Lost Worlds Project: Our Best Mine Exploring Ever

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that cave where we left off is just back there you can see we're wearing different clothing we've got different mix of people with us I haven't showered since last time we are back for a third time to drop deeper and this time see we're getting rigged up right now ran out of rope last time we have more than compensated for that this time we're going to drop that big cave so we'll get set up drop down there and I'll pick up from the cave I just dropped down from up there and that was tricky getting down CU it's undercut so much so it's awkward getting off the edge that hole you look down is right back there now we're in the big cave there's Jeremy King of the Hill right there this is going to suck get a bigger view or a better view of the cave in fact I'm a little nervous down here and Jeremy I haven't gone up to the where Jeremy is yet but apparently it slopes away below him fairly steeply and then there's something over here as well none of us have gone down here yet back behind you oh yeah there's a there's something there I think that might just be natural cave or Stope doesn't look like a drift level we'll find out and then drops down there I don't feel any air flow down that way though can you feel air flow where you are Jeremy no with how wide it is yeah we feel air flow before so one of these drops down we'll figure it out oh want to PL him coming down to show you guys what was involved you rolling I am yeah I got you I got you yeah it is awkward getting down that one nice last gu is roping down into the cave there we're going to stop and have lunch but want to show you some of the stuff that's in here just noticed this old sticky Dynamite here and then haven't looked up here yet but I can see there are some artifacts up here bits and pieces of pipe old can of something whatever that was and that might have been old carbide cans hard to tell see the remains of a dynamite box there and oh yeah it does slope down fairly steeply that's that goes on a way yeah we might just want to continue that damn rope yeah just go keep going down yeah for sure didn't realize how far down that went he wasn't kidding and there's another drift level there I can't remember if I mentioned that one already or not looks like they chilled away at the edge there as well there's a look at those other sections I was just showing you and then a view from the top of the hill wow that is way way down there that is huge that's so big it's barely showing up with my light wow wow that's probably that could be 200 ft down right there that is way down there so Jeremy was looking down that section where the pit was and found extra fine table syrup extra fine table syrup and cool bottle good stuff all right we're going to have lunch and then figure out the best way to get down below we're finishing up lunch here and while we're doing that Jeremy's going to drop down without his pack to check out the depths of the cave there see how things look and if we can get through that way that is the crumbly one wow you might have a couple options hang on okay we just dropped down from up there that's the King of the Hill dirt Mound and we came down on the right there and came with this jumble here the cave keep going this is not the end it runs way back that way uh that's just that's at least 100 feet back there you got some giant slabs have caved down that is huge uh the bottom I just not some water dripping down the bottom is right around there there's a possibility of dropping down back there but much more promisingly you can see we've run out the 300 foot rope and we thread it around there to get down we drop it through here and there is a little pit there he's just starting to drop down it leads down to some track and such so we think the next level down is there so I will put my stuff away drop down that and we'll pick up down there hopefully be easier to get around because this stuff is not easy to maneuver on we just Dro down that or pass or winds right there see the Rope dropping down to here there's a cool glass bottle right there and what did you say it said on it Hall L and Co Sacramento how do you spell haulers H Hall spacers l u HRS huh yeah it's hard to make out in the video but you can see the logo right there and then Sacramento uh it's kind of cool so good news actually I don't have any bad news yet the good news is that we've come into a little drift here and that oh it's a cut nail right there or a spike good news is we come into a larger drift level here is that a slide sheet slck sheet this is not something you see that's pretty cool look at the way they bent this and then riveted it down yeah let's do your right hand rule Jeremy yeah that's pretty cool I don't want jinxes but looks like some pretty pretty good shape so the airf flow is going this way Justin the way you're going yeah okay well we'll see where it goes huh an arrow right there which that's consistent what we experienced so we'll head down here this is cool I am really glad we got down farther this is all virgin ground you guys first people in here since the 1930s these look like blasting cap tins got the strap rail down here you can see oh I feel the air flow now too okay looks like this meanders around for a while I'll pick up the next highlight unless I see something interesting in the next few seconds actually you know what I'll just leave the camera on cuz it does have a fair amount of features those are just dead ends that we pass that was another Junction up here ab and it just like get your lighter out like there dude the air is going this way so where's the lighter that drift runs down that way you see the rails have been ripped