I went through EVERY Unreal Engine plugin, here is what I found (UE5.2)

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Ready to revolutionize your Unreal Engine  experience? I've done the legwork and   went through every single Marketplace  plugin to bring you 111 game-changing   plugins. This video is neatly segmented  by price: freebies, under $5, under $10,   and so on. All plugins work  perfectly with the latest Unreal Engine version.   Brace yourself for a wave of game-changing plugins  – don't miss a beat, and watch till the end!  Starting with GameAnalytics GameAnalytics is a robust analytics   platform that empowers game developers and  studios to make data-driven decisions to enhance   game design, player engagement, and overall  performance. With its comprehensive suite of   features and emphasis on data accessibility  and privacy, GameAnalytics plays a crucial   role in helping the gaming industry create  better experiences for players worldwide.  An absolute must-have for visual scripters is Number 2: Auto Size Comments  From now on, you will have a much easier time  keeping your project clean and organized.   This plugin streamlines the process of  resizing comment boxes to accommodate the   nodes contained within them, providing a more  organized and visually appealing workspace.   This is a must-have in my eyes and I can’t  imagine Unreal Engine without it anymore.  Merge C++ and Blueprints together with Number 3: Magic Node  This plugin enables the creation of complex K2  Nodes directly within the Blueprint environment,   eliminating the need to set up custom  plugins. This is a game-changer for   developers seeking greater flexibility  and efficiency in their workflow.  Track Unreal Engine marketplace products with Number 4: Wishlist  It makes tracking and planning for future  projects easier by letting users create   collections of desired marketplace items.  Additionally, it provides sale notifications,   improving the experience and adding organization  to asset acquisition. This helps Unreal   Engine users to save on purchases. Create realistic looking levels with  Number 5: Physical Layout Tool It elevates the process of environment   decoration by allowing physical based object  placement and introducing a creative paint-like   feature. With real-time in-editor physics  simulation, your objects automatically   adjust in a realistic way like someone in  your virtual world actually put it there. All plugins are linked down  in the description by the way Make people ask you if your  studio is an AAA studio with  Number 6: Interactive World With this plugin you can easily   introduce dynamic elements such as snow,  mud, water and foliage in a large world,   enhancing realism and interactivity with ease.  With world drawing boards and advanced options   this plugin offers a comprehensive solution for  creating immersive and realistic environments.  Improve your level design speed with Number 7: LEVEL DESIGN ASSISTANT  By offering a variety of actions, live  previews, and undo history compatibility,   this plugin becomes an indispensable asset in  the toolkit of any level designer looking to   optimize their workflow, iterate efficiently, and  create immersive environments with Unreal Engine.  Use the power of machine learning with Number 8: InteractML : Interactive   Machine Learning System InteractML is a game-changer for developers   seeking to incorporate machine learning into  their Unreal project without diving into complex   code. By enabling the creation of interactive  experiences driven by machine learning, the plugin   empowers designers to push creative boundaries and  experiment with novel gameplay mechanics. With the   capability to also recognize gestures, InteractML  drives accessibility, innovation, and immersive   experiences within Unreal Engine projects. Another way to create an immersive   experience is by using Number 9: SenseSystem  It is an indispensable tool for game developers  seeking a good solution for AI object detection   and reaction systems. With its robust  feature set and easy customization options,   the plugin empowers you to create immersive  gameplay experiences across a variety of genres.  Struggling to find an easy usable and  scalable game server host? Let me introduce  Number 10: PlayFab SDK The PlayFab SDK by Microsoft is a   comprehensive engine plugin designed to seamlessly  integrate Unreal Engine with the robust features   of Microsoft PlayFab services. With its wide  array of capabilities, this plugin empowers   developers to access the PlayFab API within  blueprints and create scalable server systems.  Okay, we are finished with the first 10  plugins. Please hover your mouse over the   like and subscribe button and click each button  once if you enjoy my work. Let's continue!  Crush all crash causing bugs with Number 11: BugSplat  The BugSplat plugin plays an important role in  ensuring the stability and reliability of game   applications. By providing comprehensive  crash reporting across multiple platforms,   including desktop, mobile, and server  environments, BugSplat empowers developers   to detect, analyze, and address issues swiftly. Hard times making your free games profitable?  