Cloudflare: A Complete Guide, Features & Walkthrough (2021)

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Great walk through/explanation of all of the cloudflare tabs/settings. Easy to understand and follow along!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheRealDickensCider 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi guys and welcome back to  another hebrew corp video   as usual absolute pleasure to have you with us  today thank you for joining in today's video we're   going to be going through every cloudflare setting  and explaining what it does and how it works we're   going to show you optimal setting builds and  different use cases for your setup that might   be relevant and different ideas you might have as  to how you want to implement your infrastructure   while using cloudflare so if you're experienced  with cloudflare and you want to learn a little bit   more or you're a beginner and want to get started  always had an idea of using cloudflare or you have   absolutely no idea what it is this is a video for  you so without further ado let's get stuck into it so guys welcome back to another video this  week absolute pleasure to have you thank you   very much for joining us um thank you as well to  those who have liked and subscribed to our videos   really appreciate it i appreciate every single  one of our subscribers or over 5000 now which is   fantastic and i hope we keep that momentum going  by bringing more and more content out to yourself   and to others like you who might be interested  so if you really do enjoy our videos please   don't forget to do all the usual stuff we really  appreciate it also thank you to those who support   us financially on our website by signing up with  a membership on so guys today's video   is going to cover the settings in cloudflare  and we're going to show you a couple of things   that we've learned along the way things that you  learned from experience using cloudflare for such   a long time and of course things that we learned  from other community members who use it as well   what we won't be showing you is how to set  up cloudflare or connect it to your website   that's because we've already done that in our  previous cloudflare video which you can find   on our channel i'll also put the link down  in the description below for you as well   so this is more if you've already set it up  you've got it working and you just want to   start going through all the settings and trying  to understand what they are a little bit more   in-depth if you will something we didn't cover in  too much detail when we first created the video   so with that assumption out of the way let's get  started so here we are on one of our domains that   we've purchased and as you can see we've already  set everything up we haven't really we don't get   much traffic on this website so i wouldn't pay  attention to the analytics too much but this is   the main page that you land on once you pick your  domain after you've connected it with cloudflare   i've also got dark mode on for you guys so you  might notice some things might look a bit off like   these graphs that's because of the dark mode we're  using dark reader extension otherwise it's usually   a very white page so straight off the bat here's a  couple of things you're going to notice real quick   one is unique visitors total requests the percent  cached the data served and the data cached as well   most of them will translate very close to each  other but this basically gives you analytics   directly from your dns so you don't even have to  set up google analytics if you don't want to you   can still get some decent analytics here directly  from cloudflare then on the right-hand side we've   got some options so if you wanted to purge  your case really quick you could do that your   dns settings which we'll go to anyway so under  attack mode basically if you know that your site   or your server is being hammered by connections  and it's possible that it's a ddos attack you   can actually flick this switch and we'll put it  into under attack mode so anyone trying to reach   the site will be put through a capture system  from cloudflare and that slows down the amount   of requests hitting the origin server which is at  your house or wherever it is that your server is   running after which we can then remove the under  attack mode and we can say our security level is   back to normal we can put it back to whatever it  is we want development mode so if you flick this   toggle as it says here it will turn off caching  for your site so if you're testing something out   on the site sometimes the cache can get in your  way and not show you the changes that you've made   so typically it's a good idea to enter development  mode do the testing do the changes check that all   works once you're happy with it flick development  mode off and return it back to normal underneath   the domain registration if you didn't know you  can actually transfer domains to cloudflare   so if you were to click that it will say that it's  not on cloudflare and it'll give you the option if   available to bring it over to cloudflare instead  of your domain provider now they don't cover every   top level domain so some don't work but  you'll be able to figure that out as you go   and i've found that they're actually a lot cheaper  you've then got your active subscriptions so as i   said i'm all i've always been on the free plan  but they have offers for paid plans as well   and you get some really cool features but they  give you enough that you don't need to it's not a   pay to win sort of scenario the free plan covers  almost everybody i think