Unreal Engine 5.3.2 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2024 #unrealengine5 #megascans #cgi

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Hello friends welcome back this is omit from magnet and today we are going to recreate this mountain Riv scene inside under engine 5.3.2 version so first take a look what we are going to create today [Music] [Music] [Music] so before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here I like to shout out for all those people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let get started so for this particular tutorial we're going to use this 5.3.2 version instead of 5.4.1 version because I have noticed that when we try to R render the water shedder inside this 5.4.1 version for some reason the water shedder is not rendering properly so if you have any solution regarding this problem please let me know in the comment section below but for now we're going to use this 5.3.2 version so I click on this launch button here then I choose this games option here and also choose this third person template and here I click on this starter content and also name my project as tutorial then hit the create button here first we go to this file option here go to this new level and click on this empty level here just click on this create and now we're going to quickly set up our lighting so for this we go to this window then go to this environment light mixer click on this create Skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create volumetric cloud and create height fog and then we go down here and also enable the volumetric F from here then we close this window and now we're going to create our landscape so for the landscape we go to the selection mode button here then go to this landscape option and instead of sculpting we're going to import a height map for our landscape so I'm going to use this height map from here so here it is and I'm also give the download link in the description down below so you can easily download this height map from there and in order to import the height map to our landscape we go to this option called this import from file and here you will find this option called this height map file just click on this three line button here and then we select our height map here and just click on this open so as you you can see that our landscape looks something like that so this is the preview only and if you go down here you can see that the landscape is very big which is the 16 is 16 in default it is 8 into 8 but it's a very big landscape so we don't need to change anything from here just click on this import okay so as you can see that this is our landscape so maybe we go back to our selection mode here and if I just zoom out our camera you can see that this is the whole landscape here and as you can see that instantly you can create this kind of nice landscape by using the height map okay so maybe we can start from here so as you can see that this looks something like that and one thing also that this landscape look very big here so maybe we can decrease the height also so maybe we put our camera over here then we select our landscape and you can see that we back to selection mode so this is not a landscape mode so this is a selection mode and we select our landscape and also make sure that you select your landscape from here then we go to its details panel and also go to its scale switch here and make sure that you unlock the scale switch here and then we go to the Z axis and we decrease the height to maybe 50 and now you can see that our mountains are not that much big and it look nice okay and you can also see that some of this uh spikes here so maybe I can decrease my camera speed here a little bit and you can see that this spikes here so maybe this is the Fault from the height map so we can also decrease this Spike by using the smoothing tool from the landscape option so we go to this landscape mode here it is then we go to this sculpt option here and select this smooth end tool here and maybe we can just smooth this up okay okay then we go back to our selection mode here and you can see that our landscape look really amazing and one thing you have noticed that our landscape is little bit down from actual ground height so if you can see that there is the grid so maybe it is hard to see the grid here so maybe here it is so as you can see that this is the grid and our landscape is little bit down here so maybe we can increase the elevation of our landscape little bit higher so maybe here it is so now as you can see that this is the grid okay maybe we can bring it up little bit more maybe little bit down here okay so here it is maybe it look nice okay so you can see that this is the grid and this is our our landscape okay and now we're going to put a landscape material over our scene so for this I'm going to use the anal seni Auto landscape material so this is the Arnel seni Auto landscape material homepage and I'm also give the link in the description down below so many thanks to Arnel seni who actually build this Auto material for free and make sure that you download this annal Engine 5 version here so in this version we can also get the benefit of the tation so in order to download this you just have to put your name and your email address here and then click on this get it now and in that way you will get a download link to your mail address so this is the download link just click on this u5 Auto landscape and then click on this download once you download you will get this file so first you're going to extract this file and inside this folder you will find this folder called u5 landscape so here is the project file so if you open this project file you will open this project but we don't need to open this project file just go to this content and we're going to copy some folders from here which is the example landscape and the mega scans so just select all of these three folders from here and then we just copy this and now we're going to copy this folders into our actual project directory so in order to get your project directory we open the epic game launcher here then you go to the library and this is our actual project which is called this tutorial just right click click on this sh in folder and then we go to this content folder which is our actual project and here we're going to paste the files so here it is this is the landscape example and the mega scans okay just close this one and and also close this and as you can see that the folders is appears here but if in your case the folders is not appeared here just restart your engine here or maybe we can restart our engine to work all these folders properly so just close this window and also we're going to save our progresses so just click on the save selected and maybe we can also name our label so we name this as a tutorial and just click on this save so after restart we're going to open our level again so here is our level and now we're going to apply the landscape material here so for the landscape material we go to this example folder then we go to this materials and we're going to use this second one which is the nanite version so just select this one and also select our landscape then we go down here and here is the landscape material we just click on this arrow button to enable this material to our landscape okay as you can see that our landscape looks something like this but don't panic we're going to fix it so we go to our selection mode and go to this landscape mode here then we go to this paint option here and then we go down and you can see all these layers here so first we go to this Auto material then we go to this plus switch just click and click on this white blended layers okay and just save it anywhere you want and now you can see that this material is appeared in our landscape and also do the same thing for rest of this materials here okay and now you can see that if you want to paint other material here so maybe we going to paint this material so which is the B layer just select this one and maybe we can also decrease our scale size from here which is the brush size okay just like that and if you just click and you can see that it will take a little time to compile the Shader and as you can see that you can easily paint this layer of material okay and which is look really amazing and as you can see that this is a auto material so in this slope here you can see this material has nicely Blended here okay so just like that but we're not going to use this material we're going to download some other material from the mega scan so for this maybe we go to this container then we go to right click over here and go to add quickel content so here we are in quickel Bridge and I have already downloaded some material so just go to this local here and maybe we go down here and here I downloaded this one which is look really amazing and also this one here and in order to download this just click on this signin switch here and here you can also see the quality scale here so if you go to this drop- down list you can get all of these qualities from here so for the better result you can use this highest quality here uh but for now because