Number 12: Xsolla Game Commerce It introduces a comprehensive   toolkit that empowers game developers  to master the art of monetization and   player account management within their Unreal  Engine projects. This is providing an intuitive   and streamlined approach to handling in-game  transactions, player authentication, and beyond.  An absolute must have if you  are creating own C++ plugins is  Number 13: Restart Unreal Editor And well, the only thing it does is   adding a button to your toolbar so you  can restart the engine with one click.  Create the next AAA shooter with Number 14: EasyBallistics Plugin  It brings forth a sophisticated  yet user-friendly solution for   executing simple and realistic ballistics  simulations within Unreal Engine projects.   This plugin delves into the intricate world  of ballistics, enabling you to replicate the   physics and dynamics of bullet trajectories  of the real world with remarkable precision.  Create loading screens in a  matter of minutes usingasync  Number 15: Async Loading Screen The Async Loading Screen plugin   is a game-changer when it comes to seamlessly  configuring and implementing a Loading Screen   System in Unreal Engine projects. Without the need  for complex Level Streaming, this plugin empowers   you to effortlessly integrate loading screens into  your game, enhancing user experience and fluidity.  Are you bored of looking at the same screen  every single day? Switch things up with  Number 16: Flat Nodes Get to see a new modern and   minimalistic styled Unreal Engine Editor. Create stunning looking menus with  Number 17: Niagara UI Renderer Unleash the power of Niagara   directly within your Unreal Engine Widgets. This  game-changing plugin empowers you to seamlessly   integrate Niagara particle systems into your UI  elements, eliminating the need for render targets.  Let your players easily create an avatar with Number 18: Avatar SDK Plugin  Unlock the potential of personalized avatars  directly within your Unreal Engine projects.   Say goodbye to generic character models and  embrace a new era of customized avatars,   all generated from real-life selfies,  seamlessly integrated into your applications.  Create the next big indie puzzle game with Number 19: Directional & Planet Gravity  Create mind bending puzzle games and other  interesting game mechanics by changing the   direction of the gravity. Create captivating  and immersive experiences, and let physics   and movement take on a new life. Do not allow your application   to be opened twice with Number 20: CheckAppInstance  This plugin allows only one instance of your game  to run at the same time, preventing confusion,   bugs and other issues when your application  was accidentally opened multiple times.  Easily keep your project size tiny with Number 21: ProjectCleaner  Unlock the potential for efficient asset  management within your Unreal Engine projects   using the ProjectCleaner plugin. Say goodbye to  the hassle of handling unused assets and empty   folders manually, and embrace a seamless way  to maintain the organization of your project.  Compress files in runtime with Number 22: Runtime Archiver  This powerful tool has the ability  to compress and decompress data   effortlessly, supporting various formats. After you use this next plugin once you   can't stop using it. Let me introduce Number 23: Live Blueprint Debugger  This plugin shows you the values for every  variable from actors placed in your world so   you know exactly what is happening while  playing. This can come in handy when you   are not sure what is causing a bug and then you  can monitor the variables to maybe get a clue.  Do you have a top down game but you have zones  the player first needs to unlock? Smoothly hide   locked zones away with Number 24: VaFogOfWar  This plugin always reminds me of mobile games  in which you need to build stuff but dont have   everything unlocked yet like clouds in  the mobile game HayDay. Something like   that can be achieved with this plugin Create innovative new VR games with  Number 25: MiVRy 3D Gesture Recognition Recognize specific gestures in VR to   create a next magic game or use this plugin to  create intuitive gestures to control a game.  Create a smart Ai with Number 26: Customizable Pathfinding  This plugin is my personal go to solution when  I want to create advanced AI. Like for example   when I want an flying AI enemy or one that can  climbs walls this is my pick for handling that.  Handle everything related to files with Number 27: File System Library  Create folders or files, show dialog  windows and handle other file operations   like renaming or copying any file. Are you often closing tabs by accident!   That is no more an issue with Number 28: Recent Blueprints Menu  This stores recently closed tabs in a list and  allows you to open them again when you click   them. It's simple but useful when you often close  tabs but you still need them and you don't want to   search manually through the content browser. Save a ton of headache and time and stop   manually creating new C++ modules. Number 29: C++ Module Generator  Let this plugin create modules for  your project or even for project C++   plugins automatically. Just select a name, a  module type and stuff like the loading phase   and it will generate a module for you. Create custom meshes along a spline with  Number 30: SplineSweepMesh This plugins allows you to create a base   shape like a circle which then follows a spline  you made to allow for custom pipe like meshes.  