this add button after you select those meta humans then go to this add to sequencer and click on this add current selection that is the two actors so here it is and then we going to bring our timeline cursor to the very beginning here here it is so this is the first one and maybe we're going to rename it also so we select this one and maybe we name this as one and also we're going to rename it two okay so this is the two copy of this metahuman so now we expand the first one and we select this metahuman control rig and also expand the second one and select this metahuman control rig for the body and also we don't need the face so we select the face and also the face control R and then just delete those assets and now we're going to apply the seting animation to this metah human that is the one so we go to its body that is this one go to its body then we go to this plus sign go to this animation and in the search bar we type for seting so here is the seting idle animation just select this one so as you can see that this is the animation so maybe we extend this animation enter the timeline here okay and as you can see that the seat is here but he's sitting over here but don't worry we going to adjust it later on and then also we go to this SP animation again go to this plus sign go to this animations and type for the facial animation so in this case we use the look around animation so this is the look around animation but as you can see we use the no head rotation for the first one so we select this one so in this case you can see the Face animation but without the head rotation so as you can see that you can see the eyes movement uh but you cannot see the head look around animation here okay so again and now for the second one so we go to this second metahuman here and to its body we going to put the head rotation Face animation on it so we go to this body then we go to this plus sign go to this animation and make sure that we check this option so we can find the face animation because it's a body type and you cannot get the Face animation if you not check this option that is the allow in comparable skeletons okay and now in the search bar we type for look around and in this time we're going to use this head rotation one so we select this one that is the look around HR means the head rotation so just select this one so now if you scrub through time you can see that this body have this face rotation okay okay but this one doesn't have the face rotation okay so now we going to back this animation and transfer the B data to this body okay so again make sure that you go to the very beginning here and then we go to the second one that is this one and then go to its body and then right click and we go to this back to control R and we select this metahuman control D and also click on this create so as you can see that these are the key frame that we just bake and one thing I have to mention that if you see sometime that the key frame is not appear here after you bake the animation Don't Panic just restart your engine and you will find this key frame into your sequencer okay and then likewise we go to this first one so this is the first metahuman and also we go to its body then we right click and then we go to this back control R and select this the human control rig and also click on this create so as you can see that we successfully bake this animations also and now we go to our second metahuman here and then we go to its metahuman control rig B data just expand this one and now we're going to find for the head and the neck one and neck two so again we go down here so as you can see this is the neck one control and the neck two control and also this head control here okay so we expand this head control and again do the same thing to copy all those rotation data so we just copy or select those rotation datas from the head control and then we go down to this neck one control and again we press and hold the control and shift and when you see this plus sign here just select all of these three rotation data so in order to select all of this data Al together so this is the head rot data and this is the neck one rotation data and also we expand this neck two control rotation data and again press and hold the control and shift and then just select all those three rotation data okay so very nice and now we're going to copy so press contrl and C to copy those datas and then we go to the very up here we go to this first metah human here then we go to its metah human control rig for this body and again we go to this plus sign and create a additive metahuman control rig so here it is and now we're going to paste the data but make sure that your cursor is set to at the very beginning here then we select the second metahuman control rig and paste the data so press contrl V to paste all of this key frame here okay so now if we collapse this first metahuman and then if we go to the second one one and then just we delete this one and also we delete it from here okay so now if you come over here and if you scrub through time you can get this kind of nice Face animation attach with the body animation okay so now we going to put our character nicely to this bench so we select our metahuman here and then we're going to move our character over here okay just like that and again now you find this problem here again because we move our character so as you can see that our character look really weird here so again we have to restart our engine to fix this issue but make sure that you nicely set your character here because if you again change anything you have to restart your engine so make sure that our character is sit here properly okay so it look nice so now we have to restart our engine so we have to save our all progresses here and then we have to restart so after you restart we go to this content folder and then we open our sequence here and also we select our camera okay so we done our animation properly and as you can see that our character is sitting nicely over here on this bench and also it can rotate its head okay so this is the whole process that how you can make this kind of animations here okay so now we going to make this scene little bit of nice so we going to make this scene at the nighttime scene and also put some extra stuff and make a nice lighting for our SC okay so how we can do that so I'm using the alra dynamic sky so make a nighttime scene by using this alra Dynamic sky is very easy so first we select the alra dynamic Sky blueprint