How to Make a Walk Cycle in Opentoonz

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hi guys it's Sebastian here from noble frugal studio and today I'm going to teach you guys how to make a walk cycle just like this one in open toons thank you - piano keys on YouTube for leaving me a comment and requesting this tutorial if you guys have any other tutorial ideas please leave them in the description now first when you make a walk side cut we want to focus on two key poses I'm gonna pull the picture from the animators survival kit very good book I recommend getting it and breaks down the walk cycle very easily it's kind of a famous picture you'll see it on a lot on the internet so basically what the picture shows is the basic poses of a walk and the two poses that I'm gonna start well off with are the extremes now I'm gonna create a frame here by drawing there you go just make that there it's a little bit of lag it always happens like that when you make a frame and so I'm gonna start with drawing the head and the two extremes are basically the poses that the person that is walking is going to be touching the ground with their feet on all the pose they can be touching the ground but the the more called the contact poses where the foot is flat on the front foot is flat on the ground at least so I'm just gonna try and draw a body see if I can get this right we're gonna make this arm go back but we'll focus on that later a little waist then we're gonna make the first contact pose is gonna be with this person it's a foot is kinda like this and this actually is not called the contact pose I don't know why I said the contact pose is actually something where I get into later in the video but this is the first key pose that we're gonna be focusing on I'm just gonna turn the body up a little bit like this so we can have them a little more a little more jolly and then the back leg is going to be bent slightly kind of like this and then it's kind of be touching the ground kind of like that there we go it's a little bit cartoony I'm gonna bring this leg up so we make sure that the ground is very consistent one thing that I did and this is actually my third time record in this tutorial I had a little bit of technical difficulty with this but one thing I did is that that I didn't do in last ones is that I'm going to do here is that I'm gonna make a ground so I'm gonna make a new frame I'm gonna erase this long line that was created and I'm gonna go actually I'm gonna make a new column and we're gonna go right here then I'm gonna draw I'm gonna use the this tool to draw a very straight line a little bit higher than that kind of like this let's see if we can get it on the bottom of the feet there we go all right so now now that we have our ground we know exactly where to go and I'm gonna actually connect this waist to the body and the arms and this are going to be opposite of the legs so the front arm and the front leg are going to be opposites so that means that the back arm is going to be going with the front leg and the front front arm is going to be going with the back leg which is always how walk cycles go now we're gonna go on to the other extreme the other extreme is just going to be the opposite of this where the back legs gonna be facing front so we're gonna start by drawing the head went on I'm just gonna once more on the head a little bit turn my smooth this a little bit so we can get some nicer lines tell the torso and they're all gonna be in the same place because these are both extremes and then we're gonna draw the back leg doing this so much gonna draw the front leg overlaying that first I'm just sort of the same thing kind of cheat a little bit it's okay and then draw this is gonna shade this in because it's a back leg shading in it will help you when you don't know exactly where you're going and you make very messy sketches like I do so we're gonna make this front arm kind of the ball will kind of move the kind of ball I made for these shoulder will kind of move with the arms so it's okay if you put it forward because that's actually what happens in real life that you actually twist while you do walk so now we have our two extremes which is very good now we're gonna I'm gonna drag this ground out a little bit more there we go and okay so now we have our two exchanges now we want to make the in-between of that which is basically going to make our walk cycle and the total list of drawings were gonna make in here is six so what we're gonna do now I'm going to draw and just in between in this in between the characters going to go slightly up because the legs not the one of the legs let's see the front leg is not going to be bent because it's going back and so it's gonna the characters gonna raise up a little bit so I'm just just draw the neck and what we want to do there I'm gonna I'm gonna draw it first and then I'm gonna raise it after that's for the arms the arms are going to be in a neutral position so they kind of in the middle of the circle I'm gonna try to get this as accurate as I can to make it the same as the other ones and then we put a frame above to a head too so we can actually see where that middle part is for our shoulder to go let's go right here perfect and then we're going to