Ombi: The OG Media Request App - Plex, Emby, Jellyfin & More

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hi guys and welcome back to another ever court  video thanks for coming back and checking out   the channel today absolute pleasure to have  you here just want a quick shout out to all   of our supporters both on our website and in  discord we really appreciate your financial   support for the channel thank you to everyone  who's chosen to donate to us and sign up as a   member really helps us give back to you and i  hope the content is reflective of that as well   so guys as you know we've covered request  apps for your media server two times before   and that's with the two other big players of the  media request industry that's overseer and pedio   the one we haven't covered yet and  has actually been around the longest   is the og ombi now you may have used ombi before  if you haven't we're going to walk you through it   today it's really cool request app and it has some  advantages over the other apps that aren't really   known that well which helps differentiate it  between other requesting platforms so big props to   the developers here on b i'm pretty sure it's just  one guy and the other contributors so thank you   very much and i know you guys have been asking for  this for quite a while so i'm more than happy to   put it together for you today and get one out for  you to have a look and give this app a try it's   changed a lot over the past 12 months it's become  a very very new interface looks real clean so   there's been a lot of development if you haven't  used it in a few years you know you may have   picked it up a few years ago like i did at the  time and since then it's really grown if you're   looking for a request app for not just plex but  other media server applications such as jellyfin   then this is the request app for you so if you're  interested hang around and we'll get stuck into it so here we are guys we're  on the main website   and first opinion looks nice and clean easy to  read now on their main website you'll start at   the top here where it gives you the option  to either download or check out the demo   i'm not going to show the demo because we're  actually going to install it so we'll be able to   see it live in our environment and you'll get  to have a look at that but if you wanted to   have a look at the demo before downloading it or  installing it you have the option there you just   click it and it gives you the username which  is beta and you can sign in and have a play   if we scroll down here's what they've got written  so what is onbi it's a self-hosted web app that   automatically gives your shared plex or envy  users the ability to request content by themselves   i will also add obviously jellyfin which  is a fork of mb is also supported as well   omb can be linked to multiple tv show and movie  dvr tools so in our case sonar radar lidar   to create a seamless end-to-end experience for  your users now you notice that i also said lidar   so yes you can actually request audio content  as well not just tv and movies so that is also   another advantage towards ombi which i haven't  seen in other request apps the other ones are   focused on visual content whereas ombi will  also allow you to actually get audio content   so if you're using lidar to source your content  this could be the request app for you as well   now it says here how does it work obviously we  have a pretty good idea by now but if you don't   the user visits the website request the content  onb will match the request and sends it to the dvr   app so in our radar loader dvr app retrieves the  content and then pushes it to your media server   there's some screenshots there as well and then  there's instructions now there's also a mobile app   so that's another advantage i've noticed with  omb as opposed to other tools now with overseer   for example it will install basically like a  web app um which works really well and it feels   like a native app anyway so definitely a good  thing there with overseer whereas zombie has a   actual dedicated app on the app store so as usual  support our local developers guys so if you want   to thank them and help them out the envy is made  by jamie reese i hope i said that right jamie and   other contributors as well so you can donate to  jamie over on his paypal and their patreon help   support them for their work it's really really  good they also have their own discord and you   can report issues as well so there's not much to  it here most of it's going to be in the flesh and   bones of the actual app once we get it launched  so how about we go and do that now i'm going to be   showing you guys an unraid however feel free to do  the same thing following the docker instructions   on whatever relevant operating system you're using  so here we are on our unraid server osiris and   it's looking nice and ready for us to get  started just a quick thank you to one of our   discord members dickens cider thank you very much  for the banner really appreciate it looks pretty   good i think so you've done a pretty good job  there mate and if you haven't already guys feel   free to join our discord we'd love to have you  plenty of helpful people in there and it's just   a nice welcoming community where we get to uh you  know have a chat and have a bit of a laugh as well   you can always find our links down in the  description as well i'll put it up on the screen   so the first thing we're going to do is head to  the app store and if you're following along on a   different operating system