Unlocking the Power of the Hook Tool in OpenToonz

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in this video I will show you how I created this character using the hook tool so I have drawn the character and these are the different body parts this is the pelvis I'll select the hook tool I'll replace one hook over here at the second hook over here because I want to connect the legs the pelvis now I'll select the right thigh one hook over here and the left thigh one hook over here these hooks are numbered so I want to connect hook one two hook one on the left High and hook two hook one right thigh so we'll go to schematic it's in FX schematic right now [Music] change this to Stage schematic and now click this switch output Port display mode [Music] this is the pelvis and this is the left thigh I'm going to connect the left eye to the pelvis [Music] on the left eye I had a hook Ed one [Music] but change this to one and on the pelvis for the left eye I had a one first hook was for the left eye I'll scroll up and change this to one now both of them are connected now you can see the left thigh is connected same way I'll connect these two [Music] this is the right time I'll connect it to a right thigh had the hook one change this to one and on the pelvis I had a second hook [Music] I'll change a to [Music] the right eye is connected to the pelvis on the second hook like this both of them are connected [Music] so this is the left curve I'll place a hook over here [Music] I want to connect it to the left thigh I'll go back to the left thigh place a hook over here this is coming as second hook because the first hook was already placed on the left eye on the top not connect these two to the left thigh this is the left calf I'll just connect these two on the left curve is marked one I'll scroll up one over here and on the left thigh I have a second hook in this two two now these two are connected so go back to drawing [Music] we are connected [Music] so once I have connected all the body parts with the hook character will look like this [Music] and in the schematic window will be like this for the background we have two options we can draw the background or we can import an image and use it as a background so I've imported this image and I'm using it as a background for the scene [Music] if I choose inverse Matrix shows to various places where I've used the hook tool on the eyes the ball the hand let me play this [Music] so the normal method is we just use the animate tool and select the center point for every body part and then use the skeleton tool for animation and if you want more flexibility then we can use the hook tool so you can try to use the hook tool for cutout animation [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SKM-Animates
Views: 366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A58tF2bBDW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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