and then if you want   specific features that you know maybe you're a bit  more advanced then you want to make use of them   then you could pay for them then you have some  very important information which is your api   what you're looking at here is the zone id  so this is this is a id that identifies this   particular domain then we have our account  id which identifies obviously your account   the last thing on the page is advanced action  so if you wanted to pause cloudflare on the   site or remove it all together so then we  can move on to the analytics tab as you'd   expect the analytics tab provides you  vital information for your domain and   its dns capabilities so it'll show you typical  web traffic locations where it's coming from   as well as some stats down here like how many  ssr requests attacks blocked and things like that   you've also got information on bandwidth usage  and unique visitors you've also got the option   to flick between the period of time that you  want to cover as well same goes for security   it'll give you all sorts of information related  to security how many ssl certificates are being   issued how many connections are being made without  ssl also very important you've got your bandwidth   and performance so this will measure how quickly  the site is loading and how much cloudflare is   saving you responses by dns now if you get a lot  of hits obviously this is going to change and then   you have your workers if you use those that's  further advanced and typically is a paid option   anyway so we're not going to cover too much about  workers today the next tab and arguably one of the   most important is dns the dns tab is basically the  directory and it tells cloudflare where to point   domains and subdomains to locations in the world  typically your home server now if you've followed   our channel for a while right from the start you  will know that when we first started and we set   up cloudflare it's with the traditional idea of  a a record followed by cnames what does that mean   well your server or your public  ip address where your server lives   is typically the a record so we say this domain is  found at this address then when we want to create   sub-domains we create this sub-domain so in this  case it would be and we're pointing   it at our domain so we're saying the target  is this so effectively you're having a chain   this here is pointing to here and this here is  pointing to here however like i said you can have   different servers for different sub domains so we  could say plex the unread io actually points to   this a different ip address and we can put that in  change it to an a record but if you followed our   channel or we followed our getting started with  unraid playlists or our unrate and order playlist   you'll know that we've actually then since  developed and implemented the cloudflare tunnel   the cloudflare tunnel means that instead of  having an a record that points to an ip address   we have a cname for that that points to a tunnel  address then everything else still points to   this main domain just like it is here so what does  that mean well our ip address is never revealed no   one knows what it is not even cloudflare can see  what it is on this end only the tunnel knows and   is communicating via the tunnel so if you haven't  done that i highly recommend that you implement   the cloudflare tunnel it's a really good product  for security and safety as well as the fact that   it's really easy to set up so we've covered that  in one of our videos you guys can check that out   now apart from your typical a and c name records  you've also got mx records and mx records are for   mail servers so as you can see we've got zoho  accounts and during the setup process they ask   you to add some mx records and some txts and  txts can be anything but a lot of the time   it's if a service that you're trying to sign up  for wants you to verify that you are the owner of   the website so they might say take this txt and  paste it in your dns provider which is us here   then there's our cloudflare name servers  so these two name servers are what you'll   put in your domain provider if you're not with  cloudflare so if you for example bought a domain   on godaddy but you want to use cloudflare then  you change the name servers on godaddy to the   ones provided to you by cloudflare now don't  copy these ones because they change depending on   your setup process in cloudflare so i recommend  that you just follow that as you're setting up   cloudflare yourself dns sec a very very important  feature and one that i highly recommend and is   one that we showed you how to set up in the  original cloudflare video so dns sec will   prevent people spoofing dns between your  dns provider and your domain provider   and essentially locks the two down they can  only talk to each other by providing a cipher on   each side it's a very important feature i highly  recommend you switch that on say name flattening   that is not something you'll need to change  yourself but as you can see it will follow a cname   to where it points and return ip address instead  of the cname if you're using the cloudflare tunnel   setup then it will automatically flatten the cname  for you and it'll tell you that so that's your dns   tab very important tab obviously you just set  it up the way you like there's not much to it   but one of the things that i recommend is if you  drop down when you're setting up a sub domain if   you're setting up a particular application that  needs to read your origin ip address let's say   let's encrypt for example it's very important  that you create a subdomain