DIY Berkey Water Filter. 4 Filters under $98.00. Instructional Video

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hey everybody me and Eli today we're gonna make a do-it-yourself Berkey style water filter and those you don't know Berkey and some other brands out there have these stainless steel somewhat more plastic it'll be two containers one one foot you clean water in the bottom this that's been treated in the ninya top container where you put the dirty water or hundred filter water doesn't have to be you know really dirty but these filters can actually filter pond or ditch or stream water or any kind of water and take it about everything out of it when you're talking older down to pesticides there's I mean it's almost endless what it takes out and a lot of us ninety percent above most up is 99.99% I think it the filters I bought they're not Berkey actual filters but the knockoffs but cheaper brand but they're on they go down to 0.2 micron 0.2 to 0.5 micron filtration they're off ceramic 10-inch ceramic filters with silver impregnated into them and then filled with charcoal on the inside and you can clean them up to a hundred times they last so a rotten good while and these these are what they look like basically they just is small tubular looking filter and they have and just nut on the end a little seal you got the hole with these if you buy a Berkey brand filter to do the size we're gonna do you're talking about four hundred dollars or so several hundred dollars about these these store-bought an air stainless steel and you can go buy stock pots and make your own if you want stainless steel but we chose to go with with plastic because it's cheaper and I can't bring it to drill holes in good stop fire so this is going these five-gallon buckets we win got their food grade so I can't get better than that at Walmart for like a 250 apiece so I got five dollars in the two into two food grade buckets they don't window loaves just so I can get white matching lids to match the buckets when the Lowe's and got these lids I think I got $4.00 combined in the lids and I ordered the filters off eBay and I'll pay 98 dollars for four filters now you only need one filter to do this but it's just slower that one filter does one gallon of water per hour well we didn't want to wait that long for a gallon of water so we got four filters so we can do four gallons in an hour and then also on eBay I ordered this little quarter-turn stainless steel beverage dispenser spicket and that was nine dollars so altogether I think I got 98 dollars in this so I've saved several hundred dollars and the only thing you really need is uh a drill and a half inch bit so we're gonna put this together real quick see what we can come up with basically we're gonna just blank lid with nothing in it we're gonna put the top bucket on it and drill through both the bottom of the top bucket end that lid and run them filters through there and put the nuts on the bottom and great they worked it works by gravity then we'll put it on the top at the bottom but in the spit expected it going to bottom bucket you can do a third bucket just to sit it on so you can get water out but we're just gonna sit on the edge of the table so first thing we're gonna do a lie we're gonna drill a hole we're just doing then centering up off the bottom a little weight [Music] this little dollar savings out of here and when you get done with it they recommend that you you throw your first four gallons your first running water away because anything that's from the process and then in the from manufacturing this into filters that that washes out cleans it out hold it hold it stick it straight right rubber seal on this thing pretty good quality for paper seems to be anyway and hopefully can hear it's fine because of course as soon as we start to film that's when the wind wants to pick up we don't have a wind microphone at the moment it works with your camera take it through tot when you pair chat-los I've seen the other videos there's a lot of good videos out there on the internet for this saying a lot on me whatever a bucket some you know you have a free paint bucket around wonder about I just don't wanna drink water to come out on a seat drop bucket or a paint bucket or something like that he's a food-grade and your wife I don't want one that's got Homer on it and all that because we use this and look at it every day our water is good out our offspring we have been cooking or drinking it it's just a mental thing more than anything the water's fine but what we do is we we shock our water periodically with chlorine and if you don't get that just right and you end up with chlorinated water and I'm from the country we don't like chlorinated water I don't like city water say well well desta it takes 95 percent of the chlorine out so and chlorine and kill you know I'll kill anything that this won't and this is supposedly gets it out anyway they cold 100% in e.coli 99% of odors and there's a list this long on the internet what these filters take out on me this it's unreal pesticides herbicides you name it and it filters it so we need to drill a hole through both foam and this will be bunk I can't get the drill down in there finna turn this one over out the way what I need you to do to help me hold this in the middle count centered up let's put us for for Mars just to that let's keep it kind of halfway straight alright see if I can get one through there and we'll put that over there only [Music] pick it up we gotta get this little plug out of way help drill okay hold it down for those you that know mr. hiegel I hear he lost a tooth birthday he doesn't have too many lymph in his mouth he he loses them faster and he grows them and he loves corn on the cob so that that's trouble for him it holds a little bit bigger than but it it's got big old seals on it you don't want it too hard cause you can you take these filters out and clean them every once while they get sludge on cuz this it stops up all right don't stop up it it stops a lot of stuff and being any waters you takes crystal-clear water and after a month or so it a little like mud on these filters because of the stuff that it'll take out of and that's from water treated water from