Multiplayer Downhill Soap Box Derby Racing! (Scrap Mechanic #253)

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these pipes man these pipes are so bad and then those pipes scram bringing you another episode of multiplayer monday and scrub mechanic once again with comodo gaming and con hello and today we are doing the soapbox race down to these crazy crazy obstacle courses that Kahn has built which are very there's a student what why did you do this Kahn there's trees well actually you know why there's a reason Red Bull has been doing this soapbox marathon on their Red Bull website for some reasons so they've been doing this crazy soapbox marathon and I've just I really wanted to do a soapbox race they don't already don't do it like okay no there's there's no better this is wait waited waited way to sell us up there come well you know I just I want to keep the expectations expectations in reality really close you know it's you know not air raises its soapbox race yeah so we have to basically build a vehicle that is within 16 by 16 and no thrusters no glitches and no propulsion it is completely gravity working you have to let the track take your vehicle down and all you can do is steer that's all you can do just steer yeah and there's an example of that except it's definitely not the 16 by 16 requirement so for the intro we got to get down to the bottom to get at order oh oh oh boy red zone course preview brought to you by GoPro you're back in the ball oh no you're back what oh boy oh there's tree stuck in the tree again yeah weird I somehow stayed in all right I don't know how that happened I'm gonna get out here yeah so good luck okay well hold on let's go down let's go down the rest of the course cuz I think we're still a bunch of course left bleep this let's delete this yeah we got that okay all right so we got some trees so your vehicle can't be too wide cuz you're gonna be able to get through these trees and stuff well I'm sliding no you guys look like they're kind of skipping we have more trees with these little things look back here these have collisions do pretty these small ones don't worry about this it's the small ones don't but the valves I'm not worried about we're not gonna make it that far so it's this okay and and we're thinking that we definitely want suspension to get over those crazy amount of pipes at the beginning and something just slow you down is probably going to be useful I fell off the course I how did you fall off the bike at was doing something and I looked back and then there's always always huh yeah sure sure sure so yeah are you ready to build yeah we got our garages my hundred timers we've got wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay already pressed a button that's my button con and I put my lift down I don't put my left down okay I'm ready breath button just the extra lift time does the time of take I'm gonna go down okay fine I'm holding the bike you're not you're the only one not helping the Moto you're not contributing tomorrow is the timer going I'm desperate [Music] oh boy what's your pleasure [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I guess I go personal Oh Heidi come on but our first move boys first guys let's look at moombas creation first all right it's go see it he's sent to me it's very important guys ready oh here's this creation limbo whoa I know yeah it's gonna work Wow it's gonna work so much better than anyone elses like it goes up and it goes down whoa whoa whoa it Maggie okay it's your turn tomorrow I build oh shoot whoa oh it's a shoe it is a shoe he's got laces that's so good pretty cool I guess why'd you why don't you why don't you build a bird or what why a shoe why issue that was a soap box derby not about a shoe that's actually really a you got your brakes yeah that's good looks great how does your brain work D turns okay the steering bearing was those are your brakes okay yeah that's it I mean it just rolled down hitting oh we're doing all right it looks good it looks good yeah that does look good I really like the the-- big the chute theme is really well done does yeah I'm waiting on the theme thing here okay thanks my I don't I don't really I mean I kind of have a theme but not really my themes just live just con it's just gone because it's Wow oh but safety first so it doesn't really it doesn't really line up it's like slightly off I can't get it perfect why I mean I probably could but I was trying to I don't know yeah probably several minutes on that I spent I spent way too much time on that but yeah all right so let me show you how's your turning work okay just turn your brakes yeah Bri um you know okay they they both built down on the controller and then they pitch down right yep I see I see all right that's it cool cool seems like it'll work I don't I don't know I haven't tested it any good looks good now that's good good all right all right what do you got scrub in graeme what do you get I feel like he's is gonna be this massive Masri for mine right ready for mine is it big not really what is it oh it's six minutes race car ugly it's got always got the cupholder you patented scrap man cup holding yep device yeah got six wheels just cuz some of those pipes were a little bit we're a little bit uh tall there so I don't want to bottom out in my middle oh and front wheel steering the one at six build creation you didn't want to do no your back wheel steering like four-wheel steering its way too much so I think front wheel will allow me the fine tuning much more easy your best things good easier you know what yeah you screwed up a scrap man I'm gonna show you what you did look at your brake like now if you hook your brake lights up now hit your brakes see isn't that isn't that better [Music] [Laughter] I was just like look at his character it's like yeah let's go race okay we running to the time not right first one on the top is the first one at the top oh right are you guys ready to we'll race down at this terrifying steep hill yep I'm ready remember you ready all right boo-boo alright I'm about yeah okay ready yeah let's all give him Bo a ball over here I think it's gonna win guys you think it's gonna win I think the trees aren't gonna stop it the way the big ball is you're the tree in the middle yeah in the middle but I don't think I think it'll just hit it and roll off of it and then keep going I don't know I don't know I think it's gonna fly out do you think it's gonna help me distract you know I'm gonna be like wanting to watch the ball who knows maybe the body I'm furthest from it it's gonna be harder who are we agreeing that the ball counts towards the like top yep if we could pay attention the ball counts okay but we have three rounds and we are allowing an adjustment period between each round so you can actually add and tweak things on your vehicle between rounds to try to optimize its performance which started on the