Unlimited Power | Pastor Daniel Groves | Hope City

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listen if we haven't had the privilege of meeting just yet my name is daniel groves and i have the privilege of serving as the teaching pastor here at hope city and uh i'm grateful to hang out uh with y'all i've been been able to i've had the privilege of being able to be a part of summer hope city this whole month and uh i'm i'm so grateful and i want to give some honor where honors do because if honor's in you it comes out of you you can't fake honor uh i'm grateful for pastors that recognize that this whole thing uh that that was birthed six years ago uh is not a sprint it's not something that's a one and done we don't just have these big weekend experiences now this is a marathon and our pastors need longevity and so they realize hey we need to take a breather so we can have a fresh win behind our sails to finish the year strong so can we honor our pastors pastors jeremy jennifer come on you can honor them better than that they said yes they pray for you they're standing with you i talked to pastor jeremy last night and he he's getting refreshed and i'm just really excited about the future and what god is doing and what he has done y'all realize that there's a reason why i've said this before that our windshield is bigger than our rear view mirror because god is far more interested in our future than our past like everything god has done up until this point has been amazing but i believe what's next is god's best how many all believe that like i believe there's more miracles come on there's more signs and wonders there's we've already seen over 40 000 people commit their lives to jesus can you can y'all with do the filter of faith get ready when we say 250 000 have given their lives to jesus come on because the silos are next there's so much that god is doing here so you've got me this weekend again and i'm fired up because we're in week number four of summer at hope city week one we talked about unshakable faith how in the waiting season in the season where maybe god seems quiet how there's unshakable faith that's developed i encourage you to go back and re-listen re-watch that sermon week two we talked about unstoppable favor i gave our church a 90-day favor challenge how many all have been looking for favor come on how many all have been like all the little intricacies of your life you're like well i see favor there god showed up for me here come on i'm getting dms all the times he's like i'm finding parkinson's like crazy people are literally just backing out saying this is your spot i'm putting my own laminated sign up but you can go to jail for that don't do that but so week number three last weekend father's day we talked about the unfailing love of our father and this week we're going to talk about unlimited power we're going to talk about how we have unlimited power and access to this incredible relationship with the holy spirit the holy spirit's person it's not a vibe it's not a feeling or an emotion and it doesn't have to be weird you still talk about holy spirit depending on where you're uh denominationally or your theological background you're like oh this is going to get strange don't make eye contact with this beard like it doesn't have to be weird i'm not gonna jump and float on a cloud like somebody's not gonna whip banners and flags all around the room and you have to duck like i can hardly whichever way or however you have been raised and when you hear the word or you hear the phrase the holy spirit doesn't have to be spooky it doesn't have to be weird this is something that god has given us because we at hope city we're a spirit-filled church we we are contending for signs wonders and miracles we believe in the trinity that god is his three father son the holy spirit uh jesus we're gonna unpack this in the verses gave us access and the holy spirit who's our comforter our advocate our intercessor we're gonna talk about this incredible unlimited power because here's the truth you can get to heaven and you can go to heaven by just giving your life to jesus but you can experience heaven on earth through the access that we have through the holy spirit come on somebody should say amen before we jump in i want to say a couple other things because i know we've got a lot of new people here and at some of our other locations our church hope city is built on the foundation of relationship this is not about religion religion kills relationships this is not about religion it's not about rituals and do's and don'ts it's about relationship with the god who not only loves you but really likes you and christianity isn't about bad people becoming good it's about dead people coming alive it's not about behavior modification it's about a true heart transformation and we believe scripturally that when you get your roots down deep in the local church psalm 92 13 says blessed is the man or woman who's planted in the house of the lord see when you get your roots down deep when you allow god to begin to stir up and remove some things in your life that maybe you've allowed access to you can grow in him and i truly believe that as we move forward as a church and we jump more deeper into connect groups and we do more hope city missions outreaches come on give a hand for our hope city outreach man our missions team is crushing it the truth is we believe that deep roots produce healthy fruit and when we connect to the local church which we believe is the heartbeat of heaven this isn't about growing a big church and having every seat filled it's about you growing as a son and a daughter and recognizing with audacious faith that there's