Unlimited Guns, Armor, Easy Rep and 500K UEC per hour from simple FPS in Star Citizen 3.23.1

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome in this video  I'm going to tell you how you can make unlimited   weapons ammunition items and armor how you can  make reputation from the mercenary Tab and how   you can make some money in the process so very  simply we're just going to go ahead and pop to a   website to get started uh this is tradein dospace  tradein dospace now I like this website because   they talk about the missions there's not many  websites talking about this right now because the   whole mission structure inside star C is getting  reworked so by the time you watch this video uh   this process might not even be available to you  and and right now in the current patch which is   3.2 3.1 uh this is actually really really good  right now and in the next update which is the   cargo update which is coming soon which is 3.24  this isn't going to be as easy as it is I'm not   saying it won't be possible it won't be as easy  as it is right now and I'll explain why as we   get into this video so I'm going to go ahead right  now and I'm just going to click on mercenary as a   tab and then I'm going to sort by Mission Giver  it's the easiest way to do it I'm going to sort   by Mission giver and I'm going to allow up to  100 searches I go to page two I'm only looking   for Mt protection services so basically anything  that's selected here and I've highlighted you can   see all right so these are the missions that  are currently available to me now you can see   some of these they're not all in order um but  we're looking at tier zero which you're going   to start with now this is all you're going to have  available to you at the start which is a security   contractor evaluation once you've completed that  you're going to open up the tier one and these   are your security contractor trainee okay so this  one is going to be remove illegal occupants which   you're going to be able to do you're also going  to have another one here um I don't know which   actually what this one is but there is and there's  also clear sighted drugs which you can get as well   um I don't know what this other one is we'll  have a quick look at it it just says Mission   contractor there not all of the information is  filled in here but these are what we're looking   for is the Mt Protection Services okay so that's  what we're going to get once we've been grinding   through these missions for a little while we're  then going to open up the tier two and the tier   two is going to allow us uh the following we can  uh clear the site of Contraband uh we can remove   illegal occupants uh and there's a few of these  as well by the way and then we can continue and   that's where we are right now so you're going to  grind you're going to do tier zero very quickly   and tier one you're just going to keep doing  those uh 10K bunker missions which is what they   are they're these uh you'll see them here uh the  prices of them but it's it's basically a 10K bun   commission it says 15K here it's not it's actually  10 um but the tier one is 10K defend occupants and   so you can actually click on any of these and go  into them and it tells you what you're going to   get as a reward in terms of reputation what you're  going to lose if you fail it don't take too many   contracts at once in case a server crashes but it  tells you about what it is and what you need to   do so this one removing illegal occupants it says  minimum is 30k it's actually not it's just going   to be 10K but you have to go and kill 10 enemies  in a bunker now the reason I like doing this is   cuz you can go in there with no armor no meds  nothing you can just go in there with a pistol   you can kill the first guy and I like to go in  there pretty much naked I have I go in there naked   with with just literally my shorts and a pistol  and the first guy I kill I open up his inventory   and I drag his undersuit onto me by doing that by  dragging his undersuit onto me I equip all of his   guns weapons armor ammo everything and then I can  go and kill everyone else so that's the way that   I do it go in there with a pistol in a pair of  shorts kill the first guy steal his gear and his   gun and then go and kill the other nine guys and  that way you're Kitt it up make sure you've got   enough ammo meds and everything and then you move  on to the next mission and that's it you don't   need to worry about selling everything bringing  everything back you can bring up the guns if you   want and things like that but you don't need to  and the reason you don't need to is because where   we are right now so we are in Port right now and I  always recommend when you start take the contract   which is known as a call to Arms cuz it gives you  500 credits for every Outlaw that you deal with   always always accept this and now if I come to my  mercenary tab what you're going to see here I am   at this level if I look at my reputation you'll  see right now if I come down on my reputation to   Microtech which is Mt um the Mt Services I am a  junior security contractor Junior and this is the   mercenary tab right so you can see this right here  I'm working through I I'm my applicant which was   my tier zero I did that I then run the very simple  bunkers which you can do very simple bunkers and   now I'm here so what does that mean well this is  where it gets interesting in the current patch   because if I go to the contracts tab there are  two contracts which I'm going to accept going to   mercenaries the first one I'm going to look at so  these ones here remove hostile Force I'm looking   for the sun Golden Rod work center I'm going  to go ahead and accept that that is at the sun   Golden Rod work center now if I go back to offers  and I look here again I'm going to see there is   another one at the sun Golden Rod work center so  there's two you can do two contracts at the same   place so I'm going to accept them both I have a  21k and a 34k mission that's 55k we're going to   get from these two missions all right let's jump  down and let's do this