I have also sken recording this I using this medium quality for now and select the quality just click on this download button here once you complete the download just click on this add button to add those into our project so once you add you will find those folders here which is this one and this one and which is under this Mega scan folder so if you go to the mega scan folder then you go to the surfaces folder and you will find those material that we just downloaded here okay so here it is and now we're going to replace this material with our Auto landscape material to apply those material here okay so in to do that we go to our selection mode again and maybe we can bring our camera a little bit here and then we're going to open our landscape material so we select our landscape so as you can see that we select the landscape here then we go to this landscape material option from the details panel and just click on this magnifying glass here to find this material so here it is then we're going to open this material so here it is and now we going to change this texture from here to apply those material into our landscape so again we select our Mega scan folder here and then go to the surfaces folder and maybe we can use this material to here which is the B slot here and now we're going to replace those texture by using these textures here so we just drag this material over here and as you can see that when you replace this texture you can see that this is also changed here and likewise we can also change those textures here so we have this normal texture to just bring an over here and now you can see that there is a two more textures which is the height map and the roughness map but you can see that we we have only this one so this is called this or map so if you just double click to open this texture you can find that this texture have three layers which is the red green and blue and as you can see that if we select only this B channel here this is the displacement map and if you select this green channel here which is the roughness map and if you only select this red Channel this is the oclusion map so maybe we can go to our landscape material and just put this textures over here it it will work as a height map as well as the roughness map here and one thing we can also have to change that we just double click to open this texture again and for the better result we can also change this compression settings which is actually set to Max no srgb just go to this drop- down list and we select this HDR compressed just click on this save button here and as you can see that this is our landscape material and we can successfully replace all these textures here and now you can see that if we go to our landscape mode here and then we go to this paint option and we select this B layer and if you paint you can easily paint this texture instead of the previous texture okay so this is very easy to change the texture you need to this landscape material and as you can see that we have downloaded another texture which is this one and we can also put this texture to this C slot here so we can also do the same thing again and then if we go to the c channel here and now you can see that we can also paint this texture here and one thing you have noticed that our texture look little bit big here so you can also easily increase the tiling to make the text a little bit small here so for this again we open our landscape material here and there is a c material so if you want to increase the tiling for this c channel here we can go to the C material then we go down here and here you will find this size C so we're going to increase the size so maybe 2 here and you can see that we have increased the tiling so our texture look little bit small here so maybe we can also increase it a little bit more so maybe 0. five here and now you can get very tile texture but it look nice okay so maybe if we go a little bit down here maybe we can minimize this one and now you can see that this texture look nice okay so this is how you can replace your desire texture with this default texture here so as you can see that our landscape look nice but if you notice that our landscape texture is not have the actual displacement here so as you can see that it is very flat plane here so in order to get the actual n displacement we have to do some additional works so first we have to put some console command to our actual project directory so in order to do that first we go to select our landscape material here so we go to our selection mode here then we select our landscape and then we go to his details panel and we have to find our landscape material here so just uh click on this magnifi glass here so here it is and then we double click to open this material and also we go to this hierarchy here and select this actual material here so here it is and just make it little bit bigger here okay and then if you go down here you will find this console commands here so we have to select this console command so here it is and then just copy this by pressing contrl C to copy this console commands from here and then we're going to open our actual project directory so again I open this epic game launcher here and here is our project so just right click and open the showing folder and here is our actual project then we just right click over it and click on the sh folder then we go to open this config folder here and I open this default engine file here and then I going to paste the console command over here so under this one that is the extend default lumens range and and then I press enter to go to the next line here and just paste the value here so here it is and then I just close this one and also save this and also minimize this one and then first we have to restart our engine again so after restart we open our level again but as you can see that we still not get the displacement here so we have to do one more step here so just select our landscape and then we go to its details panel here and go down here and you will find this option called this nanite we just click on this enable lanite option here and click on this build data and now you can see that we get this kind of displacement here but the displacement is too much here so we're going to decrease the displacement as well so again we select our landscape and then we go to its material over here and then we just double click to open this material here and you can see that this is the slot C material so we go down here until we find this C material here and here you'll find this option called the C material displacement okay and here you can also find this option called the displacement amount C just enable this option and maybe we decrease this value to maybe 0.1 here okay and now you can see that this displacement look nice but we also going to adjust some settings here so as you can see that this option call the displacement strength C so maybe we can increase it to one here and also also we in decrease this value to one here and also we change this value call this displacement offset to maybe five here and now you can see that this look nice okay and maybe we can get little bit of displacement here and you can also increase the displacement from here also maybe 2 and you can get this kind of nice displacement here and feel free to change your settings according to your need here and also we're going to adjust this texture displacements also so we're going to copy those values to this B material because this uh material present in the B slot here so we go up and here is the B displacement so again we going to select all of these options here and maybe we decrease this value to. 2 and upset to maybe .5 and those are remains one and one okay and now you can see that this look nice okay but we get little bit of displacement here so you can also if you want you can increase the value to maybe 0.5 here and also we decrease this offset to maybe 0 [Music] 2 Okay so this all up to you that how much displacement you want so this look nice okay and now we going to paint our layer also and as you can see that the tiling of this material is is look very frequent so maybe we can decrease the tiling of this material which is present in the C slot so again we go to this C size here that is a size C and maybe we can decrease this to maybe2 here okay and now you can get this kind of result here and we can do one thing that we can put a character over here so we can understand actual size so we minimize this one and also go to this characters folder then we go to this mannequins and also go to this mesh and maybe we can put this one over here so as you can see that The Rock uh size of this rock look right here okay so now we're going to put a river over here so for the river I'm using the inbu water plugin so in order to enable the plugin first you go to this edit then you go to this plugins here and in the search bar we type for water and here you will find these two plugins here so first to enable this one and also this one here after enable those plugins you have to restart your engine and also save our progresses here so after restart you will find this warning here so just go at the