healing in your hands and that when you get in the way of someone's storm their life can change because of who you are and whose you are john 15 5 says it this way i'm the vine that's the lord you're the branches that's us when you remain in me and i in you you will bear a little bit of fruit it doesn't say that if your bible says that we're gonna swap it out it's the book of mormon we're gonna get you can i say that in my house now it says that when you stay connected to the vine when you stay connected to his heart and we believe part of that connection is through the local church part of that connection is through our connect groups part of that connection is you go into growth track and and allowing god to unlock your purpose in your assignment and make a difference when you connect it says apart from me you can do nothing see in our humanity a lot of times we say god we trust you with all this but we're just going to hold on to this and god's saying listen i want all of you and i want you to hang out in my presence and i want to grow you into who you're called to be that's why we want you to know god we want you to find freedom we want you to discover your purpose and ultimately make a difference and i believe that there are people here today that you've been sitting on the sidelines and summer's a good time to get refreshed it's a good time to kind of hit the reset button it's a good time to kind of let your hair down and kind of reevaluate things going into the second half of the year but if you're on the sidelines wondering if there's room for you and your gifting and the purpose of god and the call of god on your life the resounding answer is yes you just have to get your yes out of the way i'm gonna count to three and i want you to yell yes come on one two three that's pretty good so you guys have all signed up we'll expect you to volunteer next week okay that's ridiculous so we're a spirit-filled church we are believing this is this is the truth uh i've been praying this for the past six months i told pastor jeremy i said i'm audacious enough to believe that there are going to be people that start pulling rvs on our parking lot that are that are stopping here after they left the cancer treatment centers of america because they heard rumors that when you show up to hope city tumors disappear we're believing that people will walk in and diagnosis will reverse the marriages that were falling apart will begin to fall into place that people that have struggles and addictions that say i can't seem to fill the void we walk out completely set free healed and delivered we're a spirit-filled church so like if worship is good and it's just gifting then it's just karaoke but when it's gifting in it's anointed that's when fruit happens and that's when miracles begin to break out look at the person next to you and say i'm believing for miracles come on we're spirit-filled church and we believe in the power of the holy spirit and today i want to i want to look at a little parallel i want to kind of do a comparison of something that we have access to in the natural i have an ipad up here and an iphone and we have access to something and a feature that's on this and it's and it's this simple phrase hey siri now i know instantly there are some of you in the room that are still you still you haven't seen the glorious light and you use you use an android and i listen i'm going to be i'm gonna be super transparent i don't know who you call i we say hey siri you're like hey randall i don't know like hey randall what's the what i don't know i'm so sorry i literally have i should have done some research but i just don't care i i just i'll be honest like and if i'm bothering you if you're like where's the real pastor you can email me you're like i'm frustrated this guy with the beard you can email me at randall hope city.com is that wrong i feel like i'm okay but what if we had access this is the question what if we had access to the holy spirit like we have instant access to siri so the other day i was driving to my car and and this song popped up and then it hadn't it hadn't changed yet so i couldn't see who it was and i was like hey siri and she popped up like and i have the one with the british accent she's like yes daniel and so i asked her what song was she told me and boom i was able to download it i mean like instantly like this instant access so this morning i i got up earlier i get up super early on sunday mornings and so i said hey siri she popped up she i said can you set my alarm for and i told her what time and so and then i said and can you set another alarm hey siri can you call jeremiah woods and give a shout out to hope city worship in the new fighting for me single because it's fire like can you call and if you have not downloaded it yet you may want to pull out your phones and download fighting for me that's a little uh like an infomercial like if you download it now you get ginsu set of knives okay but i have this access to i can literally say hey siri what's the weather gonna be in houston in july and she's like 185 degrees and a thousand percent humidity i'm like i don't know if that's facts or i can say hey whatever city i'm in i can say hey what's some great local restaurants near me and boom she has the goods to back it up what if we had that same type of access to the holy spirit hey holy spirit i need clarity in this relationship hey holy spirit i need advice or wisdom in this financial situation hey holy spirit i need peace in the middle of this health struggle hey holy spirit i need peace in the middle of this broken place in my life because the truth is the more you grow and the more you realize it's not a vibe but he's