Unmanic - Overview of V. 0.1+

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hey everyone welcome back for another unraid video it's been a while since i've put out anything i hope everyone had a great summer and now that fall is in full swing we're going to be working on some new content today we're going to take another look at the latest update for unmanic which is now out of beta and currently in version 1.1 for those unfamiliar with unmanic it's a simple tool for optimizing your file library in its early stages unmanic used built-in features to process media in a set it and forget it manner it was designed to work out of the box so to speak but it didn't offer many options in the way of adjusting function or quality for more advanced users the later releases of the legacy unmanic versions allowed the installation of plugins to achieve more advanced functions for manipulating one's media library but was still built around the initial unmanic presets now in unmanic 1.0 plus it's been completely redesigned to solely employ the use of plugins for each specific task and i'm going to show you why this is so awesome unmanic is available to everyone for free which allows the use of up to five plugins simultaneously to still achieve basic use while subscribers obtain access to all of unmanic's plugins and uses today we're going to take a look at a fresh install and basic setup for video media if this sounds like something you're interested in stick around and let's get started [Music] okay so let's get straight into it i've already gone into community applications and queued up the unmanic container for download i already have an instance of unmanic running on this machine so for the purpose of this video i've appended the container name and app data path with test and i've changed the port numbers if you're installing unmanic for the first time or doing a clean new install you won't have to worry about any of this configuration is pretty easy and you'll notice there are some pre-filled paths for our movie and tv libraries we need to change both of these to our actual library paths like so so i'm going to backspace this just a little bit and i've got mine in media and movies i'll leave that there and then i'm gonna do the same thing for my tv path backspace that go down to media and tv tv right here the cache directory is also equally important to fill in if you have a large amount of ram you may choose to transcode your files to ram by using dev shim like so which will allocate 50 percent of the available ram on your system for unmanic to store temporary files this is advantageous for saving disk rights on an sst and i o overhead but if you have three files processing at 10 gigs apiece for a total of 30 gigs and you have only allocated 50 percent of your total 32 gigs of ram then you will see failures and unmanic if this is the case for you then one option is to make sure you only use this for smaller files like tv shows or reduce the number of workers from say three 10 gig movies at a time down to one 10 gig movie at a time however for most users the best option is to make a temporary share on our cash drive which typically has much more space readily available so let's do that now i'm going to open up a new tab under shares and i'm just going to hit add share and i'm just going to call this temp 1 now i don't have a cash drive designated on this test server but for everyone else you'll want to hit right here this drop down arrow and set this for cash pull only and then we're gonna hit add share then we can hit done close this window now over here for our temporary path we can backspace this and do our mnt [Music] user and then drop this down to temp one for users that would like to use hardware accelerated transcoding the instructions for each gpu type are here at the top and are really pretty straightforward i'm not going to go into that here now but just know the options there if you've enabled gpu use on other containers like plex or handbrake it's basically the same thing one last thing i would like to mention though is cpu constraint there are some instructions on how to enable this in the extra parameters section you can also pin certain cpu cores for the container to use in the advanced tab unmanic can be very resource hungry such is the nature of video transcoding so this is highly recommended here on the advanced tab i personally like to use the cpu shares option under extra parameters i'll leave a link in the description below where you can read more on how this works but basically i'm gonna allow unmanic to use my entire cpu at a hundred percent without contention so i'm gonna type dash dash cpu dash shares equals two with a value of two the real magic happens if another container requests cpu resources essentially this allows cpu resources to be shared between containers on a relative scale if you go this route and you're unhappy with performance of your other containers it's worth reading up on and trying different values but i've personally had really good luck using this value this will also apply to any specific course you may have the container pin to so now that we've got all our information plugged in let's go ahead and pull down the container now let's switch back over to our docker tab you can see unmanic tests right here up and running so let's right click the icon and hit web ui on the opening screen clearly we have a blank slate to start with as i said before unmanic now uses individual plugins to perform specific functions so before we install anything let's have a quick look around here we've got our pinning tasks which is our file queue our completed tasks and this area here where our workers will populate one nice new feature now is that individual workers can be paused and resumed individually or together so if i click that i can hit pause this worker or stop this particular file or on the main window here we can pause all or resume all as we need to now let's take a look at our settings by clicking here on the top left we can see our main dashboard tab our settings tab and our data panels tab which relies on the data panel's plugin that we'll install shortly we also have a login section for patreon subscribers if you remember before the free version allows the use of up to five plugins simultaneously while paid subscribers get full access to all the plugins when one considers the cost of a new hard drive you really can see the value in this subscription i'm going to show you all the available plugins but just cover today what i consider to be the core essentials to get us up and running so if we