Inside Star Citizen: Dev Diary - Server Meshing

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the core Technology Group bunch of big brains found in all five of our Studios these are the folks that have been working to expand Star Citizen beyond the limitations of the traditional client server model to distribute what would have been the work of a single server across many this work has many parts but the collective name for all the technologies that allow this to happen we call Simply server meshing beginning late last year the newly created Tech preview channel was used for a series of tests and while the work of server meshing is that of our entire development staff toiling in concert with the core Technology Group we asked members of the small but dedicated UK networking team to speak on their behalf this is Dev diary server meshing [Music] [Music] yeah it was a nerve-wracking one for us because it was the first time you know going out public with such a big fundamental change for How We Run the game replication layer Network code split out from the dedicated game server running in its own uh service we call the hybrid service so these tests are not just for uh for us in CCH these are also for the game side as well so they can actually see their systems functioning along with serve meshing uh it's kind of one cohesive hole so that was the first time trying to deploy that kind of environment which is radically different from what we've had to do before one of the major purposes of tech preview uh is to expose the game to a much wider audience so that the rest of the development team can see more of their work exposed really help us pick up on all the little corner and educ pie that we don't necessarily spot if we only have a handful of people testing so it's really good to you know have other development teams look at the tech from you know a development perspective and on a live environment as well in Alpha 318 we introduced the replication layer our first major Milestone towards server meshing it offloaded the entire state of the universe things like characters ships weapons and more away from the game server which we call the dgs it wasn't the smoothest process but the work of splitting the replication layer to be shared between the client and EGS into a new hybrid service still needed to be done as was testing of a brand new server crash recovery system that was long overdue these would be the focus of our first two Tech preview tests and everyone was excited to learn everything we could with help from the community basically we learned that it worked went Sur surprisingly well for us yeah it was great fun yeah good job it works we learned that um yeah the technology was working kind of as we expected it was like surprising how well it actually worked for the backers the major change that they would have observed through these tests was the Improvement for server crash recovery so the first outing with server crash recovery we were talking 25 30 minute recovery times uh frequent crashes all over the place it's almost like we're pulling the tablecloth out from underneath everybody at once so it requires people to make some interesting considerations and kind of chimmy that tablecloth back underneath with the with the new server so if the server crashes the game State still survives we can spin up another server and when it connects again the new server connects again it can get all the game State back and clients can continue on their merry way basically server meshing for game codes all at once in like one big giant transition but I think by the time we were getting to this yeah second and third test we're starting to see things dramatically quicker uh and dramatically more reliable yeah I think I was probably expecting it to explode yeah pretty hard we were surprised that the game code worked as well as it did without needing changes backers have a way of finding and breaking uh breaking things so yeah having a good few hours testing uh in back of hands in a more or less real world environment was incredibly valuable of course this is still game development and these were tests not just for the core Technology Group but for every other Dev team to see just how much work they still had ahead of them work that continues today adapting all of Star citizens various game systems to the realities of server meshing we found that there were some gameplay systems uh that weren't quite ready for server crash recovery that cause some issues when server crashes and a one takes its place that kind of allowed us to kind of create a bunch of bugs and send them out to various gameplay teams what's cyclical crashing basically when the St then tries to recover start back up it would then deserialize the state that we had sted previously and the state itself was corrupt so it would just crash and it would just keep keep trying pretty annoying um a lot of people were like ah this you know let's turn off server crash recovery that's the problem when actually no it it wasn't the problem uh it was just the state it was in um when it is working it it works very well Star Citizen is a large complex game every little bit of it uh across ctech and the actual game system has to function perfectly for server meshing to work the test allowed us to point to parts of the code where things didn't function so we could go back to the game teams and say you need to go back and you need to rework this particular system being able to allow the replication layer to kind of soak is kind of why how we were able to get it from from basically having things work for the first time to a production ready product making sure that we were in a good state so that we could progress with the next set of uh Tech preview test it had work twice now yes yeah the the the the overconfidence was starting to grow yes with two successful trials in the can the team broke for the holidays returning in January with more tests more fixes more bugs to discover and even improvements to the very manner in which we collected and analyzed data itself at this point now it's not only about just getting server crash recovery working but we're really starting to see changes come in from the game teams uh for the various systems that interact with it so from those early tests people would have seen uh you know a loss of State for certain systems or things that just didn't recover well uh if you ended up in you know a weird condition where let's just say you're in the middle of respawning during a server but this has been we were noticing you know a lot of you know major spikes and you know a player tries to interact with a door or a ship or tries to pick up something and you know they could be waiting several minutes for something to actually happen but then it was also other game code as well other teams you know send in sort of like serialized variables and messages across the network and some of them were like being sent twice which obviously it's not ideal because if we're sending messages twice we we only need to send it once then we've got two messages being sent which is you know the backlog or the queue is just going to get busier a lot quicker so so between now and then you know data analytics metrics making sure that the development team had the information that they need when they request it as well and having our backend dashboard set up so information is correct