a person the more you'll walk talk and recognize the access that you have to this unlimited power through the relationship that we have every day with the holy spirit every morning i woke up again today this is true i woke up i walked in the bathroom and i said god thank you thank you that i woke up again today god it's not with my enticing words or perfect oratory delivery that's what paul said it's the demonstration of the power of the holy spirit so whether i'm at church whether i'm at a restaurant whether i'm getting gas i want to be more mindful of your agenda god if there's anything in my life that's distracting me so much that i can't hear your still small voice that i can't feel the nudge that if i'm walking in somebody's path and i'm supposed to get in the way of their storm god forgive me for ever missing moments because i didn't realize the access that i have to your spirit so today we're going to unpack this a little bit more and i want to point us through some scriptures about who the holy spirit is and the significance of our relationship john 14 verse 16 it's the amplified jesus said this and i will ask the father and he will give you another helper a comforter advocate intercessor counselor strengthener a standby to be with you forever see the holy spirit helps he comforts he's our advocate our intercessor he strengthens us he stands with us and he lives in us and when we recognize this type of relationship we'll recognize the fullness of god that we can live in our god-given potential our relationship with the holy spirit is a life-giving and purpose-sustaining relationship and every inspired god-given dream is dependent upon the work of the holy spirit in our lives to see it come to fruition because on our own here's the truth and i want to burst anybody's bubble we're just not that good like on our own we'll just survive cruise control sort of life just kind of getting through it and i know that's messes with ambitious super driven ego centered people but the truth is if you really want to make a difference you have to have the holy spirit in you dwelling in you and activate it through you i was talking to my friend josh the other day who's on our team and we were talking about like if someone gave you a new car assuming you're like is that gonna happen is that happening today maybe during christmas so calm down i have a partially used chipotle gift card though i'll give that to somebody what we were talking about if somebody gave you a new car like what an amazing right it'd be amazing if somebody said hey i want to bless you with a brand new car you're like yes lord and you start it up you're like this is amazing and it gets you literally to your destination from a to b every day you're like this is incredible what if somebody stopped over and said hey man what's the extra accessories and add-ons you're like i don't know i start it and i drive it what if you never accessed all the extras what if you drove all summer long and it got you from a to b but you just weren't very cool because you never accessed the air conditioning [Music] or we got that real like off the cuff random deep freeze that everybody melted we were like this is terrible because our houses here are made out of paper mache and decoupage like everything just fell apart we're like what do we do with our hands like it's so cold like what if you drove around and it was freezing out and you never accessed the heater or you're struggling you're like hey i got to get off my i can't talk on my airpods right now i can't see because it's raining so hard but you never access the windshield wipers what if you had a long drive and you never enjoyed the journey because you never accessed the music the truth is there is accessories and add-ons that we never really have the fullness or the maybe the the mindset to access when you don't know that it belongs to you so let's paint this parallel for a minute the parallel with the relationship with jesus many of us recognize the sacrifice the vehicle the salvation the existence that we'll have like well brother i'll dance on the streets of gold i get it and it's going to be amazing and the truth is jesus gives us that sacrifice gives us that eternal access that we will have but there's still so much more that god wants to do the holy spirit equips us with other add-ons and bonuses and and accessories for every single season and we when we learn to lean into his presence and we grow daily in in the presence of god he's saying hey i want to equip you with more i want to give you even more power i want to give you even more insight and wisdom and clarity i want to give you even more direction so the reality is jesus guarantees the arrival but the holy spirit guarantees the add-ons i want to experience heaven on earth i'm not satisfied with just surviving or getting through a day like i don't want to miss a moment where we could have seen a miracle break out in the family i told this church i was just at north carolina i said hey do y'all have a room i felt like i really felt this from the lord i said do y'all have like a little side room and some of y'all are going to think this is super hyper spiritual but i want you to hear this because this is what we believe because it's in the bible everywhere jesus went whether it was in matthew chapter 9 verse 20 with the woman with the issue of blood when he just got in the way of her storm and she fought through the crowd or blind bartimaeus or all the amazing miracles he did anytime jesus got in the way of someone's storm their story changed so i'm in north carolina and i asked the pastors i said hey do you all have a room to the side because i really felt like from the holy