Jim Kwik | Kwik Learning | 2018

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as you've heard by now we have an institute called the performance science Institute to teach high performance mindset in any domain and we have dr. Glenn Fox a neuroscientist who leads that here many of you are in his class on Monday evenings and those two classes work together so part of my personal reason for starting this institute was I constantly feel like I'm not performing at my best I just constantly struggle with am I sort of like maximizing my my potential my abilities I used to be really smart I sort of get that feeling like geez when I was in grad school I could remember everything I could read a case I could digest it and now I don't retain things like I used to so I was like how can I go like improve my brain and one person's name just keeps coming up around town not just around town but around the world you heard it last week went I said it but you know friends and YPO friends and entertainment they're all like you should get Jim quick for your class you should get Jim quick for your class you know he works for some of the you know the best companies and entrepreneurs in the world fortune 50 companies and did you know is paid to do that so we're really lucky that he is here I'm a fan of his not just his work but his mission to serve others and help others and when he heard about our class he insisted on coming here so I'm just really excited to welcome let's give a USC welcome to Jim quick how's everyone doing doing well yes like this my what I want to do is I want this to be a different kind of class I want this for you this to be the most valuable class session you have ever had and I know that's saying a whole lot and it's not because I'm so great is I believe that you are so great and so I'm and this is the volume okay in the back there you can hear me okay so what I'm gonna talk about is how to make you how we could become collectively twice as smart how many people here like to be twice as intelligent right basically I want to show you how you could double your brain power so effectively you could read twice as fast your focus could be double you could remember twice as much I mean effectively learn anything in half the time any subject or any squid guilt how many people would find that valuable a little bit or a lot a lot and so here's the thing I am going to do this in a way that's a little bit different I'm going to show you how to hack your brain they say we use a very small percentage of that potential what percentage of your brain do they say we use like yeah like Einstein said like ten percent I read Stanford later it said about two percent I read recently it's 110 thousand to one percent he keeps on going down but actually in actuality I feel like we use all our brain but some of us use it more efficiently than others can you people relate to that and so what I'm gonna do is show you some hacks to be able to get more out of it where you don't say that that work harder but you're just working smarter so I have no no set presentation and so what I'd rather do is I know sometimes some you'll you'll learn something and at the end you'll ask questions I would actually rather start by saying asking you questions like what would what would make this extremely valuable for you if we're gonna spend the next 75 minutes together or so and I was a magical genie and I could stand my fingers and help you to be able to your focus your habits your mindset your concentration your ability to read your ability to recall things what what topics do you think would be really interesting and useful for the majority of the people here and then we'll go there yes to read and retain how many people here have too much to read too little time how many people have books on your shelf you haven't read yet right and it's hard right how many people get more than ten emails a day right we're drowning in information but we're starving for for wisdom right and so we live in this information age I was doing a program I remember hearing that from the chairman of Google that the amount information that's been created from the dawn of humanity to the year 2003 just think about it like a decade and a half ago that amount information that data how long does it take to be able to create that now that that well that volume two days every 48 hours you think about all the podcasts and the YouTube videos social media blogs and so on every two days so the amount information is doubling at dizzying speeds but let me ask you a question how we read it has that changed at all how focus on it retain it so the amount of formations go like this this gap creates what stress right anxiety they call it information fatigue syndrome you're gonna hear a lot about this as a compression of leisure time or sleeplessness right higher blood pressure or even if you have time to enjoy yourself you can't enjoy because your mind still like multitasking so reading faster so we could talk about that what else would be useful for you yes to be able to focus how many people have ever going back to studying you're studying a page and of being a book you get to the end and you just forget what you just read and you go back and you reread it and you get to the end and you still don't know what you just read right how many people's minds wander so we're gonna talk about how do you maintain your concentration in a world full of distraction what else if we're gonna cover we could definitely cover this reading speed and focus remembering names how many people have ever met some is it important to room our names have you ever met somebody you get their name and then seconds later after a handshake breaks the name just falls right to the floor and you wonder where it goes or if it's not a short-term issue it's a long-term issue like you could be out at about somebody taps on your shoulder you turn around you see somebody you recognize but for the life of you you honestly don't remember who that person is and what makes it worse is when you have to introduce to people or that or mo makes it really worse is when that person has the to remember your name right and then it gets really awkward or you have to introduce two people whose names you don't remember and gets very awkward with I don't you watch Seinfeld it wasn't there a Seinfeld episode on this like he was dating somebody for a while and he forgot her name and every time she went to the bathroom he would try to go into her purse and see her ID and and Georgia Cranmer come by try to introduce themselves and get the name out they put all these games I think it what was it it rhyme with a part of the female anatomy right so I'm so it's names names and faces will cover that what else yes control your emotions like your emotional state like how you feel about certain things or at anxiety yeah it's tough right how many people feel like you know you want to be logical sometimes but you get your your your mind gets hijacked by your heart sometimes right especially the emotions that get in the way of you learning like anxiety and stress because when you go into fight-or-flight you go what happens is I just did a whole pot I don't know if anyone listens to my show it's it's the number one training show on iTunes in the world it's called quick brain so you just look at your app and just search Jim quick and there's nothing sold there there's no sponsors anything it's just ten minutes episodes on how to read a book a week how to learn another language how to be able to remember people's names that kind of thing but we did a whole thing on emotional states because when you're stressed you create cortisol and adrenaline which is really good for fight-or-flight but it's not good if you need to study it's not good if you need to give a presentation in front of a group of people and so we'll talk about learning States that's a lot to cover is there anything else that's really burning for somebody like you know something you're struggling with something you like to be able to fix that's really holding you back from being the the person you'd like to be here yeah okay so how many people can relate to this it's like you don't study in school because what are you doing the night before your what you're like cramming right and then the next morning you like you don't study and then also you're studying all night the next morning at breakfast nobody could talk to you because you don't anything to spill out of your brain and you can't wait to take the test and when you take the test what happens afterwards it's like gone right so everybody knows there's a learning curve well what a lot of people don't realize is there's also a forgetting curve that within 48 hours this is what the research is showing within 48 hours of learning something once 80% of it is gone within two days isn't that crazy and you might be concerned like how do you learn new things built on like prior knowledge right we could talk about that all right so I'm gonna go through so this is great because it's good that didn't prepare a set presentation and I'm gonna hit all these points for you in the time how many people will find that this is incredibly valuable if we could really move the needle in those areas for you would that make things better okay and the reason I ask is not because I don't know the answer is just this active is really important you'll find that one of the keys to learning faster is participation in meaning being active because learning here's what you want to remember and I love the format of this class where people are sharing their big takeaways and there are Haws and in terms of what the big things you take away I want to make sure everybody has something that's just you have it I call these quickening my last name really is quick I didn't change it to do what I do it's my father's name my grandfather's name you could say my life and my my destiny was pretty much planned out I had to be a runner back in school which is a lot of pressure my says quick write on your on your shirt I have to be very careful driving because the worst name to have on your driver's license when you get pulled over for speeding is the name quick because you're not going to talk your way on that ticket and I get to do my mission which is helping people to learn faster and the reason why I find that that we can together collectively boost your intelligence almost a hundred percent like double your brain power is not because I'm so great is because you're so great it's just you weren't taught how to do this I always think it's kind of interesting when you look back at school a lot of especially when you think about high school elementary school and junior high middle school a lot of classes on what to learn right now classes math history science Spanish all classes on what to learn but how many classes were there on how to learn like how to think how to focus how to concentrate how to really listen how to study write how to read faster the kind of things that you want to know that would make your life easier right how to remember things I always thought it should have been the fourth or in school they teach you three hours in school what are the three RS reading writing and what rithmetic write the fourth or what about remembering right what about recall what about retention race Socrates says there is no learning without remembering and you know this because if you forgot half of everything you know how effective would you be if you forgot half the people half the words half of everything that you studied but what if you could double that amount so that's what we're going to talk about here so I'm going to share with you I'm