click on our settings tab we'll see the library worker and the plugins tabs remember our paths we mapped in the container were each library movies and library slash tv so if we leave the path just as the parent directory of library unmanic will process everything inside of that including our tv and movies folders of course we have the option to go down our file tree as far as we want for now i'm just going to leave this set to library the library scanner periodically scans for changes to the file system so i want to go ahead and turn this on and leave it set for the default once a day scan i'm also going to turn on the file monitor and i'm going to leave run scan on start disabled and i'm going to go ahead and disable follow sim links just as a precaution once we've made all the changes that we want we can hit the submit and move on to the workers tab i want to enable two workers meaning that i want unmanic to process two files at a time now 99 of users will not need to adjust this cache path as we already mapped it in our container settings earlier let's go ahead and hit submit there [Music] lastly the plugins tab for the sake of time i've already installed the five plugins that i consider to be essential for processing video media these are the audio encoder the file size metrics data panel which lets us see on a graph the changes in our files remux video which allows us to change the container of our video files strip all images streams from the file and our video encoder plugin out of these five there are two that you may need to change based on your use case i prefer my files to use aac codecs and i prefer to use cpu transcoding with the hevc video codec if you prefer ac3 audio for example well then you would want to install that plugin instead and if you prefer to use gpu transcoding you may want to download the nvidia nvenc plug-in or the intel vapi plug-in the data panel plug-in isn't necessarily essential but i love to be able to see how much space i've saved with unmanic on individual files and in aggregate the remux video files plugin changes the video container i.e the format of the file each different supported container format is available to select in this plugin i prefer the mp4 format lastly the strip image streams from the file plugin can save you lots of headaches with files that have embedded images as these images can often lead to failures when transcoding video especially if you prefer mp4s oftentimes a plugin will have specific settings to configure so let's take a quick look at the video encoder below is a detailed description of the plugin and its features and up here we have our settings tab this particular plugin allows us to input either our own ffmpeg commands if we want or we can adjust the built-in quality presets to our liking so if i wanted to increase the quality i would lower this crf number or i could raise the crf number if i wanted to reduce the quality and make it faster same for the quality preset here slower will result in better quality faster will result in a faster processing time we can also select our desired output container format here which is slightly redundant with the remux plugin however if the video stream of a file is not processed because say for example it's already in the desired codec meaning if the source is in hevc then the output will also be an hevc so this plugin will not run at all then the plugin will also not change the container so we would still need the remux plugin to change our container for us you'll also notice this little notification here at the bottom of the window each time we make a change unmanic pauses the current workers it's worth noting that changes made here in other plugins are now instantly applied to all the files in the queue but not the files that are currently being processed by the workers if we want to apply those changes to the current files then we need to terminate that worker or workers and re-add those files to the queue so i'm going to go ahead and set this to mp4 you'll notice also each time you make a change a little green notification window pops up that says the plugin settings have been changed so there's or saved so there's nothing that we have to submit each time we make us a change on our settings lastly we have our plugin flow when a worker is running it undergoes different phases a file test file processing post processing and post processing task marking plugin flow is largely subjective and dependent on what you want to achieve so if you begin to add more than five plugins you may find certain advantages to tweaking this flow for example the video trim plugin i want to run that before i transcode the video so that there is less to transcode if i'm gonna remove four minutes of credits from the end of all my movie files then i don't need to waste time and electricity transcoding those four minutes before i trim them off the file test phase basically checks the library files against the plugin criteria that we have enabled so if the file doesn't meet one or more of criteria then it will be added to the queue for that change to be made this order is less crucial in this example but that may change for certain plugins depending on what you have enabled for the processing phase it makes no difference where the data panel plug-in is in the order so i just have it here at the top to change the order of the plugins just tap and drag here on the right side then the first thing i want to happen is to strip any image streams from the file if applicable to minimize transcoding errors then i want the audio transcoder to run first since it will be faster again if there's a failure with the audio at least i won't have wasted time first transcoding the video which takes the longest then i have the video encoder plugin set to run and this will also change the container output format if it transcodes the video but as i mentioned earlier if i have for example an mkv file that's already has the hevc codec this plugin won't run which is why lastly i have the remux video plugin that will catch these files and change them over to mp4 format for me right now we don't have any plug-ins that'll run post-process file movements like the mover plug-in would and the only plug-in that runs in the post-processor phase currently is the data panel plug-in so there's nothing to adjust here there are others in the unmanic plugin repo that you'll find will show up here like the plex notification plugin so now that we have this all set the way we want we can hit this back arrow let's close out this little notification here and hit our home button now we're