Translate text at runtime using Number 31: Runtime Text Translation  This plugin uses DeepL to translate text in  many different languages. This can be useful   to for example translate every chat message  from your game to everyone's local language   so everyone understand everyone. Create liquids for free with  Number 32: Zibra Liquids Free This tool allows you to create interactive water,   lava and other liquids. Control your liquid with  parameters like gravity, stiffness, viscosity or   surface tension as well as changing the color,  emissive color, roughness, opacity and more.  Combo your enemies with Number 33: Input Sequence  Create a sequence of inputs the player  needs to press in order to execute   something. Create virtual webcams with  Number 34: Virtual Webcam  direct from Unreal Engine  Use your Unreal Engine scene in any video  call, let it be for example in Discord or   directly stream your scene live on twitch.  The possibilities are open with this plugin These were the free plugins and we  can already see that we can enhance   the Engine a lot but let me tell you  one thing… This list also contains   extremely useful paid plugins so  keep watching to find your gems.  Let's continue with plugins From $1 up to $5:  If you enjoy this video so far and want  to appreciate the effort that got put   into this, go to the first link in the  description and subscribe to my Patreon. When I think about the following plugin, I think  about the number of possibilities that open with  Number 35: Twitch Integrator The Twitch Integrator plugin   is designed to seamlessly integrate Twitch  functionality into your game. It empowers   game developers to effortlessly incorporate  Twitch interactions and communication directly   within their projects allowing for a level of  live stream interactivity never seen before.  From now on you will always know  what you still have left todo with  Number 36: Todo Logging And yes, there are multiple todo plugins   in this list but the problem is, I like them all. This intuitive tool serves as a versatile tracker   and logger for todos, ensuring seamless  organization and persistent saving of   your tasks. By seamlessly integrating into  your Unreal workflow, Todo Logging empowers   developers to stay focused on their projects  while effortlessly managing their todos.  Make your optimizing experience  way easier by using the  Number 37: World Objects Aggregator This takes the thought of the “Get Actor in   World” node but optimizes it so it doesn't iterate  through every single in world object but instead   of a specified selection of pre-determined object  types. Say goodbye to exhaustive inefficient   iterations and hello to dynamic registration,  boosting productivity and project performance. Let's continue with plugins from $5 up to $10: Next up is Number 38: Auto Node Arranger  And yes, I know, there are plenty of node  arrangers but particularly this one is   unbeatable in my eyes as it has this incredibly  satisfying animation when rearranging nodes as   well as nice rearrange modes which just  look good when compared to some other   rearrangers. The plugin empowers you to maintain  a clean and structured workspace effortlessly.  Get a feeling of what you achieved with Number 39: Work Statistics  This plugin developed by myself allows you  to take control of your work habits and   productivity. By providing a clear overview  of work time. This plugin facilitates   efficient time management and fosters a more  focused and productive development process.  Ever struggled working with  lights in your scene? Here is  Number 40: Light Explorer For Unreal Engine users seeking to improve their   lighting workflow and optimize their project's  lighting setup, the Light Explorer plugin offers   a practical solution. By simplifying navigation,  enhancing light management, and providing an   intuitive interface, the plugin empowers users  to work with light sources more effectively.  Enhance your project in editor look using Number 41: Quick Thumbnail  With this you can create a more visually  appealing and organized workspace, ensuring   that your assets are easily identifiable at first  sight. Say goodbye to assets with no thumbnails,   and welcome a more visually pleasing Unreal  Engine experience with Quick Thumbnail.  Don’t do boring variable copy and paste tasks with Number 42: Property Transfer Tool  If you're seeking a convenient and efficient  way to manage and transfer variables between   blueprints in Unreal Engine, the Property  Transfer Tool is your solution. By simplifying   the process of copying and pasting variables,  this plugin enables you to optimize your   workflow and increase productivity. This next plugin is a must have for   every game developer out there Number 43: Discord Rich Presence  This is your gateway to enhancing your games  presence on Discord. It gives you the ability   to seamlessly integrate your game status within  Discord as well as do more advanced stuff like   creating a join party button on a user's profile. Number 44: Runtime Screenshot Pro  Give your users the ability to effortlessly  capture high-quality screenshots with plenty   of custom options. This plugin is your ally in  enhancing the media people create in your games. This video literally took me weeks to  make as I reviewed every single Unreal   Engine marketplace plugin so please scroll  down a bit and click on like and subscribe  Let's continue with plugins from $10 up to $15: Number 45: Darker Nodes The Darker Nodes plugin provides a modern and   visually appealing theme for the Unreal Editor.  