gonna go through this rapid-fire you want to take notes as best you can because I want to give you like a whole download basically over the next 60 minutes get you to the point where you will be able to double your brainpower when you leave here today now the key here is this I'm gonna customize it around around you be able to learn how many people have a subject or skill you'd like to learn faster can you think of one right now in your mind like I want you to think about a subject that you're having a challenge in or something you really want to master it could be marketing it could be Mandarin it can be music it could be martial arts think about a subject or skill because I want to make this extremely extremely practical so here's what I want you to remember now when I um see the reason why I know you can learn how to do this is because a lot of people don't know I am I grew up with learning challenges okay and I don't share this a lot but at the age of five I had a very bad accident head trauma brain injury and I had learning difficulties I was put in very special classes teachers would have to repeat themselves five six seven times to me and I still wouldn't understand I would pretend I understood but I didn't really understand I had very poor focus I had a very bad memory it took me an extra four years to learn how to read and it was really hard you think about school where you're passing around mr. pastor on that book and he had to read out loud and when that book got closer and closer and closer I would get so nervous I think actually a lot of people have a fear of public speaking that's where it actually came from right because I was a learned Association that we had right I read I read recently that the fear of public speaking is actually the number one fear in this country number two is fired number three is death it's crazy right so really when you're thinking about it some you know if somebody's had a funeral or something somebody would rather be like in the casket and actually giving the eulogy right because people are so scared of public speaking but I think the reason why people are so scared is they're scared they're gonna forget what they need to say right and so I teach a lot of the tedsters how to be able to memorize their speeches a lot of actors you know from Jim Carrey to Will Smith be able to teach them how to memorize their lines here in Hollywood because it's such a valuable skill right because I believe two of the most costly words in business or I forgot you know I forgot to do it I forgot that conversation I had with that person I forgot that client information I forgot what I needed to say I forgot that meeting I forgot where I put it I forgot that person's name every time you hear yourself say those words you know you lose time you lose opportunity to lose credibility right and so I know like after compensating I learned all these ways to compensate and now I teach these two individuals but I know you have genius inside of you right so I'm going to show you how to activate that other 90% of it the potential so what I want you to remember though is if you want to learn here's what I what I believe that genius leaves clues genius leaves clues that when somebody does something extraordinary that you could see them do something extraordinary in any field whether it's art architecture it could be mathematics and be fashion whatever it is and you could leave or you could say wow that person is amazing how do they do that because there's always a method behind the magic when you see magic in the world there's always a method but it's usually unconscious so I'm gonna pull them this the the curtain if you will and show you what people are doing inside their mind that allows them to get these incredible results when someone could learn a language faster than somebody else when people could read you know a book you know I've been reading a book a week now I'm in reading a book a day for four years you know everybody could do these kind of things because you weren't taught how to do it though right and so one of the ways that besides reading and research is when you're role modeling genius is who are the fastest learners on the planet who are the fastest learners children right how fast can children learn a musical instrument compared to it at all how fast can a child learn another language compared to an adults right I did this I actually I was in a group an audience of 10,000 people from 60 countries I said who are the fastest learners on the planet the whole table here yelled out pygmies which I don't know if you know why they're so such fast learners please tell me but children learn fast right and part of it is they're so playful right children ask lots of questions they they have a sense of wonderment right there's a Rumi quote that says sell your cleverness for bewilderment sell your cleverness for bid wildermann like when's the last time you felt the wildered about something so children learn so well because they play and they get involved in things but the challenge is when we grow older we stop playing right we've been grow older we stop playing and I don't think that's true I think it's actually the opposite I think we grow older because we stop playing right that we grow older because we stop playing so how many people are willing to play a little bit here to learn faster raise your hand all right stand up real quick let's prove it find somebody you don't know in the room and just partner with somebody in the room ideally you do not know introduce yourself go go go raise your hand if you need a partner raise your hand if you need a partner raise your hand if you need a partner go around raise your hand if you need a partner and look for somebody else raising their hand repeat after me all right this is what we're gonna do okay we're gonna we're gonna wake up your brains because it's the end of the day and we're gonna do this little exercise because I believe Oliver Wendell Holmes says this says that once a person's mind is stretched by a new idea it never regains its original dimensions so I want you to be able to think differently and what where it starts with is in your body when you move when your body moves your brain grooves when your body moves your brain grooves all right there's a connection between your brain and your body there was actually a study done at Oxford University sayin jugglers actually have bigger brains raise your hand if you know how to juggle these people have very very big brains okay so you actually create more white matter yeah jugglers learning how to juggle actually creates more white matter in your brain and so as your body moves your brain grew so I want to get you to think differently as opposed to just saying think differently we're gonna do it with our partners so what we're gonna do Lori Cobb are you know Joe's boss we're gonna do this we're going to do very very simple we're gonna count to three right with our partner we're gonna go one two three and then alternate back to one ready one three two all right go with your partner go all right we're doing at all right very good now what we're gonna do is this now we're gonna take levels of difficulty now with the number 1 we're gonna replace the one with a clap alright so watch this why we know yeah don't start you that don't start 3 2 3 go go go [Applause] this will be a nice picture a picture look a nice picture at the next one the next in like two more from here all right all right so why don't I go shoo repeat after me Shh very nice now one is we're going to remain a clap but now you're gonna stack number two two is going to be the sound of an animal okay so watch this three okay all right go go go the next [Applause] okay one into the way you know keep those stacked the third one is I don't know if some kind of dance like the twist how do you do a twist alright so watch this so start with start with one figure one so much this okay alright go go go go go with your partner [Applause] [Applause] all right all right high five your partner have a seat high five your partner have a seat okay a little bit okay this is the this is the lesson we're gonna talk about this all learning is state-dependent all learning is state-dependent if you walk away with anything out of this session today remember this if you want to know the key to long-term memory do this repeat after me and do this information combined with emotion becomes the long-term memory one more time information combined with emotion becomes the long-term memory and you know this because you are a memory expert you know how many of you you can hear a song and it could take you back years raise your hand automatically right without you thinking about it how many people it could be a song but it could also be a fragrance you could smell something and it could take you back what about two food how many people for you it's a food there's a certain food that it will take you back to when you're a child right because the information alone is not memorable information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory especially when you understand the brain anatomy part but going back to this when it comes to emotion what was the primary when you think about school in the past like think about high school what was the primary emotion you felt back in high school say depression what you feel primarily and okay yeah half the class was bored the other half the class was confused right but board right boredom usually and so here's the thing information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory boredom on a scale of zero to ten what's that zero what's anything times zero and you wonder why you forget like I asked you about the president's I asked you about like the periodic table all the things that you learned back in school what's your retention of that information it's probably very little because the state that you learned it in does that make sense okay so you need to be able to up this state and so part of what we do add moving around and we kind of laugh about it and move our bodies a little bit is we change the tone of it right because emotion is created by motion and moving around emotion is created by motion so for example let me prove it to you sit the way be sitting right now if you're a completely fascinated and interested in every word I was saying since it's exactly the way be now why do you even have to move because here's the thing you know your physiology affects your psychology that you can control the way you feel it's not up you know why I love this class because you're elite right you are exceptional because you self selected to be here right you're what I call it thermostat you're not a thermometer because you want to be a thermostat you don't want to be a thermometer what's a thermometer on the wall do what's the primary function of a thermometer it yeah it just reacts to the what see the environment right our people sometimes the same way they just kind of react they react to the weather or they react how people are treating them they react how the economy is doing right now there's a difference between a thermometer and a thermostat what's a thermostat do it controls the environment right it influences the environment it sets a goal it sets a standard it sets a vision and what happens to the environment it rises it raises to be able to meet that and that's what leadership really is right it's about taking the invisible and making it what visible so when you think about what you want to learn faster and my promise is to you is to be able to give enough brain to double your brainpower to be able to supercharge your intelligence I want you to remember this be