basically go to docker  hub or go to the github for the app and follow   their instructions for the first part once we  actually launch it then we can go from there now   if you haven't seen our videos on reverse proxies  we have videos on nginx proxy manager as well as   cloudflare videos as well so all we need to do at  this point is now look it up so we'll type in ombi   and you're going to get a few options here there's  nothing inherently wrong with either of the two   options that are showing up but we're going to  go with mr hoshio's repository right here so you   have different options if you want to go with  the default option which will be the latest tag   otherwise you can pick from these other tags  which are obviously you know for different   purposes so if you want a testing for example  or a different version release so we're going   to go with the default that's perfectly fine  now what's once we're on the template page we   will then start configuring some options so with  the network type we always want on our custom   docker network that way they can communicate to  each other via host names and just makes it all   segregated to themselves the host port we're  going to leave it at 5000. we're pretty happy   with that that should be free on our system so in  your case make sure you're using a custom docker   network we have a video on how to do that and the  commands used for that are the same across both   unraid and other operating systems as well the  updated location if that looks fine as well   we show more settings there's nothing here that we  need to change we just leave that completely as is   once you're happy with all that go ahead and  click apply that's done we'll click done and   head back to docker now here's ombi it looks  like it's started up so what i'm going to do   is actually move that across into our media  request folder if you haven't seen our docker   folders video be sure to check that out really  helps needing up your system here on android   we'll uh check the option and click submit  so that way we've got we've got it under the   correct location and we can just follow it on  from there now i'm showing you how to reverse   proxy many different applications before and  i'm not going to do that here today because   that part is a completely separate part that  we've already covered so if you are interested   in reverse processing it out to the web be sure to  do that and follow our nginx proxy manager video   what i'm going to do is configure it locally  so i'll left click and go to the web ui   and here we are we're faced with our first  screen to set it up so let's follow through   the wizard we'll click next and it's  going to ask us for our plex information   we also have the option to pick mb or jellyfin and  i really think that's a awesome feature of omvi   the ability to support those multiple media  servers as well as jellyfin because jellyfin   is completely self-hosted and completely free open  source um so it gives people the option to use it   if that's something they want to do i'll show you  a little trick with jellyfin later that i think   some people might be interested in as well so for  now we're going to be using plex so i'm going to   go ahead and use plex now if you wanted to set  this up this way and sign in here you can do   that alternatively you can actually just click the  login with plex option so i'm going to do that now   once you've done that it's going to ask you for  a username and password so this will be a local   account in the app to allow us to log in without  having to be linked to anything else you'll see   here it says you'll need to configure email to  reset your password very important so you can add   your smtp settings later make sure you do that  in case you ever forget your password go ahead   and click next and now we can start configuring  stuff so we'll say for the   application url whatever it is that you want  it to be at uh when you go to reverse proxy   custom logo if we wanted to import the url of  a custom logo we can do that as well and we'll   just paste that there and click next there you go  so that's the initial wizard completely finished   we'll go ahead and click finish and we're going  to be faced with our login screen so we're going   to sign in using that account that we just created  during the wizard and click sign in there you go   pretty familiar looking interface to some other  request apps and that's perfectly fine and that's   because you know it's all about how user-friendly  it can be and i really like the interface itself   it looks nice and clean so you might feel pretty  comfortable straight off the bat while using it   but before you get too excited we haven't really  set anything up all we've done is connect plex   so what we want to do is actually start setting  up all of our pvrs and some other settings so   once you've signed in go ahead and go to settings  across the top you'll see some tabs so the first   thing we're going to do is go under configuration  and we'll go through all these options together   so starting with general so if you are using  a base url that you want to set up you can put   that in here and then we can have it set in the  application then you've got your api key so very   important key there you'll be able to use that for  anything else that wants to talk to ombi um via   the api endpoint under the branch we don't need  to mess with this because we're using docker just   leave it as is okay unless you have a reason just  leave it as is you have these other options here   as well so if a user has