Breeding a Perfect Racing Chocobo in FFXIV

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Hi everyone, Squintina here and did you know,   that I have a pedigree 9  perfect 4-star racing chocobo?   Spent so many hours on it! It was so  much work and quite a bit of planning.   Now what if I told you, I have not just one,  but TWO perfect 4-star racing chocobos?   Meet my Crystal alt, whom I unlocked  the Gold Saucer on just so I could make   this video. That's right, I wanted to  make a chocobo racing and breeding guide,   but I knew some people would want to see an actual  example going from pedigree 1 all the way to 9.   So 651 chocobo races later, here I am. To be clear, THIS is NOT the guide I'm working on,   though you can somewhat use it as one. This  video is to go over the progression and logic   as I bred my chocobo from one to 9. And it just so happened that the higher   my chocobo's pedigree became,  the more insanity I suffered.   So if I seem a little crazy right now compared  to usual, just know , that I did it.. for you!   Enjoy! After doing the quest first   to unlock the Gold Saucer and then chocobo  racing, and of course leveling up my racing   chocobo to rank 40, I was able to retire it. The first chocobo no matter what, is always   2-stars everywhere. It kind of sucks. So I went to the NPC, gave her my very best   smile, and begged for her to hook up my little  chocobo boy with some beautiful chocoladies.   But, I didn't just pick one. No, I bought  42 coverings. Grade 1 coverings. There is no   point in buying the higher coverings,  except to waste your MGP.   Don't fall for it. You are not  guaranteed better star ratings.   You just buy the same level as the chocobo  you're breeding it with. So he's a pedigree 1,   and he's getting grade 1 coverings. Now , my chocobo's seed can only   be implanted a total of 10 times, so  only 10 coverings can breed with him.   So why did I buy 42? Well first of all it's the  answer to life, the universe, and everything,   so perhaps it was also the answer for praying  to the almighty RNGesus. But more realistically,   it's because a lot of them ain't good enough for  my boy! He might disagree but momma knows best.   And so I aimed for female chocobos that had  at least two 4-stars. Everything else is   equally as bad. Yes, 1 is just as bad as 3  when your end goal is perfection itself.   So coverings with two or more 4-stars,  and these were the final 10 candidates.   Feel free to pause if you need more  time, but as you can see some of them   even have more than two 4-stars. And at this point, it doesn't really   matter yet where these 4-stars are.  I'm just counting by total ok?   Once I got my 10 candidates chosen, I went  to Bentbranch Meadows and taught my little   darlings all about setting the mood with  some sexy music. I do have a little video   that covers a trick for how to breed  multiple chocobos at the same time,   but anyway, once the timer is up, I can  claim my brand new little chickens.   From these, I picked the one that had  the most amount of 4-stars. Once again,   on the first round in the breeding process, I  don't really care where these 4-stars are.   You might notice I only made 5 of them.  That's because the fifth one ended up   with three 4-stars. There are no coverings remaining   that have more than three to pass on. So even  if I kept going, I wouldn't get a better bird.   So I sent all of their little  chicken butts back to McDonalds.   Continuing, I ranked up my new little Pedigree  2 chocobo, and once again I bought a bunch of   coverings until 10 of them met my criteria. This time I was aiming for coverings that had at   least four 4-stars. Since this is a pedigree  2 chocobo, these are grade 2 coverings.   I was blessed enough that I got  these with only 30 coverings.   Anything that didn't meet that criteria  was considered complete and utter   trash and then discarded. If possible, a covering that   has 4-stars in stats that my retired  chocobo didn't have was even better.   For example, let's look at this one. She's got FIVE 4-stars to potentially   pass to the next chocobo Acceleration is guaranteed   to pass a 4-star to the next chocobo  because she has them on both sides.   For those who don't know, when  two chocobos love each other very,   very much, each one of them grabs stars from  each of their stats and passes them on.   So she can either pass a 1 or a 4  to her baby in Maximum Speed.   And that also means she can either  pass a 4 or a 4 in acceleration!   Acceleration is a stat the current chocobo does  not have as a 4-star, so that's fantastic.   And she can also potentially fix cunning too.   Now of course, whether lady luck  will actually bless you or screw you,   well..there's only one way to find out! But that's precisely why I need to be   so picky this early on to get as  many good chances as possible!   So we've got 10 baby mommies chosen,  and now ... all 10 babies are made,   the miracle of life has been completed yet  again, and we're looking for the best one.   There are a few of them that  have received five 4-stars!   But notice, something interesting, something very  interesting between these two in particular.   One is male. One is female.   And they can pass 4-stars in all stats. They both can pass Max speed.   She can pass Acceleration. Endurance is guaranteed in both.   They can both pass Stamina. And he can pass Cunning.   This is very very early, but those are actually  perfect candidates for breeding together.   