so the way that I do this   we'll go we do the Hostile first uh forces first  we'll go ahead and track this Mission okay we're   geared up already but even if you're not you'll  have done enough of the basic bunker missions now   I recommend for Bunker missions that you purchase  yourself an anvil c8r all right it's 500k you buy   it from Area 18 500k I highly recommend buying one  of these it's the cheap one of the cheapest ships   in the game and it's absolutely perfect for Bunker  runs cuz it has a med bed and you can respawn in   it and you can heal yourself in it so I highly  recommend getting one of these for these types   of missions so we're going to go ahead and I can't  remember what is hang at eight okay hang at eight   now I'm going to show you why this is so powerful  in this particular patch and in the next patch   this will not be available so you will not be able  to you'll still be able to do it but it just won't   be as easy there's a rather large hanger for this  ship all right so we're going to jump into our ship very easy just access ramp at the back um you  can even use this to if you need to store items in   here you can even put like an uh an seu box in  here not a very big one but you can get one in   here you got your med bed so you can even lie down  if you need to to heal yourself which is great and   then you're going to be able to rehydrate so you  don't need food or water anymore you're going to   be able to heal yourself up so you can you can  see that's going up now just by sitting on the   bed and but the other thing we can do here is we  can actually set regeneration so we can transfer   our imprint we can transfer our imprint onto  this ship so now if we die we as long as the ship   doesn't get blown up we're going to regenerate  on this ship which is always handy in a bunker   Mission cuz the last thing you want to do is run  all the way back down right all right let's do   this so we're going to jump in our ship now the  only downside about this is we don't have a lot of   storage in this ship that can sometimes be a bit  of a challenge if you want to start hauling stuff   but for now this is this is perfect this is all  we need so we're going to go ahead and take off   we're just going to jump out and because it's a  really really small ship but we can get out pretty easily okay so we're going straight down to Microtech   here it's nice and easy to get to  the uh Sakura Sun golden rug work center and there's two sides to this now what's  beautiful about this and the way we do it is   you'll clear the outside first then you'll do the  HRT and then you'll be able to by the time you   finish the HRT the mission would have respawned  to defend uh to remove the Hostile so you can do   outside again by the time you finish that you'll  be able to do the HRT again so you can just stay   here and you can rotate between these two missions  continuously you can just keep doing these two   missions over and over and over again until you  get bored it's an easy grind to be able to get   your reputation up but the beautiful thing about  this is you are going to acquire so much gear in   the process you're going to have more money and  more gear than you could possibly spend in this   game so let me show you how this is going to work  first thing we need to do is head down to this   distribution center we're going to go ahead and  just uh fly in real quick now this is a friendly   Distribution Center so we can land there there is  no problem um but there's going to be hostiles in   a specific area Okay so once we've cleared the  outside area we then need to go inside clear the   inside it's the same pattern so once you've done  it once uh you just repeat the pattern the AI   spawn in the same place um and at the moment it's  a very very easy grind very easy grind to be able   to do um and the benefit to right now the reason  I want to share this with you right now is because   in the current patch we still have what is known  as local inventory now this is going to be removed   in the next patch which we can expect to see in  the next maybe couple of months so you don't have   long to be able to do this so if you're watching  this video kind of jump on this whilst you can so   what we're going to do is we're going to head out  to the outside here okay I am just going to put   my shields on I don't need to but I am just going  to put my shields on because it's good practice   to have them open and I can see the area I need to  go to which is this outside area here so what I'm   going to do is just float around the outside here  and I'm going to land okay cuz the guys are going   to be on the outside there so you can kind of see  as I float around to this side you you can kind   of see there's these two I I guess you can call  them little arms that pop out of the side here   the left hand side here so I put my landing gear  down I'm actually going to come down and land on   this second one here cuz if I press F4 you can see  that's where the hostiles are in this area right   here in that middle section so I'm going to go to  the left side here pad one I'm not going to land   on the actual pad I'm going to land just in front  of the pad just but under not quite underneath but   just here so my ship is protected no one's  going to shoot me I'm kind of just putting   it down right here nice and easy so I'm nice  and protected but I'm close enough that I can   get back to my ship if I need to perfect okay  so now I can turn my engines off I can get out   my ship I'm going to need a gun so when you do  come here do make sure you got a gun and some   ammo uh we're fully uh healthed up so we're all  good and we got everything that we need so what   we're going to do is we're going to run over  to here very very simple to be able to do this   and the first guy is going to be on the left hand  side here so we're going to make sure we kill him   first now sometimes if the server's a bit laggy  he may respawn so you do need to bear that in mind he's not here that's okay  we're just going to run through here instead you will start to see these guys so they're