Unlock Your Motivational Brain To Uplevel Your Productivity | Jim Kwik

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I believe if you give someone an idea you enrich their life but if you teach them how to learn they can enrich their own lives [Music] now the reason I wrote this book is not only the latest cognitive science on learning accelerated learning and performing at your best but really it it's it's it's a field tested guide because I've seen it all and me from working with children who have no resources that are in foster care that have a DD or you know it dyslexia to seniors that are losing like my grandmother losing you know their memory and their mind and everyone in between you see patterns right and so what is motivation I don't believe that you have to be enjoy the process I always want to find joy in the process of working out but if you know my morning routine if you've gone through my programs one of the first things I do in the morning is I take an ice bath or I take a cold shower how many of you do this how many of you love the cold like I don't I grew up it in the Northeast in you know in New York I despise the cold but I do it even when I'm here every single day because the first part is I have a reason I'm very clear on the reasons I'm doing something and you know one of the people that had endorsed my book is a good friend of mine simon Sinek how many of you knows start with why in this always say start with why and that's your reason your purpose and I don't mean your life purpose because that's a different conversation but what gets me to do the cold or gets me to work out or do the things that are important like follow through on the things you learn in this quest is some of us forget those reasons and again this is so simple it's so common sense but it's not common practice because I feel this obligation as your your superbrain coach does not tell you what you want to hear what you need to hear and if you get what like what you get out of an event like this is like look knowledge is not power it's a lie it's potential power it becomes power when we what when we utilize it but that means that you're motivated now reasons come first so we have a process for a few asking questions and getting associated to all the benefits that come from doing these things like why do you know when you workout you feel bad no one's ever worked out and then said oh I wish I didn't do that right we know the benefits but sometimes we forget those things and it's not insanity is doing what and doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result I don't think it's insanity I think it's just a bad memory you know I mean because you're not remember you're dating that same kind of person because you're not remembering what happened the pain right or you're eating that poor food everything and you're overeating it and it's not even food because junk food is not a thing it's junk and then there's food right but we're not we're still doing it cuz out remembering the pain so it's a process for getting the reasons and plugging back into your reasons of wow I'm able to remember names I'm able to be able to do this and then associating because otherwise we're a thermometer again we're just reacting because the the current culture outside of this room doesn't support you to thrive right it's not if this this event is about transcending it's about ending the trance ending this mass hypnosis through marketing fear-based media that make basically says you're not enough right because it's in their interest see for you to be that way because it's easier for you to consume it's easier you free to be controlled right but it's you stepping up coming to an event like this and transcendence and you setting the standard and then your behaviors come out of that so you have your reasons first but then I looked into it I was like wow a lot of people have the reasons to do it and even feel it and I'm not just saying feel the good stuff feel the bad stuff too because emotions are useful like emotions of fear or could be useful if it gets you they get it tells you you need to prepare for something right that's a useful in motion so I'm not saying squelch the emotion but I'm saying feel the backfield whoo here's a question who's counting on you to be at your best today like who's watching you all the time that you need to be able to be a good role model for so you could go there and introduce a little bit of a pain if that pain serves you to be able to level up your life right and you use it intelligently so the first thing tap into the reasons the second reason people don't do something sustainably motivated is maybe they have the reason but they don't have the energy can you relate to this like you know what to do you want to do these things but you are exhausted and so that's why in the book or even in the programs like in super brain I teach you ten very specific things you could do to unlock your mental energy right to jumpstart your brain the best brain food stress management cos stress takes up a lot fear takes up a lot of energy right sleep optimizing your sleep how many of you love dr. Bruce's presentation this morning so energy is so key because when I look at motivation motivation is about energy management you know time management is one thing but really life should be about priority management all right so it's cuz we all the one thing that's equal in this room it's not your everyone's you know your income is not your connections and network though it's it's not your education levels everybody has different right external but the one thing that is constant is we all have what 24 hours in a day and so if you had imagine every single morning your bank account you all have automatically every morning when you wake up there's a brick there's extra eighty six thousand four hundred dollars in there raise your hand if that would be awesome if you woke up that every single morning and here's the thing