Unnecessarily Big Pedals

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so I'm a really big guy I'm six foot six and people bring that to my attention when I'm in elevators all the time and today I'm gonna bring to your attention some unnecessarily big guitar pedals you might be asking what is an unnecessarily big pedal well it's a pedal that's unnecessarily big and to test this it's a pedal that needs to cover up most of my face candidate number 1 is the Gary Hurst doubler octave fuzz pedal this is from 1974 it's effectively a Fox tone machine you can turn the octave on and off it's fantastic it's beautiful it's made of white plastic that now looks like nicotine stained ceilings and I love it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up is an offering from the 1990s Rhys pin of the brand Danelectro it is the spring King spring reverb this is a pedal that's so big it actually allows you to put the spring mechanisms from a tube amp inside of it and it has a kick pad you can kick it with your foot or you can hit it with your severed hand either way it's amazing it is a real spring reverb in a pedal [Music] Jimi Hendrix guitar tech Roger mayor made pedals for Hendrix but he also has his own pedal line to this day next up is one of his creations the Roger Mayer mongoose in the UFO enclosure a lot of people like this enclosure I think it's cool its massive and this one's Barney purple so in my book it's a real way [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up is the love tone doppelganger from the 1990s this is an excellent phasor modulation tremolo pedal I love it it's massive and it sounds massive if you don't know about this brand check out the episode legend of love tome that's in the description below but right now just sit back and relax as I serenade you with warbly goodness why would you want a normal boss ds-1 and it's perfectly designed enclosure with normal footprint when you could have the boss pd-1 a giant ds1 that has a rocker foot switch it's a no-brainer you use the PD one and you throw some trash off your pedal board and make room for it [Music] [Music] next pedal I'm about to show you was gifted to me by the universes themselves it was handed down through fate irony and a little bit of luck maybe all of them I don't really know but I do know that as I walked into Wade's guitar shop in Milwaukee Wisconsin there was a rummage grab bucket in the front of the counter I reached down into it and with my eyes and my fingers I beheld this I recast Arion SCH one chorus from the 1980s it was put in a giant plane enclosure someone rubbed on a sticker of the original pedal and it's just stupid big but because of this pedal this was born the ghs emperor chorus and I'm forever grateful for this giant and unnecessarily big pedal and I hope you are too let us play [Music] [Music] 40-something years before my good friend Robert Keeley released his amazing 30 millisecond automatic double track pedal in a small normal pedal enclosure that fits handsomely on any pedal board Carl's grow in the UK released the ADT double tracker it's the size of a small animal it has 220 power which is super convenient for me and here in the USA and I have to use this 110 to 220 converter it's a lot it's a lot because this weighs like six pounds this weighs like nine pounds together it's basically like a pt 2 pedal board but you know it sounds good and maybe Robert you could make a giant version of this pedal because people just want a giant version of this pedal by people I mean me I just want the 1970s gave us some amazing things like the atari gaming system or the color sound dah platoon which is basically the same size as an entire gaming system it's awesome it's a little noisy but it's the size of a gaming system [Music] and now it's time for yr7 tzq battles so big I mean seriously they're so huge it's crazy it's big it's bad it's the boss GE ten graphic equalizer with remote foot switch why why would you ever want this it's giant attached cable very confusing and from New York City the electro harmonix graphic equalizer it's really big the sliders are huge but the power jack is the size of a flea and from Carl's burrow who come out of London it is the graphic EQ 10 apparently no one at Carl's bro knew how to do a small pedal we saw the ADT you see this and yet I just don't understand why are these pedals so big I've often pondered the meaning of life are there aliens and other galaxies well the Boston Celtics ever win the title again and why are nineteen seventy's EQ pedals so big we'll never know and tune in next week when we ask the question is it just me or 70s wah pedal is just way too ginormous I don't understand I just want to give some honorable mentions as we move on here and wrap this whole shebang up you have to throw in more electro harmonix pedals like the memory man when this was first released it was marketed as the first compact analog delay it was but it's still on fairly big in 2019 also there's this polish company and they have a phaser called small phaser yeah look at that switch it's like Pinocchio's nose and where would we be without the big muffuletta you haven't seen that video it's in the description below it just sounds better because it's a big muffuletta and no one's ever seen this but I did make a big black buffer it actually works it's ridiculous I don't even know why I made it not sure why I do half the things I do before we move on to record time I need to give this wah pedal board away for those of you who are not aware of this it's probably because you didn't wash that so-called world record pedal board and it's okay I forgive you but in that episode Josh helps Sweetwater and Rob Scallon set the world record for the largest pedal board ever made this is one of 34 boards that helped set that record and John Baker it's yours man check it out you're better than all your friends you have more Waze than anyone could ever hope for and let's go to record time that's it today's record time is brought to you by 1995's Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness by the Smashing Pumpkins this album is awesome it's two hours long it's 24 tracks deep it's a work of art I first heard of this record because I'd be over at my brother's house and MTV was constantly playing 1979 tonight tonight' bullet with butterfly wings pretty much all the singles were run in the ground but they're fantastic another cool part of this is Billy Corrigan said this is his attempt at giving Generation X an album like Pink Floyd with the wall gave to that generation so really really cool I'm gonna open it because I've had it for like a year and a half and it's a daunting task for me to open a record this big because I want to listen to it straight through I'm nervous nervous spins I have to listen to it today or I won't be able to sleep yeah in the comments below let me know what you think about this record and tell me about your favorite big album one with tons of songs I want to know all about it thanks so much for watching this episode I want to leave you with an episode suggestion from our JT show website you just go to the JT show calm and there's a little tab suggest an episode and that's just what happened here I printed it off I'm gonna read it to you it's fantastic hey since I'm your biggest fan you should do an episode where I'm the winner of your biggest fan contest where you fly me to your place and I get to hang out with you all day and jam it would be a stellar episode it would be a stellar episode but I don't know if that's possible some of you guys may have really good suggestions for episodes so go do that right now and also thanks to all of our patrons you're amazing there's a link in the description if you want to support this show and the archival of all this amazing peddle history go check that out and be a part you get exclusive videos and all kinds of stuff and things like this an exclusive giveaway of a 2012 JHS pedals testing board that was in our workshop that I found in the closet it's made of two by fours and wood and has circuits that are long discontinued like the warble Tron and bun runner and all American it's crazy it's almost useless it almost all works NIC jammed on it earlier it's a real collector's piece for that special person that wants something unnecessarily big it's so big I can't even fit it in this frame so I'm just gonna talk behind it but we're gonna give that away over at the patreon account with video I'm just gonna give it away I'm just gonna pick one of you guys that became a supporting member that's it hit like if you liked this episode subscribe to the channel hit that Bell icon again notifications of future episodes and having a necessarily awesomely big day bye bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 141,167
Rating: 4.9477124 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, Guitar, Guitar Pedals, Electric Guitar, Guitar Effects, Guitar Player, Guitar Playing, Pedal Demo, Guitar Demo, New Pedals, New Guitar Pedals, Josh Scott, Guitar Gear, Music Gear, Guitar Tones, Pedal Tones, Good Guitar Tone, Best Guitar Tone, Best Electric Guitar Tone, Analog Guitar Tone, Guitar Sounds, JHS Guitar Pedals, JHS VLOG, JHS Videos, The JHS Show, Music History, Music, Education, Effects
Id: 8uis9CYCaeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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