here so here it is and then we going to search for the sun here so we type sun and I made some changes to the sun position or intensity but we don't need to change anything for this intensity but we're going to change the sun angle to reset this value and also this sun vertical offsets and the inclination value so I reset those values here so it's all up to you that if you use this Ultra dnamic Sky you can follow these steps and also if we go to this option called this time of day and if we change this value we can make a nice night time scene here so maybe we can also put our moon on the top here so as you can see there is the moon so I'm not going through the ultra Dynamic Sky settings because if you have alter damic Sky you can easily use this because it's very easy to use but we going to focus on our scene and the lighting also so as you can see that we cannot see anything here so first we go to this box option and we put a light so we go to this lights option and put a rack light light over here so here it is and as you can see that this red light is look really amazing uh but as you can see that our character is here so now we're going to put our R light maybe somewhere at the background here or maybe we can use a Point light instead of rack lighting so we go to this box option again and go to this light and create a point light here so we can get the light in every direction okay so we're going to delete this W light for now and we select our Point light here and also we go to our camera here and expand this camera and maybe we going to decrease the aperture to bring the more light inside the camera to make a brighter scene and also we select our camera and then we go to its details panel and then we go down to the exposure settings and we're going to increase the exposure to maybe 12 here okay so as you can see that our scene is little bit too lit up here but don't worry we're going to setting it later on so now first we're going to put our light somewhere in this for here so maybe we can bring our light over here okay and then we select this light and go to its details panel here and go to the very top here and here from you can increase the intensity so maybe we can increase the intensity little bit higher here and then also we're going to increase the attenuation radius just like like that and then also we going to increase the source radius okay and then finally we come over here that is the volumetric scattering intensity and if you increase this value you will get nice volume over this light area here okay so as you can see that we nicely create this scene here okay and also maybe we're going to increase our fog density so we go to our Ultra Dynamic sky here so we go to the search bar and type for Ultra Dynamic sky so here it is and then we search for the fog so we type for this search bar fog so maybe first we go to this base fog density so if we increase this value maybe we increase this value to one so let's see how it look like so as you can see if we press one it will be very bit foggy here but maybe we can decrease it to maybe 7 here so we'll get this kind of nice foggy scene here and then again we going to select our light from here so we type light and here is this and then we're going to change the light color so maybe we can make it little bit of bluish color here because it's the night time so the blue color look nice for the light okay so just like that and as you can see that this area look really amazing okay okay and also we duplicate our light little bit here so again press uh and hold the ALT key and just duplicate the light somewhere here also okay just like that maybe you can also change the color to maybe something like warish color here so make some little bit of variation to the light or maybe you can just set it to the bluish color if you want okay just like that maybe little bit of greenish color here okay and now we're going to put some light inside those houses also so for this again we go to this box option and create a point light here and you can see that the light intensity is very much so we're going to decrease the light intensity down to maybe two and also we decrease the attenuation radius here okay just like that okay and maybe we can also change the light color to maybe something like yellow color here okay and also we duplicate this light to this house also so maybe we duplicate this light again and put it inside this house here so this is all up to you that how you want to light up your scene so maybe we can put things little bit here and also decrease the attenuation radius for this light okay or maybe we can put a rack light here so maybe we can delete this light and go to this box and go to the light and create a w light over here and as you can see that the volumeter scattering of this R light is too much so again we select this Rec light here and then we come down here and here you will find this volumetric scattering intensity maybe we decrease it to maybe 2 here okay and now we going to place our light so maybe we can rotate this light to this side and also we decrease the attenuation radius and also change the color to warm color here okay okay so so this is how you can light up your scene so as you can see that this look really amazing and also you have to put some light here and there to make the whole scene like really dramatic lighting here maybe we press G to hide all those markers here okay and now we're going to put some light over here also so again we select this light here maybe we can duplicate this [Music] one and also we place it over here okay maybe we can change the light color to something like reddish color or maybe warm color over here okay so this all depends on you and maybe we can increase the intensity little bit okay and also we can increase the attenuation radius little bit okay so as you can see that we have nice dramatic light to our scene and now we're going to put some of the light behind this character so maybe we're going to put some rack light over here so again go to this box option go to the light and create a rack light here and then we going to rotate this rack light to this side and as you can see that it also have this volum scattering too much here so we going to decrease this scattering to maybe 2 here or maybe1 Okay so so here is our character here so where is our character so here it is and we go to select this light and maybe we can place our light a little bit closer here okay and as you can see that we're going to