at midnight whatever you didn't invest and use is gone and that's how I look at time right we have 86,400 seconds des and whatever you're not investing in it into something for your happiness for your health for something that's going to outlast you then we lose it every single day so priority management the way I think about it is the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing I'll say this again the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing and when I'm talking about your energy your energy is everything and so people can SAP your energy I was having this conversation with simon Sinek and Susan Cain who great wrote a great book called quiet how many of you read quiet it's about the power of introverts how many of you would self say you're an introvert look around well I appreciate you coming out today how about how many of you are extroverts how many of you not quite sure you're like in between they call them ambivert s' ambivert earlier so we're talking about this concept and saying like an introvert is somebody who wake up wakes up with five golden coins and their energy coins and then an introvert every time they interact with someone during the day they give up one of their coins until after a few people then there's like okay I got a recharge and you know what I mean extroverts on the opposite side they wake up with no gold coins and they're constantly want to interact with people because they get coins right and they get energy and so the idea here is energy management and so these ten keys and super brain in the book yet just see it online the ten keys keys besides food and nutritional supplementation stress management sleep are the pr2 positive peer group we all need people in our life that encourage us we all need people in life that challenge us we all need people in life that cheerlead for us that that help encourage us that give us courage right how many of you found that person and you're no know that person in your life and if you haven't found that person be that person be that person for somebody else especially be that person for yourself I think in this culture it's so important that we fall in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing yes yes and part of self care and self-love tactically is remembering when you say yes to somebody or something you're not saying no to who to yourself that sometimes is a way to become limitless is setting some boundaries and borders on your time you know on on your energy on some of your emotions because you can only give what you have right and so I call everybody here a grow giver because you grow so you have more to give and that's nature everything in life grows and everything in nature has to be able to give back into the into the big system right but coming back to motivation the keys are if you've got if you want to get yourself to do something you haven't yet done it come up with the reasons first feel it allow yourself to feel it even if it's painful because it gets you to move and then secondly give yourself energy because if you don't have the energy to do that you're not gonna do a thing and then I said is this is this is is it is this the magic formula for motivation having a reason and having energy and I said this is work in a hundred percent of the cases and I was like no it doesn't because if the thing that you're not motivated to do is either too big or an unclear you're not going to take action does that make sense like if you're motivated to get in a great relationship that's way too big right if you're motivated to start an online coaching business right that's a big thing and that could be intimidating and be confusing and the goal though is to take it into a small simple step by asking yourself one question what is the smallest action I could take right now that will give me progress towards this goal the smallest action where I cannot fail and how it comes back to energy is it requires very little effort and very little energy and it helps piggyback on a principle a memory called the Zeigarnik effect the Zeigarnik effect there's a psychologist her name is agar neck and she was in a cafe in Europe and she noticed that the waitstaff would remember everyone's order until the order was delivered and as soon it was delivered it's kind of like have you ever taken a test like he's crammed the night the night before you didn't study and using his techniques she just crammed it in your mind and the next morning nobody could talk to you because you don't want anything to fall out and you can't wait to take the test and as soon as you take the test what happens the information it's gone the mind doesn't like to have open loops and so the wait staff what she realized would remember all the orders because it was an open loop that's why you know these these video-streaming sir shows right they could get you to binge-watch because they open a big loop right before the show ends and so you're like just one more tonight what's one more is one more one more video a one more are just fun and then it's like three o'clock in the morning and then you aren't doing anything that dr. Bruce talked about in terms of your sleep right but it's but it's meant to mentally hijack you like fear does right and so the goal here to be motivated constantly not in a high peak jump on chairs kind of way is tap into your reason to do that task make sure you have ample energy using good just lifestyle biohacking whatever gives you the energy the food the stress manager so on and then finally break that into something so small you can't fail because little by little a little becomes a lot now we're the last part of it is let's say you have them all everything is possible because this is what's possible your motivation is your purpose right it's the reason to do something you could still not get out of that box even if you have a limitless mindset and a limitless motivation because you don't have the third thing which are