How To Develop An Ageless Brain | Jim Kwik

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Jim: Okay. First of all, congratulations, we're in the home stretch. How many people have had an amazing past few days? Raise your hand. Incredible, right? How many people believe what you put in is what you get out of something, right? Because what you put in, you get to keep, right? And so, what I want you to do here is I'm gonna push you, is that okay for the next hour? As a personal trainer, to encourage you to get you to do one more lap. How many people did work with some of the workouts here with the team? And that's what a coach does, right? Gets you to do it one more time, one more set, because that's the intensity that gives you the results that you wanna be able to have. So, I'm gonna push you with your permission the next 60 minutes. And I'm gonna share with you not only strategies on how to employ and really use the things that you learn, but also give you some tips on how to have an ageless mind, how to use your mind to be able to affect your longevity. And so what I'd like everybody to do is stand up real quick. And you're like, "Oh, I was just getting comfortable." Stretch out your body. Stretch out your body, be here with me. There was a study done by a Harvard psychologist, her name is Ellen Langer. And this was back in the '70s. In 1979, she was looking at nursing homes, right, senior homes. How many people have ever spent some time visiting friends, family in a senior nursing home? She was like, "This is not the best place for people to thrive." Can you raise your hand if you agree with that? And she was like, "How does the environment affect our health? How is the environment?" And she did this experiment where she took eight seniors, they were in their 70s, and she took them and she brought them to a monastery, right, a place where they're gonna spend one week. And it was a special kind of place, because once these individuals...and a number of them had canes, and they were walking out of the van, and they were just told, "Here. You're gonna go in this place, we're gonna play a fun experiment, and you're going to pretend that it was 20 years ago. So, instead of 1979, it's gonna be 19-what? 1959. And you're gonna go there, and you're gonna have conversations, and you're gonna act as if you are 20 years younger." And she set up the environment to be able to support that. So, everything that was on the news was current news, the magazine and the newspapers reflecting current times there. And they had things that wouldn't get them out of state. There were no mirrors there for them to see themselves even. And she wanted to create this environment for about one week. And they had another control group of guys and men that were in another environment. But the environment, it wasn't a changed environment. They were just told to reminisce about 20 years ago. Do you see the difference? Where one, it was really structured as if it was 1959. The other environment, they're telling the subjects, these men who are in their 70s also, "Just talk about 1959, what it was like to be back then." And then, after one week, what do you think happened? What do you think happened after one week of them deeply immersed as if it was 1959? They were younger. And now what does that mean? How do you measure that, right? Well, they did it by physical strength. They gained physical strength. After just one week of being in this environment, they had better hearing. After one week, they had better eyesight. And their cognitive performance, like their intelligence, actually improved. They did better on memory tests after just one week. And how many people believe your environment affects your psychology? Raise your hand. Right? And so that's the power we have of the power of imagination. And you think about how you can employ that towards your own personal growth and your own longevity. Now, when I'm talking about imagination, who has imagination in spades? Who are the fastest learners on the planet? Children. How fast can children learn things, a musical instrument or language, compared to an adult, right? Yes, part of their nervous system is still jelling, and they ask lots of questions, and they have an imagination, right? And they also what? What do children do all the time? They wanna play, right? And then when I say play, you're thinking... When's the last time you actually played? You're like, "Just right before we got here," which is amazing, right? And that's why I like environments like this. Because as we grow older, sometimes the thing is people say, "Well, I stopped playing because, you know, I'm growing older," right? But I think it's actually the opposite, that you grow older because you stopped playing. Does that make sense? And so it's not just about living longer, it's about living better. And so how many people are willing to play like children, at least this session? Raise your hand. All right, let's test this. I want you to get in groups of three right now, three people you do not know. Find Three people you do not know. If you need a group, raise your hand. Go, go. So, we're gonna play a game here. So, we talked about the power of imagination and the power environment has in terms of your longevity, your lifespan, and the quality of your life. I wanna talk about the power of play, and we're gonna do an exercise here. Now, in order to be able to do this, I'm also gonna incorporate three keys to really get the most out of your learning and your life ongoing, from here on out. Okay? And we're gonna play a game. How many people here like superheroes? Raise your hand. Okay. What we're gonna do is we're gonna play like superheroes. And one of the reasons why we're gonna do this is we're gonna step into new emotional states that are really key to accelerated learning. And what we're gonna talk about is the states of play, the states of focus, and the states of courage or confidence. How many people want one or more of those three? Play? Raise your hand if you'd like to have more play in your life, more fun. Would it reflect in your business, in your career, if you were more playful in your relationships, have more enjoyment there? What about focus? Raise your hand if you'd like to bring more focus in your life. Yes. Would you be able to get more done and be able to be able to be healthier, to be able to live longer? Yes or yes? And then the third thing is confidence. How many people would like to have more boldness, courage, confidence? Raise your hand. Will that help you to be able to pursue your dreams, to be able to get yourself to do things that are uncomfortable? Yes or yes? So, we're gonna be able to do this through getting it into our body, because the whole precept of what we teach with Superbrain and our podcast is that knowledge is not enough. You know too much information. You've probably forgotten more about personal development and personal growth than most people you know will ever learn in their lifetime. Is that fair? As you probably have lost and forgotten all this. So, knowledge is not enough, because knowledge is not power. It's only what? Potential power. It only becomes power when we what? When we use it and we utilize it. So, for me, it's about getting it from your head, to your heart, to your hands. That's power. When you can take it from your head and move it through the energy of your heart, the emotion, then you can act with your hands. Because how many people ever learned something really important like the past few days? Raise your hand if you learned something powerful. Now, what's the odds of people employing that the next day after we leave here? It's very low for two reasons. Number one, most people forget it. Eighty percent of what you learn is gone within two days. But the other reason why is people don't use it because it's not in their body. And I wanna get you this play, this focus, and this courage in your body. And we're gonna use the archetype of superheroes, right? We're all on this superhero journey, if you will. And so, three of my favorite superheroes, what we're gonna do is we're gonna role model them, and we're gonna act as if, just like these gentlemen did in their 70s. They were acting as if they