UNLIMITED Pal Sphere Glitch Palworld! 🤯 TOWER BOSS CAPTURE, MONEY GLITCH & MORE! | Palworld

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hello and welcome back to another power world video it's been a few days I'm feeling kind of ill so it just excuse my voice and yes I'm just flexing my new my new jet dragon or jet ragon however you call it this guy is so quick it's ridiculous isn't he he is the best in the game I think for a mount I'm pretty sure but anyway we have a few glitches to show today and I can show you them in this base right here this is my base at the moment it's nothing fancy it's just getting the job done but anyway let's crack on with the first glitch it is a really really simple one and the reason why you might have clicked on this video will be for two reasons because there is a really really good way of getting unlimited power spheres and it's a very very simple glitch and it means you don't use any of your legendary spheres if you have any and it's really really handy for capturing those high level Pals and also you can still capture the tower bosses with the same glitch I'll show you it it's is the new update as you can see in the bottom right hand corner 0.1.4 point1 here is the first glitch of today's video so so as you can see I have six hyperspheres and 447 P spheres so the glitch here is what you want to do is when you throw the sphere that you want to keep as the unlimited sphere you want to throw it and as soon as you throw it you instantly change to the other sphere that you have so for example I have only just two types of spheres I have the original and I have the high level sphere that I want to keep so once you've thrown it you then instantly change to the other one and it would use up one of your other spheres which is fine because it's probably one of the cheaper ones for example the original blue pal spere so I've shown on screen here that you can do it different times as much as you want I just use the lowle ones as an example you can do this with any pal I just use it with these I hope you like it and I hope you try it yourself so this glitch is the infinite money glitch it is with the black marketeer and he is located on the right hand side of the map and you need to travel all the way to the right hand side here being the Eastern Wild Island so we'll travel there right now and now you need to jump onto a flying Mount so what I've got is the jet ragon just because of how quick he is you want to just travel just shy West towards the South so you go all the way over here and you should see in this little location over here there is a guy who goes by the name of the black marketeer he is sat here so what we want to do is bring him in so I need to command attack aggressively throw him on the floor right here just so he goes to attack the black markete here and and keep talking to him keep spamming talk while he attacks him and there you go he does the damage absolutely annihilates this bloke and I just keep spamming talk and he will then continue to get hurt especially if you have something as powerful as this it goes so so quick and there we go he should be dead there we go so I've just picked up loads of coins from him so now what you want to do is hop back onto him so now you're on your Mount you need to just start flying all the way over here you want to go quite far away just fairly far and then we can carry on and then what you want to do is just do a big old Loop this basically respawns him and then we can do it over and over again all the way around and he should be alive down here look at that there he is he is alive so now we can get off this guy and just smack this guy so we can get him aggro on this is how you can capture every Tower B in the new power world update 0.1.4 point1 I'm going to show you how right now so first of all we need to what are you doing so first of all we need to go to the Fast Travel option and go to the small settlement just like before and now we are in we need to get my bow out and just shoot one of the guards give myself a one wanted level so I'm just going to now fast travel I'll use Zoe and grisar as an example so I'm going to fast travel to their Tower right now so now I'm here I have these I'm just going to shoot them again just to get a second one so it lasts a little bit longer and then we need to run all the way around here into the tower just like normal and then get ourselves into the fight so we join up right now and now we need to just skip the cut scene as we would and they should spawn in around him what we need to do is we need to get close to one of the guards over here going to shoot him just to get another wanted level and then they will spawn in there we go so now once we have got them spawned in we need to get them shoot him like this and then once he's taken damage he then runs to the corner and then just throw a spear at the back of him like that and once that's done it says 0.0 but as you see on the screen he's now done so next up we have the glitch with the Dire Wolf is it Dire Wolf yeah so what you need is you need the mount for him so we can ride him and obviously if you look he's pretty fast he's not too bad but if you use the fierce Fang he goes forward a little bit well look how quick it actually regen so if you time it right and you do the fierce Fang and jump at the same time ends up going a little bit further but if we do it off the side of here look at that this cannot be right it just makes going around the map so much better look at that that is not right that is outrageous look there's a lift M energy over there oh let's just go and find it that wasn't quite as good but I still went across the hole of the river not that I can actually get up I definitely think you should try this out because it is really really quick easy to do all you need to do is just press space and that is it it is so cool so that is it for the video thank you very much for watching if you do like the video and would like more content like this like glitches and little tips and tricks in power world leave a like And subscribe to the channel That would be much appreciated thank you very much and goodbye
Channel: HamSanner
Views: 2,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld glitch, palworld capture tower bosses glitch, palworld after patch glitch, palworld tower boss glitch, palworld duplication glitch, palworld xp glitch, glitch, tombstone glitch after patch, palworld after patch glitches, mwz tombstone glitch after patch, mw3 zombies tombstone glitch after patch, palworld tower bosses, palworld tower boss capture glitch, palword material glitch, palworld tower boss catch, palworld glitch xp, tower boss capture palworld, palworld
Id: skwrZJnpqys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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