spirit that you all are going to have to have a separate storage closet for all the walkers and wheelchairs that people are going to end up leaving here and they were like what and i said i really believe that there are going to be so many miracles of people that that are going to get healed that need walkers in wheelchairs that you're going to need a separate room because you're not going to know what to do with them because they're not going to need them anymore once they come in this this place of worship and they were like man we're going to believe that and some of y'all are looking at me like okay we ended up doing this worship night we're singing gyro you are enough i will be content every single day you are gyro and you are enough and i'll be winning it out forever enough always enough you're more than enough and we're just declaring it over and over and this sweet lady probably i don't know she was anywhere between 70 and 150 i don't know she was older she i don't know she made her way down to the front and she lifted her hands and began to worship and the pastor elbowed me and said look she had a walker and he said be crazy if she'd leave it at the front i said it's only crazy until it happens and she started just worshiping and started worshiping and she started getting free like she was 23. i mean she started singing and shouting and praising got honest truth she looked at that walker and i was like i don't need that anymore and she just and she left it and she left the building and her daughter's like i haven't seen my mom walk without a walker in years and they still have the walker and they put it in a closet the closet that they're making room for more walkers and more wheelchairs see when you believe for miracles and you believe that the holy spirit will show up and move and do what he listen god will show up flex and throw his weight around the room the truth is we get in the way because what if somebody said she's getting in my way up here with her wall i can't even sing she's blocking my view now it says she got totally set free and left the thing that had been holding her back and they told me this has been weeks i talked to the pastors yesterday they said she walks up in here on sundays full of energy full of joy said that she got her miracle and walked out set free i think somebody should shout that's what we're believing for i believe though the closer you get to the presence of god the more you realize and this access that we have through the presence of god it comes through pastor jeremy says this and we believe this that everything is spiritual all the time but the foundation the beginning of all of this the answer always begins with and always ends with jesus that's why we don't pray prayers for symbolic reasons but romans 10 verse 9 and 10 and i'll give you an opportunity at the end of this service to give your life to jesus but it says this when you confess your with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus is lord it says this you will be saved and so the moment you're saved the transformation begins to happen the moment that transformation begins to happen and that conversion begins to happen and that begins to heal your heart there's also access that we get granted through the power of the holy spirit the bible says this in 2 corinthians chapter 1 verse 22 it says he set his seal i love this of ownership on us how many that just should make you feel good he sets his seal of ownership it's like a thumbprint that says she's mine like he belongs to me and he put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come john chapter 3 verse 5 talks about being born again and references water and spirit this is why we believe your next step after you give your life to jesus's water baptism and that public expression and declaration of your relationship with jesus that says hey i am one of his i'm a king's kid now that public declaration is your next step after you give your life to jesus and i want to encourage you next weekend say next weekend is baptism sunday so if you have not been water baptist baptized next week baptized come on nacho libre uh to be i'm concerned about your salvation and stuff baptized so if you haven't seen the movie you have no idea what i'm talking about but it's amazing but next weekend is is baptism sunday and i want to encourage you to to take that next step and we take all the guesswork out of it for you uh but show up and sh and get ready and look at the person next to you and say if you if you go i'll go or if you haven't been baptized i'll go celebrate with you come on next weekend look at the person next to you and say next weekend come alone no but jesus said in john 14 26 again the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that i've said to you so the parallel between the access we have to siri and the access we have to the holy spirit i have access to syria like that come on one two three snap one two three we have access like that to the things of god we have access to the good things that god wants to unlock in you wisdom clarity direction peace perseverance fight everything you need when you need it but here's the truth in my settings on my phone if i don't want siri to have access or i don't want to talk this here i can turn it off i'm just going to turn it on my wife turned it off she's like i don't need siri rule ruling my life i don't need it now me i love it i use it all the time and i've switched up to the british accent and the british accent could be a little snarky like i was like hey i was out of town i was like hey siri where's the nearest mall and she's like shopping again huh does she think you should lose a little bit more weight