were in their 50s. We're gonna act as if we're eight years old. So, we're all gonna add lots of years to our life. So, what we're gonna do is let's do this. I want everybody to show me what Spider-Man looks like. What's his move? Everyone just spread and move. So, everyone, just to be clear, you're spitting the webs, right? So, you're going like this. And it's funny how you add the sounds there automatically, right? So, show your partners what Spider-Man looks like. Go. And what I want you to think of is Spider-Man, for you, moving forward, is gonna represent play. Because if you read the comic books, if you watch the shows, the movies, he's very playful when he's battling and he's going out doing that, because he's a teenager, right? And so he's very, very playful, but that allows them flexibility, and flexibility is power. You know, any kind of system, those who have the most flexibility will win, as opposed to somebody who only has one way of reacting or responding. Does that make sense, in game theory? So, you wanna have that flexibility, but what allows you to have flexibility is play. That's why Daniella did this movement. And being free like that allows you flexibility to be able to get a better result. But you've got to get it in your body because, yes, you learn through visual, and you could learn through... How many people like to learn things by seeing it? Raise your hand. How many people, seeing it's nice or reading it's nice, but you'd like to have a discussion, and hear it, and listen to it? And then raise your hand if those two things are valid, but for you, what's most real is you wanna get it into your body. You wanna roll up your sleeves and do it. That's how you understand things. So, there's visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. And when you stack all three, you accelerate your learning. Does that make sense? Because you're using more of your senses, your nervous system. So, what you're gonna do is, when I ask you to do Spider-Man, you're gonna actually do the moves. So, show your partners what Spider-Man looks like one more time. I want you to now watch this, the difference. I want you to do it again, but this time be playful like you're eight years old. One, two, three, go. And that playfulness will get it in your body. That playfulness, you can feel it in your body, right? The other reason why we do this is that information is not enough. Remember, do this, say this, "Information combined with emotion becomes a long term memory." One more time, "Information combined with emotion becomes a long term memory." And that's the state. All learning is state-dependent. Life is emotions, right? Even time. You know, we don't even know how to define time most of the times, but how many people have ever felt something where you felt like time went by really slow? How many people have ever felt something, a different kind of emotion, where time just stood still, right? Because time is a feeling, right? It's an emotion. And so, you wanna get that emotion in your body, because all information, all learning, is state-dependent. So, you wanna add the emotion to it. So, one more time, Spider-Man, go. Very nice. Now come back. Now, the second one I want you to think about is focus. And now, for me, the superhero that represents focus for me is Black Panther, because they're such amazing innovators. And what's the move for Black Panther, for those of you who know? So, you're gonna make a fist like this and you're gonna bring it to your chest like this, right? Everyone show your partners what that looks like. Wakanda. So, Wakanda, come back center. So Wakanda is known for their innovation, for their level of focus in battle, for their level of their creativity. How many people here would like to have better focus in creativity, innovation, right? So, everyone do the move. Show your partners. Very good. And then, finally, the last move is about courage. It's about boldness. It's about confidence. And I want everybody to do the Wonder Woman pose. Show your partner what the Wonder Woman pose looks like. Show your group the Wonder Woman pose. Okay. Very nice. Now, how many people have saw this study that was done at Harvard, Amy Cuddy, about doing the Wonder Woman pose? What are the results from that? More confidence. Yes. What else. Better outcomes, right, because you're more confident. It boosts your testosterone, gives you more courage and boldness. Because does your physiology affect your psychology? All: Yes. Jim: Of course it does, and you know that. As your body moves, your brain grooves. And so, everybody, again, let's do your confidence pose. Show your team Wonder Woman. Very nice. Now, here's what we're gonna do. Look back center. What we're gonna do now is we're gonna play a game. We're gonna play a playful game because you are a child. And this is our monastery here, where we're gonna pretend we're eight years old again. We're eight years old. You're gonna use your imagination. We always know imagination is more powerful than what? Knowledge. Who said that? Einstein said that. Because knowledge is what is, but imagination is what could be. All the things in your life that you wanna create are gonna come out of your imagination. We do an annual event. In our audience, we had the author of "The Four Agreements," Don Miguel Ruiz. And I was like, "Oh, please, can you please? Would you mind, sir, coming up here and just sharing some of your thoughts?" And we had this deep conversation, and I asked him, "What's your superpower? I wanna know. You're a superhero to so many. What would you say is your superpower?" He says, "Jim, my superpower is the same as everybody's superpower here. It's the superpower of imagination," right? And that's the power. If you wanna be able to create an incredible life, and you wanna be a thermostat where you're setting the goals and it's happening as opposed to responding like a thermometer, you need that power of imagination. So, you're gonna tap into your imagination here in a moment. And what I'm gonna ask you to do right now is go back-to-back. Go back-to-back with your partners, all three or four of you, all of you back to back, not just two. And what I'm gonna ask you to do here in a moment, you don't have to link arms, just go back-to-back. And in a moment I'm gonna go, "One, two, three." When I say, "Three," I want you to immediately turn around and you're gonna choose one of the moves, Spider-Man, Black Panther, or who? Or Wonder Woman. And what I want you to do is I want you to pretend you have another superpower. And that's a superpower of mind-reading, right, empathy. I want you to pretend you're Professor X or Jean Gray, and that you're really mind-melding with your new partners, your new friends. And I want you to do the best you can to be able to do the same superhero. Does that make sense? So, I want you to think, "Connect," connect with your new friends right now, energetically, mentally, emotionally, connect and think of a superhero. And in a moment I'm gonna go, "One, two, three," and then all of you are gonna turn around to face each other and then be that superhero. And the goal is to pick the same one. And, if you pick the same one, I want you to celebrate like an eight-year-old. What are you gonna do? Show me. No, like, really celebrate. What are you gonna do? All right. Fantastic. Ready? One, two, three. All right. Raise your hand if you won that time. Raise your hand if your group won. All right. We wanna get more winners here. Go back-to-back. Let's try it again. Back-to-back. Now, you're thinking of a superhero. You're tapping into your inner eight-year-old. So, right now, you've gained longevity right now, just this session alone. Isn't that great? Because you're acting like an eight-year-old. And we know by acting as if, based on the Ellen Langer study out of Harvard, that you're already gaining time. You'll be able to live longer, right? So, I want you to think about a superhero and this time you're thinking, "Oh, is she gonna switch it on me?" Ready? One, two, three. All right, we gotta get more. Who won that time? Raise your hand. All right, let's do it one more time. Last time. Go back-to-back. Last time. Back-to-back. Go back-to-back. Now, really, like, put