Create, edit, and navigate your projects with a   fresh and polished visual experience. This plugin  breathes new life into your editing environment.  The next plugin is an absolute must  have I have been using for years now:  Number 46: Node Graph Assistant This plugin just adds a new level   of interacting with blueprint graphs with plenty  of new features to make you code with lightspeed.   When I forget to enable the plugin in new projects  I actually am very irritated until I enable it.  Clean your blueprint code with Number 47: Unused Node Cleaner  Like the name is already indicating this simply  deletes unused nodes from any blueprint graph. It   supports normal blueprint event graphs, behavior  trees, animation graphs and even state machines  Implement batch codes with Number 48: .bat Extension  This plugin allows you to either launch .bat  script files or launch scripts directly in   the Engine allowing you to get return results at  runtime. It is very useful and the easiest way to   implement plenty of custom but also complex logic. Create real time data visualizations with  Number 49: Mini-Graph - God HUD Show your player plenty of important   stats with nice graphics so they know exactly  what to do better next match in a strategy game   for example. This has plenty of use cases like for  example in managing games and many other genres.  Control your games window with Number 50: Window Extension  This allows you to control stuff like the  window location, the size, the title and   many more things. In combination with another  plugin you can even control the windows of other   programs running on your computer, allowing you to  create very complex computer programs for example.  Are you bored of all your  games looking the same? Here is  Number 51: Virtual Lighting  (Advanced Stylized Shading)  Give your game a nice cartoony touch making it  stand out more in the masses of indie games.  The following is a very beloved plugin of mine. Number 52: BackgroundBlurWithMask  Does your game need a modern and minimalistic main  menu? Simply create it with this plugin allowing   for custom shaped blur widgets to give your menus  the last touch they need to look good. This can   also be used on very interesting game mechanics. Always wanted an easy solution to create qr or   barcodes? Let me introduce Number 53: ZXing For Unreal  ZXing allows you to create and scan barcodes  and qr codes making this an convenient   solution for nice sharing features or  a physical product barcode software. Let's continue with plugins from $15 up to $20: The price of the following plugins  may seem too much in the first moments   but let me tell you. It isn’t. Number 54: Advanced Commenting  Create buttons, notes or todos or even add images   directly into your graph making this a  huge improvement in development speed,   when used right. Link for example a website  you found an important solution to your   blueprint so when you need it again sometime  in the future you will know where to search.  Create blueprint code stunning fast with Number 55: Blueprint Assist  This keyboard based blueprint creation  system allows you to never remove your   fingers from the keyboard allowing for  extremely fast development times when   coding with this system. Once you get the hang  of it this will be such an amazing tool to use.  Are you trying to sync custom pawn movement  but you struggle with that. Here is  Number 56: Smooth Sync Easily replicate any movement using “Smooth   Sync”. This plugin syncs the transforms across  networks using Unreal Engines networking system.  Prototype levels fast with Number 57: Blockout Tools Plugin  In game development creating levels fast is very  important or else you will end up wasting a bunch   of time. Getting a map to feel right very fast  with this plugin before you even created a single   mesh is a huge game changer. You will never again  create meshes that you decide not to use at the   end as they feel wrong. Create custom text with  Number 58: Horizon UI Plugin  (DialogueMsgTextBlock and Flipbook)  Allow your players to write messages containing  emojis or even animated materials. Never have   your chats feel so good to use with this. I know there is a free Steam plugin you can   download on the web but with the following plugin,  things feel better to create and you can do more   advanced stuff. Number 59:  XSteam gives you the opportunity to handle  anything related to Steam. Create nice   matchmaking or allow for interactions between  Steam friends, all with this one plugin.  Create asset bookmarks with Number 60:Easy Bookmarks  Create a list of assets with ease and in a  good looking menu to never search an asset   in your unorganized context browser  again. Are you currently creating   a system using the same blueprints over  and over again? Then pen them with ease.  