end of this warning and click over here and that's it just close this window and also close this window and again we have to open our level so we just go to this content folder and open our level here and now we going to put our River over here okay so in order to put the river we go to this box option here then we go to this place actor panel option here and in this search bar we type for water and here you find this water body River so maybe we going to bring our River over here so we just click and drag it over here okay just like that and now we going to make a river which is flow from this direction to this side so maybe we can select this Pline point and we drag it over here okay and in this PL point maybe we delete this PL point and then we select this one and we drag it over like this okay so this is our River and also select this Pline point and we have to duplicate this Pline point to extend our River to this side also and in order to duplicate just press and hold the ALT key and click on this axis and just drag it over here okay just like that and now we're going to extend our River to this side so we select this Pline point and maybe we can go a little bit higher here and then again press and hold the ALT key and just drag your axis to duplicate the spline Point okay so this is our River so as you can see that our River looks something like this so maybe if you start playing from here you can get a size of this River from a human perspective okay and now I'm going to show some settings for the river so first we're going to change the water color here so for this we select our water body here and make sure that you select this water body River from here and here you can see some of the shortcut tabs here so select this rendering tab then we go down here and you will find this water material so just double click to open this material here so here it is so you get all these parameters and you can also change those parameters to make your water look interesting here so I'm going to show you some of the major uh changes here so first you go to this cos stics and just enable this cosics here and then also we go to this enable R option here activate those and also enable this one okay just like that and in that way you will get this kind of nice water movement here so maybe I can make a little bit room here and also I can close this place actor panel and then again we go down here and here you will find this option called this absorption and here from you can also change the water color so if you activate this option and go to this color wheel here and if you want you can make the water very clear here so just select this white color and click okay and you will get this kind of clear water here okay uh but I like the this default color which is the bluish color and also make it okay and you will get this kind of nice pale blue color here or maybe we can make it little bit of deep here okay just like that and then again we go down and here from you will get a very important option called this ano trophy so what actually this option do here so if you you look closely here you can see that our water make this kind of weird Shadow here which is very unrealistic so if you move your actor here you can get this kind of Shadow which is appear on the surface of the water and which is very unnatural so if you go to this anes trophy option and activate this option and then if you increase this value to maybe .9 and now you can get uh this kind of actual result here and you can see that the water surface is not receive any Shadow from the object here so in that way this anot trophy option is very important to make a realistic water here so this is for the water shedder so just save it from here and also close this material okay so this is how you can change the water material and now I'm going to show you that how you can increase or decrease the water depth here as well as the water surface area here and also how you can increase your decrease the water speed here okay so this is also easy so if you just select any spline point from here so maybe if you select this Pline Point here just select this Pline point and if you want to make this water depth a little bit higher here you can easily do that so just select this water body River and then we go to his details spanel and also if you go down here you will find this option called this spine comp then we go up here and again we select this Pline Point here then we go down and under this water option here you will find this option called the depth River with velocity so if you increase the depth here so maybe if we increase it to 500 here you can see that you can increase the water depth here okay uh but as you can see that this is only effect on this Pline areas but if you go to this Pline point you have the default value which is the 150 so if you want that all this spine point have this depth value which is 500 you can do one thing that you just right click over any spline Point here then if you go to the select spline points and click on the select all spline points okay and in that way you will select all the spline points here and now if you go to this water depth option here and you will find this value have the multiple value because we also change this value to 500 here so just select this multiple option here and type your desired Valu so maybe put 300 here so if we put and now you can see that all the spline Point affected by this value okay so if you go here you can see that the depth is increasing by 300 here okay uh but I think the default value is nice or maybe if we put 200 so it will look nice with 200 value okay and here from you can also change the river width here so as you can see that our River surface is like that and if you increase this value so maybe if we increase this value you can see that you can increase the river with here okay so maybe we can make it uh default value here okay and you can also do one thing that if you select only some of this Pline point so maybe if we select this PL Point here so maybe if we select this Pline point from here okay and then again if we go down and select this Pline comp here and again if we select this PL point and then if we go here which is the rever width and increase the value and you can see that you can only increase this area Riv with here and which is not affected the other spline points here and make the default value here okay and also we can do one thing that we can select all of the spline points here so again select any spline point then right click and go to the select spline points and select all spline points here and here from you can change the velocity also so if we increase the value to maybe 400 here you can get a little bit of speed here and if you want you want to change the direction of this water flow you can also do that just go to this front here and press a negative value here okay so in that way you can also change the water flow Direction here okay so maybe we can decrease the water speed here so maybe -00 here so in that way you can get a little bit of slower water flow here okay so this is how you can make changes to your River and now we going to again paint our texture here so we go to our landscape mode here and then again we go to this pain option and we select this C uh material here and we're going to start pending here so maybe first we uh increase our brush size and then we start pending here and again we go back to our selection mode maybe we can change our sun Direction so press and hold the control and L key and then we move our Mouse and now as you can see that our landscape is little bit down from the actual ground height here so again maybe we can select all of these assets here then we going put our landscape little bit higher here okay so now as you can see that this is our grid and this is our landscape height here okay and now we going to bring some assets to design our scene so for this first we going to put some assets from the epic game Marketplace so for this ground asset I'm using the Nordic Coast collections here just add to the project so once you add the project you will find this geometry folder here as well as inside this Mega scan folder you can find this folder called this 3D assets just double click to open and here you can also get so many assets here so if you just enable the static mesh filter here you can get all these assets here and if you not have the static mesh filter here it is very easy to put here just go to this three line option here and then just select the static mes okay just tick it here and this filter also appeared here okay so now we going to put those assets into our scene so first we go to this content folder and then open this geometry folder and also open this assembly folder and here from you will get this ground folder just open and there is so many assets so maybe first if we going to put this assets over here and you can see that these assets look really amazing here so it will be very timec consuming that you have to put different assets into your scene and decide that which fits better and you can also do one thing that you can make those asset a little bit weight looking