and not incorrect because we don't want to provide incorrect results we're starting to see fixes for those kind of strange cases start to come in so the overall experience at this point now would have been much more solid at this point after a series of necessary wins and a reconfiguration of our Analytics dashboard with clients and servers now both connecting to the hybrid service ready to put an end to the dgs crashes causing players to get disconnected it was time to move to the next major Milestone testing configurations of multiple dgss connected to the same hybrid service or put simply our first true server mesh the next uh milestone in our our Tech preview tesed was F 29th which was the first time that we um attempted uh to have two solar systems running on two djss connected to the same hybrid service and clients basically able to connect through them choose which solar system they wanted to play in and go and play so this one was the big surprise uh so we were really excited to finally get multiple dgss and multiple solar systems out there into the hands of the backers for testing and also this was a a huge milestone for for the platform teams is it's their first time having to deploy a full-on server mesh with multiple dgss uh out to our life environment that was a super exciting test we were still had the single hybrid which for us having a single hybrid manage the state of multiple servers was a huge huge milestone um and with those there may have been some bugs some in some interestingness um being able to see crash recovery actually occur and then succeed on the pyro server um really proved to us that we were that we're kind of getting to that kind of Milestone point we had tried it internally first but yeah with the tech previews it tends to be pretty hot what you see is the build that we've um created the day before it's kind of a bit of a wing in a prior to to hope that it is actually going to work we got a lot of data about our performance and it all seems to be holding up pretty well you keep saying surprisingly well were you expecting this to just fall in its face yes I've I've been working games a long time and it yeah for things to work first time is very unusual so yeah I was I was fully expecting something to explode and for us to have to to yeah patch something up a little bit of anxiety I feel uh with the teams that U this could we never tried anything quite like this before on the tech might not actually cope with it and then we might have to cancel the test things thankfully went really really really well generally speaking when we test the serve matching stuff out it's tender to behave better than people expected the time so yeah we've kind of gotten lucky with some of this stuff however as awesome as it was to finally see two star systems running on the same dgs there was still one last minute disappointment for every member of the team unfortunately we had a last minute issue with the jump points that meant they weren't quite going to make it for that test originally we were trying to make it so that the jump Gates were functional uh and you could have done solar system transitions via the jump Gates we didn't manage to make that in time I remember being very upset that jump points decided not to work at the last minute but there was an issue with the jump points where if someone used it the radius to pull in people from the server to go to pyro was essentially the size of the universe so if you if you use the jump Point everyone in Stanton was going to pyro whether they wanted to or not and so you had so so how did you enforce people not using it I don't actually remember I think it was just said no don't and the people behaved uh if I remember only one person tried it and it broke so it didn't nothing happened which very lucky and then only a week later on March 7th the first successful test of a jump Point assisted server transition occurred for us in the UK the tech preview releases tend to go out like 11: midnight kind of of time um and I I stayed up and hopped on to kind of give it a a look and the excitement that we that we had from being able to like actually see us like thousands of players in a que um jump through the jump points and for things to work with minimal issues is a very exciting time for us Sat by the Pyro jump gate uh watching the first backers come through from Stenton um myself a whole bunch of the team were online watching that happen um amazing to see it kind of culmination of you know years of work by dozens of teams and hundreds of people I remember being really happy because everyone was thrilled all the backers were really thrilled that they actually saw it themselves I remember um the players going through the gate and smashing into each other on the other side they would just come out of the the gate and somebody would be parked there from from having just come through they would crash into each other they would spin out it it was really funny yeah it's pretty it was pretty great having people be actually be able to do it something they had been waiting for for God knows how long seen people actually use the jump gates for the first time that was like really exciting that that I think brought home to the community at large that this was actually server mching that we're actually doing the real Tech here and it actually works and yeah we knew it all along but yeah it it told everybody else that yeah we we're doing the real deal here yeah I knew it would oh you knew it would work in that runup we tested nothing but the jump Gates cuz that that was our Focus so UA is so cynical that if they say it works it's going to work it's going to work that works and with these first successful tests now having proven out the Project's ability to simultaneously operate two star systems across two dgss on a A Single Shard the time was fast approaching to test the other core functionality of server meshing technology the subdivision of an entire star system across multiple servers we've done the jump gate so we we focused on just having the sunon system again but this time we split the sunon system between multiple djss super exciting now to finally deliver on what I think a lot of people's ver vision of server meshing is which is a single solar system being divided uh into you know multiple areas that are all being managed by multiple dgss we we once again really really nervous about how this is going to work the subdivision of uh of Stanton up into multiple Services is technically risky thing to do so the way that we did that is we kind of carved up the Stans and solar system into what we call territories and we' assign those territories to different numbers of djss and while we were doing that we also tried increasing the player cap we tried two djss 200 players three djss 400 players four DJs 400 players and then we just decided to go a bit nuts and we tried six djss and 800 players and that was really to um stress the system test uh server crash recovery uh and kind of yeah get all the performance information about how the hybrid service is able to handle these higher numbers of ps's and higher numbers of um of players and seeing 800 players in A Shard and seeing the screenshots on Reddit very very exciting to see that what we had made was capable of that though there's certainly improvements to be made we actually exposed a bug during that one where uh you would drop out