Create mind bending games using Number 61: Non Euclidean System  This amazing plugin allows you to  create incredibly stunning effects   using portals. Use this mechanic  for crazy puzzle games or for the   next psycho horror game and stun your  players with what they just witnessed.  Have easier times selecting specific objects with Number 62: Ultimate Search & Selection Tool  This allows you to set a bunch of filters,  even for custom blueprints and find exactly   the ones you want to select, without going  iterating through everyone of it by hand.  Combine Trello with Unreal Engine using Number 63: Ultimate To-Do List  Sync your todos in this plugin with your trello  list, allowing you to have a seamless Trello   experience. Have your todos and ideas at the  place they should be… In Unreal Engine itself.  Notifications are easier then ever with Number 64: Amazon Notifications (AWS SNS)  Send SMS text messages and emails with ease.  It is an easy to use implementation of Amazon's   Simple Notification Service directly in Unreal  Engine to be able to use it with blueprints.  Never place a high number of  the same asset by hand again.  Number 65: ProInstance Tools Plugin This plugin gives you the control   of plenty of useful placing methods  like on a path or scattered around   your level. This can improve your  static mesh placing time by a lot.  Use HLSL within your Materials using Number 66: HLSL Material Expression  Create stunning looking materials with custom  material code inside of the material editor,   allowing for coding freedom, never  seen before when creating materials. Let's continue with plugins from $20 up to $30: I created the next plugin but it genuinely  is one of my favorites on this list.  Number 67: Functions Mega Pack As far as I am concerned, this is   the biggest collection of blueprint functions and  gives you 544 new blueprint nodes to use in any   of your projects. Once you get used to them  you will instantly notice when the plugin is   disabled in a new project for example. Create FIFA like looking charts with  Number 68: Radar Chart Widget These end of a match or skill tree   like stats looking charts can come in handy  when developing a game in which you want your   player to exactly know how god or bad someone  played or how good or bad their character is.  One plugin I am using for plenty of years now is Number 69: Widget Irregular Button  This plugin is easy to explain. It allows you  to add custom hitboxes for buttons to either   optimize your players experience in menus  or create full new game mechanics with this.  Create the next Phasmophobia horror game using Number 70: Speech Recognition System  Talk with ghost or other entities or pretty much  add any logic to spoken text by players with ease.   Personally I used it to create a, in my eyes very  funny game I will make a video on in the future  The next one is again one of my plugins but  I had to add this to this list as I just   sometimes can’t imagine Unreal Engine without it. Number 71: .exe Extension & Process Management  This allows you to handle anything related  to processes or .exe files on your computer.   Create the next game launcher or launch anti  cheat software with ease using this. And in   combination with the Window Extension plugin  we talked about before you have full control   of any window from any process. One screen for gameplay and one   for important information Number 72: UMG Multi Window  This plugin create Nintendo DS flashbacks  in my had and I would really enjoy to see   something similar to that but implemented  in a computer game. Play a clean game with   no hud on your main screen and display  important informations on another window.  Keep the performance with Number 73: Object Pool Creater  Create a large number of actors while  still maintaining very good performance.   This is usable for Actors, Actor components,  dynamic materials, uobjects and even widgets.  Create splines real fast with Number 74: Faster SplineMesh  Easy to use and very well optimized spline  mesh creator. Other spline mesh plugins have   a huge impact on your performance as they spawn a  high amount of meshes in your scene but with this   plugin this process is very optimized. When I think about the next plugin I   always think about strategy games Number 75: Marquee Selection Plugin  Save some important player time by easily  selecting plenty of assets with a single   mouse click and drag creating  the next group managing game.  Simulate a huge number of flock agents with Number 76: Flocks  Create tens of thousand of fishes for  example in your next ocean adventure game   or create a bat plague at optimized speeds If you are looking for realism, here is  Number 77: Screen Space Fog Scattering This shader makes exponential height   fogs look extremely good by simulating light  scatter inside of the fog. This gets players   in a dystopic mood and create a dense feeling  independent on where you look as a player. This video literally took me weeks to  make as I reviewed every single Unreal   Engine marketplace plugin so please scroll  down a bit and click on like and subscribe  Let's continue with plugins from $30 up to $40: Give your menus a nice touch with Number 78: Proto Animated Text  Create nice to look at text animations  for dialogue boxes with an extra level of   immersion to make your players dive deep in your  games world and lore and understand emotions.  