fast write this down be fast it's an acronym the bee is believed because if you believe you can or believe you can either way what you're right who said that Henry Ford right Henry Ford said that if you believe you can or believe you can't either way you're right now what's a belief actually let me show you what a belief is stand back up quick make arm length distance from the person next to you I know it's gonna be tight but just try to make some distance from the person next to you even the wall behind you try to move around a little bit I know you guys got it all right put your arms down now what I want you to do is this I want you to jump up and down a little bit shake out your body stop notice where your feet are and what I want you to do is just point forward with your right hand with your other right hand okay good all right so right hand and what I want you to do is that without moving your feet I want you to go clockwise to your right as far as you could turn and notice where you're pointing comfortably turn as far as you go as you take your neighbors eye out and notice where you're pointing comfortably notice the point that you're pointing out exactly got it come back Center let me show you what a belief is put your arm down put your arms by your side take a deep breath exhale and close your eyes I'm going to walk you through a quick visualization exercise I do with athletes with their arms by your side breathe normally and I want you to imagine now just imagine you're raising your arm again and this time I want you to imagine you're turning twice as far as you did the first time see and feel in your body turning twice as far as you did the first time getting a great stretch and again with your eyes closed I want you to imagine see and feel yourself turning three times as far what does that feel like in your body just imagine it and some of you are thinking I can't imagine it if you can't imagine it imagine you could imagine it imagine turning three times around and then one more time with a smile on your face thinking what does this have to do with speed reading see and feel yourself turning four times around in your body getting the best stretch of your life what does that feel like see and feel yourself turning one two three four times around alright open your eyes point forward with your right hand and turn to your right now as far as you can now go whoa all right come back clap if you want further the second time and have a seat have a seat have a seat now here's my question for you the magic question the obvious question for you is this were you physically capable of turning that far the first time yes right like nobody took a yoga class when my eyes were closed right you're able to where was the limitation if there was one in your mind and you're like well Jim I didn't have a belief on how far I could turn how many beliefs do you have how many beliefs do you think you have yeah millions countless beliefs right but here's the thing we don't we're not conscious of those beliefs right but here's what you want to do and understand that everything there's a success formula I subscribe to I believe it's this B do have share in that sequence because the syntax is very important here B do have share now it's kind of interesting cuz some people try to reverse-engineer this or or actually like put something that's later something former right like somebody could somebody you've heard this before right where somebody wins the lottery all of a sudden they're at the half stage and they have millions of dollars what happens after years what happens to their their financial situation right it's all gone right because they they were given or they have millions of dollars but it's Chris arm with the B they were never a millionaire does that make sense right so they never had to be able to do those things so it went back to that thermostat does that make sense now in order to be do have share in order to have anything to share with the world you need to be able to do something is that true right because it's not just a law of attraction it's a law of action right you're taking action on things and so in order to be able to do something you need a belief that allows you to do that behavior okay so for example if for somebody let's say that they have trouble remembering names and I teach you how to remember names which I'm going to show you exactly how I met remember people's names if you have a belief a sense of certainty around this idea that you're not good with names what's gonna happen you're not gonna remember I remember I was preparing to run a marathon and I was reading this book on training and one of the chapters was on the psychology of running a marathon and it said one of them said this verbatim because I'm a memory expert it said this your brain is a supercomputer and your self-talk is the program it will run so if you tell yourself you're not good at remembering names you will not remember the name of the next person you meet because you program your supercomputer not two that makes sense because here's the thing a lot of times people go and they say they come to me take gym I'm too old or this runs in my family or I'm just not smart enough or I have a horrible memory but I always tell people if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them right if you fight for your limitations you get to keep them if you argue for your limits they're yours right and so you always wanted a monitor you always wanted to monitor your self-talk always always monitor yourself talk because here's why your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk and you know when I was when I was nine years old right I had this injury this this brain injury when I was nine years old I remember in class the this changed my life for the worse or it's hard to judge it now because you know kind you know it's an inflection point I put you on a path because sometimes your struggles become your strengths right because my inspiration really was my desperation how many people could relate to that that that's going through is desperate times actually led like I'm I believe that a breakdown can lead to a breakthrough right you hear all a lot about post-traumatic stress post-traumatic stress disorder what you don't hear a lot about is post-traumatic growth right a lot of people who've been through adversity the most difficult time of their life and they've come through it and they wouldn't wish those that situation on anybody and yet they find they found value in it they found a gift in it right they found a deeper meaning they found a mission they found some kind of strength from it that they once have had outside of that and so post-traumatic growth but going about my trauma with this brain injury I remember I was in class and a teacher pointed to me talking to another adult said that's the boy with a broken brain Wow right and here's the thing with with with people like how many people interact with kids children how many people was once a kid it's this is what it is you have to be very careful because your external voice becomes their internal voice you know what I mean and that became my internal voice all through school like I was the boy with the broken brain and any time I didn't get something right I would say oh that's because my brain is broken you see how I kind of D fall for that but here's why you wanted to monitor your belief a lot of you went 25 how many people you want raise your if you feel like you want like 25 percent further right 25 50 percent further and here's the thing you could go 25 25 50 percent further in your health and your relationships right in your in your grades right but it's having that belief that says you could do it because here's what you always want to remember all behaviors belief driven all behavior is belief driven in order to do a new behavior you need an empowering belief that allows you to do those that behavior and so when we do this visualization it's not just limited to two students right I do this with with executives I do this with athletes a lot what did um huh give you example what did roger bannister do in 1954 what is he famous for the four-minute mile right throughout human history nobody can run a mile in less than four minutes right and how was he able to do it it wasn't just physical training he would do mental training he would visualize inside of his mind just like you were visualizing how much further you could go he would visualize himself crossing the finish line looking at the clock and it said 359 because he knows what you know that success is an inside-out process here's the thing it's not you'll believe it when you see it it's you'll see it when you believe it does that make sense yeah yeah you and when you actually see it when you believe it in here because all behaviors believe driven so he was able to do it because he saw 359 in his mind then he was able to do it out here right and that's what entrepreneurs do right entrepreneurs saw big problems they create new value because they have this vision for what they want to create in their mind and then it becomes external right inside out process be do have share so you have to be that before you have to be able to do it to be able to have it now here's what I found interesting I didn't find an interesting that he broke the four-minute mile by visualizing what I found interesting is what happened after that throughout human history nobody can run a mile less than four minutes one person does it what happens after that yeah everyone starts running a form in a mile dozens of people start doing in the next couple years now let me ask you a question was there big advancements in shoe technology and nutritional support and training methodology no what was the change a change in belief because you know what the belief was back then the belief was the human heart couldn't sustain a subform in a mile so we would explode in your chest now if you believed that would that keep you from running a form of a subform in a mile like that would keep me from jogging right nobody would do anything because if it like no one would do anything because all behaviors believe driven right then all of a sudden one person does it then everybody start to do it right and that's the power of a belief like I'm here because years ago I when I was growing up when I was about nine years old I remember going to a family reunion a bunch of us went out for dinner and it was about 25 of us busy Saturday night at a restaurant and the waitress came and started taking everyone's order and when she got to me about halfway through I noticed something funny she wasn't writing it down have you ever heard of like a waiter waitress like this and I'm thinking like and I'm nine years old I'm naturally very skeptical right because I'm the broken brain I think nothing's working and I'm just thinking it out you know stuff and and but when she came back she got every single thing perfect I mean like the the what we wanted to drink the salad dressings the appetizers how we wanted the meal cook like our desserts every single thing perfect now is that a standout skill or a standouts just a no spelling business yes sir yes right because it's hard to be able to stand out make it really easy yes yes I know it's the end of the day but it's like we just and out skill of business right because people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care like just if you want just own that right especially when it comes to names right how are you gonna show somebody you're in a care for their business their future your their finances their health their family whatever it is you have to offer them if you don't care