Unlock ANY SEO Niche With ChatGPT + Free Keyword Tool

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this video is supplementary to all of my other content I wanted to make an updated video on how to sign up for Google ads Keyword Planner for free in order to get the best keywords in the business so on Google and type in ads click on the first one make sure that you make Google pay themselves for the ad those of you who are used to my content were probably expecting me to continue in Italian but I changed it to English click Start now here I'm guessing I don't have an account here I'm pretty sure I should not have an account on this okay I don't perfect so ignore everything if you are on mobile you might not see this option if you're too zoomed in you will not see this option okay you need to zoom out to 100 and you need to click switch to expert mode once you've done that just give it a little time to load and then the same thing again if you're too zoomed in you won't see this or sometimes on mobile but you just want to click create an account without a campaign and then click yes or no on here it doesn't really matter just do whatever you want click on explore your account and then we're already inside one of the most powerful Tools in SEO click on tools and settings again you might have to zoom out a little bit I don't know why they do this don't ask me okay so once we've done that we want to click on Keyword Planner and we are now inside the most powerful tool that you will ever meet click on discover new keywords we might as well just have a little play around with it in this video just to show the power of this tool it's so easy to kind of I'm going to show you guys what I mean okay I want to take a niche that I've never even looked into before okay so I've decided to have a little look at camping and I thought why not use chat GPT if you wanted to just see how to set up Google ads Keyword Planner that's the video finished but I wanted to quickly do some things I just had a really really good idea and I want to do it before I forget so let's do camping but I don't know what people take camping so I'm gonna give chat GPT a prompt okay so let's just try this prompt right here okay perfect it worked exactly as I wanted it to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to write best and then tent and then four and then I'm gonna hit enter and each of these will most likely be a good article okay so let's make this a little bit bigger here okay yeah you can see already best tents for I'm going to zoom in a little bit best tense for families uh best sense for camping obviously okay but what what I really like to do is I like to click on three month change and I like to go down although some of these are probably really good so lightweight tents for bike packing is probably insane that's a really really good keyword I guarantee it so actually I want to take a look at this bike packing so I want to do tents or and then bike packing and I want to see what kind of um yeah it's a good one it's a good one competition is high but I mean you know that's to be expected let's be honest with it with you so bike packing is a good keyword and tense for bike packing is a good keyword uh but you can basically just go through all of these one by one and you can see what Google ads Keyword Planner comes up with so I prefer to do it like from a broad perspective so tense for um or best tense for sorry first and so like I did before and then doing it by three month change and then maybe going to 900 instead of infinite and some of these will have really really high searches per month okay so best tent for car camping best tent for hot weather best two-person tent for backpacking is a really good keyword um and yeah it's that easy guys you can probably tell by my voice I'm getting uh excited because this is just a I I guess this is what I do and I've never really thought of a way to show people uh how to do it okay best four let's see if sleeping pad has anywhere near yeah it does it literally does it's just as popular honestly this is super super interesting so using chat EPT to give you a list of the potential stuff that people will take with them camping or whatever Niche you're in okay so this prompt here will give you kind of like the base keyword okay and then all you need to do you don't even have to write best I just like doing it for popular niches um because it tends to give the best results but like you don't necessarily have to do that so portable water purifiers for camping what you can then do this is just standard SEO at this point is have a look to see what's ranking on the top page and obviously one of them is clever hiker.com out gearlab.com there's no reason you can't be these guys okay as long as you write really really good quality stuff or maybe even just a lot of Articles using chat GPT which is what I've been showing you in my videos okay so you just take these ideas and you create an Amazon Niche blog website around a niche and you fill it with this kind of content okay and each one of these as long as it's in like different enough so like these two portable water purify for camping best portable water purifiers for travel they're not necessarily the same thing so why not just split it up okay and just put the same water purifiers it doesn't actually matter at the end of the day that's what you've got to remember I love this this is an absolutely fantastic method and thank you guys for watching I hope this helps you find some amazing keywords and there's definitely more videos coming so make sure to subscribe peace out
Channel: Income stream surfers
Views: 41,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chatgpt seo, chatgpt seo keywords, chatgpt seo strategy, chatgpt tutorial, free keyword research tool, free seo tool, google keyword planner, income stream surfers, keyword research tool, keyword strategy, niche, niche research tool, search engine optimization, seo, seo strategy
Id: Zqe2Ob2lZi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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