auto approved permission  do you want to be notified about it typically   for me i don't if i've given them auto approve i  don't need to know every time they that something   has been approved so i'll usually check that do  we want to hide the requests from other users   no that's fine i don't mind my users seeing it  do we want to auto delete available requests so   once a request has been fulfilled doesn't do you  want it to automatically purge the request queue   that's actually a pretty good option i like that  i'll leave it off for the moment but that might   be something you might want to consider if you  find that you know you don't need the requests   anymore after it's done and of course whether  you want them to collect anonymous analytical   data once you're all that if you change anything  there just make sure you click submit and save the   settings now we'll head down to customization  so again this is the settings that we set in   the wizard for some reason it didn't save so  what we've got here is the application name so   let's try that again we're going to say request  the application url is going to be request   request here's our custom logo  again now if content is available on our server   do we want it to show up on the discover page i  don't think you do and i think that's a really   good option to actually hide that because once  you've got it you don't need to request it again   do you want a custom donation link so you can  actually put your own links and a donation   message there really nice feature so i'm pretty  happy with that and then you've got custom page   so you can actually put in your own custom css  if you like as well so click submit and now   you can see the name has actually changed in  the top left next thing we'll go to is issues   so one of the first to actually have issues built  in uh was on the and if we actually go to enable   then we can say in progress state and delete  issues after being resolved for example   and then we can have different categories so  we can say uh audio you know or we can say   resolution so then when somebody goes to create  an issue they can pick a category and we can say   audio and then they will type you know audio  is not working or wrong language for example   so that's really cool because then you give that  power to your users to be able to report problems   the next one is user management so then this is  where you have your user importer settings okay   now this will pull in what your default roles  are set so think about it from your average user   perspective what roles would you want them to have  so typically you would want for example to request   music to request movies to request tv you want  them to get the newsletter they can manage their   own requests and that's probably yeah probably  about it then for your administrators later then   you know individually you would probably set  those to auto approve or anything like that   if you wanted any limits so how much uh stuff  can they request in a certain amount of time   and in this case it's per week or you can change  it to day or month and that's pretty customizable   and once you've done all that if we click save and  then we go to run importer that will actually then   go and grab all the users that are in your plex  instance or mb or jellyfin instance and create   them as users in ombi next one is authentication  so do you want to enable plex oauth so that means   do you want users to be able to log in with their  plex credentials you know sign in with plex option   so we'll go ahead and click yes do you want  the users to log in without a password that's   personally up to you i wouldn't run it personally  but the option is there which is always good   we can click submit and go on and we have  an option here for the movie database   so it allows you to customize certain things  in the movie database do we want to show adult   movies for example and any particular genres  that's the initial configuration panel complete   the next part arguably one of the most important  obviously is making sure the media server is   set up so let's go to plex and here we've got  our plex options so we've clicked add server   we're going to click enable and we're going to   click advanced just to be able to make  sure we see everything that we need to the first thing i would do is actually  sign in with your plex credentials here   once you've put in your credentials and you've  clicked load servers then down here you should   have the option to actually pick the server  so here's our two servers that we've got   if i just click on that that gives us our  server information and pre-fills it for us   so fantastic that works really really well now do  you have an externally facing host name so this   will be an external address that users will  navigate to when they press the view on plex   so you if you've set that up in your plex settings  then you can put you know that url here instead   and once that's done go ahead and click load  libraries as you can see it's loaded our libraries   we know we've got movies tvs and extras and  we'll click submit so there we go plex is set up   and ready to go now you'll notice that we've just  added our plex server and this information so what   i recommend you do is actually come back to the  user importer and we'll make sure we check these   options for the user importer settings scroll down  click submit to save and then run the importer   now if you have any other media servers you can  also set them up as well so you've got mb for   example and you've got jellyfin there