up and then there's a drift around this way the arrow is coming towards me I can feel it go ahead and me check that out uh this interesting here let's I did not expect that I thought it was going be an ordinary drift but we've got the rope with us obviously they were dropping something down there so we may want to check out the rest of this level before dropping down there but or we just drop down there we'll see what we feel like doing we just checked out that drop back there and decided to finish out this level first this is where we first dropped down this level it's got that sort of crossed out infinity sign we didn't go this way so we're going to check this out and start working our way back toward that drop see what might be there a cool old bottle right there I don't see anything there's nothing in it looks like we might have already hit a dead end bet this is where that cave drops down you can dig through that is that plugged yeah you that's where that cave drops down yeah I think so no this is done all right the verdict is it's done so we'll go check out that drift or the rail has been ripped up that was faster than expected that's just wood thought might have been metal all right I'll pick up at that uh drift for the rail was picked up we just came from that direction we're back where we're going to drop down through there this is that section where the rails were ripped out we're going to check this out real quickly I hope the rest of the ground of the mine is like this yeah I can feel the wind too I definitely feel it I really hope the ground is this solid the whole way through look like we got a junction here we've got drift running off that direction we've got that might faces No might face out where it might go sharply to the right we'll check it out real quickly empty can and that's the face just an old shovel back here and maybe a Miner's toilet yeah that's it right there though so they're still straight check out that face back there yeah that faced out this is weird looking look what the uh moisture and time has done to the wood got this is amazing look at all those eggshells there so the miners were bringing boiled eggs down into the mine for lunch and there's a big pile of them right here so obviously this is a popular lunch spot and I've got scraps of newspaper and such here might have been reading this could have been a toilet too but with all the eggshells there think more likely not burn mark there I'm not sure what that would have been from and then I don't know if that's that hairy looking stuff right there I'm not sure what that is that's pretty cool thing of the eggshell though that's really really cool that's the biggest collection you ever seen a collection of eggshells that big before no yeah that's that's pretty impressive that guy like eggs yep and we're going to continue off down that way all right heading down this remaining drift here looks this looks burned charcoal wood down here actually that's that's Rock never mind those are bits of wood that's just dark Rock scattered throughout here all right so Bas is out actually that's the dark Rock came from very very very high 26 it looks like we've got obviously a fault here Jim Jim or Joe kitchen oh Joe 1930 something anyway this smooth flat wall here is obviously a fault so the miners often find good mineralization along the edges of these fols so that's why they would have ran off in both directions check this out check out check out how this thing this rock above me is they tried to wedge it in with wood you seen anything like that uh I have an arm mine actually the oldtimers did something like that with a slab an arm mine but uh yeah it doesn't really fill you with confidence given how rot the wood is water dripping off of it you see they scratched into the side here but it's really hard to make out what that says those look like a series of L's so yeah that slab runs all the way over here like standing under that I just face out back there so they scratched away here and then it faces out here so you know what that means time to start dropping down so back under that slab and taking a closer look at this writing you can make out 1894 in front of me right there that's pretty awesome I can't make out that name but it looks like March 15th or 16th probably 15th and you see the 1894 think that's really cool so we're getting ourselves figured out on the maps and start dropping down that next level we're back at the hole here getting ready to drop down and a problem we're having that there aren't good anchor points we tried using some of the rock climbing gear in these cracks here and it just wasn't working at all they're just pulling out we've gathered some rocks over here in case we want to set a sandbag anchor but before Halland War rocks over we're going to try the meat anchor so we're going to Anchor off ourselves and Jeremy's going to drop down and make sure it's worth hauling all the Rocks over all right Jeremy's dropping down flaking out the Rope to him we got our meat anchor established right here yeah I don't know if that came across on camera but a lot of material is falling down down whatever this is sounds quite [Music] large I really hope the camera's picking that up there is a ton of material coming down what do you say goes vertical hey boxy yeah what's up you good wed uh yeah yeah wait you up a little bit I'm going to go a little vertical okay good a report from Jeremy was that there was an or shoot or something like that dropping down vertically once you get past this first section so heading down there with a considerable amount of effort we made an anchor here of all that material it was not easy hauling all these rocks over but it's serving pretty well as an anchor so far you're