We Played KING OF THE HILL so I Built a Tank. (Trailmakers Multiplayer Gameplay)

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to trail makers of multiplayer and today we're playing a game mode that has existed for a long time but we've never actually played it before for I don't know what reason I really don't know why I never read this game never had as true never had friends finally got yeah now I finally got friends so this is dethrown and you see there's a crown in the middle here when you're in a vehicle if you get over here you can steal the crown and your goal is to keep the crown for a total of a minute and 40 seconds but anytime somebody hits you or destroys you they can steal the crown from you and rack up their time so whoever gets bent in 40 seconds first wins that round and the first to win three rounds wins the entire game of a throne it's like king of the hill it's awesome we put our own restriction of a 300 block limits unlimited power cores and no air or hover vehicles you have to have a ground-based vehicle with a single cannon allowed only right and I think that's pretty much it do we die in the water I'm just just checking no all right build when you're ready and stop when you're finished that's how the building works all right let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys did you build your battle of tank D frontiers wait way we're supposed to build tanks whatever you want on a cannon and drive we are back and it much yeah is that I mean I guess I was first on the ladder so I guess I'll go for it looks like it's got a face look at the face on the front it's like I'm gonna get you holy cow so it's it's basically like a desert buggy it's got four dragon engines it's got four little thruster that will suspension on the front cuz I wanted to have your steering rack or steering bearing whatever and of course I have my 360 turret make sure I pone you guys I'll go next I'm not I mean I never I didn't build a mean I build a tank you ever played twisted metal this is like yeah so I only do like 120 if I really really give it are you submersible as well no I'm not I'm definitely not but I got a turret I can rotate it and I can tip it up and then so yeah you just you literally built a tank I filled my tank I don't know I I thought that was the challenge point-blank probably not now he's just well he's so short hey so yeah I could just take it by touching it yeah that's true so this is mine how do I delete this oh it's like an armored car it killed me and I fell apart oh do you see that he's got an underwater capsule he's gonna drive underwater the little bugger yeah I have an underwater you see in here and I have a rotating - oh I forgot to set the speed on that that is so fast rotation at all that time I like that I jump on that I can't jump on that way there we go okay that's okay we're all about 200 meters away from the crown to start off with is everybody ready yeah all right here we go in three two one begin so much for the crown no no no go away go away go away yes you missed you missed no no no perfect look at it all by himself now yeah tens this is a really intense before where's he going okay did you get him Wow Cosmo killed himself really and although my started in the mud what is this the worst part is if you repair while claiming it it resets your claim progress yeah completely well he's got the crown I do I do good to go yeah I don't have I don't have easy controllability in this thing oh no come on let's get the 30 seconds with full time full time come on man I'm so bouncy I need to adjust my suspension yeah I need a stiff and mine up too it's a little bit bouncy as well but I cannot turn I have ability full 30 seconds not the full 30 seconds oh man he just got a huge boost oh just you know I'm gonna repair there you go for that you repaired through I sure did you see just like bump comes in just destroys II oh my gosh so close scrappy we got to work together I know yeah you're in the lead Belle I am oh because I can't even catch him he's so long best like I I can't like I can't turn what I'm going fast it's just I can't turn my vehicle at all really this is unfortunate 30 seconds yeah my god I can't turn either when I'm going too quick it's like just I'm doing so I started off okay and now like way in the rear dang it I knew that was good I knew it he got a you got to move when you're doing it oh so good you're like the perfect height your cannon is such a perfect plate for hitting high he's so quick he's a little bugger like I should've just made a jeep seem alright straight start turning I just can't straight now this is bad I need to adjust that to this round yes something oh you know it is foul it's hard to hit somebody when you're in a tank like like timing you can exhaust when you're all moving her like a hundred kilometers an hour or whatever 200 Cosmo Cosmo just hit him no I'm in the water whoa I'm just trying to get out of the water my stupid wife dad I hate you it's like no way alright fine come on come on no you know I'm sticking with it I'm stuck but I don't even mean to go down here interesting interesting okay okay okay I am the second place now oh look at I hit my steep survived my life right now yes I can't believe that works I can't believe that your seats taken trying to do that No guys guys there's an easy