when it is close to the water or underneath the water so as you can see that these assets are underneath the water but it still look dry right so you can make some changes to this material to make this effect here so as you can see that this look very dry here so if you go to the mega scan folder here so here is a mega scan folder then you go to open any asset from this collection so maybe open this one and these are the material so this is the parent material so just open this material here and then if you go to this hierarchy or just go down here you will find this par material here then open this parent material and here you will find this node called this sure winess okay so we just have to do one thing that just connect this to this metal attributes here and that's it just click on this apply and save this one okay then close this and now you can see that these assets look very wet here so if you go underneath the water you can see that those assets look wet okay uh but one thing you have to notice that these are not inside the water or it is very away from the water but it still look we here but if you put this assets little bit higher here as you can see that if you put this little bit higher you can get the dry assets so one thing we have to do that we again bring our all this landcape to a little bit higher to make these things look right okay so first maybe we go to this geometry folder then go to the assembly folder and maybe if we put any this kind of assets here so we can really understand that how much height we have to put our landscape here so as you can see that this winess is affected to this height so maybe we going to bring our landscape little bit higher here so again maybe we can decrease the scale of this asset little bit down and maybe we can put it here okay and then we select all of these assets from this outliner folder so select one assets and press contrl a to select all of these assets here and then we going to drag it little bit higher here okay so maybe we bring our assets a little bit too much higher so if we select this one and make it down here you can see that the we is not affected here so again if we select all of these assets by pressing CR a to select all of these assets and bring it down little bit okay so I think this look nice so as you can see that uh the whitness look natural here so this is very tricky so do it with your caution okay so maybe we can delete this assets from here and also bring this asset little bit down here okay so now we going to put some other assets here so again we go to the geometry folder and go to the assembly and then if you go to this coost rocks folder and here from you will get so many assets here so maybe we can put this assets over here okay so this is all depends on you that how you design your scene okay maybe we can use another assets here okay just like that and there is so many assets so just bring those assets here and there so as you can see that when you put those assets you can see that this area look really amazing and you can also get other assets from the other folders so if you go to the Rock folder here you can get this kind of nice rock assets here and so on so there is so many assets so if you go outside this folder and you will get other assets here so just use uh different assets to design your scene here and now we can also do the same thing to this side also okay so as you can see that if you put uh more time you can design your scene more nicely so for now uh I'm just design this area here and now we're going to put the trees into our scene and after that we can also design our scene with those assets according to our need so maybe in this point we're going to create a camera for our scene so for this we go to this box option here and go to the cinematics and create a c camera actor and then we go to the C camera actor and right click and just click on this snap object to view okay and also we go to this perspective and select our SC camera actor so this is our camera view and also we going to create a sequence for our scene so for this we go to the sequence Tab and click on this add level sequence and also we name this as a tutorial and then click on this save so this is our sequence and now we're going to bring our camera over our sequence so we just drag our camera over here so here it is and now we're going to do some camera settings also so first we select our uh camera component here and we go to this focal length maybe we decrease this value to maybe 15 mm and then again we select our camera here and then first we go to its details panel and select the film back and we change this film back settings to 16 is9 DSLR and then also we go down here under this lens option first we go to this exposure and we click on this metering mode and we change this to manual here and also we go to this exposure compensation and we change this to maybe 10 here okay so just like that and also maybe we can decrease this to 9 maybe okay and also here in this camera aperture we decrease the value so maybe 1.8 here and also we going to do one thing that we can change the fox settings also so we go to this outliner section and in the search we type for fog and we select the exponential height fog then we go up here and we decrease the fog density okay just like that and maybe our rocks look little bit bigger here so maybe we can do one thing we can decrease the scale of the some of this rocks here so just like that okay so now we going to put uh some trees into our scene so for this again I'm going to use some epic game content so for the tree asset I am using this one and this one and once you add the asset in your project you will find this folder called this black Elder and this stf folder so first we go to this stf folder and then also select the static mesh filter here and in that way you will get all the static meses from this asset pack and we go down here and we have those trees here so just select this one and also this one so you can select all five of these trees here and then we're going to convert them as a nanite mes so we just right click over it and go to the nanite and click on this enable nanite for five meses and it will take a little time to compile all the shaders and now we're going to use the inbuild folage system to plant all of this tree over this mountain here so for this we go to the selection mode and choose the poest section here so we select all five trees from here and just drag and drop over here okay and then also we select all of this tree here then we go down here and first we're going to decrease the density so maybe we decrease it to 10 or maybe five and then also we go down and we uncheck this align to normal here okay and then again also we go down and there is option called this ground slope angle and the maximum angle is set to 45° we change it to 180° okay and now if we start from here as you can see that the density of the tree look nice and if you feel it is slow you can also increase the density from here but I think the five is uh looking nice here so we're going to paint the trees all over this mountain here and also we can do one thing that we can go to the scale X section here and maybe we can increase the maximum scale to 1.2 here so in that way we can get little bit of variation from this trees here okay so as you can see that when we put those trees over here it look really amazing and now we going to put some rock assets over there also so for this we go back to our selection mode again and then we go to this geometry folder here and also uncheck this static mesh filter then we go to this assembly folder and then we go to this Clips folder here and here from we going to put some clips over here and there so maybe we going to use this one so just bring it over here and now we going to put it little bit down here and also we decrease it scale okay just like that and now we going to place it over here and also we're going to duplicate it and also rotate this one like this and place it over here so as you can see that this look really amazing so as you can see that there are so many assets so just uh place it over here and there e e so as you can see that uh I put the rock models here and there and also some of the rock over this mountains here and as you can see that this look really amazing and now we're going to put some other trees over here and there so for this I'm going to use this black Elder asset pack from the mega scan and just select this folder and just click on the static mes filter here so here you can get so many other trees here so we going to put the tree manually here and we not going to use the F system just put those trees manually over here so we just select this one which is the second one and maybe we put it over here so as you can see that those uh trees look really amazing and maybe we can also increase it scale little bit High okay also we rotate this so as you can see that with this tree it also look amazing and there are so many different looking trees so you going to use uh some of these trees from here so it's all up to you that which one you going to use here and I'm going to use this one because this is a very big T