not going in yeah it's not moving ger went down he's dropping down there that's where we're headed that's the section that we dropped down to where we couldn't go any farther so we started coming back out the big cave we dropped down it over there and when we were climbing out I noticed this stuff over here so we're investigating every possibility Jeremy's dropping down now yeah that looks sizable down there does yeah so I've got track but it might be blocked all right we'll uh wait to hear your report there's also something that's got some possibility around the side there but we'll wait to hear what's down there so the word we got is that they are both explorator there's a section going that way and one going that way and they were both exploratory and one of them was backfield so that is a noo down there it's not easy doing this nope pocket I just pocket yep all right that's reference to that section over there so it's a no go know I can do to help the area we just climbed out of is over there you can sort of see the faint glow uh where my friends are still making their way out the main part of the cave we drop down is up to the right and we've come into the other section of the cave and are getting our minds around how massive this is there's a sloughed off flattish area over there haven't been back there yet um this doesn't drop down too far that's just about 30 ft or so look at some of the rock back here where I hiked in there was a big void on my right which is down there haven't been down there yet but it drops away and then runs all up through here this is just [Applause] gigantic that's looking straight overhead I will clamber up there somewhere and get you a better view of this all right that's where my friends just came up that's the section I was talking about where we climbed up I was down there before and scrambled up the Rocks here that is still dropping down there you haven't seen the bottom yet runs all through and around one my friends down there for some scale so I'm glad he's there there's something running up right there but I can't tell what yet but yeah it really helps have them in down there for scale there's another depression right there and again that flat section slabbed off the side right there so I'll make my way down to where he is I was standing up there before and come down to where my friend was and this is really interesting first weird thing that there's this trail that runs through the rock right here and it looks like that trail extends around sort of wraps its way through here see the trail I'm talking about it's pretty clearly defined and then we come over here and it looks like they may have had a ladder or platform or something running up to that section there but that's not the coolest thing that I wanted you guys to see coolest thing well there's several cool things down here so the Trail's coming through here another one of my friends right there so we've got these cooking implements over here presumably for cooking and then behind me here is's this newspaper and look at a date on the newspaper March 19th 1893 actually found a date March 19th 1893 man is that crazy or what and then you see the some the advertisements right there just pause the video if you want to read them like a bunch of rooms for rent here and then that's not it but wait there's more over here we have the remains of what looks like a candle see that see the wick right there and then over here right there those are candle stubs with a wick right there so good place to take a break here got this level area pretty amazing so I'm looking more at that 1893 newspaper at one of the advertisements forc whiskey uh up there it says liquid velvet we're checking out some of the other scraps of newspaper it actually looks like that newspaper may have been burned but fortunately some of this other has survived what do you have there in front of you uh this is an ad for something and children's jackets and Reapers it there's a bit reers for children jackets of good chevo with full Shaw collar fronts and ornaments something fur worth 798 or $7.95 at 3.95 sizes 12 14 16 and 18 Mrs reefers of chevo or Beaver light or dark mixtures and plain colors usually sold at $9 and $10 special at $4.95 and $5.95 children's Gretchen with deep Mill carry capes in plain colors stripes or plaids positively worth double yeah that's about it I don't have a lot of clothing and out of beaver do you guys okay I'm still geeking out on this newspaper and uncovered a little corner of it and it's the San Francisco Chronicle and there's a whole section of real estate advertising right here if you want to read it pause the video but they're selling uh large tracks of land and they're talking about the agricultural potential of it there's a lot of it so I'm not going to read it all but it's pretty cool to see that still on this newspaper and I forgot to mention that there's another candle over here you can see this one more clearly definitely candles and Jeremy me scouted out down that possible drop right there it's a plugged or shoot and it was too too tight of a squeeze to get through and it was all blocked up with big slabs so it's not like could just push some dirt out of the way so we're going to head a little bit up and try dropping down some of the other options all right we were just looking down there and here's a good pan of this cave there's Jeremy down there see how small he is our other friend is over there here's looking up there's our other friend over there that's the section we came in through that I wasn't able to light up as well as uh this big boy light is doing but you see how small those guys are gives you a idea of the scale of this cave we came up out of the cave which was back in that