draw the waist in the same place and it's okay so what we're gonna do right now we're gonna I'm gonna draw this going the front leg going completely down and then kind of through this block because we're gonna raise it up after we draw that's usually what I do want to make walks and it just makes it so much easier and then we're gonna make the back leg still bent but going kind of like this and back will be there's a motorcycle going by pretty fast okay let me actually gonna make it a little bit a little bit longer so it stays consistent with other frames kind of like this there we go and that'll do it and then we can shade out the back one so we can always see where exactly it is and in space and time so the arms are gonna be pretty neutral or they're gonna be kind of in the next steps I'm gonna erase a little bit so you can see the arms bright and clear one one thing that's very important when you're animating is that you know what you're doing and you always label and make sure things are visible so you don't forget so now we're gonna raise this frame Circle it and raise it so now this is basically our walk cycle it's very very very very kind it's kind of crude but it's this form is there so there we go and now two other frames that I want to make all the contact poses now I did say that the these these key frames were the contact poses and that's actually not true so the contact pose is when the wind actually initial foot so we see this is the front foot right here the contact pose for this would be when this heel part right here would hit the floor and so it's a little bit different than these but it will make our rock cycle look very nice so let's see maybe it actually the total fry frames instead of the original six I said in the in the beginning so I'm gonna actor at the onion skin I'm gonna take out this frame and what we're gonna draw as a frame that is in between the character getting lifted up so I'm just gonna copy this one a little bit and we're gonna bring the head down I usually don't move this one after the fact because I like to really see what I'm drawing and how I kind of like to adjust the height on this one I'm not really sure why really no reason you can you can do it the way I did the other one but this is just the way I like to make walk circles and I had so much practice because of this video has failed to record at least three times so I'm gonna put the arm right in the middle here it's gonna be going like this make sure that the length is not compromised the same with this one it's gonna be good like this and then we're gonna draw the waist in the middle here so we know where to draw our torso and then so since the back leg is going forward we're going to draw it doing exactly what it's supposed to we're gonna draw it here except for the heel is going to be pointed up like this and the heels and me touching the ground that's what the contact pose is I believe I could very much be wrong but I sure hope I'm not okay so I don't know if I already said this but thank you to piano keys on YouTube it was very generous of him to leave us to leave me a suggestion for an amazing tutorial and be sure to leave your you guys suggestions in the comments below please so I can know what to show you guys a lot of times I don't make videos because I don't have any ideas so if you guys have any ideas for videos feel free to leave them in the comments so do me a real solid and I can provide you guys with some quality videos one of the things I want to get into doing was if you guys have something you want to learn how to animate like fire or something like that and since I'm still learning animator go out and study learn her for you guys and then kind of bring you almost like an essay of what I've learned not an essay format I want to just type it out and have a lot boring stuff but I'll make it in a video format and I think that would really help you guys who are learning out there and it would help me learn because I'm still very much I'm still growing artists so I hope you guys I hope that ideas on school to you guys because it sure sounds cool to me and so now we have one like this and now we need to go back to this first frame like that I forgot to draw the other version of the in-between so let me draw that really quickly we're gonna draw the head is going to be in the same place right here okay I like this I was more organizing the other perversion of the tutorial but I hope you guys can kind of decipher what it is you're getting from this tutorial maybe I'll piece it up and make it in order okay all right so now we have that leg is this section we'll supposed to be the back leg I believe yep this is gonna be the back leg and the front leg is gonna be bent like this just like that so I'm gonna erase the back leg for now so we don't really see it like that there we go then we can go like this see the full foot like that then we can shade out all the back legs so we know exactly where it is in space and time okay and then we're gonna raise the frame after there we go all right so now we have a total of five friends of our animation this in between I should have done this before I did that but that's okay and the last one we're going to be doing is the front leg kicking so I guess I really