Precision Glider Bombing Team Battle! (Trailmakers Multiplayer Gameplay)

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to trail makers multiplayer and today we're doing something involving a big target as you can see big target and there's a plane here i see there's a yeah yes there's a plane with dynamite on the front here um so what we're going to be doing is this this demo is is going to be a demo of how the target works but not how the actual challenge works itself because we're going to be building two flying creations one is a plane like what you see here and then the other is a glider that has no thrust but has dynamite attached to it like you see here oh my god who attached the dynamite to space i it [Laughter] i'm going to take off and demonstrate yeah so we're doing it's a team challenge one person has to build a plane and that plane has to drop a glider and then the teammate has to guide the glider into the target as close to the center as possible and explode and whoever gets closest gets a point okay uh so me and mumbo are a team and cosmo on a team yeah aircraft carrier oh did you mention the altitude thing oh yeah uh we're gonna mention the altitude sensor thing so you can only drop your glider when you're above a certain altitude yeah above 500 whatever that is 500 500 vertical units vertical units depending on where we put the target and stuff but yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shiny [Music] shy [Music] [Applause] shining [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] memories [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] shiny [Music] all right did you guys build your glider bombers yes bomb gliders whoever's team adds up to the most points has to show first uh how do you how do you wait points uh that doesn't work uh hold on i don't know who maybe whoever's in first place first and i'm first either way we're first true all right all right it flies okay it's like a harmonica there's control surfaces you know all right wow i mean we could we could take off a lot of wings holy cow i know that's what i'm talking about look at all those wings we want to go fast it flies really quick i will say that all right like for 350 clicks yeah something like that 350. go all right drop a glider onto the uh onto the uh yeah try to land on us show us your control ability well we can just go straight out of cool yep so it just it just flies up um you're just gonna dive bomb i mean we could we're above 500. the whole purpose of the line hold on let's go to a thousand okay we're at a thousand now let's turn around i can't even see anymore see you i can't look up ready drop drop drop drop yeah we can't even see good demonstration guys running out of the field it is the dive bomb if i've ever seen one oh man i can't pull up i don't have enough power to pull up oh god i literally i mean oh wow you hit the runway quite the glider there cosmo very gliding i can't glide at that speed in the controls we kind of we kind of dive bombed that one we're not gonna actually dive bomb okay yeah sure okay all right you ready for ours yeah let's see yours oh wow look at all those wings there we go look at all those things yeah yeah we're actually we're relatively slow we only have three thrusters total oh but uh it's it's plenty enough as you can clearly see looks like a flying arrowhead almost yeah that's true yeah all right we're gonna go ahead and turn around and go here i'll help out there we go all right you ready moombo i'm ready show me i'm the boss are you even above 500 there no we haven't we i have my alternator set really low for now for demonstration that's weird that's really low nice look at that it didn't even blow away yeah that was a very uneventful all right you guys got your target yup yup target that's best of luck to you thank you thank you here we go and they're off this thing's so quick oh boy all right i'm gonna just try and do a nice clean straight run here i'm gonna just try to loop around first and then come back at it and gain the rest of the altitude on the way back okay that's an interesting strategy let's go with that we'll drop you on the way up yeah just make sure you leave me enough horizontal distances yeah like you should be dropping me like almost now all right you guys are really fake oh you guys are like you're like over there oh all right all right look at that that's fantastic did you hit like the edge edge well pretty much yeah you can see his center impact yeah impact is right up here right around the edge hey buddy hit the target nice we're going to hit the target yeah so we have to hit closer than that that's right quick take all right now we're back in altimeter is set to the appropriate setting okay all right anyway oh i see it there yeah it's right in front of your cockpit pretty much i can give you readouts if you need it yeah 200. it would be cool if you could have that stuff display on your 300 and having to look at the block like a hud yeah yeah 100 450. he is just going for the dive box 500 go all right there you go there you go honestly it looks like they went for the dive bomb moonbow's coming in similar angle to mine yeah do you think you're going to make that distance roomba oh you're good oh yeah i'm feeling confo dent are you feeling confident in your spelling i'm just going to die off it looks oh good he's coming in low i can't tell which which direction he's coming oh where are you oh there you are nice oh that's way sadder target nice moves awesome wow standing in there too that's so centered oh my goodness all right well one point for you guys yeah and i guess you guys can pick where the next target is all right switch uh make sure you switch who's driving yeah we did that's right all righty we're taking off all right hopefully good luck all right there we go beauty well this is going to be interesting yes it will a pretty small target when you're actually like up from the sky yeah it's very you can't even see it yeah it just disappears okay there's nowhere around here yeah at least there's a big landmark here all right just kind of go straight at it and then drop me yep okay straightening out and dropping oh boy there oh i see him now yeah all right all right all right all right got that control down you can do it bruising in oh yeah nice dude that's like the same distance that mumbo just got yeah i think actually yeah it's pretty close ready for takeoff yep there we go all right pulling up i'm like more it's way more nerve-wracking being in the glider it is oh and absolutely trust me all right i'll give you some readouts here yes please we're at 100 oh there they are 200 we need to go up yeah i'm just doing that executing the turn 300. 