Unlock New Levels of Realism With MidJourney Prompts!

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in this video, I want to talk about how to  create Ultra photo-realistic images using   mid-journey. I will show you several techniques  to help you create these super realistic images   in mid-Journey. Just take a look at these. look  at how absolutely realistic these are. if you   didn't look really really close and you just  saw these on Instagram you'd probably think   these were actual real photographs. And  don’t worry it’s not hard. it’s pretty   basic and easy actually. so anyone can do this.  Let's go ahead and Dive Right Into it.   So the first formula is actually inspired by a  tweet from Nick here. He shared his technique   for how to get these different kinds of realistic  images with different film types. So you put a   shot type of the subject that you want with your  film type. And, you can see here that, he makes   an example of a street-style photo of a woman,  experimenting with different film types. so let's   go ahead and see what happens when we pull this  into mid-journey ourselves. Now before I get into   it if you don't already have a mid-Journey account  pop on over to "mid-journey .com". come down here   to join the beta. it does require a Discord  account. and you can actually generate up to 25   images for free inside of "mid-journey". So now we will go ahead and copy it. And in   discord, just type imagine prompt and paste it.  the first film type we will experiment with is   "Fujifilm Pro 400H". So the whole prompt that we  got now is like - ‘street style photo of a woman,   shot on Fujifilm pro 400H’. Let's see what we  will get. and here's what I got. I mean look   at these. These look like some Instagram models  that we got right here. They are just insanely   detailed like you probably wouldn't notice that  these were generated with mid-journey. let's go   ahead and upscale number two and number three.  and look at these. these are just absolutely   amazing. You can see after upscaling  the detail in these is just crazy.   Let’s experiment with another one here. let's  type imagine and paste the same thing but   instead of Fujifilm Pro 400H, Let’s take the  film type as "Kodak Gold 200". and once again   we got some really really detailed images. The  2nd & the 4th ones look like a bit of animated   characters. But these 2 right here look amazing.  The intricate details and colors are so precise.   yet it still feels like a work of art. So Let's take this same prompt but let's tweak it   a little bit, ok. Let's add a lighting style to  this prompt. So, ‘street style photo of a woman,   shot on Kodak Gold 200’ with ‘studio lighting’  lighting style. This one is actually cartoonish.   And this one is better but I can still tell that  it's generated by Ai. But these 2 look real. Also,   I love that the AI has combined various elements  to create something truly unique and visually   striking. Let’s try with ‘backlight  with hair light’. And look at that,   wow! Look at the dimension and separation of  that girl’s hair. That's really cool!   Let’s end this formula 1 with “Silhouette Lighting  with Side Light”. Look at that 2nd one right here.   Let's upscale that one. Look at that striking  contrast between light and shadow. It's amazing to   see how AI can be used to create such striking and  visually stunning images. There are more lighting   styles and different film types from Nick’s tweet,  that you can experiment with. So I'll make sure I   link these threads below in the description. Now the next one actually blows my mind when I   found the outcome. can you believe that this  image was actually generated by AI? It's really   incredible to see what AI is capable of these  days, and these images are the perfect example   of that. Now, this is generated by this guy on  Reddit named ‘Archie 7’, who is kind enough to   actually share the prompt that they use. We  will copy the same prompt that they used to   see if we will get the same result or not. I mean  look at these! The fact that it can now create   images that look like they were taken by a real  camera is just mind-boggling. Let’s upscale some   of them. This is crazy! Look at those detailed  face structures. The shrinking of the cheekbones,   the Sagging skin. Everything is in just detail!  Now, let's break it down a little bit. First,   we put whatever is your subject or the scenario.  For this one, it’s an Indian village woman. Then   we have clear facial features and cinematic. Those  are pretty self-explanatory. then, a 35-millimeter   lens. That's like getting right up in someone's  grill and really capturing all the little details   of their face. Next, we're gonna use an “F 1.8  aperture” to create a shallow depth of field.   