should have we really should have six frames in the end so I'm gonna draw I'm just gonna make it make the in-between of the other contact pose that we have and then after that we should be smooth sailing for our walks like so it's very very easy and simple to make so I'm going to you draw the body I'm just gonna copy the torso here and now I'm going to select it and drag it down so it's easier for us to do make the socket of that right there arm is going this might be the back arm actually this should be in the farms we going this way I didn't make him mistaken that in one of the other recordings and I could not figure out for the life of me what what I had done it's very very important that US animators stay very organized in what we do so we don't get lost while we're working in lose time because time is money and no industry can say that better than animation okay so now we're gonna put the foot up like this maybe a little a little bit more of a thing there we go I like that and then these feet I'm drawing remind me of dr. Seuss a lot they very much do the way that they're so flat and I'm gonna draw just like that and this is gonna come down and Bend just be bent a little bit kind of like the foot before it my foot after or whatever it is okay now we're just kind of shade that in and I think that should do it for our walk cycle guys now I'm gonna have to animate all alva inconsistencies as you can see the leg got very thick in this frame and now we're gonna space these out I'm gonna select all them when I hit reframe two fours gonna drag our blocking out a little bit and we're gonna so that looks pretty good for a walk cycle without you can see the arms get a little shorter and some of them but they that looks pretty dang good so that's pretty much how you do all the frames with the walk cycle now if you guys want to export it we can get to that I'm gonna hit pause on this we're gonna go to file output settings you want to set your output folder I'm just gonna do the output folder for this project I'm currently and I'm gonna put click this I'm going to go to I have three formats I download a quick down so I have MOV I downloaded ffmpeg so I have mp4 but most of you guys are just gonna have a VI so I'm just gonna click avi and that's all you really have to do it does end up 24 you can always set the frame that ends on and 1080p so let's see we're gonna click this so we're gonna click render okay so it's just finished rendering who kind of came all the way over here very nice so all right let me let that statement to the RAM really quickly one thing I did forget to do is set the background color this color is only appearing right because it's like that in Open Tunes what we're gonna do is go to X XI go to scene settings and we're gonna hit the background color because up for a lot of you it's it's going to be it's going to be completely black on you view in your on your computer so we're gonna set the background color to white and hit this alpha button and drag it all the way up so now it turns to from white from transparent so this is the final product where you're gonna have to re-render it actually so you guys don't have a completely black screen so that's pretty much it for making the walks like a very very simple stuff I've had so much practice because this video has been so hard to record and I really hope that this time it will work I'm sure it will so we're just gonna wait for this to finish rendering it's at 87 come on come on let's go now we have our walk cycle perfectly rendered I'm just gonna save into the RAM real quick by playing it and there we go so it looks pretty good you can add more frames to make it smoother but this is the basic walk cycle that you're gonna get now the really good thing about this is that once you make this you guys basically never have to make a walk cycle ever again now if you want to change the personality of course but you can always use the walk cycle that you made today as a point of reference it's really really cool stuff so thank you guys so much for watching please leave your animation tutorial requests in the comment section so I can know what you guys want to see next I do have a poll for you guys if you guys want to see videos in 720p 60 or a 1080p 30 frames per second there's a poll that's gonna come up right now because I really want to know what you guys prefer as video forum or personally app I prefer 1080p and so I guess I'm going to be have to be the final judge on that anyway but thank you guys so much for watching again and I'll see you guys next time peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: NobleFrugal Studio
Views: 16,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noble frugal Studio, opentoonz tutorial 2017, opentoonz drawing, opentoonz tutorials, opentoonz animation tutorial, opentoonz beginner, opentoonz for beginners, opentoonz first animation, walk cycle, opentoonz walk animation, opentoonz walking animation, how to animate walk in opentoonz, opentoonz walk cycle, walk cycle animation, opentoonz 1.2, opentoonz demo, opentoonz examples, opentoonz 1.2 animation tutorial, opentoonz 2d animation
Id: sTKNsAKfzeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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