Alexapure Pro vs. Big Berkey vs. Propur 304 Big | Comparison Review (with Charts)

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hi oh it's Jake and that first video I did about gravity-fed water filters got a lot of attention I was pretty surprised by that thanks to everybody for for watching that Megan is so popular however there were a couple things in there that weren't quite right and I'm not totally pleased with the with the way I analyzed everything so I made this new one so here's an update I think everybody will be satisfied with this and I know I'm satisfied with it and well that's most important to me anyway so as always for the full comparison go on over to Arkansas Jake calm it's it's all there under the original blog post I've gutted it and overhauled it and updated the whole thing also over there in the blog post you'll find current prices and some links to some fine online retailers where you can pick up one of these excellent water filters and of course all three of them are excellent water filters all right so just as last time in the setup we've got the the system and two filters no the Alexa pure is normally sold with one filter that's good for 5000 gal but to even this out I want to show this with two filters same thing with the Berkey the Berkey comes with two of the what they call the black Berkey filters but they need extra auxilary filters for fluoride and arsenic and so the setup that I'm using here is two black Berkey filters and two fluoride filters the pro pure three or four big normally comes with two filters so everybody's got two filters setup should be pretty evenly matched one thing you might notice here is I've got MSRP manufacturer's suggested retail price and the reason for that is well first of all prices change a lot MSRP s usually stay the same and and also some retailers really get angry when you start throwing their prices out there like maybe some retailers that might remind you of us American jungle let's talk just a second about this little game called MSRP most places you're never gonna find these things sold at the MSRP like this Alexa pure $250 I've never seen it for 250 it's usually under 200 but anyway the system with one filter MSRP 250 filters are sold each normally 97 dollars each the Berkey new millennium concepts has told me their MSRP for the big berkey with the two black Berkey filters is 279 i'm not really sure what the MSRP is on the a pair of the fluoride and arsenic filters I think it's probably best $65 but I don't know that and I'm sure not gonna put that on there if I don't know if it's true cuz if it's not they're gonna tell me about it so anyway they've got it on their website for sixty one dollars so I figure that's probably about right I mean I think that's a safe assumption procures pretty straightforward it's generally always about 279 how much water they hold Alexa pure and the Berkey they hold two and a quarter gallons Pro pure the pro pure big two and three-quarters gallons one of these filters look like there's your Alexa pure what do they call it carbon block ceramic hybrid shell so and so there's the bar key of these two what they call black Berkey filters and your two auxilary fluoride and arsenic filters and here's the pro pure ceramic filter it's ceramic and I think silver colloidal silver impregnated some something like that so that's what they look like filters need priming yes the Berkey black the black Berkey filters do need priming what is filter priming was where you put it in the sink hook it up to the faucet and pump it full of water till till the water kind of seeps through the filter and then it's ready to go so the perky you do have to prime these filters the Alexa pure and the pro pure do not need priming however you do have to flush the filters and that means you hook the whole thing up pull a bunch of water in it and let it run through let it run through probably I don't know three four or five six seven eight times however many times it takes till the filters are properly flushed so as we've already discussed the Berkey also needs extra fluoride filters where the Alexa pure in the probe here fluorides included one filter to filter them all so how long these filters good for well - Alexa pure filters are good for ten thousand gallons and a pair of them will cost a hundred ninety four dollars at regular price a pair of the black murky filters are good for six thousand gallons and their MSRP is one hundred and fourteen dollars I know in the previous video I had said a hundred and fifty three and that was brought to my attention that that wasn't right well I got that off of I think I got that from Amazon but I went back and looked at it and it was a hundred fifty-three for two black Berkey filters and two of the fluoride filters so it was a 4-piece combo for 153 the two black Berkey filters retail for 114 a pair and the pro pure filters are good for 2,400 gallons and they cost a hundred and thirty nine dollars a pair not only that but pro pure recommends you replace these filters every 12 months I think that has to do with the fluoride so if you don't care so much about fluoride you can make them last a little longer to maximize fluoride removal they say replace your filters every 12 months at least Alexa Pierre and Berkey they don't necessarily have a time limit on them and like I said before Berkey needs auxilary filters for fluoride and arsenic and those filters last a thousand gallons prepare and the MSRP is probably somewhere around 61 dollars but you can usually find them a bit cheaper than that so how often are you gonna have to change all these filters well let's say you use six gallons of water a day the reason I'm doing six gallons here is because that gets us to at 2190 gallons a year which is pretty close to procures 2,400 gallon limit and so six gallons a day would best maximize out these propio filters so at six gallons a day alexa pure you buy the system and they're good for ten thousand gallons so you don't have to buy new filters till Coke near