Survivalist Water Filter - Make A Bucket Sand & Charcoal Bio filter

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having a clean supply of drinking water is important to us all and it's not always guaranteed that we will have clean running water so in this video I'm going to show you how to make a bio sand and charcoal water filter using two buckets it'll clean up even duty water if necessary this thing you're going to need is two good large food grade buckets I'm going to start with our drill and drill a hole for a spigot tab in the bottom bucket here's an example of a 20 mil tap you could use next drill a hole in the lid of the bottom back at this will be for a 15 mil Finnick use a round file to get rid of any burrs from any of the holes you drilled drill a corresponding hole in the bottom of the top packet and fire left these holes are for a 15 ml tank fitting that's going to go between the two buckets the lid of the bottom bucket in the bottom of the top back make sure it's good and tight and then we're going to install a 15 millimeter filter into the top button the filter will screw directly into the tank but it make sure it's done up nice and tight you could cut the extra links of the pipe off here so these are bottom bucket is a top bucket on and voila but tip into the bottom bucket and he is especially going to use a hick socket on the inside screw it up nice and tight you might want to put some silicon in there but I didn't didn't need it now we're gonna test it now to make sure it doesn't leak waters flowing nicely from the top pocket to the bottom bucket and no leaks okay so the Knicks we're going to get some large gravel give it a good clean and put it into the loose layer of our top bucket thinks we're gonna clean up some smaller gravel and add that there next layer right now we're going to want some washed sand this is like place and okay now this will give you a bit of a shock this is our supposedly premium clean sand that I've bought and just look how nice and clean that sand really is mmm do you want to drink that water I don't think so here it is that's not orange juice that's the water that came out of the sand okay after a few more good washings we eventually get to clean water but after looking at what came out of that sand I decided I wanted to boil it to kill off any pathogens just in case so next I've added the sand to the bucket that's our next layer okay now I've got two kilograms of activated carbon or activated charcoal which you can get from a pet store and giving that a good clean as well and just look at the color of that nice and black okay do we want that in our water no so after a few more good clean so we end up with clear water so we stick that as our next layer in the bucket okay then another layer of clean sand a layer of small gravel and in a layer of large crevel that completes our layers okay so now I'm going to test out the filter can afford some dirty water through it I decided to boil as water ignites duty because after telling any pathogens if there were any I didn't really want to put them back so pouring the dirty water through and this is what's coming out the other side from dirty water to pretty clean water you can see the dirty water on one end then comparing our filtered water with clean water from the tap it's still not as clear but this is our first past remember a couple more passes and it actually cleans up much better and this is a new filter Amit speaking and lets you perform better over time but it's pretty good for a first go through okay I think the next thing I'd like to do is probably hook up a feed system from my rain water to run through it I don't think I'll be running dirty water like that through it again but it does show you what it's capable of but putting rainwater through it or even water from the creek which is just down from where I am I think it'll work really well you
Channel: aminutetomidnite
Views: 219,105
Rating: 4.8749518 out of 5
Keywords: biosand, water filter, survival, bio filter, charcoal filter, clean water, prepping, sand filter, survivalist
Id: G6AwCiQ68KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2015
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