400 and 490 500 we're above good wherever you're ready wherever you're ready there we go all right 500 is now really high it is it is all up to mean that how you feeling scrap how's it feeling i'm nervous i don't see you feeling good though oh wow the target just came in on my screen he looks slow doesn't he look low this is because i feel very far yeah yeah he looks a little high yeah oh man oh boy oh man he's coming up quick coming in hot he's covered in hot oh no he's coming in hot oh right in the middle [Applause] adrenaline is pumping guys adrenaline isn't you're pretty much going to go under the archway but it's possible not to yeah there's a few options here right through this little top section yep got to get one here yeah i know but like i mean i put it so freaking close to middle they're like how am i supposed to go closer than that you know control it's just like oh ooh all right breaking it down for you just wait up i'm like oh there you are i'm going to line up straight with the entrance as best i can i like the trails of smoke oh man i'm so anxious all right 450 or 450. you got to go higher uh oh oh oh oh you're not all right we'll just we'll [Laughter] all right you ready yeah you're probably going to be below 500 again no no we're good we're good we're at like 550. okay all right all right here he comes oh boy little tiny let's jump for that man okay okay i see the target let's go let's go the target's even oh no oh no he easy does it oh no oh oh man all right mumbo you ready i'm ready all righty guys this one's all i love you i think this is too much i hope you screw up [Laughter] just smoke the top of the battlebot arena sign like don't even i know all right don't even bother hitting the target fashion here uh yeah i'm just climbing 250. don't mind us we're just standing on the ground yep yep just on the ground all right you guys keep the ground occupied yeah we're on the ground just use our names as a reference you'll be 500 you are lit all right i'm gonna give you plenty of room here okay all right you think this is good you think you got it from here yeah all right well there you go here it goes this i don't know about i'm not gonna go for that ring anymore though all right i'm gonna go beat you down there so i can watch i don't see them there we go casual i feel so quiet now you know peaceful it's peaceful up there it is it really is good luck mumbo just aim for our names moomoo you'll be fine our names are perfect yeah just right above our names you'll you'll hit the target yeah yeah you got this come on stall out you got this stall out nope go left a little left left left left you're gonna miss it yeah it didn't go up yeah that's called the best yeah i know you hit right in the center but it didn't blow up until the bottom for some reason so just like ours a little less you know better control yours is a little you know less good at blowing up i literally hit the button right there hey man if ours hits and it doesn't blow up then we'll also take the loss all right all right go mumbo go wait are we in the right speed [Laughter] teamwork all right give me the reading scrap all right you are at uh 200. okay all right i just remembered where we're going yeah oh yeah it's ridiculous 350 400 oh yeah i'm gonna try first person here or top of seat camera uh 500 you just hit 500. ready yep dropping there he comes oh boy there's an attachment let's go all right all right you feel kind of far away you can literally just see like a dot and then another dot i feel really far you'll be able to glide it i just yeah i think i dropped it in first person actually it looks like i'm don't have enough space but in third person i feel like i'm gonna make it i think it's just you're gonna want as much horizontal movement in this one as possible yeah so that's why i dropped you a little back there a little ways away i don't know here he comes he's dipping this this is going to be really tough guys he's different because you have to get over the first row he's going to hit the pillar it looks like he's right in the pillar i'm sweaty is he going to do this week oh man it looks good this is oh wow wow wow most of the inner rings rough that was that was nerve-wracking all right man just made it through the left four blocks on the inner ring that's it yeah crazy four blocks on the inner ring all right all right i really didn't know what i was going through those slaps i was like i have no idea what you're right first person too i was so it was like is my tail gonna hit i don't know what's happening it just worked you went right through it you didn't even touch it okay oh there they go all right you're at least you know if you come straight along the runway i think we'll be okay drop me right above those trees you know what i'm saying yeah okay i think that'll be a good spot because this is 500 here yeah i think that's good i'm gonna turn around line up all right yeah straight down this runway we're good we're good that's good enough i can i can adjust it remember with this right yep oh you got to go up up all right drop me all right here we come there it is the