the end of year five murky you've got your system comes with two black BIR keys and two fluoride filters so the fluoride filters that come with it get you to the first thousand gallons then you put in another pair and then after you pass two thousand gallons you put in another pair so the first year you've got you by the system and two more pairs of fluoride filters year two your black Berkey filters are still good but you need two more pairs of fluoride filters year three you've hit six thousand gallons it's time to replace your black Berkey filters and you'll need two more pairs of fluoride filters so you can see how that you can see how that goes the probe here you buy the system and then a new set of filters every year so at the end of five years your cost with Alexa P R is what you pay for the system plus one more pair of filters with Berkey you've got the system and extra pair the black murky filters and you switch out ten more pairs of fluoride arsenic filters and probe here you buy the system and four sets of filters now six gallons day might be a little too aggressive for a lot of people so what if we look at four and a half gallons a day and what that is is you're filling up your Alexa pure or your Berkey twice a day so that's only 1643 gallons a year on average in this scenario your Alexa pure filters lasts over five years that actually you wouldn't need to change them until I think about year seven that's impressive Berkey you're still doing the fluoride filter switches and your black Berkey filters are good for about four years instead of three so at the end of five years you're still you've bought the system another set of black breaky filters and only eight pairs of fluoride filters and propio it's the same the original system and a new set of filters every year now let me stop and talk about the pro pure for just a second having to switch out the filters in the pro pure every year this could be good or bad depending on how you look at it on the good side you can fill this thing up twice a day you've got five and a half gallons of water a day and you still haven't reached with a maximum limit of these filters in 12 months so you've got a little extra room play with you don't have to guesstimate over how many gallons of water did I filter this year you just twice a day 12 months switch out the filters easy peasy very convenient on the bad side you have to buy a new set of filters every year and they're not cheap so I guess you end up paying for the convenience also when you look at the Berkey if you don't need or want the extra fluoride and arsenic filters then you're gonna save a lot of money in fact under the six gallon a day scenario if you're not buying fluoride filters this might actually be cheaper than the Alexa pure depending on what you pay for these systems so these are water filters let's see how they filter water contaminant reduction overall the contaminant reductions are are very similar between these three machines however there are some differences with specific contaminants so let's take a minute and look at some of these fluoride flora silicic acid well guess what Berkey filters those the best and they should because they have extra filters for fluoride so if removal of fluoride is your deal-breaker that's that's the thing you care about and not so much anything else you don't mind the extra expense and the extra maintenance of changing out these fluoride filters then perky's probably the one for you something else to look at lead but Lex appears not quite as good on lead now what's the practical difference between 96.4% removal and 99.9 percent removal I'm not really sure and don't tell me it's three and a half percent I know that so if you have problems with lead in your water and you also have a problem with maybe glyphosate runoff then I would recommend you probably get appropiate unless you also have problems with gross alpha Radio isotopes in your water then maybe pro pier is not your best choice but then if you have radioisotopes in your water your best choice is probably to move so here's something new that I've added warranties look at this pro pure on their 304 systems have a lifetime warranty on all stainless steel parts and since the spigot is also stainless steel it basically means a lifetime warranty on the whole system now Alexa pure and murky they have a one-year warranty on the on the system Alexa pure also has a one-year warranty on their filters and considering that the filters might last you for four to seven years or so that kind of I don't know well you should probably know if something's wrong with the filter within a year anyway Berkey does a little better than that they give a two year warranty on the black Berkey filters and a six month warranty on the fluoride arsenic filters and as we saw before if you're using this thing regularly you're probably gonna have to change Matt over six months or so anyway pro pure has a one year warranty on their filters and since they recommend changing your filters every year I guess you could kind of consider that a lifetime warranty on the filters but not as impressive as this lifetime warranty all right so that's it for the analysis so which one of these is best maybe you have a specific concern that one address is better than than the others but I think most people like me it's going to come down to economics and the Alexa pure is far and away the most economical of these three so I've got to say the Alexa pure is the one for me alright that's it thanks for watching as always go to Arkansas Jake comm check me out on Facebook at Arkansas Jake and subscribe to this YouTube channel this Arkansas Jake helping you to get yourself into a natural state by all
Channel: Arkansas Jake
Views: 138,322
Rating: 4.8244882 out of 5
Keywords: water filters, berkey, alexapure, propur, review, comparison, alexapure pro water filter, water filter reviews, how to remove fluoride
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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