That means the old lady's face will be super sharp  and in focus. And to really make her features pop,   we'll be using some accent lighting and global  illumination. So you can use this formula just   by changing the subject to get a cinematic image  in minutes. We can just copy the same prompt,   and just change it into ‘the portrait of a mine  worker from Africa’. just look at the detail and   realism in this image! This one particularly looks  like a real human, which is pretty cool!   So currently I am having a giveaway Contest.  Let's see who is the winner from the last   video. And the winner is - "Seth Rollins". So  congratulation Seth. Now you just have to email   me from this account that You won the youtube  pdf bundle. And after verifying, I will send   you the whole pdf bundle as soon as possible.  Now, if you want to be the next one to win this   valuable PDF contents. Then all you have to do  is “like”, “subscribe”, and “comment” in this   video. Now let's jump back to the video. Now the third formula I got is from this youtube   channel called ‘Maximize’. And, one of the tips  that he gave was to include the word "Polaroid"   in your prompt. So for example, just start the  prompt with "event photography" and then add a   "35 millimeter lens". the subject that I want to  put here is "two girls celebrating at a cocktail   party", and then lastly we will use "Polaroid."  Well, the results are kind of impressive! Of   course, if you look closely, you can still tell  that it's an AI-generated image, but overall,   the effect is really impressive. Now here is a website where you can find   a lot of various types of photography to use for  our prompts. Also, I have another website where   you can find certain lens for your prompts too. So  for example let's say based on formula 3, I could   write something like. portrait photography,  50 mm lens, close-up, a guy of 30 years old,   facing towards me, black & white, aspect ratio of  2:3. So you can see it is giving me those striking   big eyes that we all love in portrait photography.  And, the 50mm lens is perfect for this type   of photography. So just play around with the  different styles of photography and lens. Also,   I'll link these websites below to help you  generate more prompts quickly and easily.   Now this last formula that I got is from the  channel called “Matt Wolfe”. And in his video,   he found a tweet from his friend ‘Linus’, that is  generating stunningly realistic images that look   like they've been taken by a National Geographic  photographer. Just use Linus's formula: animal,   shot direction, pose, time of day, National  Geographic, and film type. For example,   lions from below, side view, golden hour,  and National Geographic, shot on Agra Vista,   with an aspect ratio of 16:9. And the result  is actually some really beautiful images. Now,   Let's upscale one of them. Look! They look  like they belong on the cover of National   Geographic. Alright, let's mix things up a bit!  We're going to take the same prompt we used   earlier, but this time we're switching out the  animals. Let's change it from lions to zebras,   below to above, And the time of day from golden  to the morning hour. Let's see what Mid-Journey   comes up with this time! And look at that!  This looks great. It looks like the picture   is taking from a drone. Also, I think there  are lot more stripes in some of them. But,   I love how Mid-Journey can take a simple prompt  and turn it into a work of art.   Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this video on using  Mid-Journey for amazing photography results!   I'll be sure to link all of these resources in my  description below. so go check out them. Here's   all the formulas that we discussed. So you can  go ahead and take a screenshot for future use.   And if you're a fellow AI nerd like me, make  sure to hit that like button and subscribe to   our channel so you don't miss out on any future  content. Also make sure you comment with any   suggestions or questions or anything at all,  to get into the YouTube giveaway contest.   Now, if you are interested in how to  make money with chatGPT in the easiest   way possible. then watch this video right  here. And I'll see you in the next one!
Channel: Automation AI
Views: 11,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automation 2.0, Artificial Intelligence, Future Tools, midjourney, ai art, ai art generator, midjourney ai, midjourney prompts, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v4, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tips, ai, how to use midjourney, ai art tools, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney art, ai generated art, guide to midjourney, ai artwork, midjourney character prompts, midjourney character art, matt wolfe ai, maximize ai, ai technology, ai tools, youtube automation, mattvidpro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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