the methods so let's say you want to remember people's names you could have the mindset why I could let's go backwards I could teach you how to remember people's names right exactly exactly how to do it but if you're not motivated to use it are you gonna remember people's names no or let's say you have the motivation and you have the methods but you believe you're you're stupid is that gonna affect your is that gonna get you out of the box No so these are the three forces that keep us contained and these are the three forces that will liberate you because this book initially when I sent it to the publisher really was a methodology book I took everything that I teach for the past three decades how to read faster how to do the languages how to give speeches without notes how to remember names all that and it was a book and it was a really good book it was a textbook on how to do this stuff and then I I was like I had an incident where even with a student that got kind of elevated because they weren't doing any of this stuff but they were upset because they bought a program right but I realized as missing is the mindset motivation part does that make sense so this book really is three books in one how to go through a process I call unlimited and I know you never heard this word before or if you google it it won't come up but unlimited what I learned is all your limitations for the most part are learned you're born with a blank slate right nobody nobody I wasn't born thinking I was broken is that fair but what set the frame on that box were my environment my experiences my expectation I always alliterate everything so 3yz environment experience expectations of other people and my thing is to break out of that mindset is what I'm spending time with these seniors is I always here yes I help them to polish off their memories when they when a calm step you always here regret you know like living your dreams let's be really frank can be scary but you know what's scarier not living them and so tomorrow we know is not guaranteed so my thing is why aren't we running towards our dreams like we're like we're on fire because we have we have one we have this one life to be able to kind of figure out in this lifetime and so look at this there are books on mindset great book Carol Dweck all right how many of you read read mindset about a growth mindset fixed by this is a must reading mindset they're books just on motivation and they're books just on methodology in fact there's also books where mindset and motivation intersect this area here is inspiration when you have mindset and you have motivation you feel inspired do you feel that after somebody talks they think that they made they give you a tip on or a different perspective or insight on on mindset and then he got you a little bit motivated so you feel inspired but you still don't know what to do where mindset and methods intersect this area mindset anything is possible and you know what to do that area is called in this area is called ideation there's gonna be three eyes just you know ideation because it just stays an idea like you know it's possible that's an idea and you know what to do but it's an is an idea but if you lack the motivation you're not going to act on that idea does that make sense so there are a lot of experts or our books just on ideation which is an important part and finally where motivation and methods intersect this area when you're motivated to do something and you know what to do the methods that area is implementation but if you're missing one of these three you're gonna stay in the box you believe anything is possible you're motivated but you still can't get on the box because you don't know what to do and this doesn't have to be for just like let's say your your mindset is you want to read a book a week right you could be saying oh my god I deserve to be able to learn and read 52 books a year I'm motivated to do it because I'm clear about my reasons I got good sleep last night I broke it down into instead of reading 45 minutes a day break it down to one line a day that's literally what I do with clients don't try to read 45 minutes a day to read a book a week read one sentence because it's a smallest step and does anyone stop after one sentence no it's like if somebody doesn't floss their teeth floss one tooth no one is anyone gonna stop right and then so in the book we go into habit design and flow States because that's the ultimate form of motivation where you're just in the zone you don't have to push yourself right and it's by by design but you could have the mindset like I'm gonna read I don't know I'm gonna I want to be I want to be a thought leader and I want to be like jim says leaders or readers I could do this I deserve it and I'm even motivated but if they're using a method like subvocalization what subvocalization reading to yourself have you ever noticed when you're reading something you hear that inner voice inside your head reading along with you hopefully it's your own voice it's not like somebody else's voice inside there the reason why it's an antiquated method is first of all when did you learn how when's the last class you took on reading how old were you 6 7 8 9 has the difficulty in demand increase since then is it fair to say we're still reading since the last way we were taught right and one of those ways we were taught was saying the words inside our own head and if the reason why it's a challenge for your reading speed is if you have to say the words in order to understand them you could only read as fast as you could speak that's why how many of you listen to audiobooks and might and podcasts at faster speed because you could understand that fast but you can't speak that fast all right that means if you're saying the words your reading speed is limited to you're talking speed not your thinking so this person here could have the greatest mind set I'm gonna read leaders are readers like I deserve it they