enough just to remember them right and before you sell anything what do you sell yourself right and so that's why you want to be able to remember these things so so after I saw that and she came back she was my Roger Bannister does that make sense she did something I never thought was possible and opened up the possibility like wow what else is possible if somebody could do that because here's what you want remember genius leaves clues that if somebody is a genius in any area you could get similar results by finding out how they do it let me give you an example let's play a quick game together I want you to lets as a group let some somebody before we started here asked me before he got started about numbers how many uh let me ask you a question to be real when when you were a kid how many phone numbers did you know okay a lot right how many phone numbers you know right now honestly how many people have a number you call all the time literally text to call all the time and you honestly if your phone was dead or you didn't have it with you you honestly do not know what that number is right you know what they call that they call it digital dementia digital dimension this is a new term in healthcare basically it's like our phones keeping our to-do lists our schedules it's doing simple math I was out with a group of people who's 10 of us I swear to God 10 of us and then when the bill came three people took out their phones to divide the bill by 10 and if you've laughed the people aren't laughing or thinking yeah why would you do that right because here's the thing we're outsourcing our brains to our smart devices and your brain is like a muscle it's use it or what lose it right but if I put my arm in a sling for six months would it stay the same would it even gross what ago stronger stay the same what would happen in react raphy you grow weaker and that's what's a lot that's what's happening to our minds right you feel that right if I ask you like nobody wants to memorize 500 phone numbers but we've lost the ability just to remember one how many people could relate if I gave you a seven digit number or ten digit number how many people honestly have trouble remembering that number right because we've lost that potentially we forget pass codes we forget all these different things and so here's here's watch us let's let's play game together let's try to collectively try to remember a number right let's up instead of like 200 plus numbers let's collectively just come up with one number we all write the same number down all right and just for times sake so just raise your hand instead of doing single digits let's do two-digit numbers so just raise your hand and say 27 in fact let's say 27 is the first one write down 20 everyone writes 27 and I'll repeat the number and let's do the best we can to memorize this list this will be a nice brain training exercise for all of us so 27 so everyone writes to seven so raise your hand yes 94 so everyone writes what 94 we got it yes back Center 13:13 yes sir 21 blackjack is this all all the volunteers if we're having trouble coming up with numbers we have to go in a totally different direction with with with this class yes 55 zero yes 88 next one is 88 yes 31 bingo yes 75 how many single digits is that by the way just to get an idea with that sixteen digits wow that's that's at least what two numbers right okay let's do it let's do a couple more guess back there 47 47 okay yes twelve how many single digits are we out now 20 okay let's do a few more let's let's see a seance to me we could do here yes what's that 39 number 39 yes 19 number 19 yes 69 what'd you say yes back there 23 number 23 and all the way in the back 10 10 how many single digits are we had now you're like a lot numbers getting really big 30 all right let's stop there now how would you go about memorizing this list this was this long number how would you go about how would you go about memorizing it chunking let's so let's see how many actually let me let me see if I can Roger I should have actually memorized this while we're doing it cover your pages in the front row here let me see if I kid let me see if I can remember these thirty digits way I need some encouragement here all right I'll do single digits ready two seven nine four how are we doing so far one three two one five zero eight eight good three one seven five seven whew no no so it four seven yes whoa one two three nine is that right one nine six nine two three one zero now I honestly I don't do this to impress you I do this to express to you what's possible just like what this this waitress did for me right she remembered everybody's order and all of a sudden I was like wow what else is possible she was my roger bannister like backwards well maybe someone said back what how many people like see me do this backwards I need some energy here alright ready actually let me try this zero one three to nine six nine one nine three two one how we doing seven four five seven one three eight eight zero five one two three one can we get a mic up again it's never happened before okay so I am actually yeah this actually putting a card game together after this if anyone wants to play some cards all kidding aside all kidding aside so I will um the truth is if you come up to me if we should happen to see each other or like like on the neighborhood or whatever and just like hey dude I was in that class do you remember that list like even three weeks from now I will literally go to seven nine four one three two one five zero eight eight and so on because here's the thing when you understand how your memory works you can work your memory when you understand how your brain works you could work your brain right and so the truth is every single one of you could do this we just weren't taught how to do this all right if anything we were taught a lie that somehow our intelligence our potential our memory is somehow fixed like our shoe size but really what this is about if the essence of what we're talking about here is about transcending transcending ending the trance that's what transcendence is for me ending this trance ending this mass hypnosis so somehow you know we're limited somehow like something with this fixed right that our that our powers are something we're not as strong and capable as we are that we're not enough right so I want people my thing is because I taught myself I couldn't read growing up as a kid I told you I taught myself how to read by reading comic books late at night and something about the comic books about superheroes brought the words to life how many people who like kind of geek out over superhero movies and like you know Avengers and x-men and Wonder Woman and black panther like so that was like those are things I just enjoyed so much because for me it was about like these heroes and I'm not talking about superpowers like leaping tall buildings and shooting lasers out of your eyes I'm talking about real-life superpowers right it's like you finding your unique strengths right your unique ability your talents but just having a superpower does that make you a superhero what do you have to do you have to use that power for for good right to be able to contribute to community to be able to to be able to create a business to be able to scale it for impact so it's not just about income it's about impact so it's not about making a dollar because anyone could make a dollar but it's about making a difference also as well right and so what we're talking about here this exercise I do I don't do this to impress you I'm doing it to more express to you and press upon you what's possible so let me show you how to do this how many people want to know how to do that kind of thing towards names towards you what how many people would love to do that towards what you're studying right and be able to have that for the rest of your life but here's what you want to write down there is no such thing as a good or bad memory write this down there is no such thing as a good or bad memory there's just a trained memory and an untrained memory there is no such thing as a good or bad memory there's just a trained memory and an untrained memory and you know what the key is here is because you know one of the things that I like to do that makes things doable when I remember I said genius leaves clues for me if people want to be more creative or they want focus it's not about having focus it's about doing focus you don't have creativity you do creativity you don't have a memory you do a memory and a lot of what I teach is about taking things that are you feel like art is as a noun like something you have like focus and turning into a verb because when you turn it into a verb what happens what yeah gives you something it's a process right it's a recipe it's something you could do and so I'm gonna show you I'm gonna move kind of the curtain apart I'm gonna show you what people are doing inside their mind and it makes it look like where they're having focus right or they're having creativity or having great grades exactly how you do it step by step but the first part is you have to believe all right so the B and B fast stands for believe if you believe you can or believe you can either way you're right all behaviors belief driven the E and B fast stands for exercise exercise and I don't mean physical exercise although it's across the board all the research says people who are more physically active when you are more physically active you will do better on cognitive tests you'll have better focus right you'll have better concentration you'll have a better memory especially basically any to make this very simplified anything good for your heart's gonna be good for your head what's good for your heart is gonna be good for your head right so more blood flow more oxygen to your brain for those of you feel like how many people feel like you have mental fatigue right brain fog one of the best ways of curing that brain fog is just deep diaphragm 'ok breathing remember remember i said sit let me test you again sit the way you'd be sitting right now if you're totally engaged with what I was saying and don't get lazy on this you like sit the way you be sitting right because a lot of you get more energy you sit up because here's what you do because you don't like have fatigue you do fatigue does that make sense you don't have brain fog you do brain fog and so part of it is when you're slumped over you collapse the lower third of your lungs and the lower one-third of your lungs absorbs two thirds of the oxygen is oxygen important for your brain yester yes right and that's why a lot of people get tired so this is about like peak performance right elite mental performance and if you want to learn under best conditions put yourself in the best conditions right so the e is exercise and I don't mean physical exercise though I mean practice right because I'm going to teach you skills that you'll have for the rest of your life the ability to read faster you know why reading faster is so important is because they say upwards of four to five hours a day it's better to spend every day processing information now for here in an academic setting I know it's more than that yes sir yes right you have to spend at least four or five hours a day studying or reading right you know in the workplace certainly also think about all the emails and business plans and books magazines periodicals blogs all this reading right and here's the thing if you have to read four hours a day if I could just show you how to double your reading speed and you could save two hours a day two hours a day what would you do with two hours a day right two hours a day let me show you what's