names have separated all right i'll make you feel most just [Laughter] all right here we go you can do it come on bro these slats are so tiny hit the bar there it is oh no so close did not make it to the side oh i made it through the bar but i hit the stupid top of the target ah well done though well done i'm surprised both of you guys made it through yeah dang it dang it dang it i pulled up too much i pulled up to go through the bar and i didn't release it and that was all right it's okay we can dive bomb do you want me to die bomb two from like 2 000 sure dude let's just go like ultra diverse let's do it we have nothing to lose yeah we're already down 31. i feel like we just risked it at this point okay here's 500 let's go a thousand oh my god let's go at least a thousand here we go we're going to line her up your names are gone i can't even see you guys all right it's the trailer 1 000. that's right i don't even dude we're going to dive so fast you're going to break the speed of sound and not be able to actually pull up it's going to be amazing it says max on the altimeter that's how you know you're at a good spot let's do it i can't see you guys i'm just looking at a blue we are doing 400 kilometers an hour oh my goodness oh my goodness there they come how fast are you going cosmo yeah what's the speed reading on that here we go 250 250. i died just to see you fly over the target they were like deadlined up to it oh man it's just it's so glitchy at that speed all right mumbo you guys got it targeted you ready for this yeah let's just let's not try and switch up the game here scrap let's just so disappointed all right all right all right well here we go all right easy target didn't even have to replace only makes it four once we still have a chance the cool thing about four for our first person was uh i could see the altimeter right in my view oh yeah all right but yeah i wouldn't recommend first person for this i'm not going to all right 200 all right 300 400 and we are now at 500. all right oh boy i'm trying to level off here yeah that's okay all right ready yep go for it there you go oh i'm talking we're stuck stuck they're stuck on me oh maybe don't mess up too this is good technical difficulties oh wait no we're slowly getting loose slowly getting loose technical differences usually uh i'm trying mobo's just like i don't want to die wiggle wiggle your control surfaces i am okay there we go can you make it how can you make it perfect if we actually get this after all of that right you probably will too that's the worst part it's slow enough that yeah and they're high enough all right look at that still get it nice recovery nice recovery you just gotta hit the target recovery oh yeah all right right in the target four to one four to one all right here it is guys oh man all right if we uh if we beat you on this one we win that's right you're not going to beat us on this one so it's fine okay exactly we got this all right good luck yeah it's gonna be a legendary all right you're at uh 200 yep three five the target's the other way though i just want to point that out teamwork good communication yeah just just you know all right drop away sir there we go thank you all right perfect the bomber has separated coming at an angle look at this angle my little fledgling fly about that it's not that angle no don't let cosmo distract you yeah it wasn't distracting oh oh oh my god damage though that's your damage it didn't explode i still hit him the two red blocks at the top is your that's really it didn't explode i can't believe that yeah we both get one now so we just our explosion mumbo just has to go deeper in than those two blocks let's leave that target there oh yeah we could just leave that one there oh look at that yeah what do you know it's still the same it's still the same it literally didn't go any higher yeah all right target's still there yeah it is perfect we're going to take off just like that beautiful i can't believe the bomb died how does that even happen i know how does it tell me about it it happened to us i know how does it work this game all right 320 350. 400. watch their bomb not blow up either and they don't do damage to the target wouldn't that be great are you ready i'm ready when you are and dropping all right you're pretty good again you got loads of time to uh i think yeah you get your scrap man you get more points if you land on the aircraft yeah it looks cool you just come and skim the aircraft you know yeah we just got a call from the game commission they said if you don't hit it yeah automatically you know you'll be fine okay all right i'll try to land it right in the middle actually that was really nice yeah i had a nice little landing there oh it looks like the target blew up man that's a good glider mumbo thank you you built a good plane scrap man thank you you built a good bomber con cosmo we lost yeah that's the only one nothing to say about the glider on that one exactly we lost we were doing so good until we didn't do good at all oh my goodness oh boy okay it was still doing well dude we could still fly with half a player still flying look at this wow don't even need the whole plane you guys are clear you guys you know you guys were really that was good it was fun that was a good challenge yeah it was all right well uh let us know what you guys want to see for future trail makers challenges this was a fun one yeah it was good all right and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 196,168
Rating: 4.9289699 out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, trailmakers, trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers challenge, trailmakers battle, trailmakers glider, trailmakers bomber, trailmakers plane, trailmakers plane battle, trailmakers target, trailmakers multiplayer challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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