can be motivated they know all the benefits you know that you know they twelve I can read a book on management and you know in a week Wow you know are starting a business amazing if I could read the latest but you know visions latest book or least his latest book dr. Bruce Lee book that's amazing I could they have decades of experience put into a book I could download decades in the days I'm clear on the reasons right I'll be able to make more money many of you know the reason I'm here is because I wasn't gonna teach this but when I learn these skills when I was eighteen I couldn't help but help people around me and one of my first students she was a freshman she read 30 books in 30 days like what would you like read it not got the gist of it but really read it and I found out I wanted to know what her motivation was I knew her method because I taught him the method I want to know her motivation because I believe genius leaves clues and I found out that her mother was dying of terminal cancer was given 60 days to live that's it doctors wrote about 60 days and the book she was reading four books on health and wellness energy medicine she was determined to save her mom's life because you didn't want to buy into that mindset does that make sense I get a call six months from this young woman and she's crying she's crying she's bawling when she stops I found out they're tears of joy that her mother not only survived but is really getting better doctors don't know how they don't know why the doctors called it a miracle but her mother attributed to the great advice she got from her daughter who learned it from all these books yeah but that that motivation kept her for doing that day after day and then she enjoyed the process - she got really good at it and so it became self reinforcing and psychology they call it a competence confidence loop the more competent you get at something the more confidence you have right public speakings luck some people have might have a fear of getting on stage like this but how good the better you get at it the more confidence you are at it right now if you're using even if you take out the mindset someone's motivated to do something like remember names again and they have the method but they might not because again they feel like they're not that smart or they have a horrible memory because your brain is like a supercomputer and your self talk is a program it will run so if you tell yourself you're not good at remembering names you will not remember the name and the next person you meet because you program your supercomputer not to and then finally let's say the person you have this this you don't have this you have this and this you have the great mindset anything is possible and you know what to do but you lack the motivation you can't break yourself out of that box so the reason I go through this model really fast is to be able to show you that it's not like an unknown because if you just put it to fate that then you can't change anything do you get that and so when you're struggling with something what the goal is when you have the mindset motivation and methods where all three of them intersect here that's where you have the fourth eye you have integration integration and that's the ultimate state this is what I wish upon you every single day when I do my prayers my visualization my gratitude my goal for you is is to not only uplevel your mindset motivation to methods but when you do you have the synergistic effect where you're integrated it's just who you are you are this limitless being so think about your health or wellness or relationships and then map it in here and what it does is it removes judgment self judgment on yourself like you're hard on yourself like why is it what I was too as a kid right like saying it was just me like if something wrong with me as opposed to saying what are my current beliefs what do I believe that I deserve you know where's my motivation why am i self sabotaging or procrastinating maybe I don't have my clear reasons my reasons were on that list you know the dream lists all the things I wanted to do for my firm are for my parents now my motivation after learning all this stuff is a lot different because my motivation now is because I struggle all the time is to build better brighter brains that's my motivation that's my purpose like your purpose is what lights your your passion is what lights you up learning now lights me up it never did before but learning lights me up that's my passion my purpose is taking that passion to light other people up it's showing people how to learn so they can light themselves up right I believe if you give someone an idea you enrich their life but if you teach them how to learn they can enrich their own lives and the lives of the people around them so this framework also is an explanatory schema for why you know there's a gap between where you are and where you want to be and it's a way to role model people who are where you want to be or have what you want to have because you could just go and talk to them and uncover become a detective and try and figure out asking questions about their mindset about what motivates them what are they doing for energy what are the small simple steps what are the methodologies which are the larger steps right the actual process in here but in between here you have the limitless State now I want to I want to find how many people feel like this is useful by the way because Mike my goal here is to get to this source the source of why aren't you living the way you desire and you deserve why aren't you learning the way that you desire and deserve and it's not another just trick or tip do you see that like this is an explanatory schema that really unfold a framework to be able to show you and you could use this also with your teammates you could use this with your kids also as well so we described in in mass now many of you know what happened with me where I am I get a call in