the city that it'll do that there's a lot of stuff we're drinking when we know about all those okay we'll get done we're taking back I'll get savings out from between [Applause] sir I think I'm go ahead and drill the other two just lined up pretty good [Applause] [Applause] like I say these can be used for camping off-grid situations almost but people use them in their houses everything say our water is crystal clear to begin with then we run it through two separate sediment filters which really doesn't have a lot to catch but do get a little sealed in there every once in a while and then after the two sediment filters we run it to a point five micron charcoal filter already this is almost redundant we've got a whole house filter five point 0.5 micron that we run it through but then as hair catches a lot more stuff it's proven there's been laboratory tests and all that by third parties and still so you notice you know what's doing this job Plus is just buy a great tasting water that's hard it's hard to get good good tasting water open up some morning boxes and get some basically cheaper on ebay from Burke here some like come on eBay I think this guy I bought him he's doing he's buying these in cases of a hundred and then having to breaking the cases down and selling them so you get them a lot cheaper a whole lot cheaper than buy them they're direct replacement for all the major brands so I ain't about main brand if it does the same job I had all intentions of getting Berkey filters to tell I ran across to you know my wife's real excited about cashews about tired buying gallons of water gel water the store make make tea and stuff with yes now we can use our own water it's like I said there's nothing wrong with our water there's nothing in it but it just gives you a peace of mind cuz you never know we we have our spit spray and sealed up pretty good but you haven't good rain there's always that off chance you don't know whether some contaminant got in there to run off water leached in somewhere or something and like I said peace of mind ain't go wrong dad getting rid of out of love to shop it that we're still we're still staying RV full time will be for some time most of the time what we're doing around down to our water systems complete we're still pumping water into the on-board tank is at RV so you got all that water from all the different places for the last year you know that let's lock down there it's sealed but we can pulled it the tab off of the strip off of it be be open again pull this one off hey really truly you don't have to have one for the top that's the dirty water goes in there and it's gonna filter out anything to gets in there anyway it says ours are sitting outside it's just the idea you don't wanna leave or something blowing by or a bug or something getting in there with it filters it or not I don't want pointed in there we're just probably sitting on there my boy will tear this off more waiter it off now we have access but there you have it for under $100 I think with 98 dollars we have a perky field trip a perky style filtration system do-it-yourself saved hundreds of dollars even comes with a little cleaning pad but I think most people is the ceramic on these filters as you clean them it wears down over time and that's the only thing that goes wrong with this Remi ceramic outlast charcoal or the carbon inside it anyway it's good for six six months but this ramekin and the silver is good right on and it's cording whether you want to go without their charcoal I still won't stop and most things anyway in the silver that's impregnated in and that's what it takes scared you cold I'll you from what I've read all your viruses and all your bugs all that stuff it it doesn't like silver so I don't know that it kills it but it keeps it from growing in your filters and having issues with your filters anyway so but they comes with a little scouring pad you clean it but I think most people just take a gloved hand they recommend using a globe cuz all just felt this in there that's bad for you when your toxins in order and that's it's concentrated at that point and gets on your hands you don't want any hands but anyway it's all cleanable tears down good grade buckets and it's white you can get pink ones of whatever color you want they sell all kind of buckets nowadays at Walmart and you even get you all local your state's football team buckets at Home Depot or somewhere if you want so spend as much as you want to buy some stainless steel stock pots and you got one looks just like a Berkey from a distance but we're not about flashing show we're about getting good tasting water getting rid of the chlorine that's what we're after so there you have it so about we put four gallons in there and about four hours we'll dump that and then we put four more in there so it's yeah I mean in one hour we're doing with half for gun then put full more in there no no no so two hours from now we'll have clean water and then every hour after that if we want to we'll have four gallons of water which is plenty for drinking and cooking like I say all you needs one if you got the time to sit and wait on it and you can you really do this on the cheap there you have it Blankman my partner did good as always and if you got to give us a precious resource when he gave us water and he gave us a spring and he gave us a good sense to take care of our bodies and that's what we're trying to do is make sure we everything as safe as possible and and we had the nicest things that we can without going overboard and that's what we got here we thank you for watching us today and remember when you're drinking your clean water amended the living water is the best one everybody needs Jesus if you don't if you don't know them I pray that you have somebody in life that's gonna tell you about them and pick up a Bible and read you'll never regret Willy son so god bless everybody and you have a great day
Channel: A Lighted Path Ranch
Views: 20,614
Rating: 4.9273672 out of 5
Keywords: Full, Time, RV, Water Purification, d.i.y., DIY, DIY water filter, water filter, berkey, diy berkey
Id: 6r6zmIX8MA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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