before you fill up your closet like it's ridiculous somewhere like that really happened it didn't happen but but we have access and if we don't want access we can turn it off here's the reality here's the parallel we have access to the presence of the holy spirit the holy spirit's always around so if you were acting messy and ratchet and ridiculous in the club last night he wasn't taking a smoke break outside like he's like come on come on we know that's your song cardi b but let's go like now the holy spirit is always around but you can i said this two weeks ago during the unstoppable favor you can't stop god's favor but you can blas block it you know you can muddy the waters of your ability to be sensitive to the things of god the holy spirit is always speaking i want you to know that just because i have a mic and i'm a man of the cloth and i can marry and bury does not mean i have more access to the holy spirit than you do the holy spirit is always speaking but we allow distractions and noise and toxic thinking and relationships that you know you shouldn't be in we allow these things in our lives and it takes the access that the holy spirit should have and we're almost blocking the ability to hear him i want you to take down notes if you're writing these down i want you to write this down number one we have to want the help of the holy spirit because the holy spirit won't help or fix something you refuse to surrender and he won't bless what you refuse to release i've said this multiple times he will not force himself on your life but he will move in every area of your life and be your comforter be your advocate be your intercessor be your strengthener everything you need when you need it if you'll make room but you have to also be willing for him to tell you these things need changed in your life we don't like that because when you pluck a weed or something gets pruned it's pretty uncomfortable or he may have to say listen i need you to fix this or you'll notice that nudge you need to fix this before it becomes more broken it's like when you first chip a tooth and if you just went straight to the dentist i mean like that's i don't that's now you're speaking blast for me i don't even go to the dentist because it hurts but but you know if you chip a tooth you go to the dentist and they fix it but if you let it go too long what ends up happening you might have to get a root canal and then a crown you have to go through all of these extra steps so the holy spirit's like hey you need to fix this before it becomes more broken you need to get out of this toxic situation you need to surrender that toxic thinking you need to let go of that toxic relationship whatever it is you have to be willing this is tough for him to help you well like with siri like i said we have the ability to turn it on or turn it off the holy spirit is always right there right when you need him right when you need healing right when you need peace the holy spirit is always there but the reality is and i said this a moment ago the distractions and choices we make can totally mess with and listen i need you to hear this uh because i don't want this to sound hyper-spiritual it doesn't have to be an audible voice like it doesn't have to be like sheila you're like oh lord like that was super loud it could be that intuition has anybody ever experienced that it could be that just that gut check that knowing uh my mom i remember we were about to go to this like youth trip we were going to this amusement park and my mom woke up in the middle of the night and and uh she it was like a vision she had had this dream and it woke her up and she saw the van that we were all in all the students that we were in uh going off the road and rolling like flipping and rolling down this hill and she got up and began to pray god i pray in the name of jesus if that was you god i pray that you would confirm it she gets a phone call an hour later from the pastor's wife and said i don't think that the kid should take the trip i woke up in the middle of the night and i saw the van in a dream all the kids and i saw it go off in the ditch and roll over and everybody was killed my mom said i did too the holy spirit was speaking but what if they would have been like get these kids out of the house it's time for them to go here's a couple hot pockets they're not even microwaved just take them and go they'll fall out on the drive no we have to be sensitive i read the story about a park ranger at yellowstone national park who was uh intent on telling the hikers all about the different flowers and animals and he was so frustrated with all the messages and all the noise that was coming through his two-way radio and it was so distracting he turned it off about 45 minutes into the hike they got to the peak of where they were going and there was another uh uh there was another park ranger sprinting at them completely out of breath and ran up and said why haven't you been answering your radio why haven't you been listening to the radio and he said what's going on man sorry i was just showing everybody about the flowers and the animals he said man we've been watching a bear stalking you guys for the past 45 minutes and he got dangerously close to you the guy had blocked the access and the ability to hear something that was ultimately dangerous and here's the reality anytime we ignore those nudges those intuition those still small voice moments where we allow life and the distractions of life to muddy the waters of our ability to hear the holy spirit number one we begin to rely on ourselves more than god and number two it could put you in a really dangerous messed up situation so do not block the access that god