4 Easy Steps to Auto-Inbetween Animation in OpenToonz and Tahoma2D - 'tweening

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hello friends in last week's video i showed how you can use the preview window to speed up using open tunes and tahoma 2d i did this using a short animation of this flamingo bouncing up and down and to help create this kind of movement i used the vectors auto in between tool and today i want to show the four step process to easy auto and between animation to get this style of movement so i've got the flamingo project loaded here in open tunes and here it is running and as you can see in the timeline the flamingo is a single vector level all in one column and the other columns are just for the background so i'll hide those so because i've already got the animation set up let me delete all but the first drawing and then we can go through the process from beginning to end so first step one create your character in your vector level and remember this only works in vector levels and here for the flamingo this is just made up of shapes that are added using the geometric tool i've not had drawn any of these so we've got a couple of ellipses for the body and for the head and smaller ellipses and circles for the eye some lines for the legs and for the neck and then a couple of polygons for the feet and for the beak so step two is to duplicate this drawing and then adjust it to the final position of the movement by changing the size and position of each shape and line using the selection tool or control point editor so in the timeline move to frame 2 and then press the d key to duplicate it so now we've got two different copies of the same drawing that can be edited independently and then you can use the selection tool to select on part of the shapes and then move them or choose the control point editor and then click on each shape that you want to change and then move the individual control points but a word of warning don't add or delete control points that'll break the movement between the first and second drawings because the in between tool won't know where to move them from or to so i'd avoid using a magnet iron or other movement tools just stick with the selection tool and control point editor so just change between the two drawings to see the difference between them or turn on the onion skin which can make it easier to see where you're moving your control points to good so once you've got these two drawings complete the start and then position of the movement then it's time for step three add a number of blank drawings in between these two drawings and for that we'll move back to the level strip so if you're not going to open already open it from the windows menu then click on the end position drawing and then press the insert key a number of times to insert some blank frames and how many drawings you need well don't worry about the number just have an educated guess we can always change it later so here i've just added six drawings to see how the movement works and then the final step is to simply highlight them all again you can click on the first drawing hold shift and click on the last or just press control a to select all of them and now you see this button appear on the drawings between the first and last frame so just click this in between button so then you get the option to choose the interpolation type and ease in and ease out is good for cycles like these because the motion slows down at both ends so that's one i'll choose and then press in between and immediately you see new drawings appear in those blank frames so now we just need to expose all of these drawings on the timeline so i can see them animating and there's a number of ways to do this but i think the easiest way is to delete this final drawing from the timeline and then i'll select all but the first drawing from the level strip and click and drag to move them into the timeline so now i can see drawings 1 to 8 in the timeline and then hitting play you can see the movement going in one direction so let's add the drawings in reverse direction and again there's a number of ways to do this and the easiest way we can do that is to hit the swing option here on the toolbar or if you've not got that in the context menu and i'll show you where that is in a second so highlight all of these drawings on the timeline by clicking the drag bar at the top of all of the frames here and then either click the swing option on the toolbar or if you right click from the edit cell numbers fly out choose swing and this will add the same drawings but in reverse so now the animation will start from drawing one move to drawing eight and then back to number one again so let's drag the play marker so that the final frame is showing drawing two i'll delete drawing one because we don't want to repeat the same drawing otherwise there'd be a slight pause as the animation loops so now with the play marker surrounding these drawings we can click loop play and you can see the play speed isn't keeping up with the 24 fps that i need so it's a little hard to tell if this is playing at the right speed so as i showed you last week let's look at the preview settings from the render menu i've changed the shrink down to 2 close that and then hit preview and now all of those drawings will be pre-rendered so this animation will play a lot smoother let's also reset the view so it's playing at 100 and then hit loop play on that so if you'd like to know more about this tool or want other demonstrations then drop me a comment down below and i'll see what i can do but what if you want to make changes to this animation well you simply go through these four steps again so we've already completed step one we've got the first drawing and starter step two we've duplicated it for the end pose so if we wanted the flamingo to move more and to move slower by inserting more drawings we just continue through these steps so first you'd edit the end pose then in the level strip clear the drawings in the in between frames by highlighting them and then pressing the delete key and that doesn't remove the frames but it blanks them out and now i'll have more drawings in between the first and last pose by clicking anywhere in between them and then pressing the insert key i'll select all of the drawings with ctrl a click in between you then change the interpolation type if you want to and press in between and again for simplicity i'll remove all the exposures apart from drawing one from the timeline and then select all the drawings from the level strip apart from number one and then click and drag those into the timeline select all the drawings and now choose swing from the toolbar and now because we've got more frames we just need to adjust the play markers to be able to play all of those frames i'll delete the duplicate drawing number one and that's it so let's preview the animation so you can just keep making adjustments until you've got the right movement and if you want to examine this project in more detail you can download it if you join the teapot or tmuktiz on my patreon and in this project i also added some effects just to add some extra work for open tunes to do during the preview demo last week so you can see how they work too so that's the four step process for using the auto in between tool to create movement in your character but that's just part of the story if you want to see more ideas for using this tool check out this video here for an in-depth look at the auto inbetweener and i'll see you next week for another tutorial and that's a guarantee
Channel: Darren T
Views: 8,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, opentoonz, auto inbetweening, inbetween tool, tahoma2d
Id: 22_Ss48xRbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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