Unpowered Downhill Gravity Racing with a Cactus For Brakes... (Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday)

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to multiplayer monday and today as you can tell by these tires we're sitting on um it's the gravity race i thought we were sleepy because we're tired oh wow wow so good so okay john that was last week's multiplayer monday if you don't know we're racing with gravity this week i'm looking up i'm looking up in there yeah so you have to build gravity into your vehicle and race with it on the sun no on the course above oh you were looking that way no look up that way nice oh that's hot tell us about this course it's a course it goes zoom zoom uh you start at the top you go to the bottom oh yeah zoom zoom it's really simple we're gonna make gravity powered vehicles so i have practice therefore i'm going to win um all right that's pretty much it that's all you need to know 16 by 16 max size kind of look like no power on your vehicle no how do we hook up how do we hook up the gravity power to our wheels yeah so all you gotta do i'm gonna show you guys what you gotta do right so you just build like a block like this right okay and watch and watch what we when we lift the block up and then when we when we let go look at that see what happens dude is that a mod so um what are the what are the restrictions what are the build limits i literally just said all the rules and you like this is what it feels like when people don't listen isn't it this is literally what it feels like now i know now i know i said you know it's 60 by 16 uh no powered stuff except for like you know you want like brakes or whatever but you can't use like pistons to push yourself or anything like that you need a drag reducer block and some wheels glitch no suspension all right i'm pressing the button repeatedly all right 15 minutes press the button when you're ready let's get building our gravity-powered vehicles [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right you guys build your gravity-powered cars do you hook up the gravity yeah mine's a sports car it goes zoom zoom i don't know i gotta put it on there it doesn't happen oh yeah put the gravity on there you can't do gravity race without the gravity all right who's first who's got the first garage who was the first uh that would be me oh it was you okay okay let's switch all right this is mine i feel like i may have waited that's 16 by 16. this is 16 by less than 16. contest right at it that is right i just checked it right at it that way and okay it's a little small that way all right all right what's the middle wheels um i got some brakes those are brakes yeah they don't they're not on bearing so they don't turn you're gonna break by like lifting your whole vehicle up yeah i mean it was a last minute edition i had like a minute to put that in so i just like piston there you go wait he's gonna do jumps too i guess you could do like yeah all right all right i am uh i'm second so this is mine oh it's a little it looks pretty good little sports car this is a race car you went with the wood i went on the top plenty of weight matters well it's tier three concrete on the bottom though it's tier three concrete at the bottom that might even that might be a lot more weight than so see like look at the bottom the whole bottom is is tier three concrete yeah so that it's got that i'm thinking low weight and then i've got brakes too but mine are cactuses in the back ah the nice classic bat cactus yeah the cactus i'm a cactus fan i figured the cactus was going to be the solutions yeah i didn't i i i was thinking about that but i thought maybe not too much friction and i could slow down more gradually okay let me find it again because there it is all right build oh everyone built kind of small things and i built this tank um i have i have tier one metal across the top but tier three concrete across the bottom and sides um i did have a front braking but my wheel if i did it so late i didn't realize i was hitting my front wheel turning so i just have it back and i need to slow that down real quick yeah it's not too bad oh oh all right you guys ready i'm ready sure all right let's see how this goes uh it's gonna be a five second timer i just hit the switch all right here we go i'm excited all right let's go let's go let's go oh i never put the clock on what wait what block you're doing oh the dragon dragon okay stop stop hold on hold on break break all right guys are you ready to do this ready to do this are you ready to do this you got you're the one reducer's not it because i don't wanna yeah you guys all right i started the timer i started the time start the tower oh okay don't fall off don't suck go go go gg go let's go good luck scratch man don't cut me off scrap me you're cutting don't cut jaw off oh well that just no carl's car accident oh i was trying not to either no not again oh boy i gotta uh i gotta run i'm running hey wait what are you doing hey what what is this i don't even know what happens remember that walk remember that walk remember that walk yeah what are you talking about what the the cow spawn the cow spawn that's what he's talking about yeah you remember that i can't even like hit myself forward all right there we go there we go all right now i just gotta get nice and slow i'm sorry hurry up bouncy time bouncy time no khan's the host it should be us versus him not us versus each other john well you you started it i did it wasn't on purpose it was accidental oh that's what people that started to say oh i'm just teetering i'm teetering on the edge here uh-oh what is khan doing i'm stuck i'll put don't don't con just stay there i'll push you i'll be fine i'm gonna i'm just gonna i gotta comment with the hammer i got it i got i would have okay trust me no i don't i didn't trust you at all no i did not no you're right man man uh did he almost made it out no he did not i think i gotta walk myself up here is john gonna make it and oh yeah no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop jump out i can't wait it never left it never left it's still going it's still going it's going up the hill it's going up almost oh my god that