your fingers by your temples right now. Just really tune in to your partners. What are they thinking right now? And, honestly, if you mess this up, it's not your fault. It's their fault. Tune into it. Group mind. How many people believe there's a universal mind or a group mind, right, a mastermind that when two or more people get together, they can create amazing things when there's clarity? Are you ready? Are you ready? All: Yes Jim: One, two, three. All right. Now, what I want you to do is link up arms with your partner. You don't have to go into a circle, not a full circle, just a line. And then what I want you to do is find one more group and link up with them. So, now you have three and three, six, go. I'm gonna teach you 10 ways of keeping your mind ageless and your brain strong. It's gonna add years to your life and life to your years. But what I wanna do first is I really wanna anchor the information that you learned. Meaning, again, you could have a lot of notes, and a lot of you have a lot of notes. How many people took some notes over the past few days, right? And, by the way, if you've gone through Superbrain, we do a whole note taking... How many Superbrains are in the room? Amazing. So, we actually go through, actually, step by step, how to take notes, which is very important in terms of your retention. But what I want you to do here... We know that knowledge is not power. We don't need to know any more information. We need to apply the information we already know. And that's what I feel like is most important. Utilize what you know. I'm not saying, "Don't continue to learn." Of course, do that, but get in the habit of learning something to implement it. Like, that's why I learned everything that I learned. I just wanna learn it so I can apply it, and I can learn it so I could teach it to somebody else. And because I have that intention, your intent matters. Does your intent matter in life? When you wanna remember someone's name, does that intention matter? When you wanna be able to make a sale, does your intention behind that make a difference? Yes or yes? Nothing sells like caring, nothing sells like sincere interest in somebody. So, you don't have to use a tactic, you just have to really care. And what I would say is the reason why I wanna learn is I wanna learn so I can use it, because I don't wanna just have information in my head. I've lots of information in my head. But the other thing is I wanna learn it so I can pass it on to somebody else. So, what we're gonna do is we're gonna employ both of those things. You learned an incredible amount over the past few days. What I want you to do is to grab a pen, or your notebook, or your phone if you don't have a place to write. And I want you to just write down three things. Write down three things that you picked up, insights, ideas, strategies, resources, something that would be worth you employing, something maybe that you could figure out to do. So, take out a piece of paper, there's paper on the sides also as well. Or you can write it in your phone. I just want you to write three Ahas. Does everybody know what an Aha is? Like those Eurekas, I call them quickenings. Something that you learn that's just like, okay, maybe you might have known though that thing before, but because you heard it at this time of your life, it is especially meaningful. Write those down. Participant: At this event? Jim: At this event. At this event. Very good distinction. What did you pick up the past few days? I just want you to write three ideas. Ideally, something you could employ and do, a workout, an exercise. I want you to just write it down and capture it. Three things. If you have your notebook, you could just go through your notebook and that would be easy. Just circle three things, an inspiration, an idea, a strategy, a resource, a person you're gonna call. The past few days, you have a lot of data, and you wanna turn that data into doing. There's too much information, right? You're drowning information, but you're starving for practical wisdom. What are those nuggets that's gonna serve you, that you would look back a year from now, 3 years from now, 10 years from now, having done that thing, acted on that, knowing you're in a totally different place, a more incredibly beautiful place because you took action on that one thing? And it doesn't have to be profound. The most amazing things I found are the things that are so simple. It's the things that we just put aside, you know. And the people, I know you're not here because you wanna dabble, because you wouldn't be here. You're here because you wanna be on that path to mastery, right? And maybe we never reach a level where we call ourselves master or have that identity, but we're on a path. And so the simple things, I find, are the most powerful, right? And we're gonna talk about the 10 keys after this, on what you could do to increase your lifespan and have an ageless mind, and they're so simple and common sense. Does everybody have three things? Does anyone need more time? Okay. What I want you to do is just circle the one thing that just, it's talking to you, like you feel more energy in that one thing. Just circle that one thing, that idea, that inspiration, that individual, that instruction, that one thing. And what I want you to do now is I just want you to take a moment. Just for a few minutes, we're gonna go around in your group and I want you to share that one thing. What is the one thing that you're taking away? It's not just limited to one thing, but I want you to share that with your grouping. Just go around. Now, the person who starts is the person with the shortest hair. The person with the shortest hair in the group, they start. All right? Listen, don't start yet. The shortest hair, and you're gonna go counterclockwise. Because the name of the study that Ellen Langer did out of Harvard where she took people from 1979 and put them in 1959, it was called "The Counterclockwise Study." So, I want you to go counterclockwise from the shortest hair and you're gonna share your big Aha with the group. Ready? Go. Okay. Give your group a round of applause. Let's get some Ahas. Just raise your hand. Let's share with the room here. Raise your hand if you wanna share, like, one thing that you received out of A-Fest so far. We have mic runners. Is anyone raising their...? Perfect. Your name, where you're from, and your Aha. Paulo: I had to look at my label. Jim: For your name? Paulo: I'm Paulo. I'm from London. And my Aha moment was something I sort of intrinsically knew, but I hadn't quite figured out, which was that wonderful quote that went up earlier today, which was about, "Your life isn't about me. It's about everyone you touch." I think that was probably the most profound thing that I've learned. Jim: Fantastic. Let's give him a hand. "It's not about me. It's about we." Very nice. Yes. Your name, where you're from, and your big Aha. Adelina: I'm Adelina and I'm from Seattle, Washington in the United States. So, my biggest Aha moment from all my conversations with all these amazing conversations with people that I've had here is that I feel every single person that I've come across and I've spoken with is like a guide, is here for a reason. It's not just accidental. It's really for a reason. They're to give us a message that we're supposed to pay attention and listen to, in a sense that they are like a spiritual guide giving us a message. And I've had so many messages from every single person I've spoken with. So, I just wanna say thank you to all of you that gave me such profound and Aha messages. Jim: Let's give her a round of applause. How many people believe that everybody could be your teacher? Raise your hand. Certainly. I believe that the life we live are the lessons we teach. Right? And everybody can be a shining example, or they could also be a warning to us also as well. But everybody could be our teacher. And imagine just having that attitude just going around, because your learning never ever stops. Yes. Maru: Hey, everyone. I'm Maru. I am from Venezuela. I live in Dallas, Texas. And my biggest Aha, it was so big I could have left that day, was the first morning. I honestly thought, this year, there was something wrong