or the domain   and you turn off the proxy so this for example and  we click save so if somebody was to look up this   address they would be able  to see my source ip address our origin ip address   okay because it's bypassing cloudflare completely  however if i flick it back on and it says proxied   that means it's going through cloudflare and then  cloudflare is talking to us so in essence they're   not actually getting your origin ip address so  if you're trying to set up something like let's   encrypt it needs to know your origin ip address  so if you had this flicked on it's going to have   a lot of trouble reaching you and probably  won't validate we'll discuss certificates in   a moment anyway because there's a better option  in my opinion than using let's encrypt anyway so   that's dns records guys that's done you also have  the option to import records if you have them from   somewhere else that you've exported to make it a  bit easier for yourself so you can just go ahead   and select the file and import it here the other  thing you can do is actually export the ones that   you have here so if you have maybe three four  domains and they have similar sub domains that   you want to set up why not just export it out  of one you can basically go to here click export   it will create a file as you can see it's got all  of our records in there so then we can go ahead   in a different domain in cloudflare and import it  again really useful feature one i highly suggest   now the next tab ssl arguably again one  of the most important here in cloudflare   so ssl tls encryption is what protects you  and protects your website and its customers   from outside snooping now you probably would have  noticed if you hit a website and you get a warning   from your browser saying you know the site's not  considered safe we don't recommend you go ahead   or in some cases they just block you completely  from accessing it's typically to do with the   ssl certificate either it's not valid or  it's just not the right one for the site   and what cloudflare offers here is two types  of certificates you have an edge certificate   and then you have a origin certificate  because what happens is even if you have   a completely unsecured page that page is actually  connecting cloudflare it never really connects out   while you're using cloudflare that is so while  it's proxied people trying to access your site   actually go to the edge so there's a certificate  there and then there's one on your actual server   so let's go through it so right now there's four  settings here off is completely off so obviously   you won't have any protection from the edge as you  can see the origin server here's the link here's   cloudflare here's another link and here's the  end user flexible means it will provide you with   a certificate on the edge but it doesn't care  about a certificate in between cloudflare and   your server full says that it will protect the  whole way across but it will allow you to have   a self-signed certificate which in the world  of infosec a self-signed certificate doesn't   necessarily mean it's always safe but it's safer  than having nothing so at least you know on each   side they're talking to each other with the right  authentication then the final one you have is   full strict that basically means cloudflare will  encrypt end to end but it must have a trusted   fair origin certificate or a ca certificate as  it says here more on that soon then down here   we've got a ssl recommender that just gives you  a couple of tips if you're not sure if you're   completely new it's probably going to be helpful  for you you can turn that on but that's the whole   point of this video anyway down here you get one  of these analytic bars as well and as you can see   people are trying to hit the page unauthenticated  or without a certificate whereas we have 1.3 or   as we have one hit here or tls 1.3 we go to edge  certificates now so as i said now we're talking   about the edge so this is the edge okay this is  the origin so under the edge certificate this   is automatically managed by cloudflare for you  you don't have to do anything here however you   can upload a custom one if you want to pay for it  it doesn't come with the free plan unfortunately   something you have to pay for but typically  as it says it's for a business really that's   really important to have a name and branding in  there otherwise it'll be perfectly fine so you   don't really have to do anything here you can just  leave that completely as it is it's created by   itself from cloudflare as soon as you start it up  so we don't have we don't even have to configure   it now in case you guys didn't know as well if  you just expand this every everything that has a   little help option will have a drop down that you  can open up and have read off so always use https   now this one can trip up a lot of people and the  reason is if they have a page and the reverse   proxy is not working correctly and they're trying  to reverse proxy it out and this option is on it   will not allow them to reach the http page okay  because this rule pretty much says if it's not   https it's not going to happen and you want that  really you want it to be secure you don't want to   be having a website up without https but just  want to keep in mind if you're troubleshooting   a problem make sure you come back here and  check it now hsts another important one here   is the http strict transport security policy as  you can see we've got it turned on and i recommend   you guys turn it on as well if you watched  our nginx proxy manager video we discussed the   feature on there which will