Unlimited Filtered Drinking Water For Less Than $35 (Doulton/Berkey)

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hey guys Carolina prepper here today we're going to do a how-to video you see I got a couple of loaves buckets here they're five gallon buckets I've got the white tops that have the rubber seal on and we're going to make a water filter in one of the last videos I showed you how to go to us foods and albums a kind of a prepper 101 I'm buying food supplies for a first-timer a couple of you left comments about needing more water we only bought one case of water true if you listen to the video I think I made a comment and said we're going to make a water filter so today's that day I'm going to show you how I do it there's thousands of them out there on the internet so what do you use this version or another version next time I'll tell you what supplies are needed how much they cost and roughly how much time it's going to take all right stick around alright guys a couple of supplies you're going to need a drill you're going to need either drill bits or I'm using Spade bits here I have a three a spade bit for the spigot I have a 5/8 bit for the filter see here I have one of the 10 inch ceramic filters these in by the way you can buy these at our store homestead nation store roughly twenty two dollars for one of these I use these as the replacements to the Berkey black filters in my Berkey they work awesome and they're going to filter out like 99.99% of the junk that you get in your water so roughly twenty two dollars in the store and then it's spigot I'll also put this in the store I think this is three or four dollars so we're going to go ahead we're going to start drilling this thing out really we need to make two holes one for the filter and one for the spigot in addition to that it'd be helpful to have some teflon tape to go around the threads and/or some silicone caulk I don't have either with me I have them both down at the off-grid cabin so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to put it together without it and if I have any leaks and I assume I probably will because I can't get this watertight more often not I'm going to just have to go back and address that with some teflon tape or some silicone caulk so I'll get that next time but I'll go ahead and I'll show you how we do this now all right you see that I got the two buckets that I got for Low's I believe these were two ninety-eight apiece you don't have to use buckets you could have seen people use stainless steel pots that you get from Walmart or what have you anything that holds water because I don't care what this looks like these are fine but if you want something that looks a little nicer and you don't want to spend the money the three hundred plus dollars in a Berkey you can certainly get nice stainless steel pots or something else that make sense for you all right all right guys here we got the drill I'm going to try to drill down in there gosh almighty it's not going to allow me to do that so learn on the fly what I'm going to do is just flip this bucket upside down and I want to simply take the three a 3/8 inch spade bit drill down through the middle here hopefully I've got a decent poke down through there alright that was easy enough right and I'm also going to need to drill down through the bottom or I'm going to need to drill down through the lid so I'm going to get a sharpie marker and I'm going to mark that alright so I go ahead and get the sharpie marker I want to make sure that it's lined up properly so the buckets are lined up and I'll go ahead and just mark that so I know because it's not completely on center because there was a little plastic nipple or nub on the bottom of that we're going to go ahead and mark that and we're going to drill right down the lit way down on the lid all right so that's the same 3 inch 3/8 inch drill bit so now we have that ready to go now really what we're going to do is we're going to take the filter we're going to go ahead and install it now the top bucket is obviously where you're going to put the dirty water it's going to go through the filter and it's going to drip down through the hole into the bottom bucket which is your reservoir we're going to go ahead and install that now hopefully it's a good snug fit looks like this when I try to go on as straight as I possibly can alright guys so this is what it looks like here the 3/8 inch spade bit it did require a little finesse so we had to kind of route it out a little bit you want it tight you don't want to just drop through there you want it to be able to catch the threads on that on the spigot as well as the filter so you wanted to be tight but it was too tight where I couldn't thread it on so i just had to route it out just a little bit be careful when you're doing that because you don't want to route it out too much so it's trial and error it'll take you a couple of minutes don't get frustrated but if you go too big you got to start over so this is what it looks like I got it through the bucket as well just kind of thread it on there so it's nice and tight alright we got it down there nice and tight now you put the rubber washer that comes with the filter on there and then you can go ahead and tighten it down with a nut and not a whole lot of threads left over get it out of there nice and tight so that's what it looks like that's going to sit on top like so alright so now we got to figure out where we want to stick it it's probably gonna be