with me. I am generally full of life and the life of the party. I've been building an online business for six years now. On the first morning, Vishen says that loneliness is worse for health than obesity and smoking. And I realized, I think to myself, "Oh my gosh, there's nothing wrong with me. I've just been lonely." Because I've been behind my laptop and, and doing what I do because I had to. And so that thought, and that concept, and that explanation was beyond liberating and healing. And you are healer as well, my friend. I attended your workshop and I started feeling like I was blocked, or like there was something wrong with me, and I realized that I just didn't know how to learn, and I didn't know learning could be so sexy. So, thank you. Jim: All right. How many entrepreneurs could relate to that also, where you're just by yourself all the time or maybe on a computer? And it's interesting with social media, because it's great because we get to see our friends and our family, get easy updates. But there's a disconnect also there as well. I just wanna recognize that there's a theme here. Does everyone see there's a common thread that's going on here? What is it? Participant: Community. Jim: Community, right? Connection, "me" to "we," not feeling lonely. By the way, loneliness increases your chance of dementia 65%. I mean, that's what the newest research is saying. So, that sense of connection is so very important. And I feel like that, yes, entrepreneurs, you could hustle and you could be strong. But, also, asking for help, is that strength when you need it, asking, does it take courage to be able to do that and connect with individuals? And so, that's really good for your brain, because your brain is not... Your performance and your longevity is not just based on your biological networks, or even your cognitive neurological networks. It's based on your social networks. Because that's why they say, "Who you spend time with is who you...," what? It's who you become. And we know that because we need to repeat all these things, but are we practicing that in terms of who we choose to be in our life, and also who we allow to be in our life also as well? Because how many people here, you're challenged because you're gonna be going home and then maybe some of those people aren't necessarily vibrating at the highest level for where you are in your life? Raise your hand. And it's interesting, because can you choose and make a conscious choice on who...? Even if it's family. You could love your family, but you could choose the people that have that expectation for you, right, and who you're gonna allow to be able to have that power, or that control, if you will. One more. Does somebody have something burning? Just raise your hand. Anybody? Spencer: Hey, I've got one over here. Jim: Okay. We'll do two. One here and then we'll finish here. Spencer: So, I'm Spencer from Miami, Florida. So, simplification, intensity, and structure. And you were talking about sharpening the saw, and I was thinking about my life, how it wouldn't even be mattering if I was sharpening the saw if I'm trying to like saw all these different materials, because I'm bringing way too many things into my life. And so I feel like a lot of the purpose and passion I've really figured out, but between 10X, and learning faster, and all these things, it's really about clearing out the distraction and doing the things that I already know, which is like paying attention, and increasing my physiology, and being really present with someone. But that made a massive, massive difference in like how clearly I can see how to create the space for success moving forward. Jim: Let's give him a round of applause. A couple of those points, simplicity, I love that word because literally what I'm looking for... Anybody can make things more complex, and that's just the truth. Anybody can make things more complicated. How many people here do you feel like you're an expert at something? Raise your hand. And so, for me, an expert is able to communicate something in a way where they make it more elegant, because they've gone through the trial and error, they've made the mistakes, and they can focus on the things that really, really matter. And so, elegance for me. And the other thing is, when we're talking about intensity, like these workouts, notice that... Again, raise your hand if you went to one of the workouts here, 10X. The reason why it works, like, everything works like this. It's all based on frequency, duration, and intensity. Learning is the same way. Just like if you wanna build your physical muscle, so you could do frequency, right, repetitions. You could do duration, meaning you could go and spend more time at the gym. You could also make it so intense. The reason I like intensity, because we do that with the memory training, for those of you who went through Superbrain, is we make experiences so intense you don't need the frequency and duration. Because what's the challenge with frequency and duration? It takes time. And the time is your most valuable asset, period, and that's the one thing you can't get back. But when you make something more intense... How many people are business owners or sales? Raise your hand. That's marketing, right? That's sales. You could do frequency, meaning somebody you could show an ad many, many times or you run Facebook ads many, many times, frequency. Duration is you could do longer sales meetings, you could do infomercials, 30 minutes, like, sales videos, duration. Or your message could be so intense that there's no cycle, right? Somebody just hears it, and it hits them emotionally, where it really counts, and then there's a purchase. So, look at things in terms of shortcutting. In the world we live in today, we don't necessarily have the time for frequency, like, repeating things over and over again. Like, I don't have the time to repeat a name 50 times in my head. I don't have time to rehearse a presentation 100 times, over and over again. Because if you use intensity, that's how your neurological muscles work also. All right? So, that's an incredible shortcut. And so, we're always looking for these kinds of strategies. Aaron, brother. Name, where you're from, and what was your big...? Aaron: So, my name is Aaron from the States. The big takeaway from me was on day zero with Eric talking about the visual, and auditory, and kinesthetic changes in terms of speaking and teaching. I do a lot of that from stage and working with groups around longevity through love, and understanding that the way in which everyone receives and understands love is through different means, and to feel that slow, gentle speech or the fast, intense intensity that lightens up from within. And to be able to communicate that, and also seeing that through the last few days, a way in which different speakers communicate their message, and what connects to me, and what connects to others really hit home. And it's something I can take away into the work that I'm doing in the world. So... Jim: I love that, Aaron. Let's give him a hand. Just like there are love strategies or love languages, we all have preferences in terms of our criteria of what's most important, how we like to be communicated with. Try this. Everyone take out a piece of paper and just write your first and last name, just on a piece of paper, first and last name. Or if you're typing, use your dominant hand, just one hand, type it. And then when you're done, switch hands, and with your opposite hand, right below it, write your first and last name. Now, if it's not on a digital device, I just want you to show your neighbor if you wrote it down. By the way, definitively, and I'll just put this out there for those of you willing to entertain this, you know, my life is a bunch of experiments, because I wanna practice this. There is a difference between handwriting your notes and digital recordings. Which one do you think is more effective when it comes to retention and comprehension? All: Handwriting. Jim: Handwriting. Hands down. And if you listen to that podcast episode I do about note-taking... How many people here listen to my show? Raise your hand. So, everybody here has a podcast app. If you search Jim Kwik in the podcast