of quantum travel right at the transition point when someone would transition across that border they would just vanish so yeah it made it very obvious where the borders are all the backers were like oh we know where the server boundaries are that was actually Dental but it provided us a fantastic testing opportunity cuz people could really Hammer uh all sorts of crazy conditions at the boundary to see you know shooting other ships across the boundary and all throwing cargo boxes across and watching it all largely work shooting across it Eva in across it lots of testing that we weren't really expecting to get out of that actually happened and for the most part it it held up really well this could configuration of star systems broken up into multiple territories each containing one or more parts of the playable space like a planet or Moon distributed between whichever number of dgss are available and spreading the simulation workload across all the dgss in the mesh is what will one day allow us to seamlessly move or transition players throughout the Galaxy without immersion braking loading screens but with this first series of tests now completed it would time to step back and ready the replication layer split and server crash recovery for Alpha 323 you know I watch a lot of streamers and videos and everyone was really really happy and that makes me happy that that makes me motivated to do my job when the RL split went out in 323 we didn't see too many too many problems um and things seem to be working very very well and I believe that's largely can be attributed to the to the amount of testing that we've done kind of leading up with the with the backers and with the public when General QA was testing it when they first got their eyes in it they basically you could hear pin drop when they were testing it it was so quiet people were so worried about and then when the test was over they were just they were flawed essentially they didn't realize that that Tech had already been put into the game and it was actually pretty incredible that worked so well the Ser recovery stuff was always something we have to get into star system to make the whole thing work the crash recovery stuff required a lot of work on the game team side of things just to make sure that their systems is compatible so that when we do have the crash recovery their systems will recover along with the actual server it's a testament to our approach to all of this with tech preview with getting all of this out into the hands of the backers super early it's given us an environment and the place to mature this Tech so at the time that we came around to delivering it for real in the live release with 323 we had really good confidence that it was going to work that it was going to be a good experience and I think uh for the large part that's been true with Alpha 323 now out there's still work to be done and a new series of Trials have already begun by the time this episode airs between now and 4.0 we've got a lot of work to do both on the tech side of things within c tech group with the teams who actually working on server Ming there's a lot of work to do uh on the game side of things we've got to work with the game teams very very closely pretty much every system in the whole game is affected by surf machion to some extent more Tech previews and the lead up to 4.0 that should help us Harden like some subdivision multi multi- system split and kind of see where we can kind of push things every time they bump up the test like more and more people I'm just like ah oh now we're going to find more stuff that we don't know about oh no there's more work coming my team's also improving uh tooling as well making sure the health of the content is uh and the the world we're building is the best it can be ultimately these steps between now and Alpha 4.0 and the continuing work Beyond are only made possible by the support of fellow developer and Tech preview tester alike and it's these efforts that keep the teams moving forward towards these difficult but attainable Milestones has there ever been a point in The Last 5 Years where You' lost faith no really no yeah no no I mean there there have been some uh it's it's been a bit Rocky at times but I never lost faith cuz I believe in the tech I don't think we could have done this anywhere else no nowhere else would have the patience to really develop this kind of tech on the promise of something that might happen I don't think there is another game company on the planet that can do what we're doing uh we can take risk to produce amazing technologies that other game companies simply can't take I'm pretty convinced that uh this couldn't be doing anywhere else might sound like we're really confident with how well Tech preview has been going because we are but we're honestly amazed um how smoothly a lot of this has gone always room for improvement of course and there's always things that we wish had gone better but bu and large uh we're really impressed with the maturity of the tech so early on uh how well it performed under really heavy load in a real environment this is an an incredibly exciting time for me I I personally been working on this for almost 10 years all the little bits and pieces that we've been doing have all been leading up to this this year has been fantastic and actually seeing a lot of it all come together and you know the jigsa puzzle virtually complete now there's just the last few pieces to put in it's just been amazing to actually see all this all this work all this effort that we've put in actually actually come together and to be able to put it in the hands of our backers and you know get their feedback and you know have them experience what this could mean for the game it's amazing Star Citizen Alpha 4.0 will be the first time a server mesh consisting of multiple dgss with many territories and even multiple star systems makes its way to the live game environment this represents an enormous step forward towards our goal of making Star Citizen into a massive seamless persistent Universe after 4.0 we'll continue to push this first version of server meshing gradually increasing the number of dgss within the mesh and the number of players this technology can immediately support but to fully unlock the potential of the work being done beyond that will pursue Dynamic server meshing where the distribution of players and entities that get streamed in on the dgss are managed according to server load all in all the journey to server meshing started nearly 10 years ago and will continue to evolve Beyond its debut in this year's Alpha 4.0 and we invite you to continue following along with this progress in the tech preview Channel where you can help to ensure the best possible future for its development as well as keep folks like the UK Network team just one of the many groups dedicated to bringing this technology to life energized and empowered to make this dream a reality for inside Star Citizen I'm Jared hucke thanks for letting us share the people and process of game development with you and we'll see you all here next [Music] week for
Channel: Star Citizen
Views: 82,965
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Keywords: Star Citizen, star, citizen, game, space, video, starcitizen, gaming
Id: pCPaSkcK3mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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