course can we reset our vehicle on a lift I don't know we're still on the track uncle the balls gonna pass me what's rule sure sure sure sure yeah yeah all right I have to get back in it though yeah you know I can't get the ball just know you're at the bottom it fell through at the crack it made it it did it really oh yeah back in and all right we're good making that it's gone oh boy oh god oh god oh my goodness yeah you know I think I've been a lot better if I would not have used the brakes on my I love you make it I did I Megan I fell off I mean it well it looks like so Khan gets a point for that round yeah I mean technically make it all the way to the end yeah I did I I almost fell off halfway through my vehicle was hanging on you see side and then I got off on on the lift and my vehicle is permanently turning to the left like let go there I fixed okay now you picked it okay all right no I'm doing no brakes this time that's my adjustment I think no brakes this time too okay speed you guys ready for round two not everybody but you know all right here we go started the timer safety first first first first oh boy all right here goes oh my god these pipes man these pipes are so bad scrappy he's got to make it to the bottom to win she's gotta make it hold on hold on hold on hold on you passed the wrong hold on Oh my god yes I got this here he's funny always bad horse oh go back oh you didn't ask rabid well I made the farthest right oh yeah you did make the furthest now the ball made in the furthest wait where's no that was the old ball where's the new ball the first the first time the new ball didn't make it through so it's one point Cobb one point Bubo Bubo all right I want to make a modification my vehicle I'll get making a ball now all right team team ball and chain here guys no he's my permit king it's my permit of breaking system right family breaks switch breaking mechanism sort of a button breaking mechanism I think I'll make it much easier to to manage my steering and braking if I don't have to hold it actually hold on I'm gonna hold on are putting on ice what's it there we go now make it useless yeah no there's no bearings on it there's no bearings it'll just drag get me some grip team ball and chain guys here we go all right I'm hoping this is gonna slow me down it up I don't think it will all right oh I already talked sorry the timer Oh get it what your bollocks aids getting pushed me yes okay it's fine it's your baby brick it's working although it's on like it's riding on the ball and chain grip is breaks cribs nobody working great I feel stable Oh scram it hit something yeah I'm stuck on a tree I gotta put myself back up here no I can't get back up okay come here guys I got to deliver there we go guys they gonna deliver I'm stuck well just get out on your lift put it back down and try and okay I'm gonna use brakes and the ball and chain there was no way to get out flying off the comodo just fall yeah oh man the brakes and the ball and chain is working look at this I'm nice I'm still up here oh my gracious oh this is quite a new one but I'm gonna but to win kimono right here look at this doesn't matter I want the pride of going down this no that's true oh I can't even see the jumps are you going off of yet launch a boat or good ball still here oh wait mine's going without me pick it back up there guys wait wait Oh guys guys I screwed up we screwed up what did we not put the ball down we didn't spawn a moonbow is ball oh we gotta redo it go tonight it you buy no come on come on moto you can do it although this round doesn't count because we forgot lubos ball no no scrap Mian do you know what happened I fell through the map and I fell to the the skybox and I land it back on the ramp alright there we go alright we're all in chain 2.0 ready for around that actually counts boys this could be the final round actually this is the final row you know technically it is the final round all didn't line up never line it well well it might not be the round if I wind this one sort of comodo wins we have a three-way tie or komodo wins currently it's tied between me and moon boats ball so uh the button here we go 5 second timer everybody's lined up gonna get in the seat boy perverted bollard shade method oh no I'm stuck stuck in the concrete the ball is winning look at it go oh my goodness hey it just clears your pipes like it doesn't even care guys Leo the ball stuck on the tree no ball got her head stuck on a tree what just happened why my Pistons good stuff okay never mind you're good you're good where's captain is he dead I gotta move I gotta reset Oh guys I'm doing good I got stuck initially in the beginning but I'm doing good how am I supposed to jump into this thing fast enough the ball got stuck Komodo okay okay we're good we're good I just gotta recover oh kimonos done if I can I can't get in this thing okay hold I think mine I think I made it about this far to be honest with you there we go there we go where's the bullet come on come on ball and chain yeah I think it's so hard if you have to reset on the ramp Oh white wet it's instantly go huh Oh guys I can't cross the finish line I'll give it to him it's a tire do you get tired retire so minutes apart this it got stuck twice the ball got stuck on a tree Bremen did you have any points well it depends if you come limbo no no we're counting em oh no no no no points but he needs a friend pepper last ok boom bow beat us maybe the moon bow ball yeah it made it that one round and then Wellesley made it to round that was because I'm disappointed but I [Laughter] yeah seems perfect get it not hooking up the brakes just jump out and hit the brakes and yeah oh yeah the ball and chain it's right here yeah we're supposed to break when we don't need any of this stuff anymore pretty much yes yeah this is what winning looks like I think I should have heard her lesson I should have probably tested the course for steepness before I before I publish yeah why I built this and I didn't I didn't test it once I just said I look steep enough but I think it's a little it's a little aggressive we probably should have made it a little bit less but that was a good game make sure you guys comments suggestions for other multiplayer Monday Monday's I mean this is kind of a race but like not really because it's I don't know but I mean it was a race it was but it was like it was more racing against yourself but really isn't but it's a race yeah it's race okay well you know [Music]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 549,686
Rating: 4.8686156 out of 5
Keywords: scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic multiplayer race, scrap mechanic downhill race, scrap mechanic soapbox derby, scrap mechanic soapbox derby race, scrap mechanic derby race, scrap mechanic downhill racing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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