what's two hours a day over the course of a year all right get out your phones what what's one hour a day over the course to you let's be very conservative 365 hours now that's a pretty big number so let's break it down how many 365 hours how many 40-hour work weeks is that nine over nine weeks of productivity two months of productivity you get back saving one hour a day on something ubiquitous like reading right and so one reason why I do so much training at General Electric and Nike and so on is if if an employee is spending four or five hours day reading that means half of their salary is being paid just to read does that make sense and now and that's the biggest line-item right is human capital is payroll and so that's why that efficiency is so important especially for your own life right but when I go back to this exercise I mean practice because I'm gonna teach you how to turn create new habits one of the most popular episodes of our podcast was how to create new habits the second most popular episode that we've ever published is my morning routine like there are twelve things I do every single morning to be able to jumpstart my brain how many people want to jumpstart your brain first thing in the morning right and that's the thing because here's what you want to remember if you want to win the day you have to win the first hour if you want to win the day you have to win the first hour of the day right because there's something called the science of momentum right so you want to start and I'll tell you the thing that okay so we talked about digital dementia I think there are three super villains we talk about superheroes there are three super villains that are robbing you right now that it wasn't like it was previous generations right three digital super villains number one is digital overload too much to learn too little time you're taking how many people feel like you're taking a sip of water out of firehose with all this studying you need to be able to do and you're drowning in it right too much information too little time digital overloads one digital dementia we already talked about that's the idea where we're outsourcing our brains to our smart devices and our brains are basically making a stupid like our smart devices are basically making a stupid right so I was talking to this brain doctor he was saying GPS if you're looking for a third party piece of technology to tell you when and where to turn you're not getting early detection of things like dementia because you're not realizing when you would have memory lapses you're not going to doctors get checked out does that make sense this is this is this thing called digital dementia and then the third digital villain is digital distraction you're talking about focus right you want to improve your focus like where's your focus nowadays we live in a world full of distractions and I'll tell you the one of the best brain hacks and you're gonna you're gonna say like Jim you're interesting up this point now I hate you this is what's gonna happen but as your coach as your brain coach because people have a you know they have a voice coach they have a business coach a personal trainer I want to be your brain coach right the worst habits you could have is to pick up your phone in the first hour of the day raise your hand if you pick up your phone in the first hour a day look around it is the worst habits you could have when it comes to high performance let me tell you why okay the most successful people in the world they have a to-do list yes all the things you need to be able to do an accomplish the people who are the elite the 10% of those people I noticed they also have a not to do list all right it's even more important even that list sometimes even bigger than their to-do list right because they are very clear of things they will not do because it wastes energy waste focus it waste you know what if one of the things like one of things on that list multitasking multitasking how many people like to multitask do multiple things at once now in actuality all the research is absolutely clear there is no such thing as multitasking multitasking does not work - now you could walk and chew gum and have a conversation I'm talking about doing two cognitive activities alright because in actuality you're not multitasking in actuality the correct term is task switching you're going from one task to another but you're getting this novelty dopamine fix and you feel like you're getting you're getting stimulated and then not like the novelty and you feel like you're being more productive but you're being busy because here's what happens every single time you switch from one activity to another it takes anywhere from five minutes to 20 minutes to reset your folk and your flow does that make sense they do these studies with doctors and Surgeons they found that when a multitask actually increases the rate of error rate so they're making more mistakes so not only you're wasting time which are making more errors also on top of it so multitasking is on that not to do list but the other thing on that list when you put this on the list you'll see big big changes I promise you is not pick up your phone in the first hour of the day now I'll tell you why is because we are rewiring our brains to be distracted I'll tell you the two things over rewiring our brains when you pick up the phone first thing in the morning you're training your brain to be we to be distracted right like we we interviewed dr. BJ Fogg at Stanford University who runs the influence lab one of his students actually co-created co-founded Instagram so that's all about habits and making things addictive right now think about it opening up Instagram 100 what's the average hundred 50 times a day right and if you're not doing 150 times a day somebody's doing it a lot more right which is really scary but that's addictive right because every time you see a like share a comment you get this dopamine rush and that runs along the pathways or your motivation and you're learning so you're literally learning to be motivated by by being triggered like that so if that's the first thing you're picking up everything the more in the morning you know shares comments likes cat videos or whatever it is then your attention is being pulled everywhere and your training your brain to be distracted and you wonder why you can't concentrate you know that it's you see this on Facebook all the time that that our our attention span is less than a goldfish right now that's what they're saying the goldfish is nine seconds and our attention humans span is about on average eight seconds after eight seconds our attention goes somewhere else so here's the thing whether that's true or not we get the idea where things are going don't pick up your phone because it's training you to be distracted I'll tell you the second thing it's training you to do it's rewiring your brain for it's training you to be reactive all right not just distracted is training you to be reactive meaning how many uh how many entrepreneurs are future entrepreneurs are in the room raise raise your hand finders now here's the thing like and I'm just asking it's going to get a sense of this when you want to create a business right and you have a vision for where things are going you can't be reacting to everything in the environment the what you're doing is when you wake up first thing in the morning you go through you cycle through brain wave states and I'm not going to go through all of them but basically right now everybody here is in beta that's the awake state Delta is when you're asleep in between our two critical states one is called theta and one is called alpha theta is the state of creativity so when Einstein was doing all these thought experiments he would flow in and out of the state right right above sleep right he would he would actually be in his rocking chair at Princeton holding a rock in his hand and he would do these thought experiments visualizing himself on a beam of light and you know luckily he has the left brain you know science and be able math and formulas to be able to turn it into something but he did this right brains creativity these these thought experiments but why would he hold the rock why would he hold a rock because if he fell asleep he would what he would drop in and wake up because he didn't wanna go to Delta does that make sense so he want to stay in theta so stay that theta is sustained is creativity you know what put you in theta showers when you take a how many people when you're taking a shower you get you come up with all these ideas in your mind right you get inspired you come up with it's always when you can't write stuff down right come up with all these ideas and that's when you come with your brilliant right I actually took six hours before I got here it's a just to be on for you guys so here's the thing like showers put you in a theta state but that alpha state between theta and beta is the state what they call relaxed awareness relaxed awareness this is the state where you just absorb information it's just hypnotic state that you're in when you meditate this is the state that you're in of high performance a lot when you get into zone for example have you ever have you been talking to somebody who's watching television and they're in a trance they're watching sports and they're watching what other favorite show is and they honestly don't hear you like they're so they're hip not they're in hypnosis right that's an alpha state TV puts you into alpha state it's where your conscious mind is set aside and you just absorb information unfiltered right so we train people how to learn languages how to learn school material by training them get into an alpha state right there's a relaxed state of awareness where you just start absorbing information like languages or foreign like facts and figures and all that in kind information now you are highly suggestible so you're in an alpha state when you first wake up in the morning Alpha Theta and you pick up your phone you're highly suggestible it's rewiring your brain to be reactive meaning if you look at a text message a voice message you know your and your emails and you have all these things people wanting stuff from you right you have to fight all these fires my friend Brendan says that an inbox is nothing but in convenient organizational system for other people's agenda for your life yeah that's at its home right so why on earth if you're a visionary right you want it you want to create your your day you want to win the day like why would you look at everybody else's agenda all the fires you need to fight and go be in reactive mode how are you gonna be proactive right so what I do is I have three things that I need to do every single day personally and three things I need to do professionally and that's it right because I look at my to-do list how many people are familiar with Pareto's principle oh wow okay so this is the 80/20 rule so having feel familiar with 80/20 rule right 20% of your efforts yield you 80% of the rewards now this has been proven across the board in health and marketing and business 20% of your customers give you 80% of the income right 20% customers also getting 80% of the headaches right so you're always top grading right your employees and so on so 20% so you always want to focus on that 20% that gives you the big return right and so when when I'm looking at my to-do list I'm looking for the three things that are going to move the needle the most right the things the Dominos if you will that are towards the beginning not towards the end that one of my very favorite books of all time was a mentor of mine dr. Stephen Covey