way to go - oh dang it Wow my mouth how did that work oh my god it's so tough Wow no not yet Kahn's getting the crown how is that possible oh it's so fat my tank is so fat I made the biggest target I thought it would survive Oh get back here all right here we go we do some vehicle modification between rounds my seats the only thing last day in control this day and I'm just going so gently right now because I cannot turn oh no I was trying to catch up with me oh no I'm taking it back I got it back when I have only three wheels oh no scrap is gonna win this gosh you did - wow what a guy I can't believe that this game-mode is awesome all right we've all been have something modifications to our vehicle you ready for round two yeah you I got some speed guys I got speed now I'll be a fast time I think I have directional stability added some powered tailfins on my car so I'm doing that well go in three two one dethrone the farthest away from it through the wall of respawning yeah batang oh no just died where's the crowd oh wait I am so stuck right now how is this happening Oh block or not I can't get my vehicle off of this pole there we go c'mere Cosmo I'm coming for your Cosmo are you guys all right I had the cut off that's why kids you all right my tail fins definitely preventing me from spinning out there so that's good oh man it is so drill he's gonna get it yeah I'm stuck in the mine I forgot it's slide so much he's just gonna get another free one oh we might just give him this round to be honest okay good he's off it I needed to make my cannon faster now yes it's still got it somehow I haven't gone Boyd I don't let this drift man the water weight doesn't stay down there okay well I'm gonna go get it guys I don't I can't I can't even wait what can i backspace backspace respawn works okay I'm gonna get it off you I'm the only one well what would happen if nobody had underwater vehicles I don't know I'm gonna like get it under the water oh that not kill you no it just broke me in half oh my god I'm just gonna wait money spawn orbit oh you've just got me now it's still under water so I can get it again wow dude ah what how does it not be someone I don't know but don't worry don't worry guys I'll get it oh come on Holly can we win applause for Cosmo what oh no it just responds wait oh just if it stays unclaimed for a second yeah this yeah that's got to be in one oh you're just waiting for me to get it aren't you no I was trying to hear my damn man yeah but I couldn't I dodged if I could I just ran you over you don't even exist Oh whatever you exist oh dude check this out you didn't fully kill me what my seat is still alive here I am outta here oh wow Cosmo just took me out instead of whooping man what a guy all these geeks this guy with his geeks I'm just waiting at the mazey you're trying to come after me just well you're too fast eh it's gonna be spawn that I'm just gonna go like this Wow fight when I'm in the spirit yeah I'm coming for you bye leave me alone please I'm 40 oh god I lost two wheels of that Oh God on that bridge I'm pretty good too really Oh what I couldn't steer Oh Oh No one all right here we go hold there we go pull oh man oh man I can't make this turn for somebody who's got the lung is controllable vehicle I know right he's like might be able sucks guys predictable Oh kamikaze run oh yeah yeah hey as long as I'm not getting time I guess that's good huh I guess so yeah Wow one hit one hit man but I thought building a tank would have been a good idea but oh it just respawned me right here they needed Wow yeah I would've thought building a tank would have been good but apparently it doesn't help at all all right 26 seconds okay bike on waiting me get the crown out man what the hell both of you guys well I just fell apart - what the heck why - I just hit a cactus oh no and I don't respect the water oh my god I built the worst tank for scrap and I just don't know I'm too far away excellent hold on I'll just I'll just head over here good I'll repair myself a little bit closer not gonna worry it's working it's working it's working I know hey now all you guys gonna do is keep me away from the crowds don't just don't hit me Cosmo I'm gonna keep shooting and that that crowd so if he tries to get it all right it's just gonna blow him up barely just kill myself whenever he just killed me Oh Avery spawned anyway Oh No I can't get on this platform no no oh of course he's got it now yeah but I mean I'm like the worst at this apparently so like guys are running away is what I'm doing I know I know yes you can't get our dog Daggett or a joke that didn't work thrown scrap man has put on the crowns Khan has described man's got it Oh two wins in a row guy I shouldn't I shouldn't have built a tank I shouldn't I can't I just put a cannon on the front of the battle boss I feel like that's it's better at this boy okay round three if I win this one I win flawless victory guys so I hope you guys made some good modifications my dad nothing I'm good all right all right well I added four-wheel steering so that's just about it and I guess we're ready to go let's go in three two one battle hey-hey-hey-hey right guys Cosmo cousin we gotta get scram man we got it we've got to kill him oh yes my god how did I get the crown with all the aah all those cans going around me Cosmo you gotta just you