for 20th Century Fox and how many of you know like my my x-men story raise your hand oh wow only it doesn't eat you so basically what happened is I I I grew up in I couldn't read for a few years I taught myself how to read underneath the covers when my parents thought I was sleeping with a flashlight reading comic books because something about the stories brought them to life the stories of superheroes which is like you know what they gave me hope they gave me like people care that good will will will will will prevail right that one person can make a difference so it brought the words to life and my favorite superheroes growing up were or the x-men and I used to be not because they're the strongest it's just because I they didn't fit in because as a kid I didn't fit in I you know I felt like it was I didn't everybody else was like in a certain way and I was just different right how many of you felt in some way your diff different and like so this like mutant central right here right and I was telling the chairman of 20th Century Fox about this story about the x-men because he produced x-men and he was like him I know you like superheroes do you want to go on set and I was like oh yeah that would be amazing it was like what can I do for you he's like just do what you did for us teach them there how to unleash their superpowers to speed read scripts memorize their lines be focused on set I was like I could totally do that so the next morning I get on a plane and I swear to you it we're going to fill me in Montreal from LA and I get on the plane right down the street and I get on the plane the entire cast of x-men's on the plane and I don't even see Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman you know I see Professor X Wolverine and I'm sitting between you know Halle Berry and Jennifer Lawrence going to film x-men right this is like a dream in my mind right and the first shot that they filmed on said took place because it's let me pull back does anyone know where the x-men school was is Westchester New York and where I grew up right outside the city and I was and I used to ride my bike I was telling the chairman of Fox I used to ride my bicycle every weekend I was nine years old looking for that school because I wanted to find my superpowers I want to find my super friends I want to find the place where where were I belonged right and so the first shot on the set would took place in the x-men school and something I was like being nine years old to be able to watch my superheroes come to life and even better than that when I came home after a week there was a package waiting for me and it was a framed photo of this it was me and the entire cast of x-men and even better but even better than that was the note in there from the chairman of the studio he said Jim thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with all of us I know since you're a child you've been searching for your superheroes school here's your class photo and when I'm talking about limitless I'm saying you have inside of you the mindset the motivation the purpose you know you just need them in the methods you just need a little guidance because this isn't this isn't taught in school true and to keep the real messages we're all in this together let me show you one last photo island with this this this photo was shot in 1927 does anyone know what this event is so you'll notice some individuals 1927 to that you'll notice right away is Albert Einstein and to his right to down Marie Curie now in this event in this gathering of scientists there twenty nine of them I think they're and 17 are Nobel Prize winners that mean this was a conference that really changed back in 1927 that changed the course of history like the genius that came out of that because here's what people don't know moat and by the way props to Marie Curie who's the only female there she's the only one that has two Nobel Prizes and in two different disciplines chemistry and physics so amazing right but what had happened here is this is then these people whom a lot of them were not super known getting together in 1927 to share ideas to bond with each other to be able to collaborate with each other most of those seventeen Nobel prizes came after this event right and so imagine just imagine this we're talking about class photos the x-men or this gathering here this gathering changed the world and what I was opened with here is that yes you could learn to be faster and smarter but we could do it together so what I what I would love to do if and I know they're not gonna like this because they this is not planned how many of you be willing to come on stage and shoot this photograph right now so that so that way you could come back and look at this photo a year from now or two years from now and then because the world changed because of this gathering here how many people are up for that all right and me is like da you did not she's like and I know I didn't approve this with any MindValley staff but I need this photo because I need you as proof that you were here and that you showed up and because you showed up and we're here because most people don't show up you are here and greatness came out of this historically all right can we come on stage thanks man is Whitney or somebody here that could take this photograph crew is that all right all right thank you everybody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 184,281
Rating: 4.9253058 out of 5
Keywords: brain food, sleep meditation, Guided sleep meditation, energy management, healthy habits, Human brain, How to improve memory, Brain power, Growth mindset, teaching, How to focus, growth mindset for kids, growth mindset vs fixed mindset, whole brain teaching, how to focus on yourself, jim kwik, Better brain health | DW Documentary, Nashville Hot Brains Sandwich Taste Test | FOOD FEARS
Id: sp2_7_fUOFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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