My Morning Routine for a Limitless Day | Jim Kwik

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we're going to answer this question jim what are you doing with your morning routines i want to get a little bit more specific how cold are your showers how long are your cold showers well what are you doing with your brain power smoothie i really wanted to address these questions right away for you and and part of it was jim when you start your day you know what time and actually my day for me in my mind starts the night before so what i do when i go to bed two things i do that i'll share with you and we'll do a whole episode on it is i review my day and so i go through and i review my day and that helps with your episodic memory it helps you to remember the episodes of what happened that day especially if you're not leaving the house very often or you are working from home or living at work you're not really sure which of the differences the reason why everything tends to blend together are you experiencing that is because we don't have those things that stand out you're not going out to restaurants or to plays or movies and so maybe everything blends in and so one of the ways to prevent that and reduce that is by reviewing your day like what did you do when you wake up you know what did you eat for lunch conversations that you had and it could be difficult at first but by doing it remember there's no such thing as a good bad memory there's a trained memory and an untrained memory okay after that besides reviewing my day and then highlighting one or two things i was grateful for that day i always like to end my day with gratitude and start my day with gratitude as you'll find out that you don't have to wait for a greater life to be grateful you can be grateful and you'll have a greater life and we've done episodes on how to rewire your brain using gratitude for appreciation for peace of mind for productivity and performance but what i'm doing right before bed is i actually using that same power of your mind to wake up i ask myself a question i kind of meditate on a question that would help move my life or my mission more forward or something that you want to be able to solve because use that power to harness because you'll come up with treasures in that night so when i wake up in the morning i'll often have dreams about it and so the very first thing i do is i remember my dreams now listen if you have it i'll put in a link as we always do jim quick dot com forward slash notes and uh again i appreciate my assistant who's holding the uh the camera this long um so if you're listening to this on audio or watch us on video so let's give a shout out for her also as well so what you're going to do here is i write down my dreams and i go through a six-step process remember my teams which is very fast it literally only takes two minutes listen that episode if you want to be better remember your dreams and the things that you program from the night before now after that i do a quick kind of prayer i think the most important thank you i put you in a grateful state i want to start my day with gratitude and then i make my bed now just a couple of things on this set up here and again you do not have to do every single thing perfectly the goal here is just take the principles of what i'm sharing and then apply it towards you customize it because i don't believe there's one diet for every single person or one you know way of being productive for any other for any specific person find what works for you and that's really the best when i talk about making your bed you do it with excellence and again if you haven't listened yet or watched this episode on my morning routine please search on my gym quick morning routine and watch this video on instagram on facebook on youtube on itunes on spotify listen to that first okay because this will make a lot more sense to you coming back here we make our bed we start our day with excellence how you do anything is how you do everything now keep in mind one of the big questions we got was where do you get all the time right to do all this and i'll show you that i'll go at the end how long each thing takes but i'll give you an idea when i'm making an event how long does it may take to make your bed very very little but i do this with excellence and then you take excellence throughout your day um i also talk about clean environment and clean environment your brain loves a clean environment how great does it feel to come back to a well-made bed because you come back to success but also clean environment which i don't talk about a lot is free from chemicals and toxins you know they're carpeting and furniture is known to have some kind of off-gassing these chemicals that have been shown to disrupt hormones that potentially create respiratory challenges and also cognitive issues also as well for me i'm not compensated for this but i use avocado avocado is a great brand because it's 100 organic and natural and so it doesn't contain those those chemicals that could potentially do harm also it's carbon negative which is really great because it's not even carbon neutral actually has less of a carbon footprint than than base zero um so i'm not again if you're interested check them out those are one side that we did research that works really well for me um also another thing that i'm not compensated for i use a chili pad cheese are by the way this is not like planned this is just uh we do reading before we go to bed um home edit you could come to my home also because we love a clean environment so um but we use a chili pad and chili pad actually has been shown the temperature we keep on the cool side because it's been shown to help you get better sleep and deeper sleep um if some people get warm inside their bed we have a chili pad mattress i can put a link again in the show notes to be able to cool the the the mattress down by the way i check my sleep using an aura