make sure that htsts  is enabled on a proxy and that applies if this is   turned on if it's not turned on then you wouldn't  use it there but this basically here if we click   on it it will protect all your sub domains and  basically say that those sub domains can only   communicate with this particular configuration  anything outside of that will be considered   false you've got the minimum tls version these  days typically you want to set that to 1.2   opportunistic encryption so it will allow browsers  to benefit from the improved performance of http   2 by letting them know that your site is  available over an encrypted connection   do you want to enable tls 1.3 i recommend you do   automatic https rewrites so this is similar  to the setting that we've got up here but   here we're saying that any content on the actual  page which may not be part of your website per se   but it's listed on your website it will try to  rewrite that content to https so again if you   have issues with things displaying incorrectly  then maybe they're coming from a source that   isn't secured then you might have issues because  of this feature but i recommend that you leave it   on now we don't need to care about transparency  monitoring too much unless you want a reminder   then you have disable universal ssl so that's the  ssl certificate that we're using here and you can   disable that for whatever reason if you wanted  to i don't recommend you do but you can next   part is you've got client certificates these are  to secure and authenticate any sort of api or web   applications you can block traffic from devices  and if they don't have that right certificate then   it's just not going to come through now i haven't  personally used this myself but i'm sure if you   had a reason for it you would already know what  it's for and you're probably using it already now   the origin server this is one of my most talked  about parts of cloudflare that a lot of people   can miss a lot of people who use something like  swag or came from let's encrypt which i was one   of those people who used to use let's encrypt  we'll know that unless crypt needs to renew every   90 days i believe now if it all worked perfectly  fine each time that wouldn't really be an issue   however i found that a lot of the time it would  fail and there would be problems especially while   using cloudflare because it couldn't connect to  our root ip address so what the origin certificate   allows us to do is to have that on our server  which allows us to have full strict mode turned   on under ssl overview and it provides us a valid  certificate for up to 15 years as you can see here   now we covered how to install that certificate and  whatnot in our nginx proxy manager video and our   cloudflare video so i recommend you check those  out if you're interested why renew every 90 days   leave it 15 years don't worry about it make your  life easier and custom hostname could be possible   but it is a enterprise feature now in firewall you  don't really have to do anything but if you wanted   to you can create all sorts of rules in here to  help protect your site you can create rules for   example that stop known bots or you might have a  rule that says ip address source you can even go   by continent or country so if you wanted to block  any access or allow only access from certain sites   then you can do that here so if you know that your  business only operates in melbourne australia you   don't need it going out to the rest of the world  you can just protect it down to that one area   under bots you've got bot fight mode so it'll  challenge requests that match patterns of known   bots before they access your site i don't have  it on personally but it might be worth turning   on if you know you're under attack otherwise i'd  probably just leave it off that's really up to you   now this is a new feature from cloudflare which  is ddos protection and ddos protection rules   so under here you can actually configure  the rules that they've provided for you   that automatically block any requests  according to the rules that they've got   so if we click browse rules here's a bunch that  they've got in here already if you don't know what   you're doing just leave it as is you don't have to  configure it but if you want to expand it a little   bit more they've now given customers the option to  do that which is fantastic then finally you have   the tools tab under firewall a couple of these  features are paid features so we won't be able   to do too much with them as it is for most people  it's not anything we need to worry about anyway   if we head over to the access tab this is  where you can set up cloudflare access now   this is pretty useful especially if you don't want  to bother setting something up locally on your   server for authentication for example orthelia  which we showed you how to set up a long time   ago if you don't want to use authilia you can use  something like cloudflare access so it'll allow   you to authenticate people up on the dns level  even before they get to your site which is pretty   cool and it's completely free as well you set up  different methods whether it's by a third party   or whether it's a one-time pin that's provided to  you you can set it up and customize it as you wish   there's a whole bunch of settings here related  to it that will take you some time to set up   i have tried it and i thought it was okay  but i still prefer other personally but   that's just my personal take on it have the  access itself is still working perfectly fine   now the next tab is the speed tab as you can  see it's not going to really give us anything   