make a rim light by using this light so maybe we can increase this attenuation radius here so as you can see that we have this kind of Rim light here okay and now finally we're going to put a fire over here so we can get a nice fiery light over our character here so for the fire I'm using an epic game content so for the fire I'm using this pack and which is absolutely free pack just add to my project here and as you can see that this pack is not compatible with the 5.4 version but don't wor we can still use it so just click on this show all projects here and then we select our project here so in this case this one and then we go to the select version go to this drop down list and we select the highest possible version which is the 5.3 and just click on this add to project so once you add the assets first you go to this content browser and then you will find this folder here so this one just double click to open this folder and here from you can get several folders but we go to this particles folder here and then we go to this fire folder you will find so many particle system for the fire so maybe we're going to use this one that is the number three so we just drag and drop over here okay and as you can see that this fire look nice but we going to delete some of this particle system that is the smoke so after select this particle system we go to its details panel and then we come over here that is the template just open this partical system by double clicking here so as you can see that this is the cascet particle system and now we're going to disable the smoke from here so we just disable it from here just make it cross here and if you see you can get there is no smoke here okay and as you can see that this far look nice maybe we can also delete some of these extra fire particles so maybe uh let's see maybe we going to disable this one so we can get very small fire here so this is the fire top we're going to disable this okay and now you can see that this looks something like this okay so we get little bit of fire here and also we can put it little bit down here okay uh but as you can see that we lose the light of the fire okay so now we can also put the light manually so we going to this box option here again and then we go to the light and make a point light over here so here it is so also we can reposition this point light over here and also we going to decrease the intensity to maybe 2 here and also we reposition it over here and also you can see that and the shadow is very harsh so for this we go to the source radius and we increase the value so we can get really nice soft Shadow here and also we can decrease this attenuation radius so maybe we can decrease the value here okay and also we're going to change the color so maybe we change it fiery color here okay so just like that okay and also maybe we can decrease the intensity to maybe 0.1 here okay so now as you can see that uh we have little bit of light here okay uh but as you can see that our light is very static here so we're going to put some flickering over on our light so for this we're going to create a light function material so again we go to our content browser here and then we going to come over here and right click and create a material and we name this material as a light function so here it is and now we're going to open this material just double click to open so here it is so first we going to select this material at attributes tab here and then we go to it details panel and here we'll find this material domain option here just go to this drop down and we'll select this one that is the light function okay so this is the light function material here now so first we're going to put a node called the time node so just right click here and type time so here it is and we're going to put a scalar parameter here so we press and hold the S key on the keyboard and just click to get this scar parameter and we're going to name it as a light intensity okay and we're going to put it over here and now we're going to connect this both node with a multiply node here so we press and hold the m key on the keyboard and just click to get this multiply node here and then we're going to connect it over here okay just like that and then we're going to need in another node called the sign node so just right click here and type sign and you will find the sign node here then we connect with the sign node here and also we need another node called the Frack so just right click here and type for Frack so here it is so this is the Frack node just connect it over here and then we connect it with this sign node and finally connect it to this imip color and also we going to put a value over here so maybe we put 2 over here so as you can see that we get little bit of flickering over here and if you change this value to maybe 0.5 you can get very frequent flickering here okay so this is all about this uh light function material so just apply this one and also save this and then you close this material so here is our material so we're not going to use it as it is we going to create a material instance so just right click over this material then we click on this create material instance okay so here it is and now we're going to put this material over this light as a light function material so we select this light from here so this is the light here and then we go to his details panel we go down and here you will find this light function material slot so we to bring this material instance for this light function material just drag and drop over here okay so as you can see you can get little bit of flickering over this light uh but one thing you have to notice that the flicker when it down the light intensity it goes really black here uh but it is not look natural so we going to put an another light over here so maybe we're going to duplicate this light so press and hold the ALT key on the keyboard and then we just drag this exit to make a duplicate copy of this light and in the second copy of this light we're going to disable this light function material so this will be our linear light but we also have the flickering light over here and then maybe we're going to decrease the intensity both of this light so maybe we first select this one which have this flickering and we decrease the intensity to maybe 05 here and also select this linear light here and we decrease this intensity to 05 okay so now you can get this kind of nice result here okay so now first we go to the sequencer again and