he wrote a book called what seven Habits of Highly Effective People if you have not read it read this book all right seven Habits of Highly Effective People these are the habits of some of the hype most highly effective productive people in the world seven Habits and the seventh habit is sharpen the saw sharpen the saw remember this if you have all this wood that you need to cut and you're given like a saw but it has a dull blade when would you want to sharpen that saw do you want to spend all this time suffering and struggling and sweating trying to cut would with a dull blade when would you sharpen it in the beginning right right so they say that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago the second best time to plant a tree is way today right now and so that's why we teach accelerated learning because if there's one skill to master in a 21st century it's your ability to learn faster I'm not I'm not kidding meta learning learning how to learn is the most valuable skill in my opinion because that makes all the other skills and subject after that easier does that make sense that if I was a magical genie and I could say you know I grant you one wish if I granted you one wish what's the obvious thing to wish for more wishes right that's the hack right but if I was your learning genie and I said I can help you learn any subject any skill master it literally and you get one what do you pick learning how to learn because then you could apply it towards any subject right coding Spanish anything right so that's what you want to do because the only constant is change I heard somewhere recently that graduates right now there have anywhere from eight to ten different careers not jobs but careers because the world is changing so fast nobody knows where we're going to be 5-10 years ago but I think you could predict based on trends where things are going you know there's three a's in the that that are affecting us three a's right AI Automation and Asia right so and I think about it like all jobs are being like think about what AI is gonna be able to do in terms of artificial intelligence when it comes to things like simple things like taxes coming up bookkeeping right or automation things that be automated right you dumb through which machines and computers or outsource to a third world country right so the three superpowers that I would focus on for you are you superpowers of learning right super powers of imagination of creativity of strategy these are things that that computers aren't gonna be able to catch up and I'm quite a while so that's what you want to be able to double down on emotional intelligence right on empathy on bedside manners when it comes to doctors things like machines can't do it because really the future belongs to the creatives right left brain is logical what's your left brain logical words sounds what's your right brain if your lepprince logical your right brains what it illogical what its imagination its creativity writes visualization its emotion right and that's an oversimplification but I'll tell you the best readers they're not left brain you might think like if you if someone's hooked up to brain sensing device that you might for most people it'll be a left brain process words language sounds but on the right side though the best readers tend to be more right brain because they don't just hear the words they experience the words does that make sense all right but going back all the way back here going back to the power of exercise I mean practice because there is no magic pill but there's a magic process don't look for the magic pill look for the magic process right turn it into a verb and what I'm saying here is this practice makes what progress practice makes progress right there's no there's never a level of perfection because there's always another level right and so what I'm saying here is be fast the e stands for exercise which is practice now fast the F and fast if you want to learn any subject or skill faster I want you to forget and you're like Jim you just did this whole thing on memory why are you talking about forgetting going back to like getting rid of old information right if your cup is full it's really hard to learn new information does that make sense so you kind of rarely forget what you already know about his subject so you can put new information in here's what you want to remember your mind is like a parachute it only works when it's what when it's opened right but what I think about this I think abut this beginner's mind beginner's mind that's that's why I mean about forgetting we can pretend you're a beginner so that's what you want to forget actually forget three things forget what you know about a subject so you can learn something faster the second thing I would say forget about situational things we already proven you can multitask but what I mean by that is if you're thinking about four different things outside this room then it'll only leaves you 25% of your potential to be here to learn and you're not going to learn faster if you're only using 25% of your presence and your resources that make sense and I'm not saying what a map saying to do is this don't fight it don't fight it just write it down this is tactical if you're thinking about other things that are going on outside this room just write it down because here's what you want to remember what you resist persists what you resist persists let me show you a perfect example raise your hand up straight up raise your hand straight up take your other hand put it straight up right and with your dominant hand I want you to push push in to push push push you're off the other hand push push harder push harder harder harder harder harder now watch this as you're doing this this makes an interesting photo as you're doing this why don't why doesn't your hand just fall down did I ever say push back no put your arms down because what you resist preach persists right does that make sense and so if I ask you to don't think of a big pink elephant whatever you do don't think of a big pink elephant in front this room pink polkadot elephant what are you gonna do you're gonna think about it because your mind can't process a negative your mind can't process a negative that's why we always do affirmations and the positive it's not something you don't want it's something you want because your mind can't process a negative right because it has to think about what you don't want to in order to be able to do it right and so what you resist persists so don't try to think about not think about everything going on just write it down so you know it's there and then you could focus right the third thing that you want to forget are your limitations every ready cover that limiting beliefs limiting beliefs because if you believe you can't believe you can't either well you're right but here's what you want remember you know who has a really good memory elephants right what animal elephants you ever notice the elephant like the elephant at the circus and you wonder why it's tied to this rope to the stake in the ground and you wonder why it just doesn't like leave because it's an elephant right it is incredibly strong it's incredibly huge we could pull down the whole circus tent but why doesn't it because since that elephants been born it's been tied to that same rope with the same stake in the ground and when it was first born it was trying to get his freedom and wants its sovereignty right it would pull pull pull and it would struggle for days maybe a week or so but after a week or so what happens it learned something it learns it's helpless and in psychology it's called learned helplessness because what happens over time that elephant gets big and strong right and it's physically capable of escaping but it's not mentally capable does that make sense because all behavior is belief driven so don't be an elephant don't be that elephant right so we you know cuz you're thinking about what does it have to do with reading what does that have to do with your memory think about like you believe whether how smart you are do people have belief on how far they could turn do people have a belief how much they're how much they're worth financially yes or yes they're gonna set that thermostat in the environments gonna reflect so you want to forget about your limitations temporarily the a and fast and B fast dance for active active and what I mean by this is this if you're struggling right now it's because we all we've all had this 20th century education in the 20th century education preparedness for a 20th century world which at the turn of the century is working in farms and factories and that's what a lot of the education system was was tailored to right as one size fits all say quietly you know by yourself don't talk to your neighbor and so on now it's changed it has changed but the world's changed a lot faster is that fair like we live I get to do a lot of training for uh for SpaceX and I posted the picture recently you know with Elon and everyone in the audience there I trained some of the most amazing brains but like think about Elon right it's he in his world we live in an age of electric cars and spaceships that are going to Mars but our vehicle of choice that we choose when it comes to learning is like a horse and carriage do you feel that do you feel like you're falling behind more and more and more that you can't keep up like how do you get ahead in this world when you feel like you're falling behind and so one of the reasons why is you don't want to be passive like you don't want to just sit there and consume information the human brain does not learn based on consumption your brain learns through creation the human brain does not learn based on consumption it learns through creation and co-creation and so you want to be active so for example how can you be more active when you're learning this church just shout it out how can you be more active in your learning process participate like how take notes right by the way a really fun way of taking notes they did a study and they wanted to find out the best and worst ways of taking notes and what was by the way what do you think the worst way of taking notes was oh yeah okay good yeah actually I did a whole thing on note-taking Digital verse first handwritten and across a hundred percent people do better on handwritten tests now by the way about handwritten notes on the test out of curiosity would you guess one reason why yeah cuz it gets you to focus because you can't write as fast as somebody can't can can speak right so you have to all you have to self-select and filter the information and qualify the information and only write the things that are most valuable but the worst way of taking notes actually was pure dictation word-for-word that was the worst way people were tested that did where else for Batum did the worst on tests but one of the best ways of taking notes was through key words and key ideas right mind mapping and such and so a fun way of taking notes that I do that works really effective its whole brain is I take a piece of paper I put a line down the page and the left side I capture notes on the right side I create notes now let me specify for this on the left side I'm I'm writing down how to remember names how to read faster how to give speech without notes step-by-step right on the right side I'm not capturing I'm creating I'm writing my impressions of what I'm capturing does that make sense what like the time questions I have about what I'm capturing how I'm gonna use this and apply this in the future how I'm gonna teach it to somebody else how it relates to what I know right so because of my mind wanders right