because we don't have a live website running on  this domain so overview is not going to give us   much so here's our ibracorp website for example  and it says that 60 faster with cloudflare so   it gives you just a little image timeline here  of how long it took to load without cloudflare   how long it did with cloudflare so if you head  over to the opt optimization section here and   you start scrolling down pay attention if you're  using something like wordpress i've recently had   some experience setting that up and there's a few  settings that you really should take a look at   first is the auto minifier so i highly recommend  you flick all of these on as we're doing these   changes you got to make sure that you're checking  the website making sure it hasn't affected your   code or your theme or whatever it might be and  then continue on because if you enable nearly   everything on the page and then you go and test  it and it breaks it's gonna be a lot harder to   go back and find out what it was so turn that  on then you've got the broccoli compression   it'll speed up the load times for visitors by  applying the broccoli compression to it again   i highly recommend you turn it on it seems to work  perfectly fine for most scenarios now clairefully   does have a wordpress plugin that you can purchase  and then have it loaded here so then they can help   you optimize wordpress as much as possible it's  not essential but if you got the money to do it   then go for it with a click purchase here it costs  you a monthly subscription so five dollars a month   pro features don't need to worry about rocket  loader is one i recommend you leave off this one   can cause a lot of problems especially if you're  using wordpress i highly suggest you turn that   off then finally down here is our amp real url now  if you're using google amp pages for your website   this one can just make things a little bit nicer  in their branding instead of having the old amp   url path it'll give you your original url so that  customers can see it for better branding you can   also redirect if you have a mobile page as opposed  to a non-mobile one so that it can automatically   redirect for you and a lot of people don't know  about this one but if you go up to the top and   you go to account analytics you can actually set  up analytics for each site and have them measured   for you through cloudflare pretty cool and if  you go to the web analytics section down here   this is where you can actually add a site so click  on add a site for example and you can add a site   and it'll automatically start monitoring  stuff for you it takes a little bit of time   to build its database up but once it does  it's actually a very useful analytics tool   so i highly recommend you guys check that part out  i'm not a lot of people know about it because it's   hidden up in the top here so under caching it is  one of the most important features of cloudflare   that's how it speeds up delivery of your website  by caching content on their servers so instead of   having to deliver it from your home it delivers  it from the edge so argo tiered caching is off by   default you can turn that on and what that will do  will as it says here dynamically find the single   best upper tier for an origin which reduces  the amount of requests to the origin server   i haven't tested this one fully it's something  that i'll probably have to give a little bit more   testing before i give my recommendation entirely  but it's worth giving a try and seeing how you   go very easy option to disable then you've got  the actual configuration part so in here we can   custom purge a page or just purge everything  all together pretty handy like i said if   you're testing a website and it's changes then the  level of caching that you want the browser cache   time to live so you can set that to really  anything you prefer basically tells the browser   how long to keep the files for depending what  kind of website you've got if it's something   that's generating a lot of content all the time  it might be worth you know not leaving it too long   um but if it's something that can sit there  for a while then maybe you know a week   a day a week whatever suits you don't need to  worry about the scanning tool always online   most of the time i found it to be more of an  issue more of a problem than a solution and the   reason is if you have something for example that's  monitoring your website uptime it doesn't always   tell when it's an always online page so it may  think your website's actually up when it's not   whereas if you turn it off it will get the  actual error for example a 502 and tell you   that your website's down here's that development  mode tab again we're not going to worry about that   workers like i said pretty advanced stuff we're  not going to worry about that today but possibly   in a future video if people are interested it is  mostly a paid feature so it doesn't really sing   out to a lot of us home users who are just trying  to make it through with as least cost as possible   so really in my opinion the last most important  tab is the rules page and this one can be really   handy so this one can redirect traffic or you  know set up bypasses now a lot of people have   asked how do we get plex through cloudflare the  rule is you cannot use plex through cloudflare   while it's proxied now as far as we can determine  from the rules and regulations of cloudflare   unless it's http content it cannot be going  through the proxy so if you're casting videos   and things this could be a problem so way around  that is creating a page rule then the settings   are i want you to