so it can fill this area very quickly so I'm going to duplicate this three multiple times to put here and there e e okay so as you can see that when we put those other trees here it look really amazing and we also do the same thing to this side also so again we going to duplicate those trees into this side Okay so so as you can see that when we put the tree also this side you can see the difference is very noticeable here and if you change your light direction and you can get a very nice scene from this environment okay and now we're going to put some of the ground assets also so I am going to download some assets from the epic game Marketplace again so for the ground asset I'm using this meas scan Forest path asset pack and I'm also use this ruler Australia pack so once we the asset we go to this content folder and also disable the static mes filter and you will find this folder called this ms4s to the double click to open and also click on this static M filter and here from you can also get uh so many nice assets so maybe if we go over here and you have this kind of date stamp here so we going to use that over here so you can also increase its scale like this okay so there are so many places so you can uh put those assets here and there so maybe if you want you can put these things over here and also you bring it little bit higher so it will take uh your time uh to place the assets here and there so take your time and there are so many assets so now maybe we going to use this Fallen sticks here and for this we're going to use the F system so again we go to this uh select mode button here and select this F section here and then we going to bring all of these sticks over here but before we do that we can convert them as Nite mesh so we right click here and go to this nanite and click on this enable nanite for nine meshes here and then we going to bring all of these assets over here so we just click and drag it over here and then again we select all of these sticks here then we go down and first we going to decrease the density to maybe 50 here and also we disable this align to normal switch here and everything look nice maybe we going to increase its scale little bit so we change the X scale to two and also maximum to four here and then we going to decrease the brush size here and also increase the paint density to all the way one here and then we're going to start painting from here okay so after the sticks we're going to use the grass here so again we convert the grass as a nanite mesh so we just right click and make it as a nanite mesh here and then first we deselect all of the sticks from here and only bring this grass model over here okay just like that and also we do one thing that we double click to open this grass model here and sometime you will see that when you place the grasses and if you bring your camera far away from the grass the grass begin to disappear so in order to fix the issue we go to this preserve area option and enable this one and also enable this explicit tangents here just enable this from here and then click on this apply changes and then we just save it from here and close this okay so here is our grass model here so first we go down here and maybe we going to increase the density so maybe 400 here and in the scale section we're going to double the scale so we just put two here or may or in the maximum scale we put three here okay and now also we disable this align to normal switch okay and now we're going to paint here so maybe we can start painting from here and if you accidentally paint uh somehow you don't want you can also delete the grasses just by pressing and hold the shift key here and then if you H your mouse pointer over there you can delete The Unwanted grasses if you paint accidentally okay so just like that so maybe if we put uh some of this over here and there as you can see that our grass size is little bit higher here so we can also decrease the scale little bit down so we again select this grass from here and then we go down and maybe we decrease this to 1.5 here and minimum to 1.5 so if we paint here okay so this size look nice so again we go back to our selection mode here and now maybe we going to put some of these ground assets over here also so for this again we go to this meas scan folder here then we go to this 3D assets folder and also we select the static mes filter here so here you can find this rock assets here so we going to put this rock over here and bring it a little bit higher and then also going to increase it scale like this then we bring it down here okay so in that way you will get little bit of uneven surface here and also duplicate this assets here and there like this so in this area maybe we going to put some of the small plants so for this again we go to this black Elder folder and enable the static mesh here and if you go down here you can get some of the small plants here so you can bring those plants over here and there like this okay so you can easily fill this area here and also we have mega scan asset library to bring some of this uh date planed assets so for this we go to our content folder here and then come over here and right click and click on this add quick cell content and as you can see there are so many assets so again I'm going to add those assets into my lbel and once download click on this add button here so once you add the asset you will find those asset under this meas scan folder here so here it is then go to 3D assets again enable the static mesh filter here so here are so many assets so you have to find those assets so just scroll down and until you find those assets here so maybe we going to put this dead tree assets here and you can also put some of this rock inside the river here so if we put it over here maybe we can increase its scale so it can fill the area over here okay so I am not going through all this area here because it will take so much time but you get the idea so I believe that you can easily design your scene here and now as you can see that our Sky look not that good so instead of using the inwi sky here we're going to use an hdri map to make our sky little bit nicer here so maybe if we change our sun position here you can see that this look nice but the sky is not look realistic here so in order to put the hdri map first we're going to enable the hdri plugin for our scene so for this we go to this edit and then go to this plugins here and in the search bar we type for hdri so here is our plugin so just enable this one and also we have to restart our engine so just click over here and also we save our progresses here and once we restart we close this plugin bar and also this bridge here and deselect this static mesh filter then we go to this content and open our level here and also we open our sequence here and then we go to this perspective and select our camera and now we're going to import the HDM map to our scene so for this we go to this box option here and then we go to this place actor panel and in the search bar we type for hdri and here is the hdri backdrop so we're going to bring our hdf backdrop over our scene so I just click and drag and drop it over here so as you can see that our sky is replaced by this hdri map so first we're going to bring this hdri map little bit down here so we select this Z axis here and bring it little bit down here like this and also we select this hdri backdrop from this outliner folder and we go to its details panel here then we go down and here you will find this size option here so we're going to increase the size to maybe 6,000 here and also you can rotate your hdri map to get a interesting look so we select this hdri backdrop here also you can select it from here and then press e to get this rotation Gizmo and if you rotate this you can see that you can also rotate this hdri map here so if you can see this okay just like that so as you can see that you can change your sky here by using this hdri backdrop but this is the hdri map so you can also download different hdri so let's download a different hdri map so poly Heaven is a great source for downloading the hdri map and which is absolutely free so let's see which one we're going to download from here so maybe we're going to use this one so just click and here from you can change the resolution so for now we going to use the 4K resolution here and make make sure that you select the HDR instead of exr and this is the creator so shout out for the Creator here and just click on this download here so this is our hdri backdrop and now we're going to bring it into our project here so we go to this content browser here and we just going to drag it into our project so here is our HDR map and now we going to replace the default HDR backdrop with this one so here is our HD backdrop Cube map here so you just drag and place it here okay and in that way you can see that our hdri backdrop is changed to our new hdri map and now we're going to do some changes here so first we going to open this hdri map here then we go down here so first we're going to increase the saturation little bit so we put 1.2 here okay then we minimize this window here and then also we select our HD backdrop