section you guys have seen this before that was a dead end we originally came in from back that way and then you'll probably remember this section here which we kind of scouted out last time but we were run out of time so didn't finish it out we've taken another look at it and seems much more promising this time so you can see the Rope right there we're going to drop all the way down and see what we can do with it so we've twisted our way down and I've dropped through that hole there and have come to a new drift level this was definitely a success the drift level runs off to the left there that stuff we slid down has filled in everything back here so there's absolutely no way we can get through any of this this way but like I said that drift level is run off behind this got some bottles down here looks like the miner's left it was just up there that's the Rope we dropped down on there is a back fill drift right here and this is Gob 641 and then we've got this drift running this way we got something running down here with I slipped uh with an old cable attached to it I wouldn't trust that cable at all I don't know what's down there maybe uh that survey crew from 193s went down there hard to say looks like there's definitely more down there though um you see how that's rusted in place that's really really old and then the drift keeps going this way interesting that the rail has been pulled up got a slick sheet here for him to slide the or cars around on got back fill drift right here that's the end right there looks like another candle or candle or that's probably Dynamite actually but there were some candle stubs back where we dropped down there's drift going that way and more stuff going that way there's a lot down here we're going to stick with the right hand rule so we don't get lost which would definitely be possible in this mine there's a big hole right here it drops way down there and more stuff across the [Music] way old shovel here some strap rail little stove cleared out right there [Music] old box you want any flavor hold B it for me that section they checking out just dead ends right well it doesn't dead end but it's full material right there so see the remains a wooden ladder down here on the ground and there an old pick head here which is kind of cool prob at least 100 years old if not more so we'll head back and and carry down the next drift that was on the right we just looked down there at first I thought that those were more modern but they're not those are painted on with a paintbrush so I'm assuming those date to the 1930s like everything else here well not the mine is much older than that but I'm saying that dates to the last people that were in here I should say yeah this was even harder to get to than there stuff we've done so I'm really confident no one's been in here just keeps going there's absolutely no sign that anyone's been in here since the 1930s we just came from that direction and my speculation about the survey cre from the 30s is accurate because not just because of that but we've got their riding down here uh that obviously ties into some of the upper workings we pass through don't forget we're intersecting multiple mines so you know some we're on the 200 of one mine and then we'll be on the 900 or whatever of another one so don't get too caught up in those numbers because we're passing through a lot of different mines that says out so we've got something running off this way but the out is indicated over here Jeremy has already gone ahead and checking that out um another clue that we know the crew from the 1930s was here is because we see their NG marks which we think is no good just back filled right there it's full of a bunch of rotten wood pretty Big Timber down here got modern oh more uh more modern rail yeah yeah this just goes back 20 ft faces okay you said that if you didn't hear that this goes back 20 ft in faces is this plugged completely check it out it's kind of it's weird color totally different color rock yeah huh so this this must have caved after the 1930s cuz the 30s crew put out right here this looks like it was part of a shaft yeah no this could have been uh Reclamation yeah it could have been who knows look look uh just over here to your right on that face oh yeah I just saw that faint right in there and then this is 300 DSM DV those are initials that we've seen elsewhere so I really think this is that crew from the 30s that was surveying this but I think was a shaft if you look at the size of that poster right there well you don't have anything to compare it to but it's huge has probably uh at least a 12 x 12 but the way this looks having the completely different Rock I think this was a shaft that was either caved or uh filled in intentionally interesting so yeah we're definitely not getting out that way oh yeah remember so you saw the numbers or were saying 200 100 things like that this is a this where we're on right now is a 600 of another mine so it's a real real Labyrinth down here the uh I think that's a compressed Airline right here um and then the rail right there I could easily date to the 30s or so maybe it could be earlier I'm just basing that off the things I've observed in other mindes so let's go check out that drift that was on our right on the way in is on the left now the one right here I'm talking about Nails yeah I kind of yeah those are little bit more mod 1930s we were just looking down there Jeremy and I going to start heading down this drift right off the bat he found something kind of unique um it looks like something open a sardine can with but it's too big for that too thick so I don't know it's not the right shape for a candle holder so who knows man who knows but looking ahead we just go find out what's