How We're Getting Drinkable Rainwater OFF GRID!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so just real quick want to point out obviously this line going into the water heater is considered the cold line and we're using a red line usually meaning hot but we had some extra left over three quarter-inch pecs and we're just using this up it doesn't really matter it's just solely to differentiate the hot and cold side they're the same exact material everything's the same exact just a different color but yeah it's going to be all wrapped up anyway so you'll never even see the red this is the pressure release valve and obviously it's going to the outside and this tube is going to be open so just to prevent any dirt daubers or any insects from getting up in there I've got a little screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we are done with a batch water heater for now it's obviously not completely finished we sought to get the glass on there and all the cedar trim and make it look nice but we want to wait for that until the water is flowing into it just to make sure we don't have any leaks or anything and all the pipes will end up being all wrapped in insulation and tape just to help protect it from the Sun but again we're just not doing that yet just so we can wait and see so the way this is all going to work is the water comes from our tanks into our pump house where the water is pumped and filtered and then travels underground I'll show you over here oh it travels underground through the pipe up through here this is where it tees off the cold water can continue into the house and the water also goes into the batch water heater now we can completely bypass this and just shut off both these valves if we want to and just use the water heater inside so then the cold water comes in through this pipe where it then goes into the water tank we also have a spigot over here just so we can drain the tank it's like - but the cold water goes in then the hot water rises and then comes out through this pipes here and back into the house and then what we have here is the pressure release valve so just in case the tank does get too hot the water can shoot out that pipe just back outside of the batch water heater and down towards the ground yeah we just wanted to show you guys how we kind of hooked all this up because I know it is a little different because obviously nothing on this water tank is the way it originally was we reconfigured everything swapped everything around just to work with our design because obviously the water tanks are normally standing up and we have it on its side so we just had to change some things up a bit but excited to get it all up and running we're done with this for right now and we're going to go back and continue working on the pump house we're all ready to start getting everything hooked up in there you guys know we got our carbon filter and that's more than enough time to soak so we should be good to go by the way it is really hot outside today and I'm like cooking bathwater here I'm going to sweat my bump off [Music] yeah and in case you guys were wondering about our whole water filtration system I can't see much getting through these water filters they look like they literally filter everything like I don't even know why you would need a filter for this but look at what this one filters they really think of everything it's pretty crazy [Music] well guys not shortly after getting started now we have to stop we need to run to the store we thought we had enough of these inch-and-a-quarter 90s and we are too short okay but normally what we end up doing is getting a little bit extra of the fittings and everything just in case because it just helps us avoid trips like this that are really kind of unnecessary so now we have to go to the store for two little pipe fittings y'all this kind of stuff happens all the time though like we think we have everything we need and then you know you just don't so we end up having to make a lot of trips to the store and it takes a lot of time he's trying to call Papa Bear I'm okay okay I know you're gonna freak out but it's all good hey papa hi bunny [Music] [Music] scare me for a second see where's this all the wrong way wait why'd you how'd you have it I had it down here I'm like [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] we certainly have a lot going on in here you know this reminds me of kind of tube city it's actually just a bunch of tunnels for hamsters to run around in [Music] oh my goodness guys our first cold front has rolled in and it is amazing we were not quite prepared for it though I went ahead and just dug out an old jacket and it's a little snug but it's okay it's kind of like a suitcase you know you just gotta undo the side zippers and allow a little room for expansion [Music] comes around but he didn't call [Music] let me tell you so we thought everything was going great because we got all our plumbing up done up to the water filters and then I realized that we forgot to install our little gallon count there we obviously bought this just to see keep track of how much water we use and whatnot so yeah I kind of prepped installed on not that big video though [Music] once again and you [Music] see [Music] in the [Music] you wanna go on a walk [Music] [Music] we're trying to be really quiet so we can see if we're gonna see some animals okay bear favorite so far the only animals we have are the cows [Music] [Applause] those coyotes are really close those coyotes are hyenas oh my goodness you guys the pump house is pretty much all done we are waiting on getting a couple parts in the mail but we're gonna go ahead and show you how we have our whole pump system set up and how we will be filtering our rainwater alright just to give you guys a quick rundown of what's going on inside of our pump house how we're filtering water and how it's getting back to the main house first starting out our rainwater collection tanks we have three tanks at 2,500 gallons a piece each tank is 2,500 gallons so we have 7,500 gallons in total capacity that feeds underground too right here so it comes up through the ground up to this first filter right here this is just a reusable sediment filter that's just solely to filter out any of the larger debris before makes it to the pump comes up over into the pump if you're wondering what this little shutoff valve right here is for it's solely for just priming the pump just in case like our water level and the tanks aren't high enough which currently they're not if say in the future I ever have to do repair and the water levels a little low I can always still prime the system goes into the pump pumps out first stop is our gallon counter just to see how much water we're using just to get a rough idea so it goes down comes up four into the pressure tank the pressure tank is 32 gallon pressure tank and from the pressure tank it comes up into our first water filter this water filter is a 5 micron filter so that means it can filter sediment down to 20 times smaller than the size of a human hair so from that sediment filter moves into our activated carbon filter the carbon filter is solely for not only does it improve the taste of water but it also filters like we're getting at compounds synthetic compounds anything stuff like that so this just takes out the rest of that stuff anything that makes it past the carbon filter or the sediment filter excuse me and from the carbon filter the water will flow up into our UV light now the UV lights purpose is to there there's no sediment now or any large material inside the water so it's just pure water and the only thing that potentially could make it past all of the filters is bacteria so in order to also filter bacteria out of our water which there shouldn't really be any but just in case we have a UV light the UV light will kill all bacteria viruses anything microorganisms essentially you may also be wondering why our UV light isn't finished being connected it's because we're waiting on some stainless steel flexible lines to come in the mail the reason why we want to use those is because well one UV light can make it out and I've seen a few setups online where people will just connect PVC to the UV light and the UV light will make the PVC glow I was like that can't be good and I've read into it more most manufacturers say it's okay but you really should use stainless steel the reason being is because PVC can break down from the UV light over time and and when it breaks down obviously that's your drinking water so we don't want our PVC to be breaking down so that's why we're using sam tsui lines so from there it's just going to come into this pecks and then from the pecs it's just going to come down underground and back into the house so this whole setup will give us clean safe drinkable water so you know what time it is now time to get power to the pump house well you know that means now that you need to brush up on your electricity do you mean electrical yes electrical that's what I meant to say okay all right bye guys [Music]
Channel: Life Uncontained
Views: 1,251,260
Rating: 4.9403543 out of 5
Keywords: shipping container home, shipping container house, diy, building, off the grid, sustainability, drinking rainwater, water filtration, uv light, uv filter, solar water heater, free youtube series, self reliance, funny couple, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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