going to be around this area here can't see him at the moment so we're  going to run over making sure we've always   got some cover between us so we don't get  caught out there the guys are on the left   I've just seen them there you go there's a  guy right here so we'll kill this one first   there's six left left one here as well  we're going to hide reload kill him and   again very very very easy to be able  to do this keep an eye out for these guys this guy's a lot harder to kill  all right and he hurts we're going to reload that one's dead another one up there all right got him finally there's  another one here again he's got armor   this guy's got a lot of armor  so he's going to be harder to kill okay he's dead as well all right we're  down to uh 28% so we're going to heal up now   we've got three injuries on our arm but that's  okay what we could do at this stage if we wanted   to is head back cuz what we don't want to do  is get a major injury now we can see where   these guys are over here but we don't want to  risk a major injury so what we're going to do   is just quickly run back and this is the beauty  of this is that if you do take too much damage   and you've got these minor injuries you  can just run back to your ship which is   very close and you can go lay on your med  bed which is why I recommend this ship cuz   all we need to do at this stage is just  run back lay on our bed and we can heal ourselves and that way we don't have to worry  about go to Medical Care go to treatment now   this is a tier three medical bed which can treat  minor injuries but it won't treat major injuries   if you get too many minor so we get we have  three hits on the arm there one more hit on   the arm it would have been a major injury we  wouldn't have been able to lift our gun up so   you have to bear in mind when you get these also  we're fully healed up now no drugs in us we're   good to go so now we can just jump up and carry  on so if you do find yourself in that situation   of getting caught out it's really easy also  once you've got a few people left like down   to I think it's less than 5 they start to Sharp  As markers so you can even see where they are   they're really close here as you can see one's  running up to us here we're going to kill this guy he's running up the stairs  there there's one over that   side as well that's fine we'll kill this guy first there we go he's dead one more guy over here and then that's the mission complete it is   as simple as that to be able to kill this uh  this target we're just going to run up here   he should be around this corner actually he's not  going to be up the top he should be here there he is nice and easy there we go mission complete  so now what we can do is go up to these guys   wait for them to fall and we can loot them now  the way we loot them this is why this is so good   we click loot we go across to the old system  the old inventory we click on local cuz there   is a local cuz it's a Depot Center we hold down  left shift and we left click on the undersuit and   then on the weapon that is the body looted you  are not going to be able to do this in the new   patch because local will not exist anymore but  it exists right now so you can do this and this   is the quickest way and the safest way because  now let's say a player comes along and kills us   they're not going to be able to take all of our  gear because we don't have any gear it's all in   local and local is safe local can't be taken away  from us now these guys here um oh he's actually   disappeared I don't know where he's his body went  but he this gun is a brilliant gun I love this gun   um so we're just going to go ahead and pick this  gun up this is an lmg but it's a batter lmg um   so if you want to take that if you've got enough  ammo in it oh this guy's got great armor this is   actually the armor that I'm wearing right now  um so you can pick up these batteries this is   the uh demo the lmg battery which is brilliant  I i' absolutely love this gun again so you can   go ahead here you can take this he's got two of  these guns you can sell the guns if you need to   and another set of armor here so I've got this  is a different lmg so if you prefer to have a   different lmg you can grab this one instead this  is the fs9 you can grab this one instead and but   as you can see just by grabbing these guys here  we have an unlimited supply of armor we have an   unlimited supply of guns there's another guy up  here just go back to Old inventory local and you   can see just how quickly I'm able to loot and  that gear is safe even if I die now I can just   come back here and it will still be stored in the  local all right so that's done so now what I do is   I press F1 I come across the contract to accepted  and I come into the other contract which I have   and I now start tracking the other contract and  guess what it's just 400 meters away it's inside   the Distribution Center so now I've cleared the  outside I can come across to the inside and I can   do the exact same thing now I could fly over there  if I wanted to and I tend to do that actually I I   would recommend if you're going to to fly in and  and and leave your ship in the middle section it's   just easier to get round don't kill these guys do  not kill them you will get a crime stat we are in   a monitored area if they are in purple they are  friendly I learned that the hard way several times   times you have to be able to distinguish between  purple workers and soldiers um purple are friendly   this guy as well you can see he's geared up with  a gun but he's in purple this is a friendly work   center and so we don't want to be um fighting  any blue and blue so I'm just going to run up   here to the West entrance point if you've done  the investigation missions the 34k investigation   Mission um it takes place on a a different  location but very very similar they're all   laid out the same these Depot centers they the  same layout you can go in through the east or   the West now again look this guy is purple so  he's friendly we do not want to shoot these   guys do not shoot them they