gotta just let yourself die so I can take the crown I am just a spawn being alleged oh I'm so fast now with small wheels it's so broken I didn't even change my engines I just have small wheels Cosmo Cosmo Wow my son I still have a candid on this it's fine all right I can't go like it come on why not there we go I was in the mud it keeps money me in the mud I can't like it any any traction all right here we go [Music] Oh Oh okay we're just gonna go backwards now I'll just waiting for the respawn yeah absolutely Oh that's the strategy beyond Cena Wow okay jars now it's mine Oh buddy I forgot you can bump people to take it that's [Music] hey guys leave me alone leave me alone please how did I not get you please just just just chill no no why would you spin yeah he does I help you oh no no no no I have my turn now swing around in your seat with your guns - we've gotta talk oh wow get back here No Oh No the small wheels did not make my vehicle better they made it worse you wanna hide subscribe plays like pub G the worst way it's just like I'm gonna camp in a building in the little corner the crowds back there it's on the hill wait Oh cuz you hit me I forgot yeah exactly go please go this is a close one look at our times oh wow I can't get up oh man I'm stuck I'm bottomed out right now I just gotta reset I can Louise Bronte Cosmo over again turn oh no no the traction the lack of traction get away that was awesome the cause was gonna get it though yes go thanks scrappy thanks already come get me I'm trying catch me if you can oh my god this slippery mud is the worst yeah it is when you spawn there yeah you just can't move I did same thing you did on following you oh I apparently just killed you yeah apparently didn't respond get out of here scram oh wait for these three seconds away scram in oh no no not the rock nothing rock oh my god my one wheel was like jammed up into the body oh oh I'm sorry Wow Wow I'm screwed yeah I got it back oh yeah yes thank you both of you guys I had it back oh come on all right come on precious time first guys gotta get all the time in the world got all the time in the world nice down here I seems peaceful place it oh no no how was that yours how you kept hitting each other I know but I thought I would've gonna hit you again oh thank you guys new submersible seeds well I mean scrappy I did it first wait I just exploded for no reason I shot you I was so confused I didn't see the bullet oh ah okay you guys just kill each other so how's it going guys just went silent grabbin we were in an intense battle they're grabbing stop shooting me stop diving bell is rolling by itself and it's still alive it was everybody there we go oh my god this this thing is the worst dude you went the wrong way I know I was on the mud I just want to get off the bus man you've got so much time right now he's in the 16 second 14 almost hit on to give it screaming so get up he's over there you go over there go get him Wow Wow I just went full speed is everybody dead he's not gonna get it he's he has it wait he's not gonna get 30 seconds so it's not enough time he might Wow Wow oh god gave me blessing through all right who's gonna get it here scribe man's the one cap in it all right I just like granola Cosmo oh no I don't have this maneuverability what is this my tank is garbage he's gonna he's gonna win look at him go oh no no way but you hope I'm getting there dude I made the worst vehicle this week I should have I should have just run the battle bus Wow what I'm not gonna say I have hundreds of hours more experience and you guys it was so bad and I think that's what made it great all along cuz you know it's what our flaws are what make us unique and come to learn through this video is you know everyone is just has their own you take it uh well GG and I was fun I learned I learned a bunch don't make a tank for a tank challenge that's that's a learned yeah don't make the tank we're challenged we'll make a battle car for a destruction movie we should do themed versions of this we have to be sippin type of vehicle like we should do like an air only like we have to have like a drone or something or like a flying vehicle of sorts or hovercraft only oh yeah hovercraft would be really good let's do a hovercraft let us know in the comments if that's what you want to see did you guys enjoy dethrone our first time trying it it was way more fun than I actually thought it was it was be cooler I thought so yeah let us know down in the comments below give a make sure to subscribe and Cosmo and me get back here you could also do this I just realized you don't even need weapons to do this you could do this with just actually smashing only because you can claim it if you hit each other right so that's oh no I'm dead again the battle bus guys yeah a smashing only one would be smashing epic dad joke what's up Wow okay [Laughter]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 245,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, trailmakers, trailmakers kan, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers dethrone, trailmakers king of the hill, trailmakers king, trailmakers tank, trailmakers challenge, trailmakers multiplayer challenge, trailmakers competition
Id: DvdDYc7bAh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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