ring it's not how long people ask about time how long should i sleep gym for me it's not about how long you sleep it's the quality of deep sleep deep and this is over simplistic but deep it helps you to be able to um to recover your body and rem is where you're recovering your mind and so i use an aura ring then i charge it here i use it more for sleep than i use it for activity but it measures heart rate variability and a number of other things again i'm not compensated for it's just something a tool that i use um what's jim reading by the way i'm reading this book by uh john uh mcafee um mcphee mcphee um and this is the levels of the game i also read comic books what i don't do is i don't read technical information at night i don't want to get in my business executive education um you know psychology kind of mode things i normally read non-fiction um i want to read usually light fiction or something that's story based because i want to just kind of enjoy it and then just put it to rest um you'll notice two journals here i dream journal which i capture and this is no particular affiliation i do happen that i've been using five minute journals and i give these out as gifts a lot um so alex and mimi icon thank you again check them out this is a five minute journaling process you could do at night and in the morning so i do that and then let's um by the way one of the other rituals i have is i get up when i get up i look at the sunlight and if it's not because it helps me to maintain my circadian rhythms so it's very important you get sunlight first thing and if you don't there's a device by dr daniel amen brain md and this light here i'm not gonna turn it on because i don't want to blind you it gets pretty pretty bright and then it mimics that natural sunlight and so that's something again i'm not affiliated with all right so i from there i drink a glass of water i have lemon in it i have my probiotics you don't have to watch me do that i do brush my teeth but i'm not going to make you watch that but you know i use my non-dominant hand to engage through our brain make sure you watch that episode again so you get more specifics on it and then from there i i read a study done at appalachian state university that i got from our friend sean stevenson who's been on the podcast a number of times talking about sleep and it basically says when's the best time to exercise for weight management and uh better sleep is it seven am one pm or seven pm morning afternoon or evening and i hope this is flattering light um i realized that i the conclusion was 75 deeper sleep in the morning if you exercise and i also found something interesting it doesn't have to be your big exercise and so only about a few minutes three minutes so what i do from here is i go and i just do three minutes exercise now you could do calisthenics you could do jump and jumping jacks you could do jump rope what's good for your heart is going to be good for your head and that's what i want to activate um by the way this is uh this is my x-men photo for those of you who read about it in limitless so if you know what that is it's very meaningful to me okay so in here this is where i do my reading and my research for programs that we offer at we have these 21 30 day programs for speed reading memory enhancement is the second program and thinking which is people want to think faster and have a better focus make better decisions solve problems and the fourth flagship program that we offer is one on student success and that's very very popular it's a must for any students of any age and stage and so i come here i do research to be able to provide with to you the most important information that's usable and practical here i have a number of plaques from schools that we've sponsored uh we we're very passionate with my learning challenges as a team to fund schools and on that for children who don't have access to education not only that but um healthcare and clean water as you know we don't we did uh i want to thank our limitless community and we just recently fifty thousand dollars went to pencils a promise of the latest donation and that's to build schools and so we're very proud so thank you everyone who purchased the book um also alzheimer's research in memory of my grandmother this is a simple exercise that i do again by bellacon i'm not affiliated with them it's a rebounder some of you know the power of rebounding and it's just it's a way of activating all your cells but this is the exercise that i kind of might go to um also i used to be a runner back in school and they make like quick right running those long distance marathons was pretty strenuous on my joints so here it's very soft and again this is something that i do but i switch it off right so with three minutes of exercise is what's what's most important all right so wonderful now from here like you think about the things we were hydrated we're moving and again just three minutes of exercise i i come to my office and this is really where i i create um and so i'm gonna do the rest of it right here beverages i talk about in the morning um now some i'm not a big coffee person i i drink more tea um it's been more i don't know if it's cultural thing or a preference you know in terms of my personal taste hold on one second but remember a book and a beverage is what goes a long way for for me especially uh first first thing in the morning remembering your dreams and when the morning when the day um what do i do okay so what i'm doing is i'm remembering my dreams takes just two minutes to go through the next thing here making the bed only takes one or two minutes uh drinking water that doesn't take any extra time if anything is just you're always you're already doing it three minutes exercise it adds things absolutely because the big thing is where do i get time because my goal is for not this not to take time is to help you to make time and focus and energy and productivity