Unreal engine can also be realistic in 2D with Number 79: 2D Lighting Occlusion/Shadows  Create 2D scenes with lumen like looking  lighting, occlusion and shadows. Create   funny game mechanics or just improve the  look of your 2D game with this plugin.  This next plugin gets me absolutely hyped Number 80: VR Spectator Control Window  Control what your customers or your friends see  in your custom build experience and show them   different variants of plenty of stuff. This is  great for interior architects trying to show their   customers the different variants of a next project  for example and making them able to tell you stuff   like. “I liked the blue curtains more” to give  them the best help in their decision making.  Realistics Ballistics with Number 81: Terminal Ballistics  Create splitter bombs and let the  splitters fly to specific walls,   create realistics bullets and much more for  your next shooter game using this plugin.  You may ask: “Why is there another spline plugin?”  But with every plugin type which is two or more   times in this list, each of those plugins have  different strengths and possibilities. Like  Number 82: Smart Tools - Splines Create meshes like vases or cliffs   directly in Unreal Engine with this tool.  With this you can create custom shaped assets   while the other spline plugins was great in  optimizing normal splines with prebuilt meshes.  I know for a fact that many people  struggle to implement voice chat in   their games. The struggle has an end with Number 83: Cross-Platform Voice Chat Pro  Create Team voice chat, proximity  voice chat and global voice chat with   cross platform support with ease.  Mute players choose the microphone   input or the volume for the perfect  system to make your game more social.  Create incredibly lookin cables or ropes with Number 84: Tether - Procedural Cable / Rope  Replicate the looks under your desk with a whole  bunch of cables, neatly overlapping each other or   create the next pirate ship with plenty of ropes. Create Dialogues with  Number 85: Simple Dialogue System This plugin features a dialogue   editor in which you can easily create  complex dialogues based on user input. Please like and subscribe if you enjoy my work.  Let's continue with plugins from $40 up to $50: Create a combo system using Number 86: Combo Graph  Create combo code in a custom blueprint editor  just made for this system. This is perfect if   you make a combo based fighting game. Turn meshes into lego with  Number 87: Blocks generator / Zone segmentation Create the next lego looking game using this or   plan your next lego build. Simply convert  meshes to lego meshes with an amazing   material that just looks like real life lego. Handle anything related to a phoneOS using  Number 88: OneSignal - Features It allows you to send push notifications,   in app messages as well as giving  you detailed analytics of your users.  An alternative option to  create dialogues with ease is  Number 89: Dialogue Builder This system based on animation   state machines allows you to create  simple dialogues with ease using a   blueprint system you are already familiar with. Create parts of an virtual ecosystem using  Number 90: Advanced Insects System AI insects will fight through their   hard insect life together in an optimized  team for the best performance. Create ants,   spiders, beetles and more. Do the same but in the air with  Number 91: Advanced Fly Insects System Create bee colonies with a bee hive they   live in and flowers they pollinate. Or create a  wasp, fly or mosquito plague using this plugin.  Create amazing looking minimaps with Number 92: Tile Based Minimap  Create a fully customizable minimap  with icons and GPS route support   while maintaining a great looking style. If you thought of GTA5 after you saw the minimap   you will also think about GTA5 now, with Number 93: Instance Damage System  Create destructible objects in your  world like fences, brick walls,   traffic lights and so on. Let your players  be a maniacs behind your virtual wheel. Let me know in the comments what  plugins excites you the most and  Let's continue with plugins from $50 up to $100: Don’t let your controller players be dominated  in shooter games. Give them a chance with  Number 94: Pro Aim Assist This plugin adds highly   customizable aim assist to your first or third  person shooter, giving controller players a fair   chance against PC players or make newbies  to shooters also have fun in your PvE game   even when they are not the best at aiming. Earn money with mobile apps easily using  Number 95: Monetization Goodies This allows you to add native IOS   or android payment to your apps and games so  you can continue your indie developer dream.  Keep your projects clean with Number 96: Clean Project  Lower the size of your project or packaged  game by deleting unused assets. Scan your   whole project or just target specific folders  and keep the files save you don't want to   get scanned by excluding them from the scanner. Keep file size small or unpack other archives with  Number 97: Compress & Extract Zip & Unzip Compress directories or extract files from an   archive file. Compress to 7z or zip format  and extract from 7z, zip or rar format.  