wants to give you through the help of the holy spirit we have to want the help of the holy spirit i love this song holy spirit we're gonna sing it at the end and the bridge says let us become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of your goodness that first part let us become aware we need to be aware we need to be more aware that the presence of god is with us i read the story about this little boy who was flying a kite and the wind kept taking it higher and higher and higher to the point where he couldn't see the kite anymore and he was holding onto that string and this guy walked by and said hey what are you holding on to and he said on my kite and he said how do you even know a kite's up there a little boy said cause i can sense it i can feel it the truth is this isn't about feelings and goosebumps and emotions but the reality is when you get closer to the presence of god you'll begin to notice those nudges and the closer you get to his presence and he shapes and molds you you'll begin to feel the tangible anointing of the presence of god he might even wake you up in the night and put a name of someone in your heart and say pray for her how many all going to be so sensitive the presence of god that you live life you work you take care of the your family but you function fully in the gift and the anointing and the purpose that you're called to somebody should shout so we have to want the help of the holy spirit moving on we call out siri's name it's instant access i can say siri what's this song siri can you help me with this and the reality is number two writes us down we have to call on the holy spirit we have to invite him that's why there's so many churches that just kind of go through the motions that's why i'm grateful from the inception of hope city pastor jeremy said this will be a church of signs wonders and miracles this will be a church of the power of the holy spirit this will be a church where people walk in broken and hurting and need hope and walk out and we will be hope to a city that is far from god and we'll do whatever it takes to reach people for jesus the truth is we don't just go through the motions we're not just scratching a check box or crossing a tee or dotting an eye and going through a sunday ritual this is not about routine or tradition this is about the presence of the living god and so we have to call on the holy spirit the bible says in acts 4 verse 31 and when they had prayed the place where they were meeting together was shaken and it was a sign of god's presence they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak the word of god with boldness and courage close your eyes with me just for a moment say out loud god show up like that here at hope city come on show up like that here at hope city just texting my friend jayden chavez yesterday pastor's an incredible church in las vegas and he put this up on his instagram last night he said as you read through the books of acts you will notice that every time the holy spirit is poured out people begin to praise speak in tongues preach and prophesy because god knows your tongue has power your tongue is directing the course of your life so he gives us the holy spirit to give us the advantage proverbs 18 21 says that death and life's in the power of your tongue job 22 28 says decree a thing and it shall be established the holy spirit will speak through you when you allow him to have that type of access and you call upon it the bible says in first john 5 14 one of my favorite verses i've been referencing this all throughout summer at hope city it says this is the confidence we have see when you know that it's not just a vibe an emotion or a feeling but you know it's a the person of the holy spirit is with you fighting for you right there alongside you it says this is the confidence we have when approaching god again three in one father son holy spirit that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and one of the things that blows me completely away and always will until we get to heaven is that god out of all the billions of people in the world actually wants to hang out with you like he loves you that much like we say like what's up bro i love you man i don't like that guy very much i don't wanna hang out with that guy he loves you and he wants you to pursue his presence the bible says in first chronicles 16 11 seek the lord and his strength seek his face that's his presence continually longing to be in his presence again it doesn't have to be an audible voice it doesn't have to be a prophetic moment but the prophetic moment could be spoken through a sermon it could come through the word the truth is the holy spirit will speak directly to you every day this is why we say spiritual discipline is key every day when you spend time in the presence of god if you haven't heard the audible voice or even that nudge or the intuition lately this holy spirit will speak directly through his word to you and as you read through the bible i said this a couple weeks ago a pastor friend of mine said every day that spiritual discipline's like the jack in the box i open the bible and turn the page and it's really good reading and all of a sudden one day pop revelation that's super cheesy but you'll remember it the revelation will pop off the page the holy spirit will speak to you and sometimes in devastation you'll also get revelation sometimes in the midst of a valley moment the holy spirit will speak to you and comfort you and you're like i have no idea how i got through this the holy spirit was with you for 43 days i've told this story before the doctors kept saying this doesn't look good this looks like multiple tumors this doesn't look good