right in the bottom of the Lowe's we got to change up our spade bit to the 5/8 and so I'm going to use that looks like it's going to be darn near perfect again I want it to be very tight so I can't have a too big yeah I mean that looks like it should be right on I might even have to route this out a little bit as well but we'll get it figure it out so that's it really two two cuts two holes in and then we should be able to rock here so stick around we'll show you the next part in just a second alright guys so you just want to figure out where you want your spigot try to go in as nice and even as you can all right now we're going to see how much for this it's going to take to get this thing in you just want to be patient here don't break the spigot don't cross thread that's all going to lead to leaks later on we're trying to avoid that the best we can it's so close to threading I'm afraid to out to routed it all but I'm going to give it a couple more turns and then I'm going to give it a try that's routing it just getting a little tiny bit yeah this one left to do is route it go back to China thread I think that might have done it hope that might have done it not repeat now we're definitely through now okay so you see how that worked out by the way there are directions on here fellas I know we don't like to read them ever what's around here just in case you feel like checking them out shows which way the washer goes here's kind of a rounded bevel end that's going to be on the outside of the spicket and you want the flat side against the bucket and then on the other side you just invert it so the rounded side is towards the spigot the flat side is on the bucket that should hopefully prevent some leaks potential for leaks if not you know teflon tape maybe some caulk around there like I said some silicone that should seal it up but we'll see how it works without all that I'm going to finish this up and then we'll we'll come back and we'll show you whether or not this thing holds water and how how it works all right stick around alright guys so the spicket see in we got the nut tighten on the other side with the washer we got the washer on this picket side we got the filter in there you can put as many filters as you want the only thing is the more filters is going to filter the water faster I don't know that I'm going to be in a hurry for water off-grid I can certainly wait for the 30 minutes this might take the drain down and I don't know that I'll even have five gallons at any one time anyway so the plan is use these the rainwater catchment system we're going to use that to catch water and then put it in here and there we go pretty easy peasy and what we're going to do now is we're going to fill it up and kind of give you an idea how long it takes to get this thing rolling alright guys so we have put everything together we are ready to give it the first trial run here we only got about that much water filter so it takes a long time it's been several hours so I mean if you're going to do this you'd probably want to fill it up at night and go to bed you wake up you got a bunch of filtered water just a quick tip you're never going to want to actually drink the first run through here so we're going to just let it run through once and then we'll probably just put this water on the bushes or the trees believe me they need it but there's a very small particulate that comes out of the filter the very first times they say just you know flush it through the first time don't drink the stuff that you get out so we're going to give it a shot here show you how it works and then just run through everything that we just did there it is fresh clean drinking water I told you I wasn't going to drink it the first time anyway okay so we had two buckets you can certainly get these for free at a variety of places we bought these I had some old used ones but they didn't smell so good so I want to get something that was cleaner I think we had eight dollars invested in the buckets in the lids all total the spigot was about four dollars again you can get it in our store the filter was about twenty-two dollars you can get that in our store as well we'll put links in the description so what's it come up to twenty six and eight is roughly 32 dollars so for 32 dollars you got an unlimited supply of fresh drinking water get it out of a pond rain water creek whatever and it should be safe for drinking and you wouldn't have to go ahead and boil it this is going to filter out 99.99% of any of the nasty stuff that's going to be in water it's going to be fresh clean ringer water so we appreciate you watching like share subscribe and don't forget to check us out we've got some interesting things coming up on the homestead nation you can check out the brand new channel we'll put a link to that below no content up on it yet but we're going to do that next week so make sure you subscribe to the new channel ok thanks for watching
Channel: Off Grid Nation
Views: 328,308
Rating: 4.8500609 out of 5
Keywords: off grid, solar power, cabin, camping, SHTF, survival, homesteading, tiny house, tiny home, construction, hunting, shooting, water, DIY water filter, Survival Skills (TV Genre), Carolina Prepper, Prepper, prepping, Berkey, Big Berkey, Doulton, Filter, Water, clean, Water filter, flouride, DIY, gravity filter, off the grid, off grid nation, solar panel, safe drinking water
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2015
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