are friendly if they  have purple armor on they are friendly so we're   going to run inside and we have to go to the  right side here as it says to eliminate the hostiles you can see them fighting already uh  there's 15 hostiles in here which is also if we   kill these we've got the call to Arms remember the  Call to Arms is also good to have now before we go   inside here what we're going to do is press I now  we can actually if we wanted to we can change our   weapon so for this I'm actually going to change  my weapon you don't need to um but I'm going to   grab the if I look through all of these weapons  now this is all the stuff I picked up I'm going   to pick up this battery lmg here and I can  go ahead and take off all of these um this   ammunition that I had because I don't need any  of these Clips anymore go to ammo and I'm looking   for the batteries instead so I need to go to  the next tab scroll all the way down and you   go you can start to see these batteries that  I've got here so I'm going to grab these Dam   we need to find and I've got loads of these  batteries here which is great so I can grab   all of these batteries okay uh make sure I've got  enough Med pens which I have I've got everything   else I'm good so I'm good to go so now I've got  500 rounds this is a 100 round clip with four   spare so I can come into here now all right so  the guys I'm looking for the bad guys here they are there's three dead straight away there's another one here I just saw  him one hiding just down there kill him we another one there not that one  he's purple do not kill the purple guy there we go I'll just get rid of those two rounds and that's it I've used up 100  rounds now again not going to kill   this guys who just casually walking  around got to be careful all right there's another purple guy there but this  one's dead okay so now what we're going to   do is go back now that's the main area cleared  now this side's cleared so what we're going   to do is we can wait until afterwards  and loot all these bodies together or   as you're running through you can decide to  loot them but exactly the same process going   to go to local we're going to grab their  gear grab their guns and then we're just   going to loot them wherever they are I want  them found now again you don't need to do this until everyone's dead because if someone  uh creeps up on you and shoots you could cause a problem all right so then what we're  going to do is we're going to ride over   to either side doesn't matter which  side the left or the right and in   doing this we're going to head [Music]  upstairs so we're going to run up top another guy here another one here so  that's these two guys here there's only   two on this side a little bit dramatic  all right there's six remaining so we'll   just grab these two guys cuz we're  not going to come back over to this side again grabbing all their  gear even if we don't take it   all we just got it in our local inventory you are never going to need to worry about gear  again you have almost an unlimited supply of   weapons ammunition armor meds you don't need  anything anymore all right so what we're going   to do at this stages just head out we're going to  look there is another guy uh he's not here he'll   be on the other side Okay so we've killed these  two guys here so we're going to run around to the   other side now so running to the end here we can  run through now there'll be a guy in the middle   here kill this guy now there's only five left  now because there's five left they're all going   to show up we can see exactly where they are which  is perfect you can see when they're moving towards you you can even see we've got that green marker  that shows you the uh friendlies they don't always   show up though unfortunately okay so we can  come through here there's going to be a guy   on the uh right side as we come out here we'll  just run down and grab him he's in this little box okay nice and easy there's a guy there as well didn't  see him can't quite get him at the moment   I'll have to go back and get him in  a minute just going to loot this body   but already as you can see  very very easy to be able to do this he might kill him there is a  friendly guy over there fighting him   he might kill him right so we're going to head  downstairs now on this side there's three guys here you can see them they're right here so  as soon as we head down here look there's one huh strange there is another two guys here and there's the last guy there killed okay perfect they're  all dead so now the Bounty is arriving   which is a HRT it's a highrisk Target he  arrives on his own at the moment so we   don't even have to stress or worry  about it got a little bit of time   we can just uh we can just chill  loot these bodies grab everything we need now what we're going to do is make sure  that we've got enough rounds in our gun we've   got 59 rounds so we're actually okay um you  can continue looting if you need to loot all   these guys make sure you get all their guns and  all their gear all right and then we're going   to go and grab the last Target so all right we  got everything we need you can see where he is   that's the target so he's in the middle section  so we're going to head over towards the middle   section in these containers here he's going  to be over here going to turn our light on so   we can see there he is dead that's it it was  as easy as that we get another set of decent   gear here and we've completed that mission that  is a second mission complete so not only have   we killed all of the guys got all of their gear  we we've got the reputation for completing both   the missions we've got all of the gear now  in our local which we can at any point what   I would recommend is you bring a b bigger ship  if you've got one bring a bigger ship down and   you store everything in a ship and you take it  back to port tresler and then you can either   sell it or you can use it um but you've got  it all there now again do not kill these guys   in pink they are friendly if you kill them you  will get a crime stat and everyone will turn on   you