brain wandering imagination creativity I rather rote wander on the right side another way of saying instead of capture create on the left side I'm no taking on the right side i'm not-- making you see the difference okay so active right you ask questions and so on so you be more active in the process here's what you want to remember and you can write this down learning is not a spectator sport learning like life is not a spectator sport how many people believe what you put in is what you get out of something because you take responsibility for it right and this is the thing because it's not the teachers job really it's not it's your responsibility to be able to do that when you take responsibility then you can make the positive change I post this picture on social media recently a picture recently I got introduced to my modern-day superheroes together and I dropped names not for the purpose of dropping names I dropped them because I want you to remember the lesson so next time you see these people on the news you read about them it reminds you of the lessons that make sense so I got to introduce two people for dinner who wanted to meet each other it was Stan Lee and Richard Branson now that watches Stan Lee not Stanley Stanley who Stan Lee Marvel right he co-created who spider-man x-men Fantastic Four avengers black pant all these amazing like my heroes right and we're in the car and I asked him like Stan you created all these incredible superheroes who's your favorite like I need to know like and he's like Jim its Ironman I'm like how many Ironman fans like Robert Downey jr. left the movie and stuff I was like that's great Stan he stands like Jim who's your favorite superhero and you'll see his picture on Instagram he has a picture of spider-man on his tie and I was like his spider-man and without I said I spider-man he said without a pause he goes Jim with great power great responsibility now how about how do you every single one of you know that right and you don't even remember it's like in your DNA right the hero's journey right Joseph Campbell's work it's like they're right and I have dyslexia I have this learning challenges you know head injury all this stuff and I remember like I reverse everything automatically and that's one of my challenges and so I was like Stan you're right with great power comes great responsibility and I said the opposite is also true with great responsibility comes great power yeah that's worth writing down with great responsibility comes great power that when we take responsibility for something we have great power to make things better does that make sense but here's the thing and this meant I noticed with entrepreneurs entrepreneurs have values certain values that we all have values right but a high value on that hierarchy is freedom how many people here love their freedom how many people here want to do what you want when you want with who you want for as long as you want wherever you want how many people like that right and that's your that's what you want to do with your business and you have this this idea on this this myth that that you know like it's like being an entrepreneur is just like this incredible thing where she's have a little bit freedom and it's just like no responsibilities and everything now in actuality though a lot of them actually move away from responsibility and discipline right they don't want to have to do something because that's the opposite freedom that's a jail but here's what I notice if you can't get yourself to do the things you need to do whatever that is then that's a prison because in actuality discipline equals freedom right now when you're discipline it gives you the freedom and the responsibility to be able to do the things because if you don't take responsibility for something the ability to respond responsibility then you can't do anything then you're a thermometer again right as opposed to owning you being a thermostat and you could affect things out positively right and so my thing here is when you're taking when I'm talking about active is to be active because it's not the expert in front of the room right it's you you take the responsibility and then you get the benefit and one responsibility that takes me the S&B fast the S&B fast is state state and I am saying this because he came up in terms of how people feel about something and I think if there's one thing to take responsibility for it if there's one thing be responsible for how you feel does that make sense because all learning is States dependent all learning is state dependent and so don't be at the effect be it don't be a thermometer be a thermostat so right now what you could do on a scale of 0 to 10 how do you feel let's check in with yourself right now how do you feel on a scale of 0 to 10 you have a certain thing now whatever it is if I asked you to just up it to if it was a 7 make it a 9 if it was a 5 make it a 7 can you do that yes sir yes all right do it right now do it take yourself to levels up notice in order to do that you had to do one of two things you had to do something with your body or you had to do something with your brain yes yes you gotta you move your physiology or affect your psychology right because your attitude affects your what altitude your attitude affects your altitude so you always want to monitor your state because all learning a state dependent the last T the last letter and fast B fast is teach this is the big I think this is a big one right that you learn if you want to learn a subject or skilled in half the time learn it with the intention to teach it to somebody else like right now I'm going to teach you a couple of hacks to be able to read faster I want you to learn it as if you're gonna teach it to someone very specific does everybody have someone in mind that you wish was sitting here right now that you wish was auditing the class does everyone have somebody I want you to think about that person and take the responsibility to learn what you're about to learn right now everything you've taken notes on to teach is that person is that fair because here's the thing which I remember hearing this thing and like saying those who can't do what teach I never thought it was a negative like I heard it maybe it's just good my house I was organized but I always said yeah if I can't do something teach it and then I could do it does that make sense because here's what you want to remember when you teach something you get to learn it twice when you teach something you get to learn it twice so you learn with the intent to teach because intent matters intent matters alright I'm gonna give you these hacks very fast when it comes to reading because I want you to be able to go out there and do it I'm gonna show you a hack that improve your reading speed twenty-five fifty percent some of you will be a hundred percent you'll double your reading speed right raise your hand if you want to be able to do that right now what are the rest you rest you don't want to learn how to be able to read faster so here's here's the thing there are a number of things that keep you reading slow I'm gonna tell you what a couple of them are and I'm gonna give you one solution alright and then you can subscribe to a podcast and listen to more of them but here's what you want you to do what you do no no because in terms of time like I want to be able to be respectful of your time so here's here's what it is there are a few obstacles to effective reading right there's two parts to reading there's reading speed and there's reading what comprehension and it doesn't make sense to have one without the other is that true now traditional speed reading will teach you to skim scan skip words get the gist of what you read now my my clients run countries and companies and and their doctors they're like like you don't want your doctor to get the gist of what she's reading I promise promise you that right and so there are some things that keep you from reading better right there's two speeds there's two things speed and comprehension so one of them obstacle effective reading is lack of education right all right let me ask you a simple question are you born with the ability to read no nobody was born and started like reading magazines in the waiting room right you're taught but let me ask you a question when's the last time you were taught how to read when's the last time you took a class called reading not a college Lit class a class called reading how old were you seven years old six seven years old let me ask you a question has a difficulty in the demand increased a little bit since you were 7 a little bit or a lot is it fair to say you're still reading it the same way you learned it yes that's the problem all right so the second obstacle effective reading and I'll bring this up because you brought it up it's lack of focus lack of focus is a big one right how many people you can't concentrate on what you need to read big problem because you're wired for distraction here's here's a lie or myth that's being spread around a rumor if you will and I think this is a rumor being spread around by really slow readers it's this if I ask you to read faster what do you think will happen to your comprehension you think you'll go down right now in actuality it'll go up yeah see if we have so we published online we just published an online speed reading course memory course academic success program like how to study write focus program and so we have students in over 180 countries so we have a lot of data and we found that the fastest readers actually have the best comprehension do you know why because they have the best focus watch this like your brain is this incredible supercomputer it is magnificent right but when you read you feed this supercomputer one word time metaphorically you're starving your mind and if here's the thing if you don't give your brain the stimulus and needs it'll seek entertainment elsewhere in the form of distraction does that make sense you're reading so slow that you're not stimulating your brain enough so it's seeking entertainment elsewhere in the form of wine mind wandering right the white watch this if you're driving going 15 20 miles an hour are you really focused honestly on the act of driving no right what are you doing everything else right like I saw somebody the other day putting makeup on and shaving and reading a newspaper like you could be thinking about the dry you've been thinking about eight different things having a conversation and trying to tech you've been doing five things when you're going slow right but let's say you're racing cars and you're doing straightaways 200 miles an hour right do you have more or less focus a little bit or a lot are you thinking about like what you're doing Saturday and trying to text and to it no what are you doing what's your focus on exactly what's in front of you right same thing with reading people who read faster tend to have better comprehension because they're not distracted because they're fulfilling their their need entertainment if you will right because when I started to speak slow what did your mind actually start to do wander you started thinking of other things you started getting a loosely distracted if I kept on talking like that you would fall asleep tell me those aren't these same exact symptoms you have when you're reading your mind wanders you get distracted you fall asleep right how many actually how people actually use reading as a sedative like you use it to fall asleep you have like a token book by your bed that you've been reading for like an embarrassingly long period of time remember information combined with what emotion becomes a long-term memory