here then we go to its details panel and we go down and until we find this Skylight option here and then we go down here and here is the option called The Source type we're going to change this to SLS specified Cube map and in that way we going to put this hdri map to its slot here and then also we click on this realtime capture here and now you can see that our lighting look nice here okay and maybe we can bring our camera over here and if you change the sun position here but one thing you have notice that when you bring the hdri backdrop you lose the actual Sun here uh but if you put your sun in different side you can get this kind of nice lighting here also so we have to compromise with the sun when we bring the hdri backdrop over here okay but as you can see that this look really amazing okay and also one thing you can do that you can select this hdri backdrop here and go to its intensity and maybe we can decrease the intensity to maybe 05 here so you can see that you can see the sky very nicely here and if you want you can also rotate the sky so select this HD backdrop and go to its Gizmo here and you can rotate the sky just like that so maybe we can rotate it over here like this okay so we can get this kind of nice blue sky here or maybe we can also de down little bit here okay so as you can see that our Sky look nice and maybe we can change our light position over [Music] here and now we're going to close this play actor panel here to get some room here and also we change our resolution to cinematic here okay and now you can see that this look really amazing and in my actual video I put a wooden heart over here so let's download A Heart model and put it over here so in my actual video I use this heart model from the CG Trader here and this model is absolutely free so in your download just go over here and click on this free download and inside this folder you will find this export folder here just open and go to this model folder here and here from you will get so many lods and also the file format here so we're going to use this L zero and this ABX format here so we going to bring this into our project so first we put it over here and then we go to this content folder here and here from we first we're going to create a new folder here so we just right click and create a new folder and we also name these as 3D models then we open this folder and also create an another folder folder and name this as heart one and then we open this folder and here we just drag this model and in order to make it as a nanite mesh we going to check this box called this build nanite and click on this import all okay and close this box here so here is our model here so first we're going to bring this model over here so we select both of this here and we drag it into our scene here like this and this is our heart model so first we're going to put this heart model into a folder here so it will be organized so after you select both of these model here just click on this folder icon and here it is and also we name this folder as heart so we go to the edit and rename this so here is our heart model here and also we do one thing that we going to group these two models together so we select those two models here and then right click and go to this group here just click over this group and in that way we'll create a group for these two models here and now if we just move this group here we can move this two models together okay so first we're going to decrease the scale because as you can see that the scale is little bit High here so we press R so bring the scale Gizmo here and we decrease the scale like this so in order to determine the actual size we going to use our mannequin here so again we bring our mannequin over here and as you can see that the size of the heart is little bit too high so we going to decrease the size here and now it is little bit too [Music] small so I think this look nice here and also before we bring our heart here we going to elevate our landscape little bit higher here so for this we go to this landscape mode and also we decrease our scale size little bit down here and we select the sculpt mode and also select the sculp tool here maybe we decrease the scale side a little bit more down here and now we going to elevate this area little bit higher here okay just like that and when a certain amount of height we use this flatten tool here so we select this height and we just flat this area with this flatten tool here okay just like like that and now we go back to our selection mode and also we change the skin resolution to high here and then we going to place our heart over here okay uh but as you can see that our heart doesn't have its texture so we also going to bring the texture here so for the texture again we go to the folder here and here is a texture folder so we going to also bring this texture folder over here so just drag and drop it over here and then we're going to open this texture folder and here from you will get different folders so we're going to use this texture to our house here so first we're going to put the texture over this roof here so we're going to open this roof texture here first we're going to delete this default texture here and we go to this texture folder and then we go to this folder here and we bring this alido map first so we just bring it over here and connect it with this base color here and then also we bring this normal map and also connected to this normal slot here and there is the roughness map so just connected to this roughness here and then we apply this textures here and as you can see that our roof become textured here but as you can see that the texture have its opacity values so again we have to put the opacity map here so here is this opacity text but before we put this opacity map over here we have to change our metal attributes settings so we select this metal attributes and also we make a little bit room here and then we go down here and here we'll find this blending mode which is set to op we going to change it to mask here and in that way you will get this mask opacity slot available here then we're going to bring this opacity map over here and then connect it with this opacity mask okay just like that and now we're going to apply this one and in that way you will get this kind of nice cutting over here over this edge here okay and then we just save this one and now we're going to texture this wots over here okay so again we go back to our folder here and here we going to create a new material so just right click and go to this material and we also name this as wood okay and we double click to open this material here and we're going to bring the texture over here so again go to this texture folder and then we go to this planks folder and we going to bring this first this alido map and connected to this base color here then this normal map connected with this normal slot and also this roughness map connected with the roughness and also we do one thing that we go to the specular and right click and click on this promote to parameter and the value will be zero here so we not going to change this value and just click on this apply and also save this one and now we're going to apply this material over this wood so here is our wood material here but as you can see that when you make it as a group you cannot apply this material over here so again we go to this model here and right click and then go to this group option here and click on this ungroup so once you ungroup here you now able to put the texture over this wood here so we select this model then we go to each details panel and here is the material then we just bring this material over here and now as you can see that we successfully apply this texture over this Woods here okay and again after you do that we can make it as a group again okay just like that and also we going to bring it little bit higher here maybe we can put this house little bit this side and also we can do one thing we can make a little bit of shade over here so for this again I'm going to use this uh roof here so we just bring this roof over here and as you can see that the roof size is very big so again we going to decrease the scale here and also decrease the Z scale here to make it little bit of flat looking here okay just like that so we'll get little bit of shadding here and also we're going to put uh some pillars over here so for this I'm going to download some asset from the mega scan here but first we're going to set this shade over here nicely okay just like that and now we going to download some meas scan asset for the pillar asset here so we just right click and go to this add quicksell content and I'm going to use this wooden beam here and we going to put it over here so we just drag and drop it over here so place it like that okay so this this is how you can make a nice roof shade here okay so as you can see that our house look very nice here and when you put the house here you can also duplicate some trees behind this house and also we going to put some grass over here so for this again go to the selection mode and go to this F section here and we select our grass model here and we going