and then it will be um you'll have to go  to pressure you'll have to go and serve your time and uh yeah that's not ideal so it's  a waste of time if you kill them so do do   be careful you might kill a couple at  the start and that's okay after a while   it it does become easier um these  guys again just take all of their gear the guns sell for about 2k each the helmet  sell for almost 1K each the core armor sells for   about 1K each so you're making about 5k per kill  if you sell the gear or you can just keep it plus   you're getting a quter arms which is another 500  and as you can see look at all of this gear I've   got look at all this here and I'm only 4% of  my local inventory so even if I die now I don't   lose anything and guess what I press F1 go back  to my contracts go back to my offers look at my   mercenary Tab and now I'm looking through now I'm  looking for that sun now it might not be here at   the moment here is another one this is a different  location um so it might be that you have to go   to a different location because it might be that  there's not it hasn't respawned the mission so I   might need to go do a different contract and then  come back so maybe I can take one of these I can   go to a different one I can I can do that mission  and then I can come back there's also the uh the   population adjustment this is a nice way to grind  as well you can do this one if you want to now   this is just going and um finding Wildlife so you  can go and kill the wildlife again I wouldn't take   contracts um this one as well copion so if I do  this one I can do this wildlife control with this   wildlife control or these two and then I'm going  to I'm going to be able to do three contracts in   one go so you might want to go and do that and  then come back and do this one again but what you   should be able to do when these do keep respawning  uh this is a different one this is on uh calb now   this um remove the illegal occupants on the Rec  site if you get a Rec site Mission you don't even   need to get out your ship you can literally just  stay in your ship and shoot them from your ship   so you don't need to risk anything there um this  one's a little bit harder because when you go into   this bunker they will continuously spawn they will  not stop spawning so you have to go in there um   you have to get a package to get it out and then  you have to go and deliver the package so it's a   bit of a bigger Mission takes a bit longer but  they will they will not keep they will not stop   spawning so the uh the AI will just continuously  spawn so good if you want to just rack up some   some kills but you will run out of ammo eventually  so just bear that in mind but yep that's uh that's   it that's kind of what I wanted to show you  today um you can just run this Loop now when the   contract does and it will come back you can just  take that next contract you might just need to fly   up and fly back down again uh just to accept the  contract but in doing that you can just run this   loop as long as it shows up you can go from the  outside to the middle section to the outside to   the middle section and you can just keep running  that Loop and then once you're finished and ready   to go back you can just go into your inventory  into your local inventory and as I said if I look   at weapons look you can see all of the weapons  you start to acquire now the way that I take   these back I don't bother with a fragr they're  not worth it so I'll click on custom and I will   remove throwables and I will transfer all of these  weapons to my ship after the weapons I will take   utility and I've got unlimited meds now I will  take ammo I have all the ammo I could possibly   need then I will go to armor custom and I will  first start by unticking everything and I will   just take the helmets I will just take the helmets  now these ones aren't worth anything they're only   worth one each but you can still take them then I  will take the core cuz they're quite heavy I keep   these core cuz I like them uh these are quite good  sets if you want the Citadel up to you um then I   would take the arms and the legs but they're not  really worth that much and that's it you've kind   of got everything you need and as I said if you  look at what I'm wearing right now this is the uh   the Citadel cord that I'm wearing it's a heavy  set I'm probably sitting on about five or six   spare sets of this now uh I've got enough guns to  last me I've got enough ammunition to last me I I   really don't want or need for anything and that  is just simply from these two missions and if I   go back and look at my reputation you'll be able  to see here if I go down to my microt tech I'm at   75% positive I'm almost halfway through so it's a  bit of a grind to get through this up to the next   level but if you're at Junior security contract is  applicate is very easy it's one Mission security   training you need to do a few bunkers Maybe four  or five bunkers and you're done um or or a couple   of wildlife runs it doesn't take long at all but  the junior one it does take longer and as you get   through these it does take longer so this is just  a grind in the game at the moment that you can   work through and this is just the mercenary tab  at Microtech I believe you can do this here or at   person now you can see I've got uh a few injuries  that I've taken here free in my arm and free in   my torso I'm close to a major injury and because  they're only minor at the moment I can go back to   my Pisces I can lay on the medical bed heal myself  up and I'm I'm good to go all right ladies and   gentlemen thanks for watching hope this has been  valuable for you I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Undisputed Noobs
Views: 8,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Gameplay, LetsPlay, VideoGames, Gamer, Playthrough, Walkthrough, GamingCommunity, GamingChannel, GamingContent, GamingVideos, GamingAddict, GamingEnthusiast, GamingSkills, GamingTips, GamingTricks
Id: w3ftDj_oovE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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