ahead and we still have rope left so I'm not going to get stopped again by needing rope at least for yet look like we got air flow this way yeah I feel that too just tossing scraps in there it's been a long day you guys I haven't shown all the work getting down here on the camera so but we're getting close to 12 hours already so got something going back that way that's a possibility to check out a that's too bad oh man you saw the top and got excited huh uhhuh i' been a big bottle just a bucket there nothing else kind drift keeps going that way it looks pretty featureless so I'll turn the camera off until we get to some highlight well we got rail all of a sudden modern rail wow not modern but yeah we know you not 1800 strap rail yeah right huh all right I lied I say wasn't turn the camera off but keep it on until we figure this out another Junction no good no did but got the NG on both sides we should at least check that one looks like it goes back away that way this one's been back filled and that one has been back oh wow I think that's the end back there but see might go further and then we've got this shooting head quite wayse I see something on the ground up there maybe some ground all our back still that the end oh maybe oh yeah yeah look at it yep okay well let's go straight first and knock that out cuz there's something up there I'm curious about s good no it's just yeah it goes back away that one too we do need to look down there and we will but open everybody here yeah I'm just go see what's down here real quickly because uh it looks like it might be caved no never mind there's some ground fall but it keeps going this is what I've was seeing from a distance we do have our rail back they left it because it was a curve and the miners they taking rail out to use elsewhere they can take the straight rail because they can work with it bent how they want but it's already bent it's a lot more difficult to work with got something running off that way we've got of course that keeps going in the middle of a vein structure right here I can't tell if this is quartz or calite yet it looks like quartz actually especially with those sulfides in it and so I was starting to check out this vein here when the ground underneath me gave away and and I went down there I was covered with dirt when I first got here so I didn't recognize that that was looking like that so took a little tumble down there I did not as I was starting to say got vein action right there we're going to head down there and I said we also have here to check out while I was getting out of here me went down that drift on the right it passing the way in and it dead ended so we didn't miss anything but we got to see what's up ahead all right we headed straight see what's down here you can see all this material is slabbing off the the vein here which that happens pretty often usually the vein material is pretty bad ground and that's exactly the case here with these big slabs breaking off yeah and then look back see how everything's all fractured and breaking off let's see what's ahead the map says that this goes to a cave if we're reading it correctly it doesn't go anywhere this looks long and less for a while so I'll turn the camera off and pick up the next highlight I think I lied again let's see what he was standing in before we turn the camera off okay looks like I probably good to left the camera on WE main Junction this is definitely the main Junction wow wow there's a lot going on here yeah this is that cave and the great news is the bottom of it is not full of rubble like we've been seeing uh I'm not going to stand on that given the experience I just had over here too there's so much going on there's stuff dropping down there there's a drift two drifts running over here there's one there and one there can't tell how accessible they are yet there's more stuff over here uh I think that is false floor don't walk on that man that really think is false floor yeah there's uh that's no good that is no good so we have to be very mindful of that there's looks like it says five 625 626 626 over there look up oh D and then looking up oh wow looking up that runs quite a way and I see a carbide up there too do you I see a pipe or a rail or something up there uh right there it keeps going yeah it goes a long way and I don't know what's on the other side of the stuff here is that accessible or is that blocked off going down uh where that drift goes over there I haven't checked yet okay he has a lot to take in right now so here's a better view of this cave or Stope or cave Stope combo with a proper light you can see it extends quite a way and up there as well as I was starting to show you before and again you can see a pipe or a rail or something up there but impossible to know what then I don't know if it's possible is it possible to climb up that right there maybe might be worth looking into and then you say back where this track went it was no good go do it there's some back there okay so we pick up over there so I was just over there you see I fold the tracks over the group picture here and I'm going this one as suspected just stops right there so looks like they were dumping material down from up there to the track going off to the side this one wraps around through here it's somewhat difficult going pretty big pipe right there this is the back side looks like that material s off doesn't look like it was uh what am I trying to say doesn't look like humans put that there looks like that fell there there is like I said a rail oh wow there's more here more uh stuff run up that way stopes or cave and it's all fered out right there and fractured what huh big big Timbers back here wow there is some back here that's funny huh so that drops