you're going to have to deal with this you're going to have to walk through this and i remember my wife looking at me and saying if god got me through all that he got me through as a little kid and wrapped me up in his presence i felt the presence of the holy spirit then and i feel his presence now so for 43 days we were fighting contending leaning in and asking god to show us up and i just needed one word from the lord i just needed the presence of god to flood my house and just say it's gonna be okay but i wasn't getting it in this waiting season i'm like god where are you yet i continue to seek him yet we continue to worship through it yet in the middle of all the devastating news we kept getting more and more revelation of how good he was remember i was doing the dishes like any good husband does right all the ladies say amen and the guys are like you have a mic you have a responsibility to not say that ever out loud so i was doing the dishes and i was alone jackie was upstairs washing her face and she was upstairs and i was standing in the kitchen i said god i just need a word from you i need to know that this is going to be okay i felt i can't describe it i felt a peace come over me in that kitchen like i had never experienced before and i heard the lord say daniel tomorrow you will see the work of my hand and i took that one word and i fell to my knees in that kitchen i said that's what i've been needing but i realized in that moment that the entire time the entire quiet waiting season the entire time the holy spirit was right there giving us peace giving her courage giving her fire and boldness giving her perseverance giving her fight giving us hope because if there's any area of your life that feels hopeless it's under the influence of a lie let the holy spirit heal that in you let him fix that in you let him deliver that from you the next day we show up to the doctor and they treated her like patient number 77432 it was all protocol and business and sign in sheets and we got in the back room and the doctor looked at us and said i don't know what happened up until this day but after we ran all the tests just now there's no tumors come on your blood is clear and you don't have it come on somebody somebody should shout but i recognized in the middle of all of it that god was continuing even in the quiet moments the holy spirit was still speaking to us through his word when we needed peace philippians 4 7 was the peace we needed and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard both your hearts and your minds when you need courage in the area of healing or wisdom you can go to the lord in proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6 it says i trust you lord with all of my heart and i'm going to lean not on my own understanding i'm not going to lean on webmd i'm not going to lean on any of that i'm going to trust you because in all my ways i'll submit to you you said you'd make my path straight the holy spirit will speak to you through his word because here's the truth he has the goods to back it up whenever i ask siri for help or ask siri for directions or i ask siri to set my alarm or ask siri to help me with a local restaurant and she gives me that information i look at it i see it and i trust it because she has the goods to back it up same thing with the holy spirit when you lean into his presence and you recognize that god's way is not only good but it's actually better and you approach his presence and you ask him lord i need you to help me in this area we have to trust that the routes the detours and the directions he takes this we trust him in the middle of it why because he has the goods to back it up so number three if you're taking down notes you can write this down we have to trust the leading of the holy spirit so we have to want the help of the holy spirit we have to call on his name and we have to trust the leading of the holy spirit would you stand your feet as we bring this in for a landing today i pray that something was unlocked and i pray that you would recognize the access that you have to the person of the holy spirit that he wants to comfort you and be your advocate and your strengthener the peace that you need is found in the presence of the living god will you lift your hands towards heaven father today i pray that a fresh wind of your spirit would meet every single person every individual every married couple every future married couple that you would meet every person here that's wrestling with and struggling with a diagnosis issue that's struggling with a financial crisis god i pray right now that you would meet every single person in this place at cadiet woodlands online god that just needs peace flood and overtake us god speak to us today through your word let the peace that surpasses all understanding begin to guard both our hearts and our minds god i pray today lord that there would be a sensitivity that's unlocked would you do me a favor i do this all the time but i just i think the posture of surrender is just different when we go open-handed like this would you just open your hands towards heaven you can do it at home you can do it at other locations and just say god remove from me any distraction that's keeping me from hearing your voice jesus remove from me any distraction that's keeping me from hearing the still small voice of your spirit i need you i want you and i invite you into my life into my family to remove anything every weed every toxic thought every toxic relationship all toxic mindsets all toxic speaking just remove it all if it's distracting me from you i never want to block your agenda or your presence in my life now right now will you just begin to allow