app, we have a show, our team has a show. It's only 10, 15 minutes long on how to do these things. There is no advertising, no sponsors, or anything. There's an episode on how to take notes, how to change your habits, and all these great things. And so, taking notes with your hands, and I'm not gonna go through the reasons why it's actually better for your understanding and your comprehension. But my point in this is now that you wrote it with your dominant hand and non-dominant hand, show your neighbors the difference. Show your neighbors what you came up with. Okay, come back. So, here, which one was easier? One or two? All: One. Jim: One. Which one was more comfortable? One or two? All: One. Jim: Which one was higher quality? One or two? All: One. Jim: One. Hopefully one. Right? So, here's the thing, you're saying number two took longer, it was more uncomfortable, and the quality wasn't quite as good. And my point of bringing this up is this. Have you ever tried to learn something? It could be a subject you're very interested in, but for some reason, you're just not getting it. Have you ever had days like that because you're working with somebody trying to learn it? Maybe you're trying to learn it with the opposite hand. Does that make sense? So, it took longer, and the quality wasn't is good, and it felt a little uncomfortable, and you don't know why. Maybe because the way you prefer to learn is different than the teacher's way of teaching. Does that make sense? So, maybe, metaphorically, you're two ships in the night, and you literally pass each other, and you don't even recognize the other one's there. There's no connection, right? Human beings are the same way. So, when you have ways that you prefer to learn, let's take visual, auditory, kinesthetic, because that's a simple way of looking at it. Some people like to learn visually. If the teacher is teaching differently, you might get part of it, but you're not getting all of it. Does that make sense? And so, with love languages, it's very much the same way. Even how people communicate with each other. You could see somebody whose learning style is visual and somebody who's very auditory. And then somebody who's very visual, they tend to speak faster, right? And auditory seems, you know, more level. Kinesthetic people talk slower, right, because it takes more time to get in touch with your feelings. Visual people talk really fast because a picture's worth 1,000 words. You have to keep up with 1,000 words. That's really fast, right? That's why even with our speed reading program, we get people visual because they can process a thousand words really, really fast. Get them in visual mode, right? Visual people also use very visual words. When I say, "You have a bright future," what mode is that? Visual. Because what's the word? All: Bright. Jim: Bright. If I say, "That sounds good to me. Sounds good, what you're saying," what mode am I in? Auditory. If I say, "I don't get it, I'm learning." Remember we were talking about learning? "I just can't get a grasp around that. I can't get my hands around it." What's that? Kinesthetic. So, you see how these things... But it also shows up in your breathing, in your posture, in your eye movements. When I ask people to do visual experiments, and I asked you to visualize success, and I asked you to visualize what you wanna be able to learn, and we take the actors and teach them how to memorize their scripts, and they make it visual. Look at your partners. Just to look at them right now, just your teammate, and I want you to just remember, "How many windows are in your home?" Quick. Just how many windows are in your home? Notice where your eyes go when you're thinking about this. Now, for the most part, where did your partners look? Up, right? Because when you look up, you tend to send more blood flow to your visual cortex, which helps you to be able to imagine or remember things that you see, right? Now, by the way, there's a difference. When you look up and to the right, it helps you to visually imagine something. Now, when you look up and to the left, it helps you to visually remember something. Because you can only visualize and picture two things, either something you remember, like the windows in your home, or something that's imagined, that you've never seen before. Right? Creativity. Does that make sense? Did anyone ever see that movie, "The Negotiator," with Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey? Anyone see that? Raise your hand. Remember the scene where Samuel Jackson was interrogating somebody, and he says, "You're lying." He's like, "How do you know?" He's like, "You're looking up and to the right." Because, visually, talking about something, he's imagining. Now, I don't want you to go back to your spouses and your kids and become a human lie detector. And now, this isn't an exact science, but like anything, there are tendency and traits. Does that make sense? And it's allowing. But it's neurological. These little distinctions, are these useful to know as a coach, as a parent? Who here is a parent? Raise your hand. Who here has children? Who here was once a child? Who has a relationship with a human being? Raise your hand. So, these are useful things to know about strategies, love strategies, learning strategies. Everything comes down to strategies, right? So, you're making things simple, you're making them intense, and you're looking at the strategy, because there's always a method behind the magic. And if you were to walk out with any one thing from my contribution here with you is that genius leaves clues. Genius leaves clues. That if somebody is a genius, and I don't mean IQ, that's the thing that I'm least impressed with. I'm talking about somebody who excels in their expertise, that they're doing something other people aren't doing. People who could read three times faster are doing things that people who weren't taught are doing. People who can learn languages two, three, four languages easier, they're doing things unconsciously other people aren't doing, pick up a musical instrument. How many people wanna do one of those things or more? Right? There are strategies to genius, and that's what the breadth of our work is, is helping make those strategies very explicit. So, when I memorize 100 people, like you've see me at A-Fest memorize names, and numbers, and words, that there's a method. Because there's no such thing as a good or bad memory. There's just a trained memory and an untrained memory. And this takes this off of you, because if you're not good at this, it's just that we weren't taught. It would be the equivalent of somebody not being good at ice skating, and you wouldn't be upset at that person nor blame that person if they never took a lesson in ice skating, right? It's the same thing with reading. It's the same thing with all the things, focus. When's the last time you took a focus class, a class on memory, a class on imagination, productivity, creativity, problem-solving? So, if you're not great at that, we just weren't taught. And these are all things that are taught. And so, when we're done here, I'm gonna share with you the 10 keys for unlocking what I call your superhero brain, all right, your Superbrain, if you will, that's gonna keep your brain and your mind ageless. Here's the thing, one-third of your brain health and your memory, your intelligence, is predetermined by genetics and biology, but two-thirds is in your control. Now, some people suggest all of it's in your control, that we're creating our reality all the time. All right? So, whatever studies you buy into, we have more control than most of us believe. Is that fair? And everything counts. Everyone always wants to know what the magic pill is. There's no magic pill. There's just magic processes, right? And I'm gonna go through those 10 things here. So, really the goal here is just remember this. I want you to write down GPA, write down the initials, G-P-A. And my goal here is for you to leave here and not just have a great event. Yes. Probably the most valuable thing you have gotten here are new connections and new friendships. Raise your hand if you met somebody amazing here that you know you're gonna know them for forever, right? So