to put some grasses over here and there also okay just like that and as you can see that when we bring this house here this look really amazing and also we going to put some of these uh plants or grasses over this roof here so maybe we again go to this PO section so first we going to put uh some of the sticks over this roof here so again we select those sticks here but as you can see that those sticks are planted perpendicular with this ground slope here so in order to put it accordingly the ground slope we can do one thing that we go down here and we select this align to normal switch here okay and now if you paint it will place according to the ground slope here and also we can put some of these falling leps over here so for the falling leaves again we go to this Mega scan Forest St folder here and also we enable the static mesh filter and here we'll get this kind of folling lips here so we're going to use it as a f system so we bring this over here so here it is and we deselect those sticks over here so we just select all of the sticks and just uncheck those and only select this falling leavs here and let's see how it look like okay so this look amazing okay so I'm just show you and you have to put your time here to design this scene and but as you can see that this look really amazing with this uh nice sky and this small hot hair this scene look really amazing okay and now we're going to do a very important part which is the local fog here so as you can see when we see the mountains here we always see some of this local fog here and there so for the local fog we're going to use the FX sheets and also a material over this fog sheet so first we're going to create the fog material so for this we go back to our selection mode here and here we go to this content folder and we create a material for our local fog so we just right click over here and click on this material and we also name this as fog and then we open this material so here it is so first we're going to change this metal attributes blending mode so we select this metal attributes here then we go to its details panel and here from you can get this blending mode option here and which is set to OPC we change this to translucent and now maybe we going to make it little bit bigger so you can understand what we are going to do here so first we're going to put a note called this radial gradient exponential so we just right click here and type for radial and you will find this note called this radial gradient exponential and we connect it with this base color here so you just connect it over here like this and also we need a noise texture for our Fox sheet so in order to get the noise texture we're going to use the inbuilt engine content so if you collapse this content folder here you cannot see any engine folder here so in order to get the engine content over here we go to the settings tab here we click on this show engine content and the show plug-in content just enable those and in that way we'll get this engine folder here so we select this engine folder and then we select this content folder and here in the search bar we type for noise so in that way we will get this kind of noise texture here so we're going to use this one here which is that noise styling noise five and we're going to bring this texture over our material here so we open our material again and we bring this texture over here okay just like that and also we going to put an another node called the depth Fed so we just right click here and type for depth and you will find this depth fed node over here okay so depth fed is mostly operate this opacity and the FED distance so opacity is that how much opaque you want your fog will be and how much transparent your fog will be and the distance that uh which distance you want to fit your fog sheet here but in order to operate this we're going to put a scalar parameter here so we just right click and click on this promote to parameter here and also we right click over this fed distance and click on this promote to parameter here okay and in initially we put some values over here so maybe put one and one over here and you can also change it later on and now we're going to connect this fade distance with this radial gradient exponential first and in order to connect the both node here we're going to use a multiply node here so we press M and hold the m key and just click to get this multiply node and we connect this radial gradient exponential to this a node here and the depth fit to this B B slot here and also we're going to connect this both node with this texture node here so again we're going to use another multiply Noe so we press and hold the m key and just click and we connect it with this B slot and connect this texture map with this a slot here and finally we connect it with this opacity slot here and in that way you will get this kind of nice material over here but you can see that our material is very static so there is no movement here but in order to put the movement we going to bring an another node called this spanner so we press and hold the P key on the keyboard and just click to get this spanner node here and we connect this spanner node with this UV slot of this texture map so we just connect it over here and in order to uper the speed we just right click over this speed and click on this promote to parameter okay so just like that and initially maybe we can put a value one here but one is too much speed here so maybe we're going to decrease the speed to maybe 05 here so in that way you will get very subtle amount of speed here but you can also increase or decrease the speed later on so this is all about this fog material here so we just apply here and also save this material and then we close this and also go to our content folder here and close this search option so here is our fog material and and we're not going to use it as it is we're going to make a material instance here so we just right click and click on this create material instance so here it is and now we going to put a plane model here and on this plane model we going to apply the fog here so for this again go to this box option and click on this shape and click on this plane here so here is the plane and on which we're going to apply the fog material so first we going to rotate this and we can also increase its scale okay just like that place it over here increase it scale a little bit more and now we're going to apply this fog texture over here so we go to it details panel and just drag this fog material here and as you can see that this look amazing maybe we can increase it scale little bit more and as you can see that the speed look little bit fast here so we're going to open our material instance here and go to the speed we going to decrease the speed so we put 02 here and also you get this opacity on the FED distance option here so you can also decrease the OPAC vacity here and also increase the FED distance so you'll get this kind of nice feding here okay just like that so as you can see that with this fog this look really amazing okay and we can also duplicate this fog over here and there also and and maybe we can put some of this over here rotate this okay just like that okay so now if we go down here you can see with this local fog this look really Dynamic here okay so this is how you can create this kind of nice local fog and also put some movement and also put this fade distance and opacity parameters to control those fxs here okay so as you can see that if you increase the opacity you can nicely control the fog over there okay so save this and this look really amazing so this is the basic of this scene and you can see that eventually our scene look really amazing and now finally you can put also different assets over here and there to design your scene accordingly and one is the best thing that if you put some of the deals over here you can also create a very nice look to your scene so in order to put the deals we right click and click on this at quickel content and I have already downloaded some of the nice deals here so I'm going to use those deals so maybe we're going to select those deals here maybe this one this one and just click on this add button here so once you download the deals you will find this deals folder under the megaan folder and you to get all these dials in the single place we click on this material instance filter here and now we're going to bring those deals over here so maybe again we decrease my camera speed here and we can put some of these deals over here so as you can see that those deals are look really amazing okay so this is our scene and you can also design your scene with some different assets from the mega scan as well as some different free packs which is available in the epic game Marketplace but as you can see that the basic is the same and you can really create this kind of nice environment if you follow this tutorial here and now finally we're going to create a small camera animation here so we go to the sequencer and first we going to change our time line here so maybe we want to create a 10 seconds long video so we go to this FPS option here and go to this show time as we