cache level bypass okay  because if it's not being cached then cloudflare   doesn't have really a big problem with it  because it's not chewing up server bandwidth   and resources um it's not being cached at  all it's coming directly from your server   now i'm just going to give you a warning that that  doesn't necessarily mean you won't get banned you   do this at your own risk i don't do it personally  but i know people that do so if that's something   you want to try you can do that then there's other  options like always online we'll leave that off   and probably the other one if you are using  this for plex you can keep the ssl strict   something like that for example and you can  pick the order that you want the rule to deploy   go ahead and click save and deploy the other  thing is you can have domains let's say   domains that you've purchased and you want them  to just forward on to somewhere else you don't   even want to bother setting up anything else  here you can do that so in the rule section   you can just say set up a forwarding rule  301 or 302 send anything from here to here   simple as that then you've got some more advanced  rules again ones we're probably not going to cover   today but you can if you like now skimming over  the last few tabs we've got network so these are   some settings that i recommend you check as well  so http 3 we probably want to turn that on it does   help speed up your website delivery connection  resumption can stay off web sockets is a very   important one so if you are using anything to do  with web sockets it's recommended you leave this   on um if you're having problems for example with  sonar radar things like that not working correctly   you know that nginx proxy manager has websockets  enabled then the next place to check is here on   cloudflare they also have a setting for websockets  so you want to make sure that's on onion routing   is fine you can if you like sudo ipv4 i wouldn't  recommend at the moment you can leave that off   you've got ipg location just to give you more  information on the people that are reaching   your site and it might help you make up your mind  in terms of a security point of view if you need   to block a particular country the rest of its  enterprise so we don't need to worry about that   now under traffic if you're using the argo tunnel  this just gives you a help section for that um   again we've covered it in our argo video our  carefully tunnel video so check that out it's   really really interesting but argo itself  is a paid feature so just be careful with   that be mindful it will speed up your site but  it will cost you money then you've got health   checks and you also have waiting rooms which  are part of the business plan so then they've   got a streaming option now this streaming option  is for example if you wanted to stream something   via the cloudflare cache but as you can see  it's not very cheap and that's because space   costs a lot of money so five dollars per 1000  minutes if you want to prepay or a dollar per   thousand minutes if you want to post pay it as you  can see most things in these custom pages are for   pro and above so we're not really worried about  that and here is the apps section of cloudflare   whether you knew this or not clairefolio actually  does have an app store and there's a lot of things   that you can install here for example on the  top level so that you don't have to host it   from the website itself pretty interesting  stuff i haven't spent too much time on it   myself and something i actually wouldn't mind  checking out a little bit more um but you can   also develop them here and put them up for them  if you like let's say here for example real-time   bot protection let's see what that offers and  as you can see it gives you quite a few features   it says that you can try it free for 30 days  and you'll be able to analyze your traffic and   then after that there's pricing plans so i'm not  sure whether some are free and some are paid but   the option is there for you to check it out and  the final tab is the scrape shield so this one is   really helpful it can prevent a lot of information  being taken off your website for example email   addresses can be obfuscated and that means that  bots can't read them server side excludes and hot   link protection so if you've got you know images  that are copyright things like that you don't want   them hot linked into other sites then you can have  that enabled here to secure so guys that's pretty   much every feature in cloudflare and as you can  see here with one with a little bit more stats   on the page for example that's  what the graph can potentially look like for you   that should cover most of the things if there's  anything that i missed please let me know   please let me know down in the comments  below if there's anything you'd like to   see for a future video leave it there as  well feel free to join us on our discord   and it's been an absolute pleasure we hope  to see you in the next ever corp video you
Views: 5,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, cloudflare, ibracorp unraid, cloudflare tutorial, setup cloudflare, cloudflare ssl, cloudflare dns, cloudflare cdn, how to setup cloudflare, cloudflare on unraid, cloudflare setup unraid, nginx proxy manager, cloudflare dynamic dns, cloudflare dns setup, configure cloudflare, pfsense router, increase website speed, cloudflare setup, install cloudflare, cloudflare dns records, cloudflare origin certificate, domain cloudflare, cloudflare wordpress
Id: BlhbsHrmcDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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