that's irreplaceable. But when it comes to your using ideas and insights to be able to move things forward, I don't want those things to die on the vine, to literally die on the vine in your brain. Years ago, Vishen and I, we were in the Amazon rainforest. And there are pictures of me on Instagram where, you know, on the Amazon rainforest, there are pink dolphins, Like, that was the most amazing experience, right? And we came across an indigenous tribe, their very first Western contact. But if the Amazon River is like, you know, one of the most amazing forces of nature, right? Huge river. It's being fed through like streams, right? Does that make sense? Multiple, multiple streams are feeding this into creating this experience. And what I'm here to say is this potential that you have, your intelligence, your memory, whatever it is, is being fed through streams, right? And it's not invisible. You might not see what's going on upstream, but then it shows up. And if it kind of dies off, and it evaporates, and you have a drought, you have to look at what's going on further upstream. Does that make sense? So, I'm gonna go through, really quickly, the 10 different things, but what I want you to do is be able to memorize these 10 things. And so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through, and I'm gonna teach you this very quickly, a way of putting it on to your body. And we're gonna put it on to your body just for ease. We've done this before. But when I go through these 10 keys, I teach this at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Brain Health, they're doing two things. They're treating people with Alzheimer's and dementia, caregiving, if you will, and they're doing the latest research, the latest research in the area of brain aging. And what my contribution there with the doctors, and the caregivers, and the researchers has to do with teaching them prevention, talking about prevention. So, I'm gonna give you the 10 keys to having an ageless mind. Every single one of them, you've either heard me say or you intuitively know that these are important. That's not the reason I'm saying it. The reason I'm saying it is to take knowledge and turn it into power. And I want you to take those ideas and have them have real impact. And what I want you to do is, when I'm going through it, I want you to cycle through. On a piece of paper, rate yourself, "On a scale of 0 to 10, how well am I doing in that category?" Is that fair? Yes or yes? All: Yes. Jim: Now, this is the home stretch, right? And so, some of you heard me tell this story at the last A-Fest. Raise your hand if you were at the last A-Fest. Fantastic. So, a few years ago, I got invited to go to... Okay, so there's a big boxing match with Mayweather and Pacquiao. I'm not a big boxing fan, but I like competition, because I like to see people excel and what makes somebody elite. I wanna see those patterns of genius that we talked about. And tickets were just extraordinary, thousands of dollars. I wouldn't pay for that. But Sylvester Stallone sends me a message saying, "You wanna watch the fight at my house?" And I'm like, "Oh, I totally wanna see this with Rocky, right? And the reason why I mention these names is, contrary to what people might think, I don't post pictures like this or tell stories around famous people for the sake of saying these people. Me talking about a Will Smith is just different than me talking about Bill Smith. Is that fair? That in order for me, as a memory expert, your memory is triggered by reminders, right? You are constantly reminded, even when you forget somebody's name, or you forget what you need to do later that day. Have you ever forgotten someone's name, or an actor's name, or whatever? And it's bothering you, and it's bothering the heck out of you, and you're doing these techniques like, "Does it start with an A? Does it start with a B? Does it start with a C?" Right? And you get really nervous when you get to W, because there's not many letters afterwards. But then hours go by, and you're just driving, and what pops into your mind? The name, right? And now, where was it before? It was always there. They did these studies with surgeons where they'll stimulate different parts of a subject's or patient's brain and they'll remember trips they took as a kid to the point where they could read signs right off the highway. That memory was there. They'll use a process called age regression. How many people have ever had hypnotherapy, hypnosis? And they'll take people down to a place when they were nine years old, in this relaxed awareness place. and their unconscious comes out, really showing his genius, and they'll remember what day. Ninety-five percent of people, adults, will remember what day their ninth birthday fell on, what day of the week. I mean, it's pretty extraordinary, right? So, that information might be there, but the hard part is triggering it. So, what I noticed is people, if they've got something to do, or whatever it is, what happens is there's a reminder in the external environment that prompted you unconsciously. Most of the time you don't even realize it. It could be a smell, a fragrance, a song on the radio. It's unconscious and you'll just remember it because that information got tagged to the environment. So, for example, they take people and they put them into a pool with a breathing apparatus, and they'll have them memorize words, study a bunch of words. Then they'll take them out of the pool, and they'll test them outside in the open air, and then they'll put them down, submerged underneath the water again, and they'll test them again. Which one do they do better at? All: Underwater. Jim: Underwater, right? Why? Participant: Because that's where they learned it. Jim: Because that's where they learned it. Because the environment got anchored to the information. And so, a really fun brain hack to do is, when I'm training actors and stuff like that... Or let's say you have to prepare to give a speech at a meeting. Raise your hand if this is you, that you have to give a public presentation or you have to study lots of information. Even if it's one on one, you maybe can study in the environment that you need to perform in, whether it's a meeting room, or it's on stage, or something like that. But you could take the environment with you. And the strongest sense out of your five senses, I'm just talking about the five, which one has the most anchor to your memory? Smell, your olfactory, right? I mean, just think, as a hunter-gatherer, you need to be able to smell a poison or if a food's rotten. That makes sense, right? How many people, if you smelled something, a food, or a fragrance, or essential oil, it could take you back years and you'll have that real visceral feeling experience? So, what if you use that? So, what if you took that unconscious thing that happens and make it conscious, and say, "Oh I need to study for this presentation, this meeting, I'm gonna study my notes and my flashcards," or whatever I'm studying, and you're smelling, and it's a very specific essential oil that's unique, or a lip balm, or a flavored gum, right? And then, when you need to perform, take the test, or give the speech, or do the meeting, whatever, you bring in that same smell. Does that make sense? Right. So, these are all did the hacks that we teach in Superbrain, and like hundreds of them. This is what we're gonna do right now. I'm gonna go through the 10 keys for unlocking your Superbrain. Again, one-third of your memory is predetermined by genetics and biology. Let's say two-thirds in your control. These are the 10 things I would focus on. Do not write these down. Well, you can write them down, because I'm asking you to go 0 to 10. All I want you to write down is you can write down what the hack is, and then, 0 to 10, "How well are you doing in this area?" All right? So, the first one is a good brain diet. So, on a scale of 0 to 10, what's an honest assessment? If you're honest and true to yourself, where are you on your diet? You don't have to say it out loud, but just write it down. So, in Superbrain, we talk about the most important foods for your brain that are neuroprotective. So, we're talking about avocados, we are talking about