if you're connecting sleeping with reading that's the wrong Association do you get that all right so here's the thing I'm gonna teach you how to hack your reading but if you believe remember all behaviors beliefs driven that your that if you read fast your comprehension will go down you're not gonna do it does that make sense but I'll show you the third obstacle to effective reading this is the big one this really is the third obstacle effect of reading and it's not focus it's called subvocalization subvocalization what is it right what subvocalization speaking how many people notice when you're reading something you hear that inner voice inside your head you hear that inner voice when you're reading hopefully it your own voice it's not like somebody else's voice the reason why keeps you reading slow is if you have to say all the words and in order to understand them you can only read as fast as you could speak is that crazy that means your reading speed is limited to you're talking speed and not you're thinking speed isn't that nuts but here's a question do you have to pronounce words like New York City or computer to understand what those things are no no more then you would have to pronounce a stop sign when you see a stop sign on the side of the road but you comprehend it exactly you understand it right no more than you would have to pronounce punctuation marks like comma exclamation mark question marks you don't have to pronounce those things so why are you pronouncing and there because this that you don't have to say it or never to understand it and the best readers they don't do that let me give you one hack to be able to overcome some of these obstacles one of them is using a visual pacer when you read a visual pacer is a pen highlighter a mouse on a computer your finger while you read here's what you want to remember if you want greater speed use your finger while you read if you time yourself to read 60 seconds count the number of lines you read in a book time yourself to read using your finger just underlining not skipping anything I'll just underlining the words 60 seconds count the number of lines the second time that second number will be a lift of 25 50% some of you a hundred percent now let me tell you why because as adults you want to know why certain things are the way that they are number one children do it all children use their finger while they read until they're taught not to secondly you do it you're like Jim I don't use my finger when I read when I ask you to count the number of lines when you read what will hundred percent of you do one two three four five you use a visual pacer third reason you use your finger while you read is because your eyes are attracted to motion right that if something ran across this room you wouldn't look at me because as a hunter-gatherer you need to pay attention what moves in your environment your your hunter-gatherer in a bush and you're hunting lunch right a rabbit or carrot whatever your diet is if the book with the bush next to you moves you have to look at what moves because it's their survival right number one it could be lunch number two you could be lunch right you have to look at what moves right so when your fingers going through the page your attentions being pulled through the information as opposed to your attention being pulled apart but the fourth reason you use your finger while you read is because it's how your neurology is set up your nervous system right your brain your spine your senses certain senses work really closely together so for example have you ever tasted a great piece of fruit like not something that's been waxed and sprayed in the supermarket but like something that right off the vine right from the farmers market have you ever tasted a great tasting peach before now in actuality you're not tasting that peach in actuality you're smelling the peach but your sense of smell and taste are so closely linked that your mind doesn't know the difference you know the difference when you're sick because when you can't breathe out here knows what does food tastes like nothing tastes bland right just as your sense of smell and taste are scho closely linked so is your sense of sight in your sense of touch if there was a toddler right here I take out my keys I said look at my keys look at my keys look at my keys what's the child gonna do show me reach out and touch these in order to see he or she needs to feel like they're touching it right when people read with their finger they tell me all the time they feel more in touch with their reading let me another example if somebody loses their sense of sight how do they read Braille right touch you use your finger while you read you want greater speed use your finger while you read I'll share and share this with you remember I told you that I had learning difficulties when I was when I was a child I taught myself had to read by reading comic books recently I got to do a training up the road in Los Angeles for the chairman of 20th Century Fox and it was for the chairman CEO and we spent like half the morning training his board on how to do these things speed reading memory and so on and here's the thing afterwards the the CEO he walks me around says thank you so much does the best training ever walks me around the the film lot and I saw this movie poster of Wolverine and I was like I made a comment saying I can't wait for that movie to come out I can't wait for his movie to come out and he picks up the phone and five minutes later I'm in the Fox Theater watching Hugh Jackman fight all these super ninjas I mean it was like the coolest thing ever right on a Friday when I was done the Chairman asked me Jim House movie I was like wow this is really good it's like you don't know this but as a kid I had this brain injury I couldn't read I taught myself to read my green comic books my favorite comic was Wolverine and the x-men how many x-men fans are here right and it wasn't because the x-men were the strongest it's just they didn't fit in right there were the mutants right they were the outcasts because I felt like I didn't fit in growing up right the boy is a broken brain but the highlight was when I was reading the comic books was the school the x-men school professor X's school for the gifted was where in Westchester New York and that's where I grew up it's the suburb of New York City and I remember thinking like that's amazing it's right here and I used to every weekend ride my bicycle as a 9 year old around my neighborhood trying to find this school and you laugh but this is what I did every weekend right because I wanted to run away to find my superpower I wanted to find my friends right where I fit in and I'm telling this the chairman of Fogg and he's like Jim I didn't oh you like superheroes you want to go to comic-con now raise your hand if you know what Comic Con is okay so I'm like when is it it's like today Friday sorry Sunday and I'm like I go from a nine year old to a 99 year olds I think oh I have all these meetings in LA how many good San Diego there's all these iam you know traffic and I've nothing to wear all these lines I don't have a ticket right we talked our way out of this stuff and he's like Jim do you want to go I'm going tomorrow I'm like oh yeah see you know Fox is going I'm gonna go with you right so he picked me up the next morning Saturday 8:00 a.m. for my hotel and instead of driving we get on his plane and not assign it watches on the plane is the entire cast of x-men they are going to surprise Comic Con with the cast right and and I don't even see like Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart I see Professor X Wolverine right and I'm sitting between Jennifer Lawrence and Halle Berry going to comic-con right and that was that's a story on its own but did we come back to LA and chairman's like how was your day I think the best day ever thank you so much he's like Jim I have something else for you I'm like I don't want anything else what can I do for you he was like Jim they really loved you how would you like to go on set I was like what do you mean he's like we have another 30 days of filming the new x-men movie in Montreal how would you like to go like I totally won do that but what can I do for you he's like just do what you did for us sharing with your superpowers teach them out of speed read scripts be president focus on set memorize their lines faster retain and everything like I could totally do that and the next morning Sunday we're on the x-jet they call it the x-jet or fly from LA to Montreal and I'm brain training my superheroes right we lands and the very first scene that they're filming takes place in the x-men school and I literally as a nine-year-old got to see my superheroes come to life right and right I mean I I get goosebumps I call truth bumps corrects I think your your your gut your body knows things but if we could show that and I get back to New York I open up my package and there's a package waiting for me at this photo right here it's a photo of of a whole bunch of people wondering when it goes on I open it up and it's me and the entire cast of x-men like literally the entire cast of x-men and even better than this this photo was the note in and that came with it it makes me like kind of tear up to even thinking about it it said this it was from the chairman it said Jim thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with all of us I know you've been looking for your superhero school since you were a child here's your class photo and it just it just blew my mind right I mean just talking from a leadership standpoint in terms of what's really possible this cover phone is actually my Facebook and my Twitter photo so you can actually pull it up on your phone at Jim quick but it's like literally but what what I realized at this time the reason I'm here with you is is this is that when I started teaching this in college one of my very first students she read 30 books in 30 days can you imagine that did you imagine be about every 30 books 30 days be able to retain it and understand it all I wanted to find out not how she did it I wanted to know why right why did why'd she do it motivation right going back to motivation and I found out that it was because her mother was dying of terminal cancer and was given 60 days to live two months of live and the book she was reading were books to save her mom's life right and I wished her luck say prayers six months later I get a call from this young lady I get a call from this young lady and she's crying and crying and crying and I find out they're tears of joy that her mother not only survived but is really getting better doctors don't know how they don't know why they called it a miracle but her mother attributed a hundred percent to the great advice she got from her daughter who learned it from all these books and that's where I realized in that moment that if knowledge is power learning is your super power if knowledge is power learning is this your super power I get quoted on this more than anything on social media I compare your life to an egg that if an egg is broken by an outside force life ends right if a life if if an egg is broken by the outside force life ends it is broken by an inside force life begins right all great things begin on the inside and you have greatness inside of you and you have genius inside of you and now is the time to let it out thank you very much [Applause]
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Id: -Cr4ghLKKKg
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Length: 93min 41sec (5621 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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