click on the seconds here so in that way we will get this second time here so as you can see that our timeline is set to 5 Seconds long video so we're going to change it to maybe 10 seconds so here it is and also we extend our timeline here and also we extend our camera cut and maybe we going to bring some of this warm-up frames here and then we going to select our camera and maybe we can maybe start from here okay and click on this transform switch here but before we do that we go to this key switch option here and we set the default key switch to linear here so we delete this one and again we put a key frame here so in that way it will be the linear interpolation key frame here and also we click on this key switch which is the auto key switch here so if we make any changes to our camera position it will automatically create a key frame there so maybe we can place our camera over here maybe like that and now if you play you can get this kind of nice camera animation here and in order to get some nice ideas for the camera animation you can watch my trailer of this video so there I put different camera animations so you can get some ideas for the camera animation here and now we going to put some visual effects here like the BS and some of the falling leaves and the some ambient dust here so for this again I'm using the ruler Australia pack for the B so I have already downloaded the ruler Australia pack over here so in order to put the BS we go to this FX folder and go to this BS folder here and here you will get two types of particle system for the bir so maybe we going to put some bir over here so we're going to use this one so just bring it over here like this and we place it there okay and also we duplicate it over here so you'll get more BS in our scene here okay so with the bir it's really gives a life to our scene and also we have some of the falling leaves particle systems also so maybe we can put some Falling Leaves over the trees here so you just bring it over here and as you can see there are some of this nice falling lips particle system here okay and also we have some of the nice static meses from this ruler Australia pack so we just select this ruler Australia pack and click on the static mes filter and maybe we can also go back to our high settings [Music] here and here from which is my favorite is this um dead tree here so we going to use this over here so I use this model in my many of my videos as so as you can see that this look really amazing okay just like that maybe we can decrease it scale little bit down here and place it over here okay so you can see that this look really really amazing okay so and also there are so many other assets if you want you can also use those so this is the basic and maybe we can delete this key frame here and also we put some mbn particle system so again we go to this content drawer and then we go to the starter cont folder here also disable the static mesh then you go to this particles folder and here from you will get this kind of ambient dust particle so we just bring it over here and as you can see there are some small particles here so maybe you cannot see it properly because of this YouTube compression but when you render this scene you will definitely see those particles into your scene here okay so this is all about this scene and if you go to make this animation here you can see this kind of nice scene here okay so this is how you can create this kind of scene here and finally I'm going to show you some of this water effects here so for this again I'm going to download some water material from the epic game Marketplace so this is the water material asset and which is absolutely free just click on this add to project but as you can see that this acid is not compatible with the 5.3.2 version but just click on the show all projects and you will get your desired project so in this case the tutoial is our actual project just select but as you can see that you have to select the version so you just click on this drop down menu and select the highest possible version here which is the 5.0 and then just click on this add to project after that we close this window and we go to this content browser here and here is the water materials folder and here from you will get this particles folder just open this folder and now we going to put some of this particles system over our River here so maybe we're going to use this one over here so as you can see that this particle system looks something like that maybe we're going to decrease its scale little bit down here so you can use it if you want because it also make some of these water interactions here and also we have some of this water flashes particle system so you can also use those so as you can see you can get little bit of water flash but this is not look that good so I'm not using my actual video but I'll show you that if you like you can also use them okay so this is all up to you that if you want to use them or not not so as you can see that this also create a nice scene here so this is it and this is how we can make this kind of scene here and maybe we can also make another camera movement here so maybe we can delete those key frames here then we go to the very beginning here and make a key frame and also go to the very end and we move our camera forward here okay and let's see and as you can see that this look really amazing and now I'm going to show you that how you can render it in a high quality so in order to render it into a high quality we going to enable a plug-in called the movie render queue so you go to this edit option and go to this plugins and in the search bar we type for movie and here we'll find this movie render que plugin and also this movie render que additional render passes enable both of these and then we have to restart our engine and also we save our progresses here so this is our scene and now if we go to this window then go to the cinematics you will find this movie render que option here just click and then go to this surender and select the actual sequence so in this case the tutoral sequence and then we go to this unsa config and first we go to delete this jpex sequence and then again go to the settings and click on this anti-aliasing and for the temporal sample count I put 16 but it's all depends on you that how fast your scene will be so if you have more fast movement you have to put 32 or more but in this case because as you can see that our scene is very slowly moving here so 16 will be nice for this kind of scene and when you put any temporal sample count value here you have to override the anti lasing here and also click on this warm-up frame count here okay and then again go to this settings and go to this camera and select the shter timing and we set to frame close here and then again go to the settings and we click on this grim overrides and we don't need to change anything here and again go to the settings go to the high resolution and also check on this override subsurface scattering here then again go to the settings and we put a console variables here so we just click over here and we go to this console variables we click on this plus switch here and we have to put a console variable for our skreen percentage so we Type R do screen and you will find this option called the r. skin percentage we just click and we put a value to maybe 100 here okay so more value will be more sharp your image but uh sometime if you put 150 here your system will crash so I find that 100 is uh look nice so I just put this console variables here okay and then again go to the settings and we go to select this exr sequence for our actual output format and finally we go to the output here and here from you can choose your output directory and also you can change your resolution so this is the HD resolution which is default and you can also change it to 4K if you want and everything look nice just click on this accept and then just click on this render local and your file will be ready okay so this is it and this is how you can create this kind of scene here so I go through all the process and all the steps so it will take little time to make this tutorial here but I am happy that I take the time and put all the details in the single tutorial here so I hope you really enjoy this tutorial and you can easily make this kind of scene so this is for today and we will see in my next video so till then take care and bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music]
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 46,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, UE5, Game Development, Video Game Design, Real-time Rendering, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Game Engine, Graphics Programming, Cinematics, Level Design, Character Animation, Lighting and Shading, Game Assets, Blueprint Scripting, Dynamic Environments, Photorealistic Graphics, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, game development, game dev, beardgames, magnetvfx
Id: LTPzc95VY2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 2sec (6002 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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