blueberries or what I call brain berries, right? We're talking about broccoli, we're talking about eggs, if that's allowed by your diet. We're talking about coconut oil or olive oil. We're talking about green, leafy, dark vegetables, wild salmon if that's part of your diet also as well. Tumeric. Every morning, I do like an almond tumeric tea, right? All these things are neuroprotective. Number two, killing ANTs, Automatic Negative Thoughts. How well are you controlling your self-talk? On a scale of 0 to 10, honestly, even if you've done this with me, how strong are you? Zero to 10. Do your thoughts make a difference? Yes or yes? If I say constantly, "I'm getting too old," is that gonna be self-fulfilling? Yes or yes? If I say, "I'm forgetful, I have a bad memory." If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. And this self-talk, it doesn't matter if it's external or it's internal, right? When I was nine years old, teacher pointed to me saying, "That's the boy with the broken brain," because I had that brain injury and those learning difficulties. Children are very, very susceptible to this, right? If you're a parent, your external words become their internal words. So, that became my self-talk. Every time I failed a test, didn't do well enough, or whatever, wasn't picked for a sports team, what did I say? "Oh I'm just the broken brain," right? So, your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk. That's number two. Number three, exercise. And really what we're talking about here is movement. The number one function of your brain is to control your movement, right? That's why we know there's not just a brain-body connection, but a body-brain connection, that using your body in different ways stimulates neurogenesis. It stimulates neuroplasticity, it stimulates brain-derived nootropic factors, which is the fertilizer for making new connections. So, you have to move. But we live in a very sedentary life, right? I was reading this book talking about barefoot kids, and how we're taking away seesaws, and swings, and all these things. We're overprotecting them and then we're keeping them in a very sterile environment. They're not moving as much, right? They're always on their devices and they're not getting the brain growth, right, and it's leading to learning challenges and so on. But how much are you moving every single day? They say sitting is the new smoking, right? You do not wanna sit eight hours a day and just study. I'm gonna go through the rest fast. Number four, brain nutrients, brain vitamins. Because we're traveling, we're not gonna eat the best foods ever. Are you supplementing? There are certain nutrients that I would just have, I would make this a no-brainer. I would just go to your functional medicine doctor and get like hormonal tests, full-spectrum tests, food sensitivity, and just see what your baseline is, because I really do believe people are bio-individual. Like, I've seen all the research, talked to so many individuals. Find out what works for you. The most important supplement is DHA for the brain. DHA. All right? That's number four. Number five, positive peer groups. So, rate yourself, 0 to 10, "How inspired, encouraged, challenged, energized are you by your peer group?" And, again, peer is choice. I'm not talking about your family, although they maybe are your peer, but the people that you choose, right? So, either get a new group or choose who you're gonna let affect you, a positive peer group, because it really affects your brain. Zero to 10. Really fast. Number six, clean environment. How clean is your environment? How organized, 0 to 10? And you know this, right? Is your external world reflected by your internal world and vice versa? Because there's a feedback loop. Have you ever cleaned your room, cleaned your desktop, cleaned your work area, and all of a sudden you have clarity of thought? Yes or yes? This is the interactive part. Yes or yes? The reason why I brought up the boxing match is this. Because I go over there, we watch this fight, and afterwards I was like... It was me sitting here, Sylvester Stallone on the couch here, and then to his left was Arnold Schwarzenegger. And I swear if you took a picture of that, they'd be like, "Who Photoshopped that Asian dude in that photo?" But I was like, "What does it take to be a champion like those guys?" And then Arnold said, "Jim, the difference between the amateur and a champion is a champion's willing to push past the pain period." Just like for those of you did the exercise over the past few days, it's that intensity. Is there a pain period in a relationship? Is there a pain period sometimes in a health crisis? Is there pain period also in your business? Multiple pain periods, right? The ability to push past, that's where the period is now, because you've just done days and days, and you feel like your attention is wandering and going different places. This is the time when it counts, just like with your workout. Right? And so, for Lorenzo and his teams here, that would be the goal. So, that's number six. Number seven, sleep. On a scale of 0 to 10, how good is your sleep? It's important for your brain. Three really simple reasons. It's where you consolidate short to long term memory, that's where you actually remember. You do not, even when you're doing these workouts, build your muscles when you're working out. You build it when you rest. Same thing with your mental muscles, same thing with your memory. So, that's where you consolidate short to long term memory. The other reason why you sleep is it cleans plaque out that could lead to dementia and potentially brain aging challenges. And how many people, raise your hand, honestly, if you're not at an 8, 9, or 10 on your sleep? Raise your hand if you're not. And that affects it. The last reason why is how you dream, right, your REM sleep, your REM stages of your sleep. That's very important because that's where your creativity... I'm telling you, like we did a whole thing on Superbrain on how to remember your dreams. But, specifically, why do you wanna remember your dreams? Because you learn all day. Your brain doesn't shut off at night. It's more active at night. And so Elias Howe created a sewing machine in his dream, Paul McCartney came out with the song "Yesterday" in his dream, Mary Shelley came up with "Frankenstein" in his dream, periodic table came to a chemist in his dream. What are you dreaming about at night that could solve a lot of the problems in your business, in your life, but you forget it the next morning? That's why the first thing I do in my morning routine is remember my dreams. And six steps on how to do that, we talked about in Superbrain. After that sleep, eight, brain protection. Are you protecting your brain? And I'm not just talking about wearing a helmet in extreme sports. Yes, that's obvious. I've had a series of traumatic brain injuries, and concussions, and all those challenges, yes. But I mean things like EMFs, like we did a podcast episode specifically talking about electromagnetic fields and how it's affecting the brain. Is that affecting the brain, you think? All: Yes. Jim: Do you think it's normal? You think we evolved or were born to be able to handle all the electricity that's coming out of these smart devices? You know, I read recently that over 90% of kids sleep with their phones underneath their pillows, right? Not on airplane mode, right? So, it's big, big, big challenge. We just did two videos on that that had 4 million views in just a matter of weeks. You should watch those videos, EMFs, protect your brain. Number nine, new learnings. New learnings, meaning that you might've seen the longevity. This is a longevity conference on the cover of Time magazine where there was this study on nuns who were living 80, 90, and above. What was the secret to longevity? Part of it was their emotional faith, gratitude. The other half, lifelong learners. These group of women were just learning every day, reading everyday, having deep conversations, doing the work every single day. It added years to their life and life to their years. So, always learning, and I'm preaching to the choir here, but I know for a fact most of you could actually push it even more. All