down into nothing well maybe it did it one time but it's plugged this runs up into more Stope or cave and that appears to be it doesn't AR any drifts or anything going off of that so huh pretty impressive pretty impressive I'm curious what else is in or on this level based on what we've seen so far 623 I back in the cave there's that rail Junction there and there was that stuff over here I theorized that the miners were dropping stuff down the last couple are pretty small for an or car that would have been on the rails here however I failed to notice what was here you can see there's a large appears to be a large orass dropping down here I don't feel any the air flow is the only thing yeah but that's pretty large gives you an idea of how far this dropped down the floor of this which is obviously filled in probably ran down quite a way on the side of the cave or sto whereever this is what is this old syrup container look like sun Sunbeam syrup Hall something I can't make out the the manufacturer maybe it's that Haller whatever B the same as the bottle really yeah huh small world huh we're headed out of this big chamber and I looked down and happened to notice more the eggshells here and over here and uh Jeremy raised a really interesting point which I just assume these are hardboiled but when I peel a boiled egg it's in tiny little fragments whereas these are really intact so are they sucking them down raw or what I mean yeah you get lucky you can get a a good chunk but these guys have been remarkably consistent and uh how intact the eggshells are so either they're really good at peeling boil eggs or they were sucking down raw eggs we just came from checking out that big chamber back there this is where I have my little Adventure there see that material just fell in there we've got this one to check out now we have not been down here yet ra EGS yeah there are rs aren't they they just cracking off the top sucking them out looks like that's crazy they're raw I mean I don't know 100% but I mean take a look at them it looks like they're just cracking the top and sucking them out that's a there a sardine oh got some sardine tins those are actually in pretty good shape relatively speaking obviously popular lunch spot that looks more like quartz than calite that way but I could be mistaken still near that vein complex so do now is yeah see iron on it too I think that's quartz all right uh wow that must have been done with a a candle that's really cool got some graffiti here this bunch of uh initials it looks like looks like December 30 3098 it looks like I don't know what that's a reference to this is hard to read this an awkward angle huh and things keep stretching ahead this way I see some big big boards up there looks like orass or something running down there okay I thought those those boards look bigger from far away but it's several boards stacked together obviously done in my box I see the danger but that's it um little back fi drift go right there can see the floor is caving in here there's a lot of back filled ground in here which is pretty sketchy because it starts roding Out Underneath it's the first lagging I've seen in a long [Music] time there's Stope or cave running up there that Timber Sport's not doing much got boards there hopefully we're not walking on a false floor kind of messy ground up there you see the uh lagging is blowing out right there and these slabs are breaking off this is where that lagging is blowing out and you said it goes back to a raise back there oh yeah see it right there pretty messy ground back here huh yeah all right well right I think we should head back and check out where that Rusty cable is wrapped around the rail dropping down so head back and pick up there all right we are back at this piece of rail right here with the cable running down it looks pretty feasible from here so we'll drop it and see how it looks we're getting rigged up to drop down this passage here not going to use the rusty cable we're going to use our own materials while we're waiting though we notice that over here this ISS anti-union chamber dropping down where we're going to go the skull and crossbones so interesting uh historical Mark right there getting burned out man I don't sure there's a good story there so what we go see how the anti-union chamber looks that's Jeremy coming up there and we all thought this one was really promising but it ended up being a bust here's the best part of it best part of it found the bottle that's Co cool so you said the anti-union chamber it's just that just a chamber just a chamber and there's an or shoot down there that was plugged it I mean it wasn't an or shoot it was just a winds little small winds went down and it was plugged I dropped into it it just plug with rocks I've got video of it all for you all right well we were all talking about we thought this was as close to a sure thing as we've done today but cuz you've got you know the cable right there you've got the graffiti saying this is going down to the 400 all kinds of stuff all righty thanks for bringing up the bottle to show us show you guys some cool stuff yeah
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 76,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lost Worlds Project: Our Best Mine Exploring Ever, Abandoned Mine, Lost Worlds Project, Mine Exploring, Mine Exploration, lost mine, union mine, tvr, mine exploring, ghost town, unexplored, mining, silver mine, silver mining, found, discovered, exploring abandoned mines, mines of the west, mine explorers, underground, abandoned, western mining history, adit, mine shaft, tunnel, stope, winze, rare, silver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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