ready to initialize a file scan so for on the pinning task window i'm going to hit show more and under options i'll hit rescan library now now you can see down here in the bottom left the file scanner is running let's close this and we can see our cue begin to take shape here now of course these workers are still paused so under options i'm going to hit resume all workers worker has been resumed and we'll see these files begin to populate into the workers here we're able to see what runner we have running at the moment this one is being re-encoded with aac audio if we hit show more we can see a few more details about what exactly is happening at that specific time it'll give us an estimated time to completion and again we're able to pause or terminate the worker so once these files finish being processed they'll show up here in the completed tasks view so now that these have had some time to run we've got our files in our completed task view let's hit show more and then we're able to take a look at the details of that file so in this example you can see the runner that ran the aac encoder so the input audio was a ac3 right here so we can see on the stream mapping that it was going from ac3 to aac which is exactly what we want then if we scroll down to the next the log for the next runner oh so that means since there were no other runners that were logged on here that means it was the only runner that ran in and that would make sense because our input was already in hevc which is exactly what we wanted and it was already in mp4 format so the only thing that had to run on this particular file was the audio encoder to change it from ac3 to aac [Music] let's take a look at this one right here that's in mkv format and we can see the remux plug-in ran and it did exactly what it was supposed to do because the input video was already in hevc which is the codec that we want and the audio was already in aac which was the audio codec that we want but we wanted it to be an mp4 format so we can see it copied the audio and the video and changed the container so let's close out of that real quick have a quick look at our data panels i don't think we're going to see a lot based on these few files right here yeah see all those files were already in hevc codec which is the higher compression which is why i choose to to use it so we don't see a lot of space saving here but typically a lot of the new media that one might get is in the old x264 codec and we're going for the 265 coding so one last thing that i want to show you to wrap up this video is the plugin repo so if we go back to our settings and then go to plugins at the top left here you'll see add new and this is the official unmanic repository that has all the different plugins listed inside of it now you do have the option to add a repository a third-party repository here's the repository list for those if you do add those there is a developer repository that most people probably won't need but if you're wanting to try out plugins that might be in beta or something like that that aren't ready for an official release you can get on the the discord server for unmanic or somewhere in the forums and find that so we can do a quick refresh here if it's been a couple of days since the last time we logged in this will let us know over here on the right hand side if our plugins are up to date or not and as you browse through here you can see there are quite a few plugins that make them worthwhile like being able to remove all the subtitle streams from your files reject a file if it turns out larger than the original path ignore if you have a file path within your directory tree that you want to leave alone you can add that here there's a custom external post processor script where you can add in your own scripts to run on your media after you have after you process them here's our video trim plug-in another really handy one is this remove image subtitle streams here's the notify plex ignore files over size you can remove audio streams based on language if you've got a file that has italian and french and english and spanish and whatever else may be on there if you just need one then this is a great plugin to have right here and probably my most recent favorite edition is this one right here skip tv commercials in your tv show it's com skip that's basically what it is especially for people that like to record tv shows over the air now this is a great way to get rid of those commercials it also has com chap built into it so you can add chapters to your files using this plugin right here it's something a lot of people may not know about but it does have the capability i'm not going to go into that here now but especially since commskip was recently removed from community applications and unraid this is a great little addition and probably my personal favorite plugin is this one right here normalize aac audio streams i run this one myself on all of my media if you've ever been watching a movie on plex and you notice that you have to on one movie turn it up really loud to hear the quiet scenes and then you know an explosion happens or something like that and then you have to turn it down really fast so you don't wake the kids or whatever this fixes all of that and it's one of my favorite plugins whenever you download this it comes with some information on how to adjust those settings and i'll go over this in more detail later on in another video but just know that the the capability is there and the the plug-in repo is ever expanding and who knows maybe you have a great idea for a plug-in you can always pitch that into the the discord or the forums and see what happens but the new plug-in system for all of these is really an incredible leap forward from the old unmanic version all right well that's going to do it for this video i hope everyone here was able to find something useful out of it there's still a lot more to cover for unmanic as far as the nuances of the capabilities and the plugins that you can do for your media we're gonna have some more content coming up over the next couple of months that covers some of that in detail if you're new to the channel please don't forget to like and subscribe and until next time have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Cpt. Chaz
Views: 1,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unraid, unmanic, media server, plex, ffmpeg, handbrake, tdarr, movie, conversion, file conversion, NAS, video compression, x265, x264, hevc
Id: 8_t_DJ6azkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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