right? That's how you create neurogenesis, neuroplasticity. If you wanna know the secret to having an ageless mind, neurogenesis says you could create new brain cells to the day you die, neuroplasticity saying you can create new connections to the day you die. The two most important factors outside of sleep that's gonna promote neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, novelty and nutrition. Just like your body, you have to give a novelty, or stimulus, and you have to give it nutrition, and feed that muscle. Does that make sense? Same thing with your mental muscles. So, novelty of movement, novelty of ideas. But most people, as we grow older, and I mean chronological age, we shut down because we feel like we know everything, right? So, there's no novelty that's there. There is a Rumi quote that says, "Sell your cleverness for bewilderment." Like, when's the last time you felt bewildered? Remember, you don't have creativity, or have focus, or have a memory, or have bewilderment, or have love, or have motivation, or have energy. You do those things. You do energy, you do creativity, you do focus, you do bewilderment. So we're taking nouns and turning them to verbs, and we're taking a structure, a process, a strategy on how you can replicate that at will. And, finally, the last thing, number 10, stress management. And this is the invisible one, right? Nobody wants to talk about it. How many people didn't realize how much stress they were under until they were like hanging out here on the beach? Because it's like fish, they don't see the water because it's there all the time. But we are under so much environmental stress, pollutants, environmental stress, emotional stress, work stress, cognitive stress, financial stress. And we don't realize that. But you don't get the best of the best out of that, right? It's good for fight or flight, sympathetic mode, but it's not good if you need to think. If you're under stress, it doesn't help you study. When you're stressed, it doesn't help you give a presentation. When you're stressed, it doesn't help you perform cognitively, because it shuts down cortisol, adrenaline, big parts of your brain. So, stress management. So, how are you managing your stress? All right, so stand up. We're finished. Stand up. We're almost finished. Two minutes? Two minutes. Are we good? Yes or yes? All: Yes. Jim: All right. Shake out your body. Now, what we're gonna do is, this technique is, we're gonna take a location on your body and just so it's anchored on your body, we're gonna take the 10 tips and we're gonna turn them into images. We already said imagination will make you more youthful, more powerful, more childlike. We're gonna take each of the tips and put them on 10 places on our body. Ready? On the top of your head, everyone see on top of their head. Say, "Top." All: Top. Jim: And I want you to imagine the first brain tip, which is a good brain diet. I want you to imagine guacamole and blueberries all over the top of your head. This would never happen. You're like, "That's so childish." That's why it works. I want you to imagine that. Even if you can't imagine it, imagine you can imagine it, because that's your negative self-talk. Two is your nose. What's number two? Nose. What's number two, everybody? Killing ANTs, automatic negative thoughts. I want you to see ants coming out of your nose, and you're killing them. Not that you would ever do that. It's gross. Remember, emotion is what's important. Information alone, you'll forget it. Information, emotion, you'll never forget it. Ants coming out of your what? All: Nose. Jim: Third place is your mouth. Touch your mouth, and I want you to imagine exercise. What are you doing? Imagine. What are you doing? What's that? Participant: Dumbbells. Jim: Dumbbells with your lips, right? Pushups with your mouth. Everyone just imagine that, right? Number four are your ears. Touch your ears. And I want you to imagine brain vitamins, brain vitamins coming out of your what? All: Ears. Jim: Ears. Omega-3s, Ginkgo biloba, your B vitamins, all coming out of your ears, right? Remember, make it feeling-oriented and make sure you see it. Number five is your throat. Touch your throat. Five is your throat. And I want you to imagine, for number five, here are your positive friends. I want you to imagine your best friends are putting happy faces, smiley faces, on your neck. That would never happen. Like, I just made that up. But you'll remember it because you don't remember the ordinary, you remember the extraordinary. By the way, is this working? What's on the top of your head? Good brain diet. What's coming out of your nose? All: Ants. Jim: Good. What's out of your mouth? All: Exercise. Jim: Good. Number four? All: Vitamins. Jim: Good. And number five. Wow. Number six are your shoulders. I want you imagine clean environment. There's somebody there that's mopping and vacuuming dandruff on your shoulders. Ready? Number seven is your collar, and I want you to imagine sleep. And so, imagine a hammock on your collar. Remember a hammock and you getting good rest, sleep. Sleep. Do you see that? Good. Number eight are your fingers, and I want you to imagine brain protection. So, just imagine a helmet on each of your fingers with your favorite sports team. Look at it, helmets all over your fingers. Imagine what they feel like. See it? Feel it? Good. Finally, number 9 and 10. Nine is your belly, and I want you to imagine new learning. So, I want to you imagine you're wearing like a bookshelf around your waist and your favorite books, "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind," and all the authors here. They have your favorite books, new learnings. That's number nine. And finally, 10 is your seat. Ten is your what? Seat. Your rear end. And I want you to imagine stress management. I don't even wanna know what you're thinking about stress management. It can be red wine, it can be a massage, it can be meditation, whatever that, but just put it there. Now, you are the memory expert, right? You are the memory expert. You could give a Ted Talk. This is like the 10 points to a speech, right? So, here we go. I need all your energy. What's number one? All: Brain diet. Jim: Good. Number two. All: Killing ANTs. Jim: Number three. All: Exercise. Jim: Number four. All: Vitamins. Jim: Number five. All: Friends. Jim: Yes, very good. Your friends. Six. Participant: Clean environment. Jim: C;ean environment. Number seven. All: Sleep. Jim: Sleep. Number eight. All: Protection. Jim: Brain protection. Number nine? All: Books. Jim: And number 10. All: Stress. Give yourselves a round of applause. Our message to you is this, our team here, my cofounder, Alexis, our entire team, we're really happy to partner with Mindvalley for Superbrain. You know, our message for you is we wanna make the planet smarter. We believe that the collective wisdom of this room, of this planet, that if we can make better, brighter brains, we can solve a lot of the big challenges in your life and in this world that we need to. How many people believe the world needs superheroes? Right? And really it starts with our minds, and our hearts, and our hands when they're all aligned, right? And so, we believe that your life is like an egg. That if an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends, right? It cracks, it ends. But if it's broken by an inside force, life begins. And all great things begin on the inside. And you have greatness inside of you. You have genius inside of you. So, let's let it out together. Thank you very much.
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 188,779
Rating: 4.8598084 out of 5
Keywords: mindvalley, a fest, a-fest, mindvalley a fest, jim kwik, superbrain, tedx talk, how to improve memory, speed reading, brain exercises, imrpove memory, fast learning, speed learning, how to learn faster, brain tips, be inspired motivation, jim kwik memory, jim kwik brain, learning tips, how to remember better, how to improve brain, how to learn better, learn better, super brain, a fest sardinia, brain power
Id: 9qYCLXxzxBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 43sec (3823 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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