How to Master OpenToonz

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so one day I got on my computer and when I opened Adobe animate I got this [Music] message this sucks but I refuse to let this ruin my day so quickly after looking for Alternatives I found a free animation software called open tools now that I can't use Adobe animate I am going to try to become a master at open [Music] TOs [Music] [Music] so it's been a week I've been busy with life but last time I touched the program I got pretty much the basics down but to truly Master it I think I'm going going to have to make an animation so let's go for it I was wondering what to do I look outside the window pondering what would be a good short animation that can demonstrate all the tools I've learned on open tools but then it wasn't shose the window I sat down on the floor thinking and thinking and as I was thinking I was getting more tired so I went down on the floor to keep on thinking maybe something in the microfibers of the carpet would whisper to me an idea and then it whisper so I go grab an animation Sketchbook to start storyboarding and this is how I got to this part the [Music] storyboard so like usual I am messy when working on it but I have a b idea of what I wanted to make and again I was going for something short so I could work on it and finish it quickly so it only consisted of about nine panels all right all good then after the panels were done I went into character design I made a pretty basic character that would be easy to animate I do think this character have big eyes which will relate to the story a [Music] little and here I was just expanding more into the idea for the background that I got from the first panel and seeing what I liked or not and after that was done well time for the animatic okay so first we start by doing the backgrounds which I had a lot of fun doing I tried to do the perspective but then I decided to screw the ruler and make it more organic and at the end of the day I'm just trying to show what I can do in open Tunes it doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be done I was trying to give Vice of this dreamy like place like in the clouds or like close to the Stars I was working on it really hard and I was liking how it was looking and when I finally had something the program crashed so then here's me trying to figure out how to fix the problem and trying to get my progress back but I wasn't successful so all I could do was record my frustration the program crashed um whoa I was not expecting it to crash honestly I'm trying to keep myself sane right now but um yeah I mean that computer it's not supposed to be crashing but there's not much I can do besides rework on it all right so this is actually the only thing that was saved so I should just have to like repaint this and then it'll be fine [Music] and like I said all I had to do was repaint it I was just using different brushes just having fun with open [Music] tooles and I even ended up using the camera which was what made it crash to begin [Music] with all right so then I started with the character animation so you know doing the sketch outlining it and then painting it pretty basic stuff of course having my Sketchbook there because that's where my character design is so I just kept going back and forth making sure it look the best I could make it look while rushing then I just put the Sketchbook away and bring the drying tablet closer because it's getting serious and yeah all that was left was just to color the character justo one more time lapse before the result if you don't want to see it you can always skip it but it's just going to be roughly about 30 [Music] seconds [Music] before I show you the final product if you stay this long I just want to tell you a couple things one thank you for watching the video so far I really appreciate it two how can I improve my videos if there's any suggestion you have please let me know or if you have any video ideas that would help me a lot and third just subscribe please you stay this long anyway you enjoyed it right and you helped me plus I'm technically working on two projects for each video since I have to do the animation and edit the video but yeah I'm not going to keep you here any longer just enjoy the animation that's prevy hi one step closer to the stars in conclusion open Tunes is a really good program I really recommend it especially because it's free and it gets the job done sure it might be a little intimidating but overall you learn how to use the basic tools pretty easy like the onion skin or how to make new frames how to use the tool then a little bit more advanced you can learn how to use the camera and how to add [Music] audio I was surprised by how easy it was to use audio because I usually had a hard time using it on Adobe anime but yeah again if you stay this long subscribe and give it a like all right thank you for watching another T animations video and I'll see you next week [Music] bye
Channel: Tamu Animations
Views: 7,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hnJ7zaHBR2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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