god to just refresh you and renew you and restore you and i believe download this hope just filling hearts right now some of you you've been wrestling with panic attacks they end today some of you have been having restless nights you can't sleep without some sort of uh sleep aid you'll sleep better tonight with supernatural peace than you've ever slept before there is hope filling marriages that feel like they're falling apart there's somebody today look at me i don't know who this is for maybe it's online you're going back for more tests this week and you're gonna be baffled at what the doctor's reports are they're gonna say we don't know what happened but you no longer are dealing with this come on can we hook our faith up with audacious faith right now look at me really quickly and then you can put your hands down we're going to worship for just a moment i was in canton ohio and afterwards one of the safety team guys said hey can you pray for my wife she has to go back in for some tests they found a a pretty sizable mass that they're really concerned about and we began to pray in the back and i said that may the peace of the holy spirit begin to flood your heart and begin to renew your mind [Music] and i just kept hearing the lord say tell her it's not what it looks like and again i'm not a psychic i'm not afraid to miss it i'm more concerned about not being obedient and so i said listen i'm not a psychic but i feel like there's a prophetic moment that's happening and i just heard the lord say it's not what it looks like and she began to weep and she looked at her husband she said what did i tell you he said you said after they told you that they saw a sizable mass you said you said the lord told you it's okay it's not what it looks like and she said that's confirmation and she went back and i got the text message on the tuesday after the sunday i went the doctors looked at it and the moment he looked at it he said ha it's not what it looks like it's not cancer at all there's no come on somebody may the peace of god that surpasses all understanding regards both your heart and your mind so come on with our hands lifted let us become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory come on i need to hear some daughters and some singers [Music] come on see it till you believe it come on call on his name let us experience let us become more aware of your presence let us experience the glory of the holy [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] somebody give god praise holy spirit you are welcome in our marriages our families our lives we trust you [Applause] [Music] if you're here today and you're at our woodlands location you're cade you're watching online you're in this room you say daniel here's the truth i don't know jesus as my savior so we're talking about the trinity we're talking about father son holy spirit we're talking about the access that we have the truth is i don't know him something in my heart is convincing me of the fact all service long that there's more to life than the way i've been living in i don't know jesus but i want to or maybe you're here with every eye closed just for a moment maybe you're here and you say daniel i got caught up in the prodigal life and the truth is i haven't been living for him i used to walk with him but i don't know him now but i want to rededicate my life today and i want to make things right today with jesus here at hope city we don't pray prayers for symbolic reasons we pray again according to romans 10 verse 9 and 10 and when you speak and confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus is lord everything changes slate wipe clean sins is thrown as far from the east as the west and we will not embarrass you it's god's job to change but it is our job to walk with you and disciple you and you do have a next step and our service hosts at the end of the service will give you that next step but first we need to pray and if you're watching online you can type in yes to jesus i want to give my life to jesus today you can say that right now but everybody right now with your eyes closed i'm going to count to three and if that's you say daniel at the count of three just lift up your hand one i want to give my life to jesus two i want to rededicate three if that's you would you lift up your hand i'm looking everywhere one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 over here 21 over there come on guys we can give god praise more than that that's incredible [Applause] i i want everybody including our incredible hope city worship team all of our team and everybody in the room watching online at our other locations pray this out so to the person that lifted their hands they don't feel uncomfortable say this out loud with boldness jesus it's me and i've been living for me and it hasn't worked from today on i choose to live for you forgive me for all my struggles and my sins from this moment on i will walk with you and i'm grateful for the access to your presence that you've given me from this moment on i'll live for you for you are my father my savior and my lord in jesus name amen come on hope city give god praise let's go
Channel: Hope City
Views: 10,116
Rating: 4.89644 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Hope City, pastor jeremy, jermy foster, jeramy foster, hope city church, pastor jeremy foster, pastor jeremey, hope city houston, local church, houston church, daniel groves, pastor daniel groves, beard pastor, holy spirit, sermon on holy spirit, inspirational sermon, unlimited power, power of the holy ghost, holy ghost, presence of god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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