Because there is a possibility that if they were  bred, they could create a child with a 4-star   in each stat. Potential soul mates indeed. If multiple such children, of the opposing gender,   are made, they could then be used to keep that  gene pool going by breeding their children.   Now sure in real life inbreeding isn't  the best idea, I wouldn't recommend it,   it can pass on recessive genes  that cause nasty little diseases.   But here, we actually want that. Well, not the  diseases part, other than being sick of kicking   ass all over the place, but the ability to play  God and control the gene pool is very helpful.   Most people, however, don't start raising two  chocobos together until pedigrees 5 or 6.   But we do eventually want to get to a  point where we only pass the 4-stars,   so even though it's super early, this is  an option, and it's not particularly any   different logic than what you would do later  on so it's still a perfectly good example.   And so that's the option I'm taking. This doesn't  mean that I have to keep raising two chocobos   after, I can go back to coverings if things  don't turn out well, but I might as well try.   So how do I raise two chocobos anyway? By registering one chocobo,   ranking it up to 40, retiring it Registering the other chocobo, ranking it up   to 40, and then retiring it, now I have two  retirement registrations that can breed 10 times.   No Coverings, which means I don't need no pimp. You might also notice that both of the parents   have Head Start. When your chocobo reaches  rank 10 it randomly learns an ability. If   you use Lethe waters to forget it, it will learn  a different one when it ranks up again. I simply   kept doing this until I got Head Start on both  of them. This is really most worth doing if   you're raising two chocobos, like I was here,  because if both of them have the same ability,   it guarantees the children will have it too. If I had not gotten this, I would just try again   later. Head Start is the only ability that cannot  be bought, so I wanted to show that the best way   to have it for a pedigree 9 is to start trying  for it when you first start dual raising.   So now with the children, first I need to  see whether I have more males or females.   That's kind of a requirement for the whole baby  making thing. I ended up with 7 males, 3 females,   and my goal is to see if once again, I can find  the best pair that also has at least one 4-star   among them both in each stat. If I cannot meet that criteria,   then I need to pick the best one and  go back to Coverings for this round.   But first, since there are less females, that  means they're my little princesses and I need   to figure out which one is the queen and holy  moly I got lucky and look at those stars!   Now, to be clear, that luck would not have been  possible at all if I had not been so picky in   the first two generations when it came to  coverings, which allowed me to have such   good parents that could possibly even make  this absolutely talented and fierce little   racing bird right here. EIGHT 4-stars! So now I already have chances to pass   4-stars in every stat, and I want a  male that also has a lot of 4-stars,   but especially if those happen to be in the stats  that still need to be fixed in the future.   There are three of them who have SIX 4-stars,  all of them are viable. This one can potentially   help fix the Cunning, and those two can help  fix acceleration. Since 1-stars and 3-stars   are considered equally bad when trying to achieve  true perfection, these chocobos are considered   all equally good, so it's just a matter of  picking which one has the best color, and   I just gotta take a chance at that Woad Blue. To be clear, you cannot change the color of your   racing chocobo other than breeding. That's one of  the few perks of using coverings is having chances   at different colors, then you just gotta rely on  whichever of those colors belong to good chocobos   to breed and of course, maybe a few lalafell  sacrifices to the almighty lord of RNG.   With both pedigree 4 children picked  out, it's time to start raising them.   They both already have Head Start as a hereditary  ability, so the acquired action doesn't matter.   As such, it would be possible to give them  the Dressage III ability from the store   to level them faster, since  it is a 30% experience boost.   The only reason this was not done is because I  wanted to get a list of experience rewards for   the text version of the upcoming guide... because  why not make this even harder on myself?   Sometimes people wonder if they should  train their chocobo. Training doesn't   get passed down to children, so from a breeding  perspective, it mostly serves to waste your MGP.   You do get more experience if you rank up  higher, but mostly you don't want to end up   as 8th place because 8th place experience  actively mocks you for even trying.   The second chocobo got the worst stats (thankfully  it doesn't affect breeding), so having to use a   bit of training in order to not constantly  rank as the biggest loser was necessary.   Once both were ranked to 40, it was time to  retire them from racing, and start some sexin'   Our best female was the same as our  previous one. So it's not an improvement   but it's not a detriment either. But our best boy was better for   the stamina. This wasn't a great gain  overall, but it's not terrible either   and sometimes.. sometimes you just  gotta settle for not getting worse.   