Unlock Racing Chocobo Mask - Strategy Guide [FFXIV]

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hey this is willy if you're looking to hit pedigree nine and unlock the racing chocobo mask in as little time as possible then this is the guide for you if you're not sure how to unlock the gold sauce or anchoval racing it's super easy and i've got a video linked in the description below that walks you through it additionally if you're not familiar with the basics of chocobo racing like what each attribute does or what your ranking means i've got a video that covers all that linked below as well before we get started i just want to make one thing clear unlocking the racing chocobo mask is a grind there's no quick done in an hour method to get a pedigree 9 chocobo you're inevitably going to have to do a lot of races the amount of which will depend partially on your rng luck with stats this might sound daunting but there's one very big upside chocobo racing is legitimately fun not only is racing itself fun but while you're ranking up your chocobo will also be accruing lots of mandeville gold points which can be spent on glamours music hairstyles and awesome mounts now that we have that out of the way let's take a look at your chocobo all started sugarboats are the same base stats pedigree one with two stars and everything additionally your chocobo only has one race ability slot it's not until pedigree 2 that your chocobo gets a slot for their hereditary ability at this point you can buy erasability for your chocobo with mgp and train them with the race chocobo trainer npc or you can save the mgp and just start racing as at rank 10 your chocobo will learn a random ability if that ability isn't helpful you can spend 10 mgp on a lathe water to make them forget it and then when they rank up again they'll learn another one you can keep doing this until your chocobo learns an ability you're happy with the fastest way to gain experience points and rank up your chocobo however is with the racing ability dressage 3. dressage 3 increases the experience points your chocobo gains by a whopping 30 percent this means even if you finish second or third you'll still be getting more experience points than if you finished in first place without dressage the downside is that aside from the experience bonus the ability doesn't help you in races if you're struggling to place high in the races then you can swap dressage for another ability to eek out the win like choco cure if you're running out of stamina or choco dash if you're being out accelerated early and struggle to catch the pack it should also be noted that dressage 3 has no impact on how much mgp you receive per race so if you're not finishing first but relying on the extra experience from dressage you'll be accumulating less mgp over time ultimately the goal here is to get the racing choco mask in as little time as possible but if the mgp is very important to you then you can feel free to not run dressage when you're not already placing first pedigree 9 will just take a little more time but you know it doesn't take a lot of time so goalie road so goalie road is the shortest of the three race tracks it's the one i recommend you race on exclusively for the purpose of grinding out the mask in the least time possible this isn't just because it's slightly shorter than costa del sol and significantly shorter than tranquil paths it's because once you start hitting around r100 racing class you'll start seeing some track hazards appear on sigouli these hazards are pretty easy for you as a player with a human brain to avoid but the npcs really struggle with them and anything you can do to make the npc's lives harder is going to make your life easier that said like all advice in this guide you're absolutely free to ignore it if you find yourself getting really bored of skully try out the beaches of coastal soul or take a hike on the tranquil paths race track as you race and gain experience your chocobo will rank up each time your chocobo ranks up its stats also improve semi-randomly sometimes rng is not kind to your chocobo and for example you end up with too many points in acceleration and very few in stamina my advice to you initially is to try and wait a rank or two and see if your bird evens out before spending gill or mgp but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet three types of food are available to you if possible buy rank one food from the tack and feed trader or rank 2 food from the mpc and bent branch instead of spending mgp on rank 3 food you might need the mgp later how much you want to spend on training is entirely up to you the more you spend the faster the process will likely go food can also be crafted with a culinarian job or bought on the market board so you've got a few races under your belt and you're starting to shoot up the ranks rank 20 rank 30 rank 40 rank 50. don't go past 40. rank 40 is the earliest rank that you can retire your chocobo and still use it to breed unless this is already a pedigree 9 chocobo that you intend to keep and race with there is no reason to ever go beyond rank 40. nothing you gain will be passed on to your chocobos fledglings there's just no reason to do it so you hit 40 and you're ready to retire your starter choke bow your next chokobo is going to have two ability slots one of those abilities can be trained with manuals or earned randomly through ranking up but the other is your hereditary ability that is passed on from one of your fledgling's parents make sure that the ability when passed down to your next chokobo is currently equipped on your starter chokobo i don't recommend using dressage as a hereditary ability however because that's one you want to be able to swap out if your chocobo is underperforming in the races personally i stick with cure2 or dash 2 most of the time but your ability isn't the only thing being passed down the star ratings of each fledgling's grandparents determined that fledgling's own ratings for a more detailed look at the process check the chocobo racing guide that covers all the basics linked in the description below but for our purposes it's mostly just important to know to avoid breeding one-star choke bows especially if that one star falls on maximum speed or stamina you can get away with one star cunning or acceleration but if your chocobo has only one star in stamina you're gonna have a frustrating time if you buy a covering and the rng gods decide to give it garbage stats with no chance of a decent star rating on your fledgling i recommend just eating the cost and buying a new covering if this is prohibitive because you don't have enough mgp then just do a few gates or more races which brings us to our next tip if you're getting bad luck with coverings or find yourself low on mgp start doing the gates that occur every 20 minutes in the gold saucer gates or gold saucer activated time events operate similarly to fates and reward you with a large amount of mgp for it is typically just a few minutes of work if you can get into a rhythm of racing and then picking up the occasional gate then you won't risk running out of mgp you can also play mini games like kufiker which conveniently has a machine right in chocobo square to gain mgp between races the amounts are smaller than the 4000 you might win from a gate but over time they add up so let's briefly go over the points we've covered so far dressage 3 will help you reach pedigree 9 a lot faster train with feed only when you need to sigouli road is your track shorter race time and hazards that hurt npcs never rank past 40. don't breed chocobos with only one star in stamina or max speed pad your mgp wallet with gates and mini-games between races in summary run dressage 3 when it's advantageous to do so if you can still place high with only one race ability available to you during the race run dressage run your races on segoli road until your chugwa hits rank 40 at which point you retire them then you can buy a covering from the race chocobo trainer if that covering has trash stats toss it and buy another one go breed your chocobo wait 30 minutes and register your new fledgling if your new chocobo got unlucky and has only one star in stamina or max speed retire it immediately buy a new covering and breed it again your retired chocobo can be bred with covering up to 10 times once you have a fledgling chocobo with decent stats rinse and repeat do gates and mini-games as needed to make sure you have enough mgp i hope this has answered any questions you might have had about getting the racing chocobo mask i also hope that in the process of grinding out this mask you'll enjoy chocobo racing as much as i do i stream on twitch so come by and challenge me to a race if i'm not live i've also got a link to our discord in the description below please also subscribe to the youtube channel to be notified when new videos are posted it also helps me out a lot and i appreciate it until next time happy racing you
Channel: Wully
Views: 13,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy, chocobo, chocobo racing, mmo, guide
Id: 1Hgbl2YhtNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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