we go to this camera and maybe we can increase the aperture little bit so now you can get this kind of nice scene here okay so maybe we can also select this rack light here so here it is and maybe we can put it little bit down here so this all depends on you that how you want to light up your scene okay and maybe we can change the light color also so make it little bit of orange color here and hit okay and also maybe we can increase the radius of the light okay and one thing also we can do that we can put another light over this left side here so maybe we can create another rack light here and we place this rack light into this side here and place it over here and then also we go to decrease this volum is scattering to maybe 05 here okay and as you can see that we get this kind of light from this side also and maybe we can decrease the intensity very less to maybe maybe two here okay so very less amount and also we change the color to maybe bluish color here okay and maybe we can increase the value a little bit maybe four here okay so now as you can see that we also get this kind of nice light from this side also okay and also we select this rack light here so this light here and we can also decrease this volum scattering to maybe 0 5 here and maybe we can increase the intensity little bit and also put a little bit higher here place it here okay so in that time maybe we can make a nice macro shot here so maybe we can go to our sequencer and then we can increase our camera focal length here to get this nice macro shot here so if you play you can get this kind of nice shot here also okay so this is for the macro shot and you can also make a nice uh camera movement here also so we can decrease our camera focal length here okay and maybe we can start from here and then we go to our very first frame and then we go to this transform and make a key frame here and it's the transform switch and then we go to the very end and maybe we can move our camera over here like this okay and also maybe we can increase our camera focal length a little bit here okay so now as you can see you can make this kind of nice camera animation here also okay so this is it and because we do not have any dialogues in this scene but if you have any dialogues in this scene you can also put your audio file here so just go to this add button here and then we go to select this audio track and maybe we go to our very first frame here and here is the audio and now you have to select the exact same audio for this facial animation so in this case if we go to this plus sign and go to the search bar and if we type 97 because we have 97 on our facial animation video so we just select this one and you can also name your video so you can easily identify that and then if you play you can also get the audio file but but again this facial animation doesn't have any dialoges in it so you cannot probably hear any dialoges from here but if you have dialogs you can sync your audio with your video here like this okay so this is it and this is how you can make this kind of scene here and now finally I'm going to show you that how you can render it and also how you can render your audio file okay so for the render you have to enable a plugin so we go to this edit and go to this plugins and then you search for movie render queue so if you type movie you will find this movie render queue plugin and also this movie render additional render passes so you have to enable both of these plugins and then you have to restart your engine so after restart you go to window and then you go to the cinematics and you will find this movie render queue option here just click over it then you go to this render Tab and you select your sequence so in this case swamp sequence is the sequence so you select this sequence then you go to this settings tab and click on this unsp config and here first we going to delete this jpex sequence and then we go to the settings and first we enable this nasing and I'm using a 16 sample count for this temporal sample count but you can also change it to 32 if you have very fast movement in your scene and when you put any value over here you have to override the Ning here and also because we have this kind of fire here so this is the particle system so you have to put some of this extra frame for the warmup frame over here so in that way you can warm up your particle system and if you have the warm-up frame you have to enable those options that is the use the camera cut for warmup okay and then again go to the settings tab and then go to this camera and we select the shter timing and change this to frame close again you go to this settings and go to this high resolution here and also check on this over subs surface scattering and again go to the settings tab and select this exr sequence and also go to the settings tab and you will find this wav audio just select this one okay and one thing you have to remember that if you select here this frame rate which is the 23.976 or if you select 30 FPS in your scene it's also important that if you go to this output and here from you can select your output directory and then also you go to the use custom frame rate so just enable this one if you have this 30 FPS frame count here and you have to choose the 30 FPS from here okay so this is very important to nicely sync your audio with your video here okay and everything look nice just click on this except switch here and then finally you just click on this render local and you will get your render files and in the same folder you also get your audio files okay so this is it and I completely explained everything that I use to make my actual video and I hope that you really enjoy this video so this is for today and if you like this video I recommend you to check my other videos and if you like those videos please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on so this is for today and we will see in my next video so till then take care and bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] so do you like this place yes uh Grandpa uh do you know one thing what I start dancing classing wow that's a very good news then what are you waiting for show me some moves right now okay but uh promise me you don't love okay okay okay just give [Music] time oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 44,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 30sec (5550 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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