Now that we have pedigree 5s we are  essentially halfway there and our stats   are actually pretty good, but that cunning  and acceleration still need to be fixed up.   From here on, having to do some trainings to not  rank horribly becomes more of a necessity.   Goodbye MGP, Hello Time Savings! So, what happened when these two chocobos,   whom we're totally pretending  aren't siblings and this isn't   absolutely messed up, were told to put out? The 4 female fledglings were the same as their   mother - not better, but not worse. that is fine  since the mother was already really strong.   Of the 2 male fledglings, one came out the same  as the father. That's not ideal since the original   parent was missing a 4-star in Acceleration  and the point was to try and fix that.   However, there was a male with both  a 4-star in acceleration and cunning.   This means this generation attempt was a  success, as we now have the possibility   of passing 4-star on both sides. Perfection is getting closer and closer.   Pedigree 6 to 7 is where things got a  little interesting with the results.   As with before, once both parents were  retired, all 10 children were made.   But none of the children came out better than  the parents! 5 came out essentially the same:   with a 3 in acceleration and a 1 in cunning. 3 children came out worse, where they managed to   inherit both of the parents' 3 in acceleration  or both of the parents' 1 in cunning.   Since there are 5 children, it is possible  to raise one male and one female,   and if the grade 8s don't  come out with better luck,   raise the next group of male and female 7s,   and if those children don't come out with  better luck, raising that last remaining male   with one of the saved grade 6s  to make new sets of grade 7s.   So that is a possible plan of action.  Hopefully luck happens on the first   set with a chocobo that has either nine or  ten 4-stars because I would really prefer   not to have to do all this extra work. Even if I chose not to follow this plan,   I can also breed two pedigree 9s, they just  also give pedigree 9s, so it's possible to   keep trying to fix stars. But whether you end  up having to do extras now, or later, the point   is that it's up to luck to decide how much of  your time is wasted trying to fix things.   But let's see what happened!   After 6 children, I finally got a  perfect 4-star female chocobo.   And so far two male chocobos with 9 out  of 10 stars. Having a perfect grade 9 is   pretty much guaranteed at this point. I don't  really need to do the whole back up plan.   Since the female is already perfect,  it can be registered right away to   start racing while waiting for the  next set of children to be born.   Matter of fact, at this point I could  stop breeding, the current males are   good enough. However, I'm choosing  to keep going for all 10 children   in case I get a perfect 4-star male as  well, because it would be nice to breed   two perfect chocobos in order to have no  breeding RNG for pedigree 9. Unfortunately,   the universe reached out, told me I needed  to make an appointment if I wanted to have   such great luck, and just wasted my time.  So I didn't get a perfect male yet.   Unlike other chocobos, the first pedigree  8 was raised to a rank higher than   40. This was so all chocobo challenges up to  challenge 12 could be done and over with.   By doing challenge 12, this frees up the ability  to buy any ability (except for Head Start,   which cannot be bought). So you can  pick your perfect hereditary ability.   For the purpose of this journal,  I'll be keeping Head Start.   That being said Cure III is an excellent ability  that goes with a lot of different builds,   so if you're not sure what you want,   but you know you don't want to have to  make any more chocobos than necessary,   I would say to go with that at this point. After 6 children were made, I finally got   A perfect male and a perfect female   Making two perfect pedigree 9s is not  necessary. I could have stopped once I   got the very first one. But let me explain  really quick why I chose to make two.   Let's say I change my mind and don't  want Head Start as my hereditary ability,   I can absolutely rank both of these grade 9s to  40, teach them both the ability I want to switch   to, and make a perfect child with that. When  two grade 9s breed, they make another grade 9.   So this allows for the chance to switch hereditary  builds without having to start all over.   Because no sane person would want to have to  do this from 1 to 9 multiple times....right?   Anyway, let me know if you found this useful  and I look forward to when the actual guide   gets released. You also might have noticed  my chocobo on my alt is still only rank   1. That's because I'll be making a separate video  on training it, because yes, there are strategies   for maximizing your stats when training that last  chocobo. But that is a story for another time.   What about you? Have you  done any chocobo breeding?   Did you have any trouble or  use different strategies?   Have you managed a 4-star racing chocobo? Do share your experience in the comment section!   Thank you so much for watching, and  I will see you all for the next time!
Channel: Squintina
Views: 53,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14
Id: 6y5Sd2wU1GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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