as well very  similar in the methodology just depends on what   server you've got set up so now we get to set up  our pvr system so let's go to tv you've got three   options here you've got sonar dog nzb and sick  rage i would place any bet that most of you are   using sonar so we'll go ahead and click sonar and  here you've got similar options to what we've seen   before in other apps so what we want to do is make  sure we enable it i know that sonar is on v3 so   we're going to make sure we check v3 there we'll  check advanced and we'll scan for availability   now like i said because we're on the custom  docker network we can actually just refer to the   container name rather than typing an ip address  make sure you put your api key in there once   you've got that info click on load qualities and  you'll see that it's now successfully loaded them   so then we can go and pick the qualities that  we've got set up in sonar same for anime then   click load folders and we should have our folders  there if you haven't seen a hard links video guys   atomic moves highly recommend it a big thank you  to trash his guides are just absolutely amazing so   it was a pleasure to work with him to  get that stuff out there for you guys   got our default folders there then  finally you can click on load languages   and we've got our languages there as  well do we want to enable season folders   and that's it go ahead and click submit so now  we've pretty much got sonar set up and ready to go   the same will then apply for both radar which you  can find here and lidar if you're using music so   once you've done all that set it up the way you  like it's all connected fine head over to the   next section which is notifications now if i just  drop down the list you can see there's a whole   raft of options here to set up notifications for  yourself so i'm not going to go through every   single thing but then probably the most important  one is setting up our email systems and like i   said earlier it allows us to reset our password  if we need to so click on email and enable smtp   and set in all your smtp settings now we've  done a video on using gmail if you want to use   that to set up your mail otherwise if you already  know your smtp settings for a different provider   just punch them in here and make sure you click  test you know there's no there's no point putting   it all in if you're not going to test it out make  sure it works once you're happy with it you're   pretty much set another popular option might  be the discord notification so you can set up   a web hook chuck in the icon username away you go  and then each of these options on the right hand   side is where you can pick what it is you want to  notify for and what the message is going to say   so you can customize it the way you want and it's  obviously got these placeholders that you can use   so that it generates you know username  is whoever the user that requested it is   uh or put this issue in and it's been resolved  for example and then finally you've got some   system options so you can go to about you've got  any failed requests and what the issue might be   any scheduled tasks that are set to run and  of course the logs now if everything is set   up correctly that's pretty much done onbi  is ready to go you can now start using it   so key points that i again will just reiterate on  what makes onb different one it supports multiple   different media servers so you have an option of  three different media servers which is fantastic   two in terms of pvr support it supports multiple  different pvr apps it also supports music requests   so very important for those who want to use it  to request music are really nice options to have   just as an extra here's another one that you  may or may not know for those who are using a   ldap setup and perhaps have followed our free ipa  series on setting up an ldap server you don't want   users logging in with plex and using those sort  of credentials you want everyone to be using your   ldap settings there is a slight bit of a work  around for you to do so it works in two ways   so the first part is you need to have jellyfin and  in jellyfin there is a plugin that you can install   that will allow you to set up ldap connection that  will allow users to be imported from your ldap   server then in here if you set up your jellyfin  server here you can then import the users from   jellyfin so it gives you a bit of a way to get  people from your ldap server into your request   app and have it all ldap related that's definitely  something that is unique to ombi and no other   request application has that support at this stage  i would eventually like to see all these apps   actually support ldap integration i don't think  it's too much to ask for and i think for those   who want to use an ldap server it just makes it a  lot easier because you can manage users yourself   and you avoid the pitfalls of having to rely on  the plex authentication method for those who've   been using plex for a long time you probably  already know but it goes down often enough   that i think it's kind of annoying so as i said  guys that's pretty much done now in in the left   hand side we can start going through everything  so let's go to discover and in discover you've   got this little filter icon so now you can  start searching or filtering down to what   you might want to see if you click cancel you've  got a combined list of you know trending popular   upcoming for example you can then switch to  just movies switch to popular on each level so   let's say free guy for