and more exercise three minutes brushing my teeth should take the same amount of time that's interesting cold showers if anything it's less time teas smoothies on occasions sometimes i do intermittent fast and you might have heard episodes of that i've done with past experts journaling here's what i do i take three minutes to journal and what i'm like journaling in the morning i'm writing down three things i want to achieve personally and three things professionally now the biggest way to save time on this is it's not just what you're doing it's also what you're not doing notice the thing i said i i didn't say i did which is touch my phone and i know this is controversial i understand some of us have to check our phones because our life depends on it our career depends on it again take these guiding principles and apply it for you um now what do you do with children all right then which is a lot of people ask now fill in the blank children you know whatever responsibilities that you have that basically will take you away from doing these things well first of all if you do the math we're we're not talking about a large amount of time there is an investment because for anything worth having it's going to take some effort or energy or time my thing is to do it with children all right so what kind of things can you do you could teach them to remember their dreams or even the night before you could go through an exercise where they ask themselves a question that they want to dream about right you can go through their day and ask them two or three things that they're grateful for um helping them first thing in the morning go through and have a dream journal and just write down their dreams so they're doing that when they wake up and they get in the habit of doing that you've heard the episodes i've done about how mary shelley came up with frank stein in a dream and all this great information and treasures you know what are your children possibly dreaming about um teach them to make their bed that's wonderful teach them to be grateful first thing in the morning to start their day wonderful drinking water so i would involve them in this help them to do the make them a brain power smoothie if you want if that's part of your regimen or also just do some exercise you know when you're with them get them to do the super brain yoga or some of the educational kinesiology we've talked about in episodes here also as well so big thing is involve them right don't let them go automatically on on a device if it doesn't have to be and i'm again i'm i'm very pro technology it allows us to have a communication to inspire to instruct to connect also as well but again technology is a tool for you to use you don't want that technology to use you because who becomes the tool and then then you do and your family does and so my biggest recommendation would be to involve them in it and the things you can't do you just simply can't do you know if it's possible to go to bed a little bit earlier wake up a little you know you could always kind of negotiate in your in your mind and with your family with your loved ones your own rules but the idea here is to make it fun make it playful it's not so much about time management it's really more about priority management remember this if you take anything away from this the most important thing is to keep the most important things the most important things right the most important thing is to keep the most important things the most important thing singular and so the goal here is not we all have 86 400 seconds in a day that's the only thing that's really truly equal right not everybody has equal everything but you all the time and whatever you're putting into it so take a picture of this episode a screenshot this episode tag me in it and share your non-negotiable of one or two three things or share your whole morning routine when you teach something you get to learn it twice it makes you more accountable and just remember this you are the greatest project that you will ever get to work on make time and take your time to create magic may you sleep easy tonight knowing that you can handle whatever tomorrow throws at you may you wake up with your mind energized your heart inspired for a new day as you stare at that blank page before you may you drench yourself in words unspoken may you live your life with arms wide open today is where your book begins the rest is still unwritten so i want to thank you so much for for joining me for this episode make sure you subscribe and and do the things that every single episode that we talk about and we'll see you in our next lesson hi quick brain it's your brain coach i want to thank you so much for watching this video three things to do number one make sure you share this because when you teach something you get to learn it twice update your learning so you can update other people's learning as well number two make sure you subscribe to this channel so you don't miss a thing because if you miss a video you miss a lot and finally make sure you hit that bell so you're notified and you find out we put out the latest and the greatest one extra thing if you want really close attention then text me here is my phone number three one zero two nine nine nine three six two did you remember that number three one zero two nine nine nine three six two shoot me a text and we'll stay in touch ask me your burning question and i wish your days before lots of life lots of love lots of laughter and always lots of learning i'll see you in our next video
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 233,309
Rating: 4.9447513 out of 5
Keywords: kwik learning, Jim Kwik, Kwik Brain, Memory, brain, reading, speed reading, mind valley, jay shetty, focus, success, improvement, motivation, habit, method, mindset, limitless, book, memory
Id: p3XFew4AjVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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