Create the next VR wizard game with Number 98: Symbol Recognizer VR  This plugin is able to recognize shapes drawn  in the air with VR. Based on a neural network   it can recognize 2D or 3D vectors and test  them against already learned patterns.  Manage loot, items and more using Number 99: Inventory System X  This system lets you create inventory backpacks,  fast item switchers and more with high   customizability. Let your players switch, combine,  use, rotate and inspect items with 20 sounds for a   good feel and more with high attention to detail. Do you need a buddy to talk in your game? Here is  Number 100: Walkie-Talkie System Try to talk with npc friends on   a survival mission, find your way out of  the woods with a compass when the walkie   talkie suddenly stops working and have nice  dialogues with other npc’s on your missions.  Make landscaping realistically way easier with Number 101: Landscape Blueprint Brushes  This collection of sculpt brushes allows you to  create realistic looking terrain in your worlds.   You want to create volcanoes, craters, hills  and valleys? This plugin could come handy then.  Create novel games faster than ever. Number 102: Visual Novel Machinery  This full node-based dialog system lets you  create full novels very easily. Add decisions,   sound effects, music and more. Create a racing or tuning game with  Use a new visual scripting system with Number 103: Open Logic Editor - Visual Scripting  This custom made In-Editor and runtime scripting  tools allows you to create AI, conversations and   quests more easier but the best part about  this plugin is that you can let your players   write custom code in your game, giving them the  opportunity to create content for your game.  Create spiders or wall climbing monsters with Number 104: Dynamic Surface Navigation  Make your spiders walk around, climb up walls,  walk on ceilings or even make them jump across   gaps. The cool thing about this is that  it works together with the voxel plugin. If you want me to do this with other marketplace  categories let me know in the comments.  Let's continue with plugins that cost over $100: Speaking of the voxel plugin, let's continue with  products that cost over $100 and start of with  Number 105: Voxel Plugin Pro Legacy Most of you probably already know   this plugin as I think it is one of the  most popular ones out there. For $350  you get a whole world generator with different  biomes and so on. Everything highly customizable   to fit your needs. Create caves and much more  which is not possible with the normal landscape   tool. The very best part about this plugin is  that everything is destructible. So players can   for example mine for resources underground or a  big desert worm leaves a big hole in the sand.  Render multiple levels at once with Number 106: R-Tune Vehicle Physics This advanced vehicle physics plugin lets you   create cars with ease without going the hard way  rigging skeletal meshes manually and so on. The   system is frame rate independent so every player  has a same predictable experience in your game. Number 107: MultiWorld This lets you create seamless transitions   between worlds, it lets you easily switch between  worlds and more. Create an underworld clone of   your normal world and create a smooth transition  between them, create custom interactable loading   screens or even run scene captures to  get visuals from one world into another.  Are you still searching for a cross platform  and very advanced multiplayer tool. Why not use  Number 108: EOS Online Subsystem Epic Online Subsystem, developed by   Epic Games in C++ is now accessible  in blueprints with the help of this   plugin. Create a authentication system, player  stats, leaderboards, cross platform gameplay,   a friend system, achievements, voice chat,  a cloud storage system and many more things.  Why build virtual worlds from scratch if  you could just use the real world instead.  Number 109: Landscaping Select square parts of the   world to extract 3d data from it and to then have  everything also look good. Automatically create   roads and rivers as well as trees. Create planets with  Number 110: WorldScape Plugin -  Making real planets and Endless worlds  Create virtual planets based on real ones with  a realistic look and an atmosphere. Or create   stylized worlds, recreate the moon or have  a black hole lingering around in the sky.  The very last plugin of this list is Number 111: Ultimate Multiplayer FPS Framework  With this you basically have a full first  person multiplayer shooter game with realistic   weapon handling, realistic scopes and more.  Everything is blueprint exposed so even when   you don't have C++ experience you can make  a realistic shooter just with blueprints. That's it. If I missed a great plugin  you use in every single project,   please let us know in the comments!
Channel: Kibibyte
Views: 69,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, UE5, plugins, showcase, list, must have, marketplace, review, top list, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 games
Id: zCkRsYEGD5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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