example we'll just click on  that just to see how it looks and here's what the   interface here looks once you click on an item you  have the option to play it on plex which is where   we will set up that specific url if you wanted to  you can also view the collection so let's say it's   part of a collection for example uh let's go to  typed in harry potter and we've selected movies   in the option there and let's click on this harry  potter here and then we can say view collection   and there you go so now it's going  to show us the entire collection of   movies at this point we can then  just click request the collection   so we can have the whole collection added at once  rather than trying to search for them individually   that's a nice feature i like that now back on the  page again you've got some more information down   the left-hand side including the ratings you know  all that sort of information pulled from either tv   movie database or the movie database across  the top you have the options to go to those   places we can look at the trailer imdb twitter  facebook instagram and for click settings you   can reprocess a request so if something  has busted you can just resend it again   the next tab is requests so here's where all  your requests will show up you can have movies   tv shows and music show up and you can go  by the different stages the requests are in   it'll tell you the title who requested it what  status it's in the request status and the request   date pretty straightforward now the next one is  users if you've used the import function like   we did before then you'll get a whole list of  your users now what we've done here is click on   our admin account so in our admin account we can  start looking at some information that we want to   update firstly is our email address we've set up  our smtp settings now we want to make sure that   our account actually has an email address assigned  to it so if we ever need to reset a password we'll   be able to use that if you've imported a user from  plex it should already have that there for you   it can also have an alias so if you wanted to  display something other than their username   you can do that of course as you're importing  stuff from plex you might want to change the names   because you don't want to go by their plex name  for example we can pick the streaming country so   what country they're streaming from i'm going to  say ayu for example any specific limits that we   want to assign to this user any specific quality  and root parts that we want to assign to this user   the roles that we want to assign so obviously  i like to auto approve everything for myself   so we're going to go ahead and check  most of this as an administrator   then you have notification preferences so if  you wanted to target this particular person   via a particular method then  you can pick that option here   now let's say they've forgotten their password  they can't get to the website for whatever reason   you can also send a reset password link and that  will allow them to go from there the other option   you have is actually to send them a link which  will allow them to log into the app directly   so if i go to here for example copy users app  link click that and that's pretty much your user's   screen the next few options like i said to donate  to the developer if you like what they're doing   uh as you can see he says this is how i convinced  my wife to let me spend my spare time developing   ombi and i couldn't agree more so good on you mate  we really appreciate it um get behind him support   him with whatever you can if you like what they're  doing if you have any new idea for features   they've got the shortcut there and then you've got  the settings and you've got log out so there you   go guys i hope you enjoyed ombi it's a really nice  app it's been around for a long time and i know   i've put it off for quite a while and the reason  was i wanted the developer to have more time   developing the latest version uh because i knew  it looked a lot different to what they had before   so i think it's at a stage now where you  know people should really be looking into   it and help support their work and that pretty  much covers the trilogy of the major request   apps at this point in time so we've covered patio  we've covered overseer and now we've covered ombi   for you guys to make up your own mind and find the  one that works for you if you also want to support   our work we would really appreciate it if you  either donated or chose to become a paid member   on our website or on our discord you can also  sign up in discord as well we really appreciate   it we can't wait to keep sharing more videos with  you we've got some more in the pipeline that you   guys have heavily requested believe one of them  will be nextcloud so if you're excited for that   be sure to like and subscribe and we can't  wait to see you in the next apricorp video you
Views: 4,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, ombi, overseerr, petio, ibracorp unraid, docker unraid, tdarr, unraid 2021, jellyfin, plex, emby, sonarr, radarr, lidarr, media request app, plex requests vs ombi, petio unraid, petio vs overseer, petio docker, plex server, overseerr plex, jackett, media request, request management, request software, selfhosted, request management system, esxi, vsphere, ombi request, petio vs ombi, petio plex, ombi unraid, ombi docker, plexguide, linux, prowlarr, ombi vs overseer
Id: jLmsoabsCZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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