was so close that was so close all right here we go let's get in i'm just breaking a lot i feel like if i go slower this whole experience is just much more pleasant the faster you go it just gets more terrifying oh oh man my vehicle uh likes this all right i'll let you through i'll kind of put my vehicle down in front of you but out of reason we would do anything like that for you i just flipped it away [Laughter] that was like a great video game death sound oh no no not me too [Music] oh my god my vehicle i'm coming down with you did you guys just did you guys both just fall i'm just gonna i'm stop here hold on what the heck just happened oh my vehicle bounced so high why don't you guys just share a lift back up why you know just be a good guy just share a share of flight sure um oh yeah can i put a seat can i put a seat on you john yeah oh you're already oh you're sorry you're already halfway up yeah john's not john's not taking any prisoners this round thanks thanks i thought i i i believed i believed you john you should you should that's what life's about believing you guys both built brakes right like you did put brakes still brakes and i put my brakes down it just was not enough the problem was i spun out and then went off the course oh i see and and then mine like would flip me okay so that's right here comes scrat man john all right well look i thought wait what i'm gonna do scrap man is i'm gonna wait for you to come back oh really oh really yeah all right all right you want this to be a head-to-head then huh it probably won't be but the khan already finished no i'm waiting at the next flat part oh i i got out of my vehicle and just i'm taking it right now good talking about it don't be about it taking a look here john looks like he's already going are you moving johnny yeah he uh he lied about waiting yeah he's going waiting for me here comes scratch between okay i'm gonna get going now too because i don't want to give up all this leave right here um let's just get out of here before all right here we go here we go this corner it's about 6 million don't put john who puts a forest in the middle of a road i mean really well now there's rock pillars in the middle of the road too i mean that's understandable but before it is all right i just got to go slow like i just got to use the brakes constantly and we're good man the turning feels so like crap crap crap crap randomly hold control control oh no i looked back and i hit a rock whoa whoa judge whoa i'm stuck that was awesome i turned around i just saw you i have way too much speed i don't trust my breakthrough no no okay oh okay okay no no no all right all right i might have waited too long john i might have thrown away first place here i don't don't worry i will give you many opportunities to regain first place this is what i'm hoping that's what i'm hoping inevitable hi khan what's up thanks for waiting no problem i'm glad i'm i'm in a nice clean last place now hello john no hey bye john ow ow no no okay um john made it there we go have a nice time sideways i can't really work with this all right i made it oh my character is walking sideways right no come back vehicle made it come let me get it nice smooth jump here slow down nice jump here okay i'm good i'm good all right i'm good my vehicle takes these jumps really well for some reason i'm just rolling forward i'm okay it'll be quicker than doing oh no oh perfect there we go i am i'm not taking these jumps that great yeah i take them really well they're just i'm flipping over i just looked over myself so you're good all right here we go oh wait i'll wait for you no my i'm having such a hard time getting in my vehicle after i put it down and it starts rolling you're gonna break a little bit there we go it was kind of hard to enter and stuff like that didn't you like protect it or something i mean i have a side slot but i keep missing all right all right all right all right whoa whoa whoa whoa i almost just drifted off the course all right holy now let's go let's go let's go go go all right i'm right behind you john i don't know if i'm almost here through this i'm just gonna go full speed and hope for the best i am too right now oh boy ow ow oh that was fine i just needed to slow down a little bit and the tree was the best way to do that that sounds like a plan bye john bye you have a good one all right i'm on the final stretch boys final stretch just got to take the jumps without dying oh my god so much speed man whoa whoa i jumped to the finish line i jumped over i knocked the finish line down what all right did you not put that was it all welded it wasn't welded wait i did weld it i knocked it over oh that was a great job that wasn't amazing i [Music] this is the most anticlimactic ending for me here we go i'm coming i'm on the final stretch i had a flip down i moved the lift i'm moving where's the fireworks are there fireworks no there's a knocked over finish slide tumbling [Laughter] oh my god that was for the highlights right there that was for the highlight oh my god like that that was amazing what a race i can't believe i knocked the finish line over someone didn't put it up it was just like it was just understand i welded it i've been noticing in survival the stuff will break too yeah it wasn't welded i hit the top of the finish line like i was i jumped from that middle jump almost over the finish and it knocked it over so i mean i don't know how that works i mean it's not like a the marathon where you break the tape man you're supposed to go through it apparently all right let us know what you guys want to see in future multiplayer mondays yup and uh we'll see you in the next [Music] video you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 95,213
Rating: 4.9070907 out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic kan, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic soapbox, scrap